20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 7, 1964 "No 'Cents' in Waiting ... Times Action Want Ads Save You Money' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 18--Male Help Wanted |20--Real Estate for Sale eal Estate for Sale BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY| gi wzitzs. scuoc| cee | KEITH | GUIDE £5 Lb PETERS REALTY LTD. : REALTORS emer ie a Money ae an ™ : WHA 1 he ee pact REALTOR 728-7328 16 Simcoe: St.. South c ortgage Starting cost oF § IG STREET EAST ts > Amari CO. LTD; Available Service Calls Till. Re! ieee yay toa rl aie 723-1121 1 A good place to buy all your Low Interest 9 P.M. a mae Prine | CHRISTMAS = suite are 1070 SIMCOE N. a tea 1: R. l 0. Television : 7 who have reached their 17th ret lot size 52 x 166 3 bedroom bungalow, garage (Westside) Boga sgh i 728-5143 : but not their 24th birthdays ogg Bes icc = pig 8 on -, e =a wi 1 728 4688. SUMMER PROPERTIES Well Drilling--Digging . SS a 'R = ' peel ond vonity, oak funds duplicate. Building Trades VACANT LAND WELL DIGGING ;by machine specializing SEs Army ECrUITEL | wood floors, modern lighting TEN MINUTES, FROM a OSHA' Ww. Wi : Aap throughout. An excellent lo- Members Ontario sheet ree west Whitby, 666-2563 or 646-3809. At Stee as at the cation and only $2500.00 IRROWS, Chartered Ac- ay og Edmond Quality Ca ntry Mortgage Brokers Association |]----Women"s Column E oe : Armouries DOWN. Lovely 2-storey home, with son, i Ganerd elie hae. lilt eed oh SE MAL KURTUS Fist 3 , ized bedrooms. Log an neral Repairs PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- OF ANE IKDIAN, NORTH WEST - 3 good size dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, "Felephone Broadloom in living room and Hebi! adr age ead 725-5363 snawa ONE AND A HALF storey | &! boards, floor, ceiling and - FEMALE 10 P s = h di nity dining area, Natural stone in wall tiles, arborite etc. Satis- ' SECU RITIES 2--Personal December 8th brick, kitchen, dining D fireplace. Lovely kitchen, this ion gu ies 'aaa from 10 A.M. till 2 P.M, living room, bedroom and | tome is everyone's dream, in H: McKOY 725-8576 sees HATCHED . io -- ce Heise --_ Bn ig a good location, Situoted on vou LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim- 112 Si St, North LEN PULLAN © Re Pewe tyedias tee 106 Wald ihe eel SERVICE in living cee K Owner anx- iB eas prin Hage «Ba HIDDEN CORNER cus ee, we | neys built and repaired; os linings in-| OShawa, Ontario - 725-3568 ne (English Tailor) 6 ious to sell, $17,500. and |, glass, p Stalled; roofs repaired. Free U TOM TAILORIN: " ONLY $15 500. 00 : Itul ashiourh, Ontario. 723-2997. '* RA ' a -- ROOFING, concreie. floors, flat roofing MORTGAGE Suit and Dress Alterations |8--Articles for Sale 13--Articles for Rent ADMINISTRATOR INSPECT this 3 bedroom bbouammatt NORTH Barristers New. work 7 Invisible Mending BUYING OR SELLING. furniture or We ore looking for a re- brick bungalow with Holly- : camrenren. g i = 4 53; appliances. Call Elmer, Hampton ? 'i tae : kitchen, natural fe sti ve a few DEYN AS, Mara. tateriee roe ond tall RR 3, 7256037, LOANS ID PRINCE ST... 728-5317: |SPzaiees, Oe! EMNete Hemet meeee RENTALS sponsible conscientious mon wood type } We still ha few lots Bari of co Bulleee, Simene NEW PLASTERING and repairs, | re- ; M foe ise eek . FLV KILLING: GANG er tale Wi fen, who has an aptitude for deal- trim, gone ee -- any Ra be Street, North, Oshawa, 723-3446) modelling. Rec. rooms, Free estimates. oneys for first mortgages f H ' recreation room, T.V. tower, P 8 le Creighton, QC; oF residences: GK. Deva. _C. Woods, 728-3400. Interest ot 7% More, Murdutt will Hil fore you buy! Call 6a "Goatog ot TY Pe OF ALL KINDS pw the en ener storms and screens, -- se Ponce Ping city, , 985-7115, wnortoeges BUYS OF THE DAY are waiting for you) Open Mortgages BAUER skates, used, good t still ¢ to main fnighe 4, © Vitor, Pay bought and sold,|today and every day in Classified. No bonus ° pega Meg Wh ayy Mico prices, tems: a Store, 44) SANDING MACHINES He must be able to express 2 ACRES roads, taxes are lower: They SNES PREDOWALD, BAC LLB, Red ae Thane eel nic concen No charge for valuations Hotel on these dates for ap- cect BB - leche Oscillating sanders, disc sand- himself clearly and he must 7 room Splitlevel, modern ore worth consideration if JAMES MACDONALD, BA. tie lrepairs, 7200094 All types remoselling.| Mortgages and Agreements pointment. Te Pao eplinees, Wayne's Se sim| ers, belt sanders, floor sand- be © good letter writer. throughout, attached garage, you are building a new home lic, The Commercial puliding. 208 King] TiLES -- Ceramic, mosaic, walls, Vinyl, purchased. ELECTROLYSIS de North, Telephone 723- ers, %% acre of raspberries. Good this year. West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking) jing, rubber, floors etc. Contracts Invited.) © Moneys for second mortgages = ; : isi " location with a wonderful available. 7254716 or 725-4717. Bree. Yorkdale Tile company, Fast service. 723-4641 a a Gir tear ts Trade, Rear PLUMBER'S TOOLS ie ag peri Page view, BACHELOR APTS. JosEPH P. MAI N, Solicitor. aading Reverse changes 167. iy NGAN, QC, abl 9731. Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise ' Rd. South, Money to loan, Office 4s King Siree!| Home IMPROVEMENTS, resting, and M. F. SWARTZ fown Toronto "arriving 8am Anyone|THREE ROOMS of fumure SHER No| tripod, pipe. wrenches, pipe CHICKEN FARM pyre Ba ua sol pee: town ' sas East, Oshawa eavestroughing, carpentry work, painting F , $14, - : : 'i Apply in writing only to ne TBBON and 'BASTEDO, Barristers, | and general ous Ai work X guaranteed. 26% King St, East [interested call 668-4928 or 728-5642. -- Ce ent eect, Topaies, tt Honest) cutters, pipe. threading dies, ig only $7,900.00 FULL PRICE -- 3: epacinda tue coarae - tania, evenmeie Sari E Melee: 26 Brock Street, 76. Oshawa, Ontario feonlon and phoroorarty: Witte to Claxe|AUY AND SELL -- Good oad firature| toler cucer. MR. W., A. FARLEY 2 barns with running water, Good income, extra lot for cheque printing business, old parget, free esti- 723-4697 or Telephone Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. Rieplonddecs, 'aianinum ek BOX 523 chickens at present (not of $59,000.00, cltors, ste 114 Ki Sree wn Dial! and repairs, sidewalks and stoops. F. Mc-| gages "ietalling $125,000" showing aver- metal legs, combination radio phono-| steel scaffloding, compres- 73-278. mi in oon pt a maiden roa Ang: insulating. for you. Oshawa Acceptance Cot Corporation, Trade for good used television set or will] VIOLA, Coljn Meziny golf clubs "Camp-| steamers, tarpaulins, blow it : ' bck 4 old 2 storey 4 bedroom home Notaries, Suite 205, The Times| Dingier, 723-6603. PRIVATE and corporate monies for all Te a (Stainless steel, $6) vanities, $4;|" 72-0287, Position available for High room brick in excellent con- - rt. Hyman, Murdoch and Vict "Barristers." hinn,. corscr $75. Four total national. cash his : ention, maho Louls $. Hyman, QC; Herbe: y! 2 lor, (See rristers. S| Christmas trees, 97¢ up. Chinn, cortcr|tric s. jal_--_nationa! sew: forced "cif oll heating, numerous to mi ¥ ing|equipped and insured. " isi 'i evel ini iliti: ' Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King and Henn Barristers, 31 King Street 21" 'television, Good buy for cash. Tele-| Cement mixers, finishing technical training facilities, screens, paved drive, nicely fon, plus a' floor plein that D. Humphreys, "oa, Lub. 725-4606 Caterers first mortgage fui 2 HONEST CAL'S Furniture and appll-} water pum rtable heat- After hours please call sires, = $ 3 ad, daily for one ances. Name brands at biggest discounts eh cal cadt to learn, P ag ' of the house de } Brest East, (3rd. rego yet 'and patching, new and and Studio, 325 Broc Brock Street West, Whitby| and appliances. One location only. Pretty! PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT 2200 hens, capons and 4 suites, included in price QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. me "Vassar 723-4871, > i pdr. heh Betton <4 7 r : i ; i - GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll-|CHIMNEYS, new and re-built, roofing|A NOWMBER of fi second mort-|7__Swap and Barter ._ [size a. Three' 'high oolse teak "seets,| tension ladders, ladder jacks, OSHAWA TIMES Car a ape 2 a JUST LISTED Greer, age return at 9.50 per cent.'All arrange-|§ HP Clinton Outboard ft ith p- es zit. Residence Phones oF ti, uP Bes.| Camm RR 3, Oshawa, 655-3061. 1 do Pri Setvians. pall ibe ot Baia Sin Wank ine axcallent 'condition, {9h $25, Telephone 725-3016. sors, spray guns, wallpaper CAREER OPPORTUNITY | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION edo! ' roe fe. 728-5832. in roofing, floor and " pate i uctantly must se! is | yeor HYMAN AND HYMAN, Barrister, Soll- ceiling tile and all Kinds of repairs. J. G.| z.simeoe Street North, 725-2560 ll, 729-0558, oe ee amend, Pad used one season.) torches, propane torches. NUNS (STREET 3 bee ay Thi Gtors, re ; with attached garage. This King Street ast, 723-1137. morigages. | Morigages and agreements|tollets; tubs, $20; laundry tubs, $15.95:|STANDARD typewriler, $30, portable, WELDING EQUIPMENT ditién, modem kitchen, herd. Ghent" funds 'avaliable for mortgages. Cartage of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan, pumps, pipes, fittings, "rallers, cars.|$40., manual acding machine $25. elec-) Acetylene welding outfits, school graduate to learn pate and tile floors, 'nearly home has many features, too DET EERE TTTTT Samet Eee ene 200 omp, electric welders. pt JOHN'S' MOVING AND CARTAGE,|FirsT AND SECOND mortgages. Sale| Park South and Hillside. 723-7088. register also 2. total, Call. 723-4434, \ : We ; ony "cupboards, Sitlhin RUMPRNEYS, "SOYENYIC ood ILL: Gshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully! agreements. purchased and sold. Hennick B_-Avticlon: for Sale & |WASHING MACHINE, wringer typer_elso| BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT pleasant working condition, aluminum storms --and pat and oven, hood and Oshawa; R. D. Vege oot MOVING? Cail us! V. 7 ee = j¢. Fully) East, 723-723: phone 728-1742. ' ; i a . §. , QC., W. A. Hillman Ineured, Just as. cheap as froving your ANYONE wanting good "clean fill? Can| trowels, wheel barrows, elec- all company benefits, promis- een hm the ee = will make any woman envi- LBs J.D. Humphre self, 725-9843 or 725-6880. Per Month " * 41 |be picked up free. 799 Park Road South.| tric vibrator, air compressor, ing future. Must be capable, oie phesAl caus at our. The full basement lends 6) Whitby aie. NA and offer The cut at tl iS at Call 725-3944 or 723-9721 after 5 p.m. jock hammers, hand trowels, have ambition and be willing itself to any use that the mon MACKEY and ney Barristers, Soll- ers, stee: scaffolding, electric Art Donaldson 725-9882 nds fear. Too small anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever- Scltbie Se King sreet east 24107] CONTINENTAL BUPFETS Oho note! Water Soft Salt iy matires furniture ines. Yoor_auiner-| generator, romset, power rol- | TELEPHONE 723-2233 | Jonn Kuipers 23-689 | PRICES WILL INCREASE : ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on] fers, electric hammers, mas- j Bill Ratcliff 725-4457 i i home built hai SAIS seblantad in your tov te reading tt! Ice Salt 424 King Street West, 728-9191. gery sew, bullalfig: jocks, For Appointment. bb Tehasse rapes tA plied ipl e os ye : Classified Rates own home. Party trays for : Snow Shovels TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupI-| mortar mixers, mortar boxes, Rolande Tierney 725-5207 bedrooms, walk-out basement, : ti hi iters, tometers, aes j QYERY GECESION, Optometrist Bird Feeders files, furniture, We buy, sell, rent, serv.| chain hoist, miter saws, elec- Earle Allen 725-7782 sliding glass doors to patio. -- OR -- F RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe fowl teat! Low parninade Kit Ged: eat i aug gd 5 tig 14° WELL ESTABLISHED Oshawa Will Irvine 728-2868 Decor excellent --- $3,000 Visit the Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone! \W/ild Bird Feed Hamilton, Raglan. i joiner, sand Branch Office for a large na- Keith Peters 725-4162 down payment and possession ONTARIO TRADING POST & | 7224191. Purity Dog Meal BARGAINS for babies! Spring filled crib pigs F oe Seer poet poo 'gies -- go ge LIST y Ma THIS OFFICE in the spring. VIENNA RESTA RANT . mattresses, 88; chrome hig chairs, ui . a local man, to years R RESULTS Fie age gd ys tip additional (3 mil Y Plumbing and Heating 9 $12.88. Large selection of kindergarten - old, for sales position, Sales WHITBY not paid within 7. days 'vith of Orono 1 ACL PLUMBING and heating suppiies.| Puring Dog Feeds Stole Wibone Piniine as torch i i ; fretted ana at counting -- Less than 24 Hwy. 115, to relax and en- | Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd., 9 9 playpens. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church STAN S experience desirable but not One of the longest ranch style wor koa 'words, each word, i i f Engineering, 255 H Street. : necessary. Good salary with Ed Sia rata word: | joy the pleasant continental |Plumbing, Heating and Engineering Master Diet 2" HEAVY DUTY Tance, Malia, gooa| SMarpening & Rentals Ltd. opnerunit y tor a vel le GORDON broaiey, oteamad goroae. ed, located in Whitby's select scaly i Simcoe ° t ; -- poi elgg he ggir ak ena PLB yincnd pall resins a8 ree Master Dog Meeats hoses ei ADDY Hi Wea head "PHOR e Wash, Oshawe Group bones include hos- BintHs <= DEATHS -- petizingly prepared and serv- Estimates free. Dial 723-1191, J. Foley. Est. 1909 TPIT ater 5; NE 723-3224 pitalization, life insurance north-west section, $3,500 JUICE EXTRACTOR sale, all makes. ond pension. All inquiries in i Free demonstration. See them work and| CHAIRS, card and banquet Tables, Church] strictest confidence Write to down will talk business. nd compare. Buy mow and save, The|aisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Bo a : 7 : ONTARIO TRADING POST ooper Smit Co Sunshine Shop, 24 Prince Street, Oshawa.|Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414, "a i Po Times, giv- ONE ONLY i, mae 'ARIO TRADING PO ENTERTAINING = Fy Joe hz] 0 alifction, OSBORNE : $2.00 for tho first 35 & Vienna Catering Service OSHAWA : 9--Market Basket Poise Sonu tae Cone nee 5 Brick bungalow now nearing thereatter, plus 1 ORONO, Phone 10 r 19 16 Celina Street quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries.|SALESMEN Inferesied In good weekly completion on beautifully CLEANERS 723-1139 ges Sores pane or Facilities, bar, Kitchen, parking, Rea- earnings, honest and Po dee Preserwld treed lot featuring 3 large paid within 7 days. PONTIAC INN, under new management. R 1d. Upholst Bo ea sonable rates. 723-21 'aged 25 Apply Toastmaster bath x" hed sles canes OF THANKS Will cater for weddings, banquets, etc. ug and Upholstery TELEVISIONS and en machines. We Bakeries, 4" Albeny. "street between 9 in. clanets Tiled . 00 for the first 35 words and 5° |Can accommodate 150. Also rooms and Cleaning. At our store WHITBY'S LOCAL SUPPLIER |ERESH BEEF -- pork, barbecued and/rent at reasonable rates. Honest Cal's, alates Be igi ti? 2 | see "st bid hn Fae eS. or in your home. Texoco Fumece Fuel Oil and |Criite' poultry' heme Waking? Bre-1424 King West, 72b0101. AMBITIOUS young man. For office REAL ESTATE with p gine ps ft. en COMING EVENTS Dentistry CALL 725-9961 Stove Oil. FREE Burner Ser- [fruit (fresh and citrus); honey; cut flow-| 1 4___B ss Opportunities but fot essential Serena to Oke MA. Ken Box rigag is 1.50 for the . a ers and plants at Tri-County Farmers st fo words shdse each ch thereafter |BIALEK, DR, C.B. -- Dental Surgeon. | CaBSTERFIELDS and old chala re) Vice; "blue cool" - Cannel [market, 1275 Simcoe Street North every| WELL ESTABLISHED antique ope ts pela and qualifications to (Word. Ads) 112 Simcoe 'Street North, Oshawa. For|CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re} Cooj Semet-Solvay Coke, |Friday, 12 noon to 6 p.m. and Saturday,|niture business cr No. four J COMMERCIAL FRONTAGE appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441, t , 142 Simeoe Street.| Wood, BUILDING SUPPLIES. |9 2. to 2 p.m. year round. miles west of Brookiin. Call Oshawa|WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- rhythm : ty "yy wa ie insertion Pe 728-6451. Free. gi go STEWING CHICKENS, average 314 Ibs.,| 725-9528. poptpinld fully equipped, Telephone 725- DI AL 668-883] On Simcoe St. 37 ff. with 9 Dressmeking CHESTERFIELDS reuphoistered and re SAWDONS' ready for the freezer, $1 each. Deilvery vol Fa room home and garage on DEADLINES DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses,|styled. Free estimate, See our material LIMITED ppl Rp a th a aah 15--Employment Wanted 19--Male or Female property. Forced air heating ed. Banquets and receptions catered to, Rug-Upholstery Service WOR alterations, slip covers, dra Fitting|for re-covering. Dalton Uphoistering, 75 : GIRL id lik | et pan. dey previous 2 speciality Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. |Charles Street, 723-7212. (Whitby) 10---Fatmer's Column cane or NortieEes!lcalon prefered Help Wanted and heavy duty wiring. LOST AND FOUND DRESSMAKING -- Specialty bridal|RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts, Estab-|_ 244 Brock S. 668-3524 Lu 723- FOR THE LARGE FAMILY 9 a.m. day of publication gowns, also suits, coats, dresses, altera-|lished 17 years. Complete range of mate- 7 STRAW BALES, 300 wheat, 500 oat. Tele- TYPIST with SIRS four years' U-EL OF FOR COMPLETE pinthe- gerd DEATHS tions. Reasonable rates. Cali Whitby|riels. Workmanship guaranteed five years. phone 723-5370, office experience. References. Telephon: NU-EL OF CANADA 3 'bedrooms downstairs and 9.30 day of publication 668-5149. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses SMILE DE 723-9387, wer CLASSIFIED npg = re-built. Furniture refinished. Oshawa ' AD and cripped farm stock picked REQUIRES room for 2 more Or a game 1 column -- 4 p.m. os previous LOOK SMARTI All kinds of dr Ing Comper 7 Dean Avenue,| Y0u're in Volley Creek Furnl- promptly. Margwill Fur Farm,|PRACTICAL Nurse available to care for Q' room in the unfinished up- = Rtg or larger -- a.m, day jand alterations. Telephone 725-1944. eon ¥4 ture where they pay the most, Tyrone. Telephone Hampton 263-2721; / elderly. Phone 728-7725 t f the 1% st 3 DRESSMAKING -- all kinds of ladies' sell the cheapest. When ptid License 333-C-64, REPRESENTATIVES stairs 0 e pee PANCELLATIONS AND wear. High quality work. Call 668-843.|Sqles and Service pernen : WANTED 'good quality hay, best prices| 17----Female Help Wanted LIST OF 100 x 200 feb oT Sere he it pahinoalion Mrs. Vooglarv, 1110 Henry street, Whitby, ing or buying used furniture | paid. Write to Dale Transport Box 295 and PRIVATE AGENTS 100 x 200 lot, $1, 500' ow peo Bok WUMGER RENTAL, Me, [LADIES THINK THIRTY: Altalone|aaern ont ragt: Free mitt Son] 4 ,°PDIONCES phone 728- cad WANTED od Oe > Hae #8 i mending a style anging. 28: ir e to : t 4 wise a deavor w ruber Bue te. For ging. SON | 798-1742, rh ing) e store |11--Pets and Livestock ney eye Pi is an opportunity for yours. the advertisers as soon as Z REGISTERED male and female Pomer- irls for paste-up and girls gressive a inteHigent of Septic Service : 1 ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 4 lieged to arise ' * anian. puppies. Eight weeks old by Christ- for typing and general work. people, interested in per- through elther fallure or delay tn for- Gardening and Supplies See autre ae prompt service BILLIARD TABLES mas. Telephone. 725-4007. Advertising experience an manent position with a large PROPERTIES Ice cream and pizza shop in warding such replies, however caused | TREE to trim? Call "Slim". Or cut them| Were writny, 668-2563, A COZY J RANCH, Kennels, registered Ger-| acset. Reply profitable organization. one of the sh .. centres whether by negligence or otherwise, down. Free estimates. 725-5118 or 728-0610, . 2 All sizes--(Slate Tops) . man Shepherds, Puppies, champion blood. . in Oshawa. Monthly turnover Hi nes, ut services, arcing, juarter a e Feones ocaliad for in 20 days Instruction Surveyors Chapman Billiard Suppl horses, foals, trailer Aanburee Brooklin P.O. Box 56, Oshawa Write: $1,500. Modern equipment DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario PPIY | 655-4662. PART-TIME cashier required. Apply Mr. BOX 61 IN including ice maker, express REGULATIONS Land Surveyor, Commercial blue prints, 1186 Queen St. W CHRISTMAS puppies, spaniels 5 weeks|Campbell, Genosha. Hote 612 coffee maker, freezer, cooler, 'The Oshawa Times wil not be re ONTARIO Tl Ontario Street, 725-5632, n ot. W. old,. males and females, colors blonde, EXPERIENCED OSHAWA TIMES Pizza stove and oven etc. All ible for errors, In advertise. H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Toronto pe ones alee Bertil RiJ.N ECED warns 'ereck. Sirast in perfect condition. Can be ments submitted otherwise than Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone|DRAPES, unlined, three widths, 72 Inches| BEAUTIFUL, baby budgies, er jin South Whitby Seceine Plaza. Telephone oil gu nit Won a not for more than one inser DRIVING 725-6881. long $18. Gir matching nylon dresses, alin talking stain, Apply HORSE RANC F sold with the building, (3 ; sizes 7 and 8; girls' skates, "sizes 13, 11] Broad, 114 Elgin East. a parttime artists figure H HANDS S awa - W it years old) or as a business SCHOOL TV--Radio Repairs and 12. Call 725-3016, 49. Ajticles Wanted models required. Experience 'not neces-| Married couple in exchange only. Substantial down pay- SHOWCASE, commercial stove and grill, cont' photegreuha. ia area sing Fe! for room and board for self ment required, fo classity isi The to Learn to Drive 1964 Models Cola sunt (ammall), Aiseel grin etd Norte waitoy Clark Studio, 325 Brock ond. 2 Heteas to 166k. ofter HAIG Ola Poses: ine, ip mi ine, shes a .. I's proper classification PICK-UP. SERVICE TOWERS glasses, coffee stove and Sil WANTED TO BUY = middle-aged, horses, bam and Saat : Bee Tecrememee | not WN | TV Peete | CANAD AN CONS (SRE EE RE] Sreetones | District | __Nowinenanen sible for more space than than_ in Dual Control Cars Nie cileneial Bales ite: ut Ont. 5 room brick homie, new fur- which the actual error occupies. bind ' and Antenna Repair . + ELDERLY MINISTER In Whitby re Licensed Instructor é pa Oshawa TV Su ly Ltd, 361 Gibbons) Also Canadian golds. Write nace ,modern kitchen, bath fof pply Ltd., ires hou i CALL UR F eavertising matter or recy, but ae Automatic and Standard Street, 728-8180 to North-Way Coin, P.O, Box Ieiephone umber." Rev. H, 1S chain po wsesnl AND SEE with vanity, venetian' blinds sume no liability vertis dice EXTRACTOR Sale. All makes.| 429, Port Perry, Ont, ot Street Whitby. . "| and aluminum storms ond i jes | form are con ' ' maa Oshawa 728-6934 ] RIO ted ra Also blenders and coe rina Help cure for} clren taht duties, 985-2200 Fal Aggy gy A ers. Buy now and save! The 12 GUAGE shofgun wanted. Call 725-6394.| Own Good 'Apply Mrs. Priced for only $11,200. ' Shop, 24 Prince Street, Oshawa, ' R i for Sherman. 723-2211. MON' Makes an excellent buy! LEARN TO DRIVE TELEVISI ON OWN SEY snow fires, complete, 70 71S |tconsen invomee 'panties Telephone RELIABLE jady to care for three chil- DAY. 1) Pina PAGE 5 5 ny. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A ot the Telephone 668-3490, Whitby after 5 p.m. | 725-8798. dren, one school-aged. Call 728-2119 be- Toronto 447-1494 6% N.H.A. RESALE TIMES ACTION WANT AD Oshawa Driving School WRINGER washer, "Easy" model; new|WANTED small drill press for home|tween 4,30 and 5.30. $3,500 down, with payments writing desk $25; numerous other work shop, also used electrical repair Call_Classiieg: Direct reasonable rates, standard 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA |of furniture; Aso hot water tank 'and iwo| equipment. 72528, "Anytime after 1:00] WOMAN, {how and Tease 'new apart of $96.50 bgp oe -- % and automatic cars. Sinks; Tel 3-21 icky roti? part time, good personality, sal- 7. buys this 3 723-3492 Professional instructors, NEW garage 12 by "S A doors. 2 alumi-|/BALED STRAW wanted. Telephone particulars: including" any. tales expert BOOK KEEP ER with finished tec room. Call INDEX TO 728-0091 728 5] 43 num windows. Asphalt Shingled roof, De-| 728-4688. ence etc. to Box 720 Oshawa aL PART TIME now to see this bargain, OSHAWA AND WHITBY livered to your lot only $430. 725-9478. _ | WanteD --Oid model Winchester rifle. |EXPERIENCED hairdresser for modern Experienced $500 CLASSIFICATIONS. - SCRAP HARDWOOD, one-foot lengihs,| Telephone 725-8183. shop opening soon in Port Credit. Tele MORTGAGE 7.75 single cord. Dial 723-2281 after 4 p.m, phone 728-5897 or 416-274-201 APPLY J--Women's colnn Whitby Driving Sheol TV TOWERS ing! Pp. 13. Acticles fur Rent WINTER BONUS ARRANGEMENTS CHAIRS! CHAIRS! CHAIRS! Swivel WOMAN to mind children while mother ; Stoertnie's Cohan J. A. OSTERHOUT--Owner rockers, recliners, Platform rockers, host- works, 7 a.m. = 3.30 p.m, Wy lin LAWSON & CLARK Off Summer Prices Can be made through our of- 4--Hunting ECONOMY AND tne? te yes on ied Wilson's Furni- Brides, Bridesmaids, gowns, and Whitby area, Telephone. 65 bal Pickering 942-2741 NCLIFFE fice, where necessary, for the Strollers Seed Cones oh. DELUXE acouM reas a makes, hoses, pane linge soihve valle 18--Male Help Wanted ANY restaurang workers interested a : DEVEL OMENS LTD, purchase of most of the above ' ties, Full : brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. mink stoles, white fox furs, oe icles for Sa u Aooge iow ras Priced to suit your budget [lemma Vacuum Service, "Main street, dishes, cutlery, glosses, | FOREIGN US. EMPLOYMENT: Unie Freie 16 phone the. fea gta gn al Open Dolly. from O--F. "3 Col G abies, airs, cnurc run- Hy ; H 4 5 1--Pets and Livestock 1010 Dundas E., Whitby TERMS ARRANGED ith 'or anviting you have, The City] ners. nF goes pgp si 20--Real Estate for Sale From $1,957 Down eee S--Artcles Yor Rent EILLIAN WAR MARSH, O1E A Dancing Seameaasen. soe Mt Simewe Street] SARGEANT'S RENTALS | 600 monthly with travel ex- Directions: From Ritson Rd. | Rey Fimoif yasauey s: son Rd. Roy Flintoff 725-3454 ebaten crane Se Pela mei ere ANTIGUE eg good Gaon, Tle| 463 Ritson S. 725.3338 _| enses ond extras, Write ony SELLING go E. on Rossland one block | Tony Sibock 725-4862 R. A. Young 723-7183 pI i ; 6--Agents Wanted Masonic Temple, 723-7253 SUPPLY LIMITED phone Brooklin 655- Foreign U.S, Employment CALL Follow model signs South to 7--Female Help Wanted HARVEY DANCE "fan," pai in ola, 2 PIANO, "excellent "condition! 7s i Weddings recorded, Bureau, Dept. D-56, 142 Sales Office. Open 9 a.m. to Leer: Abit: 725-8068 EES rr wee YS ik | S67 NST at aes mo) eee weet pee | ten Poin Here | DON HOWE | fhm deh een. po reraw, fo". Sale anes To Loan 728-8] 80 17" RCA VICTOR television, good condi-| . Aye gh ig Mobile eg LEARN TO BE A 79 state Exclusive fovnts y Ernest Mueller 728-0208 3--Real Estate Wanted PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? if you have ety Se. Ree 22 King ares Wel) broadcasting, bacharmind BARTENDER 25-7732 H. Griffin Walter Mittler 728-7083 Rota pity AL, oe Sr paymects in halt Sr less agents Soden ie Piistep deter aaa music,, dances, Hi-Fi Equip- Actual practice behind Cocktail |SIMCOE hhh NORTH een Zon- Real Estate Broker Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Apartments for, Rent dation or any worthwhile purpose, Tele- TV SERVICE Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,| ment. Bar, no theory, daily classes. |Megicst use, Acoaroeaeton, en ates 723-6431 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 7--Roome for Rent | phone Toronto 481-5289, DAY'OR EVENING FRrEVINONToWERaPEciacI wa | SUDGEON ASSOCIATES | BAR TRAINING HEADQUARTERS|s dential storey, fwo- i ces yen 4 fear Bho pike . 29--Wanted to Rent Mortgages structure, including all-channel antenna, SOUND EQUIPMENT OF ONTARIO 45 ft. by 100 ft. After 9 p.m. call 723-4134 L % L to. 655-3821 [SECOND MORTGAGE money wanted, v 728-5286 Installed, guaranteed, by experts, 16) ° 723-5121 1166 Dundas West Proaee Peene ee eae ee Se eiccverg lag sayy a a atoy 2--Trueks for Sale to 10 per cant return. WFor informaiton OSHAWA aoe "| HALL AVAILABLE for private parties, Toronto 534-4912 apartment. site If desired.) For Informe: all Bin Johnston, Schotleld-aker' Limited For full particulars call Rcctkagcemnae Reser' North, 725-2560. ELECTRONICS FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, new Guality|%9y Reserve. now 'Tor, tot and Mie [31000 IN A MONTH Is not foo much for] sever worth Tosasenee "1 Simene abe LSGS EHTS VII y| GUIDE REALTY LIMITED co DON'T STRAIN over chores. fotesatd iiving rae, Kitchen enserbles,|'ides.2ittle Buckaroo Ranch, 725-2737. bree Sy Then tort are tripe Write V, SIX ROOM bungalow with garsor located] Rossland end "Simcoe, complete ph. 723-1121 f ev, : arene Pia gil gl Ry al ory. Vv TOWERS, antennas, also re-|Pay only $3 weekly. Unbeatable value!|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, wall B. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petro-|in the North-West area, OS Owner trans- grnized, Extra large double garage. Call| NEW hreebedrooen brick hoe f i 8--Coming Events Tienes Business. Services Directory ally.| Avenue. To japhone' 725-0500." 511 Dean} B. ew Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe ee hamat ie esr ma a" 534 N. Main Sto., Ft. Worth 1, err, a een nae" Hyman ht raven Any advertisement before aa will be charged one day's