i at the recently held Toronto Garrison Military Ball at the Royal York Hotel are left, ! Mrs. J. Bruce Clement, Bri- indicia dindindindindindindiaiatindinaaindadn tlt ne ; 'ison Military Ball was Ser- j seant William Cavanaghof of ; the Royal Regiment of Can- ENJOYING THEMSELVES gadier Clement, Mrs. George Kitching and Major-General Kitching. Brigadier Clement is the. Commander of Central ada, the host regiment. The young lady seems interested in the 'orm that the ser- geant is wearing. The uni- form and rifle is that of 100 years ago. 'Father NJ. Gignac Will Open 'Tree Lights Bazaar For CWL ; The Reverend Norbert J. Gig- ic, pastor of St. Mary of the People Church, will open the **Tree Lights" bazaar of the 'Catholic Women's League in the @uditorium at 532 Stevenson north on Monday, Novem- 16, from 2.00 to 9.00 p.m., Was announced at a recent eeting of the league. 5 With the president, Mrs. Max leman presiding, Father Gig- ic, opened the meeting with rayer. Mrs. William Edwards troduced the guest speaker, ..R. H. Donald, aldermanic ndidate Mr. Donald spoke on the im- riance of taking an. active 'erest in public life and muni- effairs. Mrs, Norman Fry ked Mr. Donald on behalf Of the league members. ~ Mrs. Robert Knapp read the tes and the correspond- e, Mrs. William Edwards gave the treasurer's report. % Mrs. Kenneth Johnson read a fetter of thanks from Father ea. » Names drawn for daily pray- @rs were: Mrs. Frank Coe, Mrs. ilip Vincent, Mrs. Joseph tr and Mrs. Frank aloney. @ Social action convener, Mrs Ronald Gibbs, reported that she d a committee worked at iHsdale Manor during the past ith and requested volunteers do this again next month. Education convener, Mrs Frank Maloney, opened a dis- @ussion on scholarships. It was cided that a $50 scholarship be ited to a boy and a girl St. Mary's, presently at- ing St. Joseph's High School. Mrs. Leonard Weeks reported t final plans have been ade for the November ee Lights' bazaar. Booth mveners are: Mrs. William ards, cedar chest of linens; ts. Kenneth Johnson and Mrs. rdon Dignem, penny sale; ts. Donald Branch and Mrs ly Nagel, touch and take and te elephant; Mrs. Norman and Mrs, Robert Freeman, ndy; Mrs. George King and . Kenneth McRae, sewing knitting; Mrs. Fred Law- and Mrs. Ronald Gibbs, tea : ; Mrs. Wilson Mapplebeck id Mrs. Carl Meagher, relig- articles; Mrs. John Greene Mrs. Thomas Cullen, coun- 16}, try store; Mrs. Wilfred Otten- brite and Mrs. J. G. Forestall, fish pond; Mrs. Arthur Van Leu- ven and Mrs, Frank Mayer. Mrs, Johnson reported that there will be twenty-five penny sale articles covering a variety of items. Christmas cards will be fea- tured in the religious article booth. Christmas decorations will be sold and Santa Claus will be on hand to lend an ear in the afternoon. Tickets will be available on a doll and bassinet and a mys- tery package door prize will be given away at the close of the bazaar at 9.00 p.m. Sharon Normoyle Bride Of Today Feted By Friends During the past few weeks showers and parties have been held for Miss Sharon Normovke whose marriage to Mr. Kenneth Weekes {s taking place this af- ternoon in Centre Street United Church. The bridesmaids, Miss Gail Mclisaac, Miss Myrtle Coch- tane, Miss Jane Magee and Miss Teri Normoyle arranged a mis- cellaneous shower at the home of Mrs.-Anthony Harrison, Ross- mount street. Another miscellaneous shower Was given by Mrs. Barclay Bateman, Haig street, assisted by her mother, Mrs. Robert Kirk An aunt of the bride-elect: Mrs. A. W. Williams, Elizabeth Ontario Area and Major Gen- eral Kitching is the General officer Commanding Central Command. Wemen 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, November 14, 1964 Medical specialists who have benefitted from the McLaughlin Foundation by advanced, cialized study at home or abroad were guests of their benefactor, Colonel:R. 8, Me- at a dinner party at |Parkwood on Tuesday. Trustees of the McLaughlin Foundation present were Dr. J. A, Mac- Farlane FRCS and Mr, J. C. Fraser, both of Toronto, Covers were laid for Dr. Louis Dionne and Dr. Andre Gilbert, both of Quebec City; Dr. Pierre Lavoie, Dr, G. A. Kilassen, Dr. A.J. B. Peloquin, Dr. F. F. Nicolle, Dr. Robert A. Bertrand, Dr. Marcel Rheault and Dr. Yves Duchastel, all of Montreal; Dr. F. W. Walker and Dr. Hugh W. K, Barr, both of 5 tario; Dr. William Markham, Dr. A, G. Keresteci, Dr. Robert S. McPhedran, Dr. William S. In a double-ring ceremony in Precious Blood Church, Glen Walter, Ontario, Miss Marilyn Joyce Pearce, Reg.N. of Ingle- side, Ontario, was united in marriage with Mr. Lloyd Joseph Colin MacLean of Drayton Val- ley, Alberta. The bride is the daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. George Albert Pearce of Brant- ford, formerly of Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus John Mac- Lean of Greenfield, Ontario. The Reverend Rudolph Ville- neuve officiated at the noon lceremony. Mr. Everett Rush, Cornwall, sang "Ave Maria' and "The Lord's Prayer' ac- companied by Mr. Vince D'Alessio, also of Cornwall, On- tario. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. Her gown of gleaming white peau de soie was styled on classic lines with an overskirt effect with appli- ques of Alencon lace on the sheath skirt and overskirt. A coronet of seed pearls held her bouffant veil of illusion tulle and she carried a white orchid in a cascade of stephanotis. The maid of honor was the bride's sister, Miss Alice Carol Pearce of Toronto and the other attendants were Miss Marjorie Pearce, Toronto; Mrs. A. Jo- seph McLean, Cornwall, and Miss Pamela Yearsley, Toronto. They all wore original gowns fashioned in cinnamon, Italian silk peau de soie as three-piece ensembles with sleeveless over- blouses, bordered with Ventian beading; slim line skirts and jackets with fan-flare backs and bracelet sleeves, also beaded. Their headdresses were match- ing circlets and they carried cascades of white carnations. The best man was Dr. A. Jo- seph McLean of Cornwall. Ush- ering weré Mr. Trevellyn Piper, Drayton Valley; Mr. Michael Yearsley, London, and Mrs. Gerard MacLean, Toronto. A reception was held in the Cornwallis Hotel, Cornwall. The bride's mother received in a gown of sky blue floral lace with matching hat and a corsage of pink Sweetheart roses. 'The bridegroom's mother assisted in a grey-blue crepe suit with black accessories and a corsage of Sweetheart roses. The honeymoon was spent in the eastern provinces and Mr. and Mrs. MacLean are making their home at Drayton Valley, Alberta. For travelling, the bride donned a winter walking suit of raspberry-red wool, trimmed street, was hostess at a kitchen shower, assisted by her daugh- ters, Mrs. Lawrence McCul- loch and Miss Lorna Williams and Mrs. A. (Bud) Kemp held a linen shower at the home of her sister, Mrs. David Jobb, Labrador drive. Members of the supervisory staff, Traffic Department of the Bell Telephone Company held a Marilyn Pearce, Lloyd MacLean To Make Their Home In Alberta with black broadtail, black: ac- |cessories and a white corsage. Guests attended from Toronto, Oshawa, Ottawa, Barrie, ing's Mills, Pickering, Stouff- ville, London, Stratford, Brant- ford, Ingleside, Bainsville, South Lancaster, Greenfield, Ontario; Drayton Valley, Alberta, and Detroit, Michigan. Anita Chérnoft Michael Keating Wed In Sutton Immaculate Conception Church, Sutton, was the setting for the marriage recently of Anita Louise Chernoff, Toronto, formerly of Oshawa, to Michael David Keating. The Reverend T. C. Cullen of- ficiated, The bride given in marriage by Mr. Ernest Hale, wore a for- mal gown of silk taffeta, fash- ioned with long sleeves and scoop neckline with inserts of lace. The softly pleated skirt was accented with lace and a chapel train. A self flower with lace petals held her shoulder- length blush veil and she car- ried qyeascade of red roses and white chrysanthemums. Mrs. James Keating, Toronto, was matron of honor and the bride's sister, Miss Marlene Chernoff, was bridesmaid. They were gowned alike in pink silk organza over taffeta with lace jackets and matching nead- dresses. They carried cascades of pink and white chrysanthe- mums. Miss Jay Hale, sister of the bride, and Miss Brenda Mof- fatt, Oshawa, the bride's neice, were flower girls in white silk organza over taffeta with pink sashes and headbands. They car- ried pink and white nosegays. The best man was Mr. Jack Harvey, Toronto, and the ush- ers were brothers of the bride- groom, Mr. John Keating, Sut- ton, and Mr. James Keating, Toronto, A reception and wedding breakfast was held at Cedar Cliff Manor, where the bride's mother received in a' royal blue brocade sheath with matching accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing a soft raspberry wool with navy blue accessories and a corsage of gold roses. As the couple left on a motor trip to points south and east, the bride was wearing a two- piece navy blue suit with red accessories. Mr. and Mrs, Keat- ing are making their home in Newmarket. Ronald W. Bilsky, vc. Chiropractor If hurt on the job, ask your employer to authorize Chiro- practic care. 'It's yours for the asking". 100 King St. E. 728-5156 dinner at Spruce Villa Hotel and presented Miss Normoyle with a set of TV trays. Her co-workers in the Bell Telephone Company made a presentation of china and jew- ellery. Following. the rehéarsal last evening, the bridal party was entertained by the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Normoyle, Stone street west. poco When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Home-Nursing Core fer EVERYONE" LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A., M.D.A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Pre-School, Kinderance, Character AT MASONIC TEMPLE, 91 CENTRE ST. INFORMATION 723-7253 On-|Andruskiw-Tureski w Horn-|tario. PERSONALS Hunter, Dr. Harold J, Hoffman, Dr. A. 8, Trimble, Dr, R. H. Wilkinson, Dr. J. L. Melntyre all of Toronto, and Dr. Paul G. 'Walfish, Toronto, who was un- able to attend, The University Women's Club, Scarborough has invited mem- bers of the Oshawa and district club to attend a special meeting on Monday evening at Christ Church parish hall, Markham road, at which Miss Nazla Dane, director of education .of the Canadian Life Assurance As- sociation will speak on "Insur- ance from a Woman's View- point." The wedding reception for the g was held in St. John's Ukrainian Hall, attended by 600 guests. Mr, George Boychyn acted as master of ceremonies and Mrs. John Hrico was the hostess and traditional "swacha"'. Mrs. George <A. Pearce, 'Brantford, held a tea for her daughter, Miss Marilyn Pearce, prior to her wedding. A trous- seau tea was held at the home of her godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dixson, Ingleside, On- Miscellaneous showers were given by Mrs. Hugh Mac- Lean, Toronto, and by Mrs. Walter Kornick from the neigh- bors at Ingleside. A linen show- er was arranged by the bride's nursing friends at the home of Mrs. Thomas Stocker, Corn- wall. Co-hostesses were Mrs. A. Joseph McLean, Mrs. Ford Markell and Mrs. John Ray- mond, Mrs. Walter Pearce of Barrie, grandmother of the bride, was an honored guest at the mar- riage of Miss Marilyn Pearce, Reg.N., to Mr. Lloyd MacLean at Glen Walter, Ontario, re- cently. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Albert Pearce of Brantford, for- merly of Oshawa. In honor of the marriage this evening in St. George's Memo- rial Church of Miss Barbara Ann Robertson and Mr. John Morrison Tilley, the bridal party was entertained last evening by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Parkhill, Simcoe street north, uncle and aunt of the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Serge will have as their guests. over the weekend Mr. Serge's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John George of Dearborn, Michigan, and their daughter, Louise, Also visiting them will be Mrs. Senge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. This sweet little girl is Lynda Marie MacDonald, the one-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith MacDonald, Whitby. She is the grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A FRIENDLY LITTLE CHERUB MacDonald, Whitby and Mr. and Mrs Arnold Evans; Oak- ville. She is the gréat- granddaughter of Mr. Frank Schiedér, Columbus. --Ireland Studio Mrs. Leonard Carrington was elected president of the West- minster United Church Women at their November meeting. Other executive members are: honorary prsident, Mrs. John Porter; past president, Mrs. John Redko; ist vice-president, Mrs. George Lofthouse; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Raymond Hatter; treasurer, Mrs. Vernon Greenaway, Secretaries. are: recording, Mrs, Ross Lofthouse; corre- sponding, Mrs. Kenneth Brown; literature, Mrs. Arthur Joynt; Mrs. L. C. Carrington Is Elected President Of Westminster UCW God Our Help in Ages Past' and "I Need Thee Every Hour.' the December meeting to be held on December 7, in the form of a pot-luck supper with a gift exch not to d 25c. gram, A reminder was made of the afternoon social and get acquainted tea to be held on November 26 with a gift wrap- ping demonstration. community friendship and visit- ing, Mrs; John Porter and Mrs. Jack Westlake; program, Mrs. Clarence Scott; social, Mrs. A. T. Suddard; supply and so- cial assistance, Mrs. Richard Schad; flowers, Mrs. Cyril Campbell and Mrs. Hugh Scott; Members were reminded of y Mrs. Howard Allen, Mrs. Rich-|% ard Schad and Mrs. John Porter|# will be in change of the pro-|7 AVAILABLE AT MRS. E. A. MIDDLEMASS 869 GRIERSON STREET -- OSHAWA PHONE 725-1574 Sa Bie ong a PLASTIC SEALING SERVICE Have your important papers and newspapers clippings sealed per- manently in plastic. Same day service. 2¢ pr sq. inch. Phone 723-4387 eR SE IS PERERA TRE er en irene aa t PSY RAR eee ae 3 3 press and publicity, Mrs. Ray- mond Hatter; kitchen commit- tee, Mrs. Hatter, Mrs. Arthur Weddings and Mrs. Hugh Scott; representatives to Board of Stewards, Mrs. Jack West- lake; nominating committee, Mrs, Thomas Moorcroft, Mrs. Chesley Burton and Mrs. Jack Westlake. =e Mrs... John Redko conducted the business portion of the meet- ing, having the minutes and the treasurer's report read. Mrs. Clarence Scott reported on the UCW conference held at Bellville this summer, and read the scripture from Hebrews 11, 32-40, The Reverend John Porter furthered his study of "God and His Purpose' and Mrs. Scott accompanied the singing of "O SYD SILVER vow available at GLAZIER'S 498 Simcoe Seuth (across from South Simcoe School) er' ee Viyintaweea yr bee tae AY. Leon Boisvert of Stoney Creek, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holds- worth, Montrave avenue, had as their guests last Sunday Mrs. Alvin Letrud of Vancou- ver, B.C. Miss Janet Letrud, Edmonton, Alberta, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Chapman and fam- ily, Aurora and Mr. and Mrs. James Harris, Peterborough, Ontario. Mrs. Holdsworth and Mrs, Letrud had not met for 34 years and they shared a heart-warming reunion. Mrs. Charles Robson is in snowsuits and Warm WINTERWEAR infants to size 14 Budget Accounts Invited "The Best Costs Less At" OjuIN|cfAIcjEls OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 4 CENTRES TO SERVE You PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS . CALL 728-5133 @ 16 BOND WEST @ 249 KING EAST © 682 HORTOP change of the beautiful dolls of all nations which have been dressed and donated by friends of the Oshawa General Hospital, to be a feature of the mam- moth bake sale next week, ar- ranged by the OGH Women's Auxiliary. There will also be a treasure table under the co- convenership of Mrs. Alex Ross and Mrs. J. R. Walker. EASTVIEW PHARMACY 725-3594 573 KING EAST at WILSON OPEN THIS SAT. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. OPEN THIS SUNDAY FREE DRAW ELDON ROAD RACER SET 36" DOLL © Fast Prescription Delivery @ Sub-Post O ffice @ Carlton Christmas Cards ® Laura Secord: Candy dream kitchen Step into the kitchen of your dreams - the kitchen that. adds glamour to your home - a kitchen selected by you to meet your personal tastes in style, colour and working convenience. Your new Hanover kitchen will always look neat, clean, ready to show your friends. You'll marvel at how much more space it'will provide - how many steps it will save you by keeping everything you work with at your fingertips. See hanover model kitchens now on display at Ruddy Electric, PHONE 725-3539 FOR FULL DETAILS VISIT OUR ,, SHOWROOM AT BOND WEST OSHAWA CONSUMER DIVISION RUDDY ELECTRIC LTD.