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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Nov 1964, p. 2

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_ 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, November 28, 1964 "RCMP INVESTIGATES Order Give Banks 'Immigrant Status -. OTTAWA (CP)--Justice Min- "ster Favreau disclosed in the mmons Friday that the the cir- ,,cumstances of @ cabinet order ** passed 10 years ago that gave eel "Beaks. landed immigrant sta' Gol . RCMP is investigati: ed The minister was replying to * Douglas Fisher, NDP deputy * leader, who asked whether it is true that two RCMP officers and Boutel named McCarthy have been "interrogating per- sons including Mr, O'Toole and ; Mr. Sheehan about events that took place on July 29, 1954." Mr. Favreau consulted RCMP B. McClellan, who was seated in front of him, Commissioner G. and replied: "T am informed by the com- this matter is missioner that under investigation." Spending estimates of the jus- tice department were up for » consideration and advisers to the minister are brought in at this time to be available to give advice. * Mr. Fisher said in his ques- tion that July 29, 1954 was the day when the then Liberal im- ' migration minister rejected a : recommendation by an immi- gration appeal board that Banks * be deported to the United States and approved an order permit-|~ , ting Banks to stay in Canada. * WAS PRESIDENT Banks was then president of) » the Seafarers' International Un- fon of Canada (Ind.). The gov- * ernment - appointed board of * maritime trustees removed him « from office conspiracy to beat up a rival union leader. He skipped bail * and turned up later in New York. * Mr. Fisher did not identify) * O'Toole and Sheehan further. The NDP member then asked =whether Mr. Favreau or any ~member. of the RCMP has. had conversations with Daniel Riley a former Liberal MP for Saint John-Albert. (Mr. Riley now sits in the New Brunswick cabinet of pre- mier Louis J. Robichayd as chairman of the electric power commission.) Mr. Favreau replied: 'I am informed by the commissioner that he will have to check on this, but I can say that I per- sonally have not had occasion to discuss this matter with the commissioner. I do not think it would be proper for me at the last spring and * Banks later was convicted of Thomas M. Bell). ASKS RESUME Mr. Fisher asked that gation when it is completed. the report, but later he cor- rected this to say that he wil the contents, Mr. gave contributions to the elec tion agents of six Liberal can- didates in the last three federa elections. pared to swear that such docu- ments do exist, of the House, Budgetary § October, the first seven months/| lof the current fiscal year. Last year there was deficit of $128,600,000 in the period. Thus there was a total im- provement of $579,600,000 from one October to the next. Finance Minister Gordon said in a statement Friday night ris- ing government revenues were due to "more favorable eco- nomic conditions" than when he made his budget estimates last March. At that time he forecast a $455,000,000 deficit for the cur- rent fiscal year. He said Friday night on the basis of present "considerably jess," He noted government expen- ditures normally rise in the lat- ter months of any fiscal year. WEATHER FORECAST Continuing Cool Sunny On Sunday . Armchair quarterbacks in the Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville ' district area missed some mild «weather outside today. | ' Anyone who bet on the wrong eteam in the Grey Cup will find it doubly cool tonight and Sun- day as colder weather moves "into the area. The low tonight {s forecast at 32 degrees while} 'the temperature is expected to| rise Sunday to only 35 degrees. Forecasts issued today by the Toronto weather office follow: Synopsis: Considerable freez- ing rain is likely in the North Bay-Sudbury area and snow will continue farther north. Somewhat cooler air will ad- vance into southern Ontario to- night as a low pressure area continues to move northeast- ward into Quebec. Lake St, Clair, Lake Erie, Windsor: Gradual clearing and turning cooler tonight. Sunday sunny with a few cloudy pe- riods,. Winds southerly 10 to 20|°' today becoming west to north- west 10 to 20 tonight and Sun- day. Lake Huron, southern Georg- ian Bay, London: Cloudy and turning cooler tonight. Sunday cloudy with a few sunny inter- vals and occasional snowflur- ries. Winds southerly 10 to 20 today becoming west to north- west 10 to 20 tonight and Sun- day. Niagara,' western Lake On- tario, Toronto, Hamilton: Quite mild today.. Gradual clearing and turning 'cooler tonight. Sun- day sunny with a few cloudy periods. Winds becoming south 10 to 20 this afternoon and west 10 to 20 tonight and northwest 15 to 25 Sunday. : Killaloe, Georgian Bay, Hali- burton, eastern Lake Ontario: Rain this afternoon and eve- ning. Milder today. Mainly cloudy and turning cooler late tonight and Sunday. Winds southeast 15 to 25 shifting to northwest 15 to 25 tonight. Timagami, North Bay, Sud- bury: Rain this afternoon. Milder, Turning cooler with a few snowflurries late tonight. -Sunday cloudy and a little "cooler with scattered snowflur- ries. Winds east to southeast 15 to 25 becoming northwest 15 to ; 25 tonight, : Algoma: Snow this afternoon. * Milder today. Cloudy with snow- * flurries and turning cooler to- night. Sunday cloudy with ~sunny periods. Winds southerly jp sbiy 20 shifting to northwest afternoon. ' Cochrane: Snow becoming mixed with freezing rain at times this afternoon and eve- ning. Milder today. Turning cooler with snow iate. tonight. & Sunday mainly cloudy with light snow. Winds east 15 to 25 shift- ing to northwest late tonight. White River: Snow today and tonight. Sunday cloudy with a few snowflurries. Milder today turning cooler tonight. Winds east 10 to 20 shifting to north- west tonight. Forecast Temperatures Lew tonight, high Sunday: Windsor St. Thomas . London ... Kitchener .....+++0+ Mount Forest «+++. Wingham .... Hamilton .. St. Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton Kingston Killaloe Muskoka . senees seeeeee a Earlton ......+ * Sault Ste. Marie ... Kapuskasing ...... White River Moosonee Timmins . moment to discuss an investiga- tion which might be pending." (Mr, Riley sat in Parliament from 1949 to 1953, when he was defeated by Conservative Mr. Favreau provide the Commons with a "resume" of the investi- The minister first replied tnat he will "make the necessary disclosures" when he receives decide when he gets the RCMP report whether he should take any action or disclose any of Fisher then referred to a report in the Toronto Star last month that documents exist in federal files showing that Banks He said a certain person told him privately that he is pre- He found it mysterious and dd that the government had been unable to turn up these documents since they were asked by an order ' OTTAWA (CP)--The govern- ment has reported a $451,000,-\tober period this year were up 000 budgetary surplus for April-| conditions, the deficit will be} Opposition Leader Diefen- baker said the documents seem to have sprouted legs and walked away, MADE MISTAKE Donald Maclnnis (PC--Cape Breton South) said any MP who accepted election contribu- tions from Banks made a bad mistake and placed himself in a compromising position, When Liberal MPs challenged him to name members who might have accepted such pay- ments, he said they should ask Prime Minister Pearson for de- tails. Mr. MacInnis said Mr. Pear- son said in a television inter. view last Sunday that there seemed to be some evidence of SIU contributions to some Lib- eral candidates. Mr, Pearson added in the same interview that he feels now Banks should never have been permitted to settle in Can- ada and that he would not have accepted election pay- ments from him. Mr. Favreau said Friday the RCMP Is investigating what he called 'the Sheehan affair' but stressed that there is no. RCMP investigation into allegations that Banks gave cheques to Lib- eral candidates. urplus Reported By Gordon | Expenditures in the April-Oc- $75,500,000 to $3,655,800,000. Revenues meanwhile ad- ivanced by $655,100,000 to $4,- | 106,800,000. Within the revenue figures was a 19-per-cent increase to $2,250,000,000 in government col- lections of personal and corpo- ration income taxes and with- holding taxes on dividends sent abroad. Sales tax revenues advanced about 31 per cent to $667,900,000. On the expenditure side, seven-month defence spending was down $62,900,000 to $820,- 400,000 from $833,300,000 in the same period last year. DOWN TO $200,800,000 Transport department spend- ing also was down $31,400,000 to $200,800,000. Post office ex- penditures declined to $100,400,- 000 from $110,300,000. Public debt ag poe to $620,100,000 from $588,600 The government also i a seven-month surplus of $19,- 600,000 in the old age security fund, from which the $75-a- month pension is paid to ali at jage 70. At the same point last year, the fund had a $17,200,000 defi- cit. 15-Year-Old Sent To Training School HAMILTON (CP)--A father's offer to put up a $4,000 cash bond in the hopes that it would straighten up his 15-year-old son was turned down by Judge H. C. Arrell in juvenile court Thurs- jday. The boy pleaded guilty to 16 charges ranging from theft to escaping custody. He was sent RARELY SEE DAYLIGHT Cattle on the island of Ma- in thatched sheds and rarely see daylight. NEED Mortgage Money? McGILL hod or oe, - 726.4285 ned | a -|judgments to the Ontario Training School}: . for Boys at Bowmanville, Ont. |, deira spend most of their lives |%* Boulders up to 16 feet in diameter crashed across & highway and railway tracks _ UNTIL JUDICIAL INQUIRY ENDS 27 miles north of Vancouver, Socks all traffie to Squam: ish a WINNIPEG (CP) Prime Minister Pearson Friday called for a moratorium on personal and condemnation until the completion of a judi- cial inquiry into Commons op- position charges of bribery and coercion in high places. "That is the only fair and de- cent course and I for one pro- posg to follow it,"' he told a $50- Cup Hoopla Takes Over TORONTO (CP)--Toronto sur- rendered today to Grey Cup hoopla as trumpets and bag- pipes, pretty girls, clowns and lavish floats took over the heart of the city in the annual parade preceding the East-West foot-| ball final. their funny hats topping head- aches left from pre-game party- ing Friday night, lined the 20- block route, down Yonge Street and past city hall. Both CBC screened the fun for the rest of Canada. The excitement began Friday of Tor mads mayhem in downtown. ho- tels and taverns and on th streets. When the public parties and dances faded out, not-so- private soirees stretched into hotel-room matinees. The law turned a lenient eye on celebrants. The sergeant of detectives on duty early today described the crowd as gener ally well-behaved. and appetizer for the game be and Hamilton Tiger-Cats at p.m. EST was a 60- minut marchpast of 24 bands, 22 ma resenting cities and towns from Vancouver to Quebec City. All nine Canadian Footbai League cities were represented in one way or another, although Regina's sole entry was pretty) Miss Saskatchewan Roughrider. Deanna Bryden. WRING ELECT FRED POPHAM FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Provide Youth for The Future POPHAM F. X_ DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY and LOVELL LTD. 8 King Street East Phone 723-2245 McCORDICK DRUGS 360 Wilson Road South Phone 725-8711 LAW PHARMACY | 1204, Wecker Drive Phone 725-3525 and CTV television networks]: page when visiting fans Joined: Today's combined pick-me-up | tween British Columbia Lions|; jorette corps and 36 floats rep-|: INGLIS Hercules a-plate Liberal fund-raising din ner here He told the crowd of 800 in a downtown hotel ballroom the innocent, must not be ruined by ruthless and irresponsible words. | "Therefore until the inquiry is completed, judgment and con- demnation should be suspended" he said. Mr. Pearson's full-dress ap- |praisal of the week-long Ottawa 'tumult climaxed a four - day, |two-province Prairie tour. Following the speech he left the Manitoba capital by plane for Toronto where he will make the ceremonial kick-off for the Grey Cup game today. HEARS APPLAUSE Applause rang out seven times during the section of his speech devoted to the Commons uproar in which two former government officials are linked delaying more (nan _ 200 commuters, It took high: way workers 17 houra to clear a path through the §A0-foal with an inlernalional nareaiics smuggling case "Rvery specific charge in Parliament, or default in duty or betrayal of trust, which is seriously made, should be in vestigated at once through a full and fair inquiry conducted in # way which will deserve to com mand public confidence," he said An inquiry of this kind now being made by Chief Justice Frederic Dorion of the Quebec Superior Court will be "pursued with vigor and complete im- partiality," the prime minister continu 'Tf there are findings from this inquiry which require ac- tion by the federal government that action must and will be taken without fear or favor. "Nothing should be hidden and no wrong doing, if any is found, should go uncorrected. ESCAPE WITH $5, 500 Masked SUTTON, Ont. (CP) -- Two masked gunmen handcuffed a policeman to cell. bars Friday. "Tbefore shooting two bank em- BOULDERS BLOCK HIGHWAY, RAIL TRACKS lang slide avea and the vail. ne a nol reopened until PM Wants Judgment Moratorium "However, while the must always be punished by re- sponsible action, the and irresponsible words," Mi believe in guilt-finding hy insin- uation ye have always ing. "But I repeat, if evils are ex- posed, they must be removed, "If the exposure is genuine, the action required must be honest, effective and swift. "Only on this basis can pub- lic morality and the faith of the people in public men be main- tained, "Without that faith and with- there can be neither democracy nor out good reason for it, freedom " guilty innocent must not he ruined by ruthless Pearson said he did 'not consied McCarthyism @ real menace to the freedom that its proponents so often claim to be preserv- ployees in a holdup and escap- ing with $5,500 Aided by the driver of their getaway car, the men battered 64-year-old Const, Bill Harris, the only policeman on duty, into unconsciousness at the po- the Bank of Nova Scotia branch in this town 50 miles north of 'Toronto, The two gunmen rushed into the bank, brandishing rifles and! shouting at the eight employees and eight customers to line up against the walls, Then, police said, one of the bandits pan- ieked and shot Bank Manager Gerald Goodwin, M4, in shoulder The bullet passed through Mr, Goodwin's shoulder richo- oheted off a wall and' struck teller Mra, Irwin Taylor, 21, in the cheek, breaking her jaw before peee.'y through her neck, Both were in satisfactory condition later in hospital, The bandits fled after rifling the vault and cash drawers and after allowing bank oustomer Harvey O'Neil, 44, to phone a doctor to tend Mrs. Taylor's wounds. HURT BADLY "T told them the girl was| hurt pretty bad and they gave Mr. O'Neil said, 'I give them credit for that." other three members of the HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER lice station and then drove to|f me permission to call a doctor,"'| Bank employees phoned the) Gunmen Hit Sutton Bank utes @ P maselve hunt was under way. town's police farce at homes afte f Vege | the police station, min for help. A mechanic cut him free with wirecutters. Doctors treated the constable for scalp wounds that required about 20 stitches to close. 'ANT-FREEZE BUG The chinch bug can -- an anti-freeze chemical preserves its _ "during 'the coldest periods of a VISIT braemor gardens. (Stevenson Rd. N. end Annapolis Ave.) Community For Young Moderns and So-0-0-0 Convenient Beribboned football ines, | | EATON'S CANADA'S CHRISTMAS STORE A One-stop gift-shopping for everyone on your list } A 80 Departments to serve you A Budget-charge Terms available with _™ No Down Payment A Open Thursday and " Friday nights until 9 WASHER COMPLETE LAUNDRY OUTFIT WASHER and AUTOMATIC DRYER Wringer Washer with safety wringer, giant capacity, automatic pump and elec- tric timer, . . . famous Inglis mechanism guaranteed for 5 years, FREE BEDSPREAD t 4 d in your choice of 4 decorator peso in Boat oy woven hebnail design. (Consumers ("as APPLIANCE CENTRE Pius Ironing Table and Bedspread, ONLY WEEKLY 1.70 Fully Aaaiin Gos ieee gives you super-fast drying with large family size capacity. Infinite heot selection ideal for all ty; pes of clothing... all fabrics. Smert, modern, trouble-free with ell the lotest features . . . quar- anteed performonce by Inglis. FREE... IRONING BOARD "" justable, ell steel ironing board Convenient Work-Saver Model CORNER OF CELINA & ATHOL STS. OSHAWA PHONE 728-944]

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