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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1964, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 9, 1964 ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band has started to do little things which annoy me to no end. Please tell me how to cope before I flip my wig. If he puts on a shirt and a button is off he drapes it over a lamp or rolls it in a ball and places it on my breakfast plate. If the kitchen utensil drawer (strictly for odds and ends) should become disarranged he pulls out the entire drawer and leaves it in the middle of the living room floor. If the sugar bowl needs refilling he leaves it on top of the TV. Last night we ran out of milk His Cute Tricks Driving Her Crazy and got $16, It was his second offence and he was on proba- tion because of his age. My wife was worried sick that this time he'd end up in jail, She begged me to go the station and say I did it. I love my wife very much and agreed to do this foolish thing to make her happy. When my father heard about it he came down to the station When you and told them I must be taking Lambie-Pie, run some thread the rap for somebody because through it and start sewing, he and I were at the ball game Dear Ann Landers: I am 27 together at the time of the rob- years old and have a wife and|PCry: When my father showed foug children, I am associated|them the ticket stubs they let with my father in the ranching|Me go and arrested my wife's business. , brother. ivy father was always a stern| Now my wife is mad at me. taskmaster, which I resented.|She says her brother will have During my sophomore year in/to serve time and it's my fault high school he told me if I ab-|for not denying my father's stained from using tobacco or|story. I'm afraid.she will leave alcohol until I was 21 he would|me and take the children. What leave me a sizeable inherit-|can I do?--Confused ance. I felt he had no right to} Dear Confused: It sounds like impose such restrictions on my|you married into a great little personal life and I turned down| family. Warm Wearables For Children's Gifts Please Mother Too Unlike uncles who suddenly become unaccountably rich and frivolous at Christmas time, fond aunts often reveal a prac- tical bent: Where men are at- tracted to baubles in "rich uncle" boutiques, 'the women are prore to poke through racks of children's clothing searching for something "good looking and functional". This sesson both kith-and-kin aunts and those who hold the title by courtesy won't have to search long. They will find plenty of warm, washable go- togethers in the form of two, three and even four-piece dresses, suits and sportswear for adults. Often knitted in miniature plaids or stylized jacquard pat- that present as total a fashion|they incorporate many of the look as any Paris ever decreed|best of the current design ideas such as Chanel and Chelsea- isms. Sp'cey rather than sugary: in color, trey can be turned in- side out vad dropped in the terns of Orlon acrylic fibre,'washing machine and drier. and he put the empty milk|the bribe. You can't-do much about a bottle in my bed, These not-so-| Now, 10 years later, M™Y)wife who'd rather send her in- subtle hints that I'm not doing|father reminded me of it. Last/nocent husband to jail than her my job are driving me crazy.|week he reviewed his will and) oyijty brother. Why doesn't he come right out|my 'early stubborness," as he and tell me I'm a lousy house-|put it, will cost me about $250,- keeper instead of being so dog-|000. goned cute? Any suggestions?--| Do you consider this fair? -- Slow Burn ABC Dear Burn: Register no re-| Dear ABC: You bet I do.|MORE MINISTERS ABROAD sponse to his precious gim-!Your father was not trying to) CALGARY (CP) -- United micks and he'll cut them out./bribe you. He made a hand-|Chyrch women ministers are Drawers do become disar-jsome offer which you turned/more prevalent in Japan than ranged and sugar bowls do get/down. in Canada, says Rev. Itako MILLER FALLS FULLY GUARANTEED POWER Enlist your clergyman's help. Maybe he can get through her thick skull. : eOr@orer@rer gee i x LED BY Mrs. R. D. Guselle dian carols.. Around Mrs. guest speaker, and Mrs, G. A. at the piano, the French Study Guselle are Mrs. Barnard Rundle, president. BO or OOO+ 00g Ge Gress oe Se Ge® group sang some early Cana- Lewis, Mrs. Edith Fowke, the --Oshawa Times Photo AL N TICE low, in the best of families.| So far as I am concerned,|watanabe, assistant pastor at From h These are not legitimate signsjteen-age smoking and drinking|Tokyo's Shinamomachi church. Early Canadian Carols Feature soc! 0 of aeree eres agg ae is bo bey iar case * rear She said there are 135 in Japan OSHAWA woop about those shirts, Babe--I'm/not only stupid, was darned/and only 50 ordained women in . > ' ® MARRIAGE with him. A man who puts on/expensive. Canada. Christians work hard PRODUCTS LTD. Ot University Women § Dinner Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Charles!a shirt and finds a button miss-| Dear Ann Landers: My wife's}in Japan and '"'it could be called re ee ees Spencer, Brooklin, wish to = ing, has a right to blow his top.|brother robbed a small store|an evangelistic movement." bs 'The annual Christmas dinnerjsinging of several folk songs po gy Bionsige aa Mie > party of the Universityjand_ Christmas carols, The William 'John 'Andrew, son 'ot Women's Club was held at the|Cherry Tree Carol, The Huron); 34g Mrs. William H. Oshawa Golf Club where dinner|Carol and two in French "En Andrews, Whitby. The wedding --= was served in the soft glow of|Roulant Ma Boule" and. "D'ou took place in St. Thomas Ai ew) he n os ) enadle-light from attractive) Viens-tu Begere?"' glican Church, Brooklin, on| Sa - i ey fm centrepieces. ; ar a i gg Ad yond Friday, December 4, 1964, at -- Seated at the head table with) !mtroduc oS 8.00 p.m. with the Reverend the president, Mrs. G. A authority on Canadian folk)oven R: Orr officiating. The FUORRBAHLTO RE wo RL sp FREEZER »-vs REFRIGERATOR "Rolls Royce" of the Refrigeration World WITH 7 MOST WANTED FEATURES 1, GENUINE CONTACT FREEZING--Freezes food up to 24 times faster thon ordinary methods! Each shelf is @ prime freezing surface with freezing coils attached! Rundle, were Mrs. E. M. Culp, songs, congratulated her on her couple are now residing in A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD. BLACK'S Ladies' Wear Ltd. 72 Simcoe North 725-1912 : FINEST REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER with Total Appliance Warranty 6 YEAR WARRANTY PARTS... LABOR INCLUDED es Qe ce Qene Ow: 06 O19 0Oed c0@ oe cQred @ 08 Oe c0GBo oe ee O-0820@-0G0Hse wd . NO FROST EVER -- in the refrigerator or freezer. Amana's ex- clusive frost magnet stops frost before it starts! . WALL-TO-WALL STORAGE--No rounded corners . . . pro- vides up to 140 more square inches of storage space. than many refrigerator-freezers! . FULL-WIDTH EXTRA MARGIN CRISPER--with new, see- through front is 3"-deeper--roomier! Holds 32 Ibs. TALL BOTTLE STORAGE IN DOOR -- Holds quort-size bottles Open Daily till 9 P.M, . eliminates need for taking up valuable refrigerator storage Sot. till 6 P.M. space! (Dec. 24 -- Closed at 6 P.M.) . EXCLUSIVE NO-TIP GLIDE-OUT SHELVES--Make foods eas- ier to store, easier to find. And even the smallest bottles are sofe from tipping! 7. MOST-USED FOODS UP FRONT--where you can reach them ~ quickly-easily! See Them in Our Window cy [ Weyer tir oe cet Sr oe Se @ 00 @ 2G 00 BGs? @er@soO-te Oe Christmas Hours TRADE-IN TOMORROW NO MONEY DOWN Your Trade-In Accepted As Your Down-Payment FURNITURE WORLD DRESS UP YOUR LIVING ROOM FOR THE HOLIDAYS Trade-In Your Old Furniture ...Buy Now! Pay Next Year! Come tomorrow. Select your new living room suite from the very latest styles. Arrange to have the furniture you would like to trade-in, f appraised. Cherney's representative will call at your home, at your - convenience, tell you the allowance you will receive. You Are Under No Obligation. Should you decide to make a purchase, you simply deduct the trade-in allowance from the low price shown on thé suite of your choice, arrange payment of the balance to suit your con- venience. fy i 3 far-sightedness in marrying a " } immediate past-president; Mrs. ; . Oshawa. Barnard Lewis, 1st vice-presi-/man with i pen gore ins dent: Mrs. R. H. Donald 2nd nan_ poin ||DUKE OF EDINBURGH H & S 4 'lbooks of songs, one of which| The December meeting of the ee wey einen : Po "Folk Songs of Canada" was in|Duke of Edinburgh Home and speaker, Mrs, Edith Fowke, andjevery elementary school in Osh-| school Association was held at convener. | Street east songs which Mrs. Folk had dis . og > gm ig! ene covered were in the national} A large number of members Mrs. R. D. »? was nee by Rabbi Kut- Mrs. Fowke restricted her|ziner, who gave a very inter- pie % oD, pr ggeonong Bags 4 selection of songs to severaljesting talk on Judaism and the bis and P under the headings of history,|Jewish way of life. Rabbi THE STARS SAY songs. She said that there were/of Hanukka, the Feast of Lights many Indian and Eskimo songs|and its significance to the whole collected but that it was diffi-jof Christendom. Many questions FOR TOMORROW | mentally. Kutziner's talk, which he an- Despite good influences now| rs, Fowke began with the|Swered to everyones' interest, governing personal relation-|earjiest song written in Can-| A brief business session was posed by other planetary aS-|the piains of Abraham, followed|Mrs. Lorne Dalton, and re- ts: notably a need for care), "Come All: Ye Bold Cana-|freshments were served in the in all correspondence and com-|qians.* written in 1812 at thejauditorium. The next meeting finances. Neither is this a good), nadian so: b e: e ngs about occupa-| A' family skating night has poe for launching new enter-|tion, reflected the life of the|been arranged for swear prises. people and their dependence on| February 6, 1965, to be held in If tomorrow is your birthday,| Mrs. Fowke used a tape record-/10.00 p.m. your horoscope indicates thatjer so that her audience could while you can make good job|hear some of the excellent folk sensible to concentrate on rea-jevents and the life and quality sonable goals rather than to|/of the Canadian people, strive.for the impossible. Mrs. Rundle thanked every- an excellent period along these|evening a success and added lines--one which will last untilj/her thanks to those expressed | the end of February, but, ex-|by Mrs. George Werry to Mrs. May and June, you will havejone a happy holiday season. to keep plugging until Septem- ber in order to achieve the rec- during othe next year. From| During 1963, some 6,800,000 early that month until next No-|Pounds of Italian cherries pre- vember, aspects will be excel-|Served in liquid were used by should be well satisfied with re-|€TS- te ee NCO | sults. | | Personal relationships will be} next 12 months, but it would be FOR THE FINEST IN well to be conservative where finances are concerned. ety ahh aad bmg coreo In various ERD fabrica and November, but the stars 98° & uP agance and speculation during| intervening periods. | & Dra eries Best periods for romance: | oe prep oraney PHONE 723-7827 vice-president; Mrs. A. Fowke had compiled several Mrs. K. H. Braithwaite, dinner avin addition several of the folk|Beth Zion Synagogue, King convener, assisted by the|™museum in Ottawa. occupations and old country|/Kutziner explained the history sais cult to reproduce them instru-|were asked at the end of Rabbi ships, some restrictions are im-| 44g in 1759: about the Battle ofjconducted by the president, munications generally; also in) pattie of Detroit. Those early|will be held in February. .. FOR THE BIRTHDAY the sea for their livlihood./the Arena from 8.00 p.m. to headway in 1965, it would be|songs which described the In three weeks, you will enter|one responsible for making the cept for a few brief periods in| Fowke. She also wished er | ognition which can be yours) ITALIAN CHERRIES ] lent for your interests and you|Canadian housewives and bak-| well-aspectec for most of the Some excellent periods along MATERIAL strongly advise against extrav- M. & C. Dry Goods be endowed with remarkable in-| "$100 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Are you ted of furniture that's usable but out-of-date? Come tomorrow and tuition, high principles and a} spirit of benevolence toward his fellow men. | Remember you are under no obligation! If you decide not to make a purchase, at this time, we thank you for giving us an opportunity to be of service -- and hope we shall have another opportunity soon, BUY NOW...NO MONEY DOWN YOUR TRADE-IN ACCEPTED AS DOWN PAYMENT! (First Payment February 25th, 1965) make arrangements to trade-in. The better the condition of your old furni- ture, the higher our trade-in allowance will be. *Up to $100 trade-in allow- ance for your old furniture on the purchase of a new Living Room Suite, Christmas Tree SPARKLING ALUMINUM OR LIFE-LIKE VINYL. NO MONEY DOWN BUDGET TERMS @ Hockey Stick and Puck 99¢ @ 16" x 36" Hockey Game 4.99 - : j . @ Stock Car Racing Set Special 15.99 a 2-PCE. SOFA BED SUITE . . $98.88 | @ 2-PCE. SLEEP-OR-LOUNGE . . $269 Modern, practical, budget priced davenport, matching chair upholstered in an Reg. $349 Value! Modern Kroehler sofa, matching chair upholstered in 100% attractive ploin/stripe fobric. Walnut finished wood arms, Bedding compart- nylon surfaced fabric. Sofa converts to a bed with full-size, spring-filled ment base. Converts to a bed in a jiffy, Sleeps 2 people comfortably, mattress. @ 2-PGE. LIVING ROOM . . . $199 | @ 2-PCE. KROEHLER SUITE . . 269.50 Voluet! A practical 2-pce. living room suite for the carefree family. Regular $425 Value! Nationally advertised contempordry style suite, : Sofa, Modern 4-séater sofa, matching chair upholstered in glove-soft, leather-like matching chair with foam rubber cushions, top grade fabric, . @ 2-PCE, SERTA LIVING ROOM . $229 | ©,2-PGE. FRENCH PROVINCIAL . $319 $279 Value! Modern slim arm sofa, matching chair with foom rubber cushions, matching choir with semi-detached foam filled backs, docron wrapped foam solid Walnut arm rests, Made by the makers of Serto 'Perfect Sleeper'. ~ cushions, fruitwood finished show wood. For Decorating: Holiday Floodlight 4.29 Christmas Tree Stand 69¢ Extension Cord 9 feet 66¢ Christmas 15-light set 3.19 Christmas Wrap 12 assorted rolls 1.44 Christmas Carol Record 1.35 (Hi-fi and Stereo) Butane Cigarette Lighter-2.95 ee SAME with Purchases totalling $49 or more. STORES *28:2,00 ||| 190 KING ST. EAS 725-6566 Son UNTIL XMAS CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD - 80 KING ST. EAST (DOWNTOWN) OSHAWA ... OPEN THURS. & FRI. TIL 9 P.M.

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