Feanares Syudionta, tem, F964. Work! rights . un BEON! STILL WEEPING FOR THAT-BOY? LET PANCHO THEY' COMIN' ODT osecNOW SHE Kiao Boe ya THE LONE RANGER TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11l--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WEBW-TV Channel 7----Buffalo WROC-TV CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronte ,, CKVR-TV Channel 3-Barrie SATURDAY &YE, 6:00 PLM, V--Strikes end Spares %--Mr. Magoo Jo-Bariy Show &-CFL. Western Footbal! 4---Wrestiing &-Teem Time 6:30 Pm N--Polka Party g--Johnny Quest 6--Music 3--Ripcord 2--PicA-Polke 4:4) PLM, 9-&-43----News) Weather) Sports 7:0 °.M, 1--Star Route %-Voyage To The Bottom The Sea 63--Beveriy Hiiibiilies 4-UB Round Sabie Pane 1:30 P.M. il---Club 1) Dance Party +-2--Flipper 7--Outer Limits 6--The Saint 4--Jackie Gleason Show 3-Take a Chance 8:00 P.M. 9--Academy Performance %2--Mr, Magoo 9:30 P.M. &2--Kentucky Jones }--cewrence Welk Show | Mattress 9:00 P.M. @-2----Movie 4-Mr. Broadway 9:30 P.M. 11--Debut -- Z Cars 7--Hollywood Palace 10:00 P.M. %~The Avengers 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M. 63--Juliette 10:30 P.M. n 7--Jimmy Dean Show 10:45 P.M, 63---Sports Unlimited 11:00 P.M, Weather: Sports N1-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News? 18 P.M, Ni--Block Buster Con tinued %--Metro Final $2--Seturday Night? a? The Movies 6--Nigh) Meiro 11:20 P.M, 7-43---Late Show | 6--Sports 1:30 P.M, 9--Answering Service &--Feature Showcase SUNDAY 9:00 A.M, eS := 964 Wahl vighae reserved'. tan, 1 4--Popeye's 2--Cartoons 9:30 A.M. N--Italen Journal ? ir --Superca &--Capt. Bob 10:00 A.M, N--Carasello &--The Bible Answers 7--Rocket Ship 7 6--Metropolls 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Church invitation 10:30 A.M. TI--O.H.A. Jr, A Hockey 9--Portrait 4-Uncie Jerry's Club 2-Catholic Hour 1:00 A.M, 9--Meta Presents This is The Lite 7--Holy Mass 64--Church Service 2--Frontiers of Faith 1:90 P.M. 1}--Continental Miniature 9--Bud Sherman Show TeeDirections '45 6--Heritage 4--Film Fury 1:30 P.M. 11---Spotlight §--House on the Hill | Plagues and Answefs | @3--Country Calendar | 4-NFL Football | 2:00 P.M. lieClub 11 Dance Party 9--Theatre 63--World of Sport 2:30 P.M. 7--Dialogue 2--Doctors at Work 3:60 P.M. TMy Little Margie 2--Bowling 3:30 PLM, 6--Popeye 7--The Deputy 4>NFIL, Footbal! 4:00 Mm l-Dennis The Menace 7--Bowling 4--NF\. Football; Second Game 4:30 PLM. 1l--Tiny Talent Time 9--Sgt. Bilko 63--Sports internationa| 6:00 P.M. | 1--Famuy tneatre 9--Afier Four 8-2---Wild Kingdom 7--Wrestling &3--Show of Shows 5:30 P.M. 9--Telepoll #-2--G.E. College Bow! 6-Time of Your Life 4---NFL Football | 3-National Veivet 6:00 PLM. 9--Fiipper J--sig Show of Week 6~--Stingray 4--Twentieth Century 3-77 Sunset Strip 2--Meet The rress 6:30 P.M. 11--Rawhide 9--Walt Disney 6--Candid Camere 4-Pro Football Report 7:00. P.M. 63~Patty Duke Show a--Lassie 1:30 P.M, iMovie Special 9--Mr, Novak @-2--Disney's World of Color 7---Wagon Train 63----Flashback 4--My Favorite Martian 6:00 P.M. €43---Ed, Sullivan 6:30 P.M. %--Man From U.N.C.L.E. 7--Broadside %2--Bill Dana Show 9:00 P.M. Lt fap ee --Movie | 4--My Living Doll 9:30 PM. l1--Reporter 9--The Lucy Show 4--Joey Bishop Show 10:00 P.M. 9--The Hourglass 8-2--The Rogues 63--This Hour Hes Seven Days 4--Candid Camera 10130 PLM. Ni--Bill Dana Show 4--Whal's My Line 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--- Newsy Weather, Sports 11:20 P.M, 7-4-3--Late Show 1:30 AM. 9--Spectrum 7--Discovery @--The Christophers | 12:00 HOON | Italian Album | 8--Fellx The Cat 7---Challenge 6--Sunday School | 4--News; Weather | 2~Award Theatre 11:30 P.M, 1--Travellers' %--Douglas' Fisher é--Human Jungie MONDAY 6:00 A.M. 9--Morning News | 4--Captain Kangaroe Answer 12:18 P.M, | 4--industry On Parade | 12:30 P.M. | 11--Pleasure of Life 8--Mr. Wizard 7--Bullwinkle 6~--Live and Learn | | 4--Face The Nation } 3--Cartoons 2--Family Playhouse 8:30 A.M 1i--Schmitzel House 9--Romper Room 9:00 A.M, 9--Playtime With Bobby 7--Dialing For Dolars 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Mike Douglas Show 9:30 A.M. li--Ed. Alien 7--Father Knows Bes? Channel &--Rochester | 10:08 A.M. li--Super Bingo &2---Make Room For Daddy | ToeGiri Talk 6-3----School Telecasts 4--Calendar 10:30 A.M, | Father Knows Best 9--Bingo 6-2--Word For Word 7--Price is Right |6-3--Across Canade | 4-1 Love Lucy 11:00 A.M. i--Seariett Hill 9--James Beard Show 8-2-~Concentration 7--Message 63--Friendiy Gient ly of Mayberry | 11:15 A.M, |6-3--Chez Helene | 11:30 A.M, lieAlbert J, Steed 9---Toronte . Today 6-2--Jeopardy T--Missing Links 63--Butternut Square 4--The McCoys 12:00 NOOR 8-2----Say When 7--Maverick 6--Elwood Glover 4--News ano Weather 3---Popeye's Party 12:18 PM | 4--Spesker of the House | 12:30 PLM | Theatre 62--Truth or Consequences | 4-Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, 4--Culding Light 3--News, Weather, Sports 1:00 PLM. l--Lucky Score 8--Matinee J--Afternoon how 4--Meet The Millers 6-3--Movie 2-Mike Douglas Show 1:30 P.M, \-Matinee and Horse aces 4-As fhe World Turns 2:00. P.M, 9--Abracadabra 4--Password | 2--Loretta Young 2:30 P.M. 9%--Four of A Kind 6-2--The Doctors 7--Day in Court 6---Loretta Young 4--House Party 3--Super Bingo 3:00 P.M. %--Peopie in Conflict | &2--Another World 7--General rosplitel 63--As The World Turns 4-To Tel The Trutn j | 3:30 P.M, 1l--Chliidren's Program 9--It's Your Move $-2--You Don't Say 7--The Young Marrleds 63---Take Thirty 4--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M, 9--Mickey Mouse Clue $--The Match Game 7--Malor Adems, Trall- master 6-43--Secret Storm 2--Captein Bob | 4:30 PM. |}l--Dennis The Menace | 9--Sea Hunt |63--Razzie Dazzle 4--Leave It To Beaver MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. 1)--Farhhy Theatre 9--Five O'Clock Matinee 8--Superman +---The Early Show 6--World Of Nature 4--Five O'Clock Show 2-Yog! Bear 5:30 P.M. &-Music Hop 2--Tales of Wells Fergo 2--Today, 1964 ob OM. 4-Sports with Chuck Healy | 6:30 PLM. |11-f---News, Weather, Sports @-2--Huntley-Brinkley News 7--M-Squad | 6---Across Canede 6:43 PM ti--Pamily Theatre DONALD DUCK BILL 1S ON THE PHONE. Go AND READ CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Medieval stories 6. Struggles, asfor prey 15, Scotch- man's cap 16. Beast of burden 18, Fresh 19, Verity 21, Laundry- room LATO MECION AITIOI IL MeALVIAISIT! (LIE (AISTE MaNJE (VIE IR (LIAIOMEAIT] ig iP I/O M HIAIRIE ME A[B/S [OTR 1B] fOINT) OTN ATUIRIAIL | (SIFIOINEIO MOTE IL IE} (TAR JONAS | [AIRIAIL MEGIO RET IUIN} GIEINJEISMERIATI ISIE) 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 14, 1964 Firsh,let's see what's by a backward finesse. pa ily, if declarer has o ho! seen in the aerhg he onenen the king are no clues to indicate other- wise, South has a 50 per cent chance of winning the finesse, If you now look at the Hast- a trick by playing the sult way. However, it can alse be ay that rs is ayy to ovat a diamond loser by pla: suit in a somewhat pst By way. To accomplish this, declarer starts the suit by leading the jack, planning to finesse if West follows low, If West ducks, South has his three diamond tricks, So let's say that West covers with the queen, Declarer wins with the king, returns @ dia- mond, finesses the nine, and thus escapes a diamond loser, The reason the backward fin- esse is hardly ever used is that it requires two cards to be well placed, whereas the simple fin- esse requires only one card te be well placed, The odds are 3 to 1 against a backward fin- esse succeeding. The backward finesse is the correct pley in the ing hand, Declarer is the third round of spades and leads a heart. When East shows up with the ace, he can hardly be expected to also have the Queen of diamonds, since he passed his partner's spade bid, Accordingly, after drawing trumps and cashing three rounds of clubs, South leads the jack of diamonds, knowing that West has the queen and hoping that East has the ten as the cards He, the combination fin- esse succeeds and South makes the contract as a result, THANKS FOR DELIVERANCE BOX HILL, England (CP) Stockbroker Derek Schreiber of this Surrey community has given £5,000 to Gloucester Ca- thedral as a thanks offering after his 18-year-old daughter escaped injury in a car crash. SALLY'S SALLIES 24, Biblical "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD 878, Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M, to 10 P.M. Nei anes ha ARERR SUNNY SPAIN! ANDALUCIA Cen, $557.90--- 17 days, PALMA Can. $386--~ 17 days (4 deys extensions epprox., $28.00). inlet: geol, 37. Portion of Includ Alr fare frem Torente, Ist class hotels, all meals delux motorcoach city to city, escorted. a line 38, The Piper's son, 41, Ant 43, Semblance 45. Pastime 46, Christmas songs 47, Prongs 48, Secluded valleys te QUITS UN POST UNITED NATIONS (AP)-- Ambassador Renan Castrillo Justiniano said Thursday he had quit his job as Bolivia's per- manent UN representative be- cause he could not in good con- science serve under a military regime. Castrillo told reporters he had sent in his resignation as head of the Bolivian UN del- egation three times since last week's coup d'etat and he fi- nally got word from- La Paz Wednesday that it was ac- 6-2--Huntiey Brinkley 1' Repo cepted. MAY DISCUSS SALE L, B. Allen, the secretary of Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Co. Ltd., said in Toronto Thursday Brazil's purchase of the American and Foreign Power Company's holdings in that country could mean the opening of negotiations for pu?- chase of Braziliai Traction's telephone service, The company serves 844,725 telephone sub- to Tangier and Canary Islands. CALL 728-6201 Four Seasons Travel FORMAL WEAR Rentals Morning Suits -- Tuxedos Dinner Jackets Mink Stoles -- White Fox Furs DUNN'S 36 King East and the QOshowa Shopping Centre scribers, many of them around Sap Paulo. 723-7611 - 723-1371