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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1964, p. 15

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TO LIVE IN TORONTO Shirley Lewis Becomes Bride Of Andrew Downie, Toronto Saturday afternoon in St. Cuthbert's Anglican Church, Leaside, Shirley Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Lewis, was united in marriage to Andrew Ralston Downie, To- 'ronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Downie, County Down, Northern Ireland. Canon J. dePencier Wright} officiated and the soloist, Mrs. Maureen McCulloch sang "The|* Lord's Prayer" and 'The) Twenty-Third Psalm", accom- panied by Miss Schlater, To-} ronto. Given in marriage. by her father, the bride wore a formal gown of peau de soie featuring a leaf appliqued scalloped neck- line with the appliques cohtinu- ing down the front; lily-point sleeves and a pleated back bustle held with a large bow and flowing into a chapel train, Her white pleated pill-box held her shoulder-length veil of scalloped net, and she carried a bouquet of dark pink roses. The maid of honor was Miss Lillian Snow, Toronto, wearing a cornflower blue satin peau de sole formal gown with a panel train attached at the shoulders. Her headdress was a pleated self pill-box enhanced with a back bow and holding a match- ing veil, and she carried a bou- quet of dark pink roses and light pink carnations. The best man was Mr. Norman Johnston, Toronto and the ushers were Mr. John For- ster and Mr. Terrance Watters, all of Toronto. Mr. Forster also acted as master. of ceremonies at the reception which was held ROCKING. HEALTH MONTREAL (CP) -- Nurses at Montreal's Children's Hospi- | tal are using a form of therapy | politicians have used. It's a| Yocking chair, and the nurses--} who use them when feeding and| soothing an infant -- say the| gomfort and relaxation of sit-| 'ting in a rocker is important to} a child's emotional develop-| 'Ymnet. | OF YOUR LIFE ++. the Tensor Princess,, a little jewel of a lamp that combines diamond-white, glare-free illumin- }} ation with decorator styling. H Portable, personal, versatile, the Princess produces a light of sun- Newcastle, Women THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 9, 1964 15 A sparkling tree dominated the scene in the gaily decorated banquet hall of St. Gregory's Auditorium. "Christmas in Song and Story" was the theme of the December meeting of the St. Gregory the Great Council of the Catholic Women's League and the usual order of business gave way to a merry Christmas party. The president, Mrs. W. H. Boissoin, warmly welcomed the large number in attendance. The program, arranged by Mrs. J. P. Mangan, opened with the joyful carol, "Angels From the Realm of Glory". Choristers 1|were Mrs. Mangan, Mrs. Bois- soin, Mrs. Harold Brain, Mrs. Kenneth Broadbent, Mrs. John Driscoll, Mrs. James Gibbons, Mrs, Ralph Jones, Mrs. Leopold Menard, and Mrs. John Wilkin- son. They were accompanied by Mr. John Driscoll, organist at St. Gregory's. The story-tellers were Mrs. Mangan, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Ralph Patterson. The stories in- cluded "The Origin of Christ- mas", "Christmas in the Middle Ages', 'Christmas Symbolic Lights and Fires'? and tales of many delightful and colorful jcustoms in many lands. These in the Cavalier Room, Ports of| were interspersed with carols Call, Toronto, where the bride's|appropriate to the story told. mother received, wearing gown of shocking pink, with an autumn haze mink stole and a corsage of American beauty roses Before the couple left on a |honeymoon in Acapulco, Mexico, the bride donned for travelling, a mocha colored silk shantung suit, matching accessories, gold hat and a corsage of yellow }roses, On their return, Mr. and |Mrs. Downie will reside at the |Rideau Towers, 35 Thorncliffe |Park Drive, Toronto 17. al Christmas in early America was of particular interest, but no story was more appealing than that of Christmas cele- brated among the Huron and Algonquin tribes as long ago as 1679 in the tiny village of St. Ignace on the shores of Lake Huron. The story of the Nativity, told them by the Jesuit Fathers, was most beloved by the In- dians. Christians and non-Chris- tians. alike travelled great dis- tances at Christmas in the bitter cold, through deep snow and the 'Christmas In Song And Story' Is Theme For St. Gregory's CWL dense forests to pay homage to the divine Child. They built a grotto of bark in which they laid sweet grasses for a bed. At Mid- night Mass, which they attend- ed with great fervor and devo- tion, the Father placed a figure of the Infant on the bed and around it the Indians crowded in great excitement, with pray- ers and assurances that from then on He would be the Master of their tribes and they His faithful children. It was for these simple chil- dren of the forest that the famous Canadian martyr, Father Jean de Breboeuf, S.J., composed the first Christmas caro] sung in America, the love- ly "Jesous Akatonnia'" (Jesus Has Come), which was sung by Mrs. John Driscoll. The origin of the Christmas tree and of Santa Claus, the lusty singing of 'Jingle Bells", and the arrival of a jolly St. Nicholas (Mr. Ray Scott) with gifts for everyone, brought the story-telling to a close. Refresh- ments were served under the convenership of Mrs. Anthony Cebulski and Mrs. Andrew Mowat. A handsome Christmas cake, baked and donated by Mrs. George Copeland, centred the attractive table. Assisting were Mrs. Bruce LaForce, Mrs. Edward Martin, Mrs..Alex Biro, Mrs. George Fairhart, Mrs. Leo- pold Menard, Mrs. Bernard Shaw, and Mrs. Douglas Arm- stead. The Christmas tree and decorations were the work of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Harper. Mrs. Mangan thanked all who had assisted in making the eve- ning a success, Mrs. Boi 1ST SCOUT GROUP AUX. The regular meeting of the tst Oshawa Scout Group Auxil- jary was held recently at the Scout Hall and the president, Mrs. John Collins welcomed the parents of the boys, and ex- pressed appreciation for the large turnout. Plans were made for a pot luck supper for the mem- bers. A wedding gift was pre- sented to the assistant Cubmas- ter and Mrs. Larry Craggs. Four new mothers, Mrs. Ken- neth Markle, Mrs. Derek Sharpe, Mrs. John Colley: and Mrs. Charles Hawboldt, were welcomed, and his assistant Scoutmaster Ross Goodman were thanked for taking a week away from their own homes to take the boys on a canoe trip to Algon- quin Park and to the Warsaw Caves. Mr. Horace Hartshorn who showed a film on last year's church parade, the Camporee and Cubaree which were held at Camp Samac. Refreshments were served by the executive. GRACE LUTHERAN WOMEN's GUILD Miss Gladys Colbreay presid- ed at the regular meeting of Grace Lutheran Women's Guild with Mrs. Philip Fiess conduct- ing the devotion period. Her subject for the Christmas sea- son was "The Fullness of Time." It was announced that a Christmas party was to be held on Tuesday, December 8, at which the members of the Mis- sionary League would be the guests, and that the Christmas stockings, given out earlier in the year, were to be returned at the same meeting. It was decided to give a suit- able gift to the shut-ins and the sick at Christmas. The Guild is to pay one-half the cost of the foster child plan; the Missionary League, the other half. Mrs. Robert Behm was thanked for sewing the gown for Vicar Dennis Heidorn. The treasurer's report on the recent bake sale was satisfying. Scoutmaster William Clement} Elections of officers for 1965 resulted in the following: presi- dent, Miss Gladys Colbreay; vice-president, Mrs. Ivan Mitch- ell; treasurer, Mrs. Victor Hart- wig, all returned by acclama- tion; secretary, Mrs. John A. Steffen. Mrs. Ivan Mitchell and Miss Carrie Manz served refresh- ments, 9TH SCOUT GROUP AUX. The 9th Scout Group Auxiliary held a successful pot-luck sup- per recently convened by Mrs. William J. Hastings. The hold- ers of lucky star teacups were presented with prizes during dessert. During a brief business meet- ing, it was decided that the Cub Christmas party would be held Thursday, December 17, at 6.00 p.m. in St, Gregory's hall. UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES Scoutmaster Bernard Dickie showed films taken at winter camp at Camp Samac and of summer camping at Halibur- ton. He was thanked by the|'tP president, Mrs. Walter Ather- fold. COUPLES' CLUB (Westminster United) Mr. M. Mcintyre Hood gave a stimulating and informative talk to the Couples Club of West- minster United Church at their meeting recently. Mr. Hood, who returned recently from a. six- year stint as.a newspaper for- eign correspondent in Europe, gave the large group present, first-hand information on many of the world's leaders, and poli- tical situations, in the various European countries he visited. The newly formed Couples Club has, since its inception in September, had many interest- @ DIAMONDS @ WATCHES OPEN THURS. and FRI. 'TIL 9 | expressed her appreciation also and announced that the Council would not meet again until Feb- ruary. LITERALLY. "LOWERING THE BOOM" ON PRICES ... ALL STOCK MUST GO! ALL HEELS he ° good ronge to select from .. « in such "just-right"' colours as Black, Brown, Red, Suede. Full range of sizes. Reg. $9.99 pair NOW ONLY like brilliance. Perfect for reading, writing, sewing, hobby work, painting, other visual tasks, A boon |! to older folks and people with |! @ Illusion @ High @ Mid " PAIR EXTRA SPECIAL! ! & Bone White Shoes Your choice Excellent styles, Reg. $9.99 Pr. of High, Mid, or Illusion Heels, PAIR HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS 20 Simcoe St. $--Oshawa Shopping Centre and trip early in the New Year. for appointment _ FOR CHRISTMAS Perieey Pat - is Be: as padi Pane <ilu Fireplace "10% OFF LES EVENISS SALES 15 PRINCE ST, Salon of Distinction ) Call 723-5201 Semmes The Oshawa Recreation De- partment series of basic Figute ing Classes (commencing 10th ot 5 P.M.) For page or information contact is conducti a each Thu Thurs., Dee, regis- Oshawa Recreation De- portment. OSHAWA RECREATION DEPARTMENT 100 Gibb St. Ph. 725-1111 NORM FISHER FISHER'S MEAT MARKET CONTINUES THEIR FANTASTIC MEAT SALE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE _ TENDER, FLAVORFUL _ Save! Save Now! @ Well-trimmed @ Tender and STEAKS & ROAST SIRLOIN '- T-BONE - WING Boneless ROUND STEAK ROAST Boneless RUMP ROAST Lean ROUND STEAK MINCED Does she need one? You bet she does! Not that mother will ever admit it--but--just waleln her eae Sneneaes ee ! t's a gift she'll enjoy all year, a Frigidaire Dish- ae Washes dishes in germ-kil ling temperatures then 120 times longer than by hand washing, rinses and dries at the same tem: even your finest china. Holds a for, day's dishes for average family of five. Swirling water action means clean dishes--easy-to-load, roll-to-you drawer type racks, Get a Frigidaire Dishmobile--the gift of cheer--every day of the year. en Mr RIGIDAIRE DISHMOBILE HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. 90 Simcoe St. South 725-5332 BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST BONELESS SHOULDER Shidr, PORK CHOPS 2 Ibs. Skinless WIENERS 3 Ibs. Boneless Stew BEEF 2 Ibs. Kaye's have the clothes NOW ONLY FLATS Sr 4") 99 $6.99 just sur a SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-9421 OPEN DAILY till 9 P.M. 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