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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1964, p. 28

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ANIMALS UNWELCO! LIBRARY FUND GROWS . BRISTOL, England (CP)--| PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- os of the pop singing|James Lavin, co - ordinator for roup The Animals have com-|the John F. Kenned i aiined that they were turned|Library Fund, said that away by 'the Ro: 2 es Hotel after|almost $10,000,000 in contribu- - the management claimed they|tions have been received so far. . 34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 25, 1964 33--Automobiles Wanted SHAW auto Wrecking Co, cars bought, [oily li Oy parila oor Street east 725-2311. ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER Petroleum Demand May Jump 36 Percent 38--Coming Events OSHAWA JAYCEES aa RUG TOT NIN a \. prices Wentworth East, 1181, oe ten ae ison wan rs recxiog. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. 34--Automobile Repair - HON specialists, -- transmis- are our only business, 1038 Simcoe Phone 728-7339. brake service and front end alignment. 226 Cones Street. tuneup Centre offers expert | enone carburetor end auto electric service, 22? King, Street Westy 20-0817. 35--Lost and Found feos, Bene alae male cat. . Beay Valley area. Children's daily . Reward, Tele Phone 728-7721. 5 fe'smay" vicinity, ork ave ave: rr ever 27. Sadly mii Friday, Nov Finger please cali 728-4897 before 2.30 tar Labrador retriver, female, two prea ped Hood All black, white chest and paws. Red collar. aa and Kecleice area. Call 728-99: LOST -- in Whitby. pa yor. tight ginger male cat. Vicinity of Greenwood a hips Valued pet. Reward, Whitby 36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET DRYDEN, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate: of Mar- ~ gonet Dryden, late of the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 17th doy of September, 1964, ore hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of De- cember, 1964, after which dote the Estate will be dis- tributed, with regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have no- * tice and the undersigned will = not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then hove notice. DATED ot Toronto this 23rd doy of November, 1964, John Dryden, Executor, by his solicitors, Willis, Dingwall & Newell, Suite 1400, 4 King St: W. Toronto, Ontorio. TENDER FOR WATER MAINS Sealed Tenders properly morked "Tender for. Woter Main Contract W64-1", will be received by the undersign- ed up to 5 p.m. December Ist, 1964. This contract is for the laying of approximately 995 ft. of 8" and 1100 ft. of 16" water main in the City of Oshowa. Plans and specificotions moy be obtained at the office of the undersigned upon the de- posit of « certified cheque 'in the amount of $15.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J: B. ANNAND, General Manager THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF, THE CITY of OSHAWA 100 Simcoe St, South, Oshawa i, ISAAC McKEEN, of 193 Bloor Street East, Oshawa, will not be responsible for bei ao contracted in my name, by a » on or after this date, Novem- ber Pet 1964, without my written consent. ~--ISAAC McKEEN. 38--Coming Events FLORIDA Escorted Tour 20 days, January 11-30 Trovel deluxe air conditioned motor coach, no night travel. Hotel and tours arranged. Phone or write ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY __Port Hope. _ BINGO _ FERNHILL PARK CLUB HOUSE Wed. Nov. 25th EARLY BIRD -- 7:30 P.M, 16 games $6 each 1 each $10 - $15 -'$20 - $30 Share the Wealth Free Admission---Door Prizes | Scout Auxiliary. Monster BINGO Thursday, Nov. 26th 20 GAMES AT $20 5 GAMES AT $30 1--$150 JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD: 2--$250 JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS. 50 and 55 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200 PER FULL CARD IN 50 AND 55 NUMBERS. THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES. EARLY BIRD GAME EXTRA PRIZES, DOOR PRIZES $1.00 ADMISSION RED BARN, OSHAWA CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED. _ OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cosh prizes Jackpot Nos, 58 and 56 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION Children Under 16 Not Admitted STUDENT GUEST SPEAKERS and SLIDES at ODDFELLOWS HALL 82 King St. W. Nov, 26 at 8:45 O'Clock Speoking on their experiences ot the United Nations Pil- grimoge for Youth, EVERYONE WELCOME ADMISSION FREE. | DETROIT (AP) -- "After 134 days of enforced silence, we speak again.' "With that comment in a front- page editorial, the Detroit Free Press announced that it was publishing again for the first time since July 13, That was the day the morning Free Press and the evening Detroit News became strikebound. The Free Press, its editions dated Nov. 25 and its front page banner announcing '30 white hostages slain by Congo rebels" was back on sale Tuesday night. The News was scheduled to publish today. It was the end of the longest HERE'S WHERE GIFT For Her "STAR "LINE" ELNA SEWING MACHINES ore here! up to $100 off on all '64 models by your Elna dealer. Oshawa Sewing Centre 329 Simcoe S. 728-2391 Detroit Papers Hit Streets With Bang strike of metropolitan daily newspapers in U.S. history. The first Free' Press run hil the street not long after a new contract was signed by it and the News and Local 13 of the International. Printing Pres s- men. The Pressmen ani Plate and Paperhandlers Local 13 walked out at the two newspapefs in a dispute over new contracts. The Paperhandlers were the first to settle but it was not un- til last Saturday that terms of a new contract were agreed on by the Pressmen. Commented the Free Press in jHoliday Food Trees ond Trim RUMMAGE. SALE and TEA CUP READING THURSDAY. AND FRIDAY NOVEMBER 26 & 27th 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the POLISH NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH 300 Court Street formerly Anglican Church _Everyone Welcome GOOD Used sed Clothing § Sale, St. Andrew's United Church, 1.30 p.m. on Friday, November 27. Sponsored by 4th Oshawa CHRISTMAS FAIR, Friday, November 27 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Wil- son Road at Hoskin. "Winnie" Gets Greetings world poured into the London Tuesday, a week before he offi-| cially celebrates his 90th birth-| day. A member of the British war- time leader's household said the flow of gifts began much earlier than usual. He said the flood may reach monumental propor- tions by next Monday. Plans of the Churchill family to' celebrate the occasion were still modest--confined to an in- timate and mainly family din- ner party arranged some time ago. The elder statesman on the balcony of his home at Hyde Park gate Sunday to greet a crowd of well-wishers and be photographed. An unprecedented number of official and unofficial tributes was planned throughout Britain. On the eve of his birthday, for example,' he will watch a 90- minute television Musical Trib- ute which has been arranged by the BBC. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH GUILD BAKE SALE Friday, November 27th 2:30 p.m. at 31 'ine St. East (old Alger Bldg.) NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY, EVENINGS 7:45 ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jockson Sts.) . Game $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $160 IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 © CEDARDALE HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION NIGHT OF CARDS MON., NOV. 30th, 8 P.M. LUNCH -- PRIZES BAKE SALE ADM. 75¢ You ore cordially invited BINGO Bathe Park Clubhouse EULALIE AVE. WED., NOV, 25th AT 8 P.M Increase in price ond prizes HUCHRE at Harman Park clubhouse every Wednesday. at 8 o'clock sharp. Lunch, prizes, special door prizes. Ad- mission Me BINGO, Bathe Park. Evlalie Avenue, Thursday, 2 p.m Euchre Saturday, 8 p.m. RUMMAGE SALE, Friday, November 27 fet CRA, Gibb Street, 1.30 p.m. .28th Osh. _jette Escapee Caught PAYETTE; Idaho (AP) -- A second escapee from the Wash- ington State Penitentiary was caught in Payette about 1 a.m. today. Police Capt. Dan Walter identified him as Richard Eu- gene Loux, 26. Captured Tuesday night as he abandoned a stolen car in Pay- was Harold Thomas, 38, who was serving a life sentence for murder. Three others, in- cluding Loux, fled from the car on foot Walter said every exit to the city was covered as the search continued for the other two. The fout were part of a gang of seven who tunnelled out of the penitentiary at Walla Walla Sunday night. Capt, Walter said a resident Saw a man trying to enter a pickup truck parked behind a grocery store. He said a patrol car reached the scene and found Loux in the truck The seven escapees were last known to be together at Gres- ham, Ore., where they freed two hostages early Monday prison getaway, The hostages, Mr. and Mrs ewe Scout Auxiliary. Andrew Jeppe, were unh" -..: LONDON (Reuters)--Presents| and greetings from all over the| home of Sir Winston Churchill} will) __|make a lunch-time appearance after forcing them to aid in their} YULETIDE GIFT. & Ae SHOP You "ONE STOP CHRISTMAS SHOP" Features: No. 1 top quolity trees, gift wrap, table centres, door knockers, fancy candles, garlands, indoor-outdoor lights, out- door figures, Santas, bulbs, bells, etc. Shop today! RUNDLE GARDEN| CENTRE LTD: 1015 KING E. 725-6551 its editorial: TO FIND GIFTS FOR EVERYONE |! Christmas. SPOTTER' LIKE ARMCHAIR SHOPPING ? Phone 668-3311 For details on Gift Packs of SELECT APPLES RED WING ORCHARDS |For 'Holiday Fun eat "Since we last spoke to you . + more than 184,260,000 copies of the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News have not been printed. They are gone forever, unrecoverable,"' The return of the newspapers was greeted happily by Detroit- ers. Free Press circulation depart- ment employee Jack Kincel, 59, who seized a bundle of the papers and began selling them outside the Free Press building, said: "I got the idea with all the people out here that some- body should be here to sell pa- pers. I got a dollar each from two persons." y KEN SMITH caahinn Press Business Editor TORONTO (CP)--Total de- mand for Canada's petroleum products is expected to rise 36 per cent to 1,070,000 barrels. a day by 1968, the Toronto-Do- minion Bank says. In dollar tenms, the bank says in a survey of the petroleum industry, this would mean an increase in value to $1,000,000,- 000 from $700,000,000 in 1963, "This growing revenue flow should make possible both an enlarged exploration and devel- opment program and a contin- ued annual revenue surplus," the survey says. However, it warns, despite survey says several Canada now are at or close to In the refining industry, the areas of capacity levels. . "New additions to capacity will be required soon if this si- tuation is not to lead to unde- sirable tightness in supply, es- recially in the Ontario market. "For the longer term, sub- siantial new refining capacity will also be required in Quebec and the Atlantic region," The bank estimates that to meet increasing demand for re- fined products by 1968, con- struction »providing an addi- tional 250,000 barrels-a-day ca- pacity will be needed. the glowing economic picture of the future the long-term pros- REAR ORLA RE OBE GO |000 to 720,000 barrels a day. For 'Him or H 'Her | FOR THE MOTORIST Give a gift wrapped Ontario Motor League Membership For information Call 728-8334 REET, For Him GIVE * * * your Party Clothes "THE FESTIVE LOOK" Vadiant Cleaners Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-1023 Pick-up & Delivery $ SAVINGS $ on auto repairs, parts, accessories, speed ond custom equipment, 24 hr, towing. YBOC'S' 1600 KING E. 728-7781 (10% off with this coupon) LIMITED i | | SMITH BEVERAGES | | Authorized Bottlers for | PEPSI-COLA CANADA LTD, | and Crush International Limited 750 Farewell St., Oshawa Shop in Warmth! For a. complete selection OF ss * CHRISTMAS TREES (will spray) * LIGHTS Indoor and Outdoor * DECORATIONS * FLOWERING HOUSE PLANTS Mums, Poinsettas, Cyclamens 2 Locations: to... J. A. Janssen & Sons LTD, 843 King W. 728-9429 Al Preston's Sunoco Simcoe St. North HOT COFFEE TO EACH CUSTOMER For Anyone oe New and Used PORTABLE AND STANDARD TYPEWRITERS One year guarantee on all machines Jenkins Business Machines (Sales & Service) OPEN EVENINGS 728-7783. GIFTS FOR THE HOBBYIST Model Automobile, Air- plone, Boat Kits, The Big- gest Selection in town. POLLARD Radio & Television Service __153 Simcoe S 723-9512 "GIVE ods That Lasting Gift "A Gift Certificate" For A PORTRAIT IN OIL Sittings Arranged ot your Convenience. Call CLARK STUDIO 325 BROCK NORTH _WHITBY -- RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS ASSORTED ROSARIES ST. JOSEPH'S MISSALS $5 to $18 CERAMIC STATUES $2.25 to $13 Lovely assortment of Crucifix.oand Nativity Sets PARKVIEW VARIETY STORE 98 OLIVE AVE. Mrs. V. Bachond, owner Open daily 'til 10 p.m. 725-8232 \a - 668-4497 ' TELE PHONE 728- 1011 The Safe Way To Celebrate THE HOLIDAY SEASON Ride with MERCURY TAXI 725-477) 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi [For the Home BETTER CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES T.V. Towers $50, up OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS 728-8180 BILL LEASK This "ear Give The Gift That Keeps On Giving... An OSHAWA TIMES SUBSCRIPTION If you have friends or rela- tives who are living out-of- town, send the Oshawa Times, a year-round gift that is sure to be a daily reminder of your thought- fulness, CALL THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT KING ST. EAST 123-3474 Will be pleased to give you further details and act upon your instructions, THIS YEAR GIVE HIM FLYING TRAINING For private pilots. This is a Government approved school. Aircraft rentals also available. J. V. AVIATION LIMITED Hanger 2, Oshawa Municipal Airport, Stevenson Rd. N. 728-3191 _ For 'the: Family SKATES NEW and USED SOLD and EXCHANGED Al so BICYCLES and TRICYCLES Apply DRAYTON CYCLE 204 Bond St. E SOMETHING . . . THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL LOVE BABY BUDGIES Wonderful assortment of rare species and colors. MRS. T. BROAD 114 Elgin East 723- 9767 | Miss Blackhawk, No Boy 109 pects for reserves are all un- certain, . Canada has not had a major new discovery of oil since 1057, In recent years, ad- ditions to reserves have almost entirely come from revisions and extensions of already- known fields and unless this trend in the discovery rate can be reversed soon, Canada may find itself in a less satisfactory reserve position toward the end of the present decade."' The bank bases its demand forecast on an average expan- sion of five per cent during the next five years. TOTAL DEMAND Total demand for petroleum by Canada is expected to reach about 1,275,000 barrels a day by 1968, it says. Of this, imports would continue to fill most de- mand east of the Ottawa Val- ley, leaving a domestic market for Canadian producers of 715,- Exports into United States markets were set at 350,000 bar- rels daily, more than 40 per cent higher than in 1963. " Provincially, Alberta ap- pears to be in the most favora- ble position to benefit from this future growth in demand. "Output of crude in other oil- producing provinces is expected to reach a peak in the next few years, leaving Alberta to fill any further increases in the market for Canadian oil, "A 46-per-cent rise in Alberta production .. . from last year's Canada Council Grants $44,000 OTTAWA (CP)--A total of $44,000 in grants for the theatre was announced today by the Canada Council. The Dominion Drama Festival will receive $9,000 to help with travel expenses of groups par- ticipating in next year's final festival in Brockville, Ont. The Canadian Theatre Centre gets $5,000 to help expand its operations. ~ The Neptune Theatre in Hali- fax recéives a supplementary $4,000 grant for the company's tour of the Maritime provinces with its production of Shake- speare's Twelfth Night. Quebec City's le Theatre de VEstoc and Montreal's |'Egre- gore receive $3,000 and $10,000 respectively for their 1964-65 seasons. The Vancouver Theatre Cen- tre receives an additional $10,- 000 grant for the remainder of its 1964-65 season. Toronto writer Hugh Garner receives $3,000 to adapt his novel, The Silence on the Shore, for production in in the theatre. PRODUCTION IS UP OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's production of pulpwood in Sep- tember increased by 14 per cent to 1,872,659 cunits from 1,377,- 134 a year earlier, the bureau of statistics reported Tuesday. A cunit equals. 100 cubic feet 534,000 barrels a day to a 1968 of solid wood. GREENWOOD ENTRIES THURSDAY, FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000, maiden) | three-year-olds, foaled in Canada, 7 fur- longs. Sweet Knave, Webley XXX110 Caledon Blue, Dittfach 115 Line Em_ Up, Armstrong 120 Nanjan, Turcotte X110 Tudor Anne, Parsons X110 Gallumphant, McGovern 118 Mr, Brutus, Walsh 118 Vaisprious, Dean XXX105 SECOND RACE--Purse $1,900 ($2500.) Claiming, three-year-olds, 7 furlongs. Town Invader, Dittfach 111 Big Boots, Hale 117 Black Coral, No Boy 117 Choppy River, McComb 117 Mr. Flirt, Cosentino 114 Susie's Roman, Walsh 114 Valcutta, Parsons X10? Bar Hostess, Walsh 116 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000, maiden three- and four-year-olds, foaled in Can- ada (Division of Ist), 7 furlongs. Mr. Bellachop, Walsh 118 All Grand, Gubbins 115 Bridget L., Harris X110 Sursum Corda, Parnell 120 Patti Dipper, McCauley X113 Wee Lass, Dittfach 115 Master Himount, Leblanc 118 Mediand St., Turcotte X113 FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,300 ($5000). Claiming, two-year-old fillies, one mile. Fabulous Star, Gordon 114 Native Twin, No Boy 112 Gay Chant, Dittfach 107 Select Sin, Walsh 107 Merry Barque, No Boy 107 Ann's Reply, Walsh 114 Dear Maggie, Gordon 109 Valecrest Lady, McComb 111 Andrea inez, No Boy 107 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400 ($7500). NOV. 2% (Cocktail Date, Dittfach 112 Roman Warrior, No Boy 110 Reefwaif, No Boy 122 Freedom's Hope, Gordon A-117 Ships That Pass, No Boy 110 To The Victor, ge pal * ids A--Willow Downs Farm (QUINELLA WAGERING) SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 ($3500). Claiming, three-year-olds and up, 7 fur- longs. Woodcote Park, Parsons X104 Jacquilo, Dittfach 113 Argo Bound, Gordon 113 Sky Spark, Harris A-X108 Island Flag, Harris A-X111 Winsmanship, No Boy 116 Ansman, Armstrong 116 Fabison, Turcotte X110 A--S. M. Paulson and §. L. Hoskin entry SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000, "U.S Thanksgiving Day' Purse, allowances, three-year-olds and up, foaled in Canada, 1 1-16 miles. Mornins' Mornin, Walsh 119 Peters Sister, Gordon A-123 Sweet Lady Briar, Harris X105 Top Toggery, Dittfach 116 Already Dia, Armstrong 121 Mixed Colors, Gordon A-116 | Teardrop Lane, Leblanc 113 AH. C. EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $1,900 ($2500) Claiming, three-year-olds (Division of 2nd), 7 furlongs. Roman Scholar, No Boy 114 Burton entry .Water Duck, No Boy 111) Spanking Breeze, Annesiey 119 Noble Score, Dittfach 114 Sign Play, Potts 119 Yukon Squaw, Leblanc 116 Doonbeg, Harris X114 Bive Mischief, Walsh 111 X--5 Ibs, AAC XX--7 Ibs. AAC XXX---10 Ibs, AAC Claiming, two-year-olds, 7 furlongs. POST TIME 1 P.M. SURE TO PLEASE! A Gift Certificate from LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 49 King S¥"W., Bowmorville 623-5941 Shoes, Slippers for the Family Use Our Convenient _beyaway Plan ELMER! S "The Christmas Store with. Gifts Galore" Got gift problems? Drop into Elmer's Bargain House and see the large selection of gift ideas for the whole family. ELMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE STORE HOURS: 12 noon to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed all day Monday 253 BLOOR ST. E. FROM . SANTA'S PACK FOR ALL THE FAMILY SLIPPERS * Busy feet will appre- ciate these warm house slippers Christmas morn and every morn * Complete range of sizes, styles and colors BIGGEST | SELECTION TOWN! BURNS CO, LTD. 1 KING W. 725-4611 "Use our lay away' IN ZENITH The Quality Goes In Before The Name Goes On WILLIAMS' Electronics The Dealer To Buy Your Zenith Television Set From A contemporary model designed to fit in per- fectly with any modern setting. Priced from 429.00 A beautiful example of Zenith's quality T.V. Set in a Provincial per- iod. Built your home. _ 379.00 to flatter Priced from WILLIAMS' ELECTRONICS SALES & 1218 SIMCOE ST. N. SERVICE 725-2905 were "detrimental to business."|Lavin said funds for the bi level of 780,000 barrels a day/An Animals spokesman saidl|ing itself and for beobe regard is forecast." "they seem to think we were/of an affiliated teaching insti- not properly dressed," tute "are now bess SATISFIED CUSTOMERS YOUR PRECISION GROUND LENSES 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM .@ FOR MEN @ FOR WOMEN __@ FOR CHILDREN @ BUY DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND SAVE @ DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN NATIONAL BRANDS @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT @ We fill oll PSI, Oculists and Optometrists preeriptiors ot the some Low Prices. HOURS: MON. TO SAT. 9 A.M. -5 P.M. Closed All Dav Wed. of Cahade 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd Floor PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA ipal Citic NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD by the Corporation of the City of Oshawa for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of The Planning Act TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law 4482 passed on the 2nd day of Novem- ber, 1964. A copy of the By-law is furnished herewith, A note giving an ion of the purpose and effect of the by-lew is set out below. nN Any person interested may, within fourteen (14) days after te date of this notice, send by registered mail or deg'ver to the Clerk of the City of Oshawa notice of his objection to approval of the said by-low her with a of the grounds of such an objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and plece when any objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons whe have filed an objection. The last day for filing obj will be D ber 2nd, 1964, DATED AT THE CITY OF OSHAWA THIS 18TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1964. L. R. Barrand, Esq. City Clerk, 50 Centre Street, OSHAWA, Ontarie BY-LAW NUMBER 4482 of THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF. OSHAWA being a by-lew to further amend the Zoning By-law of the City of Oshawa, BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED THEREOF AS FOLLOWS: 1, Subsection (2) of Section 8 of Zoning By-law 2415 at amended is hereby further amended by adding the words "or COMMERCIAL" immediately following the werd RESIDENTIAL pb i said word appears in the said subsection so that the (2) of section 8 as ded by this by-lew will rood, as follows: (2) Nothing in subsection (1) of Section 8 or in Section 7 of this by-law shall prevent the landscaping of or the erection of fences upon any LOT provided thot the requirements of clause (a) of the subfection are complied with and provided also that no fence shall be erected in the FRONT YARD or in any SIDE YARD abutting a flanking street in any RESIDENT- IAL or COMMERCIAL DISTRICT which is more than three feet (3') in HEIGHT or is of close board con- struction or of a construction not normally used for fences in the FRONT YARD of RESIDENTIAL or 'COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS of the class in which it is located." 2. No part of this by-! low shall come into force without. the of The O | Board but subject therete this by-low shall take effect as 'from the date of its passing. By-law read a first time this 2nd day of November, 1964.~ By-law read @ second time this 2nd day of November: 1964. By-law read @ third and finally passed this 2nd day of Noveme ber, 1964. LYMAN C. GIFFORD Mayor L. R. BARRAND Clerk EXPLANATION OF PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF BY-LAW NUMBER 4482 The purpose of by-law 4482 is to require fences in the front yards of Commercial districts or in side yards abutting a flank- ing street in commercial districts to comply with he same height constrictions as apply to fences in residential districts. The effect of. the by-law will be to require such fences in commercial districts to be of a height of three feet (3') or less, and to be of a construction of a type normally used for such fences in commercial districts, The by-low 'will apply to all land zoned Commercial in the City of Oshawa. DATED AT OSHAWA this 18th day of November, 1964, L. R. Barrand, 50 Centre Street, OSHAWA, Ontario City Clerk.

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