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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1964, p. 23

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and having discussed it with his THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 9, 1964 parents, with their assistance, ies at * - 23 built his home on a small por-|own parcel, and so that the;farm, that its size be tion of the main parcel priorjestate could be dealt with prop-|to two acres, the The Quality Goes In Before The Name Goes On WILLIAMS' Electronics "Oshawa's Leading ZENITH Color Television ; ~~ dealer sare 11 A adel THE GIFT SHE em peter een, i fectly with od. OPENS FIRST in setting, Will T2020"... 0100 Come From = Assessed $100 [County Plowmen | Agree To $50 Fine Imposed |For Mischief Division ie oes ae ai ' : ing bylaw. A ution was that tions, the p BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Honor D. Dunkeld "The property was, in fact,|the lot be divided from the|ment of the $500 lot fee. 15 days in jail after being con-| piowmen and friends met in the/firsts and five seconds. : fore, that the procedure was victed of public mischief. Stoutfville Masonic Temple Dec.| "You are a worthy Champion BROUGHAM -- Paul Mingay, |somewhat wrong, if this was to 'A Nestleton man was fined $50|and costs or 10 days in jail. Planning. # i i i the accused had telephoned the|Championship in September at|way next fall. Whether you win|Planning Board last week on|made to the Planning Board and costs or 10 days in jail,| Game Warden Bill Powel police office and' reported his Sranbuastl, P prince Edward|or not, we know that you will |behalf of Gordon MacDowell,|at that time. It proceeded be- sunse' Township tart- ee ee "gy follow it Sat : again to say his car hadn't been|men's Association, was chair- north-west part of Pickering|sory farm building, as the son stolen but his wife had taken it|man. Township. continued to help his father on William Ashton, a deputy game|ped it and I found a shotgun in ved aiehs aan a 150 : ol uestioning he admitted he had th ld ago, owne: acres,|Mingay, "is not the required warden, and a shotgun was|the back seat and a shell on ee taken the car and had been bey fag ay oy ey a and farmed from the main farm|2,000 square feet, and it would i i MacDowell's son, Gordon, wish-|sent be granted for divisi ,conne: 1 th the offence. Magistrate R. B. Baxter told|/County, Hon. M. B. Dymond, A e. gran' or division so i eas eee are who WS pecan man, Douglas|Cronin it was a very serious}MLA for Ontario Riding; Rus- ed to locate on the home farm,|that the son could control his didn't have: identification lights|Young, also of RR 1, New-loffence to mislead the police|sell Morrison, president of the Deferred David Parliament was spotted perial Oil Limited; Alex McKin-| BROUGHAM -- Ray Ander- on Highway 401 at 10.40 p.m. ney, president, Canadian Plow-json, who owns. a farm near "me, to the passing of the rural zon-lerly, application be A 29-year-old Bowmanville area F owned by David MacDowell," - For Gun In Car est cmmercarane mmmmncomme.coes| OE FQN VE rec se me BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --jcost a Newcastle area man $50 Constable H. R. Cornell, OPP,|4 to honor Don Dunkeld, who|jto represent Canada at the Markham solicitor, appeared be-|be a separated lot, and that, told the court, that on Nov. 21,|won the Canadian Tractor Plow|World Match, near Oslo, Nor- fore the Pickering Township|application should have been Tuesday, for failing to have his|told the court he had spotted a ; who had built a h his 'gun f|car stolen. Island. Howard Farndale, presi-|do your best, and bring honor i a house on cause of the fact that it was wun 'encased halt an hour sttericar on the Ninth Concur © "On Noy. 22, he telephoned|dent of the South Ontario Plow-|to Canada," Mr. Farndale said: father's 150-acre farm in the|considered then as an acces- 4 ilson, the William Wilson, the court/away. Mr. Mingay explained that " .|to go shopping and had been ho paid tribute U : gay exp d the farm. ' Saree: Dae doen. sonpes. bY saved, is ond tah Or invoived in an accident. Under Fh a eS oe win and ualry se David MacDowell, who died two| 'The house," continued Mr. found on the floor of the car. |front." house located on the most' east ing ° Conservation Officer Powell|drinking when he had the acci-/October, 1965 were: Warden R t st east-|be inappropriate to expand. Re ners oan ee od isa said a phone Arthur Priest-|dent," the officer said. Russell Francis of Ontario eques erly 100 acres, since 1948. Mr.| It was then asked that a con- on his truck was fined $5 and|castle, was found not guilty on and deprive somebody else of|Ontario Plowmen's Association; -costs or three days in jail. the same charge. their services. John Thorpe, representing Im- r ° : ; driving his truck without iden- ing Council and W. J. Royal,/Brougham, appeared before tification lights. ¥ Plan nin g Dispute representing British - American|the Pickering Township Plan- Failing to have his gun en- Oil. Musical numbers were pre-|ning Board with his. solicitor ||} cased one hour before sunset sented by Miss Beverley Bell,|jast week to request a change of and one hour before sunrise, Claremont. zoning from an agricultural n Ss n ea oc Mr. Farndale read the presen-juse to a quarry use for some|l} Scott To shi tation =e B eee per a kay a & bet yoo of ' wn : : presented Mrs. Dunkeld with ajthe farm, by Gravand Construc- ' p Pa ea Es age a oer zone in a rural bouquet and Joe Tran present: tion, already at work upon it. i Board Is Elected appeared before the Pickering| "It was the Board's opinion 0 ee recalled that Lipa orp ig oot - biorg UXBRIDGE--Scott Township Township Planning Board on/that 10 acres could constitute Mr. Hunkeld's fiat major suc nH a oe rigs board erg of 'elected its first public school|Several occasions with pro-ja farm," said Norman Lehman,| 09.5 was in 1950 when he was a Oy phe to b Mich el Walsh board Monday. replacing 12|posals for the division of their| vice-chairman of the board, pre-|member of the Inter-County|ang Tarsi co BMopelio, both abub- 'school sections. All other offices|iand in the north-west part of|siding in place of David Len-\7oam at Alliston. In 1952 he was te ahaa ts Peat eA 'except deputy-reeve were filled| Pickering Township. From aninox, who was in hospital re-| soain a ctaaberat the winnine fing eae a a a oe 'by acclamation. original 70 acres, some 40 acres,|cyperating from an accident. inter-county team at the Inter- see e@ exp at rev ik t asatk: wers: with the existing farm buildings,|'As far as I can make out, N0/national Plowing Match bs gi gravel had been ta' - Reeve: Francis Hockley (ac-|f'ad been sold. On the remain-lone will stick their neck @utl 31, the last six ye 5 aul ae hae coogi dated 'tt 'clamation). ing parcel a block butcher build-|and say how small a farm has| 1" the last six yea Md : sgh mn ae A Mest, 4 Deputy-Reeve: Elwood Wal-|!0gs has been constructed, and alto be." plowing career has been climax- 1962 is purpose ie a ker, 330; Chesley Oldham, 319. |Mouse. "We have asked the question|ed by winning the Esso Tractor/"" : i : " ced f ; A Arta .| Although Mr. Anderson ex- Council (all acclaimed): Rob-| The Fretz Brothers asked for)many times, and no one can|Special prize in 1959 at the In plained that the operation was New lightweight slim 19" portable in stun- ning 2 tone color cab- LADIES WEAR sto Oshawa Shopping Centre MODEL M2000C... 'ert Timbers, Norman Lyons,|the division of a three-acre) give a definition of a farm or|ternational Plowing Match. held)... 959 to 300 feet from any and Allan Lockie. Public School Board (five to be elected): Mrs. Dorothy Bain, stood. This was denied, and the refusal endorsed by Pickering RESOLUTION PROPOSED parcel_on which the house/a farmer," Rex Merritt agreed.| 5+ nundas. In 1960, you won the A resolution.was proposed by|national Plowing Match at fence line of the property, Cecil Ontario Class at the Inter-|Phillips and James Phillips ap- peared before the board to ques- Other models start as low as 179.95 TRADE-INS ACCEPTED 449: James Cain, 362; Mac Mus-|Township Council, because the : : tard, 346: Allan Dixon, 317;\dimensions of the house were|C. W, Laycox, that the consent/springfield, and the following tion the project, Both of hor James Ball; 246; Morley Ross,|1,150 square feet, and this was|be granted for the eight-acre|.... you plowed in the Cana- owners farm _ eat te i) 234: George Morris, 221; Ivan|not considered reasonable on a/division, and that a. condition nen Class at the International east line of Mr. Anderson's DeGeer, 205; and Richard Mc-|three-acre site. of the consent be that no|.+ peteville. Property. Enaney, 131. accessory buildings be per-|"-.. 00:0 in 1963. at the Inter-|,; I don't want to get into a --____--_--__--__--- |NEW APPLICATION mitted on the remaining land Heong Ame. Match t Cale{tsher assessment bracket,' . At a meeting of the planning| without first notifying the plan- gees ei the Sit sy hain: Cecil Phillips remarked. 3 Convicted board last week a new appli-|ning board, and that the $500. pel rie wan folpend by| "YOU property would not be cation was submitted for the/lot fee be charged. lowing in the Canadian m- re-zoned," said Mr. Merritt. s house to stand on an 8-acre) "If we charge the $500. lot pionship Plowing Contest in 1964 "This would not affect your 1 amage parcel, the boundary line identi-|fee, we are tacitly recognizing|j, prince Edward Island, when assessment." fied by a creek which crosses|it as a residence," said Mr.\yoy became Canadian Plow|,, James Phillips said, "I think BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|the road. Merritt. Champion. The day before the|it would be a detriment. As Three Port Perry area youths} "Once it becomes a separate} "As it stands now we are|Canadian Championship, you|/ong as it. is kept in this one were remanded out of custody|parcel, it then becomes a non-|considering it an accessory use|won the Special Provincial and place it would be all right, but until Jan. 12 to await a pre-|conforming building with re-|in an Agricultural zone. Nor-|Visitors' Class. On returning)! May be more -- you never sentence report after being con-|spect to the floor area," ex-|mally, were we going to wind|home, you attended a number of know! I don't like a gravel pit victed of wilful damage. --_| plained Planning Director J. H.|up with a new residence, we|local matches in Ontario and right in front ofsour house. Robert Willerton, 19 and his}Faulkner. On a smaller parcel,|charge the fee. I think we have The matter was deferred until 21-year-old brother, Larry, and) Mr. Faulkner contended that it|/accepted the principle that each a site visit of the. board is Richard Larocque, had been|was almost impossible to farm;|ownership is entitled to one charge the $500. fee, was put.jmade. _ \ charged with setting fire to alwith the larger parcel, it was|dwelling free, With the second : in a lost vote. The policy of gravel pit oper- barn belonging to Robert Brown ' : : A " was suggested to Mr./ation in the whole township is on Oct. 30. agrmges nggeomeng ses dwelling, the fee is applicable. Fret, that the parcel be in-|presently being discussed, \and Constable Francis Dryden, : 'T am certainly not in favor}creased to 10 acres, and on aja new outline of gravel pit regu- OPP, told the court the three|Mmeeting, stated that the eight-|of the residential lot fee," said/parcel of this size, or over, the|lations may be Giscussed at youths had pulled into the lane-|@cte Parcel he had selected for/Mrs. Jean McPherson. "I think/p}anning board has no/planning board meeting on Dec. way '~ 'he barn, turned their|*he house was largely sugar|it is one house, and a farm| jurisdiction. 17. car ou.d and had gone to.a|Dush that was utilized each/house." Mrs, McPherson wished service station down the high-|SPting, and he described the/to grant consent, but not charge way looking for gas. annual yield. the development fee. She Bon Bah mer e gas station| If the acreage is used for|abstained from voting.. The WILLIAMS' ELECTRONICS SALES & SERVICE 1218 SIMCOE ST. N. WE SERVICE ALL MAKES 725-2905 FOR $1.09 After 5 p.m. every night In De- cember Zeller's offer you a full course menu , . . delicious main course, choice of beverage, dessert and all the trimmings . . . for 1.09, Take @ shopping break and eat . .« at "the skillet' ZELLER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ig | a ' } VWs We A ey. turned around,|farming, a 1,150 square foot result - - a tie vote. d house can be built rather than the 2,000 square foot house in backito-the barn-and' set ire to it." A second resolution with the same conditions, but not to * "GRACIOUS LIVING GHFES THAT WILL PLEASE HER FROM : THE EVELYN She will enjoy the reloxing comfort . . . feel fashionably ot ease 'in the LANSEA CLASSIC CARDIGAN . . . fin- ished by hand, corresponding long sleeve pullover to match. Sizes 34 to 42. 8.95, 9.95, 10.95 o¢ "thirst renching favour" BLOUSE thot ever went under @ tree... , : ve : Cohsl tonings fetid COATS ti sheared lining. Light, h Adorn her et Christmos with the nicest See us for a fashion wise array of styles smort and sportive, dressy and dramatic. Priced 5.95 = 16,95 NYLONS "The Gift she alwoys needs Dressy stockings to give her sheer delight, they ore dur- for the , TEEN MAN this Christmas Styles to keep the young Teen Man in fashion, ere whot we feature strongly at Black's. Come browse through our Teen fashions for such wonderful, and practical gifts os... * SKI WEAR by White Stog, MacGregor, Craft. * SKI SLACKS by White Stag Priced from 1.19 +. 1.75 * aor ~ KNIT 4 i SUPP HOSE--Full Fashioned j A eg i] e d i by Spy Berma, Shelby, Jantzen, Tony Day-and or Seamless 4,95. "i I/I, | Gind Paoli (Italian Import). SCHOOL CARDIGANS for all Collegiates -- $10.95 to $14.95 Give her something lovely LINGERIE By Kayser able too. Available in. many styles-- colours--ond fabrics, Such names. as 'Calais' "Satin 4 Ledy"' and "Starfire". is : Priced from 4.95 + 14,95 Christmas Hours: Open Daily 8:30 A.M. till P.M 9 P.M, Saturdoys until. 6 P.M. 74 Simcoe North 723-3611 PHONE 725-1211 "oi 9 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH

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