aw ee PICKET CONVENTION Pickets from New York State and Montreal parade outside a hotel where the Public Relations World Con- gress was winding up its ses- sions in Montreal Friday. The demonstrators were pro- testing what they called racial bias and "'token integration" in the hiring practices\of the Niagara Mohawk Power Cor- poration of Syracuse, N.Y., a public - relations representa- tive of which attended the convention. --CP Wirephc.. Donevan Collegiate Holds Commencemeni' Prizes, awards, scholarships and diplomas were presented Friday night at the commence- ment exercises held at Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate Institute. Trustees 8. G. Saywell was the speaker. The list of awards follows: Proficiency in Art -- Grade 9, Andrew Bobas; Grade 10, Oleg Bahniuk; Grade 11, Mar- griet' Van Der Gronde; Grade 12, Judith Dalton, A Outstanding Contribution in Art -- Lynda Day. Donor: Done- van CI Sketch Club. Proficiency in Music -- Grade 9, Mimi Wiatrzyk; Grade 10, Christopher Pinto; Grade 11, Sharon Clemens; Grade 12, Con- nie Lucas. Contribution in Music -- Maybeth Hoagland. Donor: Stephen G. Saywell. Proficiency in Home Econom- fies -- Grade 9, Cathy Keeler; Grade 10, Susan Peacock; Grade 11, Sharon Clemens; Grade 12, Janie Mankowski. Excellence in Junior Mathe- matics and Science -- Grade 9, Andrew Bobas, Donald Sado- way, Ronald Brittain; Grade 10, Christopher Pinto, Dirk Garlichs Excellence in Grade 11 Mathe- matics--First, Elizabeth Wheel- er; second, Linda Ogden. Donor: Lily M. Cowan Scholar- ship. Excellence in Grade 12 Mathe- matics and Science -- First, Carol Dempsey; second, Glenn Elliott. Excellence in French--Grade 9, Donald Sadowway, Valdene Swanson; Grade 10, Christopher Pinto, Dirk Garlichs, Samuel Balca. Excellence in French--Grade 11, Lydia Ciglan, Elizabeth Wheeler; Grade 12, Carol Demp- sey, Janie Mankowski, Patricia Jacklin. Excellence in English---Grade 9, Barbara Devitt, Cathy Keel- er; Grade 10, Susan Peacock, Susan Allen; Grade 11, Nancy Stewart, Marlie Bryant; Grade 12, Susan Reed, John Forsythe. Excellence in History--Grade 9, Donald Werry; Grade 10, Susan Allen, Romana Rebot; Grade 11, Daphne Hart; Grade 12, John Forsythe. Outstanding Girl in Grade 12 English -- Carol Dempsey. General Academic Excellence in Grade 11 -- Elizabeth Wheeler' General Academic Excel- lence in Grade 12 -- Carol Dempsey, Janie Mankowski, Patricia Jacklin, Janice Roe, Paul Prachun, Judith Dalton, Maybeth Hoagland, John For- sythe, Sandra Gunn, Frances Sparkes, David Partridge, Susan Reed, Cheyri Hudson, Glenn Elliott, Allen Chapman, Gloria Reid, Paula Kettela, Bruce Bunker. General Academic Excellence i s 12 Special Commer- cial First, Valerie Smith; second, Sharon Hackwood; third, Marlene Wood. ; General Academic Excellence --Grade 13, Roger Bergmann, Joanne Kolynko. ' UAW Scholarship -- Grade 13, Traudel Huth, Randy Johns. Credit Union Award -- Grade 13. Allen Chapman. General Proficiency Awards-- Grade 9, First, Andrew, Bobas; second, Joanne Chmara; Grade 10, first, Christopher Pinto; second, Dirk Garlichs; Grade ll, first, Elizabeth Wheeler; second, Sharon Clemens; grade 12, first, Carol Dempsey; sec- Johnston, Susan Reed, Janice Roe, Bonnie Snyder, Award for Academic Excel- lence -- Grade 13 -- Roger Bergmann. Donevan Service Awards -- Judy Dalton, John Forsythe, Molly Johnston, Susan Reed, Othmar Telep. John Partland Memorial Award for Outstanding Contribu- tion in 'the Field of Drama -- 1962-1963, Robert Willsher; 1963- 1964, Fred Fleming. University Awards, Entrance Scholarships, York University, Joanne Kolynko; University of Waterloo, Roger Bergmann. FIRST CLASS HONORS GRADE 9 Donald Anderson, Jack Basey, Andrew Bobas, Ronald Brittain, Catherine Cameron, Bleanor Chalmers. Julia Chereshnuk, Joanne Ohmara, James Clark, Kevin Dancey, Michael Deboski, Andrew DeJong, Jean Dempsey, Barbara Devitt, Evalyn Dowton. Graham Forsythe, Sandra Galbraith, Frances Hill, Gary Holmes, Dorothy Hoskin, Cathy Keeler, Janet Luchkiw, Patricia McNicol, Mary Ellen Malloy, Jane Manning, Susan Neate, David Roote, Donald Sadoway, Carolyn Sajac. Donna Sanders, Christian Schumann, Walter Shirchenko, Linda Sloman, Catherine Sproule, Irene Stelmach, Nor- bert Strahl, Alex Sudy, Valdene Swanson, Jeannette. Taves, Maria Tykajlo, David Usher, Kenneth Vice, Donald Werry, Mimi Wiatrzyk. GRADE 10 Susan Allen, Oleg Bahniuk, Samuel Balca, Edward Coulson, Dirk Garlichs, John Gillespie, John Krantz, George Lysyk, Susan Peacock, Christopher Pinto, Henry Przsiezny, Romana Rebot, Kenneth Robin- son, Anna Warcholak, Alex Witham. GRADE ll Duncan Abbott, Agnes Aru, Anne Balca, Michael Bahlai, Tena Beetsma, Grant Bennett, Marlie Bryant, Lydia Ciglan, Sharon Clemens, Paul Coppin, Linda Eccles, William Gunter, Daphne Hart, Ronald Masters, Bev Morris Linda Ogden, Leonard Shirchenko, Bonita Snyder, Nancy Stewart, Elke Ulbrich, Margariet Van der Gronde, Norma Waite, Elizabeth Wheeler. ; GRADE 12 Bruce Bunker, - Allen' Chap- man, Judith Dalton, Carol Dempsey, Glenn Elliott, John Forsythe, Sandra Gunn, Sharon Hackwood, Maybeth Hoagland, Cheyri Hudson, Patricia Jacklin, Paula Kettela, Janie Mankow- ski, David Partridge, Susan Reed, Gloria Reid, Janice Roe Valerie Smith, Frances Sparkes, Marlene Wood GRADE 13 Roger Be-gmann, Huth, Joanne Kolynko. SECONDARY SCHOOL HONOR GRADUATION DIPLOMAS James Allen, Lfary Banbula, Douglas Beal, Alberta Beetsma, Roger Bergmann, Anne Boville, Michael Connolly, James Eddie, Lorraine Elliott, Noel Fernan- dez, John Flegg, Patrick Holyk, Traudel Huth, Randall Johns, Eric Jones. Kathryn Kashuil, Joanne Kolynko, James Lyzun, Nancy Malloy, Yvonne Moore, Ruth Nicholls, John Orton. Thomas Traudel ond, Janie M ski, General Proficiency Scholar- ships -- Grade 13 -- Humanities, Joanne Kolynko; Mathematics and Science, Roger Bergmann. Proficiency Award -- Oshawa and District--Grade 13, Joanne Kolynko School Letters for Academic} and Extracurricular | Achieve-| ment -- Judy Dalton, Molly Powers, Diane Sabo, Carol Saunders, Sharon Scott, Gaii Souch, Robert Taylor, Leslie Tomezak, Wayne Walters SPECIAL COMMERCIAL GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Elizabeth Chopee, Sharon Hackwood, Marjorie Hos kin, Marilyn Howe, Mary Lazin, Heather McBain, Barbara Mc- Knight, Anne Marie Munroe, Valerie Smith, Marlene Woapd. SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Six Options--Edward Cooper, Judith Dalton, John Forsythe, Frances Haime, Cheyrl Hudson, Constance Lucas, Arden Me- Laren, Jacqueline Menzie, Pat- rick Rudka, Othmar Telep, Richard Zaroda., Five Options -- Dale Ander- son, Mai Aru, Bruce Bunker, Anne Butler, James Crozier, Sharon Davey, Carol Dempsey, Sharon Duffield, Glenn Elliott, Sandra Gunn, Bonnie Hart, Maybeth Hoagland, Patricia Jacklin, Elizabeth Jarrell, Linda Johnston, Molly Johnston, Paula Kettela. Pauline Kettela, Gary Kitchen, Marie Klucowski, Lewis Kocho, Robert Liston, Sandra McGahey, Gregory McKinley, Dianne Mc- Lellan, Frederick Mandryk, Janie Mankowski, Katherine Maroosis, Marlene Mason, Louise Miller, Ardyth Pollitt, Paul Prachun, Susan Reed, Gloria Reid, Laura Rimland. Janice Roe, Jackie Rogan, Julia Sanders, Dawn Sheppard, Ronald Siblock, Frances Sparkes, Paul Stacey, David Strynatka, Martin Suddard, Wil- liam Taylor, Janina Telesnicki, Donald Townsend, Nicholas Urban, Nancy Von Gunten, John Weroski, Barbara Weyrich, Zenon Zaroda. Four Options--Stanley Adam- cewicz, Richard Barnoski, Jud- ith Blencoe,' Susan Brockman, Allen Chapman, Donald Cover- ly, Katherine Fedyk, John Field, Garry Fleury, Marion Garlichs, Bruce Gibbs, Andrew Glecoff, Mary Louise Griffith, Gary Head, Susan Hickey, Jerry Issel, Sophie Kalmuk. Beverley Lamb, David Lewis, Ronald McKnight, \ Joan Marshall, Christine Marzec, Ed- ward Mitchell, David Muir, Eugenia Nedozytko, Eleanor Neilson, David Partridge, Rob- ert Petre, Christine Phillips, Bryon Poot, Corinne Power, John_ Richardson, °. Edward Rouse, Margaret Saywell. John Schievink, Donald Shakotko, Lawrence Sharaput, Trivett, Leslie Tropak, Eugene Tymchuk, Victor Tyrrell, Brenda Vermoen, David Wand- less, Reginald Webster, Richard Williams, Rodney Zaine. Raney Reet od get il ss a Pie Oe NL BIER i I IS en i AT COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES and diplomas were presented Friday night at the commence- ment exercises held at Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute. The list follows: The Business and Professional Women's Club: Twenty dollars to the student in Grade 13 who has done the best work in Eng- lish during the year: Mara Gaumers The Kinette Club Home Econ- lomics Prizes: Awarded to the girls who have done the best practical work in Home Econ- omics during the year, Each prize is ten dollars, Won by the following students. Grade 9 Lorraine Smelko Grade 10 Ursual Brandauer Grade 11 Sophie Biczak Grade 12 Cheryl Laxdal Golden Jubilee Chapter, IODE Awards: English: 1, Ten dollars to the student obtaining the highest standing in Grade 11 English: Doris Chromej. 2. Ten dollars: to the student obtaining the highest standing in Grade 12 English: Ruth Ann Taves, History and Geography: 1. Ten dollars to the student obtaining the highest standing in History and Geography in Grade 10: Lydia Skochko. 2. Ten dollars to the student obtaining the highest standing in History in Grades 11 and 12: Valentina Puntus and Sophie Taratuta (equal). 3. Ten dollars to the student obtaining the highest standing in Geography in Grades 11 and 12: Marian Stefaniak, The Oshawa Kiwanis Club Awards for Mathematics and Science: Ten dollars to the stu- dents who obtained the highest standing in Grade 9 Mathema- tics, Grade 9 Science, Grade 12 Algebra and Grade 12 Chem- stry: Grade 9 Mathematics, Joan McMaster; Grade 9 Science, Andrew Cherkas; Grade 12 Al- gebra, William Cliff; Grade 12 Chemistry, Peter Kilistoff. The Science Department of the CCI Award in Grade 13 Biology: Ten dollars to the stu- dent obtaining the highest stand- ing in Grade 18 Biology: Shar- lene Myers. W. L. Dibbon Memorial Medal: To the student obtain- ing the highest standing in Grade 18 Chemistry: Carole Ann Haber. E. A. Lovell Awards French: 1, Ten dollars to the student who has done the best work in French in Grades 9 and 10: Lydia Skochko. 2. Ten dollars to the: student who has done the best work in French in Grades 11 and 12: Lorraine Smyth. Latin: Ten dollars to the student who has obtained the best standing in Latin in Grades 10 and 11: David Riley. General Proficiency: Thirty dollars to the student in Grade 13 having the highest aggregate mark in any nine subjects and proceeding to fur- ther education: Carole-Ann Haber. University Women's Club of Oshawa and District Award: Awarded for proficiency in Grade 13 and potential contri- bution to university: Mara Gau- mers and Carole-Ann Haber. The Mills Motrs Awards for General Proficiency: Fifteen dollars to the student standing first, and ten dollars to the student standing second in the work of Grade 9 and Grade 10: Grade 9; 1. Teri Normoyle; 2. Lorraine Smelko, Grade 10: 1. Lydia Skochko; 2. Lucille Bak, The Rotary. Club of Oshawa Awards for General Profi- ciency: Fifteen dollars to the student standing first, and ten second in the work of Grade 11 and Grade 12: Grate 11: 1. Sandra Fry, 2. David Riley and Janet Hubar (tied); Grade 12: 1. Irene Cher- kas and Hedwig Grabowski Sharon Siblock, "Olga _ Sitsch,| (equal). Donna Stark, Stanley Strzel-|/ The Maycock Memorial czyk, James Swan, Karen|Award: To the graduates of King or Harmony elementary schools who have obtained the highest standing in their respec- tive grades in the general dollars to the student standing e Mary E. Dignam Awards in Art and English: (Establish- ed by the Oshawa Branch of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association) 1. Ten dollars to the student who has done the best work in Art in Grades 9 and 10: Ursula Brandauer. 2. Ten dollars to the student who has done the best work in English in Grades 10: Lydia Skochko by reversion to Lucille Bak by reversion to Paulette Gulenchyn. Canadian Legion Ladies' Aux- iliary Awards for General Im- provement: Thirteen' dollars to the student in Grade 9, and twelve dollars to the student in Grade 18 Physics and Chemis- 7 ($15) Martin Rohn, istory and Geography; Ten dollars to the student who has obtained the highest standing in Grade 9 History and Geo- graphy: Teri Normoyle by re- version to Andrew Cherkas and Robert Cherry (equal). English: Ten dollars to the student who has done the best work in English in Grade 9: Teri Normoyle. General Proficiency in Four- Year Arts and Science: Fifteen dollars to the student standing first in the work of the Four Year Arts and Science Course: Richard Bilinski, General Proficiency in Grade 12 Special Commercial; Thirty dollars to the student standing OCCI Students Receive Awards Prizes, awards, scholarships Grade 12, Irene Cherkas. first, and twenty dollars to the student standing second in the work of Grade 12 Special Com- mercial: 1. Donna Bessie; 2. Helen Wiatrzyk. The Moderns Department of the CCI. Presented by Mr. J. Peckham, Head of the Moderns Dept, German: A book, to the stu- dent who has done the best work in German in Grade 11: Nancy Marston. A book, to the student who has done the best work in German in Grade 13: Carole-Ann Haber. Club "Loreley""' Award in Ger- man: A book, presented to the student in Grade 12 who has the best standing in German: Cheryl Laxdal. The Classics Department of the CCI: Latin: Ten dollars to the stu- dents in Grade 12 who have done the best work in Latin -- Hed- wig Grabowski. Fifteen dollars to the students in Grade 13 who have done the best work in Latin -- Mara Gaumers. Mrs. E. J. Reed Prize in Senior Art: A book, "A World History of Art' to the student who has done the best work in Grade 11 and 12 Art -- Larry Horne. Sketching Club of the CCI: A book, to the student who has contributed the most time and service to the Sketching Club -- equal). . Boys' Athletic Association Award: Ten dollars tothe boy who obtained the highest stand. ing in the annual Physical Edu- cation examinations in Grade 9 or 10 -- William Kuzmytch. ~ Horne, Betty Poloz, Brian Wil- Leslie Ward. Grade 10 whose work during the school year has shown the most improvement: Grade 9 Grade 10 Dennis Bessie Robert Stuart IODE Awards: General Improvement; Ten dollars to the student in Grade 11 and ten dollars to the student in Grade 12 whose work dur- the most improvement: Grade 11 Education examinations Dove ($12.50 and a bar). highest standing in the annual Physical Education Lawrence Horne. CCI: cord based on five consecutive 1, Carole-Ann Haber 2. Mara Gaumers ($30) ($20) highest standing in Grade 13 History: Betty Poloz. Grade 12 Commercial Option: Ten dollars to the student ob- taining the highest standing in the Grade 12 Commercial op- tion: Irene Cherkas and Hedwig Grabowski (equal) Grade 12 Industrial Arts: Ten dollars to the student who has done the best practical work in Grade 12 Industrial Arts: Brian Williams. Lily MacMillan Cowan Schol- arship in Music: 1. Twenty dol- lars to the student obtaining the best achievement record in Grade 9 and 10 Music: Brian Pollock, 2. Thirty dollars to the student obtaining the best achievement record in Grade 11 and 12 Music: Lorraine Smyth. Junior Chamber of Commerce Trophy for Public Speaking and Debating: To the student who has contributed most to discus- sion and debate in. Student Council: Larry Horne. Oshawa and District Home and School Council Award: For proficiency in secondary school followed by attendance at an in- stitution of higher learning: Mara Gaumers and Carole-Ann Haber (equal). Stephen G. Saywell Prize in Music: A book to the student whose progress in the instru- mental music course and par- ticipation in the music activi- ties in the school have been outstanding: Edward Clark. Colonel R. S. McLaughlin Awards: Commercial Option: Fifteen dollars to the students having the highest standing in com- mercial work during the year: Grade 9 ($15) Sharon Brown Grade 10 ($15) Edna Findlay Grade 11 ($20) Marina Cap- puccitti. Industrial Arts: Twenty dol- lars to the students who have done the best practical work in Industrial Arts: Grade 9 ($15) Grade 10 ($15) Paul Maunder Grade 11 ($20) Dan Frankiw Mathematics and Stience: To the students who have done the best work in Mathematics and in Science in Grades 10, Grade 11, and Grade 13; Grade 10 Mathematics ($15): Lucille Bak; Grade 11 Geom- etry ($20) Sandra Fry; Grade 10 Science ($15) Lucille Bak; Grade 11 Physics ($20) Sandra Fry) Grade 13 Three Mathe- matics ($30) Martin Rohn; Dennis Krout ing the school year has shown| | Robert Johnstone | Grade 12 Christopher Roberts} The Get-Together Club Award]! in Physical Education: To the|' girl who obtained the highest |' standing in the annual Physical] ' in|) Grade 11 or 12: won by Victoria} " To the boy who obtained the] examina-| | tions in Grade 11 or 12: won by} ' The Student Council of the Awarded to the student having the best achievement re- years' work in Grades 9 to 18: |/ Grade 13 History: Ten dollars be to the student obtaining the|' Prince Philip Chapter of the| step down the ramp into WINTER AIR CANADA is your fastest= and only= non-stop service to Florida from Toronto ...features up to 2 jets a day, this winter! 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