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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1964, p. 12

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fer a ay ee Renener Won? Lacose Finals | QSHAWA BOWLING NEWS -- |zsgtiitrs A record for penalties LAKE VISTA LEAGUE ters 13 so Se . Hes °s , Gay Six 10, Jesters 10, Hi Los 8, Chuck Ford 624 (296). and Earl Westlake| Esso Service 4, Foleys 3 was established in the Na- VANCOUVER (CP)--The In Team Standing -- Georgettes 15, Screw-|Alley Cats 7, Flyers 5 and Hi Balls 4. | 616 (241). sess : 2784 0; Martin's fey 4 oe ame 4 Loak : ter-City Lacrosse Leagte will|palis 15, Pinpickers 13, Leaders 11, Duds| Over 600 -- Bob Strutt 819 (311, 299,| 200's were: Bus White 240, - ir} 0. : tional Hockey League 11 |,<% next month to have the 1965|1l» Ring-A-Dingers 10, Marioneties 8,109); Rick Wilson 769 (781, 262,.'226);| Irving 239. Gora Long. 230, Marl 'Ford 224,|, Group 3, Can. Corpa. 2 Billards | ty tonight--in 1953 Ps + ht back Beatles 6, Busters 6 and Blowhards 5. Tamara Collins 711 (250, 245, 216); Tom] 206, Joan Jackson 223, Jim Goodes 219,| Town-Country 4, Ton' eg el agri IT years ago tonight--in --- |Mann Cup series brought back} High Triples -- B. Rickman 781 (219,|Mcivor 697 (266, 236); June Laverty 6761208, Doroth y Davey 218, Roy Mann: 215,|ers 4 ee Reality 4) Al's Rite 4 A : ay 9 ,343); R. Gardian 781 (208, 298, 275);| (238, 223, 215); Teresa McNeil 662 (263,|Flo Willi 213, E y with a total of 204 minutes |to the West Coast. O'Reilly 729 (259, 247, 223)3 A, Brown|203); Bev Barclay 660 (262, 201); Maurie|208, Geot Cort 206 and Phoebe Molle aos |. Team berets 1) Grain Tumey's 31, as Toronic Maple Leafs The last three East-West play- 899 (205.298); J. PRellly 678. (245, 260); Shorten 659 (278, 209); Audrey Burrill 15] | Points this week -- Beniles, % 1 mks) BAITS. 28¢ Clint's 27, Se B 6. 8. is downed Montreal Canadiens joffs for the Canadian senior = pi enediag! Pg arta a es {e 2a Bet "to ai Ee pes! rt my Hi Hi Balls 1 Rolling, Stones 3; otis > 22, Acadian 22, Meads 21 and Home App. . es A ; * : « vas 7, ; ar urr i mi is 1; tt 4, ec G A Steal at This Price f 3-0° at Toronto. Canadiens | championship have been held in (ans iV Rickman 622 (215, 221); M. Bul- (286); Floyd' Fowler (229, ribet } ond Swinnere phases Simp, 2 i nile. 34; Carnes te . had (106 minutes including "/Eastern Canada to assure bet- Ma) and J. Gardin Sta (hos 290), ne Week, 60089); Sob cs rke 618 es NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS jaacus ice 2 25 marin sane aA oleys Wand R * ', ' F ir A is $ ; jarke ; a eight misconducts to Tor- |ter attendance for the matches.| "Over 200' -- M. Brown 273, J. Esposito] Bud Myers, si? (258° 215). Ron Mille sal Sarai Valleyview 2, Kingside 96,|City. Service 13 onto's 98 minutes and seven Tom Gordon, commissioner of 23% D. Brown 236, J. Logan 234, 227, MJ (2291 228); Lloyd Clarke $10 (22%, 204); Kingside No. ee. ek + Ci $ a ) G. iver ) J.i Cathy Prybick 607 (256, 226) and No. 24, migconducts, the Inter-City League, said Mon-|rown-277, R. Brown 222, L..Gavas. 221,|Calder 60 (231) Kingside No. 3.21, 'Kingside No.1 194] Berges 21, Cinlards 15 and day night the request will go 21, H. Geis 18 0. Scott my, $. Ouver Over 200 -- Sylvia jAbderson m2, Laine Eastview 13, Rundle No. 2 10 and Thorn-|1 .] H , D. rt 206, A, Rolls 204, J, Brem-| Atkinson 234, \Bev Gibson im Bell/tons 8. Scores -- diner, 'i hefore the Canadian Lacrosse} ney' 203 ana c. Smith 202. 222, 201, Ralph Jennings 221, 210, Marllyn| 'This' week' there were' three shutouts wtih oo (aos Me Mumtey STUCK? 4 Association at its meeting Jan.| NOTE: To Lake Vista League press re- Rosseau 218 Enid Robinson 216; Jack|-- Fernhill, Radio and Rundle No. 1 Estabronk 775 ¢ yn B. Maeson 760, Mg : 23-26 4in Ottawa. porter: Please submit your. write-up of 213, Clara D 211, Cas-| closing the door on Glen Stewart, Thorn-| Bracey 737, R. Godfrey 735, R. Welsh Vane standing, triples, 200's, etc., in paragraph|sie Morrison 210, 203, Doreen Abranoff| tons and Kingside No. 3. The other three DON'T KNOW Last year ancouver WON A\style, i.e. one name after the other, and|209, "Elmo Lymburner 209, 204, and Johnigames were 3-1 wins for .Vallevyiew, WHAT TO seven - game series against|not in column style, under each other.|Acres 205. ano Kingside No. 2 over East- R kli Ont Thank you!. Lemon League -- Sylvia Anderson 99, . 1 and Rundle No, 2 BUY M"LADY 4 rookiin, Ont. Randy: Coppins 97, Judy Stire 88, 66 and| respectively. 68. FOR CHRISTMAS? ~% ] PRIGAY SASHT MOST RAL LSOGURT Jere: Lindsay 7%, Len Yuill Jeo the fr this week with | 675. 3 Points Taki --- Qual Fuel 3, !m- thi . 1958 Edsel Hardtop $69 Let our exoarienced "MLM WINS SECOND ROUND |periat'6; Homes by Warrivon 3 Acad] per"ivi" ho ms weeks on Becume| It's the OK SIGN for me!! 244, : : seal staff help you with J 4 DON (Reuters) -- Stock-|0; Motor City 3, Dairy Queen 0; West- Sargant 654 (745, 213), George Taylor 630 Just loaded 'with extras! Automatic transmission, such suggestions as 4 H Bogs rat prevodi Grimsby | unt 3.and_Genosha 0. SHERIFF'S TAILORING LEAGUE _ (236,203), Nancy Robison 620. (240, | ti ep re Brown tadio, power steering and power brakes, white sweaters, blouses, por ounts | GTIMSDY| High Triples -- R. Smith 766 (207, 291,| Team points -- Crickets 3, Beetles 1;| 223), Dominic Belt te 620. (246, 225)),! 42, . Scorgie 639, J. wall tires Powered by big 352 cu, in, engine, Sportswear, ete, Town 1-0 Monday night in a}268); o. by age geese ye ole up Tigers 3, Fireflies 1; Ladybugs 3, Bun- oy rig tsk, ae Mire, Bares Crandall 636, H. Bu: ure Ad Moss Fi , +B. nies 1, 34, 203) a Mavis aylor 230, Smart 2-tone, finish, Just like new! ( second - round replay of the) (oig° 51, 246); §. Boneham 678 (243, 245," Tearn Standings -- Ladybugs 13, Crick-| 404). vise Oe 7 ite 62%, T. , NT, " " English Football (Soccer) Asso- 190); C Weeks 67 (260, 28, uni filets, 10, Tigers 9, Fireflies 9, Beetles 6 Good singles were Dorothy Davey 299, pote Ae poraih @a mY 1 Sih ' , an we sat Dionni , 194, 3; Ww. t and Bunnies Les Leighton 279, Leon vey 270, 204,).610, Serving Oshawa & Area Over 40 Years Certificate SSM ciation Cup. 234,213); D. Wilson 454 (193,.239,|°"Snan" Smith was the ione star bowler|Pat Belmonte 241, Bernice Yuli 237, Stells so, ah Barb mb "is Re Gow : ) . 222); E. Henry 653 (277, 208, 168); W. Hel-| with 673 (221, 251, 201). Leighton ' 235, Earl Schaefer 232, Regi604 and A. R ] , =| (192, 196, 253); H. Canfield 634) 200 Scores -- Carolyn Gilbert 213, Jan+| Cooksey 230, Bev Arsenauit 22, Orve mois diate foe} $8 aa Pail Rell 7 ; (236, 200, 198); P. Cormier 632 (203, 211,)ice Hughes 212, Helen Garason 207 and| Dingman 228, 19 Clark 227, Joan Roblson| ,jsnees® Pag ; urkey 1 3 218); F.. Linley 628 (235, 159, 234); J.| Mary Gilkes 201. 223, 217, Marion Dingman' 218, 209, Bob|?i@ht.-- one. turkey for. High sae J P Hedger 664 (203, 212, 249); K., Roddick each group -- one hog A for be? ane -- Jean Jackson 9% 85|Keeler 216, Myrt Alexander 213, George l AL 17 (160, 198, 150); L. Arp 616 176s] een eres J Bogs 8, 4 in each group'-- 140 Bond West LIMITED . 725-6501 Ledies' Weor Ltd. GENER Way 'ond €, Winnscons a9" (24s, 'ier iah:|°n4. ara! Weroskl 96. Rela 208 god Wilt Guindon 207. |v belies Ris average Th most On aneh 72 Simcoe North 725-1912 TIRE ane ee. - 3 wiley BAG F.| ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE CLUB |Vj Howard of Sunnyside, Pat Winacott foray. No bowler can win more than one 1 ge fh sph 1B aca Thome. |. 200 Games -- Bertha Sutherland M6, et heretonas: Gita | Asai tee 1 252, E. Vill & R. Richard 219,| Ken Edwards 240, 'Lorne Curry 2%, Leo rallye ggg teat WESTMOUNT CHURCH LeAguE This Sign Stands for ie Leblanc 208 and G- Osborne 228." |Bourdages 218, Cy Usher. 210, Dud 'Mills one wry exe Lemon -- Dorothy Davey) High Triples: Annabelle Cobb' 675 Lemon League -- J. Bailey 92, B. Chase on Bie hosd Stainton 203, and Diana} side No. 208, 201); John Black 644 (227; Tis He the UTMOST in 91 and J, Higgins 79, 89. a es -- Ruth Parrot (272, 26)| GUYS AND DOLLS League | Bennelt 645 (206, 238, 201); Ken Cobb, Pat Mowbray (216, 289) 677; Deane, Guys' High Triples --Ron Jay 829 (266, | 1704; tH 250, DUALITY Brat omy" See su try, (ey in Sn Sit Cael 28H) Wier, eT 16 y| Betty Corbett (319) 618 and Barb Holland |B. Edoar 798 (280, 243, 275); P. Knight! Lamb 233, Anne. Naish 233, Murray Mc- | (230, 227), Nola Boyle 614 (253), Shirle Tid (21, 281, 258); Roy Nesbit 771 Cs, jine 575 (243), Gi Woodcock 569) (205, 226) 603 7 Pgs 14 s (20% | Pherson 227, Keith Pollard 223, Craig ond | (206), Betty Varga S52 (212). Dona Pascoe| Total Points -- Blow Outs 14, Dizzy|2%4, 278); Ron Bragp 765 (283,. 311); H-|witliams 217, Jack Wilson 217; Les Barany 546, Colleen Kellar 543 (207), Jackie Le-| share Ayres Ty oe HOS 08 oT piblbg eae ero he tpe 211, Joan Slater 210, Hubert Wiley we ere 539, Rita Phinney 537 (208), Bett Refills efuses 8, Shorts 8 Bef Sg s , 217:|Helen Sater 207, Henry Veenhof SAVINGS cot 524 (218), P Oar, Brabin efty| 1, Refi 7, re ce Birk S Thee hey 237, 238) and) irene Rahme 204 and congratulations to OPEN DAILY Elizabeth Hutcheson 521, Audrey Hepburn| Don't forget teams, we bowl for the) A: Green 713 (251, 243, 219). Connie Cobb, 202, she made. it! on your $20 (201), Erline Keeler 510: and Jean| Christmas turkeys this Friday. | Dolls' High Triples -- Mavis Taylor 874) Ceijar Dwellers: Ellen Anderson, Dor- ! Gaskell 513 (208). | (270, 287, 317); Marion Dingman: 796 (237, | een Pollard, Jo Weeks, Audrey White, | WINTER TIRES High Singles -- Blanche Szekeres 254, MOTOR CITY MIXED LEAGUE 298, 261); Millie Belle, 783. (216, 269, 268) | pert Small Eleanor Game, waward a.m. to p.m. | Barb Minaret 231, and Edna McGhee 207.| Mae Jamieson had a good 798 (329,/and Joyce Bell 715 (263, 246, 206). Peters; Harty" Gray.{ Allin" Anierson, Lemon League --. June Sobanski 99,| 242, 225) this week, Giner bi Feet yee const Canes = Bish 4. Trotters z Betty Smith, Ella McPherson, Clara Pole t 1 Annette Burrows 90,. Audrey Eyman 86/Ross Westlake 74] q ane s " '\ lard, Verna Brintelt and Mari Martin, A Divisio of the 5. 5; re "i _-- : and Marion O/Connell 77. Smith 700 (232, 273). jeuions 1; Cookie Koshies 2, Sabers Piidis 'Tekin: Lana' iA lyn 7 ee f i GEN ERAL Team Standings -- Tulips 30, Asters 29,' 600's were: Archie Bruce 689 (301, 225), Teams Standing -- Big Six 15, Cookie dite trreaenacns oe ~ pnpseiad we ; s Pansies 28, Violets 24, Lilies 20. and! Doug Smith 688 (217, 240, 231), Curley|Koskies 13, Roybits 10, Sabers 10, Trot- Wildcat: "Sin ta te at aro BS, Daisies 13. Jackson 673 (241, 249), Bud Morey 667| ters 9, Legal Lights 8, Farmers 8 and Bal cats wi wo; winks, Colts, Kit TIRE be ), | Hi's cats with one. (230, 213), Jack James 659 (208, 208 ,243 : | WIRE AND HARNESS LEAGU die J 654 (225, 244) ,Al Jamieson| High team triple was. taken by Bix! Team' Standings: et ae. We > 534 Ritson Rd. South yee . "Gok Mh pi Pin is sheted 15, ta i 36. 216), 'Josie Westlake 642 (230,| Six, with 3739 and team single by Cookle| Colts, Tigers, Meows 10; Lambs 9, Kite : pam Standings Pic 4} 643 (2: | Lucky Strikes 15, Head Pins 14, Go Get-213), Pete Makarchuk 641 (258, 204).; Koskies, 1347, Cats, Skunks 6, Mules 5 fy Bears 3. alal > NO READY CASH? ) WHO NEEDS IT! SHOP WITHOUT CASH WHEN YOU HAVE A K-MART CREDIT CARD. ci NO NEED TO MISS OUT ON THE BIG DOLLAR SAVING ra BARGAINS OFFERED DAILY f& AT YOUR K-MART I DEPARTMENT STORE. RAP MAIL TO K-MART, CREDIT OFFICE, OSHAWA, ONTARIO K-MART PLAZA, RR, NO. 3 NO. 2 HIGHWAY AT KENDALWOOD R FORM 250 K-MART - CREDIT APPLICATION ) 25 full glasses* Rel enlnn WOU va AOE! pus een x from every 14 ounce j ar i ERRARR™ ADDRESS city PROV. ow LD rentine with HOW LONG bovine Room Parents [_} 7 [NAME OF MORTGAGE COMPANY OR LANDLORD ADDRESS MONTHLY COST FORMER ADDRESS [AT LEAST TWO YEARS) WOW Lone newreo [--] owneo [_] laanip or BUSINESS OR EMPLOYER ADDRESS HOW LONe POSITION OR MONTHLY INCOME BADGE NO, FORMER EMPLOYER (AT LEAST TWO YEARS) ADDRESS Mow Lowe OTHER INCOME cama " sapsae eh cuialintc---caeiccn The instant ) a Sun-up is BADGE WO. 530 aE eRe curr ease en K breakfast 'ite = 3 kind to | |) drink your budget PAID a MONTHLY PAYMENT { $s | $10 | $is | $20 [1710 OF BALANCE pain (_} NO SERVICE CHARGE IF ACCOUNT PAID IN FULL WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM BILLING DATE Oren pain) 1, 1 (WE) AGREE TO MAKE PAYMENTS IN MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS ACCORDING TO ory REFERENCE ADDRESS ; een 1 |: that : costs 1. 1 (WE) UNDERSTAND THERE WILL BE Wo. 51 iy MY (OUR) ACCOUNT! : B 18 PAID WITHIN. 30 DAYS AFTER BILLING DATE, BUT IF 1 (WE) CHOOSE THE ° eer sec wobec ateormcowey ace ete ic a | tastes like a" onlya : MONTH'S STATEMENT, LESS ANY PAYMENTS OR CREDITS. a ¥ T ; 1M SIGWING AS AM AUTHORIZED AGENT OF MY HUSBAND, 1 (WE) AGREE TO SURRENDER CREDIT CARD UPON REQUEST AND TO BE | sunny, sweet - : ea . few cents $ AGREE THAT ALL PURCHASES TO OE MADE BY ME On RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PURCHASES THROUGH ITS USE UNTIL SURRENDERED 3 | BREAK FAST "sip Ng WILL BE MADE WITH HIS AUTHORITY OW OR UNTIL THE COMPANY HAS ee NOTIFIED OF ITS LOSS OR THEFT. oranges D RI r K a glass wires HUSBANDS WAME SIGMATURE DATE ' OR SIGNATURE IF SINGLE 14 OZ, NET WT. cote .. « itamin Cig and tastes APPLY NOW AND GET YOUR K-MART CREDIT CARD IN TIME FOR ALL YOUR A &: : S *Standard 4-ounce fruit juice glasses CHRISTMAS SHOPPING eck

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