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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1964, p. 8

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¥ --_ i | ; "FOOTPRINTS OF WAR Tracks cut in South Viet "Nam rice paddies near Chao Gao in the Mekong River 'delta form a surrealistic pat- tern tracing movement of armed personnel carriers in, attack on Viet Cong gueril- las. The battle between gov- 'The people of Oshawa enthusias- tically adopted the slogan 'Let' Build it Ourselves for Ourselves' and subscribed $1,200,000 to prove they could do it. We as citizens pulled together as we have never done before -- now let's keep united and complete the second phase of a preiect which will have a capable staff, thirty-two acres on which to expand, and parking for 1700 cars." Alex Shestowsky: "Yes, I am in favor of a Centennial swim- ming pool for Oshawa, This >: aiject would benefit a greater number of people on a year- round basis." Rene M. Thiebaud: "The Cen- |tennial project for the city of Oshawa has been under too much discussion during the past six months without obtaining a final decision. The ever fast- growing population of Oshawa is in need for one indoor Swim- ming pool for recreation and physical training during the en- tire year, Let us be decisive and take advantage of the Centen- nial grant to build one realistic project and leave something to the future children of Oshawa. Ernest Whiting: "Of all the projects suggested, the Centen- nial swimming pool makes the most sense, it provides baaiy needed recreational facilities both for the youngsters and adults, I believe more people would use this more often than any other project. The City of Oshawa still lags behind many cities smaller and not as weal- thy as Oshawa in recreational activities, I don't deny that we need a_ grandstand and an y; Arts Centre, but I belleve that these will come in due time. Douglas H. Wilson: "I am in favor of a Centennial swimming pool for Oshawa. It would be best if it were connected with the new community centre and available to children and adults. Cost of heating and maintaining a swimming pool would be re- duced if it were connected to an already established centre. There is no question of need- ing a swimming pool." Edward Zalewski: 'Yes, I am in favor of a swimming pool but it should be located in the cen- tre of Oshawa. It was a good project to have one in the Osh- awa Civic Centre which I am for. I am for more swimming pools as well, such as one be- side the Children's Arena. It is ood location, has a lot of parking and every one will be able to come without difficulty." BRIDGE CLUBS REPORT SCORES The winter sessions of Osh- awa's bridge clubs is well under way and some recent scores are reported as follows: Oshawa Golf Club. duplicate bridge club, high scores; north and south; Mr. and Mrs. R. and L. Peel, 115%; Mrs. S. Sheridan and Mrs. R. Drew, 111; Mrs. E. Wadsworth and Mrs. R. Morris, 108. East and West: Mrs. Bovay and Miss G, Bovay, 122%; C. Lansfield and J. Drummond, 122; F. Zarowny and W. Clark, 118%; W. Dolstra and D. Mc- Quoig, 115%; Miss Robson and R. Niglis, 114%. Wild, 116; Miss V. Drummond p Adventure Vickery, 12244; Mr. and Mrs. Of The Great E, Henry, 12144; Mrs. R. Ruddy and T. Prest, 114; Mr, and Mrs. E. Bastedo, 112; C. Peacock and H. Butler, 106. East and west: Mrs. O. Mills and Mrs, A. Armstrong, 111%; Mr. and Mrs. V, Saunders, 99; J. Germond and B. Field, 9544; Mrs. R. Graham and Mrs. R. McMullen, 95; Mrs. J. Wallace and Mrs. J. McCansh, 95. GM Duplicate Bridge Club, high scores, north and south: Mrs. K. Marden and Mrs. R. i Te Pee h IN-DOOR "7, Jn9 OUT-DOOR Theale Cuban Girl Jumps From Cargo Ship WEST PALM BEACH, Fila. (AP)--A 19-year-old Cuban girl jumped from a Havana-bound cargo ship into the Atlantic Sun- day. She was picked up almost immediately by the U.S. Coast Guard. Frail, blonde Ana Olga Cape- stany said 'it was a spur of the moment decision." She said she saw a coast guard cutter and decided to jump while help was nearby. The. vessel Fundador was en route from Montreal to Havana. The girl said she left Cuba Oct. 30 to visit relatives in Tor- onto. ernment troops and an enemy | battalion 27 miles southwest of Saigon left 46 Viet Cong dead. (AP Wirephoto via cable from Tokyo) / THE : CANDIDATES QUIZZED... (Continued from Page 1) . Ald. Gordon B. Attersley: I 'support a swimming pool as a 'Centennial Project. The demand for swimming facilities is very 'evident -- The Boys Club is operating to capacity .at the present time and I personally know of many people desiring to use swimming facilities who 'wannot be accommodated at the "present time due to the lack of sufficient facilities. I am of "the opinion that the opportunity ito learn to swim is an essential eattribute to our modern way of {life. More and more people are accessible to our summer re- \igorts and parents would be re- feved of much anxiety with the knowledge that their children \possess the ability to take care Wot themselves in or around pools, rivers, lakes, etc. Swim- ming is a healthy, body build- fing, recreational activity and "whould be encouraged." -% * Ald. Cecil Bint: "I was a sup- rter of the grand stand, now support a swimming pool in the location acceptable to the majority of council, which I am gertain will be in best location Mfor the citizens of our city." * Ald. John Brady: "My stand "en this question is a matter of record on the minutes of city --@ouncil. I favor the project as -practical and of great use to 'many people. While many other {projects could be considered Ydesirable, the council is only|nools in Metropolitan Toronto,| " ; pools me te :|opened Dec. 11 the first step of "permitted to spend a _limited|jt is my firm opinion that we|a project designed to fulfill the y#um on this project. The Cen- ¢tennial Committee was facts. The present city council and the Centennial Committee have the facts and after several months have failed to make a final decision. Why? Many worthwhile Centennial Projects were suggested. If elected I will see that the people of Osh- awa are given a Centennial Project of which we all can be proud." Ald. Norman Down: "If coun- cil decides on a swimming pool, the question must arise as to location. Before deciding on lo- cation, council should hear rep- resentations from interested groups as to the desired loca- tion. With this information and the availability of the site to- gether with ample parking, I |would be in a better position to decide the best location as a member of council, taking. the overall interests of the citizens into account." Ald. John Dyer: "IT am in favor of an indoor swimming pool provided it can be built of suitable design and within the allotted $186,000 Centennial fund. I favor it as a separate entity and would oppose it if it was to be of unseemly design. I want \the architectural appearance to lbe something that we could jpoint out to future generations with pride as our Centennial |Project." | Al. Cephas B. Gay: jour tour viewing the different cannot construct a_ suitable only|swimming pool as a Centennial| "Atter| Project, it should be a normal function of a municipality to provide pools as part of its general administration, and the use of Centennial monies should be for something of a very special and significant nature." Ald. Clifford G. Pilkey: "As a member of the present city council, I supported the idea of} a swimming pool as our Cen- tennial project. Since that time, I had the privilege of viewing four swimming pools in the Toronto area. It is my personal opinion that the allocated money GIFT SHE OPENS FIRST Will Come From Franklin Simon LADIES WEAR Oshawa Shopping Centre for our Centennial project will Hunter, 124; C. Nelson and J. YOU WHO NEVER FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL ore invited-to write for FREE booklet. Tells how you can earn your High School Diploma AT HOME IN YOUR SPARE TIME This is the odult high school course os approved by the | Alberta Department of Education, AMERICAN SCHOOL | 291 Dundas St. i Deseronto, Ont, lm Dept. 0-17 If) 262-1657/242-5010 | Please send me your FREE School Booklet -- NO OBLIGATION NAME ADDRESS SU3LVIH UVI-Ni 3343 wrsce=WENDE *"<- EDMOND CintuaScere a WAGURR OBRIEN couoe ov de-Loxe qty FEATURE SHOWN DAILY AT: 1:30-3:38 40 -7:45- 9:50 . | : HE DISC SHOP in the Oshawa Shopping Centre IT CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 1.99 FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Good records bring hours of enjoyment to every member -of the family . . . and the popular choice ore "Quality" records by Lawrence Welk, Lennon not build a pool in keeping with the occasion or one that Osh- awa can be proud of. Therefore we must in the New Year re- view one of three alternatives: Accept the Auditorium Commit- tee proposal to raise the addi- tional monies to build an ade- |quate: pool; Build a pool in con- |junction with another Boys Club here in Oshawa; Raise addi- \tional money from the Current Levy to augment the monies now available for a C ial project. These would be my - need to the 1965-66 Coun- y " Ald. Mrs. Alice Reardon: "I baw in favor of a Centennial |swimming pool in Oshawa. I \hope that next year's council can proceed immediately with this plan," Shaw: "I support the swimming pool and it should be |built on the Civic Auditorium |Site. When the Auditorium is | Mrs. Margaret |wholeheartedly recreational and cultural need able to recommend one project | p,o; : ject for the allotted amount within the budget and that pro-| or money unless the council sees ject was rejected. It is possible sit to add the pool to the new to build a pool within the bud-|arena, It is understood that the of our citizens will be realized. DINE FOR 51.09 After 5 pim. every night in De- eember Zeller's offer you a full course menu... course, choice of beverage, dessert end all the trimmings .. . for 1.09, delicious main Take @ shopping breck end eat , .« at "the skillet' ZELLER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Sisters, Pot Boone, Mills Bros., Andrew Sisters, Johnny Madox, Honkytonk Piano, Bonjo, Organ, Polka . . . and many others, Make This A Record Christmas 2 HISTORY MAKING THRILLS No. 2 Overture and Wellington's Vie- 1 98 tory. On Mercury Label -- only w USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN TODAY! for oat wide veriety of Phonograph Ployers, Stereo, Hi-Fi, Television, | 1 Flim by JACOPETTI Rl + A COLUMBIA PICTURES Presentation | RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO 2ND FEATURE WESTERN ADVENTURE AND ACTION IN "THE HELLIONS with ricnarn Topp (coter PHONE -- TORONTO ~ 282-3969 -- WHITBY 668-2602 YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS Each Evening from 7:30 (Including Sundoy) GENOSHA HOTEL (NOW UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENSE ACT) PROUDLY PRESENTS "get. However, if built at the Civic Auditorium centre, a 'much better pool would re- "eult." Arena Committee would finance the difference to complete the | project in a manner in which all citizens would be proud." during the week of DEC, 1. /" THE SCREEN COMMITS THE PERFECT COMEDY! FRE BAPESCH CORPORATION preseers: Sy A BLAKE EDWARDS 'PETER ELKE SELLERS SOMMER ADULT IN THE STARLITE LOUNGE HELD OVER BY POPULAR DEMAND John DeHart: "I whole- ENTERTAINMENT heartedly support the proposal| Douglas L. Gower: "I fully Ee for a swimming pool, either in-|48ree that the money should be | "door or out-door. It must be|SPent for this type of project. I BeDnee a "Yocated in a populous area|#™ also in favor of this pool (where the need is the great.|Peine at nee! new Civic Audi- q PANAVISION® (aro won rac huss or HARRY KURTZ no MARCEL ACKARD raosucee On et staat 67 Lf maven Nest. I do hope, as thousands of (ium location. If this allow- owe eazecen wo porcrnor BLAKE EDWARDS, pox: HENRY MANCINI A MARSH BEOFFREY PROOUCTON ance of money is not enough at . sauseo wow UNITED ARTISTS PHONE 723-2843 parents in this city, that Mayor the present time, I believe that pares caorg stands rm tlie balance can' be raised. by - | ybring the pools to the children, |? _-- pot PLAYING \not the children to the pools."'| George C. Martin: "It is the FEATURE TIMES: 1.45 = 3.40 - 5,30 - 7.25 - 9.25 Last Complete Show 9.10 1 P.M The children of this city have| resent' Council's responsibility DAILY 'been sadly neglected insofar 4S! to solve this problem. They were swimming pools have been con-| elected to make decisions and "cerned. The new Boys' Club is @| should do so. If however, this tremendous achievement, a pub-| problem is not solved and scald die service, but let's not kid our-|} pe elected after Careful con selves, it has not nearly sup-|ciderati ; oy plied the needs for its own area|will certainly come cut-with a let alone the rest of the city." |firm stand on a project. It a {would be unwise to take a posi- Richard H. Donald: "Thejtive stand without a detailed epending of $180,000 on a Cen-|study of all the pertinent data." tennial Project is a very seri-| qus matter, and in order to offer) Ald. A. Hayward Murdoch: sa definite suggestion on the|'A swimming pool is not, in 'subject, one should know all the'my opinion, a truly Centennial PLAYING! fest 3 RUN! 4 $FROM THE eo +» and in HARRY"S HIDEAWAY hLo CA Ly a" SOLVE GIFT PROBLEMS Cameras, binoculors, tripods, utility bags, i Filters, slide projectors, movies, e+ + many ideal gifts. FULLY AUTOMATIC EUMIG P8 NOVA PROJECTOR A Masterpiece of | European Craftsmanship | | | | | sereens, films, FIRST NOW RUN! THEY LOVED BY DAY ...AND LIVED BY NIGHT! UNKNOWN Their Passions 2CAME TERROR ! nealing yt 8 "THE MIND THIS IS BENDERS" MY STREET DICK BOGARDE 4 4 q 4 q « --with-- a e ¢ : > MARY URE 4 4 Konica EE Truly a fine camera --sherp £2.8 lens coupled range finder --Fully automatic electric eye meter. Press and forget. Sturdy construction. ----Complete with hand: leather carrying case. SPECIAL 59.88 ONLY 119.88 ELECTRONIC FLASH No more bulbs to buy. Uses 40-50 watt a set. when you pick up your phone -- With just one line, you do. That's why smart businesses use extra lines to make sure that their telephone door is always open--instead of turning customers and prospects away with a busy signal. Just one missed call going to your competitor could give you enough business to pay for your extra line for a year! Make sure you get that call--with enough lines for all the business you can handle! do you shut the door on everybody else? AND THERE'S MORE WHERE THE PHONE CAME FROM: Bell's complete communications services for business include equipment to transmit typing and handwriting, pictures, drawings and maps, business machine data of every kind, telemetry--and, of course, complete telephone, radio and Intercom services for every. business purpose. Better com- munications are vital for better business--and extra lines are just one way in which Boll can help yoy improve your business through better communications! ".. Heth Duretion ... 19 100's of Cameras See our Famous Nome selection of cameras and equipment for Chiristmes Gifts, BILTMORE PHONE 725-5833 ENTERTAINMENT MONDAY THRU FRIDAY ...9- 1 am, SATURDAY MATINEE........... 4pm. SATURDAY EVENING . . 8.30 to 11.30 p. IAN. HENDRY JOHN CLEMENTS DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. SAT. & COMMUNICATIONS SUNDAY 1S OUR BUSINESS 1:30 P.M we OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5211

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