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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Nov 1964, p. 9

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EE eg ea gE ABEL EARLS CG ATS RS ta et RIOTS JIM _TRIFUNOV Switched To Wrestling | Leading Teams Se ree es Gerard Cote, Canadian In Old Country | sorstce sictnion wie. LOMDGM (Aph-ctailtile off Om Gaited & ; four be ' ' top teams in Sia Country ao Fe! Athi ¥ ; '% ecause 1S Ose (meeeouam Lskcun | of 3 fnhers, 9 years ag { . ee vision I today--in 1940, Cote ran the" By WALTER KREVENCHUK "Wrist watches came out thejcoach of Canada's wrestling WTL F APt| 2-mile, strut cnet WinsIPEG (CP) -- "They next year and nobody wore|team--1952 at Helsinki, 1956 at|Man. United 11 4 2 40 1826) two hours, 34 6.3 kept hi me on the nose," ¢ watches any more," Tri-|Melbourne and 1960 at Rome. |Chelsea 10 5 2 35 1625) seconds -- just one said Jim Trifunov, gently rub- recalls with a smile. |He also m the 1954 Brit-|Leeds 10 2 4 34 2622] off the course record. i the prominent protuber- In Canada, Jim was well es-jish Empire Games team in|Nott. Fo 9 4 4 38 2822 A ance. tablished as one of the best/ Vancouver. Blackburn 845 36 2520 BD ty mgd Aap Aygo Bo ee ye Sera Ses tan eae ~ thn | ae 8 45 33 2820 in concedes he over-e: er - |} won silver m % from boxing to wrestling, self in the 1926 championships |four bronze in the Olympics. Division II It was a rewarding decision. when he entered three divi-|Why don't they win more? |Northampton 9 6 2 24 1624 the next three decades ions. He won the bantam and| "It's the age of dedication," |Newcastle 10 3 4 30 1823 the Yugoslavian - born Tri- fatherweight but met his Wa-|Trifunov says. "Thirty years |Norwich 9 2 6 28 2220 . funov won 10 Canadian ama- terloo in lightweight Jim Mc-|ago you could have won without |Plymou' 926 26 2620 teur championships, ted Kinnon. sacrificing x Bolton 917 43 2919 in three Olympics (he won a 'After 10 minutes as underdog| But to reach gold medal class -- 4 : : 3 2318 f bronze medal in the bantam- <jiterally--Trifunov looked up|now athletes have to push as Crysi Palace 917 2% 2419 weight class in 1928), coached at the referee and pleaded: |much into their specialty as he | CTY' i a ES iat ane aya |G he aad om aes) inn | or you low a fall?" 4 Grimsby T. 11 6 3 35 2298 Bat et, Saale "rue fve = foot » five 128 He "ral that be eave alllpraiol R108 $M Hh tling committee. pounder also won the British) sharpen relecps for wreatting, |orneene 11 5 5 35 2427 Reminiscing the other day Empire bantam title in Iss) [and also wrestled at least i Bee Be about his first Olympic journey Se n the v-\times a week. ; to Paris in 1924, he said: : pie alg erode pee "You kind of wonder whether Division IV cers never have pone. £ fling. At 28. he ays, "it didnt|it*, wort all the sacrifice. But Bradford | 1010 1 43 96 30 | fling." mean much beating a youngster | iy, vores --o raeoee R. 13 2 5 55 23.28 ae was in action for three og ante Pgey more to/ wnat outs doing" . praxten . : ; 2 rtd ; i his fi t : e youngster to lose." Wh ; manta ens rt mAh guacnyreuting ina la Teuny, who mared for Tyee wetter ans et iBemee" SS SB Be Trifunoy was a little wiser in|#"4 defeat. Leader-Post in Regina, moved|member of Canada's sports hall 1928 in Amsterdam, except for|GIVEN WATCH to Winnipeg in 1936 to join The |of fame is teaching wrestling SCOTTISH LEAGUE the "rolling fall." He lost only| sie bronze medal earned him Free bard a BB nih is|to youngsters .at Winnipeg's Division I 'ye one match, to the Finn who won|, ovation and an inscribed e reulation ager. |Central YMCA. Kilmarnock 92021 620\% the gold meds}. because he in-|pocket watch when he returned| BECAME MANAGER | pled L722 on | racpting. a dole, asioak (name 12, Rexing, the ety in| Sireen years later be made) Hw aly Eniovgiumemin $23 & ii * |whic s parents had settle e first of ee consecutive E The referee later told him you| hen he was five. lolympic trips as manager- uva 0 njoys Celtic 623 22 2014 yl as roll Lancing both your Division II j ee ae ihe ape : shoulders touching the ground, 7 : - ' nit ti Lita MN siicactapaae nile --- 'MR. RANGER' NOW? Brief Workout Stirling Albion 11 $ 1 37 1195 PLAIN THE FAULKNER BROTHERS (L-TO-R) ALEX, GEORGE AND JACK tion Hel . J eee or FILTER TIP Operation Helps a 4 ' ee REE CIGARETTES a ' le FORM SOLID UNIT Ford'sLeftArm | Emile 'The Cat' Francis (es ee.ssct,coms|iierie" 053 3 ia es HOUSTON (AP) -- Doctors cut a nerve in Whitey Ford's Faulkner Brothers at a oa Faltered Near By DAVE BUTLER Grand Falls, Nfld., and later HARBOR GRACE, Nfid. (CP)|played with Quebec Citadels of When a promising young player|the now-defunct Quebec Junior rises quickly through the ranks,/Hockey League. then falters near the top, the) He says he was ready for a sense of regret is understand-|call from the parent Montreal able. Canadiens. But when he was in- When it happens to three|formed the call wasn't coming, members of the same family,/he returned home. it can be a real heart-breaker,| The next Faulkner to give the not only for the men them-|majors a try was Alex. In four for all who seasons he moved from New- accomplishments./foundiand junior hockey to De- Faulk-|troit Red Wings. He played a and| full NHL schedule in 1962-63 but big|injuries kept him from appear- more than 35-last sea- son. League pool This year he felt fit and ready careers began the road back to) but Red Wings tabbed him for senior hockey. Alex made it but/the minors. Alex decided to lasted less than two seasons. (quit and came home. ' The consolation is that Con- eeption Bay Ceebees should bejand placed with Johnston Jets a is Jack was scouted by Detroit e Yankee pitcher should be throw- ing the ball again by spring training next year. A spokesman said a sympath- etic nerve which supplies the muscular artery was cut allow- ing the blood to flow more freely to the arm, The shoulder was not entered during the operation, the club. spokesman said, and therefore Harbor Grace has won it only|Ford's muscular co-ordination twice since it was put up in|should be entirely normal, 1935. perfo "We are content to stay in us te Deoun' Comer a i Harbor Grace for the rest of surgeon. Top "T have visions of the Herder Memorial Trophy sitting in Har- bor Grace," said George, re- ferring to the trophy that goes to the top Newfoundland senior By BEN OLAN NEW YORK (AP) -- As a professional goalie for 14 years and as a corporal in the Cana- dian Army, Emile (The Cat) Francis thrived on responsibil- ity. His new job as general man- ager of the Rangers, New York's National Hockey League representatives, figures to be even more demanding. An enthusiastic and dedicated ivory hunter, The Cat is still on the prowl for the best tal- ent available. Only now, he will make the top-drawer decisions. "T"ll still go on trips and look over our top farm clubs," he said, "In a way I'm lucky be- cause in the three years I've been in New York I was able to see every guy in the pro and top amateur leagues." Until Oct. 30, the little man from North Battleford, Sask., was an assistant to general manager Muzz Patrick. he lat- ter was elevated to the vice- resi y of the new Madison a power in the All-Newfound-jof the U.S. Eastern Amateur land Hockey League when its|Hockey League last n. He season opens in January. All|scored 71 points and was hop- three have been hired as play-jing for a chance in the NHL ing-coaches, Alex, 27, at right|this season. wing, Jack, 22, at left wing and| Red Wings, with a surfeit of George, 30, on defence. rookies, decided against inviting All three are fairly small but|him up and Sid Abel offered they made up for lack of size|Jack a chance to move to the with a highly developed spirit)New York Rangers system. of aggressiveness. Jack asked for a contract as George was almost daily copy|assurance he wouldn't die in in sports pages of Quebec and/U.S. amateur hockey. It was re- Newfoundland newspapers dur-|fused and he too came home. ing his three seasons with| During a practice session the Shaw! Falls Cataracts ofjother day, spectators saw a the Quebec Hockey League. -He/lineup that seems likely to burn had been trained in juniorjup the Newfoundland league hockey in his hometown of|this season. GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS tion, Rose Tudor, Benedictus end Devon's Pet. Winner, b ¢, 3, by Be Flee? -- Winding' by Windfields, Trainer A H Trudell. 3.30) Pool $62,785 z Fabius,| FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2300. Claim- Ing. Ti ear-olds and up. 1% Miles (5) 'Turkey, 16.40 +3 4.70 ch f, 2, by Alternative -- Twin- pane Alerted. Trainer J C Meyer. Pool $24,965 Double Pool $48,937. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2000, Cleim- FIRST RACE -- Purse $2000. Claiming. . One Mile (12) 080 440 3.80 4.70 3.40 Miss, Ran in * Wild 4 Ocean Pearl, C'btsn Ye 8s Start good, won drivii 5 Also Ren in Orders Remeay 2nd end Bive Light. A--T E King end E B Seedhouse Entry. ps . 7 Furi bes obs s QUINELLA, 4 AND 1, PAID $93.30 7 Market, H'sen 5,10 3.10 2.70) Winner, dk b or br m, 5, by Ox Blood -- 9-Gay Van, inde 5.90 4.00} Colorado Babe by Colorado Kid. Trainer, &Shining Wings, Di 5.00)R D Isaac, rt |. won driving Pool $28,256 Quinelia Pool $35,252. Also Ran in Order: Barbara Bain, Bonne Vitesse, Guest Speaker, Reh Reh,| SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2600. Aliow- Mr. Flirt, end H.' . Thr and ae foaled V. Caplan. A DAILY DOUBLE, 6 AND 7, PAID $48.60) in o Marcet,|3Mineral Wealth, Harris 6.10 3. Winner, b ¢, 3, by To Market -- 10 3.00 by Mount Marcy. Trainer, R Johnson, 1-Big Rocky, Walsh 2.50 2,50 Pool $50,896 4Wellington Whiz, Gordon 5.80 Start good, won driving THIRD RACE -- Purse $2000, Claiming.| Also Ran in Order: Menette, Fabison, Maiden two-year-olds. | Mile (12) Holy Cow, and Sante Teresa. $-Fleet Musk'tr, Leblanc 4,80 3.10 2.70|/Winner, b g, 3, by Canadian Champ -- 7-Maid of Honor, Armstrong 4.20 3.00 Page by Bull Page. Trainer @ @ &Moores Selector, St ik 4.70| Mi be Start good, won easily Pool $66,525 Also Ran in Order: Tanamakoon, Fun- Y \eteoric, fun-Fun, Royal Bunny, Mi Ledy| SEVENTH RACE--Purse $2400, Cleim- Alexine, Prince Pompell, Royal Autumn, | ing. jear-clds. One and one-six- Miss Scooter and Sagamo Sade. teenth Miles (8) 'Winner, b ¢, 2, by Master ory Night|3Prince Anthony, M'well 6.50 3.60 3.00 Flare, by Flares. Trainer @ M Huntley. | &-Brief Wind, Harrison 12.60 8.20 Pool $60,013 4+Mixed Colors, Weish 5.71 Also Ran in Order: Spock Rider, Tan- FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2000. Three wood, . and four-yearclds. One and meetiivtue ee les | Winner, ch ¢, 2, by Prince John -- Memo, SDiesel Fleet, inde 199.60 45.30 21.60) by 4 2Wanless, Ledlanc 8.10 bOlpal ies" 'Trainer, & Caveleris Jr. yO-Autumn Souvenir, Harrison 6.10 JO~A\ Start good, won driving | BIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2000. Cieim- Also Ran in Order: Acanthus, Artista, 7 <6 e o ing. Three and four-year-olds. One and >| Sees Le aw am aa 'Canada' Wallops St. Louis Braves \-Chiet Whitefoot, Maxwell 5, 6.30 WINNIPEG (CP) -- Canada's N-Sly Stag, Inde Start good, won ridden out. Also Ran in Order: Dritted, Well Oiled, national hockey team over- whelmed St. Louis Braves of p Square Garden Centre. Francis has travelled count- less miles on scouting trips. HAVE 550 PLAYERS "We have about 550 players in our organization, including our own team, Baltimore, St. Paul and Vancouver in the pros, and 10 sponsored amateur clubs," he said. The Cat, 38, also moved around nimbly and often during his career as a goalie, He played for the Rangers and Chi- cago Black Hawks in the N. our lives," said Alex. "Why shouldn't I like it ae = make my money (a e same as he would get playing R M d in the minors) here for half as ace alre many games a season and hardly any travel." s Alex says the NHL is "hard 1 e- on a little fellow" but that this had nothing to do with his de- arture. "I guess I knew what| ST. CATHARI NES (CP) plans Sid had for me, and 1|Drivers and horses escaped just couldn't turn this offerjserious injury in a spectacular down." five-horse pile-up Monday night at Garden City Raceway. e . The mishap, which occurred Win S Lead Via shortly after the start of the g fourth race, saw four pacers pile into Belmont Clara when D { Hy Pl the six-year-old mare broke and EIENSIVE FLAY |stumbied aiong the rail as the eight - horse field passed the By THE CANADIAN PRESS |quarter pole first time around. Tight-fisted defences rather| Despite the severity of the than a superior offence seems/tangle, the long casualty was to be the reason for Detroit/Bill Hicks, 23, who was the last Red Wings' early-season suc-|one into the mixup and suffered cess in the National Hockey|lacerations about the knees. League. He was released after treat- Detroit leads the league by|ment at the track infirmary. three points, has won its last five games and hasn't been beaten in its last eight. Detroit goalie Roger Crozier's 1.6 goals-against average is best in the NHL and he leads in shoutouts with three. On the other hand, only New York Rangers and Boston Bru- ins have scored fewer goals. ..-BURINS NOW SCORING Bruins, after playing their FIRST RACE -- 1 mile trot for dyear- olds and up. Purse $600 (8). éLord Dean, Hanson 15.00 6.70 4.00 3Rose Oveimo, Geilsel Jr. 40 3.00 Safety Man The Second, Hillard 4.40 Start good, won driving. Also Ran in Order: Comet Reider, Island Song, Griffith Hanover, Twinkle Comet, and Dictator Pick. SECOND RACE -- 1 mile pace for + first nine games without @ win, |Zerorcs, 24.0%, curs? SA) 29 2.00 have. won their last two, both|&Roya! Bunter, Gagnon 490 2.80 over Chicago at Boston. seit dena, wen darren: 7 Bobby Hull of Chicago was| Also Ran in Order: Little Bert, Jerry Direct C, Londa's Girl, Miss Dainty the only player among the pre-!\, vious week's leaders in the indi- vidual scoring race to gain such ground. He scored his eighth THIRD RACE -- 1 mile pace for > year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8). goal--best in the league--and|éMery Jane P, Hie 680 4.10 3.30 added two assists. This per-|znum C' cover Letewre a0 mitted him to move from fourth Stert , won handily. -- oe with 12| pice*Lochiover ciel, Jolly 'Prince, and Shamrock Richards. Teammate Stan Mikita con-| goyety race -- 1 mile pace for. tinues to head the scoring par- year-olds and up, Purse $600 (8 Mary Volo S., Waddell 5.50 ). ade picking up his 12th assist-- 3.60 2.90 best in the league--to' go withlcrnerte' sites, Jonson" $6 Start good, won driving. Also Ran in Order: DNF-Sunset Lee M, DNF-Eva Mohawk, "Andy sel, his previous four goals for a total of 16 points. MIKITA PENALTY KING Mikita is the most penalized player in the league with 40 minutes, two more than Dickie ONF--Accident--Did Not Finish. FIFTH RACE -- 1 mile pace for > 'ole, and Junior Atom, & DAILY DOUBLE, 6 AND 2, PAID $46.00 + DNF DNE-Belmont Clara, DNF-Mountain Kitty | 2-F GARDEN CITY RACEWAY Stert good, won Also Ran in Onelde Chief, Black Angel C. SIXTH RACE -- 1 mile trot for d-yeer- olds and up. Purse $1,000 (8). 2Meadow Mabel, McRann 7.40 3.90 2.80 4Count Yates, Kingston 10,10 5.30 &Lullwater Frost, McKinley 2.80 Start good, won driving. Also Ran in Order: King Tony, Laird McNab, Diene Hunter, Ben Away, and Pearl Wick. QUINELLA, 2 AND 4, PAID $51.70 SEVENTH RACE -- 1 mile pace for + 700 (8). handily. Order: Stewart's Bell, Scottadee, Lovle G , end 4Kaylee, Taylor Start good, won driving. Also Ran in Order: Bomb B, First Remus Jr, Arro, Our Frances, and En- sign Carlith. EIGHTH RACE -- 1 mile pace for + year-olds and up. Purse $1,100 (8). 8-Thunder Bars, Holmes 12.00 4-Arawana Adios, Wilson 1-Superior Dale, Thompson Start good, won driving. Also Ran in Order: Maud's Boy, John- ny's Girl, Terron, Single Goose, and Brother Bob. NINTH RACE -- | mile pace for 3-year- olds and up. Purse Ye reddy » Fines 7.20 3.20 2.40 STorcan, Mehienbacher 2.70 2.40 &Miss Vera Grattan, Hi 2.80 Start good, won driving. Also Ran in ona Meadowview rusader Pick, Hal's Moore of Toronto. Toronto is|smiss Judy Bers, Feagen Champ, D Bomb, and Venus Richelieu. Total Pool $111,075. Attendance 2,020. Has Real Challenge Now and, in the minors, for Seattle, Kansas City, New Haven, Cin- cinnati, Vancouver, Cleveland, Saskatoon, Victoria, Spokane, Philadelphia and Washington. "T've played for some of the greats of the game, such as Charlie Conacher, Frank Bou- cher, Bill and Bun Cook, Johnny Gottselig, Art Chapman, Bentley and Lynn Patrick," Francis said. "And I learned something from every one them." He played Lis first big- league gazae for the Black Hawks at 20, At 18, though, he had en- listed in the Canadian Army. "I thought about. making it a career," he said. '"'But I got an offer to play goal for the Moose Jaw, Sask., team. They were sponsored by the Black Hawks." The five - foot - six Francis tended goal during Chicago's lean years. '"'They used to say the net was too big for me," he chuckles, 'The way the goals were going in it must have been too wide, too." PLAYED BASEBALL A former player - manager for North Battleford of the West- ern Canada semi-rpo baseball circuit, Francis usually injects baseball terms into his hockey conversations. He has no explanation for the fact he is the only former goalie now occupying a high-level big- league position. "I would think, though," he said, "that a goalie is like a catcher in baseball. HL|He has control of the game and can learn more about skating, shooting and checking than al- most anyone. "Shooting more is what we're trying to emphasize on the Rangers, I never saw a baill- player hit a home run with a bat on his shoulder." The Rangers, who have qual- ified only once in six years for the Stanley Cup playoffs, are on the way up, The Cat believes. "We are an improved club de. fensively this season because of closer checking and our two new defencemen, Rod Seiling and Arnie Brown." Seiling and 24|Brown were obtained from the champion Toronto Maple Leafs last February. 1 JAMES ; "® #31 O'MALLEY!. Construction Ltd. | 723-7122 @ Homes @ Additions "he Offices @ encanta the most penalized team with 224 minutes. GA Pts. PiM Mikita, Chi 42146 # Hull, Chi 8 412 4 Mahovlich, Tor 4 7 11 14 Ullman, Det 460 7 Bathgate, Tor 4 6 10 8 Delvecchio, Det 4 5 9 6 Douglas, Tor ts 3 2 Provost, Mtl 6 2 8 4 Ellis, Tor 62 8 2 Backstrom, Mtl 4.4 8 9 Bon Anie, Vaicutta, Knight the Central Professional League found Sun, Glin, What A Question, and Terapaca. nd -- 13-4 here Monday night in an winner bf 3% by Fa Gramercy 2nd, by Prince Chevalier. Trainer, J M Hardy. Pool $67,305 Total Pool $516,512 Attendance 7,740 exhibition game. St. Louis, in second place in the CPHL, was no match for the Nationals who held period leads of 4-1 and 6-2, Nationals have won seven, tied one and lost two in 10 starts. Reg Abbott sparked the Na-] tionals with three goals and Fred Dunsmore added two. Other scorers were Gary Ald- corn, Marshal! Johnston, Elliott Chorley, Bernie Grebinsky, Murray Couch, Roger Bourbon- nais, Ron Farnfield and Aggie| Kukulowics. For personal use or for @ Compony use there are e definite advantages when you lease e new... e No Insurance costs . . everythi for full details. PHONE 723-4634 There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN + No maintenance costs , , . One rate covers ing on one or twe yeer lease items .. . Phone or come in MILLS AUTO LEASE LTD. ACADIAN other "PONTIAC Models ; ( ne of C BUICK Request 266 KING ST, WEST CANADIAN WHISKY Creal Whiskees PROUDLY EXPORTED TO MORE THAN 50 COUNTRIES ae anadea gy DISTILLED, MATURED AND BOTTLED IN CANADA BY CANADIAN SCHENLEY DISTILLERIES LTD Doug/the third round and caught the Of|tirst quarter. Chuvalo if he was disappointed at having to miss the football playoff on television. "What time does it start?" Chuvalo asked, and was told that it was at the same time as his scheduled 10-round bout - Calvin Butler of Cleve- and. "Heck, I'll miss the kickoff," Chuvalo said, without a trace of a smile. The Canadian heavyweight champion was only a bit off. He had his technical knockout victory wrapped up at 2:35 of Western Football Conference semi-final midway through the Most of the Hull-Ottawa area fight fans stayed home and caught it all. Only 1,534 at- tended the fight. Butler, a last-minute replace- ment for Don Warner of Phil- adelphia who signed for the bout but didn't show up, backed! away from Chuvalo for two rounds but was caught by a series of savage body blows in the third and crumpled three times before the referee called it off. Th 218-pound Cleveland Ne- gro, who was previously knockd out eight times in 19 fights, looked flabby. Chuvalo, who had been in training most of the time since his victory last month over Doug Jones of New York, was a rock-hard 211 pounds. NAME KEN BOYER ST. LOUIS (AP)--The Sport- ing News has named Ken Boyer, third baseman for the World Series champion St. Louis Cardinals, as its Player of the Year. Boyer is the first Cardinal so honored by the baseball newspaper since Stan Musial in 1951, aa 725-4771= RENT-A-CAR *1.00 A DAY MERCURY TAXI OSHAWA'S LARGEST AND MOST MODERN TAX! AND U-DRIVE--OVER 30 CARS AND TRUCKS AT YOUR SERVICE! GEO. RUTHERFORD (Oshawa) LTD.--14 ALBERT ST. 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