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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Nov 1964, p. 15

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MRS, W. M. WILLS, seated, the treasurer of the Delta Sig- ma Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, is seen as she signs a cheque for $300.00 over to the Oshawa Cerebral Palsy Parent Council. Miss Rachel Cooper, (behind), principal of the Crippled Children's School, ac- cepted. the donation on behalf of the Council. --Oshawa Times Photo Sorority Does A Good Tum Helps Crippled Children The Oshawa Cerebral Palsy|Bloor street east, accepted the Parent Council were the re-|cheque, on behalf of the Council. cipients of a cheque for $300.00) The Chapter has deckica 10 presented to them by the Delta again sponsor a needy family THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, Nevember 28, 1964 Chapter of Beta Sigmalat Christmas. Miss Linda Wil- Sigma Chap igm: Phi at its recent bimonthly|son and Mrs. Carl meeting at the home of Mrs.|volunteered to do the shoppin; Robert Patte, Pinecrest road. Mrs. Warren Wills, treasurer,|Christmas banquet would be and Mrs. Robert Burr, chairman|held with Phi Phi and Phi of the Chapter's recent fashion| Omega chapters at the Oshawa show, made the donation from|Golf Club on December 15. Mrs. the of the show. Miss|Larry Steffan wil! act-as Santa Rachael Cooper, principal ofjduring the distribution of Rose- the Crippled Children's School, buddy gifts. UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARTES COME DOUBLE CLUB the Hotel Genosha with supper The Come Double Club of|at 6.45 p.m. Northminster United Church| Draws donated Mrs. Ed- recently held it's annual fall|ward Holland nd Mrs. Thomas dance in the lower Church hall|Loreno were won by Mrs. War- -- the theme being Hallowe'en.|/ren Taggart and Mrs. Loreno. Music and entertainment was|Refreshments were served by provided by George Gudgeon,|the hostess. who was the Mc for the even- ing. Spot prizes were won by} SIMCOE STREET UCW (Harvey Hunt Unit) Miss Shirley ogee cd gs , Dr. an rs. G, yo Mid : The Harvey Hunt Unit of Sim- liam McGilvray. This most en-|coe Street United Church Adair and Mr. and Mrs, Wil- | \joyable evening was arranged + bey met recently with Mrs. G. Lailey presiding. In memory of the late Miss Irene Boes, a highly esteemed mem- ber who passed away recently, a minute of silence was ob- by the club executive. For its. November meeting the Club was privileged to visit United Church House in Toron- to. An interesting tour of the d building was conducted by Mr.|Serve@- C. R. Fallis. The club first} Reports were presented by the visited the office of the Moder-|secretaries. Following the busi- ator and saw the portraits of |ness, the group went to he all the moderators since Church|Chapel for the worship service. Union. 7. ges es "Tf you ask me, life is not made sine = uae " to content people" and followed work with Home Missions. On this with a meditation on the arriving at the chapel a wor- subject. Mrs. J. K. Moffat read the scripture. Mrs. James Pot- g. It was announced that the} THEY'LL BOTH CELEBRATE SOON Whitby, and the grandchildren |couldn't help but answr? of Mrs, Alice Gilmore, Whit- by, and of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- | objective clear? liam E. Mayne, Dunbarton. Mrs. William Lashmar, Toron- |to sell you by showing what you to, is their great-grandmother. |can do and what service you --Ireland Studio Derek Douglas and Denise Gail will both celebrate their birthdays soon. Derek will be four years old tomorrow and his little sister will be two years old on December 14. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gilmore, _|tions by telling an appealing | |traneous words and informa- Seeking Work? Check This 3 Questionnaire For Guidance Three of the steps you're|period, have you prepared your- '\likely to take in your march tojself with more "success stor- a job are (1) your job letterjies" of achievements in (2) resume and (3) interview|addition the ones you have one an Sacre pe _ your/for your letter and resume? performance in eac! Q ve rned Lats check Mic in in quie.|--eee 1. Does your letter state its 'purpose clearly by designating a for which you're apply- 4 2. Would it make an employer want to meet you because jf you've included in it the points he would want in a new em- ployee? 3. Does it sell your qualifica- for CITY COUNCIL RE-ELECT Alderman MRS. ALICE REARDON Phone 723-2057 story about your experiences and by giving concrete exam- ples. of your achievements. "| 4, Have you kept your letter short with only one or two ex- amples of your accomplish- ments and saved other "success stories" for your resume and in- terview? 5. Have you written your let- ter in a warm, lively and per- sonable style and eliminated ex- tion? 6. Have you ended your letter with a carefully worded thought that a prospective employer 7. In our resume, is your job 8. Does the resume continue can perform? 9. Have you built up through- ville Smith offered prayer on behalf of all the sick members. Mrs. Frank Buller was in charge of the devotion period and opened with the singing of "Breathe on Me Breath of p.m. A committee composed of Mrs. Henning, Mrs. } agg Seriget cong A ee lems you faced (b) what you did Mrs. C: L. Gunter was to ar- the - entertainment. usual there will be a gift ex- Worsley 'As sults were? ANN LANDERS iiship service was conducted ter was in charge of the pro-|God."' There was a period of out the resume more examples of concrete achievements whether they've been small or large) that show (a) what prob- 'The wewest perfume from Grance ..+ ingly feminine... and supremely about them and (c) what the re- romantie, Pertume Cologne 10, Have you ended your res- ume with your personal data, by two club members, Mrs. change to the value of one dol- after putting the more eye- catching information first? 11. Before leaving home for gram. She took as her topic|questions and answers by Dr. : Alan Dickson and Mr ervice|"'The History of Church Music". Billy Graham. 'The members Biro thage ye Rt edge everyone moved on to the view-| Throughout the scriptures one|were given time to give their» -- "The Kingdom of D ing room, where a film concern-|finds songs, odes, lamenis and opinions and answers before Dr.|- 05» ders Gunter offered to|7 interview, do you make it ing missionary work in Angola,|hymns of all kinds. The group|Graham's answers were read. |/ 1) "the tei etede: book fon (2 business to find out what Africa was shown. were introduced to new tunes; Mrs. Wilburt Clarke and Mrs. y you can about the company? Bug, Fly, Worm rman nt SONNE ORE A EE Hard To By-Pass Dear Ann Landers: If. this a7 3 Dear Ann Landers: How do had happened to me only once I would overlook it, but since a FP pplest a Ming Perr it seems to be a recurring prob-|man who has been going with lem, I need some advice. a 42-year-old woman for almost What does one do when he is|¢, a guest in a home and is served port! yet bg retieg Bre cy food which contains some for- plus other inherited prope rty. eign and inedible body? I'm afraid she's too comfort- Several months ago a beauti-| able for her own good, I asked fully arranged salad was placed|/her two years ago to set the before me. Under one of the let- date but she never got around tuce leaves was a dead bug. I|to jt. almost gagged when I saw it but managed to control myself. A few weeks later I was Three months ago I ran into a woman I used to know back in Montana. Her husband died served a fly in the soup. This/jast year and she moved to this occurred in a restaurant so I/city 'to live with her widowed simply sent the soup back. (The/ sister, The second time I took waiter apologized.) Last night it happened again --at a dinner party in the home of a friend. The dessert was peaches and ice cream. I was half way through the dessert when I spotted two little worms on a peach section. I was talk- ing with the hostess at the time and heroically ate. around the little creatures. her out I knew she'd be a won- derful wife for me. She said "yes" on our fourth date. Now how do I tell the other woman without hurting her feel- ings? After all, I took up four years of her time. --ALEX Dear Alex: Your solicitude is unwarranted. A 42 - year - old maiden lady who has been drag- ging her feet on the way to the What shall'I do if this sort|aitar isn't going to take the of thing occurs again?--NOT HUNGRY Dear Not: Just keep on do- ing what you're doing. So far you've fielded the emergencies with admirable aplomb. Anyone who can eat around worms and carry on a conversation with the hostess doesn't need advice from me. LODGES AND SOCIETIES 0.E.8. SUNBEAM CH. The regular meeting of Sun- news very hard. She may even be relieved. Dear Ann Landers: My three married daughters are always having trouble with their hus- bands. They all have children, which, in my eyes, is reason enough to keep a home together even if it isn't all honey and roses. For the past six years one daughter or another has been at home with me at least half the time. They just show up at the door with their children and say, "I've left him for good this time." In a few days the husband beam Chapter of the Order of|appears and they sit down and the Eastern Star was held in talk things over for half an the Masonic Temple November |p Then they 1 togeth 19 with Sister Thelma Beer- prety esac A ola adduct! thuizen presiding Brother William Henderson. assisted by If they can talk it over in my living room, why can't they talk Sister Gladys Elliott introduc- | jt oyer in their own livi ? ed Sister Meta Moore PDDGM|y've told then. Beane Se gg and past officers of Sunbeam as follows: Sisters don't want to be involved in May Lang,/their family troubles and not to Laura Stewart, Marianne Gir-|,, H rard, Betty McKinstry, Jean ees wae casek oe Scott, Dorothy Haley, Alberta Wood and Sister Eleanor Train. girls are here with their five children, I can't lock them out. Past Matron of Bowmanville » a age ¥ chapter, Brothers William Hen- cen ae aaee ate UNWIE derson and Frank Train. All members and visitors were giv- en a warm welcome. Sister Wilma Taylor gave the report on the sick. The Worthy Matron wished all a speedy re- covery. The refreshment com- mittee was given permission to hold a card party on January ai. An invitation was accepted to visit Whitby Chapter, January 28, Grand Officer's Night. Sun- beam's Christmas party will be a pot luck supper on De- cember 17. The meeting closed in due form. Sister Jean Scott giving the farewell. Worthy Matron's itinerary for the year as follows: December 3, Surprise Night; December 17, pot luck supper and Christ- mas party; January 7, 1965, star points night; January 21, inspection; February 18, con- ductress and associates; March 18, birthday; April 15, past of- dicers' night; May 20, presid- ing and associates night; June 3, Friendship Night, September 16, visiting chapters. WIFE PRESERVER Ru ba cake of wet soap over a wall to fill nail holes. After it is dry, paint as usual. Dear Unwitting: Prove you mean business by saying, "Come in. I will phone a hotel or a motel for you because you can't stay here." When they have to shell out money for room and board they won't run away from their hus- bands so fast. § for some of the older hymns. The evening concluded with a Miss Phyllis Glass, with Mrs. visit to the book store and re- _|Potter at the organ, sang a freshments served in the board numberof the hymns, with the room. Mr: and Mrs. Jack Ovens ie : ' group joining in following her and their group wére thanked ndition. for arranging the evening. 'kn Evetioh Wottinn,: Cathestan B. AND P.W.'s CLUB Winkworth translated a number : of hymns from' German into Owing to the absence through English and John and Charles illness of the. speaker, Mrs.!wesiey were pioneers in hymn Margaret Jones, Peterborough, writing. The New Englan --. of 1 the Business an States contributed writers, John Professional Women's ClubiGranieaf Whittier, Oliver Wen- members, at the November) qe Holmes, and William Henry meeting, gave an outline of Burleigh. * their various activities. 'A 'social ball hour followed. Mrs. J. W. Richardson, presi- OSHAWA LIONETTES dent, stated that awards had been presented to students at the three collegiates. The treas-| With the president, Mrs. Ger- arer reported the transfer of|ald Hudson, presiding the No- the bridge proceeds to the Proj-| vember meeting of the Oshawa ect Fund. The Centennial Foun-|Lionettes was held at Simcoe dation Fund was studied. Hall. The minutes and treasur- Delegates to the Port Hopejer's reports were read. convention, at which group dis-| Two guests were welcomed, cussions took place, were: the|\1rs, Edward Skinulis and Mrs. president Mrs. J. N. Richard-| james Porter son, Mrs. E. H. Tummins, Miss : Jenny Pringle, Miss Marie A report was given by ways and means 'convener, -- and Miss Betty Thom-|\4-.° Ray Stephenson, on a most successful rummage sale held = a ou Eek Vox plans for a bridge in February. Hotel, Toronto, to honor Mrs.|. On Friday, November 13, two In'am Mufti, principal of Ra-|bursaries were given to stu- mallah Centre, Jordan. The|dents at Donevan Collegiate State Department of the Unit-|and R. S. McLaughlin Colleg- ed States government _hasjiate. through UNRWA brought Mrs.| "he auxiliary made table cen- Mufti to address Canadian or-|tres for the Lions dinner and ganizations who have supported] "George" brought in a lot of Ramallah, laughs as usual and was won William Given sang a duet,|January. WESTERN OIL CO, @ FREE @ Cleaning & 24-Hour Service REE "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus," followed by a reading. Mrs, Frank Buller sang a solo "My Cathedral." The Cheerio group served refreshments. CEDARDALE UCW Cedar Dale United Church Women held their regular meet- a ing Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Albert Singer presiding, and opening the meeting with a poem 'We Will Remember them" followed in prayer by Mrs. J. F. Norton. Several letters and cards were read by the correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. C. L. Gun- ter, and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Russel Wors- ley, stating that the fall bazaar had been an outstanding suc- cess, Letters of thanks were to be forwarded to all who donat- ed to it. Letters were read from the Oshawa Presbytery stating the amount of winter clothing al- lotted to the group for overseas relief. Mrs. Singer volunteered The club received an invitat- in November and she announced|to look after this item. A dis- cussion was held on the advisa- bility of having a demonstration from a soup company in Toron- to. Mrs. William Henning re- ported on the Christmas and all occasion cards which were on display at the meeting. Anyone requiring extra boxes was asked to contact Mrs. Henning. A re- port was given by the mem- 12. Have you listed ahead of Parts on your Furncee when you purchese our fuel oll, time every imaginable question you might be asked and figured out the best answers? 13. Have you had a session , of practice interviews in front ta of age oo ag Be! you tage been your fa fore you default in the real thing? 28 KING ST. EAST 14. As part of the practice ~ PHONE 723-4621 remem ct ann cimn AA hs SNEAK PREVIEW OF OSHAWA'S FIRST by Mrs, Edward Wellman. SILVER CROSS WOMEN Kingsdale avenue. minutes. Mrs report on the bazaar. Mrs, Brat: The president, Mrs, Herbert Brately, opened the meeting with The Lord's Prayer, two minute's silence and the motto. Mrs. Jack Hogan read the|Le@sue opened its weekly meet-|church kitchen, Charles Gibbs|ing with the singing of a num- gave the financial report and a ber.of favorite choruses led by|annual Women's Christmas| bers who visited Hillsdale It was announced that De- Manor. Those from the group The monthly meeting of the|cember 7 has been set for the Oshawa Silver Cross Chapter|Christmas party to be held at who volunteered to help were of the Remembrance Associa-|the home of Mrs. Peter Andrey. Clifford tion was held recently at the itfor home of Mrs. Jessie Tooley,/mrs, Kenneth Loverock and her|Goq and His Purpose" were Mrs. George Thomson, Mrs. Harmon, Mrs. Singer Refreshments were served by/ang Mrs. Henning. Copies of committee. distributed to the group. It was decided that a donation SA HOME LEAGUE would be made to the church The Salvation Army Home|board for remodelling the It was decided to hold the) Mrs. William James. Mrs. Mel-'party on December 9 at 1.30 capacity of the Silver Cross. the Retarded Children. ely read the correspondence and letters from the National Coun- cil and throughout the province y YSENG FASH IONS expressing their sympathy in : the passing of Mrs. V. A. Cope. Mrs. Cope is sadly missed as she was an ardent worker in the Silver Cross, vice-president of the National Council and was al- ways willing to serve in any The chapter's Christmas party will be held December 17 at You'll love our selection from Infants to size 14 Budget Accounts Invited is 3 "The Best Costs Less At" Kony is It was decided donations would be sent to Simcoe Hall for the Children's Christmas party; Christmas seals; and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPTICAL SERVICE OPTICAL optical SERVICE ARE MOVING To Larger - MONDAY - Quarters at 10'/2 KING ST. W.-OSHAWA lewis optical A NEW CONCEPT OF FAMILY LIVING 2 & 3 Bedroom Homes... each having full basement... rumpus room... and Individual patios, FOR RENT FOR SALE OPEN THIS WEEKEND . 2 P.M, TO 5 P.M. CORNER OF FAREWELL & OLIVE H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 9 BAGOT ST. OSHAWA 728-1679 We are very pleased to announce that BUILDING ASSOCIATES, Developers of Garden. Homes have selected NATURAL GAS HEATING and WATER HEATING for their exciting new development. Gas Heat Is a Dependable Service A steady supply of Gas is de livered to the home eutoma- tically by protected under- ground: pipelines. Gas is al- ways -there, in all kinds of weather. Its' dependability has been proved, (Sonsumers' (las 29 CELINA ST, OSHAWA 728-7363

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