They All Laughed When Sukarno..... By CARMAN CUMMING Canadian Press Staff Writer The United Nations, taking a holiday breather in one of its most bizarre assembly sessions, has been thrown into a tailspin by Indonesia's decision to pull out of the world body. Diplomats hardly know whether to laugh or swear. Pri- vately, some have done both. "At first I thought it was just Sukarno's idea of a bad new year's joke,' one commented. "But there doesn't seem to be much doubt now that he means business." President Sukarno, 63-year- 'old dictator of 100,000,000 under- fed Indonesians, has pulled sur- prises before, but never like this one. There was little public rela-| i i * | co Nay ig gg ao Lat social ills. One Indonesian offi- the prevailing attitude was one|ial suggested recently that the of puzzlement over what, ex- hunger problem and the rodent x \problem could be dealt with actly, Sukarno is up to and how easily if the populace would the non-aligned countries. But first reaction from such non- aligned leaders as Yugoslavia and Egypt indicated they have no wish to go into such a group- ing, at least not under Su- karno's leadership. Plans of this sort wou}d fit with the past pattern of Sukar- no's policies, which have pointed to a desire to embellish the country's image abroad, and to extend its sphere of in- fluence throughout South- east Asia. Critics say he has followed this path at the expense of eco- nomic and social welfare 'at home--or even to draw atten- tion away from the domestic plight. Certainly there has been an unreal quality about some of the ways the regime has dealt with mental in setting up the coun- try 15 years ago when. it put pressure on the Dutch colonial rulers to release Sukarno from prison and negotiate independ- ence. And two years ago the UN was considered by many to have furihered Indonesia's aims by supervising the Indonesian takeover of West Irian (West New Guinea) from Dutch con- trol. Despite all this, Indonesia now accuses the UN of becoming a tool of the U.S. and Britain, ap- parently because it has ac- cepted' the Malaysian Federa- tion as a bonafide country de- spite its defence links with Brit- ain. Sukarno calls Malaysia a neo- colonialist plot to maintain Brit- ish influence in the area and has attributed the withdrawal from the UN to Malaysia's elec- tion to the Security Council. But he has given no_ indication POET DIES _ T.. S. Eliot, American-born poet and playwright, died in London Monday night at the age of 76. Eliot, one of the greats of modern poetry, won the Nobel prize for literature in 1965. --(CP Wirephoto). VANCOUVER? general winter rule. The pic- ture was taken Sunday night in the English Bay area where residents stroll on warm sum- minerals to escape to the sur- face. It is a 160-mile long mag- netic belt running south from James Bay almost parallel to the Moose and. Abitibi rivers to a point some 80 miles north of Timmins. "There is a possibility that the area contains minerals," Dr. Morley said. "However, this will not be known until the area can be surveyed by geolo- gists next summer." The survey also revealed the existence of a number of small circular,.magnetic features caused by carbonatite, a rock rare in the Canadian Shield; extending in a line from the southerly end of the feature te Sault Ste. Marie. In South Africa the diamord- bearing rock kimberlite is found in the vicinity of carbonatite, Kimberlite has not been found anywhere in Canada but it is a soft rock which would weather away and be difficult to find in the type of swampy terrain of this area of Ontario. ' "Methods of punishment are for Parliament~but the policy of the law is a fit subject to be recommended by citizens to the legislature," Mr. Harris said. He said the Congress is pri- marily interested in having hu- man dignity and personal integ-| rity secured by the state. | BOTH GO FOR his skates, she heard screaming at the back door. In came five-year-old Pat- rick -- with a broken left arm. Both broke their arms at about the same time during the weekend while playing on the ice-covered streets near their home. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Jonucry 5, 1963 3 Prison Work Parties 4 Offered For Snow-Clearing $ " vices of prisoners were offered|there's no place to shovel it." Monday night to hard-pressed|ARMY READY TOO * municipal crews in British Col-|. Provincial officials sols mainland. also been placed on a The attorney - general's de-jalert to swing into action partment announced about 100/municipalities be unable to cope rectional Institute would be| The neighboring m made available for emergency|ties of North and West Vs snow removal upon the request|ver, fearing serious flooding fourth week of heavy snowfalls}were considering the army and freezing temperatures. to clear drainage systems Work parties would consist ofjroadside ditches. curity institution accompanied|7,000 school pupils were given @ by guards. ~~ Ithree-day break from cities Reeve Alex Forst of Westjand near blizzard condi Monday forced closure 'buried under as much as 10 feet r of snow, said: Agassiz areas of the Fras "We haven't turned down the|Valley about 75 miles east of here. More than 8,000 students can't use them without equip- ment--we would need 20 or 30/to remain closed today. ea Lon gg ngs gong ora James Bay Swamplands a" vag lata |HELPED BY UN sia's one-year term ends. | a es i | The latest Sukarno manoeuvre; Western diplomats say Su-) Specifically, there was fearjtern, particularly if it meanslist charge, which generally) Pr ; Indonesia was quitting the UN|the country must go without|strikes sympathetic cords in the . to clear the decks for an at-|UN aid. Afro-Asian bloc, has raised lit-| Hate Linked ' OTTAWA (CP)--An aeromag- |laysia. \sia has received UN aid worth|Malaysia. Some even say they} TORONTO (CP)--Gr netic survey has revealed the : | --Gross man- sail ve * There was also rumor anit more than $24,000,000, and| doubt that the Indonesian dele-| itastations of hate are as mor-lexistence of a vast geological gs. The British Col- |speculation that Sukarno might|many more projects are on the/gates themselves really believe unlikely scene for Vancouver, | ; where rain and comparatively plagued by snow and arctic jinternational grouping among! The UN, in fact, was instru-|Sukarno's policy line. |raphy and should be under the/the James Bay lowlands which rag ' rm | same legal sanctions, a spokes- warm temperatures are the air since mid-December. | man for the Canadian Jewish|could possibly contain a rich Sydney Harris, chairman of| Details of the survey were de- the organization's national com-|scribed by Dr. L. W. Morley, : ; K D k P t t munity relations committee,|chief of the geophysics division e ® Munici al Buildin Site # B OC ers in @} es Hord of Toronto, secretary of|Canada, and Dr. A. S. Mac- ' the board of evangelism and so-|Laren of the division's magnetic cial service of the United|interpretation section, in an in- e " Is Selected By Council Charges Of Sabotage jets eiine (aceon tre x that legislation under which dis-|giscovered in a study of recent t about ter fa-jed d ie Tv 'bee \tributors of hate literature could) geromagnetic maps produced as BROUGHAM -- A new muni-,gineer's report about water fa-jed around ever since I've been mt es ' ' 2 : ; LONDON (CP) Leaders of, The situation, aggravated by,ciency on all sides for the trou 'enswer. furvey of the Canadian Shield, of Pickering has been a sub-|tion to the smaller acreage @t/dgne yet. There is nothing to|pressure from the government,|days during the Christmas-New| "No fair-minded man can ject of controversy since its|/Brock road. i i lave agreed to appeal again|Year's season, came to public|absolve the docker for respon- federal cost-sharing arrange- ; | lead me to believe there will be 4 first proposal some months ago. lfor members to report for week-|notice during the weekend when|sibility," says the conservative ment with the tage | | Dr. Morley and Dr. MacLaren 4 to 3 vote. There was an upset| hough fly con nor wae required at the Brock road, do|congestion in British ports. |ried'front-page stories. The Sun-jone should blame him for the ft Sr is teoalion wes determined, would not be complete for some|You know what we would be) put they angrily deny charges day Mirror led the attack by|appalling setup we call a dock | magnetic feature which will be leg charged for it?" he asked. that they alone in the industry|@ccusing dockers of being|system,, which we expect to of ieee nner pros- i | i ¥ " tors and developers." 4 to 3 vote at the last Picker-|Water would be as easily avail , "he " | re ing Township Council meeting/2!e at one site as the other. /now how much land would be,"'|tal export et pa cage ee But tole suvetal>cpaners] of 1964 on Dec. 30. "As an individual, not as anjagreed Councillor Newman. ys flndiagy oo agains" tended to side with the dockers| Brand Changin The feature may be a crack Caer t anid: Reeve Laycox DECISION ASKED ner nmahee an | g, in the earth's crust, a a herr' ; ing | * ich could permit mate- thd Highway 2, Work will a J. H. Faulkner, planning direc-|said 'Reeve 'Laycox "what" 1 nee eonday tet eee cen: : | Inquiry Told | ---- : : " 0 e Trans yen- | mence on it in the winter ofjtor, was called upon to voice/ ant tonight is a decision." (Mr. Sal Workers' Union and Labor UAW Queries | LETHBRIDGE (CP)--An AL! BROKEN ARMS 2 ; ber of the staff,|U@¥Cox late ized | : b | 7 F 2 a eyes uldid Go relurtanfigy He said tet ees gone ce cee eens 0 eene Somer Sone 5 ll M h Siena to anee ucioe a ee ee Price- 1xers the majority of councillors he spoke as a planner, and not) ae 2 (or 7 | ve a ot et od de egy = and a rancher tes- e : i. pias ified he borrowed more than] ing, s - - F d $86,000 township at Livérpool road and|ning board. I I continue to take my stand|peal would have much effect.. TORONTO (CP) -- The On-jfive times his credit limit when -- weaned. een ine s "My concept of the Liverpool) t taken then, pending a report of|site 's a pact commercial| Councillor Hubert Wank. --§ | munist and head of the unof-|was asked Monday whetherjinto the Lethbridge Central His left arm was broken. | NEW YORK (AP) -- Bethle- all facts and figures concern-\area," he said. 'At the pres-| "I feel that all information|ficial but influential Port Work-|strikers and non-strikers' at a|Feeders Association resumed as led me to believe in thejers' Liaison Committee, called|plant have equal rights in a|Monday after a holiday recess. and two executives were fined road sites. A site in Brougham,|tate to Liverpool. The Tee Pee brock roaq site," I 'where the old municipal build-\Motel has definite plans for|Cillor Don Waring. sank aus inating a union's bargaining|district testified former CFA A reo pcr rage | is situated, was not con-jexpansion -- a Canadian type| "I still submit we have gal cer taea Harey Nicholas bi, a Sesct Mee Os ae apghgge S. W. Hatch told pen 18. Oe ; | '3 ep ah | m to change brands after a |\sald Councillor Campbell. 'We y goy-lt ritho I steel castings. USE, RESTRICTED |CENTRAL AXIS lhave every right to withdraw. ernment's plea, emphasized/ing examination of the duties of}K. McLean, Canadian Imperial Bethlehem is the second an ee te cent cae ~_-- We should make this decision - gy ee ~-- eo -- oo who fostered the pond i: onmeores manager in largest steel producer in the z ; : | ; zethbridge. r. Burke was a be ee eee were core oo ee rege eve ese: "nothing Ce Mg ent ne ep ag sd employees of Wolve-/Burke Livestock Limited von ------ i "pj % 4 t 0. flo selves |ri ivisi f i impoted, the condition on thelreal, When the word "Picker-ut"a whole pile of vagaris|(2"Seqeyen days. a, week' and Hoc of Canada Limited of gZav Nel, who owned. 25 Cian fined he Sra comper| MWY Sek HELE . se ' i 0 ; 2 < acres near Stirling, Alta., 20 of Pickering is thought of. Welthetical area as industrial, com-| j uss ' i FROM JESUS, HOW TO GET oat B ' s : ; "| ; ous ths Shade : i nies $40,000 each. He fined Syl- 0 e bgreagr the land bg be soldjneed something on Highway 2\ mercial, one does not go 10 an-pree hoon, ete wcraineltatiat ken ae Pad er said he received more than ; vester J. Moran, 61, a Blaw-| HEAVEN, HOW TO RECEIVE ack to the owner if such ajto act as an anchor at the eastlother area to say this 1s the aol : ; > Workers 01/$200,000 from the CFA between On Bank Swindle GHOST, SPEAK IN TONGUES |1959 and 1963 despite a credit Benjamin P. Hammond, 69, a po TORONTO (CP) -- Ria Kry-|retired Blaw-Knox vice - presi-| AI 1WRE ALL TREE, JUST SENB nen, 24-year-old blonde Toronto|dent, $2,500, Moran and Ham-| sour ave is ee in sig was.anxious to see the develop-|for Pickering Township. With} ' 'oh ra Ren David Lewis, who represented ment on this site, and would be|the cloverient it will te morthen Wit Mere yaaa 4 On a further 1% the UAW at the hearing, ques-|q9 co-operative in contemplation of|accessible. Should the d jon #8. AbG the mere. fact that 4000 tioned the practice of the board) -- _ Ages Pl cessi . - e day everlthe engineer likes that location acres for $ the in segregating ballots of ee i, ne er pro seg genom le Rage con-;come when the township does|i, palderdash to me." A resolution to determine he éta tram thease workin in al . . ~~ 3 a vagl Bomt e ry Pn not Pog a pag build-/ As Mr. Campbell became Brock road and Highway 2 site struck 'wlant . g Liquor Strike c _the ck road, de-jing, here is a suitable location| more vociferous, the reeve call-/45 the. location for the munici- The uractice haw by spite conditions in the deed to/for a library, police station,jeg for order pal building, to take an option! _ P b, ice has been to hold ge yee en ar some unit of county govern- "Don't rap the gavel at me,"0" the additional 1% acres Hoe ee woe-atnionn tra Gane baal To End Soo ? yd oe ee Bo sa reing Meg more in keeping with|he cried. "Unless the engineer ot wan. -- to in past cakes the liga hag San n! b she orjthis area. : can come up and say the ground | Proceed, she settled by counting ; | ' : pede sina gh yg Sve agllbee plac: 4 hae i keeping Riba the |i. suitable, the location is good That is the worst decision by rit gece ca gee MONTREAL (CP) -- Negotia- Sept. 19, after telling her he had : , withjunk yard," interjected Coun-\fo- engineering reasons, itithis council has ever made,"| 14. : tors for the Quebec Liquor|ombezzied 0,000" ae an overpass and a cloverleaf at\cillor John Campbell, who had|means nothing. We are still left Said Councillor John Campbell.|"the UAW w os |Board and its 3,000 striking posed mbezzled $100,000 and was Highway 401, contingent uponjsubmitted an _ extensive and) with a wrecking yard and I think "I am the one who has chang-\wojverine 7 ha certified at/ployees have reached agree. | caving ix Bron. One 5 oe development. Finch avenue, he|well prepared brief on the ad-jit still ve uestionable about @d my vote on this," said Coun-| 1963 ube in November,|ment on contract clauses deal-\U% nt count the money until said, will be extended through|visability of the Liverpool site s,a¢ located." : cillor Newman. "But 1 got thelnes, 20% has been on strikeling with automation and sub-|S"@,89t home and then was so the township. the week before. | : answers to my questions. I fella fir. pus. 19 in a dispute over|contracts awarded vate|{tightened she gave it for safe He addec that rumor of the} "J don't envision the junk LOT SIZE QUESTIONED in the long range point of view ebcal lida Aicabe sien |Seapane 0 Ce me kee new site had spread to thejyard too much longer," said| Deputy Reeve Mrs. J. Mc-|that the Brock road is the bet- i |announced Monday night. |She said this woman, who is a neighboring wrecking 'yard, and|Mr. Faulkner. "The land is too|/Pherson and Councillor New-|ter location." : HYGIENE UNPOPULAR | Rene Chartrand, president of] tug addict, has disappeared. that much work was being done|valuable for this type of busi-|man felt strongly that the 314| In favor of the motion were. ABERDEEN, Sgotland (CP)|one of the two unions which| Magistrate Graham said he in cleaning it up. ness." : : _jacres at Brock road was not/Reeve Laycox, Councillors|A college course here in food| have been on strike since Dec. |did not believe her story and to Councillor W. G. Newman pre-) "I can't agree that this willjsufficient. The former owner of|Wank, Waring and Newman. hygiene has failed through lack|5, expressed satisfaction with|her to give police full details of sented the questions he had ask-/be cleaned up," said Councillor|the. Brock road site was con-|Against were Mrs. McPherson, |of support. The head of the col-|the progress of the talks, which|Where the money went before ed at the last meeting: the en-|Harvey Spang. "It's. been kick-|tacted at the meeting, and Mr Spang, and Mr. Campbell. jlege in this city which was/resumed Monday after the New/|She is sentenced. -- -- sneer badge by a typhoid epidemic Year's holiday. Wayne Wile, 23, Kempton S ast su mmer said "nothing Still to be discussed is the key|Grzvelle, 25, and Douglas | whatsoever is being done on the/ question of salaries. The em-|Godin, 24, all of Toronto, are }part of retailers to improve/ployees, whose basic weekly|scheduled to face connected food hygiene" as far as he wage is $57, are seeking a $25|\charges of theft and conspiracy | knows. | increase. to defraud. agreed to sell VANCOUVER (CP)--The ser-|trucks to take the snow away umbia's snow - stifled lowerjarmed forces personnel prisoners at nearby Haney Cor-|with mounting snow. a of municipalities now in theirjthe event of a sudden 2 prisoners from the minimum se-| In West Vancouver, nearly -- Vancouver, a municipality schools in the Chilliwack offer but our engineer says we were affected. The schools were 7 i whether Indonesia will come his plans will affect the future) ly develop a taste for rates. 2 PLANNING ATTACK lseems to fall into the same pat-|karno's use of the neo-colonial-| Pornography, May Have Mineral Lode tack against neighboring Ma-| Since joining in 1950, Indone-|tle enthusiasm in the case of) Even in winter this is an | ; : : umbia south coast has been |pe planning some sort of new|books. lit, although they faithfully echo ally disgusting as gross pornog-/feature under the swamps of PICKERING TOWNSHIP CONGESTION IN BRITISH PORTS Congrens oid: eee? -- was replying to Rev. J. R.jof the Geological Survey of Church of Canada, who said in|terview Monday. | : |be sent to jail was not thelnart of a 12-year $18,000,000 cipal building for the Township|cilities for the site; his objec-|here, and nothing has been)p.acin» é : : oY Y ible. \Britain's dockworkers, under/dockers taking unofficial holi-|ble Started four years ago under @ Its proposal was passed by a|WATER AVAILABLE a change. If additional land is) | 4 vork in a bid to ease the|most British newspapers car-|Daily Mail. 'But, equally, no said the maps "reveal a major A a time, the engineer felt that : : | "Abe i 1 out of three possible sites, by @| "1 think we should know right|are sabotaging the country's vi-| bloody-minded, _ selfish, arro-| work. i MAY BE A CRACK i jengineer, he prefers the Brock 3 : : 4 re The new building will stand The agreement came during a somewhat in blaming _ineffi rial from the mantle containing 1965. Architects have com-jhis views. Mr. Faulkner, sinceir aycox later apologized for Say-|Minister Ray Gunter, who later instructions to alter brands on the t iy would select land owned by the/as a representative of the plan-| | There was doubt that the ap- e front door for her howl Highway 2. A vote was not] 'or the Brock road site," said) yj... pash, a life-long Com-'tario Labor Relations Board the Turcotte judicial inquiry As she struggled to untie |hem Steel Co., Blaw-Knox Co. ing the Liverpool and Brocklent time all traffic has to gravi- ' nail at HY *y ; added Coun-\the appeal "a waste of. time."/ballot on the question of termi-| V. L. Rurke of the Lethbridge | % f t tion." | i Gs ae! price-fixing charges involving sidered of transaction jobligation to take this land, while sympathetic to the gov-|hearing without a decision pend-|visit to the Burke feedlot by W. i U.S. Blaw-Knox is a leadin; the Brock road site, now own-|township," he continued. "De-lon what we know to be irrevo-\ors siready put in 10 hours over-| The hearing was on an appli-|partner with his brother in t _bejing" is mentioned, the Villageltonight. If one sets out a hypo-| 'phe: chaoti ditions build-|T : og: J. Ryan fined the two compa- now made of it other than a munici- e chaotic conditions build-|London, Ont., for termination of| miles southeast of Lethbridge, Blonde Testifies use was not begun in 10 years,lend, and carry on advertising|anchor point. 1 couldn't care renewed export drive. -- America (CLC). Knox vice-president, $3,500, and GREAT' JOY. A' KEY RING limit that never exceeded $40,- cashier, pleaded guilty in court|mond are from the Pittsburgh, |Monday to stealing $3,300 from|Pa., area. jher employer, York Trust and |Savings Corporation. She will |be sentenced Jan, 18 by Magis- trate Donald Graham. Miss Krynen said the branch manager gave her the money GOT A CHILLY ROOM? ADDING A ROOM? MAKE YOUR COMFORT COMPLETE WITH ELECTRIC HEAT ' eta ze "GLORIFYING A LIFE OF CRIME? | Joe Valachi Writes Book _ WASHINGTON (CP) -- Con-|criminal division of the justice) He is in a federal jail in the victed mobster Joe Valachi,|\department. It had been hoped! pistrict of Columbia--a two- whose prolonged testimony be-|that it might provide a few| 1 vith televisi H "\fore crime investigators in-|more clues about syndicated |'00™ nig lite id 6o --é % cluded evidence about syndi-|crime. fears his ' : -- Arey ste \cated crime in Canada, has fin-/ ARRESTED IN 1959 ate ik lath, Welk jished writing a 1,400-page story! Valachi, now 61, was arrested) vale in b UAL pb eet lof his life. |in 1959 and fled to Toronto just|Westioned by Ontario crime in- een oa ; ; .|vestigators who said he didn't | Federal justice department before drawing a first narcotics seam to have nidoh direct lofficials are wondering what to|Conviction, He returned to the);nowledge of Canadian crime jdo with the opus by the former|U-8._ and surrendered. Then he although he could provide some member of the notorious Cosa|received another sentence and interesting leads. Most of his Nostra (our thing) group, which|finally a life term for murder-| | ance concerned Ontario. is said to have had an inter-|ing a fellow prisoner, appar-liioy said : ' national grip on narcotics, gam-jently in fear that the man} , 'bling, prostitution and other il-|Wwould kill him on behalf of the legal operations. Two publishers have ex- pressed some interest in the 280,000-word story. There is no law to prevent #9 \publication. a spokesman said, but an administrative decision is required. The spokesman said visiT YOUR ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE ONTARIO HYDRO 61 Temperance St., Bowmanville. Phone 623-2561 Church Street, Markham, Phone AX, 3-3331 OR YOUR ONTARIO HYDRO OFFICE SHARPE ELECTRIC COMPANY 110 WOOD ST., OSHAWA 728-8214 TOWNSEND ELECTRIC LIMITED 385 KING STREET EAST Cosa Nostra for providing turn- coat evidence. A reason behind Valachi's | plunge into authorship is be-| lieved to be his wish to provide | 723-2343 LAST-MINUTE CHECK FOR MISSION TO LAOS Navy pilot Lt. Cmdr. David Lt. (JG) Stephen G. Ryan, ; s 6 : rf hon, reconnaissance jet aboard the R. Fall, right, anfor rand Rapids, Mich., check attack carrier USS Ranger in Fla., and his photo-navigator map as they stand beside their the South China Sea. They twin-engine Vigilante heavy were preparing for intelligence mission Laotian countryside a _ photo- of over -the fiction is one thing, but it would jbe quite another to sanction |publication of a book glorifying a life of crime by a federal prisoner The Valachi transcript has --(AP Wirephoto) |been typed and placed with 'the/ NEED Mortgage Money? CALL Real Estate Broker | Cc LI Day or Night - 728-4285 | | | money for his family | | | | | | PAUL RISTOW LTD. REALTOR 187 King East - 728-9474 For Supplementary Electric Heat Call TOZER ELECTRIC LTD. 56 PRINCE ST. 4 PHONE 728-4611