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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1964, p. 5

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PC Speaker -- Flays Liberals third vice-president; Eddie Cau- chi, fourth vicepresident. Ernie Marks, secretary; Edith idell, treasurer; Gordon Riehl and Edward Ryzek, auditors. Directors are: Harvey Shier, Robert Gordon Fairweather, MP, Thursday night \told 106 members of the Ontario County Progressive Association that, he thinks it is time Canadians got back to the job of nation build- ARCHITECT WILFRED SHULMAN'S CONCEPTION OF SHOPPING ARCADE WHITBY FOUR CORNERS Town Will Chamber Hears Details Remember Downtown Area Renewal WarFallen redevelop-; would involve all your co-oper-jhind the existing stores on Brock south. This way the old a buildings would stand while the| Noy shopping arcade was being built behind. Merchants could con-| tinue their business without fear for the future Once the arcade is complete A 'million _ dollar ment project that would com-|ation."' pletely revamp Whitby's ryt Mr. Shulman, the project ome poe an cenanee architect, took up the story. of Commerce Thursday night. BUILDINGS OLD The project, as explained by, "Are we going to Toronto architect Wilfred Shul-' vision to plan ahead," he said man, would involve the store!'My engineer has examined|the traders would move in and jes on the east flank of|these stores. And as they stand|the old buildings would be tock street south -- from the|it would, in general, be unsound|knocked down. On the space memorial 8, will |Branch 112 parade Royal have the end Poppy Day on Saturday, and Sunday, keep Whithby's Canadian) Volunteers from the legion will begin selling the poppies early Saturday morning, and by night- fall hope to have collected a ing. Mr. Fairweather was speak- ing to the annual meeting of the association held in Port Perry. "Y think that it is time that we start to forget divisions and petty bickerings," he said "We have a_ tremendous empty land here, and it is time we started building it. "If we haven't the wit,. and wisdom to make our constitu- tional freedom work then we have only ourselves to blame." He said the people of his prov- ince, New Brunswick, are grate- ifal for the years that John Dief- jenbaker ran the country: "He recognized the regional tproblems of this country and set out with bold plans to do lsomething about it."' BLASTS LIBERALS He blasted the Liberal Gov ernment for many of their poll- lices and past actions naming in particular the truth squads, 60 |days of decision which he label- \led "60 days of disaster' and the situation of men locked in the Don Jail for months without legal aid Michae' Starr di Albert Walker, Oshawa, MPP Osh- MP jan Legion, busy during the week-|,wa attended the meeting The main business, that of electing a new executive, was concluded in 15 minutes when the meeting voted unanimously to return the executive to power, Only the office of third vice- Peggy Holder, Don Waring, Ed- ward Wetherall, Donald Gibson, Mel Femia, Gordon Attersiey, Kate -Peters, John Greer and Alex Shestowsky. , The auditor, Gordon Riehl, jadded a touch of humor to the evening when commenting on 'the financial position of the association. "Last year we had over $200, but unfortunately due to ex- pensegy, we now have $16.37 in the bank" he said. This brought loud laughter from the corwd and prompted several comments from the visiting dignitaries. Airports To Be Improved OTTAWA (CP)--The federal | government will improve air- port facilities at Sarnia, St. |Catharines, and Waterloo, Ont., jas part of a new program of federal aid to airports now be ling worked out, Transport |Minister Pickersgill announced | Thursday. He said in the Commons the \federal government always has jpaid the full capital. cost of main airline terminals and only THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, November 6, 1964 § Past President's Pin Presented Mrs. Don Banks presided at a very well attended Hillcrest Home and School Association meeting Wednesday. | Mrs, C. A. Sturgess presented | a past president's pin to a valuable member, Mrs. James White, who served for two and-a half years. The room count was won by Mrs, Alfred Brady's room and Miss Gertrude Corbett's room. It was agreed that each family give $1 towards schoo! activi- ties. Earl Fairman introduced the panel members: Chief George Rankine, Whitby Police Depart- ment; Rev. John Smith, of St. Mark's United Church; Dr. Walter Weber, medical direc- tor of Whitby Ontario Hospital and Jerry Stachow, principal of ilicrest: school. Leslie McFar- ne acted as moderator. The topic was 'What does our child mean to you.' Questions from the floor were ably an- swered by panel members. Rid Canada WINNIPEG (CP) -- Canada and the United States could gain from integration of electric power systems, J. C. Swidler, chairman of the U.S. Federal om, Commission, said Thurs- y. He told the annual mid-west area er conf that al- most a kilowatt 1. the United States.on a competi tive' basis with American sup- pliers, He said the figure was not a prediction but merely illus- trated the magnitude of possible power flow from north to south. He said there is a world-wide trend towards integration of na- tional power facilities. He noted the existence of a group known as the mid-continent area er planners, comprising mid-west FILES SUIT CONCORD, N.H. (AP)--The state of New Hampshire filed suit against the United States States and Manitoba Hydro, the provincial public power agency. The group's aim is to provide for integrated planning. POSSIBILITIES EXIST taxes assessed against the OP-| Great possibilities exist for eration of the New Hampshire|tne development of hydro-elec- sweepstakes, Sweep di-\trie water resources in North rector Edward J. Powers, whol America. Nuclear power devel- announced the filing of the suit)opments have not rendered this in federal district court, said/unnecessary. .. . Many water the state's principal development projects will be is that federal taxes on gam-|developed in Canada. At the bling apply only to individuals|same time many hydro-electric and not to states sites in Canada, too big for Ca- able for export from Canada to/|5' Power Merger Could -- And US. nadian use alone, could supply power to the United States. Mr, Swidler said the United States market could provide outlet for Canadian surplus a valuable backup for Canadian power systems. The U.S. Federal Power - J sub- mission, Mr. Swidler jected the He also noted that eased its restrictions on power export last year. The Federal Power Commission, previous that time, had never con- fronted with the ofa large-scale power : until the declaration Canadian government. power utilities from the United | paiton 335 that Canadians have a competition to decide who lead the nation." It is necessary that Canadians should have cer- tain reservations of the infalli- -- ,,of contemporary ns. sii F contributed to part of the cost of smaller airports not served | Four Corners as far as Colborne | to repaint. The buildings are old, that they would leave gardens record amount | president had-to be filled as the |>Y Scheduled airlines. at. " with ornamental pools and foun- However, Mr, Pickersgill " * Redevelopment would be the | tains could be supplied, These stores would be totally|thing. On the first floor of this demolished. From the dust and|arcade I propose would be your ALTERNATIVE SITE The memorial parade, Sunday, will start at the Whitby Shop- ping Plaza at 10 a.m. and will | At sea and ashore! in remembrance of Canada's "It will need courage to gO\war dead store block as a 'commercial/ahead with this project," Mr.| poopy Day, which began Bridge High Scores ati O.H.A. Jr. "B" Hockey Saturday, Nov. 7th -- 7 P.M. Weston ys Whitby Dodgers Dunlops WHITBY ARENA HEATED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Admission: Adults 1.00 Students with cards 50¢ r THIS WEEK ONLY !!! Now every woman can look like a Queen in the new "EMPRESS" offered to you by King for THIS WEEK ONLY ot the low, low sale price of ONLY $11.50. This custom-crofted aluminum frame, with its delicately engraved adornments combines beauty and sturdiness COMPLETE with the lenses you need, in the color you want. The EMPRESS is a FASHION . SALE POSITIVELY ENDS NOV. 7, 1964. ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRICE $4: 150 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND 1] COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM PR f Lenses and Case : BIFOCALS : 1 ith Frames Lenses and Case. roken Frames Repeired or Replaced. While You Wait. We fill. oll PSI, Oculists ond Optometrists prescrip- tions ot the same low prices, WHITBY CONCERT ASSOCIATION Announces THE 1964-1965 SERIES Raymond .Dudley=Pianist Nov. 20 Hart House Glee Club, Feb. 2nd The Apothecary by Hayden Apr. 9th. with the Pro Arte Orchestra and prominent Canadian Vocalists SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW AVAILABLE Adults ..... $5.00 for the Students .... $2.50 season 668-2281 - 668-4223 - 668-3640 MUST for every lady who wears glosses . . A bound copy of the student's KING CATALANOTTE DEPORTED | WINDSOR (CP) -- Joseph! | Hours: 9 am. to 5 p.m. Daily Closed All Day Wed. Phone: 728-1261 17 Bond Street East man who occupied that post has leaid the ; > government now is moved from the area working out a plan to give solid prosperous future front would just be rotting olid|ithe main accent was on the fu 5 aa ny, buildings." ee ee Ne sant _Later on. in the meeting Mr.jas it stands at present, " slum" Pantony said, 'but it is either Mere i G R ° w The meeting, which- was held . . shortly after the First World| The winners and high scores y at the Kathiocn Rowe School,| Although excited by the proj-|this or we die War, still maintains its original|of the games played by the with was told by Chamber Director Fi oO Main doubt was in what would|it had been proved that over 60/yeterans emergency fund; and! Bast and West Mr. and 3 ly Yo WAVY RUM available happen between the old and the|per cent of every dollar spent) to set up bursaries for children's (Dar) A wet known financier, he|"*¥ by Whitby residents was spent) education, Most of the money PALM BREEZE WHITE CAP | Psoe Mrs. Watts and Mrs. Odlum, 94; (ery Ushe) (wane would be leased back to mer-|!6 months to build. During that! Larry Cond. \Whitby's Indus-|/™oney remains in the com-)Mrs, Bovay and Miss Bovay, chants at reasonable rentals. lime we don't have a business | tria| Pmmnteslnnen. forage | munity where it was collected, 4. = a as | | : ni ithe small shopping centres that/ 8 a ery Mrs. MeGilli F and GREY chants," he told-the members,|Chants pretty hard. were beginning to settle around|to the maintenance of service|Hunter and Mrs. Motsllivray, "we could start tomorrow." There were suggested solu-idhe fringes of the town. jbureaux across Canada, The ROUSE CHOICE The project could be built be- ' lyeteran or dependant with pen-|Mrs. Irwin, 100; Miss A. Lawler) ---- -- me pete agp ripe at|sion ahd other problems. oe 8. Wier, as Mrs.1308 Dundas St, W., Whitby | ct on his behalf without charge|Love ai Te, Dexter, O72 chisel tet Oe carchante be Students Stud ipresent, he warned, downtown | hn : e choice. y We are not. trying to | « |not be worth setting up business | constitution, cannot be used for) | Whitby Scene jin the shopping centre jany other purpose. The funds) |The situation was put in ajare held in trust, and subscribed) spark some interest in down- town revitalization. Our first! f scheme, as you are aware, is|Toronto is touring Whitby to porn ad y ries Shopping| stress costs of operation for| see how a town is run. 7" cote 2 we 4 ht these services has increased) The' group of 25 students be-| a: .uch & Shopping arcade might) greatly recently, and they hope| -- 60 . to present a better facade to shoppers. and will continue to study every Kresges. If one of thes is "We propose, too, a much/aspect of the town's organiza-| _- Feria li and : be attracted in, then the shop- tion through next week pers would swarm in. The bene- Corner Groceteria 204 Brock St. S. ing from welfare groups, to the|, The meeting closed with the assessment department, to dif-|promise from the chamber ferent stages of town planning.|directors that the matter would| Should Have Read the November meeting of Dr. A. J. Dakin, head of the/problem -- the winning of the| Almonds Cloverlane, Hilltop|Town and Regional Planning|support of the landlords who PORK Parents-Teachers Group division of the U. of T. School|own a greater part of the c ) BUTTS ¢ over to D. A. Challice who gave a demonstration on a NeW) -enort will be <7 : A presented to coun form of mathematics being in-|.i) and the city engineers at PERSONALS . tulations were extend-| nor will. contain both observa- o m4 som = og Michael tions of the present system of, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Suther- est who came lrst in their igovetnment and the planning,|land held a reception at their a Pongo aga ac of Whitby 31, on the occasion of their 50th | ' ra een ------~| wedding anniversary. Mrs. Suth- | lane, received honor awards for etland is the former Lily Chinn} SHOP colm Bates, former students at (Cockeyed Joe) - Catalanotte,| ' | Wallpaper and Murals Cloverlane who won Ontario|identified by Detroit police as + og Mang Pad Lag roy ty Custom Draperies Scholarships in the Grade 13/4 lieutenant in the Mafia, was| poi writhy. i , The couple were married in Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points Mrs, Myrtle Fells' room won journey back to Italy under de-| pop & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. enti : | z r UTIVE more help to airports in heavily poe a ee ee ee eee coor S| Another suggested site for the|proceed to the Legion Hall, ar- NVFollowing 1s a list of the 1964-|populated areas even though three-storey shopping arcade, {space would be taken up by|project was behind the store t 10:30 Units f : ti t Beautiful in design and ef-joffices. And on the-top floor|front on Dundas west. Here tage pe rene den ai Fd executive aieneel sare a pe Men ore | i: aes i : ' onorary president; W. J, jule p patty | ficient in service the arcade) would be apartments lagain work on the new build- services, detachments from the Puampeon," presidents Robert|done so at Sherbrooke, Que., ; could completely revitalize} 'To repaint would. be only|ing could go ahead while mer-|fire and 'Police Departments|\nichol. first vice-president: (and at Hamilton's Mount Hope | downtown trading. The building | presenting a very charming and|chants continued with their bus-| and the Whitby Brass Band will Pg 0. . MecPaciahe ps on 4 {Airport, ' would act as a nucleus around!enchanting front. But it would! inesses take part in the parade through | vice-president Megan Nichol, | ' . -- | which merchants could build 4jonly be a facade. Behind the! During the meeting however, | the town if iedaaakicns eis : WATCH YOUR ] , "| Rev. H. Newman, of Whitby, | i . ture of Whitby's shopping centre | wilt conduct services at the hall| Whitby Duplicate SAVINGS | such a project could be started Shulman referred to the -present immediately ject menchants were doubtful as| Mr. Goverde warned, 00,/ purpose -- to remember the|Whithy Duplicate Bridge Club William Goverde that the finan-|' its practibility that from figures taken recently fallen in war; to establish alwere cial backing for the project was | - i i Mrs. Winter, 1164; Mrs: Murty and Mrs. Bonnetta, 100; Mrs.| i N T E R E $ T explained, would buy all the 'Such a building,' pointed out |utside the town. raised goes to veterans welfare,| Pirie and Mrs. McCutcheon, 98; | properties involved. 'Theseione trader, "would take some|/pROFITS CUT |@nd about 70 'per cont of the } VICTORIA -° | { "If we got the okay from mer-| 0 run. This would hit most mer- | A large part of the funds go 139; Mrs, D. Wilson and Mrs. tions to this problem, however.| 'These, he said, were already|Dureaux offer help to any/Spratt, 115; Mrs. Bowman and Opening the ber President John Pantony ex-| d lproperties would not find a buy=xith the Federal Government. er in five years time. It would; Poppy money, by the Legion's) anything down your throats,"' he . Q } 'All we are trying to do is to) A qpecial pesteredusie study nutshell by Mr. Shulman who/to by the public. group from the University of Commented: 'Whitby must do! This year, Legion officials| eee complete repaint tidy-up of . store jattract some of the big name/the amount collected will meet) gan their research last week,| stores like Woolworth's or! the new demands. bolder plan which to achieve | ay oe egal ctor as-|fits to the smaller shops would) s signed a different subject rang-|be limitless Mathematics whines Method Explained | P A similar group conducted ajbe gone into thoroughly. They! Re Wednesday Ad "Open House' was held at study of the town six years ago.|would tackle, too, the biggest! After 4 short business ses-/of Architecture will head the|property involved sion the meeting was turned | project - WHITBY the Dressing troduced into the schools. the end of their study. The re One-Stop respective Grade 9 at Anderson| ang forecasts about the future|home in Toronto Saturday, Oct DECORATING high marks in all their examin- i iecé | ations. Charles Herder and Mal- on Te Pe 'Bather| C.LL, Points and Varnishes examinations, will receive an put aboard a plane here at noon| Broadiocom end Rugs award of $400 each. Thursday for the first leg of his) Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby i i }All Saints Anglican Church,| the book money with most-par-|Portation order. Catalanotte had| Whitby, by Pegg Rev. W. ents» present. Following the/been in Essex County jail since) ajjan in 1914. Mr, Sutherland, | meeting parents were invited|his arrest at a Windsor home| who went overseas with the 95th to visit their children's class-|Aug. 11 by RCMP. He was or-| Battalion in 1915, was joined by) rooms and have a talk withjdered deported from Canada|pis wife in England in 1916, | their teachers Sept. 24 and a subsequent ap-|where their only child, Jean; Mothers of Grade.6 served peal to the immigration board! was born refreshments in Ottawa was refused Sad Fleer BROCK Whitby Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland re-; turned to Canada in 1918. They| lived in northern Ontario and| Ottawa for many years, moving! |to Toronto 25 years ago Mrs. Ida Simpson, 219 Athol street, accompanied by Mrs.| |Hilda Quantrill, attended the fu-| |neral of the late Mrs. Elizabeth) Duke, age 95, aunt of Mrs. |Simpson. Burial took place at |Shelburne Cemetery, Tuesday, | Nov. 2. One Complete Showing Each Evening --- Starting at 7:30 PORE WHITE GRANULATED POWER SPARKLING ALE | ¢ , ¢ eSAVE G* © e save Ste POWER [Rrfait. GRAIN FED BEEF STEA ROAS "BoneLess ND Bez, LB A picture that mast be seen- and seen again | From the makers of "Lawrence of Arabia"... canenversssne WILLIAM HOLDEN ALEC GUINNESS JACK HAWKINS HERE ARE ONLY A FEW QF MANY EXCITING SPECIALS R Tracy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Goodlet, is celebrat-| jing her second birthday today, | Nov. 6. To celebrate the occa-| |sion her grandparents, Mr. and | Mrs. Frank Wayner of Toronto, are entertaining at dinner. SAM SPIEGEL PRODUCTOS, Feature Starts Winner of 27 intern Acaderw et 8:15 Awards. pdb Recommended as Adult Entertainment Belated birthday wishes are extended to Miss Pat Greening) |who celebrated her birthday) | Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Grylls, |Rossiand road, entertained |members of their family at din-| ner on Wednesday. The occasion} was their granddaughter, Sandra Lynn's, sixth birthday somone "Bridge on the River Kwoi" Not Shown'on Matinee SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY AT 1:30 P.M. "THE THREE STOOGES MEET HERCULES" Also -- Cartoon ---- Novelty -- Sport Jim Choate is celebrating his 16th birthday today, Nov. 6.

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