The Hometown Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Bowmanville, Pickering and neighboring 'centres; VOL, 93--NO. 257 Price Not Over 10. Cents pe ay OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1964 ag iy gage al tag Nay gg Penh gr mahi SE ? 'Oftewa and payment Weather 42, of Postage. in Cash. Report Sunny With Cloudy Intervals Today And__ Tomorrow, Colder Tonight. High-62. Low- TWENTY PAGES FIREMEN FIGHT BARN BLAZE NEAR BLACKSTOCK Cartwright Township _fire- fighters were called to a barn fire four miles southwest of Blackstock Saturday after- noon. The barn, owned by of hay and was valued at Harvey Graham, RR 2, Nes- about $6,000. Bowmanville tleton, contained about 2,000 OPP suspect arson. A car bushels of oats and 2,000 bales was spotted leaving the farm Polls All LBJ For NEW YORK (AP)--The polls jare unanimous. They point to | victory for President Johnson in| i | Tuesday's election. | But Senator Barry Goldwater }says he'll win. | "I know the polls don't agree |with me, but they never have," hy said Friday night. An Associated Press survey | of polls showed figures indicat- jing that Johnson's precentage of | the popular vote might approx- jimate the 20th century highs. | The 20th century record is |Franklin D. Roosevelt's 60.8 per {cent of the vote in 1936 against Republican Alf Landon. Repub- lican Warren G, Harding got P.M. PEARSON about a half hour before the blaze was noticed. See story on Page 9. --Oshawa Times Photo Russia Drops Objections OTTAWA (CP)--United Na- tions. members must advance with "all. deliberate speed" to- & jward closer co - ordination of O ed 4 | standby forces for UN peace- . | keeping operations, Prime Min- OTTAWA (CP) -- Russia has apparently dropped its objec- tions to the Canada-sponsored meeting on * 'his does 'not in- any hard| on of its assessed share of UN costs in the Mid-| die East and The Congo. Russia and some other coun-| tires face loss of their votes in the UN General Assembly which opens Dec. 1 because of refusal to help pay for UN peacekeeping operations not ini- tiated or financed by the Secur- ity Council. The Middle East and Congo UN operations were established by the General As- sembly. It was learned authoritatively) hrushchev Has Sclerosi COPENHAGEN (AP) -- Den- mark's Communist party leader returned from Moscow today Ee las wide dala ing here|is technical only, and will deal ekeepi tions. which! peacekeeping meeting here|is ical ; will deal, pens here . - which Prime Minister Pearson|as he has: said often publicly, : ver, Gelnatic Soafces| officially opens today vith. 21|with-no-political-issues:-such:-as 5 nations represented. . i On| me that External Affairs Minister) The assumption in diplomatic Martin and Soviet Ambassador|circies here was that Mr, Mar- Ivan Shpedko have discussed on|tin had managed to convince the least four occasions the| Russians that the meeting here jister Pearson said today. Martin} He was opening the 23-nation jconference here on the ex- |change of technica. information alinvoled in UN _ peace-keeping |service, Most of the delegates to the week deme. neetisg, ars, miittary experts and Te "Was a blaze Authorities said Mr. had thus achieved something of a double diplomatic victory. + With the UN meeting in month, Canada would have been in an embarrassing position if} Russia had kept insisting «that Canada, a@ NATO inember, was (ananding: of UN -p D | missions 'spokesman said Rus- { now has no objection to the| 'Mr. Martin also evidently meeting. Earlier the Moscow|convinced the UN itself of the press described the meeting as|technical -. only nature of the an attempt to put pressure on|mectings because the UN' is some countries concerning the|sending one or two official ob- financing of UN peacekeeping|servers to the five-day confer- operations. ence. | Trick-Or-Treaters } A Given Poison 'Candy' | COMMACK, N.Y, (AP) ---A |47-year-old mother accused of jhanding out pellets of ant poi- json to Hallowe'en trick-er-treat- ers was ordered committed to hospital Sunday for psychiatric examination, Judge Victor J. Orgera or- dered the test for Mrs. Helen of uniforms in the ration Room of the West Bleck of the Parliament Buildings where the conference opened, Mr. Pearson who won the trying to stick its nose into the political affairs of the U.N. The meeting is confined to countries. which have contri- buted to UN peacekeeping oper- ations or which have designated U.N. Members Must Act With 'Deliberate Speed' Say US.A. ~ 60.4 per cent in 1920. Dwight | D. Eisenhower got 57.4 per cent George Burt, Canadian director of the United Auto Workers, will address a membership meeting Sun- day of Local 222, UAW, Gen- eral: Motors Unit, at the Oshawa Armouries, Douglas Sutton, a mem- ber of the team negotiat- ing with General Motors of Canada Ltd., will chair the meeting. "If. the company has not given a satisfactory offer by Sunday," Mr. Sut- ton said today, "'we will recommend that a strike vote be taken by the mem- bership." He added that Mr. Burt will outline the course of the negotiations and the de- mands of the union. Mem- bers of the negotiating com- mittee will also speak. Russell McNeill, secretary- treasurer of Local 222, said that the overflow crowd from the 2,000 capacity ar- mouries will meet in the Bond street UAW hall. A three-man conciliation board. has been set up to hear differences between the company and the union. A date for the first meeting in nd PREDICT BIG MARGIN | Here's a rundown on the lat- {est national polls: | Gallup poll--A semi-final poll by Dr. George Gallup gave Johnson 64 per cent, Goldwater 29 per cent and undecided seven per cent. : Louis Harris poll--Johnson 60 per cent, Goldwater 34 per cent, undecided six per cent. Popcorn poll -- Johnson lead 78-22 among purchasers of pop- corn in movie theatres and su- permarkets. They picked Harry Truman in 1948. Nobel Peace Prize for the 1956| UN operation in Egypt, said the purpose of the meeting is to em- MEETING GEORGE BURT 'of the board has not yet been seh The uhion is not free to strike until seven days after the board hands down a final report. Meanwhile negotiations continue between company and union. A GM _ spokes- man said today that the ne- gotiations. are. being con- ducted amicably. able countries participating "to ture demands, for action under the blue flag of the United Na- tions,"' ' | | He stressed that no govern-| jment commits 'itself to respond | to such possible future demands by the UN by the mere fact of its participation im the meeting, "But a government which does so respond will have ben efitted, I know, from the pres ence of its repzesentatives in Ottawa this week," he said. sured for $105,000. pus lets into the two': ai a May, the us Civil Aeronautics Board said today. The plane crashed into a low California hill, killing 44 persor . military units for such duties. Eight of the 28 countries in- vited by Canada -- Yugoslavia, Indonesia and six African na- tions--have declined to attend. Sources indicated the six Afri- can countries might have ac- cepted if Russia had made} known sooner its withdrawal ofy: its objections. WARSAW (Reuters) -- H Leaders Sort Out GRIMSBY, Ont. (CP) -- at gunpoint on the roof of th Police from Burlington, Niagara Falls, some armed Pfeil,-a Greenlawn, Long Is- land, housewife and mother of Flag Issue OTTAWA (CP) Federal | office. NEWS HIGHLIGHTS (2-00 ities U.S. Embassy In Warsaw "Bugged" found in the new U.S. embassy here, it was reliably re- ported today. Embassy officials were expected to make an official statement sometime this week. the discovery that the embassy was "bugged" were made during a security check some time ago. Youths Arrested On School Roof School early today following a three-hour search by police. Smithville, school when Grimsby town police saw someone in a front As the Pacific Air Lines plane '"Skipper's shot. We're been shot (I was) try 'in ta help." The garbled message, fe- corded on tape and made pub- lic earlier, was the last 'word from the plane-before it crashed and exploded. In reporting today on its in- vestigation of the tragedy, the C.A.B, said that its crash ex- perts, working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, have concluded that the probable cause of the May. 7 crash was "the shooting of the captain and the first officer by a passen- ger," Francisco Paula Gonza- idden microphones have been The reports said Three youths were arrested e Grimsby and District High St. with rifles, Catharines - and surrounded the Nt bes last} cree en's Passenger Shot rew, 44 Died © HINGTON (AP)--A_ pas- senger deeply in debt. and-in-|P' " members, he died in the I near San Ramon only 21 mile: from the Oakland airport. The C.A.B. said Gonzales bought a revolver and ammu- nition on the evening of May 6, showed the gun to numerous friends, told one of them he in- others 'he would die May 6 or 7. It- also' said he bought insur- ance policies at the airport. Their total: $105,000. Various persons saw him board a Reno-bound flight the evening of May 6 carrying a small package containing . the gun and ammunition, the C.A.B. said. He took a front seat im- mediately behind the pilot's compartment, but 'caused no trouble. At Reno, the board said, Gon- zales spent the night in gam- bling. spots. Early the next morning, he boarded the San les, 27. Gonzales was a mative of the COMMUNISTS MAY REPEAT ATTACK BURT TO ADDRESS CRITICAL UAW MEMBERSHIP Viet War SAIGON (AP) -- U.S. mili- tary sources said today a dis- astrous Communist attack on the key U.S. installation at Bien Hoa could be repeated at a dozen or more bases in South Viet Nam. "What's surprising is that the Viet Cong did not strike sooner," an American major at Bien Hoa said. "'When it. suits them,-F am sure they will do it again." The Viet Cong plastered the air base 18 miles northeast of Saigon with 100 mortar. shells just after midnight Saturday, killing four Americans and two South Vietnamese and wound- ing 36. A fifth American was killed a few hours later in an- other mortar attack about five miles north of Bien Hoa, Some predicted that the Bit Tan Son Nhut airbase in Saigon might be the next target of the Viet Cong. The 30-minute attack on Bien Hoa destroyed or 7 planes, inel 2 US. Air Force B-57 jet rs. ; MEASURES TAKEN Gen. William C. Westmore- land, commander of U.S. forces in South Viet Nam, said elabor- ate measures had been taken to protect aircraft at Bien Hoa and other key bases. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Communist taid on a U.S. air base near Saigon Saturday has Pies oy hg Rag yay ths tet Viet: Nats: Backed by page cere Asia. tended to shoot himself, told|military Officials said the course the by gr ny foo in the weeks ahea ocimarly on decisions to be made by North Viet Nam and China: President Johnson met Sun- day with State Secretary Dean Rusk, Defence Secretary Rob- ert. S. McNamara and other pol- icy makers and experts on the Southeast : Asian situation. The principal action announced fol- lowing the meeting was that the aircraft which were destroyed by the raid on Bien Hoa airfield Francisco-hound plane, near Saigon had been replaced. and said he understands Nikita|rieq daughter. Khrushchey is suffering from} Mrs, Pfeil was arrested Sat- sclerosis. 'ep jurday and charged with endan- Knud Jespersen, chairman of |gering the health of a minor. the Danish Communist party, |A parent recognized the pellets said in-a radio interview that/nis youngster brought home in the former Soviet premier is!_ candy sack. not receiving visitors because of} pone are still trying to alert his illness. {parents in the Greenlawn area, The dictionary definition o Sclerosis is: "Induration (Hard-|!though they say they have re- ening). produced in an organ by | covered about a dozen pellets) increase of its interstial connec- tive tissue; also rcaeraive replacement of tisstes of the spinal cord or brain by neuro- i issue which fills the in-; ; | fees and supports the és- outside churches to warn par-jas ements of nervous tis-| in the brain, | anglia. ...." ably all that were dispensed. \duty to make house calls Sun-| rague on the precise nature and gravity of Khrushchev's reported | illness.) rosis, a term that is medica'ly) very broad. JACKSON, Tenn. sis, which damages the brain and can lead to total paalysis. Other milder forms of Ssclero- sis reduce control over physi- minister father is concerned! about. how his family of 10 will | yo two teen-aged sons and a mar- i HELEN PEFEIL Police said a prank, ugh." ceives $28 a month for Mrs (ay. Some also were stationed|them she gave out the |so far, and believe that is prob-jents to inspect whatever their ichildren had collected the night |. Extra officers were called on|before. Pfeil Quads Make 10 He described it only as scle- P ad Makes $28 : (AP)--The| money 'and our four-room home The Most severe form of this qay - old Lyons quadruplets --/isn't paid for, And now we've disease is 'disseminated sclero-/Tennessee's first on record--|got. eight children, j are hale and hearty, but their! elo it isn't pis Lyons, 45, a Negro, said he | Accident - free Record At Bowmanville--Page 4 told pellets} party leaders held a 40-minute| conference today and appar-| jently agreed to consult their + \followers. on undisclosed gov- _|ernment "proposals about future 4 [Calpain business in the light A | of the flag issue. _ OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)--A "There's reason for modest|five-surgeon team today re- optimism in the fact that they | Stored the severed arm. of Bob agreed to meet again later this) Swaffer, Oklahoma State Uni- week," Richard O'Hagan, spec- versity basketball player, in a ial assistant to Prime Minister|Six-hour operation. |Pearson, told reporters after A hospital spokesman termed ithe conference. the re-implantation a success. Opposition Leader Diefen-| , "It looks fine," said one phy- (baker said he had no comment|Sician, "and the patient's gen- and, when-pressed by reporters eral condition is superb. for something further, saidg The hospital spokesman added *|tartly: owever, that it will be a few "T have nothing to pay. Isn't| days before it is known whether that clear enough." the arm will survive. New Democratic Leader T. C.| The six-foot-nine Swaffer lost| Douglas said party leaders|the right arm in-a freak acci-| were given a proposition by the/dent in Stillwater, Okla., late prime minister. , Sunday night. Ball Player's Arm Sewn On { THE TIMES today... /Arson Suspected In Five Fires--Page 9 cal movements, a Danish' med- ical authority said. Jespersen was one many leaders of parties in Europe who went to Moscow to find out what was behind Khrushchev's*ouster last month. among Communist} _ The quads ~- Carline, Pollie (Ann, Willie Jr. and Lamar~ were. born early Sunday Willie Grant Lyons, 35. manage in a four-room house | preaching twice monthly at Mt. and. on his $28, a month salary. {Zion Baptist Church in neigh- boring Dyer County. He said he|City News--9. earns $4 a day as a laborer, when he ean get work. Moves were started .imme- to Mxs. 'I'm rejoicing; you capt Ao| .. : anything but rejoice," saitsthe |diately-to assist the family fi- father, "But I haven't got any' nancially, jDermeps Defeat St. Mike's--Page 5 ity Landers--8 | Classified--16-18 Comics--14 : District Reports--4 « Editorial--6 Financia19 Obits--19 Sports--10, 11 Television--14 Theatre--12 Whitby News--5 Women's--7, 8 Weather--2 The flow of automobiles from the General Motors of Canada Ltd., assembly lines began again today following a three-week layoff. GM em- IT'S BACK TO ployees are shown above: as they apply. the _ finishing touches to- 1965 model cars rolling off the line at the com- pany's south.-plant, U.S. WORK, BOYS plants are now supplying needed parts and material to the Oshawa production lines. A compnay spokesman said today- that almost all of the 11,250 laid-off employees re- turned to work this morning. --Oshawa.Times Photo On The Road To GREATER OSHAWA COMMUNITY CHEST Quota Of $275,900 sistero | [51250001 | | Astsharsl | | | srzBoool | | | szafoool | | | s2aBoool | 1° | sas8oool | 1 | s27s00 \ RT g. the, war in South Viet "V7