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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Dec 1964, p. 3

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area following a 24 - inch snowfall during a 20 - hour period. Southern Onatrio can look forward to colder wea- fall on record. Scenes _ like this are commonplace - on many highways in the Sydney Cape Bretoners will cele- brate Christmas buried under the heaviest December snow- ther for Christmas Day with little hope of a snowfall to replace the rain. --CP Wirephoto MONTREAL (CP)--The walk- lout that shut down Montreal's largest daily newspaper for a record 202 days has ended. The 1,250-odd employees of La Presse are to return to work Monday and publication is to resume a week later, Jan. 4, if equipment can be placed in op- erating order that soon. 'An inspection is to be carried out today to see whether the Jan. 4 deadline can be met. If Strike At Newspaper Ends After 202 Days Provisions of the ITU con- tract were reported to be about the same as for other unions, mainly affiliates of the Quebec- based Confederation of National \Trade Unions, who agreed on contract terms with the paper Dec. 10. : They included wage increases of three per cent in 1965, an- other three per cent in 1966 and 4% per cent in 1967, Basic pay scales were not disclosed. it is, the p of p tion because of the walkout will have lasted 214 days.. ' The longest previous strike shutdown in the labor history of North American metropolitan newspapers lasted 131 days. It ended last Nov. 21 when De- troit's two daily newspapers, the evening News and the morn- cation after a pressmen's union strike. A 129-day walkout against the major U.S. newspapers. CONTRACTS SIGNED The walkout at La Presse, ing Free Press, resumed publi- Cleveland Plain Dealer and the Cleveland Press in 1961-62 was the next longest shutdown of Woman Is Killed At Slaughterhouse QUEBEC (CP)--A 30-year- old woman was. stabbed to death late Wednesday during a Christmas party being held for employees of a chicken slaugh- terhouse. 2 The woman, Mrs. Roland Cloutier, was stabbed in the side and died in hospital Wed- nesday night. Police said they epee abe Se ge o sgt Goa THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 24,1964 9 i A spokesman for the typogra- phers said, however, that a number of conditions remain to be ironed out in the ITU con- tract and these will be settled after the return to work. The conditions included ITU jurisdiction over bundling and counting of newspapers coming off the presses and pasted lay- outs of the Saturday roto- gravure section. The journalists, among' the CNTU affiliates, negotiated clauses providing for "freedom Foreign Missions Are Established OTTAWA (CP)--The external affairs department said Wed- nesday that diplomatic rela- tions have been established with Malta, South Korea and Jordan, At the same time establish- ment of a Korean embassy un- der Charge d'Affairs Yi ham Hahm was announced that country's capital. Gordon Gale Crean, 50, of Toronto, how ambas- sador to Italy, is to be accred-| ited as the first Canadian high commissioner to Malta. Richard Plant Bower, 59, now . INQUIRE ABOUT YOUR FREE TURKEY of expression'"' in their contract. A CNTU official said these would prevent "'ideological in- fluence" by management over news content. The printers' contract in- cluded 36 weeks of further em- ployment for senior printers after notice of layoffs caused by such innovations as com- puters in the composing room. The walkout at La Presse was the second in the newspa- per's history. Journalists con- were holding a man as a ma- terial witness. ducted a 13-day strike in Oc- tober, 1958. Foresters Entitles You to 165 HILLCREST DR. YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN The Canadian Order of Life Insurance Program Fraternal and Social Activities For Further Information Contact: DUNCAN LOWDEN DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE WHITBY 668-4381 largest French-language daily in North America with 256,000 US. Expected Withold ---- sso'tnatsccr'sim cr tracts with four employees' un- WEATHER FORECAST Quebec Still Dry Colder On Friday yew Aid For Viet Nam 28 28 28 28 32 35 25 25 20 15 15 15 Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Friday: Windsor .......... 25 tive. ing. government. ing to achieve Taylor's recall. the way they want. In Washington, a temporary setback in long search for an effective government in South Viet Nam. The United States appeared to be pinning slender hopes on action by civilian premier Tran Van Huong, whom the young generals left in office when they arrested most of the legis- lative council and other politi- cians last Sunday. COSTLY TOSS SHELTON, England (CP)--A tennis ball thrown on the roof of the Staffordshire church of St. Mark's caused £25,000 dam- age. Builders discovered that the main drain pipe had been blocked so that water over- flowed and caused the church's timber beams to rot. was reported to be an objec- In other quarters, talks be- tween workers of a Saigon transport union and their em- ployers collapsed and the mil- itary was reported to be plan- ning to step in and take over the transport organization. La- bor observers feared this would spark a general strike and riot- + Lt.-Gen. Nguyen Khanh, the commander of the South Viet- Namese armed f2rces, who holds undisputed control over his officers, gave no indication that he planned to acquiesce to U.S. demands that the military end interference in the civilian U.S. policy - makers in Sai- gon want Khanh to step down and Khanh was clearly work- U.S. officials contend that the generals have been unwilling to assume the responsibilities of government but insist on the right to overturn the govern- ment when things do not go sources in President Johnson's administra- tion voiced hope that the semi- coup by Khanh's young gener- als would turn out to be only the ions Wednesday. signed today, involve ployees and photoengravers. Among the unions Remaining contracts, to be unions representing newspaper trades, including pressmen and ad- dressers, building service em- which signed Wednesday was the In- ternational Typographical Un- ion (CLC), whose 300 members went on strike June 3 over auto- mation and other issues. La Presse has not published since. Signing with them Wednesday were unions representing jour- nalists, office employees and an AFL-CIO affiliate of shippers. MONTREAL (CP) -- Grocery stores continued to do a thriv- ing business in beer sales across Quebec today as a Que- bec liquor board strike con- tinued and appeared likely to be maintainde through the New Year holiday. Liquor board employees, on strike since Dec. 5 Wednesday night, rejected unanimously a call by management to return to work immediately and then continue negotiations towards Man Charged Rape-slaying Social Register. Miss Bradley, Moonachie, N.J., ers of the Ballantine Brewery, but sold his interests after the First.Werld War. bed Tuesday at the West 85th Street rooming house she called | NEW YORK (AP) -- A 22 - year-old unemployed mechanic was charged today with the rape-slaying of Miss Felice Bradley, who lived in a $10-a- week furnished room in a ra- cially mixed Manhattan room- ing house although listed in the 37, was the daughter of the late Robert Ballantine Bradley, who had owned a chemical company in before his death 11 years ago. Her grand- father had been one of the own- The vittim was found nude in their first labor contract. Negotiations between the board and the Confederation of National Trade Unions affiliate representing the employ ees were interrupted last Monday and appeared unlikely to re- sume before next Monday. Union spokesmen have said the $57-a-week minimum wage Except For Beer special campaign against illicit liquor-carrying. So far only one man has been convicted of possession. He was arrested for speeding and po- lice discovered 86 bottles of Ontario - purchased liquor in his car. Colonial Restaurant WILL BE OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DAY DINNER ROAST TURKEY 10 Bond West 723-6021 Santa of the employees is " dal ously low." There are some 3;200 persons on strike. Wages and working conditions are in- volved in the dispute. While liquor cannot be pur- chased legally in Quebec, neigh- boring Ontario liquor board stores were reported faced with block-long lineups, mainly of Quebecers, purchasing holiday supplies. Director - General Josaphat Brunet of the Quebec Provin- cial Police said his force is too busy with other big problems like highway traffic to concen- trate all its resources on a Save On PREMIUM QUALITY STOVE OIL PHONE 668-3341 DX OIL OPEN TILL 9 P.M. TONIGHT FOR THE LAST-MINUTE SHOPPER GLAZIER' 498 SIMCOE SOUTH Across from Simece. South School home. An autopsy Wednesday determined she had been raped and strangled. Early today, Robert Sims, 22, who also lived there, was ahother woman 12 days ago. Miss Bradley's mother said her daughter didn't work but lived on a monthly allowance from her father's estate. The mother said she had no idea why Miss Bradley moved into the furnished room three years ago. crashed between two houses) * ' Sn owflurries i ) e le? MALCOLM W. BROWNE TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|Hamilton ..... a jthe United States nor South issued by the weather office at/St. Catharines.. Wied eve military lead ers I. ' A Synopsis: Colder weather is|Peterboroug jin their showdown over mil- expected to move into Southern/Trenton ..... itary interference in South Viet | snowflurries especially in snow-|Killaloe ... | On the U.S, side, informed belt areas near Lake Huron|Muskoka . jsources said that the United Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,|Sudbury . jimportant new aid expected in Niagara, Lake Ontario, Lake|Earlton Saigon for the South Vietna- Haliburton, Killaloe, Windsor,/Kapuskasing . 0 |month unless the crisis is London, Hamilton, Toronto:|Moosonee . 0 |settled within a few days. snowflurries, Winds northwest-) namese side said the defiant erly 20. | DEATHS officers were considering an goma, North Bay, Sudbury: might include street demon- Mostly cloudy and colder. Wind) By THE CANADIAN PRESS jstrations. The removal of U.S. Timagami, Cochrane, : a River: isang and colder with othy Masters, 54, movie critic James Bay: Cloudy for 19 years; of a heart attack. Bomber and colder. Winds northerly 20.| Quebec -- P. Sars Quinn, 52, den Paper Company and an E lod amateur hockey star in the) X es | DEBARY, Fla. (AP)--A U.S. London--Frank Buckley, 82,/navy twin-jet bomber exploded crashed into a quiet residential Wingham .....++. hampton Wanderers. ctraat with a ramen Goo destroyed two homes and dam- aged others hundreds of feet The pilot, Cmdr. Cornelius V. Ke t Mi | I C d |Nolta Jr., father of six, para- p Inua n ana a killed. The bombardier - navi- : f gator, Lieut. Paul Stokes, 5 OTTAWA (CP)--Onofrio Min- pay ite grees yo tth \Ris appeal, but recommended ajlast-minute bail-out. years ite|stay of proceedings and a re-| But only on r the deportation order on the rec- "on eae |Statement continues. |badly burned when flaming fuel board of immigrations appeals,,) The immigration department|from the shattered plane en- blay said in a statement Wed-|stay for six months of proba-| "The crew rode with it to the nesday night. \tion, When no new unfavorable|last minute to clear the ada twice from. Havana, was|end of that period. he was given|Officer at Sanford Naval Air deported to Italy March 11,/4 further Teoanath deferment, |Station where the plane was Two New. Democrat MPs,|nadian citizen. new investiga-|Plosion made the plane impos- Reid Scott (Toronto Danforth)|tions were contacted to explore sible to control. Greenwood) asked Prime Min-|pefore executing t ta- ; ister Pearson Monday for altion order ing the deporta:| 'The reconnaissance bomber| Minaudo, described by U.S. rene ' Aes |Guy Favreau became immigra-|and 5 feet deep. It disinte- authorities as a Mafia lieuten-|sion minister April 22, 1963, he|grated, with not a piece over includes convictions for mur- ' study of the case due to the| The burned man was Nils der, armed robbery and break-| soriousness of allegation s\Liungberg, a mewly-wed who In a brief statement outlining ; a i i | Minaudo's efforts to stay in|. The file on the official inves- te gpl gh alg was at) tigation then under way was not iP, SEES Ores, awRy: Minaudo entered Canada the|@Vailable to him until late 1963,), .) to M G second time at Toronto's Mal-|2"d he then made up his mind| beronge' vee bp applied for permission to stay, Mr. Tremblay, who became to hospital in good condition. Dec. 6, 1960. An inquiry was immigration minister in Febru-| Three hundred feet from the| and he appealed. vreau took over the justice port-|block home were cracked.| APPEAL DISMISSED folio in a cabinet shuffle, then|Power and phone service was| SAIGON (AP) -- Neither of 25 5:30 a.m.: /Toronto ... showed signs of yielding today Ontario on Christmas Day with/Kingston .. Nam's government. and Georgian Bay. North Bay. |States probably would withhold Huron, Southern Georgian Bay,|Sault Ste. Ma mese war effort in about a Cloudy and turning colder with\Timmins ....... 5 | Sources on the South Viet- Northern Georgian Bay, Al-) anti-American campaign that north 20. white| New Brunswick, N.J. -- Dor-| Ambassador Maxwell Taylor winds northerly 20. \for the New York Daily News |divisional manager. of the Dry- 1930s. | former manager of Wolver-jin flight Wednesday and cussion anda ball of fire that s Appeals And Probation == chuted out at low level and was eit ae ae te ae gration appeals nnlienl saetad a back injury in the a ae consi view at some future date, the/homes was hurt. Another was Immigration Minister Trem-|agreed and allowed Minaudo to|gulfed a car. Minaudo, who entered Can-|reports came to light by the|houses," said the senior fleet 1964. land because his wife was a Ca-|based. He said the in-flight ex- and Andrew Brewin (Toronto| every avenue of his background|pnigs CRATER judicial inquiry into the case. The statement says that when| and dug a cratér 75 feet wide ant, has a criminal record that|qocided to make a personal|three feet: ing parole. against Minaudo. |was sitting in a-car he had just Canada, Mr. Tremblay said One of the homes destroyed ton Ainport June 25, 1960, and|'eportation was required. |Hit by debris, she was taken held, he was ordered deported, ary of this year when Mr. Fa-!crash, the walls of a concrete-| ordered deportation, the state-|knocked out in part of the area. The general board of immi-' ment concluded. |Windows were shattered. | Shank You FOR YOUR RESPONSE TO OUR PRODUCTS FROM Management and Staff OF wWAister DONUT 438 KING ST. W. Opposite the Oshawa Shopping Centre MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR $0 that our employees may enjoy Christmas,our Store will be closed Dec. 24th et 6:30 p.m. -- Reopen Dec. 26th at 8:00 a.m. FROM THE STAFF and MANAGEMENT ACADIAN CLEANERS 299 Bloor St. West 728-5151 charged with the slaying and also with the rape-robbery of first Christmas and capture in our hearts all the peace, love and understanding of that Day. «Jn the true spirit of Claristmas, we wish you é happy and holy Day and pray that the blessings of the season will truly be yours. YOU R BROOKLIN BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROBINSON FUNERAL CHAPEL 79 Baldwin Street FU 390 King St. West Brooklin 53 Divisi ign Street GERROW NERAL CHAPEL Oshawa ~& << % Bowmanville FUNERAL HOME 152 King St. East TOOWQuUos fobs Fs NORTHCUTT & SMITH FUNERAL HOME ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME Ltd. 124 King St. Eost McINTOSH-ANDERSON Oshawa Oshawa

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