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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Dec 1964, p. 21

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29 THI/ OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, December 22, 1960 o Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire ... Read and Use "Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 ne 17+-Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY! feimgauh Tg eyes' | PAUL RISTOW | GUIDE requires + cert . , MATURE WOMAN AS Realtor REALTY ay ee Mertgegea 2--Personcl STENOGRAPHER 728-9474 Bie GEO Tas gna a merc tl en nai : 16 Simeoe St. § ping Gene, N9P9Sh nie: J. Me Oca, yy ae ie a incl 9 Ppa LET'S TALK TURKEY! Osha i 'and BURROWS, Cha Ly - an fe alee relephon . 5 day week. s ALK TURKEY! shawa, Ontario AMI i $ ? 3 yeor, Tos shali| Swap oa Barter i , Top sélary for right person. pot higrdl bse pompenigt pista Burrows, CA, 728-7554. : an Notary Fi i fo be hoticed? Sinus (Shainiés, oy fs Je OF | Apply in person to city S conlate "ith ITH, es WATERS parking tot reading it] toilets; yi EY i a Y, i p , : fous piece bath and hot wa- Ask to see this going con- centre, suite rae elt or ng 'en fia ee, it yi vailerh * eate 32 King Street East : ; card siuelad Pith hoa chin, éeorner ter heating. A home ideal Be Hus 723-7088, Ale HALIANS for retiring couple or small through street in Whitby. 3; Whitby 668-4131, Buildit Trades FIRST AND SBEOND moe ' ¥ ate tha He raha 6--Articles for Sale cee Lb GUARANTY TRUST | fomily and offered os a pre- | Seating copacity for 45 cus- ASB PRIEDLANDER A' Barris! ni" Ki Accountants by and Moen ' i tomers, and feotures a large agg ' ne ated ali Car ent East, 723-7232 on : ' Christmas Special ot a re- rg sil BEADLE AND CO General Repairs Optometrist W ANT 700 i ee a CO. OF CANADA |' duced price of $12,500. chen. yet on i & RICHARD BLACK, OB, 1 as ) Rae \ requires FOUR BEDROOMS 700.00, Financial ) pec sneth ney Alterations, rec fooms; cup: ret north, Suite 6, Oshawa, : i Complement this new home 90 ACRES ed Ing, 187 King Street East, 'beards, fla ili 4 (8 3909; T. Hopki or, ceiling an i Na ; Bre Beadle, CAs C. Uokew Ch wall tiles, arbotite ete, Satis- T Y i . A i : " =A EXPERIENCED fsentad "iho the' PE OEE re] fe] cur oN fast developing residential Of scenic farm land near Wall to wall broad- Kirby, 4 good location for a oe Geansrnng server ta band se faction guaranteed, Plumbing @ and Hi ting a i \: Bookkeeping service, aa on west H. McKOY 725- 8576 made. Hatt i, es fare ne (ok! Ai sate TELLER ism. plenty of natural wood Ski Club or Summer Resort, west, 725-0397 Res ' o elepiiane Tisai | 1, : Ale ANSWER 16 THE, yic OR PRE a ( hristmas C,WOODHULL RAN FoR PRES trim and on unusual valance Has water pond, and 150 ft. ti t ALBERT HOSMAR, arava iad i. pal i Plumbihg, He | hai ehglneer ing, oor 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, i 0 mero alniing. lath a eaten. f iineoe Sire! Sou pai n BETME VidoJH 1872) NEARLY 80 f Ontario, Telephone 723-1221. ors SHY YEARS BEFORE WOHEN couLD 5 day Week, good salary, arrangement of indirect light- rontage on Highway 115, ting i fi all kinds of repairs. J. CALL TYRES of oD nd remeaeil Sh j ? PEGA U5 i j id used materials, Re Nec! ie) in AF LEGALLY VYOtE IN A NATIONAD ; ing to provide warmth and Antiques it TAPES building repairs, ci iy, Betimates. free, Dial. 723 »_ Paley. PPINg than ies hte E10, megp iy. 'n parson comfortable living, Two both- ROSLAND PARK AREA ired, sidewalk and concrete ; : j rooms, dining area and a fin- The present owner has been ANTIQUES Serie at pi al Ru Upholst bt J Service SEE ae 32 King Street East __| ished family room are added transferred and this 3 bed- jaiching, new ati H WANTED -- bh iri to look after tract f | ' HANDCRAFT GIFTWARE lent patgeting. Free esti- OSHAWA '8--Articles for $ e inet 11--Pets and Livestoek two-year-old gir white "mother works, rb i agi Shae oatg borieslen, sinh Magne te? Ineludi dishes, | furniture, imate "Yaleonene 723-4871 'or 723-9258. -- ight hovsehdid duties, room and board ing G6Z¥_ J RAWEH, Kennels, regisiarea GaP. 1 a Call 725-0431 after 4 o'clock. range. age is available for your in- ere . lasswore, etc. HOME IMPROVEMENTS, rooting, and 'a | f 725-0431 aft k . Sh i i Sarpeniry work: painting CLEANERS assi ication CHRISTMAS tints, OR Mavieee wektains utloiee BOGKKEEPER -- fully experienced on spection. This home has many Wager's Anica op " cane Broce "sireel, 2b A Rug and Upholstery harats, foals. tralier Ashburn, Brooklin/generAl ledger and subsidiary ledgers. MASSON ST. features to offer, such oS, a No, 12 highway 2, miles ean ENTRY Ali kinds. Cupboa Cleaning. At our plant pmo Bg fuilehine "Avoltors Scarborough and CONNAUGHT well designed living room, north of Brooklin Cer aay a brew ' hy : BUYING BUPPY, choediale brown arr "OTE 565-7051. : with built-in bookcas: d foams romggelling. Cor Aay 47 brew or in your home : weeks, old, lephone 728-1 : Six rooms, storey and a half indirect Nake - ot irec ighting, partially treet 7; : SRR SOS eeate sorte ear : HiDDEN CORNER -- Antiques a peered " Sis nae ------|RELIABLE lity to look after Ti-month-| brick with attractive do and ta gs, ce, ol PaVA BCA, fl rg a CALL cenrne! WHITBY'S LOCAL SUPPL! want 12--AMtee Wanted Ph Gin Apa SA" Ciotore Sitzeh"Fais| ond attached garage. Two | finished recreation room with Ashburn, aria. neys and repeir 94s linings i p. > t tei shburi Haid root vapnres ees linings ip- averenegut aa oa aam | YecITeYS Loc AL ei Pee ary No VAnTeR Fas Gig, HOReT Winehesthr rive, | phone 725-200, natural fireplaces and con- rail See ae ' isters | 1 the best for less at B N aT 25 | EXPERIENCED presser wanted. Ap.ly| venient first floor powder | you wi Barri covered like hew. Get the ir les Stove Oi], FREE Burner Ser- yy iW: Wiatee Telephone | h person. Rinker's Cleaners, 51 Burk! room contribute further to the show the many other extras et Stre j:| ROOFING, concrele fidors, fiat roalinG| Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street. : j y HYMAN AND HYMAN, Barrisiaet, $3 Our specially New work and. repairs.|call 728-6451. Free estitnales. vice. "blue coal' - Cannel BE A DRAG ; i | Oppeal of this roomy, hot foo'numerous to mention, citors, Notaries, Suite 205. TN Larde and small jobs. L. and H. Rootin - ; f : Niding, 86 King Street East, 793-1137.| Large in fp. Ls on 9) Re UPHOLSTERING bf ee Estab Coal, Semet-Solvay Coke, iY Chen funds avaliable for mortgages, ad Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. lished 17 years. Corplete ange ot Wood, BUILDING SUPPLIES. AT BOND 13--Artieles for Rent t---Me e Help Wanted alee nels. vagy enepec LOW TAXES Louts $. Hyman, QC; Herbert S. yma, REW PLASTERING ahd repairs, ré-| rials, Workmanship guaranteed five ye rt. CLOTHES SHOP ne | EW MARAIS paper Gora wanted "tor Y appointment only, mie fu ipeaeliing rooms. Free estimates. | Free estimates Credit terms. Mattresses SAWDONS' Rossland North to Taunton, Call Mrs. i pre ; On this 6 room brick bun- aaMPamEVE BOYCHYN, es .. See |phalslering 'Company, 87 Baan Avene, LIMITED RENTALS Lee, 725-8647. esas BRRR! IT'S COLD! galow on Gifford Street is one MAN, ogy bgt fe aon Cartage iy (Whitby) PART-TIME cbliector to service an est@b-| Notural fireplace for wintry feature offered on this home, street, a shawa; R. lished monthly debit. Experience not) 4 Plenty of room in the Others include a new fur- : Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillmay | aviNe r a TE Ta CaBSTERFIRLDE "reupholstéred and Fe] 944 Brock tial interview, 2A, tis; 30". pipe dad 8 ; ; dust as we a» ee sterina. Galan Upholtering, 8 EB § eat iii deh L ; OF ALL KINDS wre piv fhone number fo Post Office recreation room for family nace, venetian blinds in all ice: 3 r rec U ricvcles, scooters, qf tation N, T ito 14, On- ii See, Wanitby 6681761, NHA end Mae ee |Ehavies Streeh 798-71 ; Bans: ON) ake i me eee. ast Minute Rox @6; Festal Station N, Toronto i og Rati 4 ve pind pera ig ve unse eights ~ first mortgage funds available. ceottce Road of No. 2 HighWay,| * Sandin hi SES ane sects | ig Machines PRINTING tdlesman for Oshawa and is only $10,000.00. S IGGESTIONS orea. Let us show you this CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MUR |: " we sl =| Sales and Service "i District with rtunity for right person 1CTOR, Barristers, Solicttors. Notaries, if a seta BLE typewriter, $35) also aland-| * Plumber's Tools Apply. Chris Printing, 167 Simcoe Soutn.| dandy! Street, iy op ; sg FORMAL AND INFORMAL | GUATANTEE rape ee nr Ws, ieee Tam A electric adc * Painter's Equipment "DU i is ' PLAZA LOCATION Q 4 'ON } in ol a Is J 1 -- ee ~-- Creighton, QC; of residences; G. K. a Cc loagthive BUFFETS Ms ea Poe ate ere ih 793-4434, re ee Choose from... * Weldi Mt ia ' Hagges A Tepis scl cone LOTS TO LOOK AT Of this Dairy Business, spe- 728-8. » OC; i j fs a . r i : Jevarés; J.C Victor, 985-7115, Marteages pag he y Pere' in veut heatie Serviee STERES REA AM i FIN, Gants |' Ties, Scarves, Hankies, Beli, | . cui Eduipmen Toaeph Bosco. Realtor 720-7377, City lots, fully serviced or | Cidlizing in Jug Milk, hos and Agreements of Sale bought end sold;| Own home. Party troys for SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service oy ame rad He two months old } Builder's Equipment ee ee suburban lots with room to been a proven point that @ and arranged. isi évery occasion, weTAE: Waller' Warn oh) Chrss tras' Sivas? bo el anor a After Shave Lotions and 19-- Male or Female grow things. Buy your lot, good location is a must for a MACKEY and BAILEY, bas stérs, Soll: == OR == West, Whitby, 668-2563, Wide Uraaler, geiko tee ; Help W. d I hi } going cdncern, $6,300.00 is top, with filing di i fect Colognes, Vests, / Jewelr e ante plan your home and be ready 5 F A ate OP. ig drawer, pertect con c Y SKATE AND Ld for Spring. the monthly turnover and this cltors,, Notaries or tga gs IY ~ on Ve Ki aireet East, 723-1107. Visit the tion, © iS cash. ee 1% 5478. . } 1 -- Hotel \ ; ng f Surveyors ; - Hats ond Gift Cértificates, HOCKEY fhe in Balonathe to 'ine Restourant Were well established _ business ee ac, »| ONTARIO TRADING POST & B fot lengths, . . Fin m foun once Ps anh aie VIENNA RESTAURANT, DOWEVAN ahd FLEISE maa oo lan single cord. Dial 723- vi aie 4 Bind _ €fs Union are invited fo telephone 'local! For appointment to inspect rents for only $60.00. East, Oshawa 722823 sraee,| (3 tills north of Orono on |{t'Snave Mesak Firsts" "URED VAEVUM , cetnars ana plishers EQUIPMENT | 2 BUILDING LOT RCBIBSON and BAsTEDO._egrEeG, PI Se ML So » $10. Up. shone 728- : Soler chate tae aval ify] Hwy. 115, to telox ond eh. |6IVE YOUR PROBLEM WR with EINE Os . sah ebnsananshe EXCHANGE 20--Real Estate for Sale far oo ~~ oe ' e) ee east, ( j i lif Ads. To sell, rent, hire, buy or sell. - --~ - iowma -- lots si rst Mortgage, 37 King Street Ea joy the pleasant continental Phone 723-3492 for a courteous ad-writer. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or | x "100" each, has pote? oor' 336, Charl Cc. McGibbon, ? hes Mule besiege, QC. Sige tea h Canadian le FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land |r 265205, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 REMEMBER... | Now at Stan's you can ex- | E T A | F 728-9474 services, and the full price im uropean isnés so ap- 1 ae ia , } | s€ " Pp Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street Bast. Phone] A women's place at | change your old SKATE | M ( : for each lot is set ot $2,600, ae izingly prepared and. serv- 725-6881 Classified Rates pen : | ances. Name brands at biggest discounts Christmas is at... | : : ond HOCKEY EQUIP. | Real ESTATE LTD, -- jy Financial Trade Bldg, INCOME HOME ed. Banquets and receptions anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever worRD catered to, Trade Schools -- ______}ly_ mattress furniture lines. Your auth y 24 words $1.08 -- i ct Honest Cal's on ; | : Cah insertion a Mor i J ONTARIO TRADING POST ae ack spikasi ad [i Kin dealer Ween t Ho Cal's on! | MENT with a fair allow | 40 King St. E 187 King St E. 9 rooms ideally located just secutive insertions of - & Vienna Catering Service MONE (The World ert garage 12 by 20. 2 doors. 2 alumi- ance on New or Used | ' sas SO ate a oo ni [ ) son, within walking distance '@, Equipment. 728-4678 | JOSEPH BOSCO to G.M. North Plant and only additional words 2c each, 6 consecu- ORONO, Phone 10 r 19 ONLY: CUS.T, num windows, Asphalt Shingled root. De- minutes away from downtown, |, addi- , Hp Bgnakl ak yada ---- eS ss Wide. Institute of Home livered to your lot only $430. 725-9478 PONTIAC INN, lew management.| study) offers this unique | TREES fresh cut every day until Christ OPEN BAM oh ----- we know our j|mas. Best prices In town. No. 1 Spruce| i \ to 9 P.M, ii This large hom a tora het on Te) CLOTHES SHOP till December 24th SUBURBAN RANCH REALTOR pousiblities and. tie soking Chefoh -- 10 per cont addione iii cater for' weddin e 9s, banquets, etc charge H not paid within 7 days ic accommodate 150: Also rooms and} guarantee and Park road south, | as fat Extra large lot. Beautifu price is only $14,200. Call seven rooms with attached 728-7377 us teday and we will be very oe 24 a eS eS ert meals. 728-1297 or 723-8521. | «courses are good -- over 260 garage, elegont rec, room, pleased to arrange a personal with natural stone fireplace. 833 Simcoe St. South inspection of this reasonably words abbreviati ints | | pe ae rece. cane toneer pool Dentistry -- Engineering, Electronics WEAVY "HUTT, dadble oven ands ia.| Jext to United Cigar Store | and Commercial -- send for |Large sturdy chrome set, $35. Apply 489| 4 | | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | STANZS | BIALEK, DR. C. B. -- Dental Surgeon,| f.41) details FREE to-day -- | Park Ra. S. dial 725-2031 being RTHS -- DEATHS -- 112. Simeoe St North, Osh NoTI pet are sg ly Res. 73441" | . No salesmen will call, Cana- |ON STRIKE? Your ctedit's good! Con-| | Sh : R 1: i tact Honest Cal's Furniture, No payment | "This & That' Sharpening & Rental Ltd. See this today and you won't priced property. dian Institute of Science & [ir'two months. Then Interest' cic. 424) Dressmaking | Technology, 355 Garden City {king West, 728-9191 223 King St. West, Oshawa be sorry. $800 DOWN KINGSDALE CRESCENT IN WMEMORIAMS DRESSMAKING -- Aji kinds of iadies'| Building, 263 Adelaide St. |CHRistMAS TREES, sold by Ponte sal 'oom low $2.00 for the first 35 words and 8¢ jwear. High quality work, Call Agnes W., Toronto. lyouth group. Ist clas - aeich Pine gph P N i 2 MOHAWK STREET Neat 4 bu 1 with 3 9 , Broadloom each thereafter, plus 12¢ per line Of | Dressmaking, 668-8463, Whitby, : _ -- delivery, Whitby or Oshawa. Brock Street| VW/ater Soft Salt Loe on 2 h low taxes and easy sites. roa and tile throughs MONEY BACK GUARANTEE -- CIST.|y, next to Canadian Tire, Call Most attractive 6 room rane Joe Crawford 723.10 out is one of the many, fea» tures this 3 bedroom stone verse 25 additional charge H nol |DpessiMaKING -- suit is, dres : , paid within 7 er alterations, slip ers, Graces: Fitting rg rs eroleca oes Ener) 4 Ice Salt Taping, Weddings recorded, | with breezeway ard attached CARDS OF THAN & speciality Mrs. Toms, Whitby 668-2372 Commercial. Send for your free 100-/BATH TUB and basin with taps, all in| tape recorders, record play- | garage, finished ret. room, | bungolow, with pis ar a oe ; i P rie F J . 1 attached. gar- $2.00 for the, Stet th dee adelnonel [LOOK SMARTI All Kinds of aressmaklng|page copy of 'Career Opportunities' to-\9o0d shape, Apply 102 Nassau or Tele-| Snow Shovels ers, projectors, M.C, work built-in stove and oven, fire- STORE AND APARTMENT ° a ie each thereafter, with 25 add' No salesmen will call. Canadian| phone 725-4406 | , Proj , ' ' age, has to offer, This home charge If not aus within 7 days -- |Sfd alterations. Telephone 725-1944 Tnviitute Of Belanes and. Technélogy, 645] | Bird Feed P.A. systems, Mobile P.A place, beautifully lendscaped Modern store ond six room must be sold, and the low SPio per Inch (Dlaplay) $1.50 for the mending be gh gg ay coy sani City Cuma, 263: Agsiaide Street bon hd Brag fet the Cem oe ee broadcasting, bockground lot with flagstone patio and opertment. Good variety asking price is only $13,900. $2.10 por Inch (Display) $1.20 for the thes rata Fo Me cenanaiye: Reason! West., Toronté sth | PRED : | Wild Bird Feed music, dances, Hi-Fi Equip- Huldstone apie pore 2 ean pon pee % FAMILY HOME (Word Ads) 23. eS BELL AND HOWELL & mm Brownie) meént. separate and public schools. pop area, AUCTION SALES a i mE se --|TY- Radio Repairs _____|movie camera with 560 watt lights and| Purity Dog Meal ARAN, AGSOCIATES Phone for appointment to in- Gibbens 723-9750. This 1% st h ; $2.10 per inch per Insertion iardening and Supplies | sereén, New condition, $125. Cali 728-4250 GUDGEON ASSOCIATES spect 72 storey home, in DEADLINES TREE fp Wren? Call "Sli". Or cit them TV TOWERS VACUUM reppirs, all, makes, hose, Purina Dog Feeds SOUND EQUIPMENT : NEW $1500 DOWN immaculate condition, in the Nes. 725-511 728-0610, | es, @ 1 delive 2 A rth-east area, features pav- 1D ADs Free estimates. 725-5118 or 728-06 Fleming Vaccum Service, Main Stree | Master Diet 723-5121 TWO STORES FOR RENT Héllywood kitchen - Built-in éd driveway, storms 'ca . day previous | Pickering, | Choice. downtown location, stove and oven -- Three nice : tosr AND FOUND. ie Instruction = wt ia THREE ROOMS of furnituré, $298.50, No | Matter Dog Meats Brides, Bridesmaids, gowns, also downtown ground floor bedrooms. Possession 6n op. et or eee rece 9 am. y public: lown payment, $14. monthly, at Honest ' <f s ' rea eg Ae ga LEARN TO DRIVE anes Cars, doa King West, Tanai, Est. 1909 mink 'stolet, white fox furs, | pieSeasece & Store reevor- | -proval. Marty Moyle) 723+ | the 'children. Excellent Gn publication Priced to suit your budget WE BUY, sell and exchange vied juFil Alien er aay winaslb, Gole rent 4270 ancing is available on this of CiaseiFied. "oIse: at the i Bor cent fy 1 oalumn -- 4 p.m. bead preview Oshawa Driving School TERMS ARRANGED Abd Fale ty I ig A gay PU a Streat tobles, ¢hdirs, church run- CENTRAL PARK BLVD. 14 Oritective buy. 2 ae © tree 0A bla far $ dard South, 723-1671 hers G gs at previous reasonable rates, stondar AWA TV sade : 7 room split level plus built. Owner transferred LESLIE STREET, AND rty dress n your CANCELLATIONS and automatic cars OSH : WE ARE CLEARING pa ty ates aa 16 Celina Street SARGEANT'S RENTALS in gorage, (3 large bedrooms chance to get this spotless For anybody who is looking CORRECTIONS Dratessierol lata formal dresses, trom ; 9 a.m. day of publication essional instructors, Sargeant's, 463 Ritson Road South, 725 723- 1139 463 Ritson S 25-3338 and den or 4th bedr6éom , él- three bedroom bungalow at for 4 two bedroom hom i e, BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0c 728-0091 SUPPLY LIMITED | 3338 h Willi every eriieuvor. will be mnaue : a i ectric heat, extra 2-pe, Wash- $1,000 under today's re- ; fo forward replies to box numbers. 10 OSHAWA AND WHITBY 361 GIBBONS ST. MODERN chesterfi¢id; 'brown, sola. and| ee CHAIRS, hospital beds, Welker | room, close to schools, bus, placement value. Fred May iiopl he : Lees ot hi Mog piss Eckel mothe tg Mae ar gl sara ent -- 728- 8] 80. atyec, 21 inch Clecttonorre blond. tale Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644. | etc. Only sphatey: down, 728-0035. cid eh pes Poreeict ps ihn -- vision; Underwood portable typewriter You're in Valley Creek Futhis |HALL AVAILABLE for privaté panies) bOlOnce on one N.H.A, -- : 2 $500 WINTER BONUS $12,000.00 and carries for loss or damage alleged to érise 1 Ne | riv Cc like fi 728-1203 Yo through either failure or delay in for Whi tby Driving S Kool ike few, | "tune: where Shby paly the meet, ganas, banquets, etc. seating capacity . 644% mortgage, tae eee warding such replies, however caused ;: TERH 0 - AMPLIFIER With reverb, and ¢ ji A) whether by negligence or otherwise, J, A. OSTERHOUT--Owner Gibson Falcon, like new, Telophone whit.| sell the ch@dpest. When sell- | Fides. Little Buckaroo Ranch, 725-9787, | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Homes in all sections of the age, separate dining room ore oie oles ~ greg for Dual Controlled Cars by, 666-2280 between 12 and 4.30 p.m. | ing- or buying used furniture |ENFERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundred city that qualify for the win- ond is' oil heated, : repiles unca ¥' poerel Courteous Service," SEWING machine, special. New pares | and oppliances phone 728- Fa di Oshawa Tennis Club for ban: i left --- 5% room bun- ter . Ae Sally Wallace 725- ic i hi id inet, Y wets, parties, weddings, anniversaries j ey ig REGULATIONS ully licensed and Insured, : Eine denier, Oshawa Sewing Centre, | 4401 or come to the store. [Pacilities, bar, Kitchen," parking, Rea see Snel vice Hohe cats OSHAWA EAST The Oshawa Times wili not be re DIAL 668-4176 and Antenna Repair Simcoe Street South. 728-2391 16% Bond W. sonable rates. 723-2140. me a He Mie ot. "'rotly- NORTH EAST This well kept bungalow with a ee SENSOR 5 pce gt sroice hacia tan 1010 Dundas E. , Whitby |REFRIGERATOR, (large); bedroom|ON STRIKE against high prices! Tre-| TELEVISIONS and sewing machines, We| 00d Kitchen, storms, screens, s attached garage is close to sponsible TRIO drapes, dinette set, bedroom rugs, picnic|Mendous savings. All merchandise dras-jrent at reasonable rates) Hones} Cal's,| vanity, tiled bath. A real Custom built resale 3. bed- public school, and a three writing, not for more than one inser- |i Tian Mac MARSH, a a bancm tically slas Oa table, various other articles, Must' sell,|tically slashed Special discounts to GM|424 King West. 728-191. js gem with only $2400 down, room nga i in Wile chats tor wnale Wooere School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Pre Apply 205 Clemence Avenue or call enero Wilson Furniture, 20 Church! CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church Balance on ons N H.A. mort Pras bungaiow with at- prinute enk te city Bae ae pr School, Kinderdance, Fridays, Saturdays Whitby, 668-8905. ail jaisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 4i gage ohne ere saareee end nice lot. ee : age. Located just off Adelaide East | and comfortable and the tion of the advertisement in which | e, F D | The shewe Th the right eeenle Rallis -- Peer onnneninn TELEVISION DOUBLE pedestal oak desk, ma asonite Ay Tce oan ts Call Soe Street North. Call 723. eserves the r HR TREES ig The Oshawa Times r 9 joad lots ancr 14--Business Opportunities| OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE only $16,500 with terms. taxes ore only $174.00. top, filing drawer. Perfect condition, only ete to classify isovertising according to. |Money To Loan $55. Telephone 725-9478 : 9--Market Basket 4 S$ Proper classificati PAYMENTS Hic e iit rke in the case of display advertisements PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? if you have) 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA |BAUER skates, new and Used, 900d a geket Dial 728-4678 COMMERCIAL CORNER RENTAL The Times will not be held respon- sg cr ' g ha A hongthd th pooadltng jprices, terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 APPLES, second 'grade Macs $1, second FRA NCH ISE : A A sible for more space than than in | cut. payments in ae Hague poe at 728- 5143 | |Bond Street West, grade Spys $1.75. Algoma Orchards. Eight room home with 110 Office for rent on Pearson which the actual error occuples. The log Toro 'ars purpo' ele , aan? S winter coal, tuxedo nd leather| Thickson Road North, Whitby, ey OPPORTUNITY Joe Maga Ken Hann ft. frontage on, Simcoe Street Street. Suitable for Real pears Ge ih ade oh me ae a i - _ avn ae ae gaia? Boy's sult, Site) WHITE GEESE (live) tor sale, For in- Bob Johnston $15,000 with terms. Estate or other office work, at , | ti y 0507, : formation, Whitby 668-3842, Everett ack i sume no liability of advertisment it |Mortgages TV SERVICE TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL! a@fi.|Faber, Anderson Street North, % mile) 1. Want to.be your own boss? Jack Osborne Dick Barriage NORTH END gable and ready 'or immediate occupaency, ----_ DAY OR EVENING structure, including all-channel antenna,|notth of Highway 2 2. Want to own business? MEMBER O.D,R.E.B Any. advertisement cancelled betore M RTGAC F installed, guaranteed, by experts, 10) ORDERS for freezers. Roasting chickens. . a0 ieee ed td pac hate _| Tidy 3 bedroom bungalow Rental is $75.00 per month, publication will be charged one day's 728-5286 Cet re Tn {4b 1.25. Delivery on 10 or more.| 3. at parttime in full time with recreation room. 11% ond has a parking area for | 2 H5 143 : - alaphone ab 5291, lusINneSS, : 7 | Ghaiie <ciaas ae oy nye LIFETIME PENSION years old. Located on Som- four cars, IVS EASY TO PLACEA--- LOANS OSHAWA bord lp tia gl ero meee BEEF -- pork, | berneaied and! 4, Want to earn $8,000 a APARTMENT BLDG merville Street. In tip-top TIMES ACTION WANT AD | ELECTRONICS . cent to 40 per cent off! Large selection! pithiess- cheeia: "sanas | scenes) year and not sell a thing f condition. ' MORTGAGE lome urn Call. Classified Direct Moneys for first mortgages Easy terms! Barons' INS) truit (fresh and citrus); honey; cut flow. $800. capital required terest af 7% [cit¥ TV TOWERS, antennas, Also ré-| 424 Simcoe south. ers and plants af Tri-County Farmers of : Your chance to own this 14 3 723-3492 Interest at 7% |pairs. All work guarnateed, $11 Dean! {HEAL GIFT! Saves work. money, Alds| Market, 1275. Simeoe Street Worth every ond 3 to 4 hours per week suite,, all 2 bedroom, 4% A member of Oshawa and ARRANGEMENTS Open Mortgages JAvenue. Telephone 725-0500 _-- | cleaning, washing, ,Beauty Free. trial ey noon to 8 p.m. and Saturday, to stort. room, brick building. Only 5 District Real Estate Board. INDEX TO No Bonus |Well Drilling--Digging -- Bi saat eae cited a i MSE a For full information years old. Fully equipped and Can be made through our CLASSIFICATIONS No charge for valuations WELL DIGGING iby machine specializing | |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture | 10--Farmer 8 Column occupied, Shows terrific re- office' where necessary, Mortgages and Agreements for the purchase of most Ward, 204 Chestnut/and appliances. One location' only. Pretty 14 YORKSHIRE i turns, Hot water heated. Very ' Bb etlees t i IF t 44 Si uth, 3971 pigs, eight weeks old : Ba oe RE ell purchased reer See win. eR eee cee meats aoa! ET SlMphOne T2EINGS - reasonably priced with low of the above properties. ; |GUNS -- Bought, sold. Traded. Repaired| y ' --~ 3--Sportsman's Column Moneys for second mortgag | 1--Women' s 'Column t Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West Beat ont il "Bock picked Enterprises Ltd ie payment. For details until 9 p mM OPEN DAILY § Td. Q oll. 4--Huntin sob eledi Fost service PROFESSIONAL told wave, tint, ete In| eo Ty th Telephone collect Hampton, ra hslvaly nee your own home by licensed hairdresser.|TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupli i Licence 33-C-6 p ACK APPLEBY : fe Fe aeen ned Barter M. F. SWARTZ IPhone Whilby. 668-4146 for spoointments, |cators, cheave | writers, comptometers,| T. O. McGUIRE JAC B fine traditional 9 A.M. TO9 P.M : ; ail, rent, ser ee .M. .M, 8--Articles oa ale 26% King St. F t | PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- lee Latyest "stock, budget (Se New| WW Pets and Livestock | 728-5123 723-3398 Rees piped 2 g >t Eas jdressing, 396 Pine Avenue, Telephone) ang. used. Low overhead, low price, Billi BEAUTIFUL Egyptian Tabby cat, six 728-4605 H O M E iS Jean Peacock 725-4330 Fa plumn Oshawa, Ontario 1725-536: ee Hamilton, Ragian jmonths old, female, $2. Ideal gift. Call) |BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED - a 1--Pets and Livestock od E t Muell 728-0208 12--Articles Wonted |22" HEAVY DUTY range, Moffat, good |Gai-Lee Cattery, 728-9609 |LARGE cement-biock building with fiv - terrence 3 d 4 BEDROOMS mes ueller 12---Articles Wonted | 723-4697 2--Personal _ |eonaiton $50) suite DUAR Wah Meet TWO GRADE Grinie chinGaice jas, \f0om up-fodate living quarters on 70 By an \ Wolter P. Mittler 728-7083 1k nines Dpporiuitise se -- jose, $20. Apply 228 Verdun Roadjblack and yellow, registered, a Puppies | ol gg ORF bad any ise oe garni OPEN HOUSE DAILY , TREE Edith Gifford 728-0768 15-----Employment Senet Mort aqe M |- Removal of superfluous hoir 7 1716, after 5. ed, reasonable, Will hold for Xmas. Tele-| oy @urkahs: aw. Geunuavinent or tune HARMONY VILLAGE REES on every lot Nick Siblock 725-5701 16--Agents jst gg gag oney > Murduff. will be in {CHOICE pruned Scotch pine Christmas AW ihe vat _-- | exchange for house or apartment. build- 7 NEW EXCITING MODELS built by Robert McEwan Ltd. L. S. Lafoy 655-3821 --_ e rv . ba x trees, it and piled elepho Bowm NUSUA Bi 1 + 728-8876 . ee ee eerie Aw Available ) a, Jeh: 11 ath, vile ame retbit House pets Ghrstines: aeiieary: woe oer -| From $900.00 down or trade sold by Olive Howe Realtor Kenneth C, Toms 723-1121 laeoeei | | and 13th. Phone Genosha |wew AND USED" TV's and appiiances,|*1. 952048 --.| 17---Femele Help Wanted |. some: ready to move into | arion st, WHITBY | Rev Tlintof -- 725qddS4 S)a.Farme for Sole Low Interest Hotel. on these dates for ap- |General. Electric and Phillips, Wayne's, |FLUFFY white Samoyed puppiés, f€-) 4QUSEKEEPER = middie-aged, for one| Harmony Road South, East of Z Leon Manitius 728-2754 7# Simeoe North. Telephone 723-1411 Seven weeks old, temporafy 1N-/sentieman, Live In, Apply 149 Wilson| Donevan Collegiate' (Florell 688-8981 Steve Englert 728-5581 22--Lots for Sole Matitinrs Optaite pointm Hons, '| 53--Reol Estate Wanted nb nt 680 x 19 WHITEWALL snow-treads, one lons, registered. Mother a ha a oad South | Drive). Lloyd Corson 723-2537 ktates, Off ind St Mortgage Associat E '@ ¢ bai : |pion Will hold until Christmas, Telep poe Se tames tor heh ee LECTROLYS rs Psiine er msasar Se TelePhone) 725.6030 RELIABLE PERSON 13 stay overnight FRASER BELL BUILDER Lucas Peacock 725-4330 82 fay e " en _ with three school boys from 11-7 a.m. for isle cin psec * Boe eee te kant Rent SUMMERLAND. as _|A THORO gas dryer, aiso washing ma [BEAUTIFUL, baby budaes, ready | for! approximately one month. Transporta-|$1,200, DOWN. Brick three-bedroom bun- R. A. Young 723-112) }chine. Telephone 942-3886. , a talking in, Pply I tion supplied. Telephone 648-2158 |galow with recreation room, Whitby only, For full particulars call 30--Automobiles for Sole structure. all-channel antenna, installed, nice clean home with friendly family and} APNE ESE , 31--Compoct Cars for Sole LIMITE ae (Enolish Tailor) $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibhons| Telephone 725-6826 after 5 p.m have private room, to look after two chil-/|SEVEN-ROOM income home, good con- GUIDE REALTY ySF OHOF Street, 728-8180. CHIHUAHUA BUDDY: | biack, female, fourjdren and take charge of home. Mother at dition, sell with tenants if desired, close PRIVATE NHA resale 6 | per cent. 514 34--Automobile Repair é furniture onty - a ee 35--Lost and Found PRIVATE and corporate mor | i ndf s Alterations bedroom, living room, kit r POODLES, puppies, white miniature,|BROOKLIN -- Reliable lady to live' in|$1,000. DOWN, $105, 4 month including immer reduces heating costs. 3 bedrooms i] mort es Mort s 'and re d 36---Lega gag gages agree He isible Mending Pay only $3 weekly, Ur v ven weeks old, championship stock.|and mind three, children while mother|taxes, large seven-room house with .g led rec room and den. Carries for 28--Room and Board os |Broad, 114 Elgin East. . ° | 5 ae AO) come = /$105. per month. Cali Bill Johnston, 29---Wanted to Rent SECURITIES LEN PULLAN TV TOWERS SPECIAI 40-11. tower! +OY POODLES, white, male and female. RESPONSIBLE WOMAN who wants | ccnctield-Aker Lid. 728-1086, until 9 p. mM. $0 elites Wonted Tid Simcoe CUS TOM TAILORING q b Telephone 728-9538 aft 33--Autemopiles Wonter Oshawa, Ontorio . 725 R FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, n qual ty months old, paper trained, registered,!business. Mus' have references. Mrs.|to everything Telephone z after! room brick bungalow 6 years old. Forced 7 FOU I os atid PU Y excellent Biied: Telephone 728-6512. Sherman, 723-321) or 725-5494 5. p.m ot air oll heating. Efficient heat re- LTD 39--Aurtions of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan, ait : . Barons' Home Furnishings, 42 jill, hold for Christmas, Bay Ridges,| works. Private room. For further inforc|rage, on large corner lok Call Bob Jorn. 1697 monthly, PIT No agents, after 5 725 ' - ' ¥ 4 2 5 urnis 5, 0 1 i 4 # e -|rage, on a i vf 34--Coming Events Murdoch and Victor, (Ses "Barristers 10 PRINCE ST. ~ 72845311 I eoutn, 039-3863, mation, Dial 655-4816, ston, Metcalt Real Estate, 725-9365, 0380, Realtors, 723-1121 inser'

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