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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Dec 1964, p. 27

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CHRISTMAS TRIBUTES 1964 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointst my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will 'dwell in the house of the Lord He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. He maketh me to lie down in green Yea, though | walk through the valley of the shadow of death, | will fear no evil; for thou art with,.me~thy The Lord is my shepherd; | shall not want. pastures: He leadeth me beside the still A CHRISTMAS Bage oah de in memory of all members of Alcoholics Anonymous who were called by God to the group beyond. =A grateful AA member, ALLIN -- In loving memory of 4 dear husband and father, Edwin James Allin, who passed away Christmas Day, De cember 25, 1960. Christmas comes with sad regrets, It brings back the day we shall never forget, Whatever else we may fail to do We shali never fail to remember you. --Always missed, ever remembered, wife ima, daughter Donna. BAIRD -- A Christmas tribute to the memory. of my dear husband, Josi Baird, who passed away June 25, 1960. Love's greatest gift is remembrance. Lovingly remembered always. by his wife Luella. BRISEBOIS -- A Christmas tribute to a dear father, Edward Brisebois, who passed away July 23, 1945. --Thinking of you at Christmas, love irene. BURK -- A Christmas tribute to @ dear husband and father, Claude Burk, who passed away suddenly October 25 1956. What we would give if we could say, "Hello Dad" In the same old way. To heer your voice, see your smile, To sit with you and chat awhile. $0 you who have a father, cherish him with care, for you'll never know the heartache Till you see his vacant chair. --Sadly missed and ever remembered by the family. BURR -- A Christmas tribute of love for a dear mother, Roxanne Burr, who left us February 17, 1958, and a deer brother, Earl Thomas Burr, who passed eway March 6, 1955, also a dear sisters Mabel Burr, who passed away July 28, 1960. Time has swiftly passed away buf still we don't forget, For in the hearts thst loved you, Your memories linger yet. ~Sadiy missed by Bill, wite Kay and femily. CARNOCHAN -- In loving memory of ® dear husband and father, Donald Thomas Carnochan, who passed away August 18, 1961. He bade no one his inet f teoney He said goodbye 'The heavenly gates were cpanel, The things he used to say, We wonder why you had to die Without a chance fo say goodbye ~-Though out of sight, you're ever Still missed, loved, still ours; You will live with us in memory Until the end of time. -=Sadly missed by wife Mildred family. CLEVELAND -- A Christmas Tribute fn loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Theresa Cleveland, who passed away December 5, 1963. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. --€ver remembered by daughter Keitha, son-in-law Edward and granddaughter Margaret. CLEVELAND A Christmas Tribute tn loving memory of my dear wife, Theresa frene Cleveland, who passed away December 5, 1963. My lips cannot tell how | miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how | miss her Ina home that is lonesome today. --Ever remembered and sadly missed by husband. COLLARD -- A Christmas tribute in loving memory of our dear parents, Amy Janet, who passed away January 7, 1946, 'and Emil Harold who passed away November 15, 1960. While you, dear parents, rest in sieep, Your loving memory we'll always keep, --Lovingly remembered by the family. CRAGGS -- A Christmas tribute in loving memory of a dear nephew, Ragl- nald Craggs, who was killed in a car accident September 8, 1959. 1 think of him In silence, His name | off recall; There is nothing left to answer, But his picture on the wall. =Sadly missed by Aunt Jessie, Uncle Ted and family. waters. CROSSMAN -- Treasured memories of @ wonderful husband and father, Wil- liam Rae Crossman, who passed away dune 26, 1961. Tae a road they call "rememe brance,' Where thoughts and wishes meet, We take that road in thoughts today, To one we cannot meet Our tears of love can never wake himy Our memories sweet, can never dim, But we are reminded daily Of happy years we spent with him, God, give us grace and strength, Our faith and hope renew. For you will not return to us, But we will go to you No need for formal tribute For one who was so dear, Just a word of thanks, dear Lord, For the years that he was here --Sadly missed and always remember- ed by wife Lois, children Connie, Sharon, Gell and Arthur. DEHART -- A Christmas tribute in loving memory of a dear. husband and father, Ross Elmer, who passed away September 26, 1962. in our hearts you will always stay, Loved and remembered every day =Sadly missed and lovingly remembered ily, : by his wife and family DENYER -- A Christmas tribute to the memory of a dear Dad, Arthur Denyer, who passed away January % 1952. Christmas brings back memories, Of wonderful times we knew, A Family Day together For then, dear dad, we had you. Always remembered by the family, DENYER -- A Christmas tribute te the memory of a dear brother Brian, who passed away June 29, 1956 Those whom we love, go out of sight, But never out of mind; They are.cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind. Always remembered by the family, DERVENT -- A Christmas tribute to the memory of a dear husband and father Wallace R. (Walter) Dervent, who pass- ed away July 16, 1953. You were a loving husband, A pal so good and true, A better husband never lived, Your equals are but few. --Lovingly remembered by wife Mabel end family. DOVE -- A Chrisimas tribute in low Ing memory of a dear son, John Arthur Dove, who passed away on March 9, 1960, Lovingly remembered by Mother. FICE -- A Christmas tribute of love in memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Leta Alberta Fice, who passed away July 12, 1962. -- From son Lorne, okay in-law Lola end granddaughter Jod GAME -- A Christmas tribute to the memory of 4 dear father, Hugh Tor. rance, who passed away May 22, 1955, and a dear brother, John Torrance, whe passed away July 19, 1959. We often think of days gone by, When we were ali together, A shadow o'er our lives has cast, Our loved ones are gone forever. =Lovingly remembered by the family, GIBSON -- In loving memory of a dear sister, Tammy Lynn, who passed away December 26, 1959. Sweet little flower of heavenly birth, She was too fair to bloom on earth ~Lovingly _ remembered . by Kathy, Dougie and Sandra, GIBSON -- In loving memory of a dear daughter, Tammy Lynn, who passed away December 26, 1959 A bud the Gardener gave us, A pure and lovely child. He gave it to our keeping To cherish undefiled; And just as it was opening To the glory of the day, Down came the Heavenly Father And took our bud away Lovingly remembered by Mommie end Daddy. GIBSON -- A Christmas tribute in lov. Ing memory of our granddaughter, Tammy Gibson, who passed away De camber 26, 1959. She was only a little white rosebud, A sweet little flower from birth; God took her home to Heaven Before she was soiled on earth ~Lovingly remembered by Grandma and Grandpa Hewitt. GILBEY -- A Shristmas tribute to the memory of our dear father, Alfred G. H. Gilbey, who passed away October 10, 1953, and dear mother, Annie, who passed away November 6, ° 1954. ediehlog rest, grant unto them, Oh and Hag perpetual light shine upon apa remembered by daughter Margaret and family, ;: HARA In loving memory of « dear uncle, John Hara, who passed away December 24° 1963. A year has passed since that sad day When .one we loved, was called away God took him home, it was his will Within our hearts he liveth still, ~Alweys remembered by Anne, Johny end children, HENRY -- A Christmas tribute for @ loving mother, Annie Henry, who passed away July 17, 1960, and father, Herman Henry: who: passed away November 3, 951 The blessed memories we have Of them we'll always cherish, And count them tenderly each day Lest for lack of love, one perish ~Ever remembered by daughters Nellie end Helen. HOGG -- In loving memory of 4 dear wife and mother, Caroline Hogg, who passed away March 13, 1962, and a dear brother and son, Peter Hogg, who passed away December 6, 1941 Calm and peaceful they are sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved them sadly miss them, But trust in God to meet again. ~Husband and father Thomas, and fam fly, Janette, Kathleen and Elizabeth. HUNSDALE -- A Chrisimas Remen> brance of a dear father and grand- father, John Hunsdale, who passed away September 9, 19 Rest in peace, your labor ended, Never more will grief or pain Bow your head, or cause heartache, You are safe, where God doth reign --Always remembered by daughter Mary, son-in-law Neil and grandchildren, JACKSON -- In loving memory of ® dear mother, Alice Jackson, -who passed sway December 25, 1954. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. Ever remembered by the family. JENKINS -- In loving memory of ® dear mother and grandmother, Amy Emily Jenkins, who passed away Decem ber 15, 1961 Our hearts still ache with sadness, And secret tears stili flow, What it meant to lose her No one will ever know. She suffered much, Her pleasures few, She never deserved what she was put through. She stood the test, She stood it well. She left us quietly, her thoughts un- known, But left us @ memory We're proud to own, --Ever remembered and greatly missed by her daughter Marjorie, son - in - law Kevan, and grandchildren Marilyn, Doug- las and Robert Howe. KELLY. -- A Christmas tribute in love Ing memory of our dear mother and grandmother, May (Quigley) Kelly who passed away December 16, 1960. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true; There's not 4 day, dear Mother, That we do not think of you --Lovingly remembered by her husband William, sons, daughters and grand- children, KRANTZ -- A loving Christmas Tribute to the memory of a dear husband, Walter Krantz, who passed away August 23, 1963, Today we are thinking of you, For you are with us sfill-- We miss you this Christmas And we know we always will --E€ver remembered by wife Ella, grand- Gaughter Dariene and family. LA ROCQUE -- A Christmas tribute to our dear father and grandfather who passed away January 10, 1951, and our dear mother and grandmother who pass- ed away December 8, 1961. Your children are thinking of you, for you are with us still, We miss you, Mom and Dad, this Christmas, And we know we-always will. --Ever remembered by Ellen, Nick, Rony Doll and Kevin, LAVIOLETTE -- A Christ tribute to a dear friend, Leo Laviolétte, who passed away August 9, 1963. Just a thought of sweet remembrance, Jus! a memory, sad and true; Jus! the love and sweet devotion Of oné who thinks of you. ~Ever remembered by friend Flora, and family LINCE -- In loving memory of @ dear mother and grandmother, Agnes Lince, who passed away December 24, 1954, A silent thought, a secret fear, Keeps her memory ever dear Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf, Lovingly remembered by the family, LLOYD -- A Christmas tribute in love Ing memory of a dear husband, Daniel Ford Lioyd, who passed away July 13, 196! Nothing can ever take away, The love a heart holds dear; Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near Always remembered by wife Vera, sons Danny and Kenneth and families, MacKAY -- A Christmas tribute to the memory of 4 dear father and grand- -father, Allan MacKay, who passed away March 3, 19463 A tender chord of memory Is softly touched this Christmas Day, Loving thoughts of our dear father, Will never fade away ~Daughter Jean, son-in-law Chris and family. rod and thy staff they comfort me, MacKAY -- A Christmas tribute in loving. memory of a dear father and grandfather, Allan general? who passed away March 3, God gave us @ asin Dad, His memory will never grow old; He fashioned his smile out of sunshing, He moulded his heart of pure gold, He needed a new star in Heaven, A beautiful light fo shine, So out of this world of sorrow, He chose that wonderful Dad of mine, Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten. --Daughter Vi, son-in-law Tom and chil- dren Barbara, Tommy, Nancy and Wendy. MAIDMAN -- A loving Christmas Re- membrance of a dear husband, and father, Edward Charles Maidman, who passed away July 20, 1963. We often sit and think of him When we are ali alone; For memory is the only thing-- That grief can call its own. ~--Lovingly remembered and sadly miss ed by his wife Vera and family. MALLETTE -- In remembrance al Christmas of a dear mother and grand- mother, Winnifred Kyle Mallette, who passed away July 27, 1952. Her portrait in its silver frame The ravages of time may dim; But in our hearts she's the same, We'll hold bright memories for all time, ~Lovingly remembered by son Neil, daughter-in-law Mary and grandchildren, MASON -- In. loving memory of a dear mother, Elizabeth Mason, who passed away in May 1956; also brother Bill, who passed away in March, 1963. Sweet memories will linger forever; Time cannof change them, it's true; Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you. ~Lovingly remembered by Chris, Jean and family. McCABE -- A Christmas Tribugh to the memory of a dear mother, Cathérine Mc- Cabe, who passed away December 22, 1957. ~Ever remembered by daughter Lueila and family MCNALLY -- A Christmas tribute to @ dear father and mother, James and Sadie McNally, who passed away Janu- ary 15, 1956, and March 25, 1957 Dearest father, loving mother, How we miss your presence here; Christmas-time for those you cherished Has darkened since your passing, dears, Sadly missed by the family. McNALLY -- A Christmas tribute to & dear brother, Frank McNally, who pass- ed away July 12, 1962 What would we give to clasp his hand, His happy face to see; To hear his voice and see his smile, That. meant so much to us, Sadly missed by the family. METCALFE -- A Christmas tribute to a dear wife and loving mother, Mar- garet Metcalfe, who passed away Septem- ber 18, 1960. Ever remembered by husband Bill, daughters Rosemarie, Doris, son-in-law Leonard and George. . eee MIKICEL -- In loving memory of ® dear wife and mother who passsed away July 2, 1957 Your family is thinking of you, For you are with us still We miss you Mom -- this Christmas, And know we always will, --Lovingly, remembered by the 'Mikicel Family'. MORDEN -- A Ohristmas tribute to the memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Mildred Grace Morden, who passed away July 12, 1959. Time has swiftly passed away But still we don't forget, For in the hearts that loved you, Your memory lingers yet. ~--From Barrie, Joyce and grandchildren, Debbie, Brenda, Barbara and Kenny. MOREY ~ A Christmas tribute of love to our dear mother, Hilda May Moreye who passed away February 8, 1955. Though her smile is gone forever And her hand we cannot touch Still we have so many memories Of the one we loved so much. Her memory is our keepsake, With which we'll never part, God has her in His keeping We have her in our hearts. ~Lovingly remembered and sadly mise ed by Dale, Robert and Viola Jane, < MURRAY ~---A Christmas tribute to the memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather who passed away May le 1963 Farewell, dear. one, thy work is o'er, Thy willing hands will toll no more, A loving father, husband true, No one on earth--we'll find like you. Sadly missed by wife Winnifred, daugh- ters Bertie, Doris, Myrtle, son-in-law Jim and grandchildren NELSON -- A Christmas tribute to our dear mother 'and father, Marthe Nelson," who passed away May 7, 1944, and Lawrence Nelson, who passed away December 12 1959 Their memory is as dear this Christe mas As in the hour they passed away. --Ever.. remembered by daught Evelyn end Lilian, forever, OVENDEN -- A Christmas tribute te @ dear and loving mother and mother- in-law, Rose Ovenden, who passed away September 20. 1960. --Ever remembered by son Leonard and daughter-in-iaw Doris, PEARN -- A Christmas Tribute in lov: Ing memory of a dear father and grand- father, William Pearn, who passed away December 26, 1963. Just a beautiful memory of our Dad so dear, Dear God, take a message above, Tell him we miss him And give him our love. --Sadly missed and ever remembered by daughter Vimy, son-in-law Fred, son Bill, daughter-in-law Ann and grandchildren, PEARN -- In loving memory of a dear father, William Pearn, who passed away December 26, 1963 'Tis well he will suffer no more In the loved land of the blest, Pain fled as he trod heaven's shore; It leff him at peace and rest. --Ever remembered by son Reginald and daughter-in-law Margaret. PIKE -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Sidney T. Pike, who passed away June 21, 1963 Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days; Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory he left behind. ---Ever remembered and sadly missed by wife Irene and son Keith, PUCHALSKI -- A Christmas tribute to a dear father, Nick Puchalski, who pass- ed away on June 10, 1958, and mother, Alexandria Puchalski, who passed away December 28, 1961 A tender chord of memory Is softly touched this Christmas Day Loving thoughts of mother and father Will never fade away. --Loving son John, daughter-in-law Pau- lina, grandchildren William and Mare garet. RAYNOR -- A loving Christmas, re membrance to a dear father and grand- father, William Raynor, who passed away July 15, 1958. Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days; Sincere and true in his heart and Midd Beautiful memories he left behin Lovingly remembered by his lane Vera and grandchildren. REID -- A Christmas tribute in love ing memory of a dear brother, Andy P. Reid, who passed away seven years ago on December 25, 1957 Within: our store of memories, He holds a place apart; For no one else can ever be, More cherished in our hearts. ~Always remembered by brother Jimmy and Jenny Reid REID ~ In loving memory of my brother, Andrew, who passed away suddenly Christmas night 1957 1 mention your name | speak of you often God bless you Andrew You are not forgotten Peacefully sleeping, resting at last Life's weary trials and troubles are past. Always remembered by sister Betty. ROBERTS --- A Christmas tribute In memory of Gwendolyn Joan Roberts, who passed away February 2, 1963. Just when your life was brightest, Just when your years were best, You were called from this world of sorrow, To a home of eternal rest. --Lovingly remembered by Mom, Dad, end brother Ted. SAXBY -- A Christmas tribute to @ dear father and grandfather, William Saxby, who passed away August 1, 1962. Today, tomorrow, our whole lives ir " We shall always love and remember you, --Lovingly remembered by daughter, Christine, son-in-law Bob, grandchildren Gary and Sharon, SAXBY -- A Christmas tribute to @ dear husband, father and grandfather, William Saxby who passed away August 1, 1942 tomorrow, our whole life We shall. always love and remember you ~-Lovingly remembered by wife May, daughter Christine, son-in-law Bob, grand- children Gary and Sharon, SELLICK -- A loving Christmas trib- ute. of a dear brother, Sam H. Sellick, who passed away September 25, 1961, You're not forgo'ten, brother, dear, Nor ever shall you be, As long as life and memory last, We 'shall remember thee ~-Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by sister Marian and family SHEWCHUCK-- A tribute at Christmas fo 'the memory of a dear father and grandfather, Victor Shewchuk, who Passed away May 2, 1958. The rolling stream of life rolls on, But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice, the smile Of the one who once sat there. ~-Daughter Mary, son-in-law Kelly, and randchildren Patricia, David and 'obert. SIMPSON -- Cherished memories of my dear husband (Bob) who was called to rest February 26, 1959 A faithful husband, one of. the best May God grant him eternal rest. --Lovingly remembered by his wife Mrs, Ethel Simpson, SMITH -- A Christmas tribute in mem- ory of a dear mother and grandmother, Janet Smith, who passed away July 4 1961 Christmas memories are treasured ever, Of happy days when we were together. Lovingly remembered by son David, daughter-in-law Norma, grandchildren Joanne, Kevin and Kelley. ona ~ A Christmas tribute in loving 'y of our dear husband and father, Hugh ¢ 3. Smith who passed away March 2, 1961 also dear daughter and sister Mrs. Violet Bell who passed away March 6, 1960. ~Lovingly remembered by wife Edith and Family. ' SMITH -- A Christmas tribute of ® dear wife, mother and grandmohter, Mary Josephine, who passed away August 6, 1960. In our hearts you will always stay Loved and remembered every day. --Sadly missed by husband Ernie and family. SMITH -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Ernest Smith, whe passed away April 11, 1963. Fondly loved and deeply mourned Heart of my heart, | miss you so Often my darling my tears will flow Dimming your picture where'er | 9@ Tis sad but true, | will abide Until some day we'll be side by side. ~Lovingly remembered by wife Beatrice 'and family. STEVENSON -- A_ Christmas tribute In loving memory of a dear husband. and father, Thomas Stevenson, who passed away March 1, 1958. --Sadly missed at Christmas, lovingly remembered always by wife and family. TAYLOR -- In loving memory of a dear husband, Enos M. Taylor, who passed away March 1, 1955. --Lovingly remembered by his wife Hilda and family, TERWILLEGAR -- A Christmas tribute In. loving memory of a dear husband oe father, Archie Terwillegsr, who passed away 12 years ago December 17, 1952. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep His: memory we shall always keep. Always remembered by wife and fam Hy. TERWILLEGAR --In loving memory of our dear father and mother, sister and brother, who were called to rest John James, December 11, 1930; Lydia, Dec- ember 29, 1940; Archie, December 17, 1952 and Elva, October 2, 1947. When the roli is called up yonder We will meet our loved ones there. --Remembered by daughters, Mrs. R. Simpson, Mrs. G. Glover and Mrs, S$ Jackson, THOMPSON -- A Christmas tribute to psd memory of a dear father, Arthur fhompson, who passed away November 2 1941, and a dear mother, Sadie Thompson Carnochan, who passed away May 1, 1961. Gone dear parents, gone forever, How we miss your smiling face, But You left us to remember, None on earth can take your place. A happy home we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still, But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. --Sadly missed and ever remembered by Lois, Harry, Doris and Murray. THOMPSON -- A Christmas tribute to @ dear grandmother, Lily Maal who passed _ March 13, 1953. From two who never knew you But wil yAusind know of you With love from David and Christine, THOMPSON -- A Christmas tribute to @ loving mother, Lily Thompson, who passed away.March 13- 1953, Your loving son, Dave. THURSBY -- A Christmas tribute to & dear father and grandfather, George sc whe passed away December 24, 946, The rolling stream of life rolis on, But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice, the smile Of the one who once sat there. ~Lovingly remembered by daughter Helen, son-in-law Bud and grandchildren, THURSBY -- A tribute et Christmas fo the memory of a dear father and grandfather, George Thursby, who passed away December 24, 1946. Dear Dad, you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more, Still In memory you are with us, As you always were before. ~--Always remembered by daughter Irenty son-in-law John and grandchildren, THURSBY -- Treasured memories of @ loving husband and father, who left us suddenly on December 24, 1946. In the garder: of memories We meet every day. Lovingly remembered by wife, Ettle and sons, Reg., Clarence and Mervyn, TORRANCE -- A Christmas tribute to the memory of a dear father, Hugh Tor- rance, who passed away May 22, 1953 and a dear brother, John Torrance, who passed away July 19, 1959. We often think of days gone by When we were all together. A shadow o'er our lives has cast. Our loved ones are gone forever Lovingly remembered by the family, WALKER--In loving memory of Hel: who passed away December 24, 1962, Ever remembered by the family, WALLACE -- A Christmas tribute to the memory of our beloved son, Billy Wallace, who passed away December 22, 56. There's a mother and father who miss you sadly, And find the time long since you went, And we think of you daily and hourly But try to be brave and content. But the tears we shed are in silence, And we breathe a sigh of regret, For 'you were ours and we remember, Though all the world may forget. ~--Dearly loved and always remembered by Mom and Dad. WELSH -- Jn memory of a loving wife @nd mother, Nettie Victoria Welsh, whe passed away May 1, 1960. A little 'tribute, true and tender Just to show -- We still remember. ~--Always remembered. by Bill, Erma, Jean and Ed. WELSH --A Christmas Tribute in love Ing memory of my dear dad, Garfield K Welsh, who passed away May 11, 1964, God saw you getting weary, So did what He thought best, He came and stood beside you, And whispered "Come and rest". You wished no one a last farewell, Not even said goodbye, You had gone before we knew it And God only: knows why. ~Sadly and lovingly missed by daughter Leona, son-in-law Dan and family. WHITE -- In treasured memory of our dear brother, Ted White, who pass- ed away at his London, England, resk dence. "At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will. remember him.' Sadly missed by Mrs, Roland Fleming, Oshawa; Mrs. William McLean, Picton, WILBUR -- A Christmas tribute of love to my dear father and grandfather, rison Wilbur, who passed away January 27, 1948, --Always ences by daughter Peggy @nd grandson Barry. YARMOLA -- A Christmas tribute in loving memory of a dear mother, Annie Yarmola, February 12, 1945; dear father, John Yarmola, November 19, 1963; Caro- line Labanovich, December 19, 1958, and la Lena Vaselesky, September 7, --Ever remembered by Walter, An Charles, John and Bill. nme ZILINSKY -- A Christmas tribute In loving memory of a dear husband, Ray- mond Alexander Zilinsky, who passed away January. 12, 1963, Pear A missed and too dearly loved ever to be forgotten by wife Lillian, ZUFELT -- A Christmas tribute in lov. ing memory of a dear husband, Willie Zufell, who passed away May 12, 1961, | lost a husband with a heart of gold, Who was more to me than wealth untold; Without farewell, he fell asleep, With only memories for me to keep, | treasure still, with love sincere, Beautiful memories of one so dear, ~Always missed by wife Rose, In Loving Memory of Our Departed Sisters Kay Melnychuk--Dec, 1956 Mina Wilson -- June 196] Nora Chappell -- Oct. 1962 Viola Magee -- Dec. .1962 They are ever in our hearts, "Ladies' Auxiliary" The Tannery Local 205

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