ANTI-STARVATION PROJECT Week-Long Liquid Diet Is Planned By Salesman the anti-hunger organization of their choice." 38--Coming Events BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, JAN. 9th 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 34--Automobile Repair Li 'service and front end baa Lol Swan, 76 Celine Street. Call 723-4233, 35--Lost and Found LOST -- Big male grey Persian cat, four white dca wood to name of Socks, Telephone Pickering 942-2401. Reward. 38--Coming Events WOODVIEW COMMUNITY ' NTRE IN MEMORIAM HARLOW -- In loving memory of ® dear son, Donald Harlow, who passed 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Jenuory 9, 1965 BUELL -- Lawson and Anne are fo announce the safe arrival of a boy, @ Ibs. * oz.,' born at the Oshawa| away Jenuary 9, 1964, General Hospita! on J 4, 1965. A} Nothing brother for Wayne and Bri Lo: Maney thanks to Dr. Ross and 4th floor nurses and steff. emembr: ki im near. Always remembered by his father Mr, and DEATHS rs Mrs. Ernest Harlow, CALBERY, George John Wellington 30--Automobiles for Sale SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 27--Rooms for Rent moby ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867) sisters KINSMAN -- In memory of @ dear husband, father and grandfather, Stan Kinsman, who passed away Janu- ary 10, 1961. Mr. Walters, who said he By DON HARVEY WiitEY = Far rent, Tight housekeeping oe aii private 'entrance. Phone 668- 7432, or apply 542 Mary Street East, th- 7 furnished bedroom, single pg central, use of refrigerator. Apply 25 Quebec Street, " KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY ---- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quolity ON housekeeping room for poem fei week, Apply 1437 Byron room in _ clean, 207 Drew Street or tele- BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN BINGO MONDAY, JAN, 11th Admission. Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize. 2--$250 Jackpot Nos. 53 and 56 1 -- $150 Jackpot Jockpot Pays Double in 52 Nos, or Less 4 -- $40 Jackpots to go 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted Suddenly, at his residence, Port Perry, January 8 1965, George Cal- dearly loved husband of Bertha dear father of Jean of Nova Joan of Peterborough, Harold Ada of Toronto, Eimer of Colborne, BINGO AT U:A.W.A, HALL SATURDAY, JAN, 9th dear gr of Billy, son of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Calbery of Colborne, loving brother of Emma (Mrs. C. Denny), Ruth (Mrs. H Warner), Grace (Mrs, M, Bassant), Lillian (Mrs. F. Martin), Har- old and Mabel (Mrs. P, Saunders) in his Sist year, Resting at the Chapel McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry. Fu- neral. arr to be jater, GORMAN, Margaret Anne At the Oshawa General Hospital after a Softly the leaves of memory fall, sontly we gather and treasure them all, Unseen, unheard, you are always near, Still loved, stili missed, still very dear, Pr aad remembered by wife Lou and family. LaROCQUE --- In loving memory of Joseph LaRocque who' passed away Jan- vary 10, 195). Fourteen vears have passed since that sad day, 'When one we loved was called away, God took him home, it'was His will, Within our hearts he liveth still. --€ver remembered by Ellen, Nick, Ron, Doll and Kevin, | TORONTO (CP)--Jack Walt- ers, 37, a Sudbury 'insurance salesman, began Thursday what he hopes will be a week- long liquid diet in a bid to in- terest Canadians in raising money to combat starvation as a 1967 centennial project. "It would be a wonderful thing if on July 1, 1967, a sym- bolic cheque for the amount of 'X' millions of dollars could be held aloft as Canada's centen- nial. contribution to the world's weighs about 150 pounds, plans jto. drink water and milk until Thursday morning, when he will have a regular breakfast, He told his wife he was com- jing to Toronto to try to 'find a sponsor for his diet and when she learned' he really meant to embark on it in a. downtown hotel, "'she became very con- cerned."" However, he said, his jwife has known since last sum- }mer that he planned to do it, "Canadians have a respon- In addition to periodic stom- ach rumblings, Mr. Walters' main complaints are that he's lonely and bored, _ "I wish I had a paint-by-num- bers kit and a few more people to talk to," he said, "I haven't much money so J guess I'll stick pretty close to my room until next Thursday." While he didn't have a physi- cal checkup before beginning his diet, Mr. Waters said he Apply phone 725-7175. ne COMPLETELY furnished large Sone room, suitable for one or two tlemen. Apply 303 Pacific Avenue off ark Road South. ie aches LIGHT housekeeping room fo suit @ Sa ag in quiet home, 171 Nassau treet, Oshawa. TWO MEN to sha twin beds. Apply 592 phone 728-1514. Be CENTRAL, Elgin and Mary, very large ae pear, suit two refined clean living gentlemen. Telephone 723-9767, ROOM to suit 2 gentlemen, GM em ROOM Io ured, Telephone 723-6547 be- 7:30 P.M, 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50, JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH FLORIDA TOUR March 6th - 28th THIRD: ANNUAL TOUR Chortered, air-conditioned Motor Coach Hotels and Tours included Personally escorted Phone 623-3265 or write COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE BOX 63] - BOWMANVILLE short illness on Saturday, January 9, 1965, Margaret Ann Ridsdi of 917 Centre Street North, Whitby, beloved wife of J F, Gorman, loving mother of Michael, Kelly and Regan, dear daughter of Mrs. C. A, Ridsdale (Edith) of Toronto, and late Charles Alfred Ridsdale, dear sister of Mrs, A. Dean (Shirley) of Peterborough, Mrs, D. McConnach (Elaine), Mrs, R. Erwin (Elsie) and | Ernest Ridsdale of Toronto, in her 30th year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby for service in the chapel on Monday, January 11 at 2.30 p.m, In- terment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. Minister the Rev..J. Smith, Memorial donations may be fnade to the Canadian Cancer Society. Visitors commencing 7 p.m. Saturday. > 20 Games at $20 5 Special Games at $30 Regular games pay double in Nos, or Less $100.00 Door Prize Early Bird Game at 7:45 Admission $1.00 Extra Buses RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children under 16 not admitted MOTORS 607 KING ST. ---OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cors, or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royol Hotel Whitby 668-3331 "Very con-|1964 CHEVROLET, Bei Air, four door, 8 January 11.|cylinder, automatic transmission, power steering, whitewalls. Telephone 723-7164, only.|1955 OLDSMOBILE, good motor, $75. Tele- 132| phone Port Perry 985-2081. sen | 1956 MONARCH two-door hard top, very | D rooms, suit will-| clean, perfect body and mechanical condi-| ing fo share. single beds. Close to Northition, $375. or best offer. Will consider | and West GM Apply 338 French Street| trade of smaller car. Telephorie 725-9193 evenings after 6, after 5 p.m. ' i NGLE d bedroom, 4 # to- ished bedroom, central loca-|1959 PONTIAC sedan, Laurentian, au! San ha bentierber: Apply 65 Elgin|matic, Big 6 motor, good condition, snow Street East, 725-6146, | tires, $1150, Best offer, Telephone 725-9258 ' PS "sad board. Apply 25|1957 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville, Fleet-| pedi D3 aps ia ia | wood interior, all power options, mechan- RGE ROOM T in beds, suitable two ically A-l, best offer. Apply 33 Adelaide| CENTRE 'A win beds, Avenue West or 723-7605. adults, Close to downtown and north GM. | --v<" h. "| 1957 CHEVROLET station wagon, two-| 109 COLBORNE ST. WEST | Apply at 74 Kinael ae saa |door, good body and tires, Reasonable. ' FURNISHED rooms for two 9 "| No. deal 728-2391. | near south plant, Private home, Tele- ce non ih ie ade - _ | TUESDAY, one Toe 1961 PONTIAC convertible, V8, power | ae nl annem | equipped, $1550 or any reasonable offer. 8 O'CLOCK ROOM for Telephone 723-1978. _--|308 Albert Street or 728-1740, _ LARGE bright furnished light housekeeP-| i945 CHEVROLET Bel Air four-door $750. Jacknek « Ing and bedsitting room, close to hospital) sagan, custom radio, six-cylinder, stan- i and downtown, girl preferred. Call 72 gard transmission, 18,000 original miles. $20 each line plus A... « BRRREE SES? AR MST ovine aor nE oe ae jOne owner. Gus Brown Motors, 725-1801. $50 Full Card SINGLE room for rent, Centrally located, | i9¢7 CHEVROLET Impala, 2-door hard- near North GM. Apply 136 Colborne!io, 327 motor, standard transmission, 5 -- $30 Games Street East. ee, positraction, A-1 shape, many extras./ aay k ATTRACTIVE furnished room. Private| Telephone 725-1987 after 5 p.m. | 2 $250 Jackpots adult home, Sul' refined gentleman. Cen-| i954 CHEVROLET, good running condi-| 20 -- $20 Jockpots Jackpot Nos. 50 and 52 Early Bird Games | -- Extra Buses -- 7:30 Bus Direct from 4 Corners furnished room with 22 Crerar Avenue, Tele- loyees preferred. fore 4 . Apply 563 Ritson Road South. FURNISHED ROOMS, suit gentlemen, close to Fittings. $7 weekly. 256 Court Street. Telephone 728-4594, -- FURNISHED separate room, tral, Vacant Apply Street, Telephone 728-9632 3 " i ROOM FOR RENT. Gentlemen Very close tu downtown. Apply at Church Street after 5 p.m. ADMISSION--$1.25 "GET" THIS WEEK 50c Members * 75¢ Non-Members DRESS -- SHIRT and TIE JANUARY 16th LITTLE CAESAR and THE CONSULS | "I think an excellent Cana- |dian centennial project indivi- duals might take up is one in which they would go on a tem- porary diet and donate a dol- lar for each pound they lose to FREE--ADMISSION--FREE KINSMEN BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY radio, remembered by the family, RISK, Helen J. (Nellie) Entered into rest at the Oshawa General Hospital- on Friday, January 8, 1965, Helen J, Risk, beloved daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Risk and dear sister of Charles Risk of Dunbarton. Miss |Risk is resting at McEachnie Funeral |Home, 28 Kingston Road West, Pickering, jafter 2 p.m. Saturday. Funeral service -----|in the chapel on Monday, January 11 at 2 p.m, Interment Erskine Cemetery. (in | lieu of flowers, please send donations to | the Canadian Arthritic Society.) ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ANNUAL NIGHT OF CARDS Wed., Feb, 3rd -- 8 P.M, | the MASONIC TEMPLE. | Prizes OBITUARIES MRS. VERA MAY WOOD ROACH, William James In failing health for more than After a short illness at the Oshawa Gen- four years Mrs Vera May eral Hospital on Friday, January 8, 1965, | In Refreshments OTTAWA (CP) -- Whatever | happened to the $2,010,000 in} Canadian war savings certifi-| cates that have never been re-| deemed? | It's a puzzle for the Bank of Canada which still stands ready to pay off the owners of these/ | federal obligations. One theory is that some of certificates may have gone} j up in patriotic flames as the | have only your memory, dear Minnie, tral. Warren Avenue, Call 723-3519. tion, $75. Also 1960 Dodge sedan. Tele- OOM tor young lady, board optional.| phone 725-8363 Rossiand and Simcoe Street North dis-| $59 -i94g¢ CADILLAC Fleetwood; $20-1953 trict. Telephone 725-1032, | Plymouth; $200 - 1952 Triumph 500 twin; 28 , d Board | $700 - 1959 Edsel. 723-4240 --Room ape reere | 1958 CHEVROLET wagon, fair condition, | ROOM end board at 142 Perry Street,'$495 or best offer. Apply 248 Toronto) Whitby. Telephone 668-2105. se | Avenue, : A ROOM AND BOARD, for gentleman, five-|1958 FORD Fairlane, 2-door, black. and day week, single room, lunches packed,|white, 6 cylinder, automatic, manual, works 'welcome, home privileges.| choke, good fires, back-up lights, seat ot aes " | covers: excellent condition, Telephone ROOM AN Yor gentlemen, will-| 6222728 | Ing to share, near north plant, Shift work-| 1960 PONTIAC four-door sedan, automa- ers welcome. Telephone 728-3713. tic, custom radio, whitewall tires, ecor MONDAY -- ROOM and board for young gentleman, mechanical condition. Gus Brown five-day week. Willing to shi ~ lent | 4 | Close | Motors, 725-1801 aes | 8:00 P.M. to south plant. Apply 47 E Street.| 1962 MERCURY Comet station ry TH WHITBY -- Room and beard for older |Sutomatic, $1495; '54 Chevrolet Bel Air sedan, Telephone lady in good home. 1625 Dufferin street m5-0101, runu. SUNDAY ! IT STARTS OFF WITH A ROAR THAT RIPS THE SCREEN APART! Children under 16 not allowed THE RACY REVELATIONS OF THE RICHEST Roy Leach, who passed away January 9, view sibility to help the billions ofjisn't afraid of becoming ill. Teer sia: daca! we GavA os dian Mr. Walters, a native of St,/"U"8t¥ People in the world," he| "J'ye always had good health, Silent is the voice we loved fo hear. |phomas said "he has received| Said. It's only because of|which is a lot more than most Too far away for sight or speech, | ! ' |God's providence that we livelof the world can say." But not too far for thought to reach.icomplimentary telegrams from); Canada and not beside a rice} * me 'And who, though absent, is just as dear.|F is he r, Canadian centennial ia Ree eh - sLovingly remembered | by | daughter! commissioner, and External Af- A barge Roman Catholic who} Dorothy, soninlaw Harold end Sr8Nd-lraire Minister Paul Martin, served wo years as lay admin- DANCE "While I have set out on a\e ns «| of ar she of Sault MECLELLAND -- In loving memory, of seven-day solid-food strike, I aid i te r, son our dear mother and grandmother, Helen) » . umanitarian interests | McClelland, who passed- away January 10, wouldn't recommend others tO ether than "Christian rin-| [Wi GE follow my example besos ciples" tna tok Sa te ty thal ine lonely years have dri Y, U j j = To speak our thoughts we will not f ;|don t think ca bee py accompl . fast. } Old Time - Modern God' took your hand, we had to part, janything,"' he said. | | LINDSAY, George Francis (Frank) He eased your pain, but broke our) Mr, Walters said he was m0-\gugGgesTs DIETS Entered into rest at the family residence, hearts. : \ti vated by an article he rea s WRITS 2S -] 394 Simcoe' Street North, Oshawa, Thurs-| You're still, beside us in all we do, vale y 8 pone day, January 7, 1965, George Francis} Your love will guide us and see usijast August in a Royal Bank of (Frank) Lindsay, beloved husband of rou . Emily Shaw, father of Mary, Shirley, and|--Lovingly Canada monthly newsletter} Harold, brother of Mrs. R. Clement| 99 , which noted that only duirgey (Muriel), Mrs. W. Aylesworth (Greta)! -- In loving memory of a ey is needed to Oshawa, Mrs A, Roney (Lavina) and) dear father, Stanley Prevost, who passed amount of mon f d di Mrs. Lageer (Rita) Toronto; in his 65th} away January 10, 1963, help some under develope year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral} Gone is the face we loved so dear, countries combat starvation ef- Home, Oshawa with funeral service in) Silent is the voice we loved to hear; | tively \ the chapel Monday, January 11, at 3.15| Too far away for sight or speech, fectively. ' | p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. | eu oe too far for Yooughit to reach. "IT felt that while churches |(Friends are asked not to call at the) weet to remember him jo once was ' | funeral home before Saturday evening.)| -- here, and other groups are making | And who though absent, is just as dear./noble efforts to help the world's) --Daughters Gladys, Dorothy, Greta, Bev- hungry, individual Canadians erley and families. haven't done much." PREVOST -- In loving memory of my -- i husband, Stanley Prevost, who passed Fs away January 10, 1963. | an Caim and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; | Certificates But trust in God to meet again. | e 8 --Levingly remembered by wife Laer Are Missing PREVOST -- In 'loving memory of a |dear father. Stanley Prevost, who passed God took him home, it was His will, But in our hearts we love him stills His memory is as dear today Street East, Whitby), beloved husband of| AS in the hour he passed away, | j ride i ya | Ethel Mary Comber, loving father of Mrs.) awa, died Friday in Oshawa) (rg 'Smith (losephine May) of Whitby,| When we are all alone, General. Hospital, She was in|dear grandfather of Mrs. C. W. Kemp oP: piactiged is 'the nly. friend e par I f Whitby; in his 86th year. i n its own, her 58th year. hetneae the W. rol Town Funeral ~Always remembered by daughter was the daughter of the late|Jdhin the Evangelist Church, Whitby on Donald, Earl, Linda and Laura, * A 1, "m, int er i Andrew and Mary Johnston, Bhe | Rainey, Jrrware A *oklin, (visitors, READ ---In loving memory of my dear iy | was married to Cecil L. Wood in|commencing 7 p.m. Saturday.) (Rosary i lad who passed away January tne tie First Baptist Church, Osh-} popitaiLte, Real Joseph | But th: sweetness will linger forever ' | effort. | a Suddenly, a result of an accident at Whit-| As 1 treasure the image of you. \ ph certificates have not | Surviving are Mr. Wood; aby, on Thursday, January 7, 1965, Reai|--Lovingly remembered by your husband e ¢e r : | | ' Joseph Robitaille, of 510 Peel Street,)Charlie. jearned a penny in value since} | Whitby and a brother Delbert of|Gadoury, 'oving father of Carole,| ? june Oshawa Claudette, Gerald, Dennis and Larry, dear| Nothing on eorth will mem- |spring of 1954, i ' 7 son of Mrs. P. Robitaille of Ramore, and) orjalize for longer or better The certificates, not to be v resting rer -Emil itailie;"in his 33rd me . ' ss) The body is resting at Gerrow the late Paui-Emile Robitailie;'n his 33rd) a bronze memorial de- confused with victory bonds, |§ signed by Matthews and sup- | were put on sale by. the govern- LEACH -- in memory of @ dear father, /hungry," he said in an inter- We who iove him, sadly miss him, away January 10, 1963. | William James Roach (of 314 Colborne | Wood of 65 Kenneth street, Osh- | Wood 5 Kenneth street, Osh-| We often sit and think of him * 4 R My Born in Whitby, Mrs, W00d)chapel, Whitby for requiem mass in St. Muriel, son-in-law Don and grandchildren Oshawa. She was a member of)" ®™ Seturdayd Pp eee | To remember my whole life through, | owners' contribution to the war sister, Mrs. J, Wild (Lila) of Whitby, beloves husband of Fernande; ------ ------~"|the last ones matured in. the new licence, Funeral Chapel. The service will| Ye". Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral se Chapel, Whitby, for requiem mass in St. 12 at 2 pe ere eR PORTIS south or telephone Whitby 668-5770. ne iM and BOARD for gentlemen only. Very centrally located. Lunches packed. | Apply at 296 King St, East near Ritson) Road. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen. 40 Athol East ' ROOM AND BOARD in nice clean home, parking space, close to south GM. Suit | GM employee only, willing to share. 723-2786. 29----Wanted to Rent LARGE income house need 15 for mother by and four children, Mrs. Donald at 728-206?. SS | WANTED: Storey and or two-storey | fhouse, for Dutch busi couple, Call) after 5.20. Telephone 728- see eSs BUSINESS COUPLE require furnished apartment in Whitby. Telephone 728-3566 YOUNG COUPLE with small child re- quire 2 or 3 bedroom home March | Reasonable rent, clean, with backyard. ADULT family of three, careful, can supply references. Would like nice two-| bedroom duplex or small bungalow b end of March, with no maintenance of| yard, as away in summer. Write Post Office Box 47!, Oshawa, ASSISTANT MANAGER of loca! bank re quires three or four bedroom house to rent effective February |, 728-9436 days 9 to S. Mr. Sinclair. 30--aAutomobiles for Sale 1989 CHEVROLET Impala, 2-door hard- top, ermine white with custom red trim, custom radio, padded dash, whitewall tires, absoiutely spotless condition, Gus Brown Motors, 725-180). 1962 OLDSMOBILE | Super-88, four-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, Excel: lent condition. Call 725-7664. 1958 IMPALA, two-door hardtop, black, red interior, V-8 automatic, whitewails, custom radio, A-] condition, $900 cash. Ajax, 942-2284, 1962 OLOSMOBILE, fully equipped. Willi trade for 1962 or 1963 '4-ton truck and take over payments. Telephone 723-594! 1954 FORD, very good mechanically, good transportation. Telephone 725-9193. 1944 PARISIENNE Pontiac, 4<door hard- top, automatic transmission, 8 cylinder, low mileage, beautiful condition, deluxe frimmings. Privately owned. Telephone 725-5447 1964 CHEVELLE Malibu hardtop, auto- matic transmission, whitewall tires. Ex Crilent condition, Best offer, Telephone 725-7823 1964 CHEVROLET Biscayne 327, 300 HP two-door, radio, four-speed transmission Perfect condition. Telephone 725-2563 1958 OLOSMOBILE, four door hardtop, ful! power, new tires, radio, good condi- tion. Telephone: 728-7902 1942 CHEVROLET, 4door station wagon A Telephone 725-1053. IOLET custom, 348 engine, 3 speed floor shift. $1,195 or best offer 725-4559 after 4 W643 MERCURY 555 Ywo-door hardtop, black with red, bucket seats, automatic, power brakes, power steering. radio, Royal Master tires, spotiess. Gus Brown Motors, 725-1801 1987 CADILLAC Eldorado, viny! hardtop, all power equipped, mechanically A-) Must be seen fo be appreciated. Reason- able. Call Orone 255, 30--Automobiles for Sale : 1963 PONTIAC Strato Chief station wagon, six-cylinder, standard shift, one owner Heavy duty suspension. Color, Azure Aqua. Whitby 668-2808 CONVERTIBLE 1964 Meteor, 352 V-8, standard transmission, radio, whitewails, low mileage, terms, trade accepted. Tele- phone, 725-8088. ' 1986 BUICK Special, four door hard top. Very good mechanical condition, $165. or best offer. 668-4517 1964 CHEVROLET impala two-door hard- top 327 V#. four-speed transmission. radio, padded dash. Brooklin 655-4535 after $.30 p.m 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, four-door, six cylinder automatic, 25,000 miles. Must be sold. Leaving the country in three weeks Apply 24 Charles Street between 5 and 7 USED CAR PARTS, spindles to make trailers, also used tires. 50? Bloor Street East after 4 723-2781. 1956 CHEVROLET Be! Air four-door sedan, turquoise and white, automatic transmission, custom radio, excellent con- dition. Gus Brown Motors, 725-180) 1962 OLDSMOBILE Star Fire convertibie, | excellent condition, Power steering, es. windows antenna and seats, new tires. low mileage. West Hill 284-4022 evenings and weekends, January | Phone | __ 1956 PONTIAC two-door, 8 standard, In good condition, $280. Telephone 725-0473. 31---Compact Cars for Sale SABYAN AOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 Ritson Rd, $ 723-3461 Open Evenings VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, black, $700 or best offer. Telephone Whitby, 668-8053 after 6.30 1961 VALIANT, excellent condition, two door, standatd shift. Will sell reasonably | if sold this weekend, 942-5693 | 1957 VOLKSWAGEN $300. Telephone 728-1306. 1964 SUNBEAM Alpine convertible, Ex cellent condition. Radio, snow tires, seat belts. One owner, Must sell. Private. Telephone 723-6047 1960 YEAR-ROUND Tiger, Volkswagen deluxe, custom radio, foam seat covers, fyei gauge. Absolutely guar-| anteed 30 days parts and labor. 942-4629. VOLKSWAGEN 1963 Deluxe,/ excellent Condition, one owner, radio, seat belts Must sell, $1050 Telephone 723-1616. 1958 TR3 SPORTS CAR, black. Good con- dition, May be seen at 481 Ritson Road South after 5 o'clock SACRIFICE! 1964 Monza sports coupe, bucket seals four-speed transmission, Positraction, high performance engine, 6000 actual miles. Accept trade. 728-4369 1961 CORVAIR Monza, four-door 'automa- | tic, custom ratio, padded dash, 26,000| guaranteed original Lady owned | and driven since new. Gus Brown Motors, | 725-1801 1962 CORVAIR, 18,000 mile: ash offer. C | Perfect condition re-conditioned miles | door, Honduras excellent . condition 725-3456' evenings 1959 VAUXHALL paint job, custorr Gus Brown Motor VOLKSWAGEN red Best ar four-door, new runs excellently 1963 owner onditior Whitby 32--Trucks for Sale 1957 MERCURY good cond! tion rade. Telephone 723-5389 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? used car to "Ted Talk "'Cash'! the New Car Dealer and "Save"', TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 WANTED TO BUY -- NSU Prinz car or parts one.. Telephone 725-2550 LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want| Cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid.| 200 Wentworlh East, 725-1181 SHAW Auto Wrecking Co., cars boughi,| parts for sale iron and metals bought./ 89 Bloor Stree: East, 725-2311 OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for! wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245 radio, One Excellent Must sell 4 ton wide box pick-up. or take car on Call Sell' your 34--Automobile Repair 24 HR. TOWING AND LEAGUE | ROAD SERVICE | 728-7781 Snow plowing, parts and service, | | DOG'S AUTO | 1600 KING E, | | Speed Custom and | Auta A e r OSHAWA tune-up Centre carburetor ann auto electr King Street West, 728-0817 |TRANSMISSION specialists lsions are our only business, North, Phone 728-7339, oft s exPaet ce. 222 transmis 1038, Simcoe BINGO St. Gertrude's Auditorium 690 King St. East at Farewell i FREE -- ADMISSION -- FREE -- 20 Reg. Gomes--Total $300 SNOWBALL--$28, in 56 Nos, Must Go Plus $10 each horizontal line Regular Jackpot --- $100 in 52 Nos. $20. Con. SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking Extra Bus Service No Children, Please THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY OSHAWA BRANCH Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1965 Genosha Hotel Dinner 6:30 -- Tickets $2.25 Annual meeting will commence at 7.30 p.m, Speaker -- Capt. E. C. Hopkins Topic -- Public Relations TOPS: (Take off "pounds _sensibly) HAPPY GANG Opening for new .membef> Wednesday night at 8 p.m, ORC, 100 Gibb St. Telephone 725-0667. - 723-7870 "Join the Fun' MODERN SQUARE DANCE CLASS Starting Soon Have room for a few more couples, Everyone welcome. | For information 725-3117 |headed | ANNUAL MEETING --|Regan and a daughter, ANNUAL MEET NG be held Tuesday, Jan. p.m. The service will be con- |ducted by Rev. N. F. Swack- hammer of Oshawa, assisted by |Rev, De Loss Scott of Whitby. Interment will. be in Groveside| Cemetery, Brooklin, | MRS, JOHN F. GORMAN Mrs. John F, Gorman, 29, of 917 Centre street north, Whitby, died today in Oshawa General Hospital after a short illness. | The former Margaret Anne} Ridsdale, she was born in To- ronto and was the daughter of Mrs, C. A. Ridsdale and the j\late Mr. Ridsdale. | She was educated in Toronto! public and high schools jmarried John Franklin Gorman in 1958 tn Toronto. She had} jlived in Whitby the last four years. | Mrs. Gorman' was a member of St. Mark's United Church, Whitby. She is survived by her hus- band, two sons, Michael and Kelly, Also, three sisters, Mrs. A. Dean (Shirley) of , Peter- borough; Mrs. D. McConnach (Elaine) and Mrs, R. Erwin (Elsie) both of Toronto and a \brother, Ernest, of Toronto. | Rev. John Smith, pastor of |St. Mark's United Church, will conduct funeral service at/2,30 |p.m, Monday at the W. C. Town Funeral Home, Whitby. Inter- ment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. | | Memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. Friends may call at |the funeral home after .7 p.m. Saturday, | FUNERAL OF | RUSSELL DAVIDSON Funeral service for Russell |Davidson, who died Dec, $1 at his family 'residence in Rag- lan, was held Jan. 4 at the McDermott - Panabaker Fu- jneral Home, Port Perry. Ste- |phen Saywell, United Church lay minister and Rev, T.-H Fleetham conducted the service. Interment was in Prince Al- {bert Cemetery, The pallbearers were six of Mr. Davidson's grandsons,, Larry Haines, Bob Haines, Ron-| ald Davidson, Bill Lee, Terry) peters and Bill Kornylo. | | | Banks Finish Says Minister VANCOUVER (CP)--Federal j | |Labor Eachen says Hal Banks. no jlonger is a factor in Canadian unionism. He said Thursday Banks no longer exercises influence over the: Seafarers International Un-} ion of. Canada which he once Banks was dismissed 'by aj government - appointed mari- time board as head of the Ca- Minister Allan J. Mae-). John the Evangelist Church, Whitby, on | Monday, January 11, at 10 a.m. Interment Resurrection Cemetery, Whitby. (The Knights of Columbus will recite the rosary Sunday at 7:30 p.m.) (Visitors com: mencing 2 p.m. Saturday.) WEEKS, Fannie At Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday, January 7, 1965, Fannie Foster, beloved wife of the late Ernest F. Weeks and loving mother of Mrs. A. Cox (Rita) Sud bury, William. of Welland, Douglas of Oshawa ,and Donald of Whitby, The late Mrs. Weeks is resting at Mcintosh-Ander son Funeral Home. Service in St. George's Anglican Church on Monday, January 1! at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery Friends are kindly requested not to call at the Funeral) Home before Saturday afternoon, (Rebecca Lodge No. 3 will hold a service at the funeral home on Sunday evening at 7.30.) WIGHT, tna and Suddenly at her home, RR 4, Bowman- | ville, on Saturday, January 9, 1965, Ina Rickard, Kingston and Douglas of Bowmanville, dear sister of Frank Ricard of Newcastle, Resting at the Northcutt and Smith Fu- neral Home, Funeral service 2. o'clock Monday afternoon, interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. WOOD, Vera May After a lengthy illness at the Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, January 8, 1965 Vera Johnston, in her S9th year, beloved wife of Cecil Wood and dear sis- ter of Mrs. J. Wild (Lila) of Whitby and Delbert Johnston of Oshawa. Mrs. Wood is resting at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street West for service in the Chapel on Tuesday, January 12 at 2 p.m. Interment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. (in tieu of flowers friends are asked to donate to the Canadian Cancer Society.) (The family will receive friends com- mencing Sunday at 3 p.m.) 'LOCKE'S FLORISTS and all Funeral arrangements floral requirements for occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | 728-6555 | Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all GERROW | FUNERAL CHAPEL | 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM DARLING -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Eric lvan Darling, who passed away January 9, 1962. Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach, Sweet to remember him who once was here, Who, though absent, is just as dear. |~-Sadly missed and ever remembered by | wife 'Noreen and children John, Dennis, Ronnie and Linda, DAVIDSON In foving memory of Frederick C. Davidson, who fell asieep January 10, 195) In the garden af memories We meet every day. Lovingly remembered by his | Birdie, wife, HARLOW - In loving memory of a dear son-in-law Don, who passed. away suddenty January 9%, 1964 Your life was loved and labored, Your love for your famiy was true, You did your best for all of them, What more could anyone do. Every time we think of you We seem to hear God say Have faith and trust my promise, You all will meet again some da y. Sadly missed by Mom and Dad) Pelow WHITBY TOWNSHIP... |nadian union and subsequently| HARLOW -- In. loving memory of a PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Tues., Jan, 12, 1965 Township Hall, Brapklin 8:30 P.M. Guest Speaker: HON. M. STARR EVERYBODY WELCOME ed to the United States. | "We have had a completely peaceful regime on the Great! Lakes over the last that is something Mackz conference. "There has been no V iolence, no harassm and no dynamiting of Canadfan iships.'* \ \@ now,"' Mr year and| chen said during a press} ts! dear husband and father, Donald William Harlow, who passed away January 9, 1964. Though his smile is gone forever, And nis hand we cannot touch, Still we have so many memories Of the one we loved so much, His memory is our keepsake With which we'll never part, God has him in His keeping, We have him in our hearts. Lovingly remembered and, sadly miss by 'wife Dorothy, daughters Donna 'Debra, sons Doug end Dale, beloved mother of 'd . off plied by Mount Lawn Mem- orial Park. Year round instal- lations, courteous informa- tion, 723-2633, MONUMENTS--MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE'ST, S. OSHAWA EVENINGS 728-6627 OFFICE 723:1002 CARD OF THANKS CARTER ~- In the midst of our sorrow, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks land appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness jand sympathy shown us in the loss of jour beloved husband and father. We es- }pecially wish to thank Dr, J. Kwan, Rev. Ongley, all the donors of the many beavtiful floral offerings and cards, and the Armstrong Funeral Home. --Mrs, Gladys Carter and: family i McCORMICK -- | wish to thank met Callum drivers and the Knights of Colum. bus, Dr, Rogers and Dr. Rowsell and others who helped in any way while } jwas a patient in Oshawa General Hospi- jtal. Special thanks to Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Woodman. ~-Peter McCormick, WHALE'S NAME The gray whale's scientific {name, rhachianectes, means |"surf swimmer." SATURDAY One of Canada's Great Dance Bands BOBBY MINNS and his orchestra COUPLES ONLY Dancing 9 P.M. till 12 Reservations 725-1348 723-2143 Sorry--Sold Out Soturday - Jan. 30th é | GIRL IN THE WORLD! SOPHIA LOREN PETER SELLERS "The Millionairess" in COLOR ment in May, 1940, They were withdrawn from sale in October | 1946. | Pool Tables 8 Models From | 39.50 SPECIAL WINTER SALES @ No Down Payment @ No Payments 'til July Corp. MAJOR POOL '*eerece usa." 690 Droke St., Oshawa CALL 725-9151 "FATE IS THE -- HUNTER" ~--with-- GLENN FORD NANCY KWAN ROD TAYLOR SAT. & SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M, 4 SAT. NIGHT Dancing CLUB CAMELOT KING ST. E. to Neil Matthews ond His Ontario County Boys @ Admission $2.50 per couple e@ Refreshments @ Tables The hilarious | > 'Kisses for my President iTePee, ARLENE DAHL rom mores EL WALLAGH $a IN-DOOR = OUT-DOOR Theale 3 SHOCK HITS 3 @ "JUVENILE JUNGLE" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT e@ "YOUNG - & WILD" @ "KING KONG vs, GODZILLA Color Presented by WARNER BROS, } TODAY DEBBIE REYNOLDS * TONY CURTIS 'onY "Goodbye Charlie" «our N.H.L, Hockey Sunday 7:30 p.m. - Leafs vs Rangers |GOLDFINGER STAYS FOR A SUBLW3H 21419313 39Nd \ } MOKINE LOGES RECORD-BREAKING rd od, WEEK! A SEAN CONN x OO in TAN FLEMING'S ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 4 Dancing 9-12 €.uB BAYVIEW DANCING Every Saturday Night TABLE SERVICE . "GOLDFINGER"" TECHNICOLOR 'tenes wee UNITED ARTISTS PHONE 723-2843 PLAZA 44 SHOW TIMES--1:35 - 3:25 - 5:20 - 7:15 ~ 9:15 3.00 Per Couple LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9 P.M.