a -- sw ePeRe «Bean as «4 THE MODERN MIDDY cowl collar decoarted with a | little bow on one side, roll-up sleeves and' a banded hip- line. The matching. skirt is straight and very short. | --By TRACY ADRIAN | | ee hie A blend of orlon and wool J@sey knit is the material selected for a modern version of the middy outfit. The top, which is fashioned on clean- cut lines, has a_ turn-over For Winter Wedding, Orchids |. do about a boy friend whose |\"My husband is on my side" I ANN LANDERS Salt-Water Taffy Gums Up Kissing Dear Ann Landers: What can deaf. I had four piano lessons and then they were knocked off because I was '"'too dumb" to learn. (I wasn't too dumb to do the washing and ironing and scrub the floors.) In the 12 years I buttered my bread in that house my father never said one decent word to me. If it weren't for the moral support of two wonderful high school teachers I would have headed for the river. You were right and don't let anyone tell you different. ALSO chief interest in life is food? Sidney is not a teen-ager. He is 24 years old and plenty over- weight, I might add. Sidney never holds my hand in a movie because he is too busy shovelling popcorn into his mouth, At football games, while other couples hold hands, Sid- ney must have his hands free --for the hot dogs and potato chips. Even when he drives the car one hand is in a bag of ge age STEPPED ON The other evening while we)' were watching TV Sidney was| Dear Also: Dozens of readers munching on leechee nuts till 1/did tell me different but my po- thought I'd lost my mind. When sition is unchanged. I saw him to the door he said,| The hostility of the step- "T'd kiss you goodnight, dear, mother and the total absence of but I can't seem to get rid of)sympathy on the part of the this salt-water taffy." father persuaded me that the I could compete with another|git! didn't stand a chance under female, Ann, but how does one|that roof--and I said so. compete with food? Help.| At times my advice makes Please.--TENA many people angry but I'm not wig . _\trying to win a popularity con- ou s ds ; ' val aevaot ar and he| st I'm trying to help those Aine ie? y eed it. could eat himself into an early|™ ne a grave unless he resolves the ets Riel er A i ps problems that are driving him) oo thing i di M by ' food {something is holding me ack. "i 24-year-old man who is so He loves children and I don't busy with salt-water taffy that wa, ueran ae nevis a tan' Oe ae le ee lily upsets me, My figure is Heer Ada: Lander s: Some great and I don't want to lose it penis vor wih did't hey "tPConch when iat er et Bi al step-| think of feeding and diapering hald's ievcareld dqughier S the little brats. Being stuck at When the stepmother wrote, 0m° th them would be a g. Aaa Jack talks to strange kids on knew fae hog a en the street and can pick up any against. You sai step-| dirty, ragged little kid and love daughter would be better off in pin io pieces. I'm sure he'd in- a foster home. This was al.i+ on a family . | prefty bold piece of advice but' should 1 marry Jack under you. were. right. these conditions? And don't su My stepmother yanked me) voct a psychiatrist. I won't go. out of dancing school after two I just want a yes or no.-- lessons because I was "a WoNEST BABE , clumsy cow." After three voice pear Babe: It 3 \ : : would be a lessons she 'decided I was tone dirty trick to marry Jack. And a Jit would be an even dirtier trick May Be Bride's Best Friends Mid-winter brides are advisedjfor a subdued yet festive holi-| e weather in mind|day touch. Sprayed any color . ~-- deca eat in the rainbow, they can still) when choosing my be sparkle dusted, an especially) When the north wind doth/attractive effect for a candle- blow, and there's ice and snow, | lit evening wedding and they you need flowers that resist/are grown in a wide range of cold. Many blooms maintain zs . a ' | ¥ t is strik- their beauty in spite. of sub-|ine yet peng natatant the freezing temperatures. Others|pride's best friends may be will turn brown and wilt at the| o)chids, : first touch of frosty air. The st . } standard or cattelya Wf the bride has her heart orchid, a native of the tropics, ely ee eS a her/objects to the cold by wilting 2 ' Pland turnin : sped a nr emt oy Mpeg My Mlciggg moments) orchid and the cypropedium Sh di pes h rdier| rena. are both natives of e can choose from hardier! colder climes like Sikkim and types of flowers, some varieties|ripet, and they are compara- | THE STARS SAY lino the world. Stay single ct CHILD GUIDANCE So much has been said and written recently on how early little children can learn to read and the like, that some parents have resolved to be school teachers of their children at home long before they are five or six. A mother writes from Cali- fornia of her daughter, 2%: "She's quite bright, and I'm sure I should be training her mind, but I'm not sure how much T should be doing, nor do I know how to start. I do not want to place her in a nursery schgol. as I'm home all day, and feel it's better for her to be with me; however, I want to start her in September taking dancing lessons, and 1 feel some school lessons, with me as the teacher, should also be started." My reply in part: It's fine you are so deeply interested in the early education of that little child and are willing to devote ss much time to this end. But I'm not enthusiastic over your plans of giving her school les- sons 2t so early an age. Nor do I believe dancing lessons are very desirable for her now. Nursery school would seem s0 much better. However, if you got her often with children about her age at your home and their's, read to her a great deal, answered all her questions kindly, encour- aged her to enjoy creative fun with ample playthings and ma- terials, trained her in good routines and self-care and self- reliance and left her in care of your husband or another person for an hour or so daily, having her at home with you might be desirable. I just can't think of a program for her constantly away from other children. SIGNS AID , In addition to providing the foregoing suggested opportuni- ties, she might profit from learning to count a few objects. Calling her attention to signs on the street or in the store might appeal to her. She might even learn at play with alphabet Po the world. Stay single or By ESTRELLITA find an oddball like yourself. FOR TOMORROW Tuesday will bring some re- strictions: in personal relation- Child Learning At Home Prone To Some Pitfalls By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D. blocks the names of a few of the letters. Most effective would be raised letters on blocks covered with sandpaper or the like, or letters cut from wood, with which she could learn such shapes by touch, movement, and pressures along with sight. When, as you often read to her, she wanted to know the names of some of the words on the page, you, might gladly tell her. But to' set her to learn such items would be question- able, as you would then be out all TV programs of vio- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December 14, 1964 13 . lence, gore and horror. Provide her with records of good music, which she may operate herself. Fine if she could enjoy a rea- sonable amount of running about, especially with other children outdoors. More and more of us are) growing aware of the many) culturally deprived homes, large areas of them. We can't imagine these children under four or five getting the best ed- ucation at home. They certainly need public nursery schools and kindergartens. Let us see to it) that such opportunities are pro-| vided for them. 1 Answering Parents' Questions Q. Why do you say that pro- grams of violence are most| harmful for the child from two to six or seven? | A. The child so young tends | tempted to make it a task. As she scribbles, draws and paints or molds from clay, or puts objects together in new ways that please her, express your pleasure over her achieve- ments. Next to providing her with ample playthings and ma- terials, the most important thing you can do is to enjoy what she does with them, to en- joy her creations. When she creates yarns out of her little head, listen appreciatively. Take down some of them and read them back to her. Do try | hard to stimulate her imagina- : i MILLER FALLS | FULLY GUARANTEED POWER | we tion and her desire to engage! in conversation; cultivate a soft! quiet voice and speech for her to hear. KEEP QUIET Protect her from undue ex- citement. Keep the radio or TV) 4 Iw From OSHAWA WOOD | PRODUCTS LTD. | COURTICE SHOWROOM jsilent most of the time. Rule! ships. Many persons will bear the burdens of tension and moodiness, so watch your step |Toes will be extremely sensi-| |tive. Romantic and social inter- ests could prove disappointing, | and the period is definitely not} one in which to seek favors of | any kind. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday) your horoscope indicates that, where both job and financial/ matters are concerned, efforts) put forth between now and the} end of February should harvest fine results. Originality and in- of orchids, all varieties Of|tively hardy in Canadian carnations, pom-poms and | weather. i chrysanthemums. Carnations, poms chrysanthemums can |delicate shades, includin sprayed to match or delicately| pink and pale green. contrast with any color the} The cypropedium, a large ac ecmed: gee: A a een version of the lady slipper, 'is effect and dusted with sparkles|iiehti. spotted' or striped. with lyellow and brown The bride may have muffs jmade to match her gown and |those of her attendants, or she jean obtain from her florist a plain satin muff to which flowers are pinned. Later she simply removes. the corsage and uses it as accent for her travelling costume. The temperature of the area |where flowers are stored before the wedding should not be under \40 degrees. For mid-winter church decor- , the bride may choose} hare 25 | WIFE PRESERVER For quick timbales, press squares of fresh bread into mut-| fons fin pans and toast. The corners plants or cut flowers. Many will turn up. jbrides prefer plain white te --------"_|arrangements of chrysanthe- mums, carnations or WORLD SCHOOL spondence school branch here now has pupils throughout the | world--seme 14,000 of ee KAYES says ret'red director Mrs. H. A. Flint. Lessons are sent to such students as missionaries, teach- ers, diplomats' children over- seas, lonely ranchers and girls in penal institutions, she says ii | ae Kaye's have the clothes for you, The latest styles in all make sizes, your 2 | SupPeRS eVeRYone FROM DAVIDSON'S SHOE STORE 31 SIMCOE ST. N. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Christmas a happy. one. Shop where your satisfac- tion is our pleasure, Say Charge It At Kaye's BUY KAYE'S GIFT CERTIFICATES Be sure to visit our st 68 SIMCOE ST.:NORTH itiative expressed in occupa- nal affairs could well attract attention of those in author- and put you in the way of promotion --: with your ths May, June and Oc- \tober. metary matters should| jrun smodthly in early March, mid-July, After « long and bitter argument the wife sobbed, 'How con you ect like this? You used to say thet | meant ell the world te you." "So," snarled her husbond, "now 1 knew why | flunked geography ell through school." It would be o slight exaggeration to say that your wordrobe meons 'all the world to you'... but I'm sure you'll agree it represents a good deal of planning, budgeting and pride in wearing. And it's true that clothes really do make the man or woman, To fully protect your clothes investment make sure your garments receive regular dry cleaning care, There's just no other substitute. es mber. Irkthe meantime, avoid jextravagan nd speculation-- jespecially during January and | July. Where personal: matters are concerned, look for: Generous jinfluences governing romance jand-or marriage during Janu- jary, late March, mid-June and- jor September; good aspects for travel in January, mid - April and September; happy domestie jrelationships for most of the jyear--if you, avoid emotional- jism and friction during Febru- jary and October A child born on this day will WHAT'S WRONG Lack confidence Outdated steps Can't lead ..... Can't follow .. Need practice ? o 88 eee seen eeeene o ee eeeeee a ee WITH YOUR DANCING? * button and box pleat. your wardrobe. over with the new T sport shirts. The NEW TRIM FIT Gilhoustte neatly tapered waist and sleeves lend a.new Trim Fit Sithouette to sport shirts Now, for the first time we have a complete selection of Trim Fit sport shirts in the new T. F. Collection, available in a wide variety of collar styles, including button downs, tab closures, complete with traditional back In exciting new patterns and plain shades, the new arrow T. F. Collection is a must for Drop in today and say good-bye to shirt hang- rim Fit silhouette in Priced from 5.00. be self. - a wide selection of potted| and fun-loving. § pom-|an application of white or color- EDMONTON (CP)--A corre-|Poms with white candelabra. jless iodine. KAYE'S confident, gregarious | We gre offering a special intro- ductory dance course for: only $15.00. Because we want you to see for yourself how quickly and easily you can learn to dance at the Arthur Murray Studio. Even if you've never danced before, you can go dancing after a lesson or two, and at gay student porties, you'll meet new friends . . . gain poise and popularity. There are no strangers at Arthur Murray's. Everybody dances and hos fun. This $15.00 dance course is good tor a limited time only. Open daily 1:00 to '10:00 p.m. HOUSEHOLD HINT Strengthen brittle nails with w. MARKS LICENCEE ARTHUR MURRAY 11% SIMCOE ST. SOUTH USE YOUR CREDIT NO DOWN PAYMENT ' OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Every Shopping Night to 9 p.m. Including Sat. 728-1681 ae if 24 FURN €herney's Ww OR L YD ITURE FINEST | REFRIGE RATOR- FREE Ladies' Wear AND Sport Wear ores in Bowmanville 725-5451 with Total Appliance Warranty 5 YEAR WARRANTY PARTS... LABOR INCLU Yew Amana FREEZER cvs REFRIGERATOR "Rolls Royce" of the Refrigeration World WITH 7 MOST WANTED FEATURES . GENUINE CONTACT FREEZING--Freezes food up to 24 times faster than ordinary methods! Eoch shelf is @ prime freezing surface with freezing co ils attached! . NO FROST EVER -- in the refrigerator or freezer. Amana's ex- clusive frost magnet stops frost | WALL-TO-WALL STORAGE--No rounded corners . . vides up to 140 more square many refrigerator-freezers! . FULL-WIDTH EXTRA MARGIN CRISPER--with before it starts! » pro- inches of storage space than new, see- through front is 3" deeper--roomier! Holds 32 Ibs. : TALL BOTTLE STORAGE IN DOOR -- Holds quart-size bottles . eliminates need for taking up valuable refrigerator storage space! . EXCLUSIVE NO-TIP GLIDE-OUT ier to store, easier to find, And safe from tipping! SHELVES--Make foods eas- even the. smallest bottles are . MOST-USED FOODS UP FRONT--where you can reach them quickly-easily! See Them in Our Window to accept what he sees or hears APPLE HOARDERS on TV as really happening; he| Anthropologists have dis- does not respond to it critically,|eovered that Stone Age men lacking sufficient experience to|hoarded apples in-thelr caves in do so. Europe. : * x r4 mail early -- for Christmas last date for local delivery and please remember: unsealed envelopes require a 3¢ stamp -- FPS. = ODE. OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038 KING ST. WEST "* 3" CHRISTMAS TREES Select Your Tree From The Largest Stock Of Cut Trees In The North American Continent 97: PLUS FREE DRAW on Purebred French POODLE PUP Registered with Canadian Kennel Club Your Christmas Shopping HEADQUARTERS