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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Dec 1964, p. 10

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PERSONALS At the Kelly Kirby Kinder- garten. piano demonstration and recital held at the home of the teacher, Mrs. R. H. English, Mary street, the following pupils received certificates: Paige Logan, Susan Murdoch, and David Stewart. Miss Linda Marie Parm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Parm, Richmo_ street east, celebrated her fourth birth- day on Wednesday with a birth- y party. Her guests for the asion were Laurie Elizabeth her sister; Master John Fuller, Master Johnathan Turner and Miss Jane Turner. Games were layed and refreshments served, topped off with birthday cake. Among those holding reserva- tions for tables for "Capricorn Capers," the annual dance sponsored by the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital Women's Auxi- liary, Evening Chapter are Mr. Mrs. Murray Riseborough, Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Heney, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. MceCansh, Mr. and Mrs. John Liston, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Townsend, Mr. and Mrs, Dean Kelly, Dr. and Mrs. Roy Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Hennick and Mr. and Mrs. Dotigias Barnes. Harmony H&$§ Canadian Corps Association Aux. Re-Elects Mrs. William Watts members would be held tonight, December 12, at 6:30 p.m. Prucay A the dinner and sane change ifts, mem will attend the r r Saturday evening dance the Corps "ent Mi fs were asked to bring canned goods to the Corps build- ing, to be donated to needy families at Christmas. Mrs. Harry Wood and Mrs. Fred Smith visited Hillsdale Manor recently on behalf of the auxiliary and offered their help hop. It was an- Mrs. William Watts was re- elected president, for the fifth consecutive term, of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian Corps. As- sociation Unit No. 42 at its re- cent meeting held at the Cana- dian Corps Association Head. quarters. Other officers elected were ake} wee Miss Betty Caverhill, ist vice-president, Mrs. Paul Smith; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. Jack Stacey; secretary, Mrs,. James Garri- son; treasurer, Mrs, Alan King; sargeant-at-arms, Mrs. Thomas Wilson; chaplain, Mrs. George Holmes; bulletin editors, Mrs. Harry Wood and Miss Betty Caverhill; social conveners, Mrs. Lawrence Hood and Mrs. Kenneth Greentree; ways and means, Mrs. Roy Corby; audi- tors, Mrs. Margaret Hood; Mrs, William Judge and Mrs, Leslie Knight. The president, Mrs. William Watts, presided and welcomed a new member, Mrs. Wesley Tanner, who was officially in- stalled. Mrs, Watts announced \that the auxiliary would cater to two banquets to be heid in the Corps headquarters in Decem- ber. It was also announced that the annual Christmas dinner for Wemen 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 12, 1964 St: Mary's 'Tree Light' Bazaar Reaps Nifty Profit For Sponsors Oshawa Separate School Board. The winner of the tea foom prize was Mrs, David Harring. ton. Santa Claus received many young visitors and had a treat for each. In the childrefi's cor- ner the fish pond was popular and the countty store cleaned out. - Penny sale convenets, Mrs. Kenneth Johnson and Mrs, Gor- don Dingnem reported the fol- lowing list of winners: Bess P-"ard, Mrs. Fred Mortimer, Mts. Duffy, Francis Cannon, Mrs. Gardiner, Sunderland; Mrs. L. Sloan, Joan Taylor, E. Flagel, Mrs. P. Dooley, Mrs, M. Valchx, Mrs. Olive Speirs, in the tuck 8 nounced that the next meeting would be held on Wednesday, January 20th at 8:p.m, VERRIER NE When the Reverend Norbert Gignac opened the annual "Tree-Lights Bazaar', sponsor- ed by the St. Mary of the Peo- ple Council of the Catholic Women's League, recently, he was unaware that it would be the most successful one they have yet put on. It realized a net profit of $1,260.84 which was designated for the building fund. The success of the bazaar was gratifying indeed to the con- vener Mrs. Leonard Weeks, and the many league and parish members who helped. The tea room kept conveners Mrs. Ronald Gibbs and Mrs. Fred Lawless busy, The presi- ~-- nc HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROBBIE! MR. AND MRS. GEORGE K. BATES ~ ~ * * Mr. and Mrs. George K. Bates, Rossland road west, were honored at a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George "Weldon on the occasion of their + 25th wedding anniversary, The s-evening party was atranged by "their children, Mr. Kenneth 'Rossland Road : Honored By Family, Friends --Oshawa Times Photo West Couple The best man from 25 years ago Mr. Jack Turner, Toronto, was present for the celebrations and the matron of honor, Mrs. Har- vey Kitchen, Orillia telephoned best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Bates received a silver tea service from their family and a silver tray from December Meeting dent, Mrs. Max Coleman, fe- ceived the tea pourers who were: Miss -Verda Packer, The December meeting of the Harmony Home and Schodl Association was held recently.| |The meeting was opened by) |Mrs. Laurie French who read 'a Christmas Poem, "Adoration| ,of the Lowly"' followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. | The secretaries and trea-| | surer's reports were given. The} attendance shield. was won by| |Mr. Winston Seeney's class with 98.39 per cent and the room| prize, Miss Ena Brooks. Mr. Garth Wedlock spoke on| the merit system to be intro-| |duced in the school; merit bars being presented to stu-) dents who achieve the required) number of points in these cate- Chairman Ontario County South Regional CWL; Mrs. A. V. Walker; Mrs. John, Cardinal, president; Federation des Femmes Canadiennes Fran- caises; Mrs. John Melnychus, president of St. Gertrude's CWL and Mrs. William Clarke of tie Acceptable Gift For A Handyman If you have a man in your family who is handy with tools and likes building things, then here is the easy wasy to solve part of your Christmas gift problem. Give him a copy of Mrs. Agnes Merlin, Mrs. Arthur Van Leeuwen, E. Genereux, Ajax; P, Sobanski, Mrs. W. La- Plante, Doris Meringer, Liliane Mercer, Mrs. G. Bond, Mrs. Matasic, Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs, Mrs. J. Matasic, Rita Boneham and Mrs, Gordon Digtiem, Mrs. Donald Branch and Mrs. Rudy Nagel, conveners of the touch-end-take and white ele- phant tables announced that Mrs, Donald McGarry was the} winner of the mystery prize. Mrs, Norman Fry and Mrs. R. Freeman, convéners of the | home baking, reported that Mrs. |Lloyd Bolahood won the set of |Christmas cakes. Winners of the Icnocolates were announced by Mrs. Gerry Cole and Mrs. Frank Maloney as Mrs. Vautour land Miss Sharon Clarke. Mrs. \J. A. Houston, Miss Sharon Clarke, | Four years old today is Robert Floyd Osborne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Osborne, Perry crescent. Robbie's grandparents are Mr. and and Mrs, Hastings, His -gréat-grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Osborne of Little Britain, borough, Snowell, Westminster UCW Closes Year With Pot-Luck Supper, Gifts A large number of Westmin- Redko extended her thanks for| ster United Church Women and (all the help given her and intro- friends enjoyed a scrumptious|duced the incoming president, pot-luck supper in the church|Mrs, Leonard Carrington. The hall Monday evening, prior to|secretary's and treasuret's re- ports were réad, Coffee and re- freshments were available for|Saturday, December 19, from those who desired it at the end|2.30 to 4.80 p.m. and 7.00 to the regular meeting. The tables were decorated for the festive seasoh by the com- se ; mittee in charge of the of the evening's enjoyment, Mrs. Mancil Osborne, Peter- Jack Ontario. are Norman SOCIAL NOTICES RECEPTION _| Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin, 767 Hoskin avenue, Oshawa, will be happy to receive their friends and relatives at Harmony United Church hall on Sunday, December 2%, from 2 to 4.30 p.m. On the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs, Chafles Green- ham, Maple Grove, RR 3, Bow- manville, will be at home to itheir friends and relatives on 9.00 p.m, on the occasion of ded of the|their 40th wedding anniversary. CHANEL gories: Attendance; Academic; evening's program, Mrs. John Everyone was remin Porter, Mrs. Howard Allan and |Next meeting on Monday, Janu-| ary Mrs. Richard Schad. y 4, 1965, at 8.00 p.m. with) »-Bates, Freeport, Bahamas; Les- "lie, Lynda, and Russell at home. S. Mr. and Mrs, Bates came to Oshawa froni Orillia about eight/Galt, Clarkson, Orillia, Toronto, "years ago. Mrs. Bates is the | Ajax, and Bowmanville. -former Phyllis White of Orillia,. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bates are} "where the wedding took place,|active members of the Oshawa * Mr. Bates is a native of Toronto.) Curling Club. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon. About 60 relatives and friends attended with some coming from London, * i '\"§ Master-Designed Recreation| 2 . _ Field Day Bar: Sports 8 Roomy as. 8 Sure en ag Jo ship; and School Crest. tee a 'and atirts outine Of Harper won the grocery hamper) ; Mrs. John Whiteside, Mrs. Ken- The next meeting will be held) "rig hook itself is a real |and Sister Ange de I'Euchariste _ The program chairman, MPS. |neth Young and Mrs. Hugh January 11, with Mrs. L, M. glamour ackage "with ite OF the Sisters of the Sacred|Clarence Scott, commented On) scott in charge of the program. Akin speaking about Jamacia.| ; pa ' | Heart, several carols and in turn these | ------------______--__- ; beautifully illustrated, spiral-|" rie' mystery name doll was|were .sung, accompanied by Twenty-five girls from the/ hound cover. Inside he'll find |. 4. 4 Mts Y rack Cores with(Mrs. Jack Allan. Harvey Dance Academy enter-| hole library of fascinating the" Jae. Anne'. DD ine | ; , tained the parents. Those taking|iqea, for building planters, t peal A 1 Cor ze) _A skit called "'No Reserva- part were: the Juvenile Dance|qocxs, Cabinets, bookcases, stor- winners were Mrs. ae OOS; \tion"' was performed by several Team, Lassies, Twirlettes, S0l0\490 walls, fireplae settings __|Mrs. E. Matthews, Mrs. Paul| members of the group, Mrs. Marilyn Elsey, Grade III Ballet ysmmplete with working drawings, |Daket and Joey Thompson |, (Clarence Scott as the mother; Class. Solo Kathy Ross, Sailor's cutting diagrams, templates and | qe& Winner of the evening Was | Mrs. John Porter as sister; Mrs Hornpipe -- Leslie Chambers, | piI/s-of-materials. Therese Clarke, who won the|Richard Schad as a teenage Chetyli Cameron, Melanie! This ts the kind of gift that /cedar chest full of linens, which son; Mrs. Everett Coedy as the jincluded a quilt, hand-made by |older brother and Mrs. Howard Rhodes, Solo, Marilyn Cross. 1 OY 9 | arr 10, ) shows your thoughtfulness. Itlthe conveneF, Mrs, William E4-lAtian an the father. A good many laughs were provided by Mrs. Stewart Mackie thanked) costs no mote than a single) 4. Miss Harvey and the girls necktie, and may serve to get! - Peer Refreshments were served by|that new recreation room 5 lsesmdianer ans oat antumeueel amateur performers. | mothers of grade six. you. | Christmas| Mrs. Scott lighted six candles | ie : and each represented a part of _. |giving an over-all atoceonere. how and what one should know about God's gift of Jesus to the world. Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus arrived in. jolly good fashion this year and presented gifts to everyone present. Prior to the program, the re- tiring 'president, Mrs. John Redko was presented with a brooch and bracelet by Mrs. Thomas Moorcroft on behalf of the UCW as a small token of appreciation for the excellent WEDDING CEREMONY A Cambodian wedding cere- mony includes the bindi to- gether of the wrists of the bride and groom with a white cotton DRUGS 28 KING ST, EAST 723-4621 SRD RE RO A ROT = -- --<----y YOUNG FASHIONS You'll tove our selection from Infonts to size 14 Budget Accounts Invited "The Best Costs Less At" OLUINIGHAIcIE/s| OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE oe y WIFE PRESERVER Place a bowl on a folded wet towel to keep it from slipping on the working surface, | HEADLINE FASHIONS MONTREAL (CP) = The new and the different make the headlines, "but the classics are what sell bert," says Mary Phil- lips, head of the public relations department of a British coat manufacturer, She says that in Canada, the U.S. and England 'fashion editors tend to pick the same, more extreme styles, but the general public goes on UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES: FFCF The Federation of French- December meeting of Simcoe| & Street United Church Women. Canadian Women met Tuesday|Mrs, J. T. Thompson and het in the auditorium of St. Mary| committee were in charge of of the People Roman Catholic|/the program for the evening, Church, Mrs, Jean Cardinal) The table was attractively presided and since it was the|/decorated with red candles and last meeting of 1964, thanked|holly and laden with delicious the members for their good|food. work during the year, | The old, but ever new, Mrs. Yvan Gilbert, secretary,|"'Christmas Story" was the and Mrs, Charles Tanguay,|theme of the devotional, taken job she had performed during : treasurer, gave their respec-|by Mrs. Robert Holden and her two years as president. Mrs. !buying the classics. tive reports. Mrs. Yvon: Leger|Mrs. K. R. Wagg gave a read- y ne ens cm ah aoa eee PM ae reported that she had sent some|ing entitled "The Other Wise es ae : used clothing to foreign mis-|Men" by Henry Van Dyke. sions. She also reported that|Mrs. David Weldon as guest she had distributed some fruit,|soloist, sang "Holy Night,'"| & cigarettes, magazines, knitting|"White Christmas" and "'I'll be wool and thread among the | Home for Christmas," accom- patients in Ontario Hospital,| panied by Mrs. Ralph Jewell. Whitby, which had been much| Mrs. H. V. Myers presided appreciated, jover the business. The minutes It was decided to contribute|were read and roll call taken to the administration council injby Mrs. J. B. Wannop, one Oftawa and also to the cost of|visitor and 247 members were DUNN'S explore TO ADDRESS CLUB) the the Franco-Ontarian building in Ottawa where the FFCF will have its central office. present and 86 visits were made during the month, The treasur- "Folk Songs of Ontario' will be the subject of an ad- wonderful er's report was given by Mrs. Wallace Butler, $125. had been sent to the UCW. Mrs. D. W. Holden reported on the Christmas Cheer Fund and it was decided to send gifts to two people who are ill. Mrs; C. E. Souch and Mrs. D. §. Jamieson volunteered to look after these. It was announced that. the annual meeting of the UCW dress by Mrs. Edith Fulton Fowke to the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association on Monday afternoon whien the club will be holding its annual meeting and Christmas party. Mrs. Fowke has published several collections of folk songs, the search for which has taken her across Canada and to the: British Isles. It was also decided to con- tribute towards some flannelette for night-clothes for a needy family. Mrs. Jean Cardinal ask- ed anyone with used clothes or toys to give away to contact her at 725-2041. Some food baskets will also be distributed. The spiritual director, the Reverend N. J. Gignac, thank- ed the members for their sym- pathy in the recent death of|/would take place January 20. his brother. He pointed out that|The members were asked to HOUSEHOLD HINT parents should not be extrava-|think of projects for the com-| Sweeten coffeemakers by gant in their Christmas pres-|ing year. Mrs. Thompson ex-|perking occasionally with a gate, that the a ap hl ew the thanks of the group|baking soda solution (use cream 3 orn in poverty and parents|to all taking part, for a mostiof tartar if aluminum). Rinse ---- pivriny par Watford. should teach their children the jenjoyable evening. and dry all parts. daughter of Mr. and Mts. Her: The reception was held at|true meaning of Christmas giv- me -- man V. Laxton, Oshawa, and the Flying Dutchman Moto r|! her bridegroom is the gon of Hotel, Bowmanville, where the Mr. and Mrs. John Keith How- bride's mother received, wear- : * ing a gold brocade ensemble den, Watford. with gold and brown accesso- The officiating clergyman wasiries and a corsage of carna- the Reverend Albert E. Larke|tions and roses in shades of and the goloist, Mr. Ross Cotton, yellow, golds and oranges. The Oshawa, sang "The Lord's|bridegroom's mother assisted er" and "Wedding Hymn"| wearing a teal blue ensemble Handel accompanied by Mr.|with blue and black accesso- arold Ellis. ries and a corsage of shaded Given in marriage by her|Pink carnations and roses, father, the bride wore a white| Before the couple left to spend cotton velvet formal gown fea-|their honeymoon in Quebec, the turing a fitted bodice with a|bride donned a pink wool dress, jewel neckline and-long sleeves, | gray coat, black accessories and @ semi-bell skirt with a detach-|a corsage of white carnations. able chapel train. Her head-|Mr. and Mrs. Howden will make dress was a self-wedding ring, holding an elbow4ength veil of HONEYMOON IN QUEBEC Ireland Studio Candle-Light Service Unites "Helen Laxton, John Howden Helen Blizabeth Laxton be- as Buckley, Merrill, Michigan, came the bride of John Keith|and the ushers were the bride's Howden, Watford, in a candle-| brother, Mr, Ralph Laxton, Osh- light service with full com-jawa and the bridegroom's munion, on Friday evening in|brother, Mr. Ronald Howden, world of wigs 6°66 "S) ng. | Mrs. Alcide Lecler and Mrs. | Laurent Lanteigne convened the | social hour. The attendance prize was won by Mrs. Rosario Lacasse. SIMCOE STREET UCW (Lenore Unit) A pot-luck supper was enjoy- ed by the Lenore Unit at the| | Announcing the new ARRONM- Paddock Club A DRESS SHIRT WITH THE LUXURY OF A SILKEN TOUCA in 100% SUPIMA® cotton A truly terrific value The Bohette Beauty Salon is having an expdsition on wigs. This exhibition will be on the care and styling of wigs, with commentary, and demonstrations by expert consultants from the manufacturers. Evening-gowned models will demonstrate this fascinating era. The public is welcome, The Bobette Beauty Salon on Monday at 8 p.m. Dec. 14th. Be sure to be there. Now is the time to come into our stores and browse around for Christmas. . Decorate your home with a fashionable permanent center piece .., . For the Coffee table . . . the little decorations are just lovely . . . the door Swags will make your home soy their home at 349 Marland ave-| nue. apartment 511. Guests were present at the} wedding from Toronto, Hamil-| ton, Burlington, Bowmanville, | Merrill, Michigan; Inwood,| Kingston, Watford, and Van- couver, B.C. | FUE GP eh ou rAd Ce tulle, and she carried a white Bible crested with white roses and carnations with streamers of similar flowers. The maid of honor was Miss Edie Auzins, Toronto, and the bridesmaids were Miss Loié Ann Howden, Watford, sister of the bridegroom and Miss Judith Gray, Oshawa. They were gowned alike in red cotton vel- vet formal gowns styled simi- larly to the bride's. They car-| tied white velvet muffs with| feathered red carnations and/ wore self wedding band head-| dresses enhanced with matching |} bows. : | The best man was Mr. Thom-| Don't Know the Size? You're Always Sure To Please With A GIFT CERTIFICATE For-- @ SHOES @ BOOTS @ SLIPPERS From DAVIDSON'S SHOE STORE 31 Simcoe St. North "'Welcome". THE BEST WAY TO SAY "MERRY CHRIST- MAS" to your loved ones in other places whether near or far, is to send «@ Christmes Gift of +. We are this Flowers by Wire . Bonded Members of erviee . . Gifts by Wire start at $6.00 R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS DOWNTOWN 28 SIMCOE NORTH 728-7386 LTD. DRIVE-IN 163 BLOOR WEST Miche the Bobotte salon of beauty 739 simcoe st. s. for information call 723-7311 \ USE YOUR CREDIT -- at just $5.00 & 6.00 AVAILABLE NOW AT OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Every Shopping Night to 9 p.m. Including Sat. NO DOWN PAYMENT

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