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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Nov 1964, p. 21

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 12, 1964 Last Good-bye For Col. Stingo Ce did not become public NEW YORK (CP) -- Broad- way's motley citizenry has a last good-bye to the la' 28% of the legend, since Mac.| Wri admitted he was not a colonel in the Kentucky Macdonald had lived at the Hotel, just off Times for the last 23 years frequented a number of nearby saloons. As recently as last month, he put away five He 3 ue short time." i was either 90 = WROTE COLUMN "|Verily, for the New York En- 'colonel"' oy just me knowledge for some days. For many years Macdonald wrote a column, Yea, Verily quirer, which now is the Na- tional Enquirer. In addition to wri the column he also sold vast igs the paper to race aor carl calling himself Col. won sing a century ago while for The Wasp in San Francisco. A raconteur of the first order, he once told of his career as a member of rainmaking teams in the southwest. Liebling quoted him as saying in that regard: "When I concluded a rainmak- ing campaign we were invari- Last 4 Weeks Rank High An AP News Analysis By JOHN CANTWELL HONG KONG (AP)--The last four weeks must rank among the most satisfying ever for Chi- na's Mao Tse-tung. In that time he has emerged as probably the most influen- tial Communist leader in the world--the elder statesman of Marxism-Leninism. He has. seen -- and perhaps was partly responsible for--the fall of his arch-enemy, Nikita Khrushchev. He has received credit for the success of China's first atomic explosion. And now, Western observers here believe, he is confident he can increase his influence in Moscow and "correct" the "false revisionist beliefs' of the new men in the Kremlin. He probably will not succeed. But at least he knows that his trusted aide, Chou En-lai, is in : a stseng, henanining pecttian te relations with the et Union. APPEARS AILING * Mao will be 71 next month. Recent photographs have shown he has lost weight. He appears to be ailing. His clothes hang on him, He lives with his fourth wife --Lan Pin, a former Shanghai actress--in an old one-storey house in Peking. Western. observers here be- lieve Mao's age and physical frailness will prevent him from holding the reins of power much longer. There are likely to be confusion, struggles and purges when Mao passes from the scene. ap era aegern Gives Talk On Viruses Speaking at the annual meet- ing of the Ontario County Unit, Canadian Cancer Society recent- ly, Dr. A. F. Howatson, Asso- ciate Professor of Biophysics at the Ueery of Toronto, and Research Biologist at the Cana- dian Cancer Institute, Toronto said: * If viruses can cause human PARIS ANTI-BEATLES PARIS (AP) -- The Beatles movie, A Hard Day's Night" had hard days and nights in Paris, It was taken out of. the theatre which alone showed it in the French capital after four weeks and an attendance of only 37,915. At the same time a British mystery film flour- ished. dar biology lies in the knowledge , how do they go about it? This is the subject of intense study in research laboratories today because of the strongly suggestive evidence that vir- uses are implicated In human cancer. After showing slides of var- ious types of viruses Dr. How- atson stated it is generally be- fhat genetic information is en- coded in a chemical substance in the nucleus of the cell which is called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. This genetic informa- tion really represents what one might call the wisdom of the ages which is passed by each cell to its descendants. The DNA of ail living things has two properties: It is capabie POOL TABLES 11 models trom 139.50 MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT lieved that the basis of molecu- ably the guests of the benefited community at a banquet where sec and brut flowed like the or 93- d to know exactly. But with age the colonel faded more and more from sight. His body was found more than a week arently he ha died of a heart attack--but his Novelties For Tots MONTREAL (CP) -- Minia- ture appliances and battery-op- erated war machines are some of the thin - little girls and boys will find under their Christ- mas tree this year. The toy fair, held here Tues- day by the Canadian Playthings Manufacturers, promises chil- dren a variety of toys that should also keep their parents amused during the Yuletide sea- son. Little girls have been pro- vided with their own tiny elec- tric stove, complete with cake mixes and tins, and they run no risk of burning their fingers on this safety-approved toy. New in the world of dolls is "Trixy the posing pixy,"' a soft foam doll with a pixy face and internal wire cables that let her strike any pose and Tressy, the doll with hair Bacco aerg fseon you press a button an ap- pears when you wind a key. War toys shown for boys in- cluded a battery - operated gun that shoots harmless grenades and can be converted to fire two other missiles, and a can- non that fires a missile 35 feet. Various road race table-top cs ssouabty kts ware les ds were played. SCHOOL FOR DELINQUENTS d next season," s in a clubh of a baseball team after a 16-inning game on a day of record heat. We would all get stiff as boards and they would invite us back | years if you survive . COINED WORD Among the words he put into the race track language 'was 'tease' (money), If he was short of tease, | he would describe himself as "non-holding,"* and in that con-| dition he would stay away from | his favorite saloons and spend) much of his time in the public library. But he continued to dress nat- tily, in the spats and bow tie| tradition of a half-century ago, | and carried his short frame} erect. Liebling, who greatly admired| the colonel's writing style, cited as a good example of it this ex- tract from one of his columns: | "May be a lot of proverbial | living dead in old Quaker city, but it's surprising how quick come to life when that paddock pugle gold arn doth blow." ing at age 60 or 65 $300 A MONTH FOR LIFE FROM AGE 65 Here.is a plan to provide your family if you should die, or for your retirement . You make regular payment to the Sun Life of Canada, then at age 65, you start receiving $300 a month for life, or if you prefer, $44,150 in cash. Both of tnese amounts can be increased by leavin dividents on deposit. Should you not survive to age 65, a minimum of $ 0,000 will be paid immedictely to your family. By completing the enquiry form biétéw, you can obtain details suitable to your personal situation, Plans can be arranged to provide various amounts matur- SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Oshawa Shopping Centre ROGER WOLFE Home 723-2883 Exect Date Of Birth ......++. ADDRESS OCCUPATION .. aeeeeesees Coe e eer eeeeeeseeeereee your e Unit Monager Business 725-4563 cmmarsene CRIT ORG ENT soee severee seeeeseresee IN-DOOR OUT-DOOR Wii! _ Adventures of Secret OW 007"" * self, and of lof reproducing stimulating the formation of en- zyme proteins which directs thi metabolic activity of - cells. What has molecular biology to do with cancer? First, the char- acteristics of a cancer cell are always faithfully transmitted to daughter cells, which are them- selves cancer cells, In other words, cancer information is en- coded in the DNA of cancer cells, Secondly, many people be- a a ee er ae cerous, This may in some cases: be the result of virus infection.) ¢|Thirdly, and most important, all workers in cancer research be- lieve that cancer represents a breakdown in the control mech- anisms of cells, and molecular biology essentially is a study of such mechanisms. ABBEY'S NAME The Chureh of St. Peter in Westminster is popularly known as Westminster Abbey. WLP LOE LOE IIe GLEN Let PLIES TURN DOWN. BID. . ST. PAUL, Minn.' GP)--Six players with Minnesota Vikings of the National Football League have been turned down-;in their attempts to "hss weekly wi {) ° oan eve in Minnesota phere security department reported. The de- partment ruled that: eligible for benefits wi contracts are still fs force lieve that cancer is caused by what is called a somatic muta: tion, that is, a spontaneous change in the DNA, which causes the cells to become can- [Mator City Gar Club) LITTLE, CAESAR CONSULS Sunday, Nov. 15th 8:30 P.M. ei 11:30 P.M. with membership cord--$1.25 Dad late from the office? Serve him IN THE onuver ROUGH 728-7321 ABE SAPERSTEIN'S FABULOUS *K Friday, Nov, 13 Tickets 2.50 2.25 1.75 TELEPHONE Plus The BIG TOWN BOYS Siping Latha proudly presents Commencing Friday, Nov. 13th and every Friday Thereafter MENU Blue Point ieee 18 in the Half Shell 10 Ieed Jumbo ae Cocktail New | Brunswick Clam Chowder Assorted Relish Tid Bits Broiled Bay of ie wer Drawn Butter y Lo) Lobster Thermidor -- A Gourmet's Delight $3.50 Potato Chips Fresh Vegetable Green Salad -- Ceasar Dressing Rolls, Hot Garlic Bread Choice of Dessert -- Beverage Fhying LL iadehnan oro HOTELS For Reservations Call 623-3373 MOONLIGHT EVERY FRIDAY -- 12 MIDNIGHT to ? Oshawa Plaza Bowl OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE KING & STEVENSON RD.--723-2631 @ $3.00 PER LANE @ Bow! All Night--Bring Your Friends STEP THROUGH THE -and you are in the FU RNLERS TIME 3 bla TURE before it happer ALL COLOR SHOW! heZBnig ALL COLOR SHOW! LONG WILL YOU REMEMBER THE MIGHTY VIKING "THE LONG SHIPS" -- WITH -- RICHARD WIDMARK SIDNEY POITIER RUSS TAMBLYN DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. ADVENTURE OF ...} BILTM re) RE{s PHONE 725-5833 es, EXCITING »| THRILLS... RIDE THE WILD WATERS OF HAWAII! Exciting Thrills! "RIDE THE WILD SURF" -- WITH -- FABIAN SHELLEY FABARES TAB HUNTER 1:30 P.M. TIPPr HEDREN.: DANE BAER a FEATURE TIMES--2:05 -~ 4: "ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S Suspenseful Sex Mystery! ADULT ENTERTAIN MARTIN GABEL aan mes A From the Novel by WIRSTON GRANAM Directed by ALFRED HITCHCOCK Anion taeon TECHN ICOLOR ° LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9 P.M SEAN CONNERY NOW PLAYING 25 - a 9:20 OPEN DAILY 1 P.M, SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. 4 At Discount Prices COMING SOON! The Screen Commits The Perfect, Comedy! "A SHOT IN THE DARK" r | di WARNING! POSITIVELY NO rt ll = A raponiy or deh for death by im tt ---- OFPAREY BE, Dancing 9 p.m, till 1 Admission $2.00 Becouse of popular ---- please phone eserly for reservations te avoid diseppointment. Interchange 75 at Hwy. 401, "THE HORROR oh BEACH" D <THE CURSE OF THE LIVING CORPSE . Bowmanville @ WESTERN @ NUGGETS OF THE baal WEST -- Wilf Carter sings 7 Straw- berry Roan, When The Work's All Done This Fall, Yodeling Cow- boy plus 7 others, HANK SNOW -- Sings the Old and Great Songs, including Blue Velvet Band, Brand On My Heart, Let's Pretend. NED LANDRY Plays 12 Fiddle Favourites including Ontario Swing, Silver Bells, Snow Deer. DOBRO MOUNTAIN MUSIC -- Contains Salty Dog Rag, Waba' Cannon Ball, Rippling Water Jig, Cock of The North plus 8 poo tunes Dobro Style. GREAT COUNTRY HITS -- All 12 for only $1.58. Includes Ring of Fire, Detroit City, Six Days on the Road, 8 x 10, Candy Kisses, @ POPULAR © BILLY VAUGHN -- 12 Golden Gems -- La Golondrina, Alohe Os, La Paloma. All for only $1.58. PAT BOONE ---- 12 Great Hits -- wiuperica 5 Hope, Sugar Moon, Why Baby Why plus 9 others for only $1 LAWRENCE WELK -- Ploys everybody's music -- includes Humor- esque Boogie, Helena Polka, Juanita, American Patrol plus 8 others all for $1.58, GREAT BANDS OF OUR TIMES -- includes selections b: » gat a Charlie Barnet, Glen Gray, Bunny % ol rs. @ ROCK AND ROLL @ HIT PARADE --- House of the Rising Sun, Bread and Butter, Little Old Lady, cioate Vine, sak Under The Boardwalk plus other top numbers ail for 5 DANCIN' HITS ---- 10 tunes ee the Twist, Bristol kab The Froog played by Chubby Checker, Bobby Rydell, The Dovells and Dee Dee Sharp. LARRY LEE AND THE LEISURES -- Contains 12 tunes including Larry's Big Boss Man. @ ENGLAND'S BEST SELLERS --~ Vol. 2 by the Mersey Beats. 12 tunes including Bits and Pieces and All My Loving EXTRA SPECIALS Limited Quantity on these 12" L P's 1. Continental Piano ........ ea. 99e 2. Honky Tonk Piano...... ea. $1.20 3. Love Thenies From 4 SIMCOE ST. NORTH at TAUNTON RD. FOR wee Deliciously Tasty, Flakey FISH = CHIPS ENGLISH STYLE OR COUNTRY STYLE FRIED CHICKEN COME AS YOU ARE! EAT IN YOUR CAR! The Oshawa Branch, No. 43 Royal Canadian Legion wishes to thank the citizens of Oshawa " for the splendid response given to the Annual Poppy Day Appeal on Saturday, Nov. 7th. The results were most gratifying, and will enable the Poppy Committee to continue its work on behalf of the sick and needy veterans of the Oshawa area. Our special thanks are also extended to all those who purchase Wreaths to be placed at the Cenotaph and to all who took part by selling poppies. Special thanks also to the Oshawa Times and Radio Station C.K.L.B. and local business firms for their timely help in the way of publicity. OSHAWA BRANCH NO. 43 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION MAURICE PROCTOR CAMERON OKE President. Chairman of Poppy Committee Artie Show, erigan plus The Movies ct . Mantovani -- Stereo Only. .ea. $1.99 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT TOMORROW LASTDAY 725-4706 |) "VS"DaRonen WILSON & LEE LTD. 87 SIMCOE ST. N. Eastern Ontario's Largest Music Centre Open Thurs. and Fri. Evenings Til 9 P.M. McMURRAY"S DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT "NIGHT OF THE. IGUANA" (Adult) "caterer sean k <eRRERETTIONT \ f A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE

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