Mrs. Edwin Broom Celebrates 80th Birthday Mrs. Edwin Broom celebrated her 80th birthday recently with an afternoon reception held at Fern Hill Clubhouse for over 100 guests. In the evening her fam- Women 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 2, 1964 AT ¥TS organization meeting held recently, the St. Philip's Council of the Catholic Women's League, elected this, its first executive. Seated in the front are Mrs. Harry Gowanlock, president; and Mrs. J. L, Johnson, 1st vice- president. Standing behind are from the left, Mrs, John St. Philip's Council CWL Elects Mrs. Harry Gowanlock President Mrs. Harry Gowanlock was installed as the first president of the St. Philip's council of the Catholic Women's League, at its organization meeting held recently in the church _base- ment. The Reverend Darby welcomed the Reverend Gerard Breen, Spiritual Direc- tor of the Archdiocese of Toron- to, Mrs. Daniel Donovan, Arch- diocese president and Mrs, K. Kelly convener of organization and the members of St. Philips Council. Theré were twentyfive members present. The meeting was opened with the league prayer led by Fa- ther Breen. Father Darby wel- comed all the members. Father Breen gave' an outline of the spiritual program of the league, explained the particular exer- cises that were recommended, namely corporate communion, the league prayer and prayer for the Holy Father at all .| Gowanlock; cially in 1948 in Edmonton, Re- gina, Montreal and Toronto in that order. The slate of officers are: di- rector, The Reverend M. Darby; president, Mrs. Harry ist vice-president, Mrs. J. L. Johnson; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. James Hughes; secretary, Mrs. John Maguire; treasurer, Mrs. Glenn Sherrah; conveners, Mrs. William Eyre, Mrs. A. J. Leger, Mrs. James McKeever, Mrs. James Fourn- ier, Mrs, Roy Haber, Mrs, Ray- mond G. Blanchard, Mrs. Eu- gene Hackett, Mrs. William Dit- trick, Mrs. Leo Kryhl, Mrs. Tony Randell, Mrs. James Hughes, Mrs. M. J. Brennan. by Father Gerard Breen and presented by Mrs. K. Kelly to Mrs. Harry Gowanlock, -- the first president of the St. Phil- ip's Council of the Catholic Women's League. meetings and the fostering of retreats and days of recollection by the league and the spiritual benefits of membership in the league. He particularly recom- mended that the league observe the Feast of Our Lady, April 26, by some special way. Mrs. Donovan explained the structure of the league pointing out that it was first formed nationally in 1920 to assist im- migrants who were coming into the country in great numbers after the end of world war one. Father Darby thanked the members of 'the Archdiocese and council for coming out to organize a council, He congratu- lated the new executive and expressed the hope the mem- bers would increase. Refresh- ments were served. The first meeting of the St. Philip's Council of the Catholic Women's League was held Wed- nesday evening with a good at- tendance of members. Father M. J. Darby opened the meet- ing with prayer, Mrs. Harry It was then organized provin- Gowanlock reported the success LUXURIOUS NEW FASHIONS FOR '65 SPORTSWEAR Stunning, flomboyant, utterly fe minine ore our fresh new separates for '65. Select the styles that suit you best from our spirited and surprising group of imports and domestics, All are well-known brand nomes. A small deposit will hold. @ Stretch Slims @ Suburban Coots @ Ski Weor Matching Sweaters for every @ Skirts @ Blouses @ Wool Slims possible occasion, plain or fancy. CHRISTMAS HOURS Open Daily -- 9 A.M. till 9 P.M, Dec, 3rd through Dec, 23rd. Saturdays till 6 P.M, (Closed Dec. 24th at 6 p.m.) BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE NORTH 725-1912 OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 6 P.M, The League pin was blessed | Maguire, secretary; Mrs. Glenn Sherrah, treasurer; and Mrs. James Hughes, 2nd vice- president. --Oshawa Times Photo of the last social bingo under the convenership of Mrs. Wil- liam Eyre and plans were made for another in January. The secretary read the min- utes followed by the treasurer's report. Plans were made for a pot- luck supper which will take J the place of the December meet- ing. It will be the 16th of De- cember. Plans were also dis- cussed for a card party in Feb- ruary. Father Darby spoke a few minutes about the benefit we get from assisting at mass and reminded all. that mass will be said daily at St. Philips, Refreshments were served by Mrs. Walter Branch is back Hn- town wearing a nice, light tan picked up on her trip around the world in 80 days, Mrs. T, A. Adair, Tamworth, Ontario, was a recent visitor to Oshawa. Her late husband, Mr. T. A. Adair, for many years was manager, Ontario Sieel Products Limited, Ritson road north, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lauder, Claremont, were among the re- cent guests at the Guild Inn, Scarborough. Mrs. George W. Price is spending the winter months with her two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Hartt and Miss Frances Barber, Waterford, Ontario. Mrs. John McKibben, wife of the Rector of St. John's Angli- can Church, Port Whitby, is opening the anhual Christmas bazaar sponsored by the Women's Groups of Christ Me- morial Church, in the parish hall this afternoon. She will be introduced by Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon on behalf of the Dor- cas Group of the WA, Members of Group 1 of Knox Presbyterian Church were en- tertained at a Christmas din- ner at the home of Mrs. Alex Simpson, Mary street, last week. A turkey dinner was served at a table decorated with a Christmas centrepiece and tall tapers. Mrs. J. L. Beaton, president, said grace and after dinner held a short meeting. Mrs. Robert Mills gave the rou- tine reports showing that the the committee in charge. group had reached Its objec- PERSONALS | tive for the year. Mrs, Mills pre- sented the hostess with a gift from the group, The next meet- ing will be held in February at Mrs. Mills' home. ~ The Oshawa and District Real Estate Board is holding its an- nual Christmas party and din- ner-dance at the Hotel Genosha on Saturday, Greeting members and guests will be President Carl Olsen and Mrs, Olsen; Vice-President Douglas J. M. Bullied and Mirs, Bullied and the entertainment chairman Jack Sheriff and Mrs. Sheriff. The Interclub Council of the Business and Professional Wom- en's Club and the Zonta Club, Toronto, two organizations which support the Ramallah Centre project, honored Mrs. In"am Mufti, principal of the Training School for Girls, Ra- mallah, Jordan, at a dinner at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. In attendance from Oshawa were Mrs, J. W.° Richardson, president of the Business and Professional Women's Club of Oshawa and District; Miss Irene Pawson, Miss Mildred Price, Miss Jennie Pringle and Miss Agnes Strickland. CONSERVATION STRICT EDMONTON (CP)--Zoologist Al Oeming of the Alberta Game Farm said in Edmonton on his return from China that 'China has the most strenuous con- servation laws of any country I have ever visited." He said he was the first Western zoolo- gist to penetrate the Bamboo Curtain since 1949. ily held a dinner in her honor. don, England, and has lived in Oshawa for the past 44 years, She has six children, 17 grand- children and 33 great-grandchil- dren, Her children are Mr, Fred Watson, Oshawa; James Violet, Mrs. Harold Smith, Ot- tawa; Gladys, Mrs, C, H. Bab- cock, and Jessie, Mrs. John Hamacher, both of Oshawa; and Thelma, Mrs. Michael Williams Belleville. All were present at the birthday celebrations with the exception of Mrs. Chalmers, who was unable to attend be- cause of illness, : with a chair from her children; a bouquet of seventeen roses and carnations from her grand- children, presented by her old- est granddaughter, McMillan, Toronto; and a cor- sage of pink carnations from|/" her sented by her youngest great- granddaughter, Hall. She also received birthday Michael Starr, MP for Ontario Riding. banished the screech of sea- Mrs. Broom was born in Lon- Rose, Mrs. Chalmers, Toronto; Mrs. Broom was presented Mrs. Fred great-grandchildren, pre- Miss Diane reetings from the Honorable TROPICAL FANCY LONDON (CP) -- The BBC gulls from the background in- troduction to its Desert Island Discs radio program after many years when listeners pointed out there aren't any seagulls on tropical islands. CHRISTMAS GLEE It could only be Christmas causing the glee on this little boy's face. He is Scott Fraser Boswell, the one-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Blaine Bos- cookers, drippings. Replace with soapy water Drain, rinse and dry. HOUSEHOLD HINT To clean electric fryers and drain the fat and and heat to boiling. well, Buchan avenue. His proud grandparents are Mrs. Raymond Cranston, Little Current and Mrs. John Bos- well, Peterborough. --ireland Studio Mount a pegboard near your' sewing machine, keep small, sewing supplies easy-to-find in» small size tear-off plastic bags" hung on hooks. oe Much of New Zealand's cli-' mate is ideal for growing roses," say experts, with"its damp, cool. conditions. sin When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 'Home-Nursing Core for EVERYONE" PICTURE F RAMING| Try ; Walmsley & Magill 9 King St. E. -- Oshawa PERSE REGSA But other listeners missed the cries and now the seagulls are back. HOOKS USEFUL Beside each of Amsterdam's 636 bridges is a long, hooked pole, which is used to fish out the innumerable hats blown into the canals on windy days. Ronald W. Bilsky, ><. Chiropractor If hurt on the job, ask your employer to authorize Chiro- practic care. "It's yours for the asking'. 100 King St. E. 728-5156 wy O ~-herney's FURNITURE R LpD EQUIPPED WITH SUPER - SONAR © REMOTE CONTROL Please Note: No wires, cords, tubes, batteries! This hand control unit turns TV on. . changes chan- nels . . adjusts to three volume level . . shuts completely off (leaves no tubes burn- ing in the set), 13" ADMIRAL | CUSTOM Now'is the time to set on a brand new tonight... CONSOLE trade in your old TV 23" Admiral, Come in compare the picture you are watching night after night with the sharp- est, brightest, clearest picture you could ever possibly wish to see. ® TOP FRONT TUNING CONTROLS ® GOLDEN SIGNET TURRET TUNER @ FULL FIDELITY SOUND CONTROL ON-OFF ® 20,000 VOLTS PICTURE POWER ® WALNUT CABINET | | © PULL-PUSH, Reg. $279 Value! 16" ADMIRAL PORTABLE Exactly As Illustrated WITH SUPER SONAR REMOTE CONTROL The perfect gift! Handsome leather- grained cabinet tuning, "power tower" with preset fine front. mounted speaker, telescopic antenna, aluminized picture tube, 17000 volt "air space" chassis. '199 BRASS STAND INCLUDED! PRICED WITH TRADE Gerber RICE CEREAL Gerber _ Ricels extra nice Because Gerber Rice Cereal has everything! Everything : to pamper and please your baby and you. Flavour that favours a delicate palate. A texture that's smoothness supreme... keeps its creaminess from beginning to the end of every Serv- ing. Marvellous mixability. When mixed with milk or formula : it stirs to smooth perfection in seconds. Just-right flake-size absorbs liquid quickly, easily, evenly. ? Plus a nutritional bonus for your baby. Gerber Rice Cereal has added the impoftant B-vitamins, thiamine .(B;), riboflavin ' (B2) and niacin, plus iron...a factor in helping to build good { _ted blood. This popular cereal contributes significantly to the ; nutritional needs of infants and young children. t Important: Selection of rice grains and preparation are care= , fully controlled by Gerber specialists, who work solely in the ' interest of better infant nutrition. ; Babies are our business ..ouronly business! | Gerber Baby Foods niagara FALLs, CANADA AY ' ' '