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Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1964, p. 3

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Soviet leaders and visiting during parade marking cele- bration of the 47th. anniver- TOP REDS AT sary of the Bolshevik revolu- tion. From left, on Lenin Mausoleum, are Bulgarian premier Todor Zhivkov; Wal- ter Alexei Kosygin; Soviet De- MOSCOW PARADE fence Minister Rodion Y, Mal- inovsky; new Soviet Commu- nist Party chief Leonid Brezh- nev; Wiadyslaw Gomulka, First Secretary of the Com- Meanwhile has openly the mixed munist Party of Poland; S0- viet President Anastas I. Mikoyan, and Red China Premier Chou En-Lai. ---AP Wirephoto Banks Political Payola To Be Checked: McEachen OTTAWA (CP)--Labor Minis- ter MacEachen said Friday he has asked his officials to find out whether there is any evi- dence in labor department files that the Seafarers' International Union of Canada made election fund payments to six Liberal candidates. The minister was commenting on a Toronto Star story Friday that said the SIU, then run by Hal Banks, paid $1,000 each to the political agents of five Mont- real - area Liberals just before the 1962 federal election and $1,000 to a New Brunswick can- didate before the 1957 election. Reporter Robert Reguly of The Star wrote that evidence of the payments was unearthed by the Norris inquiry in 1962 and fs among the Norris working papers in the labor department files. Mr, MacEachen said he has been told that part of the Nor- ris files are in Ottawa and part in Montreal with the maritime union trustees, Sunday Lesson Christian Science The materialistic view of man contrasted with the perfectibil-| ity of man in Christ will be the theme at Christian Science eburches this Sunday. The sub- fect is "Adam and = Fallen Man". Golden Text: "As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive" (I Cor. 15: 22) References from 'Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy will include: 'Mortals must gravitate Godward, their affec- tions and aims grow spiritual--' they most near the broader in- terpretations of being, and gain ome proper sense of the infin- He said he has never seen the files himself. ASKED ABOUT PAPERS The minister was asked at a press conference whether the documents referred to by the newspaper, if they were found, would be made available to Par- liament. "That's something I could not tell you offhand," Mr. Mac- Eachen replied. 'Usually work- ing papers of this nature are considered confidential." Mr. MacEachen said his first concer is to determine the ex- istence of the documents, "whether these papers are in Ottawa or Montreal and who saw them and with whose au- thority." He added: "I have no intention of con- cealing information about dona- tions made to anybody, but there is a principle involved in re ed documents of this kind." HAD ACCESS Mr. MacEachen said "quite a lot of people" would have had access to the working during the Norris inquiry. This inquiry resulted in a report which the government acted on last year in setting a fed- eral trusteeship over Canadian maritime unions. Mr. Justice T. G. Norris, who headed the inquiry, wrote @ blistering criticism of Banks, picturing him as a waterfront gangster. Banks wae fired earlier this year by the trus- tees, The Commons opposition has kept up a running fire of criti- cism against the Federal gov- ernment this year over the Banks issue, Conservatives ac- cused the Liberals of coddling Banks and helping him to get out of the country while on bail awaiting his appeal against a five-year prison sentence for conspiracy. Banks now is in the United States, last reported living on a yacht in Brooklyn, N.Y. New Drug Here Within One Year TORONTO (CP) -- Ceporin, the new drug reported in Brit- ain as being superior to peni- cillin, has been under extensive tests in Canada and will be available to physicians in this country within a year. Glaxo - Allenburys (Canada) Limited, Canadian affiliate of the British firm which has been given authority by British drug authorities to market the drug, said that for nearly three years the drug has been under exam- ination at several Canadian medical centres. "After Ottawa has studied these we presume authority will Camera Club Awards Given Four people walked away with all the awards at the last com- petition night held by the Osh- awa Camera Club. In the junior section Jennie Pringle won a first with her slide "Town Crier' and honor- able mentions with "Ebbing Tide", "'Marion and Susan", and "Reach For It'. The senior nature award went to Fred Miller with his print of "The Plain Ringlet'" and honor- able mentions with '"'Baby Rab- bit" and 'Great Spangled Fratillery"'. The photographers choice award also went to Fred Miller with 'Quizzical", He also got honorable mentions for his GIVEN PROBATION Two 16-year-old Oshawa boys were each placed on a year's probation in Oshawa Magis- strate's Court, yesterday, on charges of contributing to ju- venile delinquency, John Lees, 120 Olive avenue, and William J, Elliott, 103 Alma street, ap- peared for sentence only. The case had been heard and ad- ite--in order that sin and mor-' tality may be put off" (265). journed for a presentence re- port. j |of passengers was mainly the j |ployees at General Motors and j jat other Oshawa industries af- i |with October, 1963. 4 | buses. mea |/perintendent R. J. Smith said prints of '"'When's My Turn' and in senior pictorial for '"'Hunter's Butterfly'. Harry Hibbard won honorable mentions with 'The Boxer' in iphotographer's choice and the "Probers" in senior pictorial. Thelma Rowland won an honor- able mention with "Ottawa City Hall" in senior pictorial. Fewer Passengers be granted for us to import and distribute it." The Hospital for Sick Children has been conducting what are believed to the most extensive studies in Canada on ceporin. Dr. Peter Fleming, bacteriolo- gist at the hospital who has di- rected the tests, says the drug appears to "fulfil the promise that seems to have been exper- fenced in Britain." pears pn a Pi cre the United ne sigh ee Imove Ww a lon away | supported rmany. from the crisis within the Com-jhas hinted at some bilateral in- must submit to a common agri-|lateral fri cultural price policy if the/and Bonn. trade bloc is to survive. In fact, de Gaulle has con- Without giving any pledge to|stantly voiced concern unsym- reduce its grain prices, which|pathetic allies, heeding the will is the essential issue stailing|of Washington, are threa Common Market progress as/|to encircle France so she cou the foundation for Europeanjno longer effectively play a ma- unity, Germany has called onjjor role in world affairs, mak- the community's six memberjing de Gaulle's "third force" countries to consider a two-step|concept a dead duck, unity program which some| DETERMINED TO FIGHT community sources feel may| In some respects this may be turn out to be just more empty |essentially true. The United conversation, States is determined to fight de The first part of the plan|Gaulle's concept of a separate calls for greater European co-|European force dominated by operation in the spheres of for-|France and trends in London eign policy, defence and culture|and Bonn wouid indicate the and in the second stage, unity|U.S. view is gaining strength. in the fields of economic and| De Gaulle may have sensed social policy, This would appear|this weaning away of French in- to suggest unless the memberjfiuence by loudly demanding countries first made progress|Germany comply with the com- in unifying their defence poli-|mon agricultural price policy-- cies, there would be little point}a demand that would be widely in considering complete unity|supported by other Common fn economics. Market members. Bowmanville Man Top Blood Donor A Bowmanville 'man, E. J.|/Prouty, M. Martens, William K. Foran, topped all donors at the|/Jackson, Norman Eddy, John Nov. 5 Oshawa Blood Donor) Diamond. ' Clinic with his 69th pint of blood; 11th donation: L. Dushene, since he. first began donating. |D. MacMillan, C. Jilessen, Mrs, C. J. Coombes of Bowman-|M. Muir, John James, §. Hrech- ville gave blood for his S4th)owicz, Frank Markey, J. Jack- time. a S soe J. E. _-- 49th donation, D. Iverson; mpson, . . Mth donation, R. Whailey, H.|Bone, R. Clkar, Norman Nich- A, Davis; 26th donation, John|ols, R. Stata, Leo Vahcon, Mrs. Dell; 25th donation, W. B.|Joyce Stewart, T. J. Wilson, Brownell; 24th donation, Fac Mrs. Lydia Cryderman, R. Houston, Jos, Grills; 23rd a- tion, Dennis Ferguson, M. Kolbeck, Mrs. M. Waite, G, Mc- Inche; 22nd donation, Wm, Bry-|Gee, W. Bonchek. an, N. McAllister, A.J. Knight, 10th donation: W. J. Hedger, William Coulson; = -- Ez Spurrell Grant Hart; 20th donation, R.)*. * ° , Oliff, Jack Lee, Ernest Liddle. Warenycia, Miss V. Watson, E. 19th donation: D. Pollock, T. Goleski, L. J. Allison, Earl J. DeMille Roy Embury 'a, y,|Johns, F. Coakwell, Mrs, E. Motum, H, Elgeti, Mes. Bea- Humphreys, S, McKay; 18th do- ; nation, §. Stone; 17th dona-|"ice Parkin, ©. Cathmoir, W. tion: Wm. Patterson, Mrs. G. Joyce, G. Scott, G. Banks, R. Court Requests Report On Accused A 19-year-old youth, who drove at 70 miles an_ hour, through the peas nearly knock- ed down a policeman, went through two red lights, a stop sign and then resisted arrest, Oshawa Magistrate's Court heard Friday from Crown At- torney Bruce Affleck. The youth, Lazzlo Korosi, 155 Verdun road, was remanded a week for a pre-sentence report, when he pleaded guilty to dan- gerous driving. Mr. Affleck said that when po- lice tried to arrest Korosi, out- side his home, the boy started a scuffle then his mother ran from the house and jumped on the policeman's back, and his father held on to the officer's arm. Ride City Buses Fewer passengers rode on city buses last month compared with October, 1963 -- but revenue from fares increased. PUC manager Bruce Annand said today the reduced number result of the lay off of em- fected by the GM strike in the United States. However, an increase in tick- et fares Jan. 1 this year, from eight tickets for $1. to seven tickets, resulted in increased revenue last month, compared Last month 260,704 passen- gers paid $339,319 to ride city During October, 1963, 287,041 passengers paid $301,221 "We are practically back to normal,' bus department su- today. '"'We're very about the whole thing." happy BRRR, IT'S COLD LaLonnie Smith, a 17-year- oid Vancouver beauty, visited the mountains of Vancouver's morth shore and found that > snow is'beginning to pile up. The skiing season is expected to open within a month. (CP Wirephoto) 4|Friday for writing a letter ex- Court Critical Doctor's Letter A doctor was criticized by Oshawa Magistrate's Court cusing a woman from attending the court because of blood pres- Mr. Affleck said police chased D. Halliday, Miss F. Steenburg, Roy Kenny, Mrs. A. Pulling, , Fredericks, Murray Walker; |J00k® Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, A Smith, E. D. Stewart, Jas. 16th donation: Bill Veenstra, J. ad d W, Imeson, George Gudgeon, Gordon, J, C. Stephenson, A. J. N. O'Malley, J. O'Mailey, Miss E. M. Stanlick, John Oegema; 15th donation: C. Mielewczyk, Mrs. Marjorie Blair, T. Hilton, jand, ten, , §. Winter,/Tjoyd Beal, J. Kroll, Mrs, H. the Korosi car until it st in front of the boy's home, Terry V. Kelly, representing Korosi, said the youth was gain- fully employed and was going to sell the car. 12 Month Term For Car Theft An Ajax youth was given 12 months in a reformatory when he appeared for sentence in Oshawa Magistrate's Court, Fri- day, on a charge of stealing a car. He was David Glen Witty, 28 Kent street, Ajax. Two other youths, Peter Met- calfe, 19 Maple street, Ajax, and Keith Harvey, no address, were given two years' probation when they appeared at the same time Metcalfe was charged jointly with Witty with stealing the car and Harvey was charged with possession. Magistrate Harry Jermyn said Witty had been given many chances before on probation and a reformatory was the only thing left. He added: "It is regrettable we have to send youngsters to institutions," sure trouble. The doctor was not named but a bench warrant was issued for his patient, Mrs. Dorothy Smith, RR 1, Oshawa, who is charg- ed with failing to produce re- cords in connection with paying employees. For some weeks the charge has been adjourned for various reasons. Bruce Affleck, Crown Attor- ney, said: "It seems this woman is playing fast and loose with the court," He said the doctor's letter was meaningless and might as well have excused the woman for athlete's foot. Magistrate Harry Jermyn said he must criticise the doc- tor for writing such a letter and added: "It does not impress this court." COSENS & MARTIN Insurance Alt Lines of 728-7515 {surance Res: 725-2802 or 725-7413 | 67 King St. £., Oshawa || | COMMONWEALTH TRADE In 1963, Britain sent 29 per cent of total exports to Com- monwealth countries and im- ported from them 32 per cent of all its imports. C. Dayman, J, W. Stead, Mirs.}senden, A. McPherson, R. S. McKay, D. J. Fairservice,|sier, Mrs, M. Bonchek, Harold Douglas Hughes, Jos Hachey,/Thertell. Phillips, R. F. Hughes, R. B. Lang, P. Auch, E. F. Bastedo, John Pendergest, William Rob- Wallis, G. Preston, Stewart/his home to juveniles was jailed for three months and his house declared a public place for one J J Fine Alternative pleaded not guilty to the offence. AJAX (Staff) -- James G.| Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck Finnan, 300 High St., Whitby,|said a police officer went to pleaded guilty to drinking under|tive who then entered the house e, and, on searching the place, Pickering Township Police|found six full bottles of liquor, Commerce street residence in| been complaints that Collier had Frenchman's Bay. been selling the liquor indiscri- Bodley stated the youth had|™inately to minors. He said story and admitted being under Collier said mosi of the liquor 21 and living in Whitby. Mag found in the upper part of Magistrate Jermyn told the the house which he did not oc- West German Plan A Diversion? Plowright, H. V. Gabriel, Karl drunk -|ford pleaded guilty to Jenkins, Miss L. Wolek, G, Hul- -|was stopped, after his wheel THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, November 7, 1964. 3 is intriguing. Ditching 1d s e Cl 0 Khrushchev line, he pla mainland China, but also leaves open the door for further nego- tiations with the West, particu- larly the U.S. Sensing this conciliatory, fence - straddling attitude, de Gaulle may feel the time is|* ripe for a special French un- derstanding with the Commu- nist world to show Washington, London and Bonn that the voice of France is not to be muffled in world affairs. Admits Stealing}. the drown. Licence Plate An Oshawa man was remand- ed for a week in Magistrate's Court Friday when he pleaded guilty to driving a car while under suspension and to steal- a number plate. e was John Dennis, 81 Park road south, who was remanded so the court can obtain a full record of his previous driving offences. Crown Attorney, said Dennis was stopped when driving.a car with only one number plate. He gave police a false name but later admitted stealing the num- ber plate from a parked car. Drunk Driving Charge Reduced AJAX (Staff) -- A charge of driving was reduced to one of impaired against Ed- emphasis on reconciliation. with ae sides: "eight horses or 20 men"', |awa ains' vues 9 to 6, "My brother pitched that game," said Herb. {square foot, and the Japanese all ber all this with such sharp tail nearly 50 years later? last night. "I know it r you weren't And he the Board of Directors of the parent Woolworth company (he is also a member of the com- bard ro *. finance com- e), wen' Albert street school. Todd's Bakery, which was lo- cated on King street west, on 116th Veteran Recalls Battles the Mr. Cook's only link with a sister-in-law. --Avion; 30 dead and 45/brother, rounded, transf Passchendaele -- Step off|7°™ ms father, Richard, duckwa! Iks and you could ---Arras, and the brewery was DRY when they got there. May 13, 1918, a baseball ie », t the Yanks with the 116th |. L4nd on Tokyo's main street, the Ginza, costs nearly $500 a --Christmas, 1918, "'the best -- no guns." How could Herb Cook remem- de- "I kept a diary," he admitted Of|say "a pound of Ginza clay is worth a pound of gold." to, but I did anyway." laughed, Mr. Cook, who today sits on PAUL RISTOW LTD. REALTOR 187 King East - 728-9474 He left school to work in mond F. Fulford, 100 King's crescent, Ajax, in Ajax Magis- strate's Court gy ogy = paired charge and was fined $100 by Magistrate Harry Jer- myn. Ajax Police Constable Robert Joel stated he had observed the accused at the Cue Pool Hail in the Ajax Shopping Centre and had warned him to get a ride or walk home. He later observed Fulford drive out of the centre and when left the pavement, the accused was unsteady on his feet, had a slurred speech and smelled strongly of alcohol. 253 VISITORS The Canadian Automotive Museum, 99 Simcoe street south, continues to attract visitors to Oshawa, During the past week 253 people visited the museum, bringing the total for 1064 to 28,000. Duirng the past week 59 students from A. E.Lovell Public School toured the mu- seum, VISIT braemor gardens (Stevenson Rd, N. end Annapolis Ave.) Community For Young Moderns and So-0-0-0 Convenient Dittmar, |Straberger, Mrs. J. Carroll, Len Weeks, Sold Liquor ertson, Jas. Lee, Whitby, Wil- year in Oshawa Magistrate's was fined $50 by Magistrate|Collier's house and purchased Sergeant Richard Bodley said/four bottles of wine and 144 told him that he lived at no|00tleggers were tolerated in youth to pay the $50 fine forth-| UPY- 13th donation: Don MacMillan,/Miss M. Hurst, F. Riouel, L. 12th donation: W. St. Louis, To Offi liam Keel, F. Locke, J. Lymer, 0 1cer Court Friday. Th*- man, Maur- Harry Jermyn in Ajax Magis-|a bottle of whiskey. he had observed the youth drink-| Pints of beer'. fixed address and was born in|/S0me areas where a "ludicrous with or spend 30 days in the V. Lavengne, Mrs. F. Hartford,|Davis, Mrs. M. Hoar, B. Blis- A. Mahaffy, J. Willeboer, J. M. Peyton, Miss F. Bligdon, G.} A man who sold liquor from Jail Term Is ice Collier, 253 Sinclair street, trate's Court Thursday when he) He gave the bottle to a detec- ing beer in the kitchen of aj Mr. Affleck said there had 1943, Later Finnan changed his|!@¥'" was in existence. county jail. NOTICE T0 ALL EX-SERVICE MEN ADMITS INTOXICATION Albert Hickey, 42, no fixed abode, was jailed Friday by DEPENDENTS Oshawa Magistrate's Court, when he pleaded guilty to being intoxicated in public. Bruce Affleck, Crown Attorney, said Hickey had a serious drinking problem and needed "'time to dry out". Hickey is awaiting trial at the sessions on another charge and will stay in jail until that court hearing. All ex-service personnel invited to take W. R. Householders! Save On FUEL OIL \ PHONE @ OIL BURNER SERVICE DEPARTMENT @ PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL @ AUTOMATIC DELIVERY DX FUEL OIL Wednesday, Nov. 18th and their dependents are advantage of « FREE LEGION SERVICE BUCK Assistant Secretary, Service Bureau, Toronto LEGION HALL, BRANCH NO. 43 RELAX YOUR WAY TO EUROPE BY WHITE EMPRESS This Is WHITE EMPRESS, Gentle touch of spray. Sky washed with sun. In 1965, sail WHITE EMPRESS ~-largest and newest liners on the St. Lawrence route--and capture the romantic mood of ocean adventure. Dance, swim, enjoy movies, masquer- ades, exceptional culsine. Special sailing from New York, March $1--first sailing from Montreal, April 15--both at Thrift Season fares. Start a WHITE EMPRESS holiday fund now! See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office, Also - enquire about Union Castle sailings from Southampton for a holiday in South and. East Africa. $222 MONTREAL-GREENOCK-LIVERPOOL -- Tourist Thrift Season Last 1964 sailing, Montreal-Liverpoo!, November 13. sgden information and reservations: RA. 3-2224 TRAINS / TRUCKS / CHIPS /PLANES /HOTELS/ TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM FROM 2:00 TO 5:00 P.M. ' Also from 7:00 p.m. to completion of business , . . to give skilled advice on one with questions on wa 668-3341 ito MR. C.. A, BRISEBOI Royal Canadian Legion, Veteran's Allowance (Burnt Out Pension) . . Treatment or Hospital care is"urged to call or write Veteran's Benefits, Any- DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Oshawo--Whitby--Brooklin: 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 r disability pension, War S, Business Manager of Branch: 43, 90 Centre Street Oshawa, who will arrange an appointment. MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH PHONE 723-9441

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