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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Oct 1964, p. 15

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HEARTBROKEN, EH? 'YOU TOO, LIKE LUCITA, ARE YM NOT SUGGESTING ANYTHIN' BUT MY LUCITA'S A JEWEL. MA' ONE OF THESE DAYS, YOU TWO MIGHT CHEER EACH OTHER UP, EH nl OOK YONDER AT WHAT 40 WHEN SOMEBOOY LEFT THE GATE OPEN. 11'S CHOLLA TOLIVER! I THOUSHT HE'? FETCHED UP AT THE STATE Be PEN IN HUNTSYILLE, SI = 4 s TO SEBIN' THE BOAT, BUT NOT WITH LIVIN'ON BOARD THEY GOTTA g PEOPLE GIT I'LL. GO TALK NICE a w % FRIDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. N--Family Theatre 9---Five O'clock' Matines 'Superman rly Show 6--Thierry Le F 4--Five O'Clock lila Gorilla P.M, SATURDAY 6:00 AM. 43--Popeye's Playhouse 2--Superman 6:20 A.M, 7--Farm ana Home Hour 2--Three Stooges 9:00 A.M. li--John Bradshaw 4--Fun To Learn 9:30 A.M. ide 1 of Weils Fargo) 7--Pi PM. le 4--News Van Miller Today, 1964 6:15 P.M. 4--Headline News 6:30 P.M. N4-43--News; Weathers ¢-2--Huntley-Brinkley News 7--M-Squad Across 6:45 P.M. N--Family | Theatre 7:00 P.M, 9--The Flintstones 8--Honeymooners 7-6--Neéews, Weather, Sports 4--Peopie Are Funny 3~Wagon Train 2--Dobie Gillis ne OM 9--Andy Griffith 62--Iinternational Showti ime 7--Jonny Quest 6--Wendy and Me 4--Rawhide 6:00 P.M Combat 9--Double Your Money 7--Farmer's Daughter 63--Country Hoedown 6:30 P.M. %--McHale's Navy @-2--Bob Hope 7--The Adams Family. 63--Mr. Broadway 4--The Enterteiners 9:00 P.M. 1--Jamboree 9--Dick Van Dyke 7--Vaientine's Day 1:30 PLM. Vi--No Time for Sergeants 9--Movie 8-2--Jack Benny 7--12 O'clock High 63--Telescope 4--Gomet Pyle 10:00 P.M. Ni--Steve Allen 8-2--Jack Paar 3---The Untouchables 11:00 P.M. 11-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) Weather Sports, 115 PLM. 9--Metro Fina, 6--Viewpoint 3-2--News and Sports 11:20 P.M 7-4--Late Show 14:30 PLM. lim--Late Show 10:08 1--Albert J. Steed 9--Kiddo $-2--Underdog 7--Heckle and Jeckle 4-Quick Draw McGraw 10:30 A.M. 9--Toastmaster Junior Auction &2--Fireball XL-6 ., =Annie Oakley 4--Mighty Mouse Playhouse 11:00 A.M, 9--Littie Theatre $-2--Dennis The Menace 7--Cartoons 6--Cousin Bill 4--Linus The Lion Hearted 11:38 A.M, 11--Wrestling 7--Matty's Funnies 4--The Jetsons Fury 12:00 NOON 9--1 Wish You Were Here &2--Olympic Bowling 7--Bugs Bunny ¢--Robin Hood 4--Sky King 12:30 PM. 11--The Sonins 9--Bingo Bowling 6-: s &-Yogi Bear 4--My Friend Flicka 1:00 PLM. li--Hobby Time With Jane Gray Around The House &-2--Coliege Footbal! 7--Magiciand 6--Wrestiing 4--Rural Review 4--Farming Tips 1:30 P.M. 7--Top Star Bowling 4--Matinee 3--Tugboat Annie 2:00 P.M. N--OHA Jr, B Hockey 6--The Big Sky 2:30 P.M. 9--HE-Time &--College Football 7--World of Sports 3:30 P.M, 1--Sir Lantelot 9-7--Wrestiing 4:00 P.M. '11--Hawkeye 7--Wrestling 6--Bowling 4--NFL Football 4:30 P.M. Wrestling 9--World of Sports $:00 P.M, 7--Joey Reynolds Show 6 formers 4--Beat The Champ in Bowling 2--Quarterback Club TELEVISION LOG 7. CHCH-TV Channel 1i--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel ?--Buffale © WBEN-TV Channel 4--Butfalo WKBW-TV Channe! 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester 'CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronte .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie 6:39 PLM. \l--This Space Age &2--Lioyd Thaxton Show 63--Cartoons SATURDAY EVE. 6:00 P.M. M--Strikes and Spares %--Mr. Magoo 7--Early show 4--Wrestling 3-Teem Time i 6:30 PM. li--Polka Party 9--Johnn 2--Pic-A-Poika 4 PM. 9-6-43--News; Weathers Sports 00 PLM, 1j--Star Route 9%--Voyage To The Bottom of The See $3--Beverly Hillbillies 4-UB Round Table Panel 7:30 PM. 1--Club 11. Dance Party 8-2--Flipper 7--Outer Limits 6--The Saint 4--Jackle Gleason Show Mike Hammer 6:00 PLM. 9--Saturday Movies +-2-Mr, Magoo 6:30 P.M. 6-2--Kentucky Jones 7--Lawrence Welk Show 12, @3--NHL Hockey |4--Gilligans Island 9:00 P.M. 8-2--Movie 4--Mr. Broadway 9:30 PLM. 1--Debut -- Z Cars 7--Hollywood Palace 10:00 P.M. %--The Avengers 4--Gunsmoke ' 10:15 PLM, 63--Juliette 10:30 P.M. Blockbuster 7--Jimmy Dean Show 6--Comedy Playhouse 10:45 P.M, 63--Sports Unlimited 11:00 P.M, Weather: Sports 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--Newsy 11:18 PM, Ni--Block Buster Com tinued 9--Metro Final @-2--Saturday Night? a? The Movies 6--Night Meire 11:20 P.M. 7-43---Late Show 6--Sports 11:30 P.M. S--Answering Service 6--Feature Showcase SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. 4-Popeye's Playnouse 2--Cartoons 9:30 A.M. M--Itelian Journal 7--Supercar 2--Capt., Bob 10:00 A.M, 11--Carasello THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 30,1968 Sy - is 4--Lamp Unto My $--The Bible Answers 7--Rocket Ship 7 Feet 4-Face The Nation Family Playhouse i tiny 'Telent Time 1:00 PLM. es Oe 2--Church 4--Chyrch Service 11:30 AM. %--Spectrum 7--Discovery The Chri 12:00 NOON 9--italian Album &--Fellx 'The Cat 7--Challenge 6--Sundey School 4--News; Weether Sports 2--The Answer 12:18 P.M 12330 P.M li=Pleasure of Life 7--Bullwinkle 6--Live and Learn Mass 6--Music From Chicago 2--Frontiers of Faith istophers: 4--Industry On Parade 7--B 1--Spotlight 9--Coaches 7--issues and Answers 63--Country Calendar 4--NFL Football 2:00 P.M. li--Club 11 Dance Party 3:00 PLM. 7--My Little Margie Rawhide 6--World of Sport ps 3:30 P.M. Deputy 4--Mister Ed 4--NFL Football 4:00 ©. 1l--Dennis The Menace 7--The owing 4--Pro Football, Report 5:00 P.M, N--Famiy tnestre 9--Telepol! 6-2--G.E. College Bow! "6--Time of Your. Life 3"National Velvet 6:00 PLM, 9--Filpper "| Tetig Show of Week 6--Stingray 4--Twentieth 2-Meet The Press 6:30 PLM. 9--Walt Disney &Candid C 7:00 PLM, 63--Patty Duke Show 4-Lassie 1 PM. N--Movie Special ACROSS 1. Vent 5. Tidings 9. American Indian 10. Gem 11, Wide 14, Each 16. Root of the taro 17. Indefinite article 18. Turf 20. Self 21. Chinese noodles 24. Keg' 26. Obscure 28, A pastry 29, Small frog . Bow 35, Girl's name 36, Sorrow 88, Exclama- tion 89. Makes, as tatting 41, Bicycle for two 44, A facial expression 46, Inflamed, painful spots 47, Boy's Jacket 48, Always 49, Substance used in soap-mak- ing: pl. 60, Cutting tools CROSSWORD DOWN 13. Imple- 1.4 hallowed ment place 2. Plunder 3. Brightly 5. Particle of negation 6. Fencer's foil 7. A roamer & Large, heavy hammer 11, A support. ing timber 15. Steal 19, Skip, asa RIAIRIE| GET EMIVIE |e | Oa Wi ENN . LIUATRIMESIEINIEICIA) sen RAEI 23. Pinch, SHIAISIONMEIPIEIEIS) 25.Narrow Yesterday's Answer inlet: geol,. 34, Overacts 27. Enclosure 37. Relieves 20, Caresses . 31, Nonsense! 33, Applauds 2 4 9 j WHEN DE COSMOS TELLS FELLOW MEMBERS. OF THE B.C. COUNCIL THAT THE US. MUST BE FORCED TO SELL ALASKA,ONE MAN ADDS, AMBITIOUSLY,... ROUSLY AND WISELY DECIDES TO THE COUNCIL GENE) LET THE US. KEEP BOTH ALASKA AND MANE BUT DOES APPROVE / 4 UNION WITH CANADA } You are South, neither side ree, The bidding has | 1. Two of clubs. Generally speaking, defen either active or 4 hands you at! to get the best result; in others you play pos- sum, making no lead or ho dl a anced ee a evident, Partner is unlikely to have much in high cards, the best chance of defeating the contract is to stay put and let declarer work out his own sal- vation. 2. King of diamonds. Here gressive action is called for. is true that the king of diamonds lead appears to be a wild shot, particularly since it is not back- ed up by the queen, but never- theless, this Jead offers the best prospect of beating the contract. Basically the hope is that partner has the queen and that three tricks can be captured by scoring a diamond, a club and a diamond ruff. Probably the chance of all this materializing is not very good, but no other basis for defence is more attrac- tive. Holding the ace of trumps, it seems best to attack boldly in an effort to manufac. ture two more tricks. 3. Queen of diamonds. Here we have to depend largely on partner for. ase robe best we can do ope to develop a trick or two in diamonds, partner has the king or ace, are well on the way the probable weak clarer's armor. The heart situation Cially bad, and the build up diamond tri declarer can build tricks. Active defence is cl indicated, 4. Five of hearts. There is much hope of stopping the tract unless a heart ruff can obfained, On the bidding; ner is likely to have a entry of some sort, and, is the case, a heart ruff probably prove to be the se' trick, Leading the top card of a se- quence is generally a desirable 'ovel ts 4 cE 3 St x E3 & Bacees8s lead figures to do best. LI'L ABNER NO POKER GAME UNTIL |" FOSDICK KILLS THAT DONALD DUCK eGenes, FOR AMEFTY OLD HEN, YOU'VE REMAINED AMAZINGLY SPRY/ 60 OVER THAT PART ABOUT 'THE GOLD AGAIN. SECRET AGENT X9 Pines To Probe Polluted Air. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pine trees that tell when the air is polluted--even what it is pol- luted with--are being developed by the U.S. Forest Service. nlant pathologists at the Southe int pa e eastern Forest Experimental Station at Asheville, N.C., no- ticed varying 'ees of injury on individual ite pines ex- posed to the same pollutant in the same area. Previous observations led scientists to believe that some pine tree seedlings will respond to a single pollutant and be re- sistant to others. Such seed- lings will be valuable, the path- ologists believe, as biological indicators .of specific substan. ces. : THE LONE RANGER WITH THE DISGUISED LONE RANGER AT HIS FRANK GEROW PUTS HIG SYSTEM 'TO THE BRETT, THAT SHOPREBPER GEROW 1S WINNING BIG-S MUGGS AND SKEETER SALLY'S SALLIES after hours 725-3661 "rien -- CO i -- WiLL IYOU WAKE IME IN THI MINUTES, © King Feces Spmiicnin, inn, 104 Werk tights reeerved, YOUR THIRTY MINUTES ARE UP, DEAR HAVEN'T You 4 GOT A LITTLE SILVER BELL VOU CAN 'TINKLE IN MY BAR? I...1 GUESS NOT, BUT TELL ME ONE THING--~IF- YOL'RE SO HOMELESS AND FRI "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD sts. Open 7 Days of the Week - '10 A.M, to 10 P.M. SUNNY SPAIN! ANDALUCIA Can. $557.90-- 17 days, PALMA Can, $586 17 days (4 days extensions approx. $28.00), Includes: 'Air fare from Torente, Ist class hotels, all meals delux motorcoach ay city, escorted, Extensions to Tangier and Ca Islands, " cag CALL 728-6201 Four Seasons Travel ce Rai 9

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