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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Jan 1965, p. 5

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'Open Letter... To Whitby Readers The interest shown by Whitby readers in The Times, is much appreciated. As is indicated daily on the front page, the aim here is that The Times will play an increasingly important role in your community as your Hometown newspaper. In recent weeks efforts have been intensified to expand coverage of Whitby activities. Council and other significant civic meetings are being reported in much 'greater detail. On our assessment and actual count we have found a greater number of Whitby stories have been published than there was in any similar period previously. In the new year our plans are to expand further both news and pictorial coverage of activities in this rapidly growing Ontario centre. The great development and potential for progress of Whitby are recognized by all of us at The Times. We feel it's certainly unfair, if not impossible, to present the news from Whitby on a portion of one page. This is the reason we have been publishing stories from Whitby throughout the newspaper. We feel as the"city expands and our coverage keeps pace, it would be a disservice to Whitby readers to say you can just have one page in the newspaper whatever you do. Thus in a short time, news -telling of Whitby progress (and promoting it) will be appearing on many pages of The Times and no longer limited to a section of one page. To those of you who have questioned the removal of the Whitby headline from one page of The Times, our reply FARM CALENDAR Monday, Jan, 4, 8 p.m., Ux- bridge, Dept. of Agriculture Board Room, Directors' Meet- ing, Ontario County Hog Pro- ducers' Association. Tuesday, Jan. 5, 10:30 a.m, to 11:30 a.m. -- T.V. Programme over most T.V. Stations. Topic --Crops -- Changing Systems". Wednesday, Jan. 6, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.--T.V. Programme over most T.V. Stations. Topic -- "Livestock -- Managing for a Profit'. Thursday, Jan. 7, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.--T.V. Programme over most T.V. Stations. Topic -- "Farm Business -- Records, Plans, Decisions". : Wednesday, Jan. 6, 10:30 a.m., Uxbridge, Legion Hall--Ontario County Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association Annual Meet- ing. Wednesday, Jan. 6, 8 p.m., Ux- bridge Secondary School -- On- tario County Junior Farmer Choir Rehearsal. Thursday, Jan. 7, 8:30 p.m., Brooklin, Township Hall -- Jan- uary Meeting for Brooklin Jun- ior Farmers. Friday, Jan, 8, 1:30 p.m., Ux- bridge, Dept. of Agriculture Board Room, Ontario County Farm Safety Council Annual Meeting. is that our intentions are the best in the interest of Whitby. While you have lost a part of a page with a label you have, in essence gained a whole daily newspaper endeavoring to keep Whitby fully in the news. COLIN McCONECHY, Editor : The Oshawa Times Saturday, Jan, 9, 9:30 a.m., iToronto, King Edward Hotel -- | Junior Farmer Conference, Pub- Hie Speaking and Choir Competi- th. Vy |Extension Branch Conference. Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1 p.m., Ux- bridge, Dept. of Agriculture Board Room, Co-op Medical Ser- ivices Meeting. ONTARIO COUNTY. s. anuary 11 to 15, Vineland --|~~ | j Mine, 4 4 e engineers from Fort Lewis, Washington, and their equuipment were stranded along with 2000 other persons lin Yreka by blizzard that closed all highways leading out of town. The unit is wait- ing for clearing conditions to install Bailey bridges on the Cecilcille - Callahan road, 70 WwW | Bridg | Plan Courses For Farmers miles southwest of Yreka. Convoy includes 100° vehicles | and 275 men. (AP Wirephoto) oman Minister Soil, Crop Unit To Meet BOWMANVILLE--Two. speak- ers are scheduled to address the annual meeting of the Durham 'County Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association in the Odd THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Monday, Jenvory 4, 1968 § | speak on the subject "Observa- tion on Durham County Crop- ping Problems". During the day presentations will be made to the winners in the soil and land use judging competition. Canadian Seed As- sociation scrolis will also be pre- sented to county seed growers, One-Sto DECORATING SHOP | The Durham Farm Safety Council will present door prizes. In addition there will be attend- ance prizes and a free lunch provided by the association. Fellows Hall at Orono this Thursday. Morning and after- noon sessions will be held. George McLaughlin of Beaver- ton, who is noted for his inter- est in farm problems, will speak on farm management with ref- erence to agriculture on the British Isles where he visited BATTLE TOO LATE The Battle of New Orleans, a major engagement during the © Wellpaper ond Murals © Custom Draperies © CLL. Points and Varnishes @ Broadioom end Rugs © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. War of 1812 between Britons and Americans, actually took place two weeks after egy last summer. Harvey Wright, soils special- ist with the Ontario Department of Agriculture at Lindsay, willltreaty ended the war in | Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. $., Whitby I | N SHOES = // SS Sale Starts Monday, January 4th WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Norville Buck | Tuesday, Jan. 12, 8:30 p.m., _ | Uxbridge Secondary School Mrs. John Sheppard, Mrs. Doris| january Meeting for Uxbri BOWMANVILLE -- The Bow- dge|manville office of the Ontario Coming To Area | ALL MEN'S & WOMEN'S SHOES GREATLY REDUCED and her mother, Mrs. Bessie eee bate gh oe St Louis, Hodges, are spending the holi-| piss "anwa adou and Stan Bozak, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. days in Montreal, as guests of Eugene Nickerson, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Gor- ded veatt, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Holiday gueats at the home of Charies Gallogiey, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Melroy, 928) w; : i Wilfred Alexander, Mr. and Byron street south, are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Melroy and family Mrs. Donald Read, and Mr. Windsor : ' Y+/and Mrs.. Barry Ward, Whitby; ug Mr. and Mrs. Scott Madill, Christmas dinner guests at the, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet home of Mr. and Mrs, John|Steeves, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. pies. Brooklin, were Mr. and|Harold Thertill, Bowmanville, rs. Walter Pascoe and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Mollema and family. Mrs. R. A. Rousseau, Royal Hotel, is visiting her daughter land son-in-law and family Mr. Mr. and Mrs. David Kerno-\|and Mrs. Fred Mitchell, Brechin, ham and children, Karen, David\ during the festive season. and Kevin, spent the Christmas Mrs. V. D. Richardson is weekend in Belleville as the! uests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Spending the holiday season in vender. reconvene with her son and aughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Juby ro Richardson. spent Christmas day in Hamil- ton as the guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Read Mrs. Donald Beckett. Saturday ,and daughters, Judy and Lynne, they visited Mr. and Mrs. John|and Mrs, Read's mother, Mrs. Juby, Belleville. Sunday they|Evelyn Vamplew, were guests beats gene Po a Age of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vamplew) y" at the home of Mr. and/of Grimsb; h idays.| Mrs. Harold Fenson, Toronto. oe he ey : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Denne,|sunderland, Township Hall; 8 ; Christmas holiday guests at Cooper's Falls, were Christmas ete Beal s eo Mauapeoes the home of Mr. and Mrs. John weekend guests at the home of|Farm Management McCormack, 706 King street,|their daughter and son-in-law,| mack and children, John, Mari- 214 Kent street. With their house lyn and Frances, Ottawa. guests, Mr. and Mrs. Rawn Mrs. William Smith and her|they were Caristmas dinner son Russell, Udney, were Christ-|8uests at the home of Rev. and mas dinner guests at the home Mrs. C. M. Bright, Oshawa. | of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith | 4 . '| Mrs. Helen Kerr and her) Euclid street. daughter, Miss Hazel Kerr, ar-| Mr. and Mrs, Gordon McLean|tived Sunday after spending a and their son James McLean,|month's vacation in Bermuda Chapleau, were Christmas din-|and were guests during the fes- ner guests at the home of Mr. tive season at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Andrew, and Mrs. Thomas Gordon, RR Pickering. 2, Whitby, before their depar- Christmas dinner guests at mn ony Se the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Miss Ruth MacRae, Ottawa, visited her cousin, Mrs. William Madigin, 361 Rosedale drive, were Mr. and Mrs, Wally Madill| Pringle, 220 Dunlop street west, during the holiday season. and their son Ed, Toronto. Mrs. Mary Mitchell and her | St. Mark's United Church children of the junior depart-.son, Omery Mitchell, Toronto, ment Sunday school held a during the festive season visited supper Christmas party. Enter-|in Deep River with Mr. and tainment was provided by girls'|Mrs. Frank Mitchell. They. re- class of the department with turned via. Ottawa and Kingston. Square dancing. A lively "Hoot- enanny" was put on by a group, Mr.'and Mrs, Robert Jervis, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Bob|Scarboro, were holiday dinner King, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hatter| guests at the home of their and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott,| daughter and son-in-law Mr Oshawa. A Christmas story pan-|and Mrs. Ralph McKendry, 105 tomine was re-enacted by the/Hillcrest drive. children. Neil Murkar acted as) --------- " noeamrarireenineteient mace carmmenion Bev Whitby Rre js Bowling Scores WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR . Bs , Tuesday's action at County ( ( ' § y fe : Py eee ee oe Bowl saw Fieming's Shell Ser- ren, Robbie and Rickie, visited seal on og 4 seve! in Lindsay, with Mr. and Mrs.} er's 3-0. Wilsons Food Market Leonard Pogue. In Oakwood they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nokes. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mar- shall and their son, Richard (Ricky), spent the Christmas holiday weekend in Kingston as the guests of Mrs. Pearl Anson. also shutout Brown Electric 3-0. Burtinsky Florists split points with Whitby Royals and Mercantile Dept. Store edged Mr. and Mrs. Allen McLaren, Hambly Beverages 2 to 1 66 Elizabeth crescent, enter-| Top shooters were Jack Brown tained at a New Year's Eve 805 (284, 275); Rog. Reeson 767 party at their residence. The) (311, 273); Geo. Sweet 751 (274, following guests were present: |225), Ron Swartz 745 - (274), Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hope, Mr.|Bill Jordan 737 (252, 252); Dick and Mrs. Carman Whyte, Mr.| Adams 733 (304); Doug. Row- and Mrs, Edward Clouthier, Mr. |den 72% (277); Marty Jordan and Mrs, Robert Loney, Mr, and|715 (266, 256); Mic. McMaster Mrs. Stan Bronishewski, Mr.|709 (289); Denny Brown 692; and Mrs. Ray Sharp, Mr. and'Doc Dafoe 685 (259); Frank Mc- * : Guest Speaker--Harvey Wright, asement with were Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCor-/Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Rawn,|Soils and Crops Specialist. * Department of Agriculture has announced that a series of spe- cial courses for the farmers of the area will be held at the Odd Fellows Hall in Orono. The schedule is: Tues., Jan. 19--Durham Beef Improvement Association An- nual Meeting Subject -- "Beef Briefs" with speakers Beattie and Geo. Arnold. Junior Farmers. Wednesday, Jan, 13, & p.m.,; Uxbridge Secondary School -- /Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir Rehearsal. Thursday, Jan. 14, 8 p.m., Ux- bridge, Dept. of Agriculture Board Room, York-Ontario Shorthorn Club Annual Meeting., Monday, Jan. 18, 11 a.m., Lindsay, Dept. of Agriculture \Board Room, District Soil and Crop Improvement Meeting. Tuesday, Jan. 19, 8 p.m., Ux- bridge, Dept.- of Agriculture Board Room, Ontario County 4-H Forestry Club Meeting. Tuesday, Jan. 19, 8:30 p.m., Cannington, Brock District High School -- January Meeting for Beaverton Junior Farmers Wednesday, Jan. 20, 8 p.m., Uxbridge Secondary School -- Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir Rehearsal. Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1:30 p.m., Brooklin, Township Hall; 8 p.m.,) Tuesday, Feb. 16 -- For Uxbridge, Dept. of Agriculture |jadies -- Consumer Buying Board Room, Farm Manage-|Miss Pat Wray. For the m ment Meetings. Guest Speaker|Soils and Fertilizers with. speak- Harvey Wright, Soils andjers A, 0. Dalrymple, agricul- Crops Specialist. |tural represen Thursday, Jan. 21, 1:30 p.m.,/tom Bates, OAC. and Crop Improvement As: ation Annual Convention, E bition Park, Toronto. Tuesday, .Feb. 2 -- Herd Health with speakers D Julian and Dr. Neeley, Tuesday, Feb. 9 -- For the ladies -- Appliance Purchase with speaker Miss Pat Wray, home economist. For the m The Economics of Farm chinery and Purchasing with speakers Geo, Arnold and Owen Gibb. Dair. Town . Hall,)Frarm Management Associa Meetings./ Annual Meeting. Money Man- speakers Geo. Arnold and Miss Pat Wray. Saturday, Jan, 23, 1 P.m.,, 'Tuesday, Mar. 2 _ Cannington, 1OOF Hall -- On- Crops with speakers Har tario County Junior Farmers') wright and Professor Annual Meeting. Anderson. Monday, Jan. 25, 1:30 p.m.,, Tuesday, May 25 Weed Uxbridge, Dept. of Agriculture|school on a farm, place to be Board Room, Ontario County|selected. Demonstrations, etc. Potato Growers' Annual Meet-| ----------------------___ es a NEWS IN BRIEF Monday, Jan, 25, 8 p.m., Ux-) \bridge, Dept. of Agriculture Board Room, Ontario County| POSTPONE ELECTIONS \Junior Farmers' Programme| LEOPOLDVILLE (AP) -- In- Planning Meeting. terior Minister Godefroid Mun- Tuesday, Jan, 26, 8:30 p.m.,/ongo has put off general elec- Greenbank, Community Hall --|tions originally scheduled to be January Meeting for Port Perry held throughout the rebetlion- Junior Farmers. torn Congo during the first two Wednesday, Jan. 27, 8 p.m.,|weeks of February, Radio Leo- Uxbridge Secondary School --|poldville announced Saturday. jOntario County Junior Farmer|An interior ministry commu- Choir Rehearsal nique said President Joseph "Wednesday, Jan. 27 to 29, 9)/Kasavubu had signed a decree a.m., Toronto, Royal Winter|postponing the election to the \Fair Coliseum -- Annual Meet-|period between March 17 and ing of the Provincial Soil and)31. |\Crop. Improvement Association) te se LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP)-- s ae . ; Friends have disclosed the Saturday, Jan. 30, 10:30 a.m., he oldest U.S Manchester, Township Hall -- death of one of the olte i. Anual Meeti women, 113-year-old Mary M. J Meeting for Ontario County Holstein Club. Kelley of Long Beach. She had Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1:30 p.m documents proving her date of leone y, Feb. 3, 1:30 p.m. /hirth as June 7, 1851, in South- Uxbridge, Dept. of Agriculture); Mici Board Room, Ontario County| field, a Beef Improvement Association} Beaverton vey DIES AT 113 Amun eine. NEW YEAR'S | Quay 677; Geo. Olliffe 676; Ed. | Brush 679. Good singles Grylls 268, Chuck Gill 251, Ernie | Patterson 250. | Save a WOMEN SUFFER) ~<" ~~ BLADDER IRRITATION | array VICTORIA ce and GREY TRUST are made miserable by common Robins 4 308. Dundas St. W., Whitby RESOLUTION Open an Account at Victoria and Grey. rolled by Bill Fred Watson 270, | 266, Ed, Badgley) White 250, Jim| little from irritation cansed by s germ. jehis Coli. To auickly combat the secondary aches, muscular pains and disturbed sleep caused by Kidney and Bladder irritations, - i¢ an internal CYSTEX antiseptic bath for a few days. All you do is take 2 little CYSTEX tablets with « glass of water. In addition to its cleaning anti- septic action, CY! is an ai G pain reliever for Rheumatic Pains. Heed- ache, Backache, and muscular pains. Get | try takin: BROCK One Complete Program Each WHITBY Evening Starting At 7:30 ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S Suspenseful Sex Mystery!.. é ~-TIPPI HEDREN- SEAN CONNERY sostarint DIANE BAKER + MARTIN GABEL - 1 tions namne TECHNIGOLOR® a] Starting et 9:05 Recommended As Adult Entertoinment ALSO -- Second Feature Attraction Shown 7:30 Only "JOE BUTTERFLY" !n Color Starring Audie Murphy, George Nader SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $16.00 on your auto insurance. See... RIEGER & OSBORNE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 Ross education, Jan. 27 - 29 -- Ontario Soil|of Scien oci-| versity of xhi-| Chemistry, en--/ Drug - Div Ma-|Health and Welfare Department lgraduating in: 1956 with a Ba-|SPa tative and Dr.|¢ Glen| the i | | | Whitby, Oshawa, Brooklin ll successful sale for you. KEDRON (TC) -- Rev. Winni- fred M. Bridges, BSc, BD, who will arrive in January to take up the pastoral duties on the Columbus Kedron Raglan charge, has had an interesting and varied career. A Westerner by birth and she was born in Al- berta and obtained her Bachelor ce degree from the Uni- Alberta, majoring in After graduation in 1941, she worked in Winnipeg y during the war with an explo- r, sive manufacturing plant. Later she was employed as & biochemical technician at the Winnipeg General Hospital, and as a chemist with the Food and ision of the National in Winnipeg, transferring to a Toronto laboratory in 1948. Miss Bridges was. always ac- the|tive in young people's work.. In with 1953. she answered a call to the en-- ministry and began studying at Emmanuel College, Toronto, helor of Divinity degree. dre, Alberta and Ont., and in her final Sheppard avenue Field | street. Miss Bridges was ordained by Toronto Conference and placed at Swastika in Temiska- ming Presbytery. years of service she went to India for a year. On her return to Canada in late 1960 Miss Bridges accepted a call to the White Lake charge in Renfrew Presbytery. She served as chairman of Renfrew Presbytery and from her ordination until this year she was presbytery chairman of the committee on Evangelism and Social Service, Whenever there is time to GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St. E. Whitby Ph. 668-8831 LISTINGS NEEDED For Our Active Sales People If you have a home, lot, farm or business for sale in or surrounding district at a fair price we will do our best to make a 'SALES REPRESENTATIVES @ Ruth Snudden @ Ike Perry @ Clare Shank @ Nick Van Den Broek Looking to Buy See Our Ad Mon. & Tues. Oshawa Classified Poge | After three| | 1962-63, | REV. W. M. BRIDGES re from wor An induction service Church. Qor Plumber PLUMBING & HEATING SHEET METAL WORK @ INSTALLATIONS @ REPAIRS @ SERVICE AUTHORIZED CONSUMERS' GAS DEALER the pressure of | k, Miss Bridges enjoys fish-| As a student she served On|ing, gardening and music. $3 -- Durham/fields at Sun tion | Scotia, \year was s when| Miss Bridges will officially take s student supply at the/up her duties on her new pas- then Oriole United Church on/toral charge is planned for Jan. | and Leslie/14, at 7:30 in Columbus United LADI OVER-THE-SHOE 5 SNOW BOOT SAVE 30% Reg. 8.98 to 16.98 6.28 to 11.88 LADIES' QUALITY Dress Pumps Save up to 50% Reg. 16.95 to 18.95 SALE 8.98 to 11.98 aturalizers Save up toe 50% Reg. 15.95 SALE 7.98 to 9,98 MEN'S OVERSHOES & RUBBERS Save 20% MEN'S CLARK DRESS SHOES Save 25% Reg. 23.95 to 25.95 SALE 17.95 to 19.50 MEN'S DACKS Save 20% CHILDREN'S OVERBOOTS Save 25% Reg. 3.98 SALE 2.98 LADIES' 305 Brock St. S. & TEENAGER--FLATS--SANDALS REDUCED 25 to D CLARK'S Men's and Ledies' Seve 20% Reg. 14.95 SALE 11,95 Save 20 to 40% On All SLIPPERS Whitby 668-4901 YOUR CLIP AND 5. Sports WEEKLY EVENTS AVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! CALENDAR GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Tune-ups. Licensed Mechonis Free Check-Up interize PICK-UP & DELIVERY +, d This Pr Progr Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! Ph. 668-4247 128 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY Quelity Material & Workmanship GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports. HOME TOWN SPORTS SUPPORT THE LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCE ST, S. DIA! 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT This Space Reserved For You Please Phone 668-3703 COXIE'S Bargain Centre New and Used Surplus Stock 125 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY WHITBY AMBULANCE - SERVICE Courteous, Efficient 24 Hour Service Dial 668-8642 1117 Brock St. $., Whitby SPORTS HOCKEY METROPOLITAN JR. ' Dunlops. Tues., Jan. 5th. Etobic Whitby Dunnies. WHITBY MERCANTIL Sunday, Jan. 10--The Men's Wear--2 P.M. JOHNS-MANVILLE HOCKEY LEAGUE Sunday, January 10---T: Insulations vs Flexboard -- 9:45 a.m. THIS WEEK'S Saturday, Jan. 9th. Weston Dodgers. vs Whitby ney--12 Noon -- Arena Sunoco vs Ottenbrite By The Local 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Ample Parking Facilities EVENTS You don't have te wloy o sport to be @ good sport. 110 Dundes St. £., Whitby 668-3410 STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments ++» of Distinction 668-3552 Whithy 'B' HOCKEY oke Indians will host the E HOCKEY LEAGUE Royal Hotel vs Kelly Dis- ronsite vs Office at 8 a.m. PUBLIC SKATING AT WHITBY ARENA Wednesday 8 p.m. to Friday 8:30 p.m. to Children. BADMINTON The Whitby Badminton Club meets at Henry St. High School every Nights.---New members welcome. MARTIN'S ESSO SERVICE Hwy. 2 ot Thiekson's Rd. Licensed Mechanie Specializing in... Major Repsirs Tune Ups Brakes Relined Exhoust Systems PH, 728-5641 ED. JEFFREYS @ Janitor Service @ Window Cleaning WE SPECIALIZE IN OFFICE & FACTORY WORK 120 Lupin Dr, Whitby PH. 668-8658 10 pm.--Adults only. 10.30 p.m.--Adults and Monday and Thursday Watch Your... IMPERIAL ESSO HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA BROADCAST Sat., Dec. 9th TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS Meet Your Friends Before and After The Game In "The Regency Room" of the ROYAL HOTEL 171 Brock St. N. Dining Room Vs. BOSTON BRUINS Open 12 Noon til 12 P.M,

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