"14 THE OOMAWA TIME, Mander, Movember 9, 1964 _ "Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 w 12--Articles For Rent 16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY| meer 2" | Ae eee _DRAFISMEN ) SANDING MACHINES -- | for'si chrming women wre |W Accountents Building Trades Instruction (7 oe, Ls mn ons en tee poe i $68°3215 Whitty ey aerial it -- Ey , v3 t ST ers. @ELIABLE LADY to care for 7 children Yale, Fi RIEDLANDER "AND €6-, F. Ri BLACK, i PLUMBERS Ti oats -- \ pein pana ld cae ay eure STRUCTURAL ive in or out. T in Berkey th King Street Repairs & Remodeling ONTARIO Pl iit ey Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise se i EXPERIENCE 7B Ga » sidewalks, cup- = Forest FIRES wens $/i ind an SERS S| (Esme, | DRIVING ation end Dacertng | 2 St iis ie og aevor Whitby, Oh aie Alec, "1 tiled walle ggoll- pie bd SCHOOL SANDALWOOD priate yy wnat 6 Vi P. AINTERS EQUIPMENT rr, small aia INTERESTING ond remuner: coma coma fen F108. BES} Winer of Oda se tailed sab taboos Stonleeien clenituyn exten care ae ee Tmarning,| ive employ In the re- Sra We sar as F anoakire ;| motes, 725-9103. Learn to Drive 1964 Models 'Contractors ick ! dod sande. penn 4 [three or four hours, gaily. Apply. Hotel] pidly expending field of max Accountant, 'Suite 2050, Oshawa Shop- PICK-UP SERVICE ; X pi ma, waioapet | Shavartaitaiier eset to nat ping Centre 725-9953. j FOR ALL YOUR ROAD TESTS ARRANGED 875 Florell Drive 5 pelle on Fs paper SAsY SITTER re peor vied, Roi od Baa terial hondling, HOME REPAIRS Duel Control Cars 798-1367 ag LARGES | torches, propane torches, Bowmenvile, sauna ee) OppORTUNITY for edvonte- Bathrooms Kitchens Licensed Instructor sie T FROM THE G' WELDING EQUIPMENT --!|prve CLERK," coumaticion ired : Automatic and Standard HAVE YOUR PAINTING done by # good, : lence Sex 'GaP Oh. -| ment and permanent employ- Rec Rooms a 3 Acetylene welding outfits, | e*perience ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account- clean painter. Free estimates. Telephone Yow u 4 200: amp. electric welders. fn ae, sod " lassinied "Aavertising 'De. De. 'it 0: iting the 'rig! ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, B. "WILKINS 728-7843. iv Oniori. Telephone 723-12) Oshawa 728-6934 40 | ie ee : HOPKINS, BEADLE AND 0." Charier 728-3307 | Personal Service nt ii aUnEeRS EQUIPMENT --|evening work, Apply. Hotel Lancaster, 29| With @ well established repute fo, rk Sere, Eom, Onnaws, LEARN TO DRIVE (Pi _ CLOTHES. Made Yo order. 'Ar der. Any size aa why 2 , fe Pech = Kina 'res wee skeet ave able y, A iw atterns necess " s ie Ontario, 725-3509; 5. Hecate Quality Cneiors a te ae ase ope aaa Sate , tric vibrator, air compressor, | Experience not necese Dery. raining aveik| mew ond 'nobis cir condi- R ry Oshowa Driving School pectin FF al 'atc., seil. Watkins Sane ' jack hammers, hand trowels, able. Write full particuiars enclosing re tioned Antiques and General Repairs gacscricble. setes, stondaid Tne Taeaiae. water pumps, portable heat- owe Clark Studio, 325 Brock) © plont, HIDDEN CORNER -- Antiques bought) Try our prices on rec rooms; 4 ers, steel scaffolding, electric, | North ' : Leyte tn, Bc | cupboard, for cling ond | pyoicsoreinacen, [Plumbing and Hesting geneolor amet power rok EARN ATG OREL, rg Raet| Excell fringe banat fcc cael wall tiles, arborite etc. Satis- 728-009 ie TUTee Mt Coons eos remodelling, TV--Radio R 10 lers, electric hommers, mas- |Noveities, etc. Over 350 Items, For tree, Barristers foction ronteed, W, - : Eetimate tree. Biel 7251191, J. Foley. eat ate apeire Articles fer Sele Oe a Rito on approval end the fastest service, JOaePH P.WANGAN, G6, Sollon| L MACKOY 725-8576 | er AWA AND WHITBY __ ALL PLUMBING and heafing" supoiles.|C1vY TY, vor earnest slog, re. chain hoist, miter saw, elec- |Jeendron Greeting Card Co., 1283 King Apply in writing te Money to loan, Office 14 King Street HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton| Telephone 725-3521, Horold H. stark, Lid.,|2 ra 9 | HAVE A SECRET fone! ek 7 |Street East, Hamilton. Ontario. East, Oshawa 728-8232. tap RA.D., Ballet, Highland, Register| Plumbing, Heating and ing, 255| Avenue. Telephone 725-0500. tric plane, tarpaulins, 14 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT . Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122.| Simcoe Street South WE PAY MORE bandsaw, 4 joiner, sand 17----Male Help Wanted EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, I. ANB VICTOR, Barristers, soletors, No] CEMENT WORK |tittian man mans, ocx Rug-Upholitery Service Well Drilling--Digging SELL FOR LESS blaster, power tamper, power Simeoe Street vor oma eyed pions: nee oa School, Kinder ee riders sh ave ini 2oineh file, ow Ward 204 Cheated Buying or selling used fur- en ee ae ; Are you between 17 and 23, MATHEWS T. K. © 3 OF 'i [Masonic Temp! 7 rs 'est, ¥, 668-2563 or 668-3809. ji relghion,, QC) orf LOORS, cual rl Ty OSHAWA niture and applionces, Call ST, AN S Looking for a steady job Goch, ms Janitor Service doch, QC, 723-4768; J. C. Victor, vis rife 1--Women's Column Valley Creek Furniture ; : cir i, oem" "| BL MCLEAN |atranron-noumewvarrarzs| 9 CLEANERS --_|rannairnrs or econ. Pigg tai |16)4 Bond W.--7284401 | Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, |And a career with a future?! CC)NVEYER JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, "594 oy imedemn Machine: Pree': morenates, Rug ond Upholstery Vee rete Spo aig se Then consider the Canadian : Barrister 20d Soles ising me. Kin Phone 725-5946 |v, mosern machine i sey WHITBY'S LOCAL SUPPLIER PHONE 723-3224 °| Army. Today's modern army COMPANY LTD. ario. Cillent parking| FOR TRENCHING end complete septic Cleaning. At ried siete af 2----Personal off West, Oshawa, Ont: pei i our home, " fers more in every woy. available. 725-4716 or 725-4717, fank installations, all, meteriels, Included. Money To Loon iny Texaco Furnace Fuel Oil and ar univ; con se la @ Port Hope, Ont. ; Barristers, Son-|C#!!_Frank Brink, Hampton 2632710. CALL 725-9961 ' Stove Oil FREE Burner Ser- Brides, Bridesmaids, gowns, Q : eg i Maia' Merinooe funds A Lage age ond repairs, Fe |gond credit' I'l| tend" you vp to'S3000. to EWESTERFIELDS reupholiered ond re Removal of superfluous hair, vice. "blue coal" - Cannel crinolines, headpieces, veils, trade or specialty and . im available. 36%a King Street East, 723-1107. rroget nly % i" Free estimates.) cur payments in half or tess for consoll- styled. Free Lo cg yg pohugdtinwe Marie Murduff will be in Coal, Semet-Solvoy Coke, mink stoles, white fox furs, prove your education, ae vey HYMAN AND HYMAN, B.arrister, 7 a . dation or any worthwhile purpose. Tele-lto7 "re covering, Dalton hiclteter " Oshawa, Nov. 9th, 10th, Wood, BUILDING SUPPLIES. dishes; cutlery, glosses, hove a chance to see Canada TIRE citors, Notaries, Sulte 305, The phone Toronto 481-5289, Charles Street, 723-7212. 11th. Phone Genosha Hotel . ; and fascinating overseas King Street East, vas iaT. i17.| Cartage SAWDONS' tables, chairs, church run- countries too, If you like it, Building CHESTERFIELDS snd old chairs, re| On these dates for appoint- i clients 'nds avelieble, for _ me ee .| JOHN'S MOVING AND cARTAGE, | Mortgages SuGaal live kaise GO The tell tor has | ment. LIMITED Nets, you can stay on for a useful - Louis $, Hyman, @C: Herbert S. HYI#N| Oshawa, Whitby. Ressbnable rates. Fully Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe St, Call ELECTROLYSIS (Whitby) SARGEANT'S RENTALS and satisfying career. Good SERVICEMAN . -- , 728-6451, Free estimates, 244 Brock S. 3524 463 Ritson S, 725-3338 poy, free medical and dental Young Man pan gas Firma eet, Eas Dial iy types of aaa Bey NEED MONEY? AEUPHOLSTERING by experts Eviab- 723-4641 rock $ 668-3524 care, a clothing allowance, 20 to 30 Years citors, etc. 114 jn, RB J. M, Greer, 7 years. Complete range of mater- . 3 5 30 day' id holid e ¥ las Workmanship guaranteed five years, JANSSEN'S COUNTRY Taping Weddings taped beh Ll Granite euiue on To Sell Repair Ge, fas.asss) Terence V. Keily, BA, BCI, Cate TO REFINANCE YOUR rers Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses 728-5832. d recorded -- Ma f : f ; Ce ee riaaeeriatitinainan:inteieannieipeantinann egies" MORTGAGE? re-built; Furniture refinished. Oshawa LEN PULLAN on ster © and Servi TT ) BOY and HILL-| PONTIAC INN, under new pholstering Cori: DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET ; all included. Many sports and ce Tires San povieeee Tioners <i weasr meee ay) ene Cee Ceremonies work. P.A. sys- hobbies ore available to fill Experience preferred but con- Host of imported fruit, veget- terns, tape recorders, tapes, in your spare time, Any woy sideration and training will ent. icitors, 36% King wit cater for wedd weddings" benauers, et, TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? = /795.0313. (English Tailor) . bag soared TO BUY A COTTA! R x refini i oi eee eet OFS. eine ° =? re er Ghd on cama. Posner CUSTOM TAILORING obles, apples sold by the donces, intercoms -- Hi-Fi you look et it, it is hard to be given to on alert and am- Dentistry Free estimates. Whitby. 4666-5753 or . bushel. Excellent winter po- equipment beat. bitious individual who desires ture by J. and J, Custom Furniture. TO REPAY HIGH COST 668-5376, Suit and Dress Alterations . BIALEK, DR. ©. B. -- Dental Surgeon, LOANS tatoes permanent empolyment. Invisible Mending ; Com) . pany paid pension, hosp- 1 incen, ietaac ne Tieiua | Let's discuss, without obti- [Sales end Service ab Pence Sr rang | RAR AINE W728 9429. Gudgeon Associates | among the many openings | fizchon'eod ireennon tba ti "a lans: |@UARANTEED repairs fo all wringer UIT Se tc dtl Sound Equipment there should be one thot just gation, your financial plans: washers and rangcs. Free estimates. Call|ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of T quip! if are among the many benefits Dressmaking Our 10 to 15 year long- |Yostyan bad Wymen-C. campbell. "Plesse prone! Lone Craft Paint Co, 723-5121 fits you so if you ore be- available. DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses,| term 2nd mortgage with low Se "7 Servi Sallect, Mire. Wren Cempeell, Cobeures| 19 BOND W., 723-4922: |e p ee, eae mee -- 17 ond yp single, with APPLY IN PERSON TO alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting) interest and small repa t t rvice ht 2 51 a MB OC OR ' y card and banquet tables, church) ot least grode 8, contact your Building Trades & specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby. 668-2972. may prove much easier for ptic ALL WOOL double Knity, made to mes-| 00's rolls prepasted paper aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 312] Army Recruiter at the ed. | MR. £.N. HARRIS, Mgr TILES -- Ceramic, mosaic, wails, Vinyl,|LADIES, THINK THRIFTY! Alterations, SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, promot service! sure, All kinds of wool sweaters, pull! Reg. up to $1.95. Sale price mene eerwer_ [SOC Seen SEeeare dr below, He'll gi ou ; floors' ate. Contracts invited. mending' and style changing. Ressonable| YOUr budget. on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street overs, cardigans, shirts, sports and ele-| -59c WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, "6 Se ie pe cat B. r Goodrich fetes. Per 728-1823 West, Whitby, 668-2563. i gants. Ladies, men, children. For appoint reducing, machines, sick room supplies.| full information at no obliga- el eel CORONATION \5 jment 723-9075, ________| All Paints. 20% Discount |aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644, tion -- OR -- mail in the St os urveyors : CLARK STUDIO -- oll paintings, bur. (Formerly Preston's) HALL AVAILABLE for private parties,| coupon. Don't miss this op- ore ROOFING, concrete, floors, filet roofing) wear. High quelity work. Cail 668-8463. 4 7 ' ? laps, art lessons, models. Open -- -------- ----- |Gances, banquets, etc. tt it} i i j Ei ial ke" wd. Rec] ever tere arent ver.) TNIVESTMMENT |S esr" Bigm arn Boe tingh, Snurcna' a arok "Wor Th| ALAR poser arr on alight ne tet fay "itag| Donny, for @, steady, job | 88 King St. West and Construction, RR 3, 725-4937. Gardening and Supplies 725-6881. WINN SFr tar Seats CONTIG Stee Te thn eee, Line Muemere Raney T2aer, | Se» ee awe Oshawa, Ontario neys bolt A ean? : Wings ir CO. LTD. Trade Schools ; [Hunting krat collar, cuffs. 775-3887. | ENTERTAINING = rity de,one, hundred serving: Lanere. pratt ica ree - i i meee < GIRL'S coats and ski-jacket, good conditl stalled) roots repaired, Free estimates. "'TOP SIZE A pointe ga-ga onan 7 ose or moose. 10.121, man's winter coaty sie. 40, pret Fre Mgr 'arches patie, Ren: CANADION ARMED FORCES LAB TECHNICIAN inh ce load North. sonable rat 723-2) DON EVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, m" SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD ATTENTION WILE Gut up 'venison. information| PRIVATE sale of household ee IE. RECRUITING CENTRE. tario Land Commercial bive BULBS . furniture Clair 360 King St. West le felephone 728240 or Whitby. 6a8- | GaavaTayse™® Se,neveenolg, Mraiure, |] 3 Business Opportunities| 2° >: Toth nea Foot QUALI T Y | RESIS |. F pttinahinrtsiniline 1 catia aiton pcan B 7, your carpentry work TULIPS 723-2265 (after hours 723-7996) | MEN | 10-- -Articles for Sele PLY KILLING units for sale and rent. Gren very Gon taints pe pd \. TORONTO 7, Ontario ae Automatic Cluster Fly control, Try be|tion. Business includes stock and equip- Phone: 924-7344 - 924-7345 GENERAL REPAIRS, carpentry, Improvernents, Grille Vroom, IRIS S man ALL TYPES buliding repairs, chimneys, Ni Pp Mortgage Mone ° TANK, 1000 gallon. sullable for ell, gas-|FOr appointment call 723-6959. Don Strad-" Coupon oged 20 to 25 wae @ mini- Soy gid [eceicel, slovak: boy lena" he . bl Y Heavy Equipment CLEARANCE oline, ete. Reasonable, 726-5179. Olly G8 | oot, Real Estate, 728-4403, 1/1 mum of grade 12 education. caren tial lc DAFFODILS valiabdie 8 3" 8", 20. ft,. |BUY AND SELL -- Good used fmiture| BEAUTY SALON, Simcoe Street North,| Please provide me with de- Shift work, Monday through FOR TRENCHING and complete septic " Ke . Operators sir ag ' *- |and appliances, One location only. Pretty/ Oshawa location. Business and equip-| toils of Career openings Friday. Experience mot ne- Cal Frank Brink, Hampton 263-2710. SCILLA Ow interes Be 6" 6"s, 20 f. and four-room apartment, $125. Dougies CHIMNEYS, new and rebuilt, roofing PAPERWHITES Are in demand for bull- eich x 6's, 10A--Market Basket ir Me Bullted, "Realtors '72-1168. : T ENC ; MORTGAGE COMPANY for sale, Earn Cooper Smith Co. RESIDENTIAL | graders, draglines, back- | Joist 2" x 6s, 12 ft. lengths |S! per bushel. 'R. Eyman five mites east| se A division of Coca-Cola Ltd. 723-1139 SUMMER PROPERTIES | @q by top instructors right AT 25% OFF APPLES -- Macs, Courtlends, Spys.| added. "Plus 'seperate tworsednocr, tos '42-5080 north of Whitby, No, 12 Highway. Large frontage on main highway, $12,500 Specializing In re-roof Setting fife and ail Kings of repsirs. J.'c- Members Ontario delay --- erquire now. CAPONS, dressed, oven ready, 5i4 Ibs,| GOWN, easy terms. Taxes $70. Apply own- Singin, 329.6803, TOP SOIL -- FILL | Marteece Eroters Association | Wilts aiving nome, odd: Apply Poultry Farm Bnd up. $2.50 each, Delivered. 'Telephone rik jHussel, RR 2. Cameron, Ont nine] 1 ast Grade Completed .. MACHINIST Seiwume anaer Gono SOD SUMMERLAND | ress and telephone num- of G.E. SCOTT, | oRDens jor tresiers, Roasting & chickens. 16--Femate Help Wanted Must be experienced' and "eupboerés 6" specatty. 'call CROCUS | 17 to 49 725-0256. | fore you buy! Call 668-2200 ment, $4,000. down or trade for -house. We require mew and repaired, sidewalk and concrete een, Lane tank Installations, all materials Included. NARCISSUS Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, _ |Mment, $2,000, monthly rental of salon! in the Canadian Army. cessary. and rea woes and ged F, Me Valuation, Arranged | dozers, scrapers, motor Joist 2" x 8's, 12 ft. lengths | SPANISH onlons $250 per bushel corroly linen ay tert Pe cont, olneton San Nome .ccvccececsessecs 16 CELINA ST. CITY AND DISTRICT hoes, and shovels. If you 1 inch footy : and sheeting. | church on hyy. 2. Open Sunday also, TEXACO GAS Station, fully equipped) Address sessevccvvecuse " ix, Ontario e ROOFING, painting Tathing, jaulaTng | VACANT LAND cn the equipment. Don't RETAIL PRICE Secors. Maybelle Orchards, one milélern bungalow, with all: city conveniences. AGO civadetceccasevvas Y work, painting pet ggideact og Bochagyl | psc atrting ns | Ibs, -- $1.25. apeiivery on 10 or more food. P. Nelle. 506 Bruce Street, 728-2061. | 723-116) Hwy. No. 2 (Halfway between | Telephone 728-5291, THERE ARE | | Oshowa an i a Reus caa --T Sal Classified Rates | OSHAWA | SECURITIES NATION, S00. oF TYPEWRITER: ane SS cca 10B--Farm Column DIETITIAN'S CAREER cciAll ioe Benefits 112 Simcoe St. North | -- Saainnal saree Sacco 3 hd O: nawa. "Ontario - 725-3568 | BOX F3 gels cre Tt iy idee Uense 38 meee Secadastik | for Conditions 4 : | FOC CONRHON: TARTS. | five Insertions of 24 words $432, 86a WASHED STONE, FILL | Ist Time in Canada | T¥__Radio Repairs Sense eas wine cath tise Wo ones mnt. breterveln. Now henner -- 0 per cent additional Excavating, lots levelled, grey fur collar $7; Call 725-1383, "a | s Shere Wonotpeld within 7. days LOADERS, "TRUCKS FOR 15 Year TRADE-IN appliances, Must be sold. Re- PET TIME"' | CANADIAN CROVEN LTD. Method of counting -- Less than 24 RE | \/ TOWERS frigerators, stoves, dryers, washers and . ; A | Pp | D. initial, figure re coos BEATTY. HAULAGE 2nd Mortgages TV's, Re-conditioned, $19 up. Honest Wild Bird Mixture | pply Personne ept. ARMY Whitby 668-3325 a @ humber cour } BROS cearia 725-2156 | CORONATION Economy ond vires. cane Gta! gunriowet Seed = | AJAX & PICKERING REGULAR MECHANIC BIRTHS -- Di - | Deluxe Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191. Fine Cut Grains | GENERAL HOSPITAL | whe hove reached thelr 17th | | IMI like new; national register; ad-|DEBAD end cripplea farm stock WORD. ADS GARDEN CENTRE | aig OPERATION |S mostine. wephane Fae" lap Norongi marge cor", Farms] = ASSISTANT OPPORTUNITIES | --Good Working tive Insertions of 24 words $2.88 LOAM an RAVEL | a ------------| Out of ¢ iri ited. ic, $14, both ition. 7: 1. i In. ital di -- fe) and G EL of town enquiries invite tic, $1 good condition, 10C--Pe Pets and. Livestock | Experience hospital diets YOUNG MEN CALL C. TAYLOR tional words 18 each | working eonditions In the words counts as 24 words, each word, Cal's, 424 King' West, 726-9191, SOCIAL NOTICES i Investment Co. Ltd. Priced to suit your budget | ObD_gun_wanted, telephone 725-8163, Peanut Hearts Gat nok hide Sah Mnhieve For Service Station ' ginal charge: If not paid with-in MERION KENTUCKY in oKEMORIAMS BLUE GRASS Wilson's Furniture. 20 Church St. f | lic Co, the field, . . 5 : | : S22 Sercatter pus' the per ine of | tnereducee long - amt 18 OSHAWA TV ONMIDA stainless steel cutlery, *ehare"| Purity Dog Meal SALESLADY Army Recruiter Apply STATHAM B.A. verse 25 additional charge If not S O DS | YEAR COPEN. = "Sacond 4 Pattern, 100 settings. Coke glasses, 75 $8.45 cwt. at the King and Ritson paid within 7 days. cents per dozen. 725-3; CARDS OF THANKS | | mortgages, Borrow whot you wR Ln fh SOM RE REO | . rs $2.00 for the first 35 words and te | INSPECTION WELCOME =| _-need on the security of your ac vt LIMITED FURNITURE = 3 gg hs agg ne PURINA DOG CHOW | FOR JEWELLERY Armouries, Oshawa SERVICE STATION each thereatter, with 2c | home -- Re 361 GIBBONS ST. bedroom, living room, kit MASTER DIET | rge if not paid within 7 days a We pay in smoll 9 room, kitchen ensembies, | Nov. 10th and 24th ATTENDANT COMING EVENTS TO ALLGREEN | monthly poyments over 10 7) GY col, 63 weekly, Unneateeie Valve! PURINA KIBBLE MEAL -- | & GIFTWARE from 10 A.M, till 2 P.M. : Sper inch (Okay) $140 fe me | NURSERY SOD GROWERS | 0 15 yeors | 8-8180 MASTER BISCUITS --_| y Required (Word Ads) | For full detoj 1 Fevntianevorernrrtatrinis new Oates _..| BEDROOM SUITE SALE-- Spiece sultes, MEAT STEW Experience preferred. Reply | ownline N. 44 mile north of Or Tull detaiis, cot T SALES | m) ee A AUCTION SA\ . $99.88 up. Floor samples, new and LOAF In writing, stati 1 GENERAI elephone + gis $2.10 per Inch per Insertion | Tauton Village 725-9674 | f {continued fines! Easy t B DEADLINES BLUE VELVET sop [DCPOFIELD-AKER| TV TOWERS sect ea | worsen tena | Sule MAINTENANCE ee ea Supplied ond Laid 360 King Sr, West satad"ana' tara' Cy, soe wh Cooper Smith Co. Box 620 appears OST_AND FOUND | an An nn 10 years experience, $50, Trio Televisi Sibi as Seat Steck, Rackary stones, Side g pntenna Renae. gain 6 Celina Street OSHAWA TIMES MEN UPHOLSTERER * F POOL T 7 11 models, } { CiAssirie® piety walk Slabs, Cedar Hedges. MORTGAGE TRIO Malor Pool Equipment, 490 Dreke 'sire, «723-1139 APPLY column -- 4 p.m. day preview COMPLETE LANDSCAPING x Oshawa, 725-9151. After hours, 725-3661. | OODLES, miniature, healthy puppies, PART TIME Required for hospital, main- 2 couron or larger wYie"am. dey HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING LOANS GUNS --- Bought, sold. Traded. Repaired ored one silver, chemplon sired, roeles tenance department. -- Full DALTON EXNCELLATIONS AND R.R. 4--Bloor E, 723-9020 nie ee bet bony Sea TYPIST - RECEPTIONIST | range of benefits, with 5 day UPHOLSTERER Sheteer the eee | Moneys for first mortgages ' Phone Port Perry 985-2 Fi CORRECTIONS FURSERY $0D, cut dolly; sand loom| jny, ° 7acu BEAGLE $ hr. week. For full details J t at 7% VACUUM repairs, ail makes, 5 hounds (two). Apply 96 Beat. for ae 2 Am, day of publication and, gravel, Armstrong Sod. Telephone thy Ao lhot 5 brushes, et. Pickup. delivery, Aae2i3 | rice Street position 'and salary, please 75 CHARLES foorword reps obo rumbers fo SANDER paves Gravy Wa pane wih--Sreviy--Kake| No bonus 171 BOND ST. E, OSHAWA [Pickering nerve Male Street ADORABLE baby Siamese. ittena,'won:| REAL ESTATE OFFICE | %pPiy in Person ot or PHONE 723-7212 possible |plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-3104, ped charge for valuations : Juice EXTRACTOR sale all roa Christmas. Call Gai-Lee Cattery, 728-9609, HOURS 5-9 P.M PERSONNEL OFFICE bd fmt coin wepiiity | In "reapedt ot TREE to trim? Cail "Sim". Or aut them ortgages and Agreements 728-51 43 Free demonstration. SO sad and|BBAUTIFUL, baby budgies, ray for aioli TV SERVICE ll IR gy A delay In for- |SOWN. Free estimates. 725-8118 or 728-0610. purchased. cormpare. Buy r" ove ve. Th8ltraining, talking strain, Apply Mrs, TECHNICIAN warding such replies, however caused . Moneys for second mortgages Sunshine $ shop," 24 Prine Street, Oshawa. | Broad, 114 Elgin East, Monday' through Friday OSHAWA *, whether by negligence or otherwise. Instruction Fost service | TV SERVICE HONEST CAL'S Furniture 'end appll-lCozvd RANCH, Kennel, Registered| Sq Experienced dhauffeur's li- The Times will not be r _ ances. Name brands at biggest discounts|German Shepherds, puppies. Champion turday 12 noon to 5 p,m, GENERAL cence, good wages, steady repiles uncalled for in 20 days M. F. SWARTZ DAY OR EVENING anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever-| bloodlines. Stud services, Boarding, Quar- employment. REGULATIONS TUTORING 264 King St. East a ae ter cetaeee or lin ara | © Write Box 438 , roe The Oshawa Times wilt not bere | Classes now in session at Oshawa, Ontario OSSAWA WE BUY, » Gar eat rooDuns Miniatures, registered. $75.) _ Oshawa Times HOSPITAL HOSICK TELEVISION WE BUY, sell hange Oe ue han | Academic Tutoring College. | LECTRONICS ture of 'anyining vou have, "The fon |ene eda od = : writing, not for more than one inser- All ages, grades, subjects. | 723-4697 EL. ; Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street| STANDARD BRED road horse, \i-year- JEWELLERY ESTIMATOR EXPERIENCED carpel layer, for Osir tion of any advertisement, nor beyond , 1 South, 723-1671 old, harness and buggy. Phone Hampton ji awa and district, Write full particulars to Re er ee tee cnals rawr: ----~ ees English |SIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale THREE ROOMS of turnilurey sive B0-No| im Saleslady Required Box 603, Oshawa Times. Yon, of the advertisement "In which ience, etc. From student's | 89reements purchased and sold. Hennick T.V. TOWERS down payment, $14 monthly at Honést|WILL BOARD horses in Courtice erea.| : TRUCK DRIVER for fuel oll, married, own textbooks, private or |Eest, sayin term $1 King Street pide Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191, | Telephone -725-5940 Xperience preferred Out net i over 25, mechanically inclinéd. Willing And Aerial Service PROSE a rea necessary, Permanent posi- Moveable metal -- partition to learn furnace work, Steady employ- The ° Osnews T Imes teserves the = group. It clay saveising ee she rivitdas td pp Bs Se Bs " SOUTH END T.V Geek Renin idea nati "s,| Ul. 11--Articles Wanted 1 tion. monufacturer "offers oppor- | ment. Apply 238 Kaiser Crescent. In fe cane of laplay"advartiuorente ACADEMIC Toke Sue Creighton." Deynan, + V+ liBM electric typewriter, 723-444. | WANTED to buy used chest of drawers, APPLY tunity for a man with exper- |FIRST CLASS berber waited as soon ae J = Muri -- -- -- ---- -- tr t 7 i ~ tie ings Sern ore TUTORING COLLEGE eet) |B. PARE. PROP. |auyine_ og gatung "rng l2aet teense" cm] | BURNS JEWELLERS | ence sing plans ond sect. [Simi So te ea which the actual error occupies. The lip urray ppliances. Cal mer, Hay lon 26: see gunlnatiih wehatbeaedeotncn-ot saison i LTD. ' A in pions conus rence st | CALL 723-6701 | Per Month 728-6879 rit aml Piano WANTED, rep worm 8853] 0 sinul's W cater #0 rain. os comeory Se oat eer ee advertising matter correctly, but as- : G4 BEDROOM SUITE "mattresses, a4-| price offered. Write Sebastian Hohmann, estimator, - Permanent, full loyment. Apply in' person. to. Ales | Lb FO it | [RARRaR RRS USTED A tied hca Rai ARORCIoP SR 2 RR No, | ope sume no liebility of advertisment. if ' | bed t, jo. 1, Oshawa. ADDITIONAL - parttime artist's figure' ; ' 1 ed, daily for one chrome set, chesterfield and chair, URGENT, two desparate students requiye| Models required. Experience not neces- benefits. Location --- Ajax. |Hardware, Alax Shopping Centre. $2.00 per insertion " 25 cents ad- ed Teleph The foremost Canadion Pub- TERMS ARRANGED --|taw. itary tin Sopseaona beer priee'| Bird Feeding Stations | sabi Cinin'K Linens any Ineccuracies In any form are con * Pa refrigerator; stove. 264 Huron street. tained, herin Whitby Driving School Too small NOW 'Phone 725-0349, two copies of the fourth edition of 'Auto| s#ry. Training available. Write full par-| : TIME STUDY JUNIOR for expanding UP advertisement cancelied before ' Hievlars -enciosing recent photographs. holstered furniture manufacturer, Exper- publication wil be charged one cays | J. A. OSTERHOUT--Owner be noticed? ~nnem----enmvemes Mechanics by W. Crouse. Any price con- Telephon | aive via Service Calls Till © aor cms, arian Saeeitnehen|eaere. Call Onve 7ibais, 8140 12 pn. | Me eM Bh 3 ss age eed ir eek Se ae ner Dual Controlled Cars one ore a ervice Valls Ii files, furniture. We buy, sell, rent, serv- Small "country hotel dining| ' pos ¢ Iifies "for ambitious Individual." Apply IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Personal Courteous Service. | ' el 9 p M lice. Largest stock, budget. terms. New| ¥2---Articles For Rent foom. Telephone Coboconk 454-3301, | 942- 6500 |Braemore Upholstering Ltd., 100 Wingold TIMES ACTION WANT AD Fully Licensed and Insured. |Musical Services and used. Low overhead, low price. Bill ENTERTAINING -- Fifiy fo one hundred|RELIABLE housekeeper to keep Rouse Avenue, Toronto, 19, Telephone RU 7-1695. ee Hamilton, Raglan and mind four children. Live in gee er Bona teal lana: people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban|® Or BOWMANVILLE, Whitby, "Aix, 1 700 ¢ part- MARRIED man to erate apple ore Call Classified Direct DIAL 668-4176 DANCE MUSIC-- Roond S Mle Sevies| = T -R.1.0.. Television lene HARDWOOD, onetoot length |auels, parties, weddings, -anniversaries,| Particulars call 723-1296 after S p.m. [Hoe Daber boys. alse boys wanted be-|chard, with some knowledge ef" cattle, « [ mA Recorded music for all ecoasions, Seri 17.75 single cord, Diei 723-228) after Facilitiea, ba', kitchen, rking, Ree-|MATURE, experienced bookkeeper, five-| tween er and Taunton Road,|House supplied. Apply Box 428 Oshawe 723-3492 1010 Dundas E., Whitby |erou, races 728-5143 14 pam, Jecnable rates, 72-2100, dey week, 9 a.m, to 8 p.m, Dial 942-2401,17256647, Mrs, Lee, Times Classified Advertising Department,