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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Oct 1964, p. 5

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CLUB CALENDAR FOR WHITBY MONDAY, led Co-Op Credit Uation hein night VOW Favors End Of NORAD INSIDE--VOW FAVORS .. .... MONTREAL (CP) -- The Voice of Women has called on Nations charter, oa Shears dl Lake ealina a are already obsolete against/alj the dangers of accident an bombing attacks which are] ..-alation, may create a ee ne | of ; threat, finally . thab any] that could blow up the world, 1958 Dream Is Now Reality A dream which was born on Jan. 9, 1958 in the. 'town of Whitby has become a reality. That evening, at the prompting |, of a few interested citizens some 41 men and two ladies met to- gethet in the Whitby Community Arena to investigate the possi- bilities of forming a_ curling club. The dream, of course, was for elubroom facilities which would provide the ultimate in social activities. 'It was also realized that costs must be kept at a level whch would allow this to be truly a community curling club within the means of every member of the community. SEEK BETTER FACILITIES The ground work was laid so well at that meeting that before the close of 1958, members of the. Whitby Curling Club were curling in their own club, Each year under the chairmanship of ' |Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club in character, the Whitby Curl- ing Club draws its approximate- ly 250 members from such com- munities as Scarboro, Toronto, Ajax, Pickering, Brooklin, Ash- burn, Oshawa and Bowmanville. The ladies section, which com- prises approximately 125 mem- bers, is drawn from the same area, The six sheets of ice along} with the enlarged clubrooms, locker-rooms and new- comfort- able lounges will accommodate comfortably many expected new members. President Jim Mc- Clelland is quite anxious that any interested curlers or would- be curlers, feel free to drop in at any time and inspect the facil- ities available. Both. the men's and ladies' sections look forward to, and |Faith Baptist Church WMS Ist Whitby Scouts Salvation Anmy Brownies. -- Baptist Church Explor- An 'Sek fog = Church Evening Gu Pentecostal ais Women's Missionary Council. TUESDAY, Nov. 3 Whitby TOPS Club Red Cross work room ae gael Army Cubs 2nd Whit- iy St, Matk's UCW general meeting Prime Minister Pearson to seek termination of the Norht Amer- ican Air Defence (NORAD) agreement with the United States. : The VoW, ina letter to Mr. Pearson made public today a it is clear to most people tha NORAD is becoming a A i It said that "NORAD is a waste of money and energy, that Canada has an interna- tional role to play which NORAD and its Bomares hin- der, that regional military com- mitments anywhere are con- trary to the spirit of the United St.\John the Evangelist Church CWL { WEDNESDAY, 'Nov. 4 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chil- dren of the Church Co-op Guild Knights of Columbus Almonds UCW Hillcrest H and § Association THURSDAY, Nov. 5 | Whitby Baptist @hurch Cub Packs Salvation Army Women's Home| League AM Saints Anglican Church »:| Margaret Guild FRIDAY, Nov. 6 Red Cross Senior Citizens So- cial Club Pentecostal Church Young Peo- ple's Christ Ambassadors SATURDAY, Nov. 7 St. Mark's United Church 4 W's Couples Club Salvation Anmy Guides Salvation Army Timbral Brig- ade Salvation Army Young People's Band. TO SEND OBSERVER UNITED NATIONS (CP) -- Secretary-General U Thant an- nounced Thursday that an ob- server from the United Nations secretariat will attend next week's peace - keeping confer- ence in Ottawa. A week ago Thant told a press conference he was not familiar with the agenda or composition of the 28- country conference and that a decision on whether or not to send an observer would depend on the meeting's 'terms of ref- erence. are busily preparing for a busy season of club curling, mixed curling, bonspiels and the many Family Monuments Created To Individual SAVES $ON . AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to Hm 00 on'your auto innenynre.. 'RIEGER & OSBORNE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 .) | Requirements STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 FORA HEATING SYSTEM THAT WILL BE A SENSATION, "WELL GIVE. AN OBLIGATION? ce) HA. JUNIOR "B' HOCKEY TONIGHT SAT., OCT. 31 ST. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE BUZZERS WHITBY DUNLOPS. 7 P.M. WHITBY ARENA Heated for your convenience Admission: Adults 1.00 Students (with ecards) 50¢ RICK THOMPSON 14-year-old sensation coe TP -WHITB CONCERT ASS Announces THE 1964-1965 SERIES Raymond Dudley=Pianist Nov. 20 Hart House Glee Club, Feb. 2nd TION successively, Claire Rich, Bert THIRTEENTH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH The Apothecary by Hayden Apr. 9th. Foote, Perry Laurence and Jack Social events which feature a Doughty the club executive has Curling season at the Whitby ARO ey OR R48 aR BILL SORICHETTI APPLIES FIN ISHING TOUCHES TO BAR ene SORICHETTI NICK Seaway Traffic Shows Increase - OTTAWA (CP) -- Seaway traffic between Montreal and Lake Ontario has already ex- ceeded the 1963 season by nearly 3,000,000 tons, with a month still to go, the St. Law- rence Seaway Authority re- ported Friday. Cargo movement climbed to 33,700,000 tons at the end of Oc-| tober, an increase of31 per cent over the 'same period last/sea- son, Welland Canal cargo traffic reached a total of 43,800,000 tons, an increase of almost 27 per cent over the same period in 1963 October traffic between Mont- real and Lake Ontario was 4,800,000 tons, exceeding 1963 figure by 17 per. cent. October traffic on the Welland Canal climbed to 6,000,000 tons, an in- crease of 14 per cent over the same month last year. TOUG HES UF FINISH State College | System Studied In California TORONTO (CP) -- Quebec! and that is to provide clubroom | facilities equal to any to be found among the curling frater- nity. Under the chairmanship of President Jim McClelland, the Whitby Curling Club will see its dream become the reality, Now nearing completion the club- rooms will provide every facil- ity for the relaxation and com- fort of their members and visi- tors. d A very active aldies' section of the curling club has contributed greatly to. this achievement, in promoting many fund raising activities and catering to the many bonspiels in a manner which has helped the character of the club to emerge. While it is a community club Sender Receives Baha'i To Hold Annual Seminar The Baha'i World Faith will} hold its annual seminar in| Whitby' this weekend. Friends are welcome to attend any of the Saturday or Sunday ses- sions. Slides will be shown by Mrs. Laura Davies, Saturday night at the home of Barry Curry, 252 Lupin drive, of the life of Abdul Baha, The theme of the conference worked with -one,end in view)Curling Club. | an | | | | |ministrative assistant Clare His Bottled Note KINGSTON (CP)--A message tossed into the Pacific 11 years ago by an Australian student has caught up with John P. Matthews, now a professor at Queen's University. Prof. Matthews, headed-for Canada for post-graduate stud- ON FIREPLACE jies, tossed the bottled note from _|the freighter Pioneer Gulf. It was found recently by a Tahi- tian in a bush on the shore of Tuamotu, an atoll 200 miles | from Tahiti. A French hydrographer pee the University of Toronto, educational research for the On- tario College of Education, ad- Westcott, and J. Bascom St. John, director of the depart- ment's policy and development council. - thews, s 'The Manifestations of God for this Day and Age." Speaker will include Mehdi Firoozi, of Persia; Fred Graham, Burling- jton and Mrs, Audrey Wes- | theuser, of Toronto, 419 BROCK STREET, NORTH REV, DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY 9:15 A.M.--"Faith Tidings" Broadcast, CKLB 1350 on 9:45 A.M.--Welcome 11:00 A.M.--Morning Christian Business Men's Committee of Oshawa cond 7:00 P.M--GUEST S REV, PAUL HOLLIDAY, Toronto Wednesday, Eve., 8: Praise and "There's always a SERVICES _ your dial. to our Bible School with the Pro Arte Orchestra and prominent Canadian Vocalists SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW AVAILABLE Adults ..... $5.00 for the Students .... $2.50 season 668-2281 - 668-4223 - 668-3640 Worship and Praise ucting: the service, PEAKER:-- 00 P.M. -- Prayer, Bible Studdy welcome at Faith" which passed it on to Prof. Mat-| and Ontario education -depart-| ment officials will make an un- precedented joint trip to Cali- fornia next week to examine the state's widespread system of community colleges, it was Hlearned Friday An 'education department offi- cial said the eight-day trip could be the beginning of much icloser co-operation between the two provinces in éducational matters. The Quebec delegation is ex- pected to be headed by Guy Le- chasseur, Liberal member of the Quebec Legislature for Ver. | cheres, and will include deputy: minister Arthur Tremblay, tech-) nical adviser Jean Juneau and planning director Yves Martin Education Minister William) Davis will head the Ontario del-| egation, which will include) R. W. B. Jackson, director of| NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY TO DISPENSE WITH A VOTE OF THE ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE THAT: (1) The Council of The Corporation of the Township of Whitby intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Boord for approval of the purchase of part'of Lots 9 and 10, Concessions 7 and.8, in the Township of Uxbridge, os 0 gravel pit, at an estimated cost of $37,800; whereof the amount of $18,900 shall be raised by the sale of debentures. payable out of the general rote over a period not exceeding three yeors and the balance of $18,900 will be contributed by The Department of Highwoys of Ontario. BROCK whitby Evening Shows Start 6:55 & 8:30 SATURDAY MATINEE (2) Application will be mode to The Ontorio Municipal Boord YOU HAVE TO THINK YOUNG TO FEEL REAL SPRUNG! With JAMES DARRIN end PAMELA TIFFIN HI for an order to dispense with the assent of fhe electors to the purchase of the said lands. Any rotepayer may, within 21 days ofter the first publication of this Notice send by post prepaid to the Clerk of the Township of Whitby, ot the oddress giver' --or just share the Old Country doin our "Christmas in Europe membership 25 persons) and save s.s. STATENDAM, Jan, 19 to New If those dates don't sult your plans, Various thrift season reductions, different. Give yourself that treat while fares are low. sall from Montreal on Novy, 24 In the MAASDAM, have seven wonderful weeks In Europe and return by from our schedule--sail from Montreal or New York. SEE THE OLD COUNTRY CELEBRATE...AND. SAVE UP TO 25%! Why not celebrate Christmas with old friends in Europe holiday mood? It's " group (minimum yourself 25%! You'll York. From NEW pick another sailing Moreover, a grand *STA 275 ibs free baggage all and comfort found only on ships, A He knows! Enjoy the » sk your travel agent. f 4 y , 4 2. RAY LATER PLAN AVAILABLE 40 Front Street West, Toronto. "HAPPY HOLIDAY" SAILINGS IRELAND*-ENGLAND--PRANCE--HOLLAND--GERMANTT Frem MONTREAL & QUEBEC: tMAASDAM "NIEUW AMSTERDAM Nov. 19 PRINSES MARGRIET Dec. 4 AND MANY MORE SAILINGS Nov. 24 YORK: es TENDAM Dec, 10 --Specials in song BROCK STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. Rev. Victor Brown Vice-Pres. Peterboro Bible College Open Sunday Schoo! Session Testimony of David Collado Former Dope Addict ST.. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A, Minister Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M. The New Testament names for the Christian, Male Choir end Service conducted 2y the men of the church, Nursery care and Junior Congrege- Rev, M, Case -- Pastor' tion during Divine Worship EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN 403 ROSSLAND ROAD WEST WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister: REY, JOHN MeLEOD Orgenist W. E. Summers, A.T.C.M, --E-- 9:45 A.M. -- BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, -- "THINKING SMALL" 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE Mrs. 7:00, P.M. -- "I DON'T. UNDER- STAND IT" Prayer Meeting--Wed., 8 p.m. 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE 138th ANNIVERSARY ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP REV. STERLING KITCHEN, B.A, Guest Speaker SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M.--Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors 11:00 A.M.--Beginners, Kindergarten, Primary, Junior Con- gregstion, " -- Infant Care while parents worship. below, a Notice in writing stating his objection te such opproval and the grounds of such objection. (3) The Ontario Municipal Boord may order .pursuorit to the Stotute that the ossent of the electors shall not be required and moy opprove of the said purchose but ,before doing so, it may appoint a time and plece for.a@ public hearing when WHITBY DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST PHONE 668-3304 Objections will be considered. DATED at the Township of Whitby, this 28th doy of October, 1964, Murray Robinson, Clerk Township of Whitby, Box 160, Breoklin, Ontarie 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE 723-9441 ° All Saints' Anglican Church Whitby 98th ANNIVERSARY All. Saints' Day - November, 1st 800 a:m.--Holy Communion 9.00 am.--The Ante-Communion: mon (with instructive commentary for the benefit of confirmation candidates) . Senior Girls' Choir 11:00 a.m.--"For All the Saints' A Festival Service of Seripture Lessons, Anthems and Hymns: Sermon. Ser- The Men and hers of the Choir" 7.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer and Sermon Junior Girls' Choir Services Each Sunday: 9 a.m., Church School and N Bible Classes for Y: 11 am. and 7 p.m, "Care at 11am, People: 10:00 a.m. Mid-Week Service of Holy Communion--e Wednesdays ot 10:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study Groupr-Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m, ie Xx

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