ss MPP IE CI Ee NFS LR 6 TH OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, November 30, 1964 Durham 4-H Members Honored At Orono ORONO --- A large number of 4-H Club members attended the Durham County Junior Award Night Saturday night in the township hall here. Gerald Brown, RR 4, Bowmanville, pre- Gary ra. tog ricultural ge a yo = periences Wes! an and showed glides of his trip as @ provincial 4-H exchange mem- ber to Saskatchewan last sum- mer. Glen Larmer, leader of the 4H Swine Club, conducted the sing song. , The award winners were: United Nations Trip -- John D. Allin. Land Judging Competition, novice section -- Arthur Knapp and Hugh Allin; 4-H and junior farmers to 16 years, Lynn Brown and Bruce Allin; seniors, Paul Winslow and John David Allin; senior farmers, Donald Welsh and Harold Yellowlees, HOMEMAKING AWARDS County and provincial honor winners in West Durham: Lois Ashton, Doris Beauchamp, Jean Hancock, Jean Baker, Gwen Glaspell, Lynne Stainton and Esther Rosevear, . provin- cial honors; Jean Westlake, Anne Skinner, county honors. County and provincial honor winners in East Durham: Sharon Worr, provincial honors; Kathleen Morton, Joan McGee, Laura Sharp, Patricia Talsma, Francis Tripp, Joan Trew, Bar- bara Walker, Marcia Elliott, Lesie Acreman, Sharon Acre- man, county honors. E. A. Summers Memorial Fund corsages were also pre- sented to the provincial and county winners. AGRICULTURAL. CLUB Mortgage Corp. award was won Porter, Wesley Lane and Jan- ice Adams, ° Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Scholarship Don Rickard. Recognition of Inter-club and inter-county teams: Brian Brad- ley and Lynn Brown, fifth out of 87 teams in the inter-club dairy competition. Ken Knox and Walter Rickard, 12th out of 25 teams in the inter-club field Walker, Fred Taylor, Hugh|crop competition. Lynn Brown, by Kathyrn om. HEREFORD AWARDS Oatario Herelind Cla awards tee Durham County Hog Pro- Allin, Bruce Allin, Allen Trew, |Brian Bradley and Gary Jef- John Larmer, Keith Allin and|frey, fifth out of 23 teams in the inter-county judging com- petition at the Royal Winter were won by Hugh Allin, Keith Allin, Neil Allin, Gerry Cornish, McLaughlin, Penny Stu- art, Bryan Wolfe, Ernest Beer, Robert McCamus -- N Tripp. > Durham 4-H Dairy Calf Club, Junior section: Neil Tink, Sharon Larmer, Brian Knox, John Larmer, Murray Yellow- lees, Harry DeJong, Gordon Morton, Marlene Downey, Brenda Hoy, Anne Marie Dow- ney, Bob McLaughlin, David Shackleton, Donna Edgerton, Frank St.- Pierre, Brian Black- burn and Margaret Down. Sen- jor Section: Lynn Brown, Brian Bradley, John Hancock, Sharon Tamblyn, Ken Knox, Brian Tamblyn and Wayne Down. James T. Brown Memorial Trophy: Lynn Brown, the top dairy calf club member. Durham Holstein Club Award -- Neil Tink and Lynn Brown. Ontario - Durham Guernsey Cattle Club Blanket -- John Larmer. Durham 4-H Sheep Club -- Jim Byers, Ted Skinner, John Allin, David Brent, Jim Allin and Stewart Ayre. Toronto-Dominion Bank Tro- phy--James Byers, Durham 4-H Forestry Club-- Kathryn McHolm, Philip Win- slow, Janice Adams, Elizabeth Kellogg, John Hancock, Scott Robinson, Paul Winslow, Philip Adams, Neil Tripp, Ken Knox, John Staples, Barbara Lee, Bob Staples, Howard Morton, Arthur Marvin, Gwyneth Lee and Ray Mitchell. Durham County Federation of Agriculture Award -- Kathryn McHolm. AWARDS Millbrook Calf Club -- The) Royal Bank Trophy was pre-| sented to Philip Winslow. Other members of the club were: Paul Winslow, Robert Mc- Camus, Philip Adams, Janice Adams, Mary Shea, Mary Strong, Keith Strong, Ernest POULTRY CLUB Durham 4-H Poultry Club-- Brian Bradley, Walter Rickard, Lynn Brown, Wesley Lane, Ken Knox, Brian Knox, Dianne Darch, Sharon Larmer, John Larmer and Glenn Millson. W. H. Brown Trophy -- Brian Beer, Barbara Lee, John/Bradley. Staples, Allan Armstrong, Bob Staples, Harold Strong, Gwy- neth Lee, John Heeringa, Larry Hogg, Neil Tripp, Donald Heer- Walter Rickard won the G. B. Rickard Trophy as ,the toPitechnician, Cherrywood, nomin- grain club member. Members|aied b: W. N. : all your support." ot the 4H Grain Club receiving| Richie" a = > awards were: Walter Rickard, I i | gab lb Seis il Donald Rickard, Bill Olan, Lynn Die, Annemicke Loohuizen and} Brown, John Allin, Bruce Allin, ™ go : |Murray Yellowlees, Gordon Junior Club Members: John} ; md : Fallis, Lorraine Shea, Donald| on" Jim Allin and Jim McCamus, Raymond Herringa, Peter Beer, Carl McMullen and cl Gary Robinson. North Durham 4H _ Silage ub -- Mary Strong, Mary Shea, Philip Winslow, Paul Win- H. Kennedy presented the/<iow' Harold Strong, Howard Central Ontario Cattle Breeding Association award to the mem- bers of the Millbrook Club, Ayrshire Special -- The Ayr- shire Cattle Club of Ontario presented pens to Barbara and Gwyneth Lee who showed Ayr- shire calves at the Achievement Day. Durham 4-H Beef Calf Club: Walter Rickard, Frances Rick- ard; Ronnie Baker, Sheila Slater, Gerry Cornish, Penny Stuart, Jim Allin, Jean Baker, Keith Allin, Hugh Allin, Fred Taylor, Neil Allin, Ken Wilson, Alice Taylor, John Slater, Arth- tr Knapp and Don Rickard. Gray Trophy: Walter Rickard, | who had the highest standing in| the 4-H Beef Calf Club. Champion Beef Showman: Ronnie Baker. Hope 4-H Calf Club: Kathryn McHolm, Lois McHolm, Eliza- beth Kellogg, Scott Robinson, James Nichols, Ray Mitchell, Larry Dinner, Mitchell Frew, Morton, Robert McCamus, Keith Strong, Ernest Beer, John Her- ringa and Harold Hogel. Ernest Swain Trophy -- Mary Strong. POTATO CLUB Durham 4-H Potato Club -- Linda Porter, Paul Wood, Bill Olan; Helen Todd, James Walk- er, Garnet Challice, Mary Sew- ard, Nancy Morton, Barbara Walker, Hans Reitknecht, How- ard Morton, Wanda Challice, Judith Wood, Fred Taylor, Doug. Perrin and Joanne Stephenson. 500-Bushel Club Trophy--Bill Olan. Prince and Princess Award -- Linda Porter and Paul Wood. Durham 4-H Silage Corn Club -- Lynn Brown, Walter Rick- ard, Don Rickard, John Allin, Bruce Allin, Neil Allin, Ken Knox, Hugh Allin, Murray Yel- lowlees, Bill Olan, Jim Allin, Brian Knox and James Kent. Agrico Trophy--Lynn Brown. Charles Appleman and Arthur Marvin. The Canada Permanent CANADA. PERMANENT DEBENTURE 5%% for 2 and 3 years 5% for 1 year { 27 4or 6 years e A first class investment providing an excellent return plus complete security. @ Interest paid by cheque every six months; or on presentation of coupon; or may be accumulated and paid with principal, @ A trustee investment. @ Convenient to purchase and convenient to own. Wilts or telephone for explanatory folder and Application Form eijjnie Baker, nominated by Bessie Bryant Trades Instructor at Nort h|improve the standard of educa- York Schools, north-west Pick-|tion."" ducers' Special --- Jim Byers. irs) Completion Certificates: Grand Champion 4-H Live-|.i, or more projects -- James stock Showman at Orono -- Ron-/Kent, Brian Knox, Howard Mor- ton, Robert McCamus, Kathryn Champion Beef Showman,|McHolm, Fred Taylor, Ken Wil- Lindsay Junior Fair --.Walter|/son and Murray Yellowlees. Rickard. Eighteen or more projects -- E, A. Summers Scholarship--|Lynn Brown. Ken Wilson. 4-H Club Leader Pins -- Ger- ald Brown, Mel Wood, James TRAVELLING CLOCKS Coombes, H. Yellowlees, Fran- Travelling Clocks -- Neil Tink,|cis Jose, Bev. Gray, Ron ald Robert McCamus, Jim Allin,|'Welsh, Allen McCamus, Donald Gordon Morton, Lois McHolm,|Welsh, Karl Heeringa, Roy Mary Shea, Neil Allin, Frances|Strong, Ron Brooks, Roy Me Rickard, Terry Malcolm, Linda!Holm and Glenn Larmer. Eight To Contest School Area No. 1 BROUGHAM -- At the nomin-|bal, I don't know. They tell me ation meeting in the Township|that in one municipality which Hall in Brougham on Nov. 27,|has adopted this policy, the fail- nine candidates were nominated/ure rate jumped nearly 20 per (five to be elected on Dec. 5) |cent." to sit on the newly created] Mr. Miller complained that board of Pickering Township/when rural children went to ur- School Area Number 1, the|ban schools, they spent few of amalgamation of 17 school sec-|their waking hours on the farm, tions and two school areas, injand were drawn away from accordance with Bill 54 passed|their rural surroundings. this year. '| "What are we going to do on William A. Gliddon, Ontario|/the farms? he asked. "When County Assessor, of Claremont,|there is no one to grow food was nominated by Maurice Bin-|for the world's hunger, we will sted and Dr. N F. Tomlinson, |have to be consoled that our Charles McTaggart, Carpen-|children know how to feed com- be . yeber goed was ame of puters," ated by Cecil Disney, seconde by H. Middleton. BRIEF SPEECHES Mrs. Eleanor McKean, house- gee = hea -- pres- wife, who operates a farm near|®™! spoke Drielly: Cherrywood with her husband,| Mr, Gliddon: "This bill is was nominated by L. Hollinger ~ to present a new chal- and Mildred Puckrin. lenge." » Van A, Vanderhout, salesman,|, Mr. McTaggart: "I hope the nominated by T. G. Brown and|11 years' experience I have had B. A, Calladine. on the school board would assist Ellis Britton, who farms near|™¢ in being a good trustee. Claremont, nominated by L. D.|_ Mrs. McKean: 'The last time Almack and Mrs. Muriel Tor-|! spoke here, it was war! (war rance. against high assessment). 'This Allen Litherland, electronics|Yeat it is peace. This new school board is going to need Mr. Britton: 'Demands will have to be made to cover the future of education." and N. A Kinsman. ,\Mr. Litherland: "We shall all Gordon Pearce, contractor and|have to make our best-effort to Richie. Roland Simons, contractor, ering, nominated by D. Dunkeld| Mr. Simons' 'There are tre- and Harvey Spang. mendous problems facing the Donald Gibson, Brougham, ad-|new board. I suggest you try to vertising executive, nominated|select your candidates to repre- by Hugh Miller and Ross|sent each area of the township Knox. be that Page will be a clear picture for the new board." WITHDRAWS NOMINATION Mr. Pearce: 'The year ahead Prep: 8 Rose opel a Bm is going to be a difficult one ' e in support for everyb -- z alg Gibson, so could rl dd oc A selene <5 not be present at the meeting,| 7, T. Johnston, clerk of the as an outstanding young manitownship of Pickering, chaired with executive business ability|ne meeting, and announced that who sat for some time on the |there would. be a meeting at Brougham School Board. He ex-| Green River School Nov. 30 at 8 pec vgn Pe the as p.m. where candidates will be lates, most o! i hot Gware, waperiened 1h invited to present their views. school board work, and stated that with this material Picker- TOY TRAVELS ing Township would have one| MILAN (AP) -- Marina of the best school boards in the|Gronda, 9, sent up a toy balloon country. with a tiny religious medal and 'There's no question about it,""|her address attached. A month he said, the government wants|later, Marina received a letter to wipe out all schools under 10/of thanks mailed from a village rooms. I think they will press|near Warsaw, almost 750 miles for this. Whether this is good or!away. Durham 4H Swine Club -- Jim Byers, Terry Malcolm, Jim for Dramatic Beauty Practical Economy Distinctive Simplicity ALL GLASSES one low price SINGLE VISION BIFOCALS 1 I COMPLETE WITH FRAME, The Cary is the latest addition to our line of beautiful na Pace sora The soft ie colors blending ae ie one couple, t flatterin stones, make it a joy to hehold--e thrill te pone -- 65 OTHER STYLES, SHAPES & COLORS TO f} CHOOSE FROM AT SAME ONE LOW PRICE @ FOR MEN @ FOR WOMEN @ FOR CHILDREN @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT For Your Shopping Convenience OPEN NIGHTLY .AR TIRE SALE! K-MART DOUBLE-SAVING SUPER-BUY! 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Sizes to fit most cars, Class "A" Licensed Mechanics to serve . we ee you, ' © All work done by Licensed Speciclist Free 15 minute installation. All Ford, Meteor, 7 Au | Oshawa Shopping Centre WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES, J. W. Froud, Manager Drive with confidence Chevy, Ply- mouth and Pontiac, '49- '63. Single Exhaust. Serving Canadians for over 100 years Please send me your folder on Debentures and an Application Form. Name. Address 17 BOND ST. E, 2nd floor PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA HOURS MON. TO SAT. a9 A.M. - 5 P.M. Closed All Dey Wednesday