the Conservative Ononettion thet he felt Chat a peantmost wee) sien: 'The: fing. Sibell eho. sien the recommendations of the|in order ond ruled it for discys-icontinued on the amendment. -- REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT @ THE OSHAWA TH/AES, Fridey, December 4, 1964 LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS INSTALL Members of the Oshawa and district Insurance Agents Association installed their new executive at a recent meeting. ' Shown left to right, are Mr. Harold Roughley, past presi- dent; Mr. Lawrence McMur- try, secrelary-treasurer; Don wot Ellison, seated, president; Don Holden, director, and Jack Moore, vice president. Not shown are Mr, Robert Bobig, EXECUTIVE director, David Gray, director. The asseviation held a dinner meeting at Adelaide House. --Oshawa Times Labor Code, To Be Dealt BY MICHAEL STARR, Member of Parliament During the discussions on Estimates, revelations were made involving the activities of executive Assistants in Minis- ters' offices, which rocked the House of Commons and resulted in the appointment of a Com- mission to undertake a judicial enquiry into the affair. Protests were made by the Opposition Members that the terms of reference were too narrow. The Government, how- ever, stow] adamant and would not accede to this request. I shall not go into the details as they were fully reported in Students Study ; 1 i P Since September the Grade 10 pupils of the special two-year course at Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate have been studying, in detail, the structure of the municipal government of Osh- awa. Using a tape recorder, the pils, in teams of two, have n interviewing people in charge of departments or serv- ices that are an integral part of the city administration. So far they have interviewed Mr. Hepburn of the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, Chief Ray Hobbs of the Oshawa Fire Department, Miss J. Fetterly, chief librarian of the R. S. McLaughlin Public Labrary, Jack Mann of the Osh- awa Junior Chamber of Com- merce, J. R, Backus, business administrator for the Oshawa Board of Education. Future in- terviews have been arranged with H. G. Chesebrough, direc- tor of the Welfare Department, Chief Constable H. W. Flintoff and Dr. C. C. Stewart, medical officer of health. These taped interviews are olitics | ers' lists are compiled to the inaugural meeting of the new council, With the co-operation of Ald.) H. Murdoch, the class has at-| tended one council meeting. Plans. have been made to at- tend several more after the new council is elected. In order that different council| meetings could be compared, the class was invited to attend| a council meeting of the Six Nations Indians held at the Six Nations Indian Reserve at Osh-| weken, Ont. The pupils were} welcomed and they visited dif- ferent administrative offices. Plans are now under way for the class to visit a Metropolitan Toronto Council meeting after) the new year. | The pupils attended an elec- tion meeting on December 2, 1964, to hear the candidates for office speak. Through these methods it is hoped that the pupils will be- come more aware of civic af- fairs and be prepared to take| their place 'as responsible citi-| then brought back to the class- room and used as source les- sons. City Clerk L. R. Barrand has been to the school twice to q@peak. The purpose of the first visit was to tell the class of the basic structure of the civic Fo eee and about the dut- of various departments, The second visit was more recent and the pupils were told how a} eivic election is carried on be- ginning from the time the vot-| FORECASTS BLAST TOKYO (AP)--Takeo Honda, | chief of Japan's research cham-| ber, told a meeting of the Na.) tional Defence Council Thurs-| day speculation based on infor- | mation supplied by the United! States is that China will deton-| ate its second nuclear device next spring. China exploded its first nuclear device Oct. 16. zens of the community. | McCALLUM PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 10 Years' Experience on City Council Donations Made _ |; By Joy Lodge BROUGHAM (TC) -- The meeting of Joy Rebekah Lodge was held Nov. 23. The opening exercises were conducted by the Noble Grand, Sister Louise Pilkey, assisted by Vice Grand, Sister Esther Clodd, who also re-|t ported for the lunch committee. order to further her education after eaving high school. Congratulations are also in Margaret Roberts who was presented with her provincial honors pin and certificate. This goes to the girl who has successfully completed 12 units of 4-H club work. Both these honors were presented at Day at Port Perry on Saturday. for Miss he 4-H Achievement The correspondence was read by the recording secretary, Sister Jean Ellicott. A donation was given for the| Odd Fellow Rebekah Education| Foundation Fund which is very| short at this time. The members are asked to keep in mind the annual Christ- mas dance to be held Dec. 12. The members have accepted the request to cater for the}; Brownwell Christmas banquet. A tentative date was selected for the Odd Fellows and Re- bekah family Christmas party. The afternoon group of the Brougham United Church Ottawa Terminal Costs $35 Million OTTAWA (CP)--Over-all cost of relocating Ottawa's railway passenger terminal to a new site in southeast Ottawa will be an estimated $35,175,000, the Na- tional Capital Commission said Anniversary Celebrated "Christ in Every Phase of a Girl's Life' was the theme for the 25th anniversary celebra- tion. The Sanctuary of the Chris- tian and Missionary. Alliance Church wes the scene of a pro- gram which featured a skit to climax the week-long Pioneer Girls' Weck emphasis. Mrs. Thomas Farmer, chief guide, announced recognition to girls who had earned awards and badges. They were present- ed by Mrs. Barker, chairman of the Pioneer Girls' committee. At the close of the service, the minister, Rev. Richard J. Barker, spoke. The approximately 35 Colon- ists and Pilgrims of the Alli- ance Church's Pioneer Girls joined more than 80,000 girls across the continent in com- memoration of the international organization's founding 25 years ago. ANTISEMITE PAYS BERLIN (AP) -- A, former West Berlin police corporal was sentenced to four weeks in jail Thursday because he said the Nazis had not killed enough Jews. Helmet Koenigsdorf made the remark two years ago during a political science class for police cadets here. oday. The estimate was tabled in the Commons. railways commit- tee. It showed that the CNR would pay $2,900,000, the CPR $2,400,- 000, and the commission the lion's share of $29,875,000. How- ever, the commission receives assets from the two railway companies to an amount of $23,000,000 in return. With all the newspapers. Neverthe- less, the matter is most serious and the Government is in a precarious position. Everyone is waiting anx'ously for the en- quiry tv proceed and unearth facts of this matter and reveal who else was implicated, Longer hours were initiated during the past week, in order' to pass ai) of the Estimates for the current fiscal year before the agreed date of Friday, November 27th. This leaves the Labour Code and the Flag question to be dealt with. TO OPERATE. The Government has experi- enced a great deal of difficulty with the Labour Code, especially as it affects the Hours of Work section. Interprovincial truckers, pool elevators and others have made and are making submissions to the Government to be exempted from this section of the Bill, claiming thai it will be impos- sible for them to operate in competition with those. truckers who are strictly provincial in their operations, and do not come within the jurisdiction of Flag Committee be referred back ani that. they consider recommending that the flag uestion be submitted as a _ te the people of Can- ada. The Speaker took this amend- ment under study and con- sideration overnight, made his decision the following day, and stated that upon careful study, and after conferring with others, For the ski-lodge... Board of Education | A VOTE FOR SOUND © planning © education © administration DIONNE, Alan G. this legislation. The Government is promising té"give serious consideration to these requests, but I doubt whether they are prepared to pa this industry from this I, The combined Committee of the House of Commons and the Senate are now sitting and con- sidering the Canada Pesnion Plan, and receiving submis- sions. My information is that it will take many weeks to com- plete its study A Committee has been set up to interview the members of the Maritime Trustees and question their work during the past year. There are many interest- ing questions that members of the Opposition will be asking the members of the Trusteeship re- garding the affairs of the S.I.U. On Monday last we were again discussin; the flag question. An a d t was proposed by CIVIC EFFICIENCY NOT CIVIC CHAOS e ALDERMAN ° DONALD RICHARD (Lawyer) Women wil! meet at the home of Mrs. John White Dec. 10. Mrs. M. Burton will take the} program, | Congratulations to Miss Pat Harden who received the On- tario County 4-H Scholarship. This is known as the Ethel Chapman Scholarship which is given to a 4-H Homemaking Club Girl who is also going on VOTE and Re-Elect (. B. GAY] ALDERMAN to City Council My experience on city council should be of great benefit to all people of Oshawa, | have worked faithfully on the fol- lowing committees: Welfare Board, General Purpose Com- mittee, Traffic and Public Safety, Emergency Measures, Children's Aid Society and Low Rental Apartments, You Can Be SURE If You Vote GAY McCallum F. HOT IDEA FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT Vb : Su p. oa "ly bs GIVE HIM A WARM CAR TO GET IN HAPPY CAR... HAPPY DRIVER It's almost Ike giving him a heated garage, when you give him an interior electric car warmer. No more windshield scraping, no more shivery seats... just cosy warmth and safe, frost-free windows. No special wiring re- quired. Simply plug It In a @ night, he'll have a warm, safe-to-drive cat waiting for him each morning. An electric car warmer is not a block heater for the engine, but an inside car warmer for him, the driver. It's ®@ compact fan-type heater, overheating. It's easy to Install, or you just put it on the floor, You can buy one F tor only a few pennies safety-protected against CA et your nearest service y a oe On hie TO ON CHILLY MORNINGS} station, new car dealer, auto supply Store, department store or shopping centre. It's a warm-hearted gift! 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Settle down to be spoiled by AIR CANADA's in-flight service for about 2% hours, then... step down the ramp into your FLORIDANDY holiday, Fabulous? Indeed. But what could 'be easier, when you go there by air--by AIR CANADA, that is! Rather go to Miami? Take a tip, Make your connec- tions In sunny Tampa! If you have to change planes, that's the warm and weather-proof way to do it! Ask your Travel Agent to make arrangements for your Floridandy Winter Holiday...and for information about AIR CANADA's convenient Fly Now--Pay Later Plan and economical Package Tours. Choice of First or Economy accommodation on most flights. Or write Air Canada in Toronto at 130 Bloor Street West. AIR CANADA @) MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 723-9441 DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN EAST WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 300 DUNDAS ST. ieee RE 5 naka reas