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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Dec 1964, p. 5

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BRITISH ROYALTY LEAVES LONDON FOR CHRISTMAS AT WINDSOR Queen Elizabeth II with Prince Charles in one car, left, and Princess Anne with right, in Prince Philip's sports ear, leave Buckingham Pal- ace in London today for Wind- sor in Berkshire.to spend the holidays with other members of the royal family. It will be the first such gathering in Windsor for Christmas since the war. (AP Wirephoto by cable from London) her brother, Prince Andrew, Pickering Area Club Offers Varied Sports PICKERING (Staff) -- Dedi- cated to "The Enjoyment of Fuller Life', the Annandale 'Country Club is situated on 180) acres of rolling hills on Picker- ing Township's Base Line road and Church street. Curling, the "Revered and Ancient" sport, was included at the club because of its tre- mendous rise in popularity dur- ing the past few years in Can-| ada. Last year the -Annandale| ture its own pro, Skip Williams, a 26-year-old up and coming young golfer from Burlington. At present the Annandale Golf and Country Club is striving for a strict membership club and a club executive is being set up. The course features 27 holes designed to include water hazards, valley and top level holes, narrow and hidden fair- ways. The 18- and_ nine-hole courses are 72 and 35 par. A great deal of work was Country Club, owned by Duf-|done to improve the course last tins Creek Golf Club Ltd., open-/summer and more work will be ed its spacious clubhouse which|done this spring and summer. accommodates 500 in its dining) A golfer's lounge and snack room and is designed on twojbar are provided in the club's levels one leading directly ontoj|lower level: the golf course while most of/FIVE BONSPIELS the upper level looks out over} This winter the Annandale the course or the eight sheet/Country Club features five bon- curling rink. spiels beginning with the Annan- EMPLOY PROFESSIONAL __ {dale Trophy on Saturday, Janu- Three years ago the clubjary 16,,a men's open bonspiel. operated without a clubhouse/On Feb. 13 another men's open and featured only golf on a pay-/for the Carling Trophy will be as - you - play basis. Last year|played. On Feb. 17 the Colts, about 100 people joined the club/playdowns division No 4. will be will be held for the first and second year fillies with an af- ternoon ladies and business girls bonspiel for the Law Motors Trophy, on March 13, The final bonspiel of the season will be for the Burch Trophy and rinks are invited to participate in this St.-Patrick's mixed bonspiel. 300 MEMBERS At present has 300 members Ritchie instructing comers, The Oshawa uses the ice on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and sev- eral GM groups, the Ajax Le- gion and Du Pont rent the ice at various times. Monday and Friday evenings ice is available for rent to the general public. The rink surface is of finish- the curling club with Ken the new- YWCA accommodate large dances and even tennis matches during the summer Club has been under the man- and this summer it will fea- held and on Feb. 27 a bonspiel WHITBY PERSONALS Christmas guests at the home; Mr. and: Mrs. W. R. Nadon @f Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hard-jand daughters, Laura and ing, 225 Green street, will be:|Terry, will be spending Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Crago and|mas day with her parents, Mr. two children, Alan and Ruth ofjand Mrs. Richard Williams, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs.|Oshawa. Other dinner guests William Harding, Oshawa. will be Mr. and Mrs. William - é Cameron, Norland; Mr. and Miss Barbara Lee is celebrat-| Mrs. James Cameron, Miss Lila ing her 16th birthday on Boxing|Cameron, Oshawa and Mr. and Day. A family party has been| rs. John Peremo of Brooklin. arranged for the combined) birthdays of Mrs. Lee and hér; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Neal will jvisit their daughter and son-in- daughter. 7 ante ae : law, Dr. an rs. G. A. Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, |nedy, of Unionville on Christ- Toronto, will be Christmas din-| mas 'Day. ner guests. at the home of her) : sister and brother-in-law. Mr.| Mrs. Harriett Berry, Toronto, and Mrs. James Mulligan. j will be Christmas dinner guest of her daughte n-in-law, Christmas dinner guests at the| Mtr" Gad Mrs. Raymond home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.|yackintosh. Munro, 115 Craydon road, will be: Mr. and Mrs. Ian Munro,, Mr. and Mrs. John Leavitt Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Munro) will be spending the Christmas and son Ian, Scarboro, and Mr.|holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Munro, Whitby. |and Mrs. Allan Hennesy and Mr. la Mrs. Norman Leavitt, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Arthur) pioomfield. Munson and daughters, Eliza-) beth, Janet and Caroline, will| Christmas dinner guests at be Christmas weekend visitors|/the home of Mr. and "*rs. Ross of her parents, Mr. and Mrs./Lee, 940 Crocus ¢rescent, will John Richardson, Orillia. |be: Mr. and Mrs. Mell Pollard, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. George Lee and of the social janyone who has such a weapon, ito turn it into the police station agement of Lorne Sharkey for ed concrete and is designed to) and badmington vink season. The Annandale Country) Hockey Clinic Starts Monday BOWMANVILLE (Staff)--The Bowmanville Recreation De- partment will conduct a Hockey Clinic duripg the holiday week, Dec. 28 td 31. The school is under the direction of Jim Crombie, who will be assisted by George Cawker. All teams in the Bowmanville |Minor Hockey League are in- |vited to participate. The pur- jpose of this clinic is to teach |the basic fundamentals of hock- ey. This clinic will teach skat- ing, passing, shooting and |checking. There will not be any |games or scrimmages. H Shown below are the practice jtimes for the school from Mon- jday through Thursdzy, Dec. 28, |29, 30 and 31. PEE WEE Rangers, Atom All-stars, Ca- jnadians and Red Wings -- 8.45 |to 9 a.m. in lounge; 9 to 9.45 a.m, on rink. Bruins, Hawks, Leafs and Bears -- 9.30 to 9.45 a.m. in lounge; 8.45 to 10.30 a.m. on ink. BANTAMS Cubs, Pirates, Lions and Braves -- 10.15 to. 10.30 a.m. in Estimate Of Building - Cost Given WHITBY (Staff) -- New build- ings and additions to the Whitby Public School system are ex- pected to cost nearly $1,000,000 in the next five years. A letter estimating capital costs by the school board was received at the meeting of Whitby Town Council. The costs do not include the current expenses incurred by the board in the day to day operation of the schools. The board estimated an ex- penditure of $115,000 in 1965 to build an addition to Hillcrest School, The new addition will house an auditorium - gymnasium, central storage space and school Board offices. In 1966 the estimated cost of new buildings rises to $300,000 which will allow for construc- tion of a new senior school. In the following three years the board plans to spend an average of $120,000 per year on new building. All of the board's proposed spendings must first gain the approval of the board of edu- cation and any figures are esti- mates not final expenditure facts. OPENS NEGOTIATIONS MIAMI, Fila. (AP)--Boxing promoter Willie Gilzenbeng said he had opened negotiations with the World Boxing Association to stage the Ernie Terrell-Eddie Machen title elimination bout in any one of five cities, Gilzen- berg said he offered to hold the fight in Miami, D.C., Newark, Teaneck or Jer- sey City, N.J. SAFETY FEARED MARLBOROUGH, England (CP)--The local council of this Wiltshire town has banned a road safety poster because it might distract drivers and cause accidents. lounge; - 10.30 to 11.15 a.m. on rink. Huskies, Flyers and Pee Wee| All-stars -- 11 to 11.15 a.m, in! lounge; 11.15 to 12 noon, on}! | rink, | MIDGETS AND JUVENILES | Bantam All-stars, Maroons, | Generals, Comets, Orphans, | Canucks, Mount Royals and Midget All-stars -- 11.45 to 12) {noon in lounge; 12 to 1 p.m. on |rink. ATOMS | Bisons, Indians, Rams, Hor-| nets, 'Bombers, Giants, Royals' Washington, | | @ HOLIDAY HOURS @ CHRISTMAS DAY | CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY DEC. 26th OPEN MORNING -- 10 A.M. TO 1 P.M, EVENING -- believes the dramatic design! Nursing Mothers Donate Milk WINNIPEG _ (CP) -- Seven nursing mothers in Winnipeg are donating milk every day to keep alive a Brandon baby who =. drink cow's milk or for- mula. The unique milk bank was es tablished by Winnipeg Chil- dren's Hospital, which appealed Wednesday for more donors be- cause four-month-old Alexander Pappas' appetite is growing. The mothers were contribut- ing about 16 ounces of milk to' the hospital bank, which ster. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Decamber 24,1964 § ilizes it and sends to Brandon every evening by bus. "But we still desperately need mothers," says C. K. Tem- ple, assistant hospital super- intendent. ; Doctors say the infant. now can handle about 40. ounces a day and 10 to 15 more mothers are needed, ; 4 Alexander's mother cannot feed him and he so far has re- jected cow's milk, synthetic milk, soybean extracts and meat formulas. All make him sick; COAL STATUE READY |sioned to make for. the lo BROAD BRIDGE, England|Church of St. John in this (CP)--Sculptor Bainbridge .Cop-|sex town. The 10-foot tall fig- nall has completed a. statue ofjure is made from a mixture of Christ which he was commis-!fibre-glass and coal dust. _ - oan "TOWN OF WHITBY HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION (CHRISTMAS DAY and NEW YEAR'S DAY) There will be no garbage collection on Friday, Dec- ember 25th or on Friday, January!st. Ga je nor- mally collected on these days will be picked up. on aaa December 28th and on Monday, January Councillor T, Edwerds, Choirman, Sanitation Committee, Town of Whitby. sl TOWN OF WHITBY ASSESSOR. Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of Assistant to the Assessment Commissioner of the Town of Whitby up to 5 p.m, on Monday, Januory 4th, 1965. Applicant must have Senior Matriculation, and have token the first year's €ourse in the Institute of Municipal Assessors, Written appli- > gril Gre required stating all personal dota and experience, any. Salary to commence, $4,200.00 per annum, pension hospital and medical plons in ea pens Duties to commence as soon as possible. E. G. QUANTRILL, Gheirmes, 'ersonnel Committee, Town of Whi 405 Dundes St. West, Me WHITBY, Onterio. Hope your Day is wreathed with \appiness and your holiday season is one of joy and good cheer. Merry Christmas! 6 P.M. TO 9 P.M, 28 KING ST. EAST land Barons -- 8 to 9. | PHONE 723-4621 the past year and appears to be on its way to becoming one centres of the area. 8 Pistols Contiscated BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A snow ball fight at a Bowman- ville public school Tuesday afternoon, has led to the con- fiscation of eight starting pis- tols. Constable Ron Parker of the Bowmanville Police Department is responsible for uncovering the firearms. The guns, which are the same size as a .765 Birretta emit fire and the spent cartridge case is ejected at quite a speed. Police Chief Bernard Kitney warned, that all those who are found to have the gun on _ their person wil! be charged with carrying an offensive weapon. "It would be advisable for before any damage or harm is done to somebody," he said. The guns were all taken from boys who were between the ages of 12 and 14 years. Tass Denounces tdi Mrs, Peter Bremner & J | 1 | Mrs. Ross Lee, 334 Dovedale) Prosecution En Sites, is "calbeniina hae bike: MOSCOW (AP)--The Soviet|day today. | ded Wednes- : pga on galore States,| Christine, daughter of Mr. and i nd France ensure the|Mrs.. Mal Femia, is celebrating] -- 4 'her 18th birthday Christmas| continued prosecution of Nazi|her war criminals after West Ger-| Day. : ftations ae a ie War. lim-) Best wishes for a happy birth-| poe: day are extended to Judy,) nt state- 7 +] PD geod oF etna agg fc s]|daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mur- | the official : ¢ news agency Tass. denounced|'@y Hicks, who will celebrate Bonn's decision to end West|her 12th birthday Dec. 27. Germany's prosecution of Nazi! war criminals. -- | Anthony Calderone, Whitby, a It called the decision an "am- patient in Queensway Hospital, nesty for the Fascist murder-|Toronto, for the past four weeks Sg 'is progressing favorably and The Soviet government state-\was up for the first time on ment described Bonn"s action| wednesday. "as mockery of the memory of} millions of people, victims of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moyle the bloody crimes of Hiflerism|and family will be spending) during the past war, (and) as| Christmas Day in Toronto with! an attempt to encourage the|Mr. and Mrs, James William. forces which are hatching plans) : s of revenge for the lost war."| Happy birthday wishes are ex- The Soviet Union has no stat-jtended to Miss Diane Donni- ute of limitations applicable to|thorne on the occasion of her war crimes. |birthday Dec. 28. CHRISTMAS STAFF HOLIDAYS The Brock Theatre Will Be Closed Thursday - Friday - Saturday December 24 - 25 - 26 Reopening Monday, December 28th With HOLIDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 EVENING SHOWS START AT 6:55 & 8.30 The Management & Staff extend to One & All & "A VERY MERRY. CHRISTMAS" : eittnas WHITBY BARBERS' ASSOC. OPEN Monday, Dec. 28th Closed Saturdey, Jan. 2nd mU=T4N UOA Are you a Gold Stripe type? Do you {nsist on real character in your rye whisky?... Welcome to the clan--you're a GOLD STRIPE man! Here's a quality rye that's blended for smoothness but does not sacrifice flavour. Whether you take it on the rocks, with water, soda or ginger ale, GOLD STRIPE gives you its full-bodied rye goodness right to the bottom of the glass, We think you'll like the price, too. Next time, ask for GOLD STRIPE--it's your type of rye. Adams GOLD STRIPE CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Also enjoy Adams ANTIQUE @ Adams PRIVATE STOCK Cr Adams SILVER FIZZ GIN AUCTION SALE Ordered liquidation of fine furniture, rugs and appliances To be sold in detail and without reserve. BOXING DAY Saturday, December 26 at 2 p.m. ot 133 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY (next door to Brock Theatre) By Order of Trustees Custom built French and Italian Provincial chester- field suites in hand carved fruitwood frame and fine brocade coverings--Provincial and -modern chairs and tables--table and floor. lamps--Scan- dinavian, Danish and chintz contemporary living room suites--period and modern bedroom suites-- leather couches and chairs -- Lazy boy and swivel T.V, chairs -- bed chesterfield suites -- daveno beds -- dinette and kitchen suites -- nationally known mattresses and continental .beds:-- custom made love seats and cane back chairs -- wing chairs -- quantity of broadloom, Oriental and dom- estic rugs. Appliances: Latest model name brand portable and floor model T.V. sets -- refrigerators, stoves and washers -- stereo, hi-fi sets. Portable and console sewing machines -- radios -- etc. etc. Terms of sale .. , Cash--Cheques accepted, Goods on view Saturday from 9 a.m. up to time of sale, Sale under direction of JEFF'S FURNITURE LTD., Toronto For information call Whitby 668-4334, As the Star shone on the Babe of Bethlehem, #0 may the peace and promise of Hir wondrous message shine brightly on you and yours, thie Christmastide, bringing happiness in abundance, STAFFORD BROS LTD. Monuments of Distinction 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby

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