A 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 10, 1964 1 YEAR AGO -- DISASTER SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP)-- One year ago today Eugene Heilman, 41, father of two, was fired--along with 6,822 other employees of the Studebaker Corporation im South Bend. The company, crippled by heavy losses and dismal sales, decided to halt car-making at its huge plant on the south end of this city of 132,445. It switched its car operations to Hamilton, Ont. Kaiser Jeep Takes On Ex-Studebaker Workers spring sembly line foreman. But now he works for a new company, Kaiser Jeep Corporation, one of four firms that moved to South Bend and relocated in the plant. The firms have hired 1,200 em- ployees, most of them former Studebaker workers, and more are expected to be hired in the What started South Bend back on the road was an energetic combination of civic pride and specia] force to co-ordinate ef-| The unemployment rate fell forts "to mitigate. immediate|steadily during the year, By jhardship and promote long-term! Nov. 1 it was 5.9 slightly above leconomic recovery." \the national average. The group leased a section of s Clete H. Kruyer Jr., ex-| the deserted Studebaker plant oe Vien « peagiibak of the! arid set up a huge vocational| first Bank and Trust Company, | training program under the|south Bend's largest: Manpower Development and! ,, What's happened is that ev-| Training Act. Eventually 1,200) ae 'ybody overrated the effects of former Studebaker workers will Studebaker' s leaving, be taught new professions and" | skills in the $281,000 program.) 'One of the biggest problems To help the 3,556 former Stud-|W& have is that on the outside ebaker workers over 50, Project|Peaple have been. talking about Able was undertaken, Aimed at|What's been going on inside convincing local employers to|South Bend. It's amazing how hire the older workers, the pro-;Many visitors--particularly out- gram brought these quick re-| of-town bankers -- come here) sults: jand expect to see the sidewalks Within months 717 of the over- folded up." 50 workers had steady jobs. Kruyer said the four major) The number of persons on un-|banks in the area recently re- employment benefits droppedjported they were ahead of} from 4,500 in December to 2,000) 1963's pace in every savings and To the Electors of Oshawa MY GRATEFUL THANKS For ~ MY ELECTION to the Oshawa Public Utilities Commission E. F. ARMSTRONG The city was stunned. Hard federal initiative times had been few during the President Johnson, set up alin April. 'loan category. firm's 111 years in South Bend, naw oes Maar hea, Sache but on the bleak Dec, 9 the city's yanemployment rate soared from 2.1, a 10-year low, to a depressed area level of 9. A: For Heilman, Studebaker's decision was frightening. "It's all we know,"' his pretty blonde wife, Ruth, seid in an interview) then. ' It means selling our! property, our home and starting | all over again." A native of South Bend, Heil- man, like thousands of others-- had spent most of his adult life working for Studebaker. His comfortable eight - room house was only four blocks from the} plant. | Today, the plant is a symbol lof the city's determined efforts to avoid panic and meet its) problems realistically. | BACK AT WORK Heilman is back at work at jthat plant in his job as an as-| NO OUTDOOR SQUIRREL Whiskers, a five-month- sello originally had thought ; old gray squirrel, looks over she might give Whiskers to t Frederick, which boasts a new home, # 7-foot by 7- huge outdoor squirrel cage foot by 3-foot wire cage built cage in its park, but she was in the sun room of Villa Pace, afraid the winter. might be Buy Brand Name Merchandise at Dunn's. Nemes You home of retired opera star too cold for him. She found A p ] a Know You Can Trust. Arrow, Jockey, B.V.D., Van Miss Rosa Ponsello. Miss Pon- him last summer as a baby. J ; . i aaa eum am nar cae 0 7ST my H 7 AN. 4 Heusen, McGregor, Stanfields, Craft and Jay Berma. TESTS INSTINCTS for a two-weeks visit after UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED . ' yhich they were to be freed MOSCOW (AP) -- Forty pen-|™ $ guins have Se dace Ses has with identifying bands attached Soviet Union's Antarctic base at \Tass news agency reports the 4 § aim of the experiment is to test Mirny to the U.S. McMurdo|whether penguins have any Sound station 2,21 2,200 miles away! homing ins tincts IT ISN'T TOO EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT PORTRAITS Truly The Gift that Lasts Forever | Groland STUDIO For Appointment Coll 723-3680 21 Athol St. W, © Tuesday is Tuts' Day © @ HOUSECOATS @ FINE LINGERIE @ SWEATERS (imported seaded sweote's) @ GLAMOROUS EVENING BAGS @ HOSIERY ond many other GIFT ITEMS Jayn . Wlodda vresses 77_ KING ST. E. 725-4561 TOPCOAT, CAR COAT ~"N or SPORT COAT With the purchase of Any Man's Two Trouser Suit Priced from 49.50 All these suits are of the finest materials and workmanship. Made in Canada. Where else can you get such a FREE OFFER like this. Suit sizes 35 to 52, Low Pices on fine foods Uy oS COLD MEAT COUNTER yor" | 2:94 a SVE HIM A DOWN DRESS PAYMENT necessary |»..oF RT. MEN"S ADAM HATS In the latest styles ond fob- rics, Sizes 6% to 7Y2. Men's WHITE MEN'S PULLOVERS i t CARDIGANS by Caramy, Jay Berma, Parkhurst and Shelby. Fron 6.95 Grand Opening WHYTE"S From 25: ea. Prize Canadian VIRGINIA STYLED Men's SOX Brands that you know ee MacGregor and Jockey me 2 ' FROM 89: |-% MEN'S LUCAS-ARTHUR 2-lb. pkg. WIENERS 84°/4) In popular styles includ- POLISH WHITE 46: lb. packaged in threes ing the continental with ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY worse "ty BB. ven a DUNN'S | "=3:89 OR 3 FOR 10.00 EVERY MAN CAN USE in cotton broadcloth er flannel by B.V.D, and 3 QY Ascot from a MEN'S , Sa tye, eT niet 6 oe rare nom | RR Sk" em | BOYS' WEAR GIFT SPECIALS ! ! apt BOYS' FLANNEL PYJAMAS Sizes 28 to 46 in-all col- JACKETS Quilted lined, concealed hood, FROM black, powder blue, red, Sizes to BOYS' SCHOOL CARDIGANS 9 g5 & 99 A gift well appreciated for O.C.V.1. Donevan, Central and McLaughlin | e Collegiate students. From 1 0.95 @ 36 KING STREET EAST OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY OPEN EVERY SHOPPING NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M, ®NO DOWN PAYMENT NECESSARY ® Heusen or Ascot, GOWNS SHIRTS From the finest , large and x- black, brown and Caulfields, , 99 izes S, M, 2: ae : 7.95 ~ SKI Boys' Flannelette Pyjamas in sizes 8- 16, Sanforized shrunk, stripes and pat- 1. terns to choose from. Special, only . ors imaginable storm cuffs, jumbo zipper. Colors, y 2 LOCATIONS IN OSHAWA: IN| INI @ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE