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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jan 1965, p. 6

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Facase ae encase pence aitarertie re sitet ees 30-FOOT BIRDIE IS CAUSE FOR GLEE In the UAW Hockey League doubleheader at Brooklin Arena on Sunday morning, both win- ining teams doubled the score on their opponents, Versafood defeating Tony's 4-2 in opener while Oshawa TV won 6-3 over Starr Furniture. The win for Versafood gave them sole possession of first place. Penalties were shared in the fast and wide-open game, with both goalies starring Tony's missed Elmer Tran from their attack, Danny Gray, with three of the four goals, was the star of the win. In the second hit, Oshawa TV broke in front with the only goa! of the first period and four unsaswered tallies in. the middle canto, in spite of some fine goaling by Ross Hawe. The winners lost their star defence- man Nicholls, due to a match misconduct penalty, early. in the third period and Starr's struck for their three goals, Lloyd Mapes, Jack Sneddon and "Lucky" Wills doing the job. | For the winners, Wayne Norris, "Butch" Dowe and Vic Georgeff each scored a pair. This Sunday, Tony's meet Starr Furniture at 10.00 a.m. and Versafood takes on Oshawa TV at 11.30 a.m., both games at Winners Double Scores In UAW Hockey the} & 7, SHOW MUST GO ON Kctio 2. Versafood, A Myles .... paeay | Penalties -- Redshaw and Bird. Second Period 3. Versafood, Gray (Myles, Tripp) 4.03. 4, Versafood, Gray (Tran, Myles) 4.17 Penalty--Konorowski. Third Period 5. Tony's, Dick (Burke) ' ny ag (Kemp) enalty -- Kemp. OSHAWA TV 6, STARR FURN, 3 First Period E The near-impossible was per- formed over the week-end, when Gerry Buckstadder, technical chairman of the Oshawa Ski Club, organized and successfully ran off the Eastern Division, 'Southern Ontario Ski Zone) In- vitation Giant Slalom Races, in Napanee, which were originally planned to be held at the Osh- awa Ski Club. With no skiing reported out of 150 areas in Southern On- tario and Quebec, many races were cancelled, but thanks to Foster Herrington who arrang- ed with Hugh Finley, owner of the Nacona Ski Club, at Napnee, plus the determination of Gerry and his assistants, the event was carried out most successfully, with absolutely no laints After leaving Oshawa at 6 a.m. Saturday and transport- ing the 12-foot slalom poles, Gerry set up a fine course ably assisted by Foster Herrington, Dick Rutherford, Dianne Thom- as, Ab. Gilbert, Jack Langmaid and Ralph Schofield. The course Penalties -- None. Second Period 2. Oshawa TV, Norris 2.0 f 4.0 Norris, Samsen) _. 5. Oshawa TV, Dow (ir Penalties MoM Mapes. Third Period 6. Starr, Mapes (Sneddon, Wills) .. » 6.4) in, Davis) 19.50 Page and 1. 9. "19:57 Penalties -- Nicholls (misc, match misc.), Jones, Sneddon and Cockerton. Protestant League Bantam Standing WLT Pts. 7 115 014 we Knox King Street Westmount Simcoe Street wo ce oe Oshawa Club Moves Slaloms To Napanee Club winning the team race, and Oshawa Ski Club placing a close second. Individual was laid out on artificial snow, which even after an all-night downpour, had a base varying from one foot to three feet. OSHAWA GIRLS WIN Oshawa Ski Club members did extremely: well, with the girls' team of Joanne Conway,|™' Barbara Holland and Jane Langmaid winning gold medals|4 for Ist place in the team races.|the With an entry of 11 B acics in their. division Joanne nway, displaying good ee an on place only trol placed second e | ual scoring with a combined|fine first run, caugh time of 59 seconds, only half a|the second run and second behind the winner, Bey-| Following is a erley Bluchner of Craig Leith,|facers and the results after running the course Cates. peter essicagy: Third place went to Barbara p * Holland, * alte of Oshawa, who|Holland, OSC; Susan Dyon and slalomed home only 2.2 seconds behind Joanne. Also from * awa were Jane Langmaid, sixth, Donna Huxtable seventh and Paul Gifford eighth. BOYS' TEAM SECOND There were 23 entries in the Roblin, Napanee; Bob Steven- boys' division, with Bethany Ski- Holland, son, OSC; Bill ; John Schofield, Mike Gadd, Paul Mc- Harmony Northminster Brooklin Arena. VERSAFOOD 4, TONY'S 2 First Period 1. Versafood, Gray (Johnson, Redshaw) St. Paul's Christ Church PROTESTANT LEAGUES Millan, Bob Langmaid, Drew Rudder, Glen Munro, Warren Finley, Peter Dufus, Frank St. Andrew's SNe UAA ans -- eu Dyon, Chris Spencer, D. Rutt- ler and Stephen Jeffrey. Six others did not finish or were | Atoms And Mites Please With Steady Improvement the score with singles were David Siksay, Andy Galbraith, Tom Bathe and Jamie Massie. Mingled emoti 1.51 Westminster emotions are seen 1st C here on the faces in "the gallery" while the star of the act, Paul Harney, looks as if he's afraid to open his eyes again, in case it wasn't true. It was ! Harney sank a 30-foot putt for a birdie-four, on the 13th green, yesterday, en route to his victory in the $70,000 Los Angeles Open. The shot that brought this reaction from the spec- tators put him eight under par--the same margin with which he won the tourna- ment, with a 72-hole score of 276. The Sacramento, Cal- ifornia tournament veteran began the final round with a two-stroke lead and fin- ished ahead by five. --(AP Wirephoto) disqualified. The Atoms and Mites in the Oshawa Protestant Church SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' THE GENERALS are in danger of losing some of the *"scrambled egg" off their hats. For the benefit of the distaff side "scrambled egg'"' is the term used in all branches of the armed service, to denote the insignia decoration on the caps "worn by "'the top brass". It's not quite so today but in yes- teryears, the NCO's got an extra stripe, which they could lose One-at-a-time, or all at once, under disciplinary measures, while the commissioned officers when promoted got an extra "pip" but after they ran out of room for "'pips" or "'stars" "on the shoulders -- they would start to decorate the caps. This is a long way round to what we are suggesting -- namely 'that if our Generals fail to snap out of their slump, there are likely to be a few demotions and disclipinary measures, put 4nto force. With Montreal Canadiens rushing up from behind "like a runaway express, only four points behind and with three games in hand, the situation is becoming a little seri- ous. Kitchener Rangers have two more games left to play and they are only seven points behind Oshawa. All of which brings us to the game here tonight, when the Rangers visit the Generals. x x x x THAT DEFEAT in Kitchener on Friday night wasn't en- tirely unexpected, since the Rangers have been in high gear for the past three weeks, and like Montreal, have been climb- son, played by a considerable mar- gin as the sixth-place Durno's skated to an easy triumph. tice, Ray Pickle and Vic Geor- SENIOR LOOP Juvenile Durno's Garage took a sur- prising 4-1 victory from the Osh- awa Juveniles in the opening game of the Oshawa Senior Hockey League's weekly triple- header at the Brooklin Arena last night. In other games, league-lead- ing Beaupre's Spurs edged Fo- Jey's Plumbing 6-5 and Bad Boys defeated Oshawa Flyers 4-2, DURNO'S TOP. JUVENILES For the first time this sea- the Juveniles were out- Paul MacIntyre, Archie Cour- City Minor As Durnos Click s Upset geff were the marksmen for the winners, Brian Suddard was the only Juvenile who could beat Donnie. Gutsole in the Durno's cage. Gutsole was playing his first game, due to health rea- sons. The winners also had two goals disallowed as the referee ruled they were kicked into the net. Only five penalties were RON BUCHANAN BEAUPRE'S WIN AGAIN In the middle contest, Fo-| ley's Plumbing threw a scare} into the first-place Beaupre's Spur squad, before dropping a close decision. Art Rennick and Mike Gray| paced the way to victory with| two goals each. George Vail] and Barry Furey added singles. Kitchener Rangers, the sur- prise team in the OHA Junior 'A' League, make their second For Foley's, Ross Ward, Tommy pitt. senna parivolece) O'Connor, Gary Rowbotham, | ixth| Buddy Yahn and Ted Whiteley| The Rangers, who are sixth) were the marksmen. lin the eight-team circuit, three} momediee | Kitchener Rangers Play Here Tonight si.? i's trails Oshawa by seven points visit to the Civic Auditorium to-|game is equally important for Leagues, have now played four games of their 11-game sched- ule. : Some coaches, managers and regular rooters were approach- ed for their personal views on the games. The following were the general remarks: 'Players are skating much faster"; "the boys seem to understand the hockey language more readily which is cutting down on wasted ice time'; "stick handling is much quicker" and "teamwork is more evident in every game"'. ATOM LEAGUE St. Andrew's United edged out St. Luke's Presbyterian 3-2. Dan Christian was the big marks- man for St. Andrews, scoring twice and the other goal was slapped in by Allen Warren. An- swering for St. Luke's with sin- gles were Eric Recalla and Bob Hill. Battling to a 1-1 GORD KANNEGIESER tie were Paul's |Presbyterian. Scoring the single for Southminster was Dave Sheridan and the tying goal for St. Paul's was by Jeff Gorman. First Baptist upset St, Mark's Anglican 8-3. A three-goal per- formance was credited to Lloyd more than last year. Kitchener with two games in hand. The Generals as they need this win to stay ahead of the onrushing Montreal Junior Canadiens. One of the Oshawa players that should give Kitchener plen- Bryan Thompson added two and rounding out the scoring with singles, were Bryan Randall, Metcalfe for First Baptist.| The scorers for the Maple Leafs were Doug Cooper, who whipped in a pair and John Pattman, who notched the other. Congratulations are given to all four Mites, who play in goal: Russell Spiers, Black Hawks; Davie Stinson, Rangers; Den- nis Hayward, Maple Leafs and Mark Short, Red Wings. The pressure these boys play under and the fine display of goal tending these youngsters have shown, deserves special ap- plause. NEXT GAMES The following are the games for this Saturday: 7.00 - 7.40, Northminster vs St. Mark's; 7.40 - 8.20 Christ Church vs St. Andrew's; 8.20 9.00 Albert Street vs St. Luke's; 9.10 - 9.50 First Baptist vs Southminster; 9.50 - 10.30 Harmony vs King Street; 10.30 - 11.05 St. Paul's vs Simcoe Street; 11.15 11.50 Black Hawks vs Rangers, at North end and Red Wings vs Maple Leafs, at South end. MEL KRUGER REPRESENTATIVE SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: 723-7900 725-4563 BEAUCHAMP & ing steadily in the Junior "'A" standing. Losing to Montreal Bach team received: two. pep. /w0e aoe See. |ty of trouble is Ron Buchanan. Canadiens on Saturday at home was of a more serious nature. alties and all four were for) hooking. Neither team displayed! cua aa co egg oe " Billy Heard and Gordon Fulton. The marksmen for St. Mark's with singles, were Doug Seeley, Hockey Play HOW LTD. Generals have been a real powerhouse at "'home"', throughout the first half of the schedule -- played on Bowmanville ice. But since opening the Civic Auditorium as their new home, with a great win over St. Catharines, the Generals have been not too impressive, although admitted they have not been too fortunate either. Tonight, against Kitchener Rangers would be a timely point to snap their losing string and tighten their grip on that fourth-place berth. A victory tonight is almost equivalent to a four-point gain over Kitchener but a loss is equivalent to four points. Ian Young will be in the nets for the Generals tonight. With the team pepped up for this one, it should be a sizzler ! x x x x BRIGHT BITS: -- Billy Mills, U.S. Marine, who outsprint- ed world record-holder Ron Clarke of Australia to win the gold medal in the 10,000 metres at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, gets credit for the sport "upset of the year', in the year-end poll of sports writers and sportscasters. His feat was one point ahead of Southern California's 20-17 upset over Notre Dame. . . . SCOTTISH curlers, enjoying the entertain- ment to the fullest, on their tour across Canada, but losing Despite four goals by Law- rence Wry, Westmount Kiwanis took a 6-5 decision from Local 2784 in an Oshawa Minor Hock- ey Association Bantam League game last night. John Vandermere led the win-| ners with a fine three-goal | effort, while Jim Yakimishyn,| Dave Famme and Bob Anniert shared singles. Wayne Coppin notched the other goal for the losers, POLICE ASSOCIATION and Ernie Cay battled to a 3-3 dead- lock. Don Hodgins, Mike Harper and Les Kiraly were the marks- men for Police Assoc. Alan Veening, Joe Rockburne and pte Harding scored for Ernie ay. | COCA-COLA and Houdaille In- any defensive power as both| goaltenders were left on their) own for most of the first two periods. POWER PLAY CLICKS Bad Boys continue to be one of the hottest teams in the sion. from Oshawa Flyers. | The difference in this contest was the power play of Bad Boys. They tallied twice with the man advantage, while Flyers failed jto score during their power play) attempts. George Samson, a_ former Whitby Dunlop star, paced Bad Boys to the win with one goal and two assists. Other markers| for the winners wére scored by| Jim Peters, Gene McAvoy and} George Westfall. | Vern Beck and Ron Barriage tallied singles in a losing cause CYO Leagues -- Hockey Scores -- ATOM league as they took a 4-2 deci-| St. Gregory's won over Holy \hard-rock Cross 6-0. Goal scorers: .| Adams (2), P. Byrne (2), L.) Charbonneau and J. Driscoll. | St. Phillip's - Hedwig's won over St. Joseph's 2-0. Goals by R. Ricard and D. Konarowski. | St. Gertrude's blanked St.| Mary's 4-0. Goals by A. Lacroix (2), T. Kramer and S. Konarow-| ski. PEEWEE St. Gregory's 3, Holy Cross 1. Goals for St. Gregory's: Keeler (2), K. Hase 1. Cross: J. Boivin 1. Holy jone-half years of Junior hockey, point-scoring the Toronto City Ladies' five-pin Allen Love and Glyn Anthony. Albert Street United blanked King Street United 1-0. Garry Whiltshire found the corner of the net for Albert Street, slap- ing goaltender John Voss, but|Ping in the lone goal. Gary Al- first they will have to get by|dred was the goalie who re- defenceman Gord|ceived a deserving shut-out. Kannagieser, consideréd one of| Northminster upset Simcoe the top players on the Kitchen-|Street United 3-0. Rallying with er squad. singles for Northminster were = ----|Doug Cavanaugh, Philip Jarvie jand Jim Krantz. Credited with Curran Cartons (°°. 320 7.28 Blank Playtime Harmony took a 2-1 decision over Christ Church. Harmony's Oshawa Curran Carton girls continued their winning ways in will be attempting to extend his streak to 17 games. Generals. will likely be fac- \goals: were scored by Peter Falaise and Greg Bone. Frank Bathe scored the lone goal for Christ Church. MITE LEAGUE Rangers gave Red Wings a) bowling league on Saturday with a 3-0 win over Toroonto Play- TORONTO ANNUAL CUSTOM 7 SUIT SALE NOW IN FULL SWING 94 King St. W. & tough time, defeating them 7-4. Kevin Bartlette ignited the scor- ing by tipping in three for the Rangers. Gary MacLeod and Denis Brown added two goals each. Answering for the Red Wings were David Stuart, who slapped in a couple while Joe McIntyre and David Hardie rounded out the scoring with singles. The undefeated Black Hawks defeated Maple Leafs 6-3. Peter Winstanley shot in two goals for the Black Hawks and adding to EXCITING O.H.A. HOCKEY this TUESDAY for Flyers. Yorkdale Shopping Centre LEAGUE STANDING WL iT Pts. 3 022 3 116 5 016 6 113 5 213 ' time. St. Marys' 2, St. Gertrude's 2. : St. Mary's goals scored by G. Joyce Bell Jed the winners : 4 |with 865, including a fine 304, Reid and M. Dionne. St. Ger for 30 frames. Joan Rogers had trude's goals by J. Sawyer and)7ig, Janet Peel 639, Mavis Tay- C. Mielewezyh. \lor 605, Lou Himes 272 for 11 St. Joseph's won over St./frames and Helen Trott 241 for Phillip - Hedwig's 8-2. St. 19 frames. f Joseph's goals by W. Bryant] Curran Cartons won the first (3), L. Hopkins (2) and singles|match 1,068-873. They had a by A. Cowth, D. Grady and D.|rougher time in the second with Crosby. Combines goals both by|1,149-1,025 for the losers, but R. McLaren. |Oshawa made up for it in the BANTAM third contests with an easy 1,123-946 victory. | Holy Cross downed St. Greg-| -- ory's 15-1. Goals by L. Wry (6),| R. Richard (3), B. Locke (2)| and singles by J. Kryszak, E. Marmarce, M. Zimny and C.} Lea. St, Gregory's goal by B. Harper. St. Gertrude's won over St. Mary's 4-1. Scoring for St. Ger- trude's: B. Lacroix, D. Kirby, steadily, finally picked their first game (not match) last night in Calgary when the Bill Robertson-Aikman rink from Glas- gow dumped Ted Miller of Olds, Alberta, 16-5. Alberta won the six games, 76-49. Canada and Scotland have played for The Strathcona Cup 10 times, each has won five. Looks as if the canny Scots are "no gonna pay express on yon babble'! . .» SOCIAL NOTE! Donald McPherson, of Stratford, Can- ada's 1963 world champion figure skater, has become engaged to Carol-Ann Warner, British Olympic figure skater. They are currently performing in an ice show, in West Germany. TAKING A QUICK GLANCE AT TODAY'S SPORTS NEWS THE NCAA meeting in Chi-; MICKEY MANTLE is report- cago today, is expected to take) ed to have had another increase a stern iook at alleged '"'moon-|in his contract, . making him lighting" being done by assist-|baseball's highest player, with ant football coaches, who be-|a salary estimated at about dustries also battled to a 3-3 draw. Joe Izdebski, Dennis Cockerton and Gord Moore clicked for the Coca-Cola team, while Lee Villimere, Jim Andrews and Dave Pultz tallied} for Houdaille. CANADIAN CORPS and Bathe and McLellan fought to a 1-1 tie. Grove Bennet scored the lone goal for Canadian Corps, while Toronto Beaupre's Juveniles Bad Boys Flyers Foley's Durno's 9 010 McGrath's ae Be The Juveniles have three four- "|point wins to their credit, while the Bathe and McLellan mark Beaupre's and Durno's have one jer came from Mark Sheppard. | four-point victory. Foley's and | LOCAL 1817 shutout Scugog|Juveniles also tied in a four- \Cleaners 3-0 in the final Ban-/Point game. : tam game of the evening at the} ; G A Pts. Children's Arena. Ovenden,|B. Bishop, Spur = 9:17 26 Holmes and Bracker fired the|M. Weidmark, Foley's 10 15 25 lwinners' goals, G. Rowh'th'm, Foley's 14 10 24 |S. Westfall, Spur 6 17 23 MIDGET ACTION G. Vail, Spur 13 8 21 LOCAL 222 defeated Navy|9: Hose, McGrath's 10 11 21 WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTS! « sides being paid to coach Col- lege teams, are accepting pay from National and American football leagues and-or teams, to act as "scouts" for future pro- fessional grid talent. . . HARNESS RACING has made such a booming comeback in popularity that the Halifax Ex- hibition park, originally destroy- ed in the. 1917 explosion and since, partially re-built, is now going to have winter harness racing, after an absence of 25 years... . CASSIUS CLAY, according to a report out of New Yorr by a Toronto sports writer, haz stated that if George Chuvalo beats Floyd Patterson on February 1, then a Clay- Chuvalo bout would be the "'the biggest fight in the history of the heavyweight championship". Clay estimates such a bout would draw gate receipts of 10 $115,000. Apparently Yankees, Vets 4-2 with Wayne Blanchard want to show they think more of SCring two goals for the win- HOCKEY SCORES M. Boyle and J. Rorabeck. St. Mary's goal by T. Andolsek. Mantle than the Giants do of Mays!. ... DENNIS LAW, mastermind of Manchester Unit- -|ed and the bad boy of British soccer, ends a 28-day suspension this week and great inside for- ward is expected to spark Man- chester's arive to the English League title. . . .BERNIE FALONEY, traded last week to Montreal Alouettes, says he has not decided whether to continue in football or confine himself to business in Hamilton. Re-| member when Etcheverry wouldn't zo from Montreal to Hamilton? Could it be that Ber- nie doesn't want to play for "Jungle Jim' again?, ... HOUSTON, Texas, expected to host the American Football League's All-Star game next year, finds itself doing the job a jners. Pete McNamee and John Nestic added singles. Randy Zedic and John Cook scored for the losers. | In the other midget contest, Oshawa Letter Carriers nipped Rotary 3-2. Adrian Phillips, Dan McKee and Roy Graham were the marksmen for the winners. | Dan Butt and Art Heath clicked) for Rotary. | THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE Ancient Egyptians washed) their ink-inscribed papyrus texts | with beer and then drank it, be- | lieving they absorbed know- ledge that way. the game, because of. treat-| ment received in New Orleans, St. Phillip - Hedwig's 5, St. Joseph's 3. Combines goals by W. Blanchard (3), B. Delves and/ J. Brudek. St. Joseph's goals by| L. McAvoy, J. Bathe and L. Kawluck. BASKETBALL SCORES | By THE CANADIAN. PRESS | NBA By THE CANADIAN PRESS _ . Exhibition (At Winnipeg) Tulsa 4 Canada 8 Saskatchewan Senior Saskatoon 4 Moose Jaw 3 Central New Brunswick Fredericton 9 Woodstock 6 Ontario Junior B Kingston 6 Peterborough § Stamford 6 Hamilton 4 Windsor 6 Wallaceburg 3 St. Louis 100 Philadelphia 90 Detroit 128 Pittsburgh 127 ATTENTION SKIERS THE OSHAWA SKI CLUB -- regrets thot we cannot accept any further mem-\ berships for this season -- HOWEVER \ Ss -- -guests will be permitted to ski on Wednesday afternoons and week-ends, Jan. (2th, 8:00 p.m, KITCHENER Rangers OSHAWA Generals CHRIS ROBERTS Ticket Series No. 7 Tickets on sale ot... : @ BISHOP'S SPORTING GOODS--151 KING EAST, OSHAWA @ BOLAHOOD'S SPORTSHAVEN--61 KING EAST, OSHAWA @ AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE OPEN 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M, -- CLOSED SUNDAYS FREE PARKING FOR 750 CARS ENAMELLED TILE BOARD Reg. 12.48 25 SHEET So perfect for bathroom, kitchen, etc., etc. 5 cole ours to select from. Scor- ed in.4" squares. Really rugged and attractive, Ye" x 4' x 8' sheets .. SIMILIAR SPECIAL SAVING ON PERFORATED HARDBOARD & CEDAR CLOSET LINING Shop Today and SAVE ASK ABOUT OUR 6-MONTH DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN to 1% million dollars. . . .jyear earlier. The game this ROGER CROZIER, Detroit Red Saturday was to have been play- Wings' rookie goalie, has beenjed in New Orleans but Joe Foss/ sent to Miami Beach for a few|the league commissioner (AFL) days of rest, in the sunshine, no| moved the East-West classic to! doubt to be in top shape for|Houston vesterday, when 20) Detroit's visit to Maple Leaf)/Negro members of the two All-| Gardens this Saturday night... .|Star teams refused to play in until further notice, COSENS & MARTIN Insurance 67 King St. E., Oshawa All lines of 728-7515 Insurance Res; 725-2802 of 725-7413 | MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 SIMCOE NORTH 728-6291 Open Daily till 6 P.M. -- Fri, till 9 P.M, || APPLICATIONS for new memberships for next sea- son will be accepted and put on file after September \ Ist, Mail to Box.174, Oshawa. THE OSHAWA SKI CLUB

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