THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 90, 1964 @ \ BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE $400 Fine Levied On Traffic Counts $400 fine was imposed on 18, the court further learned, party involved in the Oct, %# prime ro ke gc had 8 » apologized and prom- ised to remain while he, Ander- son, called police. When Anderson and police re- turned, Tompkins, who pleaded not guilty, had left the scene. A Rama Reserve resident was fined $25 and costs or 10 days for drinking while on the Inter- PY oy Le ~Y as 0 A 7 James Allan Magis-|with a gallon vinegar jar and a/dicted List. Constable Mike Lo- poe Horry Jermyn yh Fri-|four-foot hose in his possession.|zinski of OPP Brechin said he day, on charg found: William David, who had driving and. f : A former owner of the Plaza|gone on the "'list" Oct. 6, "very the s of Restaurant, RR 1,. Oshawa, was han aa on the reserve Nov, driver's licence convicted under the Unemploy-|"- tor the peor poet halicgy ment pT op Act Pony was ars. Alternative s fined $25 and costs or five days.) An assault charge against » days: consecutive were im-) a7+6 norothy Smith had failed|Victor Solotorow of 639 Howard posed for each of the $200 pres to produce her payroll and rec-|street_ was dismissed. Magis- Wale retackig nmet puosted ords on request of the Unem-|trate Joreas see tak | the q ployment Insurance Commis-|accused was in g! ) = pore Aid ~ ge ges sion, the court was told, keep A ' peg rey loan Lola : 'i: She pleaded: not guilty, and|Zeszut, out of the house. aring part thi ' ner Rbsing he 5 , yd Heo said that the records -were| Miss Zeszut, 17, laid the { the Oshawa|not available to anyone whojcharge Nov. 17, claiming Solo- Neil Attersley o Police Department. He pleaded|wanted them. N. J. Skalin, an|torow had beaten her as she at- om ity all the way on the other 3 ge ge Pig de Scag ye tempted to enter the house, The - i accused said he had ordered her ' of road viola-|had tried a number of times to Sang La Sig pies a so mile- see them, but had failed. Mag-|to stay out of the house before, 'per-hour chase, began about|istrate Jermyn ordered that the|and was only forcibly keeping 110.05 p.m. Nov. 12 when the|accused present the records atjher out. accused .ran.a speed trap on/once, King street west, the officer) we MORE THAN 120 wr' ik Adie La eal A ge: to remain long} Almost 600 residents of the anstable Attersley said he|enough at the scene of an acci-| saws Allan: Pass a line of cars|dent cost Phillip B. Tompkins ot] Soviet Union claim na - off the right side; go through aj Athol street east $25 and costs|more than 120 years old an réd fight, turn Ke on red with-jor 10 days, |nearly 22,000 have passed the out stopping; speed; run.a stop ' ° | . sign: drive 60 to 65 through al Joseph Anderson, the other|100 mark school. area; pass over a solid| cn line and go by four cars; | 'fail to signal twice; run another stop sign; drive 80 on Rossland road; run two more stop signs; cut off. a-car on Simcoe street; | turn right on a red light without stopping; drive 90 to 95 on Ross- land: 'The chase ended in Whitby : ve si ; © ss ie sssitestt 2 ze 'Township at Garrard road with MINOLTA $R1 -- Leading 35mm single lens reflex camera with vast erray of Rokkor interchangeable 154 95 5 © Cameras for Everyone in the Family ® Unbeatable Gifts That Promise Pleasure all Year Round MINOLTA REPO -- A semi-automatic compact half-frome thot takes twice as many pictures with stondard 35mm film. One roll provides up to 72 color slides or full-size block and white prints. Extremely easy to operote, MINOLTA P -- This amazingly small camera is almost the same size @s the Minolta Repo half-frame, yet tokes full-size 35mm film. The Minoltina P features an exclusive "Tell-All" wi at automa- tically shows when you're focused and when exposure is just right + and it's budget priced too! a three-car accident. when the acciised braked, the officer said, lenses and accessories. A marvelous comera for the intermediate photographer, +A car driven by Donna Graham, MINOLTA $R7 -- World's first 35mm single lens reflex camera with built-in exposure meter. Has all 234 95 ® drove away from the scene and 'was arrested later, the Court the Allan car, and the police was told. the features you could ask for, plus Rokkor inter: cruiser were all involved. Allan changeable lenses and accesories, East and west met in Magis- trate's Court, as a result of an illegal train ride, | Danny Vincent Edward Mc- Gee, 17, of Duncan, British Columbia, and. D-vid Winston Hoffman, 17, of Halifax, Nova Scotia were each fined $10 and costs or 10 days for attempting to ride a CNR train out of To- ronto without paying. : They had, the Court learned, been attempting to go from the west coast to the east coast, but had run. out of money in Sud- ands Anywhere! Anytime! ft actually costs less to 'i -. tee camber ope use a Mecablitz. No bulbs -- no batteries te against Phillip Druz, but it may buy -- but thousands of bright flashes from not stand when the case is re- the electronic tube. Mounts vertically on top of your camera, giving maximum access fo all take striking flash pictures with a METZ MECABLITZ electronic flashgun MINOLTA 16 CdS--Fully automatic palmer size camera. The world's first and only polm-size comera with o fully automotie CdS electric eye. Just point and shoot for perfect color slides and pgints. Uses Min- olte 16 Instant Loading film ecartridges-- Sininetog all threading or rewinding of im. 4 'tried Dec. 7. controls. Mecablitz exclusive ultra-violet con- south, asked for a week's ad- journment. This was denied. Tae: that decelved' a. ain'a Mecablitz line today. Models for everyone earnings. from only $29.95. Bmm zoom movie camera, Built-in highly Electri¢ motof Misanchuk claimed he was owed know in advance what youll get on film. for work he did for Druz, during Perfectly balanced, 1 59.95 miniature camera for tographer whe ever, Druz' lawyer, Z. T. wants ty gee te pat a of lens openings Salmers, asked for the retrial. . Charged with non-payment of wages, Druz, of 750 Ritson road verter produces true sunlight Illumination, Magistrate Jermyn said he was perfect for colour. Come in and see the most reluctant to adjourn a ~ MINOLTA ZOOM 8 -- Fully automatie Ultimately, he told Druz to sensitive slectie eve. 7 pay Peter Misanchuk the $410.50 Perret Iasi etch Wo teers the summer, or face 30 days in ' MINOLTA 1611--The smallest Minolte sub- jail. Later in the morning, how- ' aS . e al i. end shutter spe Magistrate Jermyn agreed, but 0 : ; ' te only if Misanchuk were given 4 ' se : 43.00 $100 until the final ruling was , wlio : made, A Stevenson read youth, Brian! Kenneth Fortier, 18, was fined $25 and costs or 10 days on an attempted theft charge. He ad- mitted, to police, the court was told, that he intended to steal gasoline in the parking lot of the General Motors South Plant, | He was apprehended on Nov.) 28 KING STREET EAST 723-4621 OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. OSHAWA JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TOWN HALL FORUM Tonight at 6.30 P.M. CKLB RADIO --DIAL 1350 Your opportunity to hear the candidates for city council, and question them on any phase of Municipal Affairs. ty » ' pete a " Nee F Ae, a MINOLTA AUTO ZOOM 8 -- Aill- electric, all-automatic power zoom movie camera. In gppearance and performance, the world's most ad- vanced 8mm movie movie camera. Super fast 8.5m to 34mm F:1.4 Rokkor Zoom lens. 209.95 AND abt pte Al MINOLTA AL -- Value pocked 35mm camere with built-in light pri ane fle, Ml FR oF meter, match-needie automation and "1 THE 16M SUBMINIATUBES | with an action stopping 1/1000 98° cond shutter speed. 79.95 MINOLTA HI-MATIC 7 -- so fully sutomatic you just point ond shoot, World's first 35mm rangefinder cam- era with CdS electric eye in the lens barrel, Works three ways, fully auto- matic, semi-automatic or manual . . « @ feature you'll find on no other cam- era. Perfect for the whole family. MINOLTA ZOOM 8 -- Here's an advanced compact fully automatic z00m movie camera featuring a drop in loading cartridge. Eliminates. film threading and you con change film inetontly. q 49.9 § 28 KING STREET EAST 723-4621 OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M.