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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Dec 1964, p. 27

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t hie | Miss Kael Kills Movies Although the close will de-, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, December 2, 1964 27 pend on weather conditions, of- ficials of Imperial Oil Limited ta Lend With the denatt said their tankers will conclude| *5t, Weekend with the departure runs between Dec. 15 and 20,/0f the Japanese (reighier Mike-| WOODSTOCK (€P)--A CNR Officials at Canada Steam- conductor' and @aginest ap number of ocean-going vessels in magistrate's court The Oshawa and Ontario ous and understanding hearts." ship Lines at nearby Point Ed-|to stop at the dock this year.|Tyesday charged with obstruct. . SARNIA (CP)--The 'shipping/ward said shipping there will ing a crossing with their train LAST ICE AGE th dian ppd egy the Atlantic|week by Mr, Justice Antoine] At one point, union lawyers Sonor Health Aipdeiosien: will KILLED IN CRASH season at the port of Sarnia is Close down about mid-Decem- for more than five | . The Monthly by Pauline Kael, who|Lacourciere of Quebec Superior|raised the question of whether|be distributing gifts this Christ') GRIMSBY, Ont. (CP)--Peggylexpected to close within the ber. Scientists believe the las{ Ice|case against R. and to answer, "Yes." |Court may have .an important|Gaspe Copper had not actually|mas to patients at the Ontario) sit-ney 40° of 'St. Catharines|next three weeks, harbor offi-| The overseas shipping season|Age took place some. 50,000|W. 4. Brings, both of London, Miss Kael, billed as anjeffect on labor _ ae ' ree ay on the ga a 2 Nyaong vee: ® or 28 kilied Tuesday when the|cials said Tuesday. lended at. government dock here|years ago. adjourned until Dee. 15. lecturer and authority} A complex rather than a cut- sources indica . A, Powell, chairman car in which she was riding : Ae ES IS . --_ yy criticizes the ovwiee and-dried decision is expected,|judgment, depending 'on which)the gifts project, asks all area|crashed into a bridge abutment lack of logic in movies, even the|however, on Gaspe Copper's|way it goes, could result 2! §| citizens to donate gifts for dis-lon the Queen Elizabeth' Way most expensive ones. She cites|$5,300,000 suit for strike dam-|series of damage suits against) tinution. Gifts may be left at|near this town 15 miles south- the swift and unexplained end-|ages against the United Steel-| unions. wii ike the YWCA, the White Crassleast of Hamilton. Lewis Lam- ing of Bridge on The River}workers of America (CLL). The steelworkers ' i Centre and at the McLaughlin|pert, 41, of Niagara Township, Kwai; the ngs ees =. Added to this is the poorgent il page gre rd win|Ldbrary. driver of the car, - in fair ne; : ei ,_ to cng : the utter 'contusion of 38 Days gag in the late 199s, The seven-|ceFfiation at Murdochvile, | "This_is_a_very_worthwhile <ost = Ss BOSE at ae ; the yn was tae Oo month 'strike oN gm orhdon | ance leopatra in the Que., that spurr ws' 66 S d that name: the puzzling story ended in 1957. tudents turns of The al. : "Audiences used to have an FAB or Bye Byerley OP coat: Le ave School almost rational ne ong' ~ mony, the final witness leaving ae ee Oe the stand in February, 1962. Mr.|. The Oshawa school attend- the critic. ". . . although . Lacourciere received @jance officer.investigated 34 irre- ete nO eae tacaiar last argument this summer. jgular and illegal absences St' A movie hed to tell some| Gaspe Copper contended the|from schools in the city paring story that held together; a plot|international union was respon- October, the Board of Educa- pe parse." : sible for loss of profit and dam-|tion was told Tuesday night. j She concludes: "Movies are|ages in a violent and illegal} During the investigations, W. going to pieces; they are disin-|strike by 900 men. One miner A. Smith, the officer, made 113} \ tegrating, and " the something| died during an attempt to blow calls to schools, and 97 to called cinema is not movies|¥p company property. acer Boyes a of -Ealucation raised to an art niin igre INTERPRET LAW Three charges were laid in ies diminished, movies that look) t46 company interpreted Que-| Juvenile Court for: "being an 'artistic.' Movi e being strip- arusuc. Movies ar . Md bec Law to mean that unions/habitual truant" and three stu- ow : ev Pence gorges de.|27e, responsible for the actions/dents were suspended ime . 4 ~|of their members. schools during the month. = ea en atuaen Union lawyers countered that} Mr. Smith said that 66 stu- nd joyful." Gaspe Copper instigated the|dents left the Oshawa system, end Joyful. strike by its behavior during at-|50 from elementary schools and PRODUCTS ARE SLOPPY tempts to organize the miners,|16 from secondary schools, The one thing that impressesjand by firing union representa- a reviewer who tng "et roy tive Leo Gagne. i MSE al tee eae output of the studios is the slop-| The any said Gagne. a er : piness of the product. Today's ices tae justifiably laid| General Hospital for the week films are filled with incongrui-| ofr. br ages eb Ba? ra bruger pe BE gre oo ee etasey teat The union also argued that|i9, distharges 343; | newborn pags pe third: rae? ii tish|L0c@! 4881 rather than the in- discharges--male, 20; female, po ri 1d sie in Tihs ternational union had applied 94. major surgery, 91; minor ° ary --_ for certification under Quebec surgery, 108; eye, ear, nose and ber oe is this 60? law. Therefore, the international | throat, 71; treatments and ex- y s to He in| 72% not; responsible for what/aminations, 221; casts, 38; phy- on ppd ony srg by| happened. |siotherapy treatments, 1142; vis- Shdigation of aul yy! The company countered thatjits, 820; occupational therapy, the major studios, Bosses like Louis. B, Mayer and Harry the international poured $500,- 249. ae Cohen were a 0 a -- but they did control things. They ; and thelr deputies insisted that EDUCATION from its a script be finished before shoot- earliest beginnings ing started, that the story should was designed to sat- be ied that ee ae isfy social needs. Its ing apt, a tha e schedule lh | b goal has always been proceed in a businesslike man sn Yanat the: raeds of the youth of society . which it served. MODEL ner. "Today, people in Hollywood RE-ELECT T2020W .... 379.95 are more interested. in making deals than in making movies," MRS. ANNIE said a top executive recently. The wheeler - dealers have Board of Education Dec. 7th-VOTE X , 1 . project, we s our Sarni Labor Relations Will Be Gifts Planned ra a ia go a Port For Christmas |= arc sea TO Close By BOB THOMAS Atfected By Judgement -- "Are| QUEBEC (CP)--A judgment|000 in strike benefits into Mur- Bie tie toned 7 asks Be handed down later this|dochville. CREW CHARGED THE GIFT SHE OPENS FIRST Will Come From Franklin Simon dinette Beatles Con 38KINGST.E,OSHAWA OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAY -- CHRISTMAS SPECIALS YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS Like This Beautiful GIRLS' WINTER COAT AND MANY MORE IN SIZES 470 14 THE HANDCRAFTED COLOR TV The Quality Goes In Before The Name Goes On WILLIAMS' Electronics "Oshawa's Leading ZENITH Color Television ». dealer ¥ y Priced reqany up to. $32.98 ALL BOYS' AND GIRLS' SNOW WEAR GREATLY REDUCED 20% and More derns 723-7426 . \ -) : SALE $19.98 Young 38 KING ST. E. 135 BROCK ST.S., WHITBY A contemporary model -- designed to fit per- fectly with any modern setting. moved into the industry, setting up packages to find a buyer, 'then moving on to the next deal. The film makers are left to their own devices, with no steady hand to guide them. Family Counsel] Sed Service Backed = Rev. L. W. Herbert, Oshawa Ministerial Association presi- 229.95 dent said Tuesday there is a de- finite need for a Family Coun- : | w apy shea et * bere tiara; FEATURE VALUES THIS WEEK! 'SIX RED-HOT BARGAINS FOR YOU THURS.-FRI-SAT. by Barnard Lewis, Children's POT aro Bee sel hom a | WILLIAMS" ELECTRONICS CLOTHES Mr. Lewis sald many orgah- SALES & SERVICE HAMPERS PYJAMAS izati tacted by th - % ; | cantes. biver the eo oa s ' f, VOTE FOR 1218 SIMCOE ST. N. Washable Quilted Fabric Comfort for.cold nights. of > -Peeeiy Cipneriane Oye SOUND WE SERVICE ALL MAKES SPECIAL "SPECIAL New lightweight slim 19" portable in stun- ning 2 tone color cab- MODEL M2000€ .. 725-2905 Mr. Herbert added his sup-| port today and aid volunteer counsellors would help get the project underway. But, he said, the service would grow quickly | to the point where skilled work- | ers would be required. "Canadians Must Work" | MONTREAL (CP)--Raymond | Dupuis, former national presi- | dent. of the Canadian Chamber | ot Cmmerce, said yesterday that positive motivation, with com- LADIES' Flannelette COLORFUL DOOR MATS Plastic Coated for easy care. SPECIAL vice. © planning © administration | ; | y © education petence and a willingness to work, are needed to achieve | proper economic growth in Can-| ada | | © WAGONS (© i °@ TRIKES : e TOYS © GAMES REGULAR VALUE REGULAR VALUE 9.33 REGULAR VALUE $2.59 $2.98 $7.95 Mr. Dupuis, in an address to} the Canadian Progress Club, dismissed the negative ap- proach of those who throw "dis- credit in an unjust way on the complexes at the basis of the nation."" Mr. Dupuis feared "that at OUT mnt ent ee © SKATES ore saat " EQUiPME HURRY IN FOR BIG SUPER SAVINGS! EQUIPMENT th 'sent time, under th 2. ta af Suites, 'vevolattos: a USE WESTERN'S Watch For Extra Special Values Every Week rvnegnnentetneten reenter Avant tear being seeded in certain cir- BUDGET PLAN DECORATED | TUMBLERS "I know, however, on the DECORATED 9-OZ. SIZE other hand," he said, "that the Assorted designs. Canadian people and the ONE DOZEN PER BOX SPECIAL French-Canadian people will be Assorted shapes, able to distinguish more and SPECIAL PER DOZEN more between agitators and - REGULAR VALUE men of action. PER BOX $1.67 per dozen aN CRYSTAL PARTY TREE Beautify your Holiday Table SPECIAL Gf REGULAR VALUE ... Put Stars In Their Eyes For Christmas gifts thot last forever . . » buy pele Quality jewellery gifts from Bossett's. .. © Diamonds © Chine @ Handbags @ Lighters © Crystal @ Rings @ Watches @ Silverplate @ Figurines © Tie Tacks When You Buy... .. Buy Quality From try, there must also be an at- mosphere of co-operation favor- able to discussions which would lead to necessary changes. "If the climate becomes poi- soned by all sorts of contradic- tory and discriminatory atti- tudes," he said, "it pushes back the spirit of initiative and au- dacity essential to success in business and to economic growth." Text of his address was re- leased to the press in advance of delivery. @ Hair Dryers @ Power Tools @ Electric Appli @ Inside Car Heater "The efficiency of economic factors of growth of the nation ; REGULAR VALUE Vacuum Cleaners si 21,19 par Box are never built on a framework of popular passion." In business, confidence was one of the basic tools of action e Floor Polishers . Auto Accessories Tu #8 JOHN KENT'S HALLMARK OF QUALITY] Si D ALIN 2 Conant ect | Western DOWNTOWN - OSHAWA @ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE : OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE and success. In the constitu- © WHITBY--106 BROCK ST. N. TIRE ANP AUTO SUPPLY A NTEED OR MONEY Ch 1EERFL Jul vy RE F B. _ : tional framework of the coun- Snow Tires =e 145 KING ST. WEST UU TOURISTS IN B.C. VANCOUVER (CP)--~A rec. ord 1,205,442 U.S. tourists en- tered British Columbia in 1963 The previous high was 1,179,937 728-1607 fe 1963,

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