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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Dec 1964, p. 6

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tere eeer 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, December 24, 1964 Dispute Site For Municipal Building BROUGHAM -- Councillorjing yard at rey road x! brit utlning his preference toldlag something about it woul at the corner of Live: road and Highw new municipal at and Highway 2. Z "We have now accepted theloff the Brock road could be responsibility of spending the|changed. He suggested that the $300,000," wrote Mr. . "Tt is belief thatimission might have a bearing)t lécation of building isjon the location. If the vote were even more important deci-|taken now, he said, than the original|would have to favor the Liver- Ts to y Mr. Campbell pointed out that|/waiting until he could get moré the land was purchasd by thé|satisfactory paced Pe each parcel in Fae many questions. it each casé flo pendent outside pfofessional au-/ARTERIAL ROAD =o le eae as ¢ how much cel at Bry sad tons Gaaeey Councillor Donald Waring, who for its 4.16 acres, or approxi-|5# mately $4,600 per acte. The parcel at Liverpool road, 6 acres, cost $2,800 per acre -- have its $20,000 back. LARGER SITE Mf. Campbell prefers r-|be extremely F 2 for the} Councillor W. G. Newman road, and would eventu wPe 78.83 forlOpenied into Highway 401, It has the parcel. The parcel at the ae ag suggested that Finch Bi av ay ana Naa we thtotigh there. I like the Brod ing is not begun by-Sanuary,|!0cation because there is access 1971, and the mitifiicipality will ibility. from every direction." thelis on rominent triangul Jargé? acreage which could aa tla | eventually accommodate otherithat the Liverpool parcel was alsaid that he did not wish to water and sewer study had been completed, until a stipula- tion that éntrance to the Brock road parcel must not be made fifidings of the Goldenberg Com- that he pool location, but recommended answers to his Councillor Wank favored the Brock road location, as did id; "The Brock road is beeomin: g)4 north-west arterial 'ype 6! \ ally bé exténsion was comin Mr. Waring felt that the ex: panding of highways would také care of the wrecking yard which parcel at the corner. He félt .|yote for either location until a/forth "Tt would take this eomplete- ly ae of i hands of _ the no} " would tee t down the river. velopment ig géing to corte Deputy Reeve Mrs. McPhér- son, who does not see the pres- ent need for a new municipal building, and who appealed it at Council a ey Rag cipal Boa earing, § the $4. million dollar débt of the ownship. "T would like to see a new muni¢ipal bull as much as anyoné," shé said. 'It is a mon- ument to this Council. But 1 don't kii6w where the money is coming from to pay for it. 1 am still it against it until we can afford. it.' Mrs. MePherson went on to say that sincé a majority vote advocated the new biilding, as far ag the site was concerned no place is ag néaf the ceritra part of the town @hip as Brougham. Of the two sites mentioned, she wotld havé to go along with the Liverpool oné becaiise| it was cheaper, afd there was more land. ARCHITECTS HELD UP Reeve C. W. Laycox obsétvéd that the township debt had been approved by thé Ontatio Muni- cipal Board, as had the new municipal building, and that bringing up these matters was \Bells", was written by Lynda buildings 4§ wéll as the mufici-l{ne commercial hub of the towMlirrelevant, He sa pal building, stich &s a firé hall,!ship. library, board of education With regard to sefvices, Mr. Campbell felt that it would belto see it on a site where there more expensive, to the sum oflig fothing bit a municipal at least $50,000 to bring water " and sewers t6 the Brock toad eeetinn location. He ¢onsidered that the/1é ACRES NEEDED industries located at Liverpool installation: Drive-in Theatre. existence of a large scalé wfeck-jrepresents. "For the home of local gov+|a decision on the site was made building, municipal hall, roadjesment, 1 don't think this thélang that the cost of preparing equipment offices and garages.jright place," he said of thélsite plang Livérpool parcel. "I would liké/double. Mf. Layéox favored thé Councillor Spang said there|could not get reddy to com- would offset some of the cost of|was not enough land at either|mence the building this yéar, North American|site, and that at least 10 acres/but it would be under the win- Van Lines, the Liquor Controllare needed. In a vote, he would|ter works 1965-1966 program. building, the TP motel, and thé|uphiold the Brock road site, for it is a little more adjacent tdj/ready to vote, and a motion Mr. Campbell déploted the|the northern residents, whom he/favoring the Liverpool site was that the architects wéfe held up tintil would probably Brock road site so the building would not be surrounded by com- mercial buildings, but sét apart. Mr. Laycox agreed that they Coutitillors felt they were not withdrawn. AT PICKERING Open Tenders For School Addition PICKERING (Staff) = On|had four additions for a total of = RY at 3 p.m. tenders for|29 rooms, Dunbarton High has|and girls. 245,000 addition to thejalfeady had two additions sin¢e Pickering Disttiet High S¢hool will ig Phe om oe by High Sehool These figures indicate Shéte dnd Mott Ltd. growth of Pickering Township. Afiéf & number of alterations|If 1960 a total of 1,240 students has @ total Of 43 elagsrooms. to the original plati here is what/attended the Ajax and Picker-|course and they are allowed contractors are bidding on: 16)ing High Schools, by 1964 this classrooms, one art room, one rh ithe has almost doubled to reid » One typing room, one) 2,516. siness management room, two laboratories, two drafting LOOKING TO FUTURE rooms, one autd shop, one car-| Alteady the Pickering and pentry milly one eectfieian|Disttict High School Board is shop, one machine shop, one looking to the future. A 14-acfe bg and one girls' occupation|parcel of land has been puf- shop. Outside of ifstruétional rooms Ajax Hi h School and plans fér the tender price will include an|*" Addition are already on ddition t6 the their way and will come under|Years ago, the curtains would ee Pa aa thé consideration of the boatd|¥é ifvariably drawn. Cost is oe Pd triple as bata da ths Diekeoinn ual size, @ double gymnasium with 6 She £ leRering . dimensions of 70 by 90 feet with tion As eompleted in about one a folding door in between (Pick-|¥eat's_ time. ering already has one), an ath-| A. R._ Irwin, the new gym, hew school admin-|the reason for making the Pick- istration offices since the exist-|¢ring District High School an|°®92 per eent of the bills while it Was opetied in 1961 and now|high school system is swinging the|sifice students éan now a chased south of the existing|more blackboatd space and it administrator) three municipalities: Picke leties room i the gallery of|for the High School Board, said Township ag if 1064 a Jan. 19 have te be built for both boys Mr. Irwin said that the whole| over to the vocational system ire out academic jsenior matriculation wi taking a strictly to changé courses Without los: ing a year between Grades 9 and 11, MORE WALL SPACE One of the features of the two-storey addition is the more Santa Lost His Bells . 'The following poem, entitled|Zoning, Bylaw were aired by Andrew's Senior School in'Ajax. (dations of the planning board Born in Wales, Lynda catne to|were approved. Canada when five years of a in the Ajax Public Schools. Santa will always the night He lost his bells, terrible fright! no less than a 2,000-squate foot What a Toys ~ = the tingling - jingling 6 bene, that the large house require- "oo ni ee peemne ments created hardships on Mrs. Claus began to fidget, some individuals. What if Santa should mis'|\mugr CONFORM his visit? The bo gd elves all began to tiven the lary one they cail|form to this regulation," said Lurch Councillor Newman. "It's too bad for af old couple, reg oy Ba Pe fortunately they are sometime going to die, and the building will nO doubt pass on to some Into éve: Till all their time was almost spent. - ae Mr. Claus didn't Ho, Ho, C) He knew it was time for him to go And 'he dolls, they all deeply frowried: 'The Reindeer would not leave the ground The toy drums wouldn't go boom m-boom This had to be fixed and very soon. "We'll look agaifi', said old St. Nick "But we will have to be very family. If people want to live in a smaller house, I feel they are going to be forced to live in a stibdivision. "We are going to have to force thé provincial goverhment to-give us tax relief," he con- tinued, "but until we do, we quick Come on, thei, men, just. oncé _ again Séarch with all your might and main Without those bells upon. my sleigh There'll be fo real Christmas Day. And on they searchéa through most of the night But those bells just weren't if sight. Everyoré was extremely blue, Oh dear! what ever should they do, The little clowns eried Just where could 50 sleigh bells hide? "I know", said St. Nick, but not with glee; "Maybe I dropped them down some chimney "No, No!" said the worried elves, "These bells were seen upen| the shélves" But alas that was yesterday, Now they all have ruh away. Then up stepped little Ringo} Rifigle, | "Santa on yoti I héar somé- thing jingle; | It's quite possible, ...8..5) By Sockets! ! ! | These mystery bells are in your pockéts; | 'Why so they are, so they are, | They didn't run very far, | Well, Santa was soon ready to ---------- start, With a smilé 6f his face, And 4 song ifi his heart; He got in his sleigh and gave a whistle; And fiew away like the down of a thistle! We hearad him say, "By Golly Ringle, Just listen to those Merry Bells jingle". erled and WISHES : ; fh ents | Christa friends, the very happiest of holidays, J. M. HICKS Jeweller 109 Dundes St, W. Whitby oe ad ee* hs é . walls leas window epace idea. More wall space will allow appeats that with the floor to ceiling window design of a few also @ factor in the new design. The Pickering District High School Board is maintained by i MEND-N-FIT The Year (Many Objections To Size Of House BROUGHAM -- Seventy-twojare going to have to create objections to the Rural Afea|these hardships "If people wish to 'live in the| approved country, I féél they must con- BOY SCOUT HONORED .|Boy Scouts in Canada to attend one else, possibly with a big! 4, 1964 se is "We have two school areas ; Picke: Township Counciljnow, rather than many," said The, Year Santa Lost His\trondeySnight. All but. a. few|Couhelllor Harvey Spang, "and|4 minor points of the recommen-|to me the 2, house will pet Sam for serviens, At léast 96 of the objections|¢s payment 0 and has received Her éducation|were to the requirement that/the 600 fot fee," crushing is contracted, more 'than Carty|the summer months, Reeve Laycox explained Some of the complaints were: |for 90 days of fremetiber|house must be Built on a 10-/2,000 square-foot house toojcrushing day and night. It acte parcel. lange, Pig township nol: Councillor W. G. Newman|V2iu q\telated that he had teceived square-foot house uneconom had come from all around). 46 nasty calls, as did the|and taxes," '2,000 square-foot house other Councillors, and agreed ba wl induces ed properties." The planning board did not relax in any case excessive, depreciates|travenes the j property 200 bylaw. to rin ee CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP and HOLY COMMUNION will be celebrated in St. Mark's United Church 11:30 P.M. Thursday, December 24 4 " "® COME LET US ADORE HIM" Pickering Tow: ; : 2 fiship Council Latinas designed only rogress of township le lot tax and weed- for the Leo house, and council recommendations, Derek Curtis, of Claremont, has been selected as one of five the Scout Jamboree in Austra- lia, and he leaves on December > is ' j Mem Ww tN. re) .¥ a 7 TO WISH YOU @ very merry Chistmas, and thank you for your kindness and leyalty is the purpose of this, our sincere holiday greeting. Collins Shoes and Staff 119 Brock St. South Wes' Bessie ws vetlice how sonsh ont susie te due to you, we are most sincerely Red Wing Orchards Whitby i ef : ists fice 2 i i 3° Management and- Staff-of BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS Oshawa -- Whitby -- Ajax Se NS eter TO YG Our Many Friends and Customers of Whitby and District We Extend Our Sincere Wishes for A Very Happy Christmas HEALTH HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY IN 1965 YOUR STAFF at CANDAIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE WHITBY, ONT. Jean Howlett Phylis Defoe Lorry Anley Doris Elliott Jonet Steeves Tetesa Jordon Marlee Gompbell Joyée Locks Bennie' Sleightholm Art Conrad Gerry Turk Edith Phin Trudy Vine Martha MeCready Irene Nancekivell Gail Mullen Ruth Thempson Kay Holst ing ones will be used for guid-|academic-vocational school was|65.29 per cent of the students anee and health. be ll mg the i gy pe its area attended the vincial Vocational Plan, the|scheols; the Town of Ajax paid 1400 STUDENTS federal government would pay|%8.64 per cent with 98,07 oo * seoms, Ajat High School which eting afd District High|50 per cent and thé provincial School, iow rated at 640 pupil] government 25 per cent of what- places, Will with the addition,| ayer paft of the school was seat 1400 students, The incréase|qeemed vocational. Under the in the area High School popla-|pjan a number of main shops tif, Which includes Ajax High rent @ the high schools atid Plokering Village picked up 5.04 per cent of the tab while accounting for 5.74 per cent of the schol population. afd Diinbarton High has been between 250 and 300 afifilially for the past five years. Sinee Pickering District High School was opened in 1951, it has had two additions to bring it up to the present 25 was originally built ih 1956 has piensa May off owr friends heve @ very merry Christmas! SAWDON'S (Whitby) Limited 244 BROCK ST, 8 WHITBY '57 King East, Oshawa 'Yona FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL ss a 3 728-6201 GUIDA & DINO | HAIRSTYLISTS 109 Byron St. $., Whitby WHITBY TILE CENTRE 106 BROCK ST. S$. WHITBY Olive Howe Real Estate and Staff Whitby, Ontarie NOTICE TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Effective immediately electric bulk meteting for all hew apartments over 6 units is mandatory: an apartment being considered as @ structure having over six dwelling units with the said units having access from an interior corridor system. DATED: DECEMBER 21st, 1964. The Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Whitby H. ©. Simpeon, Secty. & Gen. Manager R. W. Cowker, ' Chairman. £ a Joyfu christmas Let us lift up our voices ahd sing out glad tidings for all to hear, iA the spirit of thé first Christmas, W. C. TOWN Funeral Chapel Ltd. 110 Dundés St. East Whitby

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