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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Dec 1964, p. 9

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SEDI GREn oon ne Teas oer ren eevee eee SPEAKS TO TRA ~ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 2, 1964 9 NEW YORK (AP)--Robert P.|------ ; Strub' of the Santa 'Anita track orief said ench a constitutional system would tie 'the destiny of the Quebec people institution- ally to that of English Canada." 'an efficient administration re- ceiving the co-operation of the members of council I believe the affairs of the city can be man- Dionne Quin = nese households now have | DOES OSHAWA NEED... Quebec To . = a (Continued from Page 1 leave it up to their highly-paid lexecutives to ensure that their policies are carried out without a hitch, and without interference from council members." Tomorrow the views of aldermanic candidates con- cerning changes in civic ad- ministration will be pub- lished Following in alphabetical order are the replies to the question regarding the City Manager question: Ald. Gordon B. Attersley: "I do not favor any extension of the Director of Operations' re- sponsibility at the present time. We have not had an opportu- nity to assess the results of this operation. The Director of Oper- ations is responsible for oper- ating departments only and additional responsibility would involve administration -- these are two different fields of en- deavor. In western Canada they have a system that I would like to see studied -- that is the Commissioner Syhtem. They have a Commissioner of Finance and a Commissioner of Works; each an expert in his own field. There would be great difficulty in securing a person expert in both fields." Ald. Cecil Bint: "No."" Ald. John Brady: "No, I do not! The Wood-Gordon Report did not recommend such & course of action. In those few cities in Ontario which have City Managers, there does not seem to be as good a relation- ship between the elected people and the City Manager's power group of bureaucrats as there is in those communities which do not have a City Manager. The one - hundred - word limitation placed on answers prevents a suitable answer to this 'ques- tion." John DeHart: "With the pop- ulation of Oshawa expected to surpass the 100,000 mark with- in 10 years, and with complex problems such as regional plan- ning, it is my firm belief that either a full time City Manager or a Board of Control will be a necessity in order to have a well-organized city. In the near future, more 'day' meetings will be required in order to bandle the influx of city busi- ness. Oshawa is no longer & amall town but a vastly grow- ing city, and we must attack this problem in a business-like manner, so that we may get the maximum mileage with our) assessment dollar." | Richard H. Donald; ~ 'The Director of Operations in Osh- awa is a fairly new position and I understand from some of the members of the present council Ald. A. Hayward Murdoch: "At the present time I do not favor any expansion of the Di- rector of Operations' position to that of a City Manager form of government, It may be that the day will come when my think- ing must be revised in this matter, but my experience is that fhe citizens on the street still rely on the elected repre- sentatives in many respects. to in your question encompass different spheres of operation.' Ald, Clifford G. Pilkey: "I am not in favor of any expansion of responsibilities towards a City Manager form of government. What we should be considering in our rapidly-expanding city is a fulltime mayor. His job would be to co-ordinate all de- partments in the city as well as look after our day to day prob- lems. We should also in the very near future explore the feasibility of a Board of Con- trol type of government for Oshawa." Ald. Mrs. Alice Reardon: "I do not favor a City Manager as long as we have individuals will-| ing to-serve. It should be the} responsibility of elected offi-| cials to set the policy and an- only in favor of a City Manager| and economically and if control remains in the hands of the elected representatives." Alex Shestowsky: "Yes, I am in favor of a City Manager form of government. This should streamline our civic administra- tion and eliminate waste and re-| sult in a more efficient. form of government." | rector of Operations was one good step forward in providing a better form of government for| the City of Oshawa. Since this| post was filled I have noticed) several ameliorations in the way of organizations in the several departments concerned. I do not favor expansion toward a City Manager until our city reaches a substantial increase in population, requiring assist- ance to supervise properly the responsible departments." Mrs. Christine Thomas: "No.| I do not favor the City Manager | form of government. If you have) a city manager is invested with the authority which rightly is the responsibility of the elected body. While it is true council defines policy, control and © eration are-placed in the hands of one man." lieve that the time has come for the City of Oshawa to move forward and certainly having a City Manager form of govern- 'Also, the two positions referred|pletely out of touch, with what Rene M. Thiebaud: "The Di-|tioned for £1,150. _ aged quite well, In my opinion Ernest Whiting: "Yes. I be- ment is a step in the right di- rection. Our present form of government not only wastes a lot of time, but in a great many cases appears to be com- is going on in the various city departments. A good City Man- ager would save the city thou- sands of dollars each year, and would be able to co-ordinate all city departments so that we get the best use of all city per- sonnel." Douglas Wilson: 'I am_ op- posed to the idea of a City Man- ager. People elected to city council must assume the respon- sibility of operating the city. I don't think any candidate would want to pass their responsibili- ties to a hired manager at fancy prices." | Edward Zalewski: "I feel the Director of Operatons has not} had sufficient time as yet to) fairly prove the value of his ap- pointment. I would not favor ex-| pansion toward a City Manager| | swer to the electorate." form of government in the im- mediate future. I feel this pres- Mrs. Margaret Shaw: "I amjent plan of administ nation should be given every opportun- | to get the work"done efficiently |ity to do the job and the ques- the|tion of a City Manager should, not be permitted to interfere) with this effort." CROSS AUCTIONED | MANCHESTER (CP)--A Vic- toria Cross -- Britain's highest} military decoration -- awarded to Lieut, W. T. Forshaw of the) 9th Battalion, the Manchester Regiment, in 1015 was atc- The group said independence for Quebec would not necessar- in California, president of the Thorodghbred Racing Associa- MODERN CONVENIENCES More than half of all Japa- ing machines. patch of Quebec delegations to the United Nations and the es- great countries of the world" were urged yesterday by Le Rassemblement Join UN? QUEBEC (CP) -- "The dis- tablishment of permanent con- tacts between Quebec and the pour i'Inde- pendance Nationale. The separatist group, which says. it has a membership of 'lily mean a complete break with English-speaking Canada. "To the extent that common interests tg between Quebec and English Canada the polit-|..; ical. and constitutions! transfor-\Mo ps) court et ah Bs Rad mation of Quebec would change nothing of this community of in- terests, "Economic co agreements and exchanges of all sorts do not become impos- sible because of the simple fact In Court MONTREAL (CP) --One of the famous Dionne quintuplets was arraigned in Montreal mu- tion, told delegates to the annual convention of the TRA Tuesday that if off-track betting is legal- ized in the United States, they should receive the same com- mission they now receive on wagering at pari-mutuel win- dows. There has been agitation for off-track betting in New York state as a means of rais- ing revenue. sault charge laid as a result of a private complaint, Mrs. Florian Houle, 30, Marie of the Quints, was charged with assaulting a baby sitter who was looking after her two chil- dren. She was remanded to Dec. 7. J - operation, ta at 7,000, made the recom da tions in a brief presented to the Quebec legislature's committee on the constitution. ' The brief said Quebec is "'one of the principal French coun- tries in the world" and must open new perspectives on the globe rather than restrict itself to "keeping an eye only on its immediate neighbors." Independence offered the province more of a future than any other formula for future constitutional change. Constitutional reform "'repre- sents only the status quo in dis- guise,"' said Le Rassemblement. "Tt does not recognize the na- tional character of the French- Canadian community and main- tains the old majority-minority relationship."' WOULD TIE TO ENGLISH As for a possible system of associate states for Canada, the of Q Pp The brief said French should be one official language for an independent Quebec and that|to the charge were not revealed such "symbols of as monuments and '"'ceremonies of a British character' should be abolished. Text of the brief was made available to the press before de- livery. More Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Here is maleic nana" Fi : Soon 'and lower lates he 'aon NAME CHANGED Eee, tag ot Peni Bee more eom- Prince Edward Island was| taste or f rf > inom called Tle St. Jean until 1768, | seta), "owe ects fie from the days when it was a| [got (denture : French possession. | today st "any drag eomntes, Four of the Quints survive. Emilie, the fifth, died in 1954. Details of the incident leading in court. Re-Elect "LEO" GLOVER --for-- BOARD OF EDUCATION 4% ACE 723-5241 OSHAWA'S Newest Taxi Offering Safe, Courteous Service 46 King St. W. Oshawa ELECT FRED POPHAM PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION A Young & Energetic Men "In touch with the Times" POPHAM F. X that they are not yet sure this experiment is working. When we find that the Director of Operations has improved the efficiency of the departments he now es, then I feel the responsibilities of this man ean be and that the eity will benefit as @ result, Ald. Normaii Down: "In some eases a City Manager form of ernment may be desirable, ever this would depend largely on the individual cir- cumstances of a municipality and the individual selected for the position. Much considera- tion in Oshawa's case would have to be given to this form of local government and the du- ties and responsibilities of an administrative manager would have to be thoroughly thrashed out before conclusions could be reached. Also the experience of other municipalities with this system should be investigated. Jan Drygala: 'I feel that I would need a wider study of =~ question before comment- ng." Ald. John Dyer: "I believe that the Director of Operations at the present time has been given a full and free hand by ony council to carry out his full responsibilities in the task we hired him to perform and I do not betieve that an expan- sion of his 'responsibilities to- ward a City Manager form of government for Oshawa is de- sirable, or, for that matter, re- motely necessary." Ald. Cephas B. Gay: "I cannot see. the taxpayer being asked to pay for a Cily Manager, and at the same time retain a Direc- tor of Operations." : Douglas L. Gower: "Yes. I believe that is what our Direc- tor of Operations has been hired for, so that he should be given more expansion and look after all parts of the city businesses where they conflict with other department heads. I feel there should be Jess chiefs and more Indians," George C. Martin: 'Yes, I do favor expansion of the Director of Operations' responsibilities toward a City Manager form of government. 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Famous SPAR- TACUS sweater by National Knit + » -beautifully knit from Hi-Bulk ORLON acrylic fibre, Choose rich blues, reds, blacks in sizes 8 to 18, sizes 6 to 14, FOR GIFTS HE'D CHOOSE HIMSELF! OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPENUNTIL9P.M. Every Shopping Night Until Christmas een ATTRACTIVE GIFT BOXES ARE FREE!

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