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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1964, p. 19

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WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS Photo-Greeting A Warm Christmas Message Although busy city sidewalks hint strongly of Yuletide long before Christmas arrives, you really don't come to grips with the realization that the big day is near until drafting your Christmas mailing list. This year you may feel like making a departure from stan- dard mass produced sentiments and are looking for a different kind ef card to carry your Christmas message. If so, why not consider photo- _ greeting cards. There is a grow- ing trend towards photo-greet- ing cards which seemingly adds substance to the old adage, @ne picture is worth a thousand words, Despite the high personal and individual nature of these cards, they're simple to make, rea- sonably priced, and pictures you and your family in your sea- sons' greetings. SNAP INTO IT It's a good idea to get these pictures early. Taking pictures for your "picture perfect" Christmas cards is simple and family fun to cival decorating the tree, and it doesn't require a lot of Christmas background. Get the family. together now and picture them hanging up Christmas 'stockings, holding choir music sheets, wrapping presents or helping the young- est pen a hopeful letter to Santa Claus. Fhese pictures are highly suggestive of the season and require few. Christmas props. For family group pic- tures, include a 'natural focal point such aS a piano, fire- " piace, doorway or staircase. Here are a few other pic- ture ideas. A youngster and a blackboard can be an unbeat- able. combination. Have the child write the words, 'Merry Christmas," on the board and you have a built-in message. Or, a baby and a set of alpha- THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Patience and optimism will be needed now. Some delays or ob- stacles may be encountered or take these in stride. By Monday, you should have all problems settled to your satisfaction. FOR THE BIRTHDAY. If tomorrow is your birthday, the next year should be an ex- ceptionally rewarding one from a job standpoint. - Within the next 12 months, re- solve to make better use of the assets you. have--especially the organizing abilities and the fine intellect with which the Sagit- tarian is endowed. -- Recognition beyond your fin- est hopes should be evident be- fore the end of 1965, with espe- cially notable advances made in late February, late March, May June and October. You can make excellent prog- ress in monetary matters, too-- particularly in early March, mid-July, October and Novem- ber. But do avoid extravagances and-or speculation in January and June. Except for brief periods in late February and October, when you may be under some Hension, your personal relation- ships should prove extremely happy during the coming year and your social life should be quite stimulating. Late December, January, m'd-April and September will be highly propitious for travel and, if you are single, look for new romance in January, late March, mid-June and-or Sep- tember. A child born on this day will be endowed with the qualities re- quired to make a highly success- ful journalist, business executive or lawyer. a Every Day Holds Hidden Blessings By ROBERTA ROESCH | Do you ever start a day with "This won't be my day"? We hear this statement often in all its disheartening tones among the various job-holders we question about their work. In fact, this week we heard it again at nine o'clock one morn- ing. "This won't be my day," one women said, at start of an in- terview. "Since everything wrong has happened so far, can expect that all day." What a negative statement And what a way to lose the precious blessing of one whole day from your life! We all get into this habit, though, because we're human, of course. But time can run out for any of us on a day when we least expect it. Cards Carry > without the aid of a single spec- ial prop. Children saying their prayers is a most appealing subject, requiring nothing but the youngsters in their nighties and a portion of a bed. Just group the children as close to- gether as you can. Now that you have -your Christmas pictures, take the exposed roles of film to your photo-dealer. He is prepared to help you select.a card from a wide range of attractive and) Consequently, why take a tasteful formats including black| chance of losing a day in hand and white, contemporany color|by selling yourself the. foolish slim-lines and attractive fold-jidea that this won't be your ets. You can even have your|day? signature reproduced on each| A day can be what you make card. it, in the final tally of things. If you get caught short of So when your day begins all time this Christmas you can|Wrong start taking the follow- still serid photo-greeting cards|img mental prescription. this year. Simply go through Instead of conceding "This your album or slides. Pick out| Won't be my day," get busy and pictures that best portray your think of ways to reverse this family's personality, leisure- feeling. Then follow them. time activities or home life. For example, rather than set- mags ~ jtling for early morning depres- _ For instance, a shot of frolick-|sion, worry or resentment for ing youngsters, an informal ormaitlan entire day, replace these group picture of the family in|negative notions with ambition the living room or a picture of c interest and excitement. the gay decorations on your) With this as your lead, start door will give you a wuniqueldeveloping a new interest in Christmas photo-greeting card. |your day and what's ahead Photo-greeting cards allow|right away. Make sure your in- you to be selective in sending|terest isn't merely lip service appropriate cards. A picture of|0T vague notions, though. Lay the family can go to relatives|out a positive construction plan and friends; a close-up of the|for the day. Do this much more children to doting grandparents firmly than you would be apt and a picture of hubby with|to do on a day when you're not bagged game to his hunting|'iscouraged. ibuddies, - ---- When relatives and friends receive our Christmas photo- greeting card they think back to the last time they saw you and your family and wonder what you're doing now. They see your season's greeting underlined by a familiar signa- ture. FOR CHRISTMAS What more can a Christmas jeard do? . Brooks Fireplece Equipment changes of plan indicated, but} ® your horoscope indicates that A giant-sized step in black and white fashions is shown here in a Cossack boot made of -- black and white, natur- ally -- plaid wool-and-rayon blended fabric. This style is one of a group of mid-calf boots designed for chilly wea- ther in water-repellent ma- OPA LADIES' AUX. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Oshawa Police Association held its November meeting at the home of Mrs, Mervin Baker. President Mrs. Charles Hill presided over the meeting with 18 members present and Mrs. Greenfield of Erindale visiting. The minutes of the last meet- ing and the treasurer's reports were read and adopted. To date six. members have assisted at the Crippled -Chil- UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES la discussion by various mem- part in the reading of Scrip- ture. The singing of two hymns, "Tell Me the Old; Old Story", and "Wenderful Words of Life', was followed by a duet consist- ing of Mrs. Emest Woods and Mrs. Grant Lewis. This was fol- lowed by a period of prayer and bers on what CBWF meant to THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 25, 1964 25 in their reports. The members handed in the Sunshine Bags and coppers, Mrs. David Morris was captain of the winning team in the copper contest. The Copper Banquet and Christmas party will be November 30, The next me of the group will be held Jan. 18. Fletcher." read. a poem Christmas." In the absence of Mrs, Eric Buechler the minutes were read by Mrs. Douglas Keeler. There were 23 members present. Mrs. Roy Bishop read the treasurer's report. As this was the last regular méeting of this year the various committees handed pa "Gardening at them personally. The Reverend Robert Lytle gave an interesting message. COSSACK BOOTS Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Ernest Woods and Mrs. George Galloway. CENTRE STREET UCW (East Unit) The November meeting of the East Unit of Centre Street UCW was held at the home of Mrs. I. Eastweed. Miss Irene Winter was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Percy Fletcher led the de- votional period. Mrs. P. Ayles- worth spoke on the "United dren's School. Mrs; Greenfield displayed a variety of beautiful Christmas decorations which 'she had made, It was agreed that the auxiliary would begin this type of project next year. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Mervin Baker and following the business meeting a Christmas party is being organized by Mrs. Alex- ander Lenaerts and Mrs. Ken- neth Ostler. terials, It is completely lined 'with a new type of pile that is soft and cozy as fur and is | much more durable. The boot looks handsome with textured stockings, pants and with a variety of hemlines. --By TRACY ADRIAN ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: The letter fram the Widow of The Hunt was interesting. For 17 years I've been mar- ried to one of those hunting nuts. I now know I can do noth- ing to change things, 'because Gilbert has made it clear that hunting comes ahead of. his wife, his 'children, his dying mother, his job, and his re- ligion. I had plenty of evidence of what I was getting into before we were married but I was too dumb to recognize it. Gilbert's idea of a date was to take me down to the city dump and shoot rats. This is how he kept his shooting eye sharp. I think your advice was good, Ann. You told Widow of The Hunt "that which cannot be cured must be endured."' You are SO right.-- ANOTHER WIDOW Dear Widow: Thanks for writ- ing. I heard from hundreds of other hunt widows who were furious because I didn't onder their husbands to stay home. Now really, girls--if your hus- band won't stay home for YOU, they surely won't stay home for me. Dear Ann Landers: I am a perfectionist. Everything has to be just so or I am uncomfort- able. I am a high school junior and make good grades, but I waste a great deal of time on petty details. For example, I can never cross out a word, I must erase it, even if it is in ink. This goes for lists I write to myself to remind me of things. Nobody sees these lists but me. Last year's notebooks are still piled on my desk because I want to add a few things. I also expect perfection from my friends, If a boy's hair isn't just so I mentally cross him off my list. If a person says 'He don't" I can't stand it. Why am I like this? What can I do about it? I know it's not normal but how abnormal is it? ---FUSSBUDGET Dear Budget: I don't know | what else you are doing--or Widows Of The Hunt Admit Lost Cause Mrs, Alexander Lenaerts served refreshments. CBWF. The November meeting of Calvary Business Women's Fel- lowship was held at the home of Mrs, Grant Lewis, Columbus. Miss Fern Ledgett led the business section of the evening. A nominating committee was elected to work during the next month, prior to the election of officers. This is to take place at the next meeting, Dec. iz, at the home of Mrs. W. N, Aitken, 286 Saguenay stre-t. Mrs. George Galloway led the devotions with everyone taking Church Crest." Mrs, Fletcher HAIR DESIGN Salon of Distinction Call 723-5201 151 King St. East your compulsive drive for per- fection. You get satisfactions from these small and "nutty" demands which you should be getting elsewhere. All of us have some odd quirks no matter how well con- cealed. Whén the quirks take over and keep us from function- ing on a day-to-day basis, then professional help is needed. Dear Ann Landers: I'm writ- ing this letter as a warning to teen - agers, especially girls. Please tell them that drinking liquor is the most stupid thing a teen-ager can do. I am 17 and have aged 10 years in the past six months. Last summer I started to drink to prove I was a cool kid. Every weekend from May through August I was bombed out of my mind. Finally my boy friend said if I didn't stop drinking he wouldn't take me out anymore. I-told him that was fine with me, th:t I'd find someone who would. To make a long story short, I began to run with a bunch of swingers and we got into plenty of trouble. I lost my reputation and the respect of all my friends. My boy triend dropped me. I caused my par- ents heartache and cost them money they could have spent on other things. As if this wasn't enough I almost lost my health. I'm trying hard to fight my way back and it's not easy. If} this letter helps just one teen-) ager to stay away from liquor! I'll. feel that I did some good) in dhe-world, Thank you-- = | ASHAMED. | Dear Ashamed: You can live down a bad past if you work at it. Others have. Now that your head is on straight concentrate on the future since that is where you will be spending most of your time. Gerber MIXED CEREAL bases) IMPROVED. ONE 5 Mix New, Improved Ronald W. Bilsky, >< | Chiropractor if hurt on the job, ask your employer te authorize Chiro- practic care. "It's yours for the asking". 100 King St. E, 728-5156 jleaving undone--as a result of i ee i NG Truly The Gift that Lasts Forever 1 Qreland. svv0 For Appointment Call 723-3680 21 Athol St. W. © Tuesday is Tuts' Day IT ISN'T TOO EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT PORTRAITS at the home of Mrs. LILLIAN MAE MARSH -- SCHOOL OF DANCING. 3 D.E.A., M.D.A, Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Pre-School, Kinderance, Character AT MASONIC TEMPLE, 91 CENTRE ST. INFORMATION 723-7253 ~~ Pay ea 4 @ DIAMONDS @ WATCHES @ RINGS @ JEWELLERY OPEN THURS. and FRI. 'TIL 9 HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS 20 Simcoe St. S.--Oshawa Shopping Centre NO MONEY DOWN . BUDGET TERMS @ Hockey Stick and Puck 99¢ @ 16" x 36" Hockey Game 4.99 @ Stock Car Racing Set Special 15.99 @ Model Planes, Trains and Cars For Decorating: © Holiday Floodlight 4.29 © Christmas Tree Stand 69¢ © Extension Cord 9 feet 66¢ © Christmas 15-light set 3.19 @ Christmos Wrap 12 assorted tolls 1.44 FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER 190 KING ST. EAST COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED. 725-6566 Gerber Reifman- "WHERE SMART WOMEN SHOP bet blocks can be very effec-| tive. Spell out 'greetings' with| the blocks, seat the baby be-| hind them and snap your pic- ture APPEALING SUBJECT Sometimes, a picture can be made to express Christmas 10% OFF '° LES EVENISS SALES waynes JU 78 Simcoe N. || : Telephone 723-1411 TV and STEREO Mixed' is easily fixed *Gerber Mixed Cereal, that is! Like all werber Cereals, this delightful variety takes to milk or formula in a flash... Stirs to creamy perfection in seconds. Just-right flake-size ab- sorbs liquid quickly, easily, evenly. The happy result? A texture that's smoothness itself. A texture that babies love because it stays smooth right down to the last delectable spoonful. SUPPORT HOSIERY THE seamless support stockin that really fits / Look What ROGER'S Offering 2 GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING FOR THE ON E Kaye's have the clothes PRICE OF for you, The latest styles A Tremendous offer! Buy the major appli- once you want as o gift for Christmas and get additiono! FREE gift such os Tape Recorder, Hi-Fi Radio, Record Player, etc., etc. Make your selection today! in all sizes, make your Christmas a happy one. 5) SLipPeRS eVeRYone FROM DAVIDSON'S SHOE STORE 31 SIMCOE ST. N. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Shop where your satisfac- tion is our pleasure, Fleetwood Dumont Roger Majestic Speed Queen Nordemende Crosley- Moffat Kelvinator With Every Major Appliance Purchase, such gifts as @ TAPE RECORDERS ¢ PORTABLE TV's @ RECORD PLAYERS © TRANSISTOR RADIOS .© CLOTHES DRYERS etc. What else? Plenty. Gerber Mixed Cereal provides sound nourishment for your baby. It has calories to spare for energy. It has added iron--a factor in helping to build good red blood, and the important B-vitamins, thiamine (By), riboflavin (B2) and niacin. Say Charge It At Kaye's BUY KAYE'S GIFT CERTIFICATES KAYE'S 'i: Be sure to visit our stores in Bowmanville Babies are Our business 68 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-5451 ..our only business! |Important: Selection of cereal grains and preparation are carefully controlled by specialists who work solely in. the M4 , e Py wae Ladies' Wear interest of better infant nutrition. FREE R 0 ( E APPLIANCES 1965 a " ; and as sheer on your legs as you see here! Extra strong encircling support . . . won't sag at ankles, tug at garters or pull at toes. : ' ' 29 Simcoe St, South @ Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-6221 725-4361 OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M. 155 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-2151

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