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Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Dec 1964, p. 14

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MR. AND MRS. JAMES BUBCHLER Carol Barber, James Buechler Wed In First Baptist Church First Baptist Church was the setting recently for the mar- riage of Carol Dianne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Barber, to Eric James Buechler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Buechler, all of Oshawa The Reverend N. F. Swack- hammer officiated and the solo- ist was Miss Ruth Hall, accom- panied by Miss Judith David- gon, Given in marriage by her father, the bride was wearing a formal gown of white Chantilly lace with fitted bodice, lily-point sleeves, scalloped neckline and full skirt. Her headdress was a circlet of Chantilly lace re-em- broidered with seed pearls, hold- ing a bouffant veil, and she car- ried a bouquet of red roses. The maid of honor was Miss Pauline Sewell, Oshawa, and the bridesmaids were Miss Judy Ewart, Sutton; Miss Judith Richards and Miss Kathy Bar- ber, Oshawa. They were dressed alike in formal gold peau de soie sheaths featuring round necklines, long sleeves and em- pire waistlines with back panels attached at the waistline with --tIreland Studio emen 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December 7, 1964 Simcoe Street United Church was the setting for the recent wedding of Janice Hazel Bright- man and Richard Gregg Madill, both of Oshawa. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Brightman, Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. George Madill, Toronto, and Mrs. John Farenick, West Hill, The Reverend John K. Mof- fat performed the double-ring ceremony. Mr. Fred Densham sang 'The Lord's Prayer" and "The Wedding Prayer" and was accompanied by the organist, Mr. R. G. Geen. The bride who was given in marriage by her father, wore a formal, floor-length gown of white silk organza over taffeta with a scoop neckline, long sleeves and a semi-bouffant skirt with a detachable train. A crown of pearls and aurora borealis held her bouffant, shoulder- length gown of tulle illusion and she carried a bouquet of white carnations, red Sweetheart roses and ivy trails. Mrs. Lloyd MacDonald, Osh- awa, was the matron of honor wearing a floor-length gown of powder blue organza' over taf- feta in the same etyle as the bride's gown but with short sleeves and a detachable train accented with appliques. Janice Brightman, Gregg Madill Wed In Double-Ring Ceremony Ann Young of Wellington, On tario, wore a short dress of brocade. Both thé attendants wore crowns of flowers to match their dresses and carried nose- gays of white carnations, pink rosebuds and pink streamers. The best man was Mr. Lloyd MacDonald and the ushers were Mr, Edward Gibson, Osh- awa, and Mr, Owen Madill, West Hill, A reception followed in the Sunday School hall where the bride's mother received in a turquoise satin, brocade sheath dress with matching jacket; a matching hat of tulle and satin, black accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds and white car- nations. The _ bridegroom's mother wore a gold crepe dress with an overlay of chiffon azé dark brown accessories. Her corsage was of Orange Delight roses. The honeymoon was spent at Niagara Falls and in the United States, As the couple left, the bride was wearing a sapphire blue acrolan suit with a box jacket, a white maribou hat, black and'grey accessories and a corsage of pink and white carnations. She also wore a wide sterling silver bracelet, a wedding gift from the bride- groom. Mr. and Mrs, Madill are re- siding at 300 Gibb street, Apt. 211. veils and carried bouquets of white chrysanthemums tipped with bronze and the maid of honor's bouquet was centered with bronze roses, The best man was Mr. Ron- ald Chapman and the ushers were Mr. Daniel Buechler; Mr. Larry Hoar and Mr. Ronald Cooper, all of Oshawa. For the reception held in the church hall the bride's mother received, wearing a blue bro- cade sheath, blue satin hat with yeil and a corsage of bronze chrysanthemums. The >ride- groom's mother assisted, wear- ing a blue-green brocade dress with a black pill-box hat and accessories and a corsage of pink chrysanthemums . As the couple left for a honey- moon in Niagara Falls, the bride was wearing a beige three-piece suit, light beige fur hat, dark brown accessories and a cur- sage of pink chrysanthe The flower girl, Miss Heather Sorority Learns The regular semi-monthly meeting of Ontario Gamma Ep- silon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phil was held recently at the home. of Mrs. John Beaupre, Florell drive. Mrs. Harold Ball reported on the success of the rummage sale held recently at Simcoe Hall. She also announced the winners of the Barbie Doll trousseau as follows: Mrs. John Hopps, Jutianna drive and Mrs. Legere, Frontenac street. Plans were made for the mixed Christmas party to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews, Decem- er 5. Prior to the business meeting On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Buechler will live in the Re- gency Towers, Oshawa. Guests were present at the wedding from Sault Ste. Marie; Battle Creek. Michigan; Sud- bows. They wore matching petal headdresses with short gold bury, Sutton West, Toronto, Lo- cust Hill and Keswick. Janice Brightman Feted By Friends Prior To Wedding Prior to her marriage to Mr. Richard Gregg Madill, Miss Janice Brightman was present- éd with a walnut wood-grained PERSONALS Mrs. Mrs. James Moody have re- turned from a fifteen-day trip to Hawaii. On their way over they stopped at San Francisco and on their way home stopped over in Los Angeles, and Dis- neyland. Guests from out of town at) the Pacione-De Merchant wed-| ding were Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCullough of Bath, New Bruns- wick and Mrs, Lloyd Bowater, Centreville, New Burnswick and|Farenick, Mr. Mony Farenick,| Mr, and Mrs. Frank Pacione of Toronto. Out-of-town guests at the Madill-Brightman wedding in- Foster Eastman andjand Mrs. Arthur Virgo, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Maddock and Wins- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fare- nick, David and Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scott, Miss Jenny Farenick, Miss Beverly Brown, Miss Cheryl Brown, Mr, and Mrs. J. Cole and Madelin, Miss Carol Senko, Mr. Robert Dia- bread box and canister set at a luncheon held in her honor by the office staff of General Printers Limited. Mrs. Robert McCallum held a miscellaneous shower at her home on Rossland road west, Oshawa, assisted by Mrs. Gor- don Lawson. Another shower was held at the home of the bridegroom's chol, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coe, Mr. and Mrs. Rowland} Hill, Miss Bonnie Hall, Mr. and) Mrs. Charles MacLean, Mr. and) | Mrs. Roger Taylor, Mr, Kendy John Mr. ki |Miss Linda Madill, Mr. Farenick, all of Toronto; jand Mrs. Michael Towarnic land Pat of Whitby. mother, Mrs, John Farenick, West Hill. Many miscellaneous gifts were received by the en- History Of Glass And: Views Glass Collection members went to the home of Mrs. J. D; MacRae, Oshawa boulevard north. Mrs. MacRae had kindly opened her home to the members and had spoken on the subject of "Glass", cov- ering the program "The Con- noisseur" from the current study book. Mrs. MacRae told the mem- bers that glass was first made in the tear East, Venice and Rome and then in England, the chief raw material of course being sand. In 1600 George Ra- venscroft added a. flux of lead oxide to produce crystal. Displaying her many fine pieces of glass, Mrs. MacRae explained three methods of shap- ing glass -- free blowing, blown and moulded, and. pressed. As an example of free glass blow- ing she showed an Amberina pitcher. The body of the pitch- er was draped glass and it had a reed handle. Members were given many hints by the speaker on how to start a glass collection. A good source being grandparents cup- boards and attics. Many fine pieces can also be purchased at auction sales and antique deal- ers. On behalf of the chapter, Mrs. Matthews thanked Mrs. Rae and presented her with a floral arrangement. It was announced that the next meeting. would be held at the home of Mrs. Harold Ball December 8, at which time Christmas gifts will be exchang- ed by Beta Buddies. Members were also requested to bring gaged pair from friends and elatives of the future bride- groom. A presentation of a toaster and a piece of orange glassware was made by co-workers of the brideelect at General Printers eluded Mrs. William Norris and| Mrs. M. J. Ryan, Roxborough| Limited. Winston, Barriefield; Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Brightman, Mr. and Mrs. George Brightman, Mr, and Mrs. Victor Brightman, Mrs. M. Patton, Mrs. Ethel Mc- Neill, Mrs, John Horrocks and Rosemary, Mrs. William Beau- pre, all of Kingston; Mr, and Mrs. Francis Patton, Napanee; Mr. and Mrs. William Young, Paul and Robert, Wellington, Mr. Angus Murray, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Foster, Mr. and Mrs. James Watson, Mr. lavenue, left Friday to fly to Europe to spend Christmas with her son, Corporal Barth Ryan, and Mrs. Ryan, RCAF, Baden- Baden, Germany. Mrs. Ryan will be returning shortly after the New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tennier, have had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl McKinnon, Brownville Junction, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon returned home yesterday. After the rehearsal, the bridal party was entertained at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brightman, Drew | good used toys suitably wrapped jto be given to. the Chillren's Aid Society. Ronald W. Bilsky, oc. Chiropractor If hurt on the job, ask your employer to authorize Chiro- practic care, "It's yours for the asking". 100 King St. E. 728-5156 street, Oshawa. Mac-|| MR. AND Family Dinner The Adelaide House drawing room made a very pleasant set- ting for a family dinner party, on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Harvey Pascoe's 40th wed- ding anniversary. Mr, ani Mrs. Pascoe received their guests with the bride of 40 years wearing a gold brocade dress, Her corsage, of yellow roses and bronze chrysanthe- munis, and Mr. Pascoe's bou- tonniere. were presented to them by their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Grant Pascoe. Twenty-three guests, includin Mr. Pascoe's mother, Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, and his aunt, Mrs, W. G. McCulloch, sat down to dinner at a table attractively decorated with pink tapers and rose buds, and centered with a tiered anniversary cake. After the dinner, the cake was cut and served, and Mr. Grant Pascoe as master of cere- monies, proposed a toast to his mother, and Mr. Douglas Pas- coe, one to his father, which was responded to by their par- ents. Mr. Norval Crossman ex- pressed appreciation from the relatives, to the host and host- ess, for their hospitality. On behalf of the guests pres- net, Mr. and Mrs, Pascoe's only grandson, John Morrow, made a presentation of a purse of money, and later sons, daugh- ter-in-law and grandson present- FRY LIGHTLY Before adding onion to poultry stuffing, saute it in a little hot fat until the onion is golden brown recommend food special- ists. Browning develops the fla- vor and ensures that there will be no raw onion in the stuffing. | NOW. OPEN! Tonia's Variety Bar and Coffee Shop @ Formerly Dyett's Sports @ Christmas toys, wetches, novelties, ete. Cooking. 205 Bond St. W. 723-7578 MRS. J. HARVEY PASCOE Ruby Wedding For Taunton Pair | UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES 8T. LUKE'S LADIES GUILD The November meeting of St. Luke's Ladies' Guild was held recently in the church. Mrs. Dennis Abbott took charge of the devotional period. The president, Mrs. Harold Davidson welcomed a_ visitor from Knox Presbyterian Church, Mrs, Donald Polson. Mrs. Polson brought along a film on India, It was sent to her by her daughter Catherine who is in India under the WMS Presbyterian Church studying nursing there. It proved to be anginteresting film to all pres- en Correspondence, minutes and treasurer's reports were read. The Reverend Donald Sinclair conducted the election of offic- eS --Oshawa Times Photo Party Marks 8 SUPPERS eVeRYone FROM DAVIDSON'S SHOE STORE 31 SIMCOE ST. N. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ed them with a tea-cart and TV tables. Thay also received many cards, and gifts of flowers from their friends. The rest of the evening was spent in entertainment. An, en- tertainer from Toronto present- ed a short program, followed by piano duets by Mr. Walton Pas- coe and 93-year-old Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, and violin music by Mr. Alan Scott, accompanied by Mrs. T. W. Scott at the piano. Mr. Dougias Pascoe then show- ed slides of his recent tour of Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe, the for- mer Gladys Crossman, spent the entire 49 years on the family homestead, north of Taunton. the language as a preparation to}. Look What ROGER'S Offering 2 GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING FOR THE ON E PRICE OF A Tremendous offer! Buy the major appli- ance you want asa gift for Christmas and get additional FREE gift . . . such as Tape Recorder, Hi-Fi Radio, Record Player, etc., etc. Make your selection today! Fleetwood Dumont Roger:Majestic Speed Queen Nordemende Crosley- Moffat Kelvinator With Every Majer Appliance Purchase, such gifts os © TAPE RECORDERS @ PORTABLE TV's @ RECORD PLAYERS @ TRANSISTOR RADIOS © CLOTHES DRYERS etc. FREE NO PAYMENTS TILL FEB. 1965 co Bi APPLIANCES 155 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-2151 heen ers for 1965. They are as fol-|and Mrs. George Russell; flow- lows: President, Mrs. Dennisjers and cards, Mrs. Morley Abbott; vice-president, Mrs,|Johnson; devotional leader, Morley Johnson; secretary,|Mrs. Robert Stacey. Mrs. Ernest Seeley; treasurer,| Delicious refreshments were Mrs. Adam Mooris; social com-|served by Mrs, Donald Sinclair mittee, Mrs. Harold Davidsonland Mrs. Robert Stacey. : /\ edical j irtor / | a, { FIXING THE. RESPONSIBILITY OF 'STERILITY -- ren marriage, is it medi- © i hether the wife or VLILLLAAL EL Q. In the case of « be cally possible to di husband is to blame? é A. It is rot too difficult to pinpoint the trouble in clearcut cases of sterility, However, in ap- praising the childless couple the doctor is often foced with 4 sy TN a "", ing le" partner. Fertility is not om "all or none" affair. Some individuals ore highly fertile, others are just borderline. When both the husband and wife are not quite 'up to por" in all respects (as is often the case), who is to blame? Is the wife solely responsible for her inability to conceive, or is her husbond at least portially responsible? Solomon himself would be hard pressed for an answer. ZA gegegiiTedgccduiddsésizsilsssuss Today's drugs, in terms of relief from pein end swift recovery from illness, are priceless . . . yet their cost is mere pennies per dose, Our profes- sional skill is en important ingredient in eech prescription we fill, FILLEPA LALLA SLLTILL Answers appeering in these columns are of necessity brief and generel end do not necessorily reflect the opinion of all s. Remember -- the ne and tree! of disease is the function of the pationt's personal physician. Questions directed te Science Editors, P.O. Box 97, Termine! "A", Toronto, Ontario. NG UES RRS @ FREE DELIVERY © OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. 723-4621 for the | | Truly a fine camere --sherp 2.8 lens coupled range finder --Fully atie electri y a' SOLVE Gift PROBLEMS C bi, 1 tripods, utility bags, films, filters, slide projectors, movies, + «+ many ideal gifts. FULLY AUTOMATIC EUMIG P8 NOVA PROJECTOR A Masterpiece of European Craftsmanship ony 119.88 ELECTRONIC FLASH Ne more bulbs to buy. Uses eye meter. Press ond forget. --Sturdy construction, awe pl with hand: leather carrying case. SPECIAL 59.88 | wave CAME lite betteries, 40-50 watt flashes . 1/1000 see. Slash Duretion .... 100's of Cameras Kaye's have the clothes for you, The latest styles in all sizes, make your Christmas a happy one. Shop where your satisfac- tion is our pleasure, Say Charge It At Kaye's BUY KAYE'S GIFT CERTIFICATES 68 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA CENTRE SHOPPING 728-5211 KAYES Be sure to visit our stores in Bowmanville Ladies' Wear AND Sport Wear 725-5451 SS $49.95. HALLMARK FIRST LADY "G"* A trio of clear, diamond: FinST LADY "Cc" Two diamonds in six-sided design, jewels. Faceted crystal, $5995 OF -GUALITY FIRST LADY "1" Treasure-watch set 4 with four fabulous 8 . Smart = circle dial and faceted crystal, 23 jewels, $7985 Newest member of the First Family of Diamond Watches. Discover the dazzling "First Lady". A glittering preview of the newest look in time. Fiery diamonds. Sparkling, faceted crystals. Stunning high-fashion designs. A magnificent gift for your first lady. From our collection of the newest Bulova treasures. Precious jewelry thot tells perfect time. Priced from only WITH BUDGET TERMS TO SUIT EVERYONE 3 Locations ¢ DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 1 Simcoe St. South @ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE @ WHITBY 106 Brock St. North Christmas Tree SPARKLING ALUMINUM OR, LIFE-LIKE VINYL with Purchases totalling $49 or more. _ CHERNEY'S CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS Thurs., Fri., Dec. 10th, 11th, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. December 14th to 18th ---9 A.M. to 9° P.M. December 21st to 23rd -- 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Closing December 24th (Christmas Eve) 6 P.M. Closed Boxing Day Dec. 26 All Day Cherney's FURNITURE WORLD

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