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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1964, p. 3

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SHOCK TO CONSERVATIVES By HAROLD MORRISON Cipetian Press Staff Writer 'Britain is preparing a mas- policy and with it may come a readiness to commit most of its nuclear power to an integrated force for all time--if other al- lies also agree to take a simi- lar move. This suggested decision may be a shock to Britain's Conserv- terrent to discourage an attack cases where the cloak of United Siaies protection is withdrawn. Harold Wilson has argued thatja the independent deterrent is a myth; that the real balance of nuclear power rests between the U.S. and the Soviet Union and all the Brifish force does their own national forces and submarines to be assigned to the North Atlantic Alliance with ber 'emg af ype ine ome f its defence|withdraw marines in ive. reaporniaa?,# times of extreme national emer- gency. form of North Atlantic nuclear|conferring with President John- son in Washingto: month, will ask that the British orders for these expensive sub- marines be reduced, perhaps to three, with the stipulation that atives who long have main-|they tained the country's nuclear/NATO duty. with no qualifying strength is an independent de-| withdrawal clause, on Britain's soil, even in such Wilson's reported determination to pare Britain's present de- But Labor Prime Minister/fence bill of some $6,000,000,000 savings to help the economy at home and provide more Co- lombo plan aid to the improy- erished in Southeast Asia. is encourage others to build/designed with the hope France, the only other nuclear power in It appears likely Wilson, in m early next would be assigned to This would be in line with year and use some of the Such a policy also would be Integrated Nuclear Force May Win Labor's Support Europe, might be enticed into an integrated force, provided it obtained a prominent position in directing the strategic opera- tions of the combined new weaponry. THREAT RECALLED Dirk Stikker, former NATO Negro Leader Says Hoover Is Faltering BIMINI, Bahamas (AP)--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said Thursday the U.S. Federal Bu- reau of Investigation under the direction of J. Edgar Hoover is "following the path of appease- ment . . . in the (U.S.) South." The American Negro integra- tion leader, smarting under crit- icism by Hoover, also accused the FBI chief of "faltering un- der the heavy burden and the civilian chief, disclosed in The Hague that French President de criticisms of his office." Gaulle threatened in a secret 1958 memorandum to follow an independent course if the U.S. and Britain would join in a tri- operation. De Gaulle has suggested an force, separate from the U.S. Wilson bluntly stated Monday yi he rejects categorically any idea of a separate European deterrent. Obviously with de Gaulle in mind, he lashed out against those who endanger the strength of NATO through "nos- talgic delucions."' thus add to the threat of prolif- eration of nuclear weapons. The Labor government's new defence policy is to be estab- to Hoover's statement Washington press conference Wednesday that 'King "is the umvirate to direct Atlantic co- oe notorious Har' tn 'the coun lowing the path of appeasement independent European nuclear|of political powers in the South. If this continues, the reign of terror in Mississippi, Alabama ther than subside," Bahamian 'island to write his speech accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, said he is certain Hoover "would not have made such a vicious accusation with- out being under extreme pres- sure." His ¢ ts came in reply in a The FBI, King said, "is fol- nd Georgia will increase ra- King, who came to this tiny "This pressure," he said, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 20, 1964 3: than 100 people in the tion of some 1,700 kinds of sutures. Starts Production PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- A Peterborough Firm) sions, "oin°empioy tore erent ot company which uses gamma rays from a cobalt 60 irradia- tion unit to sterilize surgical sutures went into production here Thursday. The device was installed by Atomic Energy of Canada at Ethicon Sutures Limited's new $1,000,000 plant. Sutures, manu-| ~ factured in Chicago, are pack-|% aged in aluminum foil and then sealed, The gamma rays go through the foil, sterilizing the sutures. ® Ethicon, a subsidiary of John HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Available At HARDWARE "has come on the racial front and from the Warren report _UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED SWAN'S 0 det th we he oe elt OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Quebec Revenue Minister lished during a weekend cabinet ' conference at the prime min- iy, J \ister's country residence, GENOSHA HOTEL raising serious questions about the effectiveness of the FBI." AE 7 ASTRONAUT GLENN CHECKS OUT JET Marine Col. John Glenn, who spun three times around the world as a pioneer Ameri- can astronaut, checks out a jet plane at E! Toro Marine Ce ee ee a Base in El Toro, Calif., be- fore starting the final series of solo flights in his military career. Glenn retires from the Marine Corps' Jan. 1 at 43, 4% ee) ending 23 years of service. Currently he's taking a two- week refresher training course at El Toro, --(AP Wirephoto) CHURCHMEN AMAZED Spirit Of Unity NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) The 15th meeting of the Cana- dian Council of Churches ended here Thursday with most of the 120 Protestant and Orthodox delegates and Roman Catholic observers convinced that a spirit of unity is'drawing most Canadian churches closer. "T_was astounded at the ecu- menical spirit that permeated the meeting from the first day," Rev. John Martucci of Mont- real, one of four Roman Cath- olic observers, said afterwards. Many delegates were still talking with amazement two days after Rev. Kenneth Die- Fathers and the first Roman Catholic ever to address the council, told it that his church now realizes "there are proph- ets outside the canonical boun- daries of Rome." Father Dietrich said his church admits it was "'largely responsible" for the splits in the llth and 16th, centuries which saw the Greek Church first break away, then the Protest- ant movement come into exist- ence on continental Europe, and the Anglican Reformation sweep Roman Catholicism out of "official" England for a time. was that he had his bishops' sanction to come here and say what he did," said Rev. R. M. Bennett, secretary of the coun- cil's permanent overseas mis- sions and evangelism depart- ments. The smooth deliberations of the council were only once on the brink of being ruffled. A delegate from the Lutheran Church in America asked from the floor Wednesday for re-ex- amination of the council's con- stitution so that his church might soon join. But the Sal- vation Army and Quaker dele- gates, among others, made no rejoinder. Delegates explained that the quest lay in that church's in- clination to regard the Salva- tion. Army and the Society of Friends (Quakers) as religious organizations rather than as Chequers. GIVES CLUE dressing NATO parliamen- tarians in Paris, appeared to tip Wilson's Britain is ready to contribute V-bombers, TSR-2 strike force-- if other Western powers make a comment, laughed off the inci- significance of the Lutheran re-|dent as insignificant in view of the that pervaded the meeting. on the council's executive com- mittee, said' the constitution will But Labor Lord Listowell, ad- hand by saying similar contribution. At the same time reports spread in London that Britain's military men are opposed to the length the Labor administration appears ready to go to commit its nuclear forces. Under the 1962 Nassau agree- ment, the U.S. agreed to pro- vide Britain with five Polaris America is one of numerous Lutheran groups which make up a North American federa- tion, The federation will not al- low its members to join a coun- cil in which membership is not restricted to churches. But there were no hard feel- Urges More Employment QUEBEC (CP) -- Quebec should worry more about creat- ing employment and less about foreign investment in the prov- ince, Eric Kierans, Quebec rev- enue minister, said Thursday. He told the Laval University Conference on Canadian Affairs that any policy which would ex- clude foreign investment such as "high tariff barriers or total socialism" would be shouldered by the cause it would lead to higher unemployment. "popular classes" be- Michel Van Schendel, an eco- nomic writer for Montreal La Presse, said the main danger of United States investment is that it is concentrated only in the Montreal region instead of un- derdeveloped areas of the prov- ince. Theme of the conference, sponsored by the Laval Stud- ents' Association, is 'economic dence and Canadian sov- ings. Lt.-Col. Morgan Flanni- gan, one of five Salvation Army ereignty." In an exclusive interview with The Associated Press, King re- peated some statements he had Now Licensed Under The Liquor Licence Act Mr. Kierans said foreign in- vestors are not acting as ag- ents of foreign governments when they invest in Quebec. They invest because it is profit- able to do so and do not escape from '"'political authority." Mr. Van Schendel said Quebec needs control of monetary pol- made earlier in a telegram to the FBI director. other Negro leaders, who told President Johnson in Washing- ton Thursday they share King's views that the FBI has not pro- vided protection for Negroes in the South. King drew support from six icy to develop economic plan- ning. Mr. Kierans blamed the "'my- opia and inertia' of Quebec fi- nancial institutions, the lack of business leadership in the un- derdeveloped areas, the reluc- tance of persons to move there and the hesitation of financiers NEED A NEW... OIL FURNACE? Call PERRY Day or night 723-3443 to invest outside big centres for the lack of development of these regions. Mr. Van Schendel said a ten- dency in Ontario to further in- tegrate the province into the North American. economy is leading it into a direct conflic' with Quebec policies. MOONLIGHT BOWL OSHAWA PLAZA BOWL Shopping Centre --723-2631 EVERY FRI. MIDNIGHT $3.00 PER LANE representatives, asked later to "fine ecumenical spirit" Mr. Bennett, who also serves and in HARRY'S HIDEAWAY e Ray Belmonte Duo Don't Miss These GENOSHA HOTEL Proudly Presents... Appearing Nightly This Week In The STARLIGHT LOUNGE e Anna Belle Lee Two Great Shows at Tender EAT'N be re-examined before the next "The truly magnificent thing| churches. biennial meeting in 1966. trich, a young priest of the about Father Dietrich's address} The Lutheran. Church in Scarborough Foreign Missions TRUE -TRIM BEEF | 12 KING E, -- 723-3633" Friday, Saturday Specials EGGS 3... 1.00 | 2 89° LAMB CHOPS Freezer Special BEEF "CUT AND WRAPPED FREE" NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC There are 20 great whiskies in Canada Packers Limited is requesting mers to imme diately return KLIK Luncheon Meat with any of the following codes indented in the tops of the tins: EST 7 09284 EST 7 09214 EST 7 09144 EST 7 10054 EST 7 09234 EST7 09164 EST7 10224 EST 7 09254 EST 7 09174 NO TINS WITH ANY OTHER NUMBERS ARE AFFECTED CITY OF OSHAWA Voting On The Question "Are You In Favour Of Electing Aldermen Of The City Of Oshawa By Wards?" Pursuant to Section 257 of The Municipal Act, | give notice of submission 9f @ question to the vote of the electors, as pre- vided for By-law Number 4486, as follows: BY-LAW NUMBER 4486 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA being a by-law to provide for the submission to the vote of the roo of a question respecting the election of Aldermen by wards. WHERAS the Aldermen of the Corporation of the City of Oshowa are elected by general vote; AND WHERAS a petition has been received praying that Aldermen be elected by wards rather than by general vote and requesting that the question of the proposed change be sub- mitted to o vote of the municipal electors; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a by-law of the Corporation of the City of Osh- awa by the Council therof as follows: 1, There shall be submitted to the votes of the municipal elee- tors for their opinion the following question: "Are you in favor of electing Aldermen of the City of Oshawa by Wards?" . dd 2. The said question shall be submitted to the aforesaid municipal electors at the municmipal elections to be held on the 7th day of December 1964 and the hours of voting, the places where the votes are to be taken and the Deputy Re- turning Officers at such places shall be the same as those appointed for the said municipal elections. 3. The Clerk of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa shall attend at the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Oshawa on the 9th day of December 1964 ot the hour of 12:00 noon-and shall then ond there sum up the number of votes In the affirmative and in the negative of the said ques- tion, 4. The Mayor of the City of Oshawa shall attend at the Council Chambers in the City Hall in. the City of Oshawa on the 23rd day of November 1964 at the hour of 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of appointing, if requested so to do, persons to attend at the Polling places and at the final summing up of votes by the Clerk on behalf of persons interested in voting in the affirmative or the negative of the said question. By-low read a first, second and third time and passed this 2nd day of November, 1964, "LYMAN A, GIFFORD" Meoyor DATED at Oshewa, Ontario, this 13th day of November, 1964. L. R. BARRAND, City Clerk Consumers in Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces who have purchased KLIK since September 14th and who ' are in possession of any tins bearing these codes are asked to immediately return them to their retailers for replace- ment or refund. . Tins embossed with EST 7A, EST 7B, or EST 7D are not involved as they were produced at other plants and are in no way affected. The recall of these tins is a precautionary measure which has been taken because spice units, supplied to the Com- pany and used in the production of KLIK Luncheon Meat at one plant, contained less than the normal quantities of one of the curing ingredients, The effect of a smaller than normal quantity of this curing ingredient has not been clearly established by food scientists. KLIK is cooked during the canning process, however, curing ingredients are added in the spice mixture to assure its long-term keeping qualities, The best scientific opinion indicates that the risk of impaired keeping qualities is small, but may exist. There- fore, there is a small chance that the product could deterio- rate and might then cause serious illness if eaten, All KLIK presently on retailers' shelves has been care- fully checked by company employees to ensure that it is not from the lots in question. RETAILERS -- Your cooperation in accepting return of this product is requested. A Company representative will be contacting you. CANADA PACKERS LIMITED 2200 ST. CLAIR AVE. WEST TORONTO 9, ONT. Private Stock CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Wy nad dams Ddlillers Lid. Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskies, each with its own distinctive characteristics, and then aged them in special oak casks. Now, Adams has married these 29 rare whiskies to create the superb flavour of Adams Private Stock. So be sure to try this custom blend, presented in its crystal decanter at a popular price. Private Stock CUSTOMIBLENDED CANADIAN RYE'WHISKY "L, R. BARRAND" Clerk Also enjoy Adams Antique, Adams Gold Stripe, Adams Silver Fizz Gin

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