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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Nov 1964, p. 4

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Be tee p age + BOWMANVILLE Council Angle Parking BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Angle parking will remain, on part of Temperance street, Bow- manville Council decided Mon- night. Councillor Carl Leslie moved that council should reconsider its decision to eliminate angle ' parking on Temperance street. The of the street in ques- tion is south of King street on the west side of Temperance. jumped he wished up, its "We're bobbing around like a} i . First we decide) nd now something} Councillpr Leslie then said the| permitting angle parking below only reason he made the motion Retains ing it was convenient for those using the bank and drug store at the corner, Councillor Hooper then said that even the department of Highways had recommended the removal of the angle park- ing. "That street is one of the most dangerous streets in town, With the angle parking a car going south on the street has to move over to the other side of the road and this can be especially dangerous on hockey nights or public skating nights. The arena is at the bottom of the street. Councillor Hughes then made a motion that an amendment be made to the original motion the lane on Temperance street. Motion Is Rescinded By Council. BOWMANVILLE (Staff) rescinded a previous motion of Council received a letter from|t the Ontario Municipal Board's asking council to make up its ing to support the sections or not, Earlier council had decid- ed to support the sections and then changed its mind. Q A. H. Strike has' been re-|i appointed trustee to the Dur- Hea.ing To Set hearing to determine compensa- tion for lands expropriated by the Ontario highways depart- ment in Pickering Township will be held by the Ontario Muni- cipal Board Friday, Dec. 18 in Bowmanville Town Council has|the Ontario County Courthouse. non support on two parts of its|the lands concerned are describ- moning bylaw. ° ed_as being 'composed of all ment 0.327 acre more or less as mind whether or not it was go-|shown marked red on Plan of Survey P-1922-34-A," ering township, and Arenia Lennox; Respondent ways. Compensation TORONTO (Special) A Nursing Home Appeal Set TORONTO ((Special)--- Hear- ing of an appeal against the establishment of a nursing home in Pickering township will be held in the township council chambers Tuesday, Nov. 24, the Ontario Municipal Board has d POWER FOR RIC"SHAWS WARSAW (AP)--The Polish press agency reports Poland small. motors to power rick- will export several thousand shaws in Indonesia. CHICKENS 'TOO NOISY LONDON (AP) Darwin Evans, 42, an atomic scientist, In the OMB t 'ement, hat portion of Lot 20, Conces- ion 1, containing by measure- in Pick- Claimants are David Lennox s the Ontario minister of high- ham District High School Board for a three-year term. Mr, Strike's term expires at the end of this year. The corner stone of the new, Port Hope Vocational School The Boy Scouts of Canada have beeniven permission to} hold their annual Apple Day on May 8, 1965. BUYS CATTLE PETERBOROUGH, N. H. --| Robert W. Batty, Brooklin, Ont., was a recent buyer of Regis-! amended." will be laid Nov. 10. jtered Guernsey cattle in the) The hearing on Nov. 24 Is United States, according to The itor "all persons who desire to Fe agit ges Club.!he -heard in support of or in A total of four head was pur- chased from herd of Eleanor F. & sangeet y _ |goes to bed wearing a crash The appeal is by Kenneth C.ihelmet stuffed with paper. His H, Barnes and Pearl B. Barnes) wife wears earplugs. They are against a decision of the town-|forced into such measures, they ship's committee of adjust-\say, because of incessant noise ment last August. | The committee' of adjustment granted an application by Qua-| sar Limited for the erection and operation of a nursing home "'on . part of Lot 35, Range 3, Town- For Social Work ship of Pickering, containing) yaANCOUVER (CP) -- The four acres on the west side Of/school of social work at the East avenue, and to permit the| University of British Columbia construction of 41 parking/has moved from its old quar- spaces instead of the required!ters in an unused barn and a 97 spaces, notwithstanding the|converted army hut to a $500,- provisions of Bylaw 1978, 45/000 mansion complete with bar and swimming pool. The mansion, the former F. Ronald Graham home, was as- |signed to the school after being _|willed to the university by Mr. Graham who died in 1963. The Mansion Centre opposition to the appeal", BUYS U.S. CATTLE NEWS IN BRIEF from chicken houses near their garden. The Kirkham, Lanca- shire, village council decided it couldn't do anything about the noise, CONTROLS SOUGHT GENOA, Italy (AP) -- The World Confederation of Under- water Activities has asked the United Nations to undertake control of ocean beds beyond territorial waters. The con- federation, under the presidency of French explorer Jacques Cousteau, met here and an- nounced its establishment of a research branch to study the possibility of extracting food from the sea floor, : \TePee.. Bi 38be Zical My New Adventures of Secret Agent 0077° Board To Hear AppealOn Assessment TORONTO (Special) -- Ap- peal of an assessment decision on property in Ajax will be heard by the Ontario Municipal Board Tuesday, Nov. 12 in the Ajax council chambers. The decision was handed down by Judge Alex ¢. Hall in county court in March, 1963. Appellant is Murray A. Elias and the respondent the cdpora- tion of the town of Ajax. The dispute is over the assess- ment made in 1962 for taxation 'in 1963 on these properties: Part of Block A, Plan 501 King's Court Apartments; King's Crescent, Building 7; part of Block B, Plan 50, King's Court Apartments, Apart- ments 150, 153, 155, Harwood avenue, Building 1; -parts of Park and lots 109 to 115 inclu- sive, Plan 503; part: Block B, Plan 501, King's Court Apart- ments, Harwood avenue; Apart ments 201, 203, 205, Building 6; Apartments 191, 193, 195, Build- ing 5, Apartments 181, 183, 185, Building 4; Building 2 and Build- ing 3. a ee 'WILLIAM SUSANNAH YORK CHARLES K. PPLHEETS 6 tot on PORE HOLDEN CAPUCINE McJunkin, Cortland, New York. | 4 (tee wets of He tar : | MEN...WOMEN...AND WAB STAND NAKED IN THE BLAZE OF y é school will occupy the home un- . % PETERBOROUGH, N.H. --jtil permanent quarters are |plans for the construction of the STRICT ON CARS Robert W. Batty, Brooklin, Ont.,|ready in 1968 or 1969. Inew work's department shed,| VERNON, B.C, (CP) -- The|was a recent buyer of Register-| Prof. William Dixon, head of Mer-|Councilior Paul Chant, chairma| mobile car-testing station cur-jed Guernsey cattle in the Unit-|the school, said the bar is re-| DAVID NIVEN - PETER SELLERS the angle parking farther south.|chants along downtown Am-|of the Public Property Commit-|rently being used here is re led States, according. to The|stricted to serving coffee and| ROBERT WAGNER - CAPUCINE Councillor Glen Hughes ailsp|herst Street are resisting a city|tee, reported at the last meet-|jecting about 60 per cent of all| American Guernsey Cattle Club, | the swimming pool will remain): "JHE PINK PANTHER, favored the angle parking, say-|move to alter the name tojing of the Board of Works. Con-| vehicles passing through it. One|A total of eight head was pur-|dry. The 12-bedroom mansion perereey : - 'i --|Christophe Colomb -:0 conform|struction will commence nexticar rejected: came straight|chased from herd of Cornell|is on 3% acres of UBC prop- 62 8364 0R |with the street's northern exten-|spring 'from the show room. University, Ithaca, New York. erty. sion, The merchants say Am- | GH wo DRY ox SIDEWALK SLABS | 10 Building Permits Issued | oe | Brookin Concrete Products Ltd. ediate Delivery E, Dempsey, public engineer) .ifor Bowmanville is preparing} x was because he would like to! This was passed by council. see the corner of King and) ----------_--_______ Temperance streets cleared of} : ss angle parking but he thought it) RESIST CHANGE would be a good idea to keep) MONTREAL (CP) SEAN CONNERY a ines sono TECHNICOLOR snes no UNITED ARTISTS PLAZA PHONE: 723-2843 TEEN BEAUTY TICKLERS Is there any reason why a} teen-ager shouldn't tint her hair? ' None at all. If she has mousy hair, or if it's plain, uninterest- ing, why not reap the rewards of a semi-permanent tint or rinse? She can foam in high- lights and color intensity, with- out going into a permanent dye job, which is not advisable in tolstinig FEATURE TIMES-- 2:00--4:25--6:45--9:20 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:00 ere TSTMS GaP rsa CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE om . REFRESHMENT NEVER BEFOREA SPECTACLE LIKE | of BOWMANVILLE | (Staff) Construction in the town Bowmanville was valued at over $62,000 for the month of the teens. Too quick growing |October. This figure is down out, too artificial, and decidedly |$10,000 from the'month of Sep- too expensive, But here's the |tember. proviso on tinting: make sure|~ There were 10 building per- hair is healthy 'and kept that|mits issued during October,.and way with regular shampoos, |$153 was collected from these (ith a medicated shampoo if|nermits. | she has dandruff trouble) regu-| fight plumbing permits were lar brushing. And eliminate|i.cyed and $72. collected from any build-up of color.at regular /the sale of these permits. intervals with a home repair| There were 76 building in- treatment. lspections, eight trench inspec-| 4 an there howla yori = 4ltions, 19 inquiries and 6 inves- teen-ager shoulin't use & e010. ication quring October. None at~all -- provided she . gets it off and out of her pores| teen-ager shouldn't each night. (Too many teen-|home 'permanent? tf agers are too busy to take the) None at all -- and she can't} time for proper cleansing of|start too soon. A quick chil-| skins.) If a colored make-up/dren's home permanent for the base gives her skin a smoother, |sub-teens; a home permanent | more even look -- she should/in gentle, regular or super (de- | use it. But preferably a flatter-| pending on the hair type).is for ing magic one in a champagne|teen-agers and up. And with th, shade that doesn't cover up her|new fashion quick home perma- | own natural glow ---just makes|nents, hair: gets precisely the the skin look velvety and even-jright amount of curve and body. apy sab Ab + pied clean. Is there any reason why a ng, a medicated face wash each |teen-ager shouldn't- pluck her night before bed eyebrows? - Hwy No, 2-401 Block East of Liverpool Road Ph, 668-2692 You Have A Date With Fate in "FATE IS A HUNTER" Sterring GLENN FORD, NANCY KWAN, ROD TAYLOR and SUSAN PLESHETTE -- PLUS -- "5S Weeks In A Balloon" Starring RED BUTTONS, and FABIAN Show storts 7:30 p.m. including Sundays Free in Car Heaters Imm EMPIRE SAMUEL BRONSTON SOPHIA LOREN STEPHEN: BOYD ~ALEC- GU JAMES Dine Continuous Daily Feature Today at 1:30-4:10-6:50-9:25° have ADMITTANCE LAsT ""BOCCACCIO" TIMES with SOPHIA LOREN -- ANITA EKBERG TODAY. Addes -- 0 tans OF Adie "NATURE GIRL AND THE SLAVER" -- Color FIRST OSHAWA SHOWING TOMORROW OSHAWA SHOWING what has more humps than a camel? THEY LIVE THESE THRILLS ! Car-of-Tomorrow Endurance Race! Dragster Duels At 3 Miles A Minute "THE LIVELY SET" in COLOR with THAT ROCK A JAMES DARREN eee PAMELA TIFFEN BIG CAST! BILTMORE (~~ PHONE 725-5833, AJ LIVE IT UP! LAUGH IT UPI LOVE IT UP! With the Swinging Generation! "SING AND _ SWING" 10 SONGS ke een eep young skins ry e soi] and grime which can cause| None at all, gg st blackheads and bumps. j with restraint, A little lifting o' Is there any reason why al? brow line -- but not its total Jextinction -- can improve a teen-ager shouldn't / use eye), de make-up? |face.. A natural arch started now Not if she has a knowing eye| Will result in prettier eyes in and a \eht hand, W brows are proenangs 4 a of "gee oe 4 pale, a little shading gives a os en 4) e bi arm of tag aig young face a more definite look. |* a af be row by. mother gen- And the discreet use of a light} in for "th ge the ere" aa to go eyeshadow is pretty. But gobs} je thin, scared line. of technicolor shadow and heay-| Is there any reason why a ily beaded lashes are just plain|teen-ager shouldn't use an anti- pi ge -- on anyone, any |Perspirant? age? e caution light -- be} None at all. She needs an -- a Forest | Figg ge anti-perspirant particularly at emoved before bedtime. Youjthis time with. her changing} wouldn't go to bed, without|chemistry. A roll-on liquid, dain, brushing your teeth, would you? |ty and dry-keeping, as well as Is there any reason why a|deodorizing, is a grooming must DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. SAT. & SUNDAY 1:30 P.M, i GOT A CHILLY ROOM? ADDING A ROOM? MAKE YOUR COMFORT COMPLETE WITH ELECTRIC HEAT 'visit YOUR ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE ONTARIO HYDRO 61 Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone 623-2561 Church St., Markham Phone AXminster 3-3331 OR YOUR ONTARIO HYDRO OFFICE How else could we move a 225,000 ton mountain Or CN's four 'push-button' humpyards in Moncton, of products every day of the year? Montreal, Toronto (1965) and Winnipeg... the largest and most How else. could we keep advanced automatic freight classification system In North America, so many businesses and industries supplied « Here, man-made humps provide the freight cars with the momentum in all 10 provinces of Canada? that will carry them through all the automatic switching that follows. Put your shipping on the rails, Then they're sorted and routed Ship CN - the fastest way to save money! at lightning speed, cutting hours « even days = off CN's shipping schedules across the country. So - if CN freight trains seem to be much faster nowadays, they are! Thanks to electronics, And diesel locomotives, And the greatest variety of specialized, quick-loading carriers ever. Two camels, reer 1 Your NEW SPEEDYMUFIR | installed FREE in 115 MINUTES! SHARPE ELECTRIC COMPANY 110 'WOOD ST., OSHAWA Have you a distribution problem? Your CN Freight Sales Representative has a whole CNgineering team | of experts to help him help you. Let CNgineering examing | at Oshawa's newest and finest every aspect of your distribution pattern for ways to save you money, MUFFLER INSTALLATION CENTRE | I SPEEDY MUFFLER KING | "206 KING ST. WEST i L. TEL. 728-6268 Rec ess Re TR Ma MRE Ha Open Mon. thru Sat. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Friday nights till 9 P.M. 728-8214 TOWNSEND ELECTRIC LIMITED 385 KING STREET EAST 723-2343 For Supplementory Electric Heat Call TOZER ELECTRIC LTD. -B& PRINCE ST. PHONE 728-4611 CN the fast-freight thruway

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