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Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jan 1965, p. 22

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22. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Jenvary 14, 1965 29--Wanted to Rent 31--Compeet Cars for Sale aii si Ss I rt pode to d 38--Coming Events 24--Stores, Offices, Storage 26--Apertments for Rent BUSINESS COUPLE require furnished apartment .n Whitby, Telephone 728-3566. TWO-BEDROOM apartment or house, e, fur- SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON At the Times OSHAWA'S FIRST GARDEN HOMES New concept for family Living Two and Three bedroom homes - Individual patios Full basement , Rumpus room Refrig. - Stove - Dryer So convenient to schools and shopping. Location--Forewell and Poplar Sts RENTAL OFFICE AT SITE OPEN 2 - 5:30 DAILY Closed Sundoy H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-1679 -- THREE YEAR LEASE 165 ACRE FARM Large house with good barn. Located in Courtice, Han- cock Rood North. Call 723-6944 After 6 P.M. $1X-ROOM brick bungalow "garage North Oshawa location. Available Febru- 1, "Adults Lee Govt References re-|- aulred. 7 725-8188. BRAND NEW HOMES. Builder prefers to p.m. your snow, cut grass, months. New building, children welcome. ! 705-18 nished or unfurnished, preferably north 'end, two povlvyal age children, Pagan by phone s m3, VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service CASA MANANA BIRTHS OSHAWA JAYCEES ee | STOCK MARKET ARMSTRONG -- Grant and Rose Marie {nee Bond) are happy to announce the arrival of thei- son, Jeffrey ward 10 Ibs. 12 ozs., on Tuesday, January 12, 1965 at Humber Memorial Hospital, Weston. All BINGO in a Quiet Atmosphere Spacious 1-2-&-3 bedroom suites featuring modern equipped kitchens, vonities with lorge mirrors in both- rooms, private balconies. SALES: and SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. ---OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) or Rental Office 723-6361 ty. from 2-9 p.m. doi 300 ft cable Dodge truck. GMC. Dial Hampton 263-2445 or a |1947 CHEVROLET, tow ; pow ; truck, winch, 300 ft. cable. Dodge truck, PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 LUSANNE VILLA | SPANISH PROVINCIAL DECOR Featuring-- --Electric Heating _ 1964 CHEVROLET hal Fleetside box, custom Positraction, 13,000 original Titles, Never j|worked. Showroom condition. Must sell. WA oe gg tee furnished apart- New and Used Cars Nas walt, COURT et, Mi tr piesa] 334 Ritson Rd. 5. TONIGHT | ies Sos Tate 723-3461 asain sunt tae de Offers You '30--Aufomobiles for Sale Open Evenings 20 gomes ot $20, 5 gomes [ait of & daughter. Catherine Lynne Sophisticated Adult Living -- at $30 -- $150 Jackpot ai he Oshawe, Genera! Hleapitst A' sister BUYING OR SELLING VOLVO 2 - $250 Jackpots for Heather. Many thanks to Dr. R. K. Miller and 4th floor nurses. gs pag Pion ask 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 Oshawa 728-0921 Children under 16 not admitted) oe any victoria proud: ; ; ional Peal lobby, broadloomed corridors, 1962 FORD Faicon, del 1 with OF fy Senos, oR OL pn coy twin elevator service, inter- $ ALL CASH $ (ai, ie wih ra erie To's elon |1a,'865, A brother for Helen," Diane. and com system and built-in For clean cors; or trucks we |imilés. Asking $1295, 725-9927" after 5. Independent Order of Foresters | Joan. sleeves for your air-condition- deal up or down, Liens paid. i VAUXHALL "Cresta; four-door, new : -- Motor City | : : a RP Ng ¥. eminder to our bers vei J} NICOLS MOTORS LTD, |Gus Brown Motors 725-1801. . : 5 ind AL os that the For March or April occupancy 1958 VAUXHALL, $100, call "a 146 BROCK ST. NORTH [itn San) bm ELECTION OF OFFICERS DEATHS bse y 1965 MGB convertibie, 3 months old, i GUIDE REALTY LTD. Whitby 668-3331 Uoon_toiies, Telephone' 72-486 pcre digg gr g Ay 723-1121 32--Trucks for Sale JAISART 1eeh, A80 rt Ay TR gb SE yg 3 Car- -- ? ' " i hi SPOT CASH at 8:00 P.M. bend of Ann' Dwyer dear brother. of Mrs, 1947 CHEVROLET tow truck power. winch 1949 one ton 1909, one ton GMC Dial Hampton 263-2445 or 725-9861. NUMBERS 51 and 56 Early Bird Game RED BARN McDONALD -- Neil and Sandy (nee Griffin) are happy to announce the safe arrival of a baby daughter, Michelle) Madeline, 7 ibs 4 ozs., on Tuesday, Jan- uary 12, 1965 at the Oshawa General Hos- pital, Special thanks to Dr. Halam- Andres. Dopp (Greta) of Brooklin; Edna of a ny E New Kinsme Hall Bowmanville and Norman of Toronto. followed by @ Bingo Resting # the Merinentt and Smith ome Requiem Mass at 10 Refreshments Served q Friday morning at St. Joseph's Rec. Secty. D, Koenigsberger |Church, Interment Bowmanville Ceme- sh "9 01. 3 $4 tery. CAMPBELL, Margaret Suddenly, dence, 157 Pontiac Avenue, on ' oey 12, 1965, Margaret Mair, beloved at her late resi- uesd in Oshawa, NOVEL BINGO | 723- 4590. LOGUE APARTMENTS _ /1959 PONTIAC station wagon, V-8, stand-| TED CAMPIN MOTORS | cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid 200 Wentworth East, 725-1181. 7 brown and beige This car has to be seen ONE-BEDROOM apartment, sub-let for 5], be appreciated. Gus Brown Motors, reoms from $102.50, three bedrooms from|'y, stove, fries and swimming pool. Feb- ; : ; $109.50, four bedrooms from -- $118.50|ruary |. Tel Hesi2 Whitby. i Sere Mtararriasion, power 34--<Automobile Repair eoeey. S Choice of Ravine ey or Lake-|wHi -bedroom unfurnished! steering, radio, Is. view. Phone Builder between 1 p.m. 8Nd) apartment, own basement, private bath-| 723-7164. fcr room, heavy wiring. Heat, water, hydro 24 HR. TOWING AND LEAGUE | Bag th <b deg » hydro| 1943" MERCURY 555 two-door hardtop. 26--Apartments for Rent Included, $95 monthly. Adults preferred, prec with red, bucket seats, automatic, | ROAD SERVICE pe ws ene, or; two. chikiren..considered. $68-2900) power brakes. power picer ina. radio, | 728-7781 IMMEDIATE (Tein cases, eg, eens [ness ta" "ens ST") Snow nev. poe on Fi 5 veniences. Central. Children weicome. D 'S AUT! ? Parking. | 3 cll High Street. Telephone! 198 PONTIAC four-door sedan, automat- OC S U ie) OCCUPANCY 668-2003 Whi he quate radio, waiiewal i hee ioe 1600 KING E. orachsldnd lent ' condition us rown 2 d3bed Moi mn fv jorge seem upper duplex, Motors, 725-1801. 5 pircsia and stove a refrigerator, tiled bathroom uto ccessories an edroom ]1963 CHEVROLET Bei Air four-door a does and kitchen, private entrances, couples OSHAWA tune-up p Centre offers "exper! Sisedan, custom radio, six-cylinder, stan- --Controlled Entrances "KELLY DISNEY | Call 725-7818 THURDAY EVENINGS 7:45 lwite 'of John Compoal ond deer sister --Laundry on each floor | ED CA |1961 CHEVROLET '2 ton pickup, used ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL of Mrs. &. Pugh (Elizabeth) and Larondicom Corridors | USED R LTD. only for furniture moving. Like new. Cus (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Alexander' Maly both. of Flint, | Mich. : tom cab, longa leetside box, custom ear jin her 661 year. Mrs. Campbell is --Elevator Service | -- oo ST. "a | radio, 726-7954 Games $6, $12, $20 \testitg at the MolnioaAnaersat" 0: - ----Dinette ond Dining Room | baie ne Often! Fabs Ww SE wie eee cn MBy-be: Coubled or tripled: ineral Herne. 28 ata Sireet | Rant. for --Ceramic Tile Bath and | Cars bought and sold | condition throughout, equipped with snow- $200 IN JACKPOTS. jseevicn Mt ie -- ry lari ge pts Vonity Liens. paid off |plow, for quick sale. Telephone 725-5079. Door Prize $15 Cemetery. oe | --Well supervised and | |1956 INTERNATIONAL stake truck, in| ~ peenicroreeneeer nN | cnabitakied Trade up or down |good condition, with or without 800 gallon ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN MAGES, Franz Joseph : Always top quolity water tank. Brooklin 655-3151. ° | Suddenly, at the residence of his son-in- Designed for your convenience | iggskoRD Fairlane two-door, black and ------------ CHURCH--CENTRE ST. |law, Joe Klingler, on Tuesday, January with luxury at no extra cost. | white, + Dak sed gg Aut ted 12, 1965, Franz Joseph Mages, beloved chokes rodiec geod fire: mocks lett ANNUAL husband of Francisco Moder and dear 330 Gi8B ST. (arse Cieramn tel. BRIDGE cee eg Mg "I isan ane er at aids | CARS WANTED of RR 2, Whitby, and Jutta (Mrs. Dieter 6 ? condition, excel- ; Marx), 129° Pi Street, Whi id HARMONY ROAD lient second cur, new tires, radio, $175 Buying a New Car? Thurs., Feb. 18th cherished grandfather of Fred fb a AND KING AREA Alax, 942-584 Sell- your used car to "Ted | 8 o'clock -- pdb tele) Eg lac ego fy One bedroom apartment. [1957 PONTIAC coach, standard, 6 cylin.) Talk "Cash'" to the New | is | chopel Thoraday A 7. bin. Rector | Mi f y at 7 p.m. Requi Mass Ground floor. All facilities, der, $2,000 miles. One owner. Telephone' Cor Dealer and "Save". 'Church, G 795 King St. East | ators 725-1001 lke new! Gus Brown). 723.4494 Res. 725-5574 723-9292 |1959 METEOR, V-8 automatic, 2-tone LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want) at St. John the Evangelist Church, Gif- OBITUARIES ford Street, Whitby, on Friday, January) ue a 9 pitt balled Resurrection | = emetery, yy Township. MRS. JOHN CAMPBELL | AY, Annie | M Mrs. John Campbell, 157 Pon-|suddeniy at Oshawa General Hospital on tiac avenue, Oshawa, died .at|Wednesday, January 13, 1965, Annie Ber-| cont her residence on Tuesday. She] inehott in ner 71st year. Beloved widow! \She was born in Glasgow, Scot-|Biltz (Elizabeth) of Toronto, and Harry jland, Dec, 23, 1899. Berlinghoff of Toronto. Resting at the bel one Leia Chapel, 390 King Street She married John Campbe at) West, then to St. Gregory's Roman Cath- GPE ; olic Church for Requiem Mass on Mon- |Flint, Michigan in 1927 and has|day morning, January 18 at 10 a.m. Inter- alllves in Flint, Quebec, the/ment Union Cemetery. (Prayers in the lsouth of England and in chapel Sunday evening at 7.30.) Oshawa. PARKER, John Hanian At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on} The late Mrs. Campbell was 8) Tuesday, January 12, 1965, John Hanian member of Knox Presbyterian| Parker, of George Street, ieecastie in ce |his year. ear rother of rs. Church and was a member Ofj¢ioya Butier of Newcastle. Resting at tithe Eastern Star in Glasgow. (the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home. Spacious suites A now, $110. monthly.| Garg transmission, 18,000 original miles,|carburetor and auto electric service. 222) 2 i Funeral service at 3.00 o'clock, Friday | - One owner, Gus Brown Motors, 725-1801.|King Street West, 728-0817 She is survived by her hus-|afternoon. interment Bondhead Ceme- ry, Newcastle. in OXFORD PARK TOWERS ee (urnished room. TWO-BEDROOM apartment. Refrigerator, Stove & Fridge included Broadioom corridors & trolied entrance, Elevator service Pireproof construction Balconies : for Street South ari Paved Parking Swimming Poo! Situated within Feged walking distance of G.M Peery nae apartment. Bet lives BUICK Le Sabre sedan, automatic, TRANSMISSION TWO-ROOM « 'apartment, | specialists, ~~ fransmis-| itting-room ana kitchen. TV _ supplied. Telephone Ley extras. telephone sions are our only business. North. Phone: 728-7339. One owner full power, new tires, radio, good condi- suspension alignment, 226 Celina Street stove,. drapes, ggg eid eo i onl tion, Telephone 728-7902. Call 723-4233 Laundry facilities. 291 Marland Apart-| 1964 CHEVROLET, two-door, "327 cu 36 i. 1 ment No, 104 or call 728-9094. motor, standard transmission, Pee ih ---Lega SMALL Unfurnished self-contained heated|! ires, positraction, many extras. Tele- = |apartment. Spacious grounds. Suitable, Phone 723-4729 CANADIAN ART retired couple or widow. Simcoe| 1959 CHEVROLET Dial 725-2915. chanically good. $350. sedan delivery, me 5 Telephone 725-3206. | Kitchen furnish-| 1964 CHEVROLET Bel Air, 8 cylinder,| Immediate pos- NEEDLEWORK LIMITED Notice is "hereby given that Model suite and rental of- fica open from 2 - 9 p.m. daily. For further information call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors -- 723-1121 er Rental Office 723-6361 from 2 - 9 p.m. ed, bedroom unfurnished. automatic, power steering, shade-light session. Couple or one adult. $50 monthly.| glass, radio, 8,000 miles.Cal! 728-1227. | Canadian Art Needlework TORY Oe AE 1955 BUICK, Century; two-door hardtop, gy intends to surrender 'adio, good condition, $100. Dial 263. 264 ts ter. 27--Rooms for Rent lal adenoid 1959 CHEVROLET Impaia, 2-door hard-| Dated the 7th day of January, top, V-8, automatic, black with white roof, | 1965 ume |whitewall fires, padded dash, power| * A RACTIVELY | brakes, radio, Good clean condition, Ask- Mabel Myers FURNISHED ROOMS | ing price $940. Phone 728-4940 after 6 p.m. Secretory 959 CHEVROLET Bel Air coach, in good | condition. 725-4206, \1959 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, V-8 avto- matic, radio, discs, new whitewall tires, perfect condition. Reasonable. Telephone 725-2960. 1959 CHEVROLET, four-door sedan, ex | Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | '37--Auctions on AUCTION SALE SINGLE nished om, cellent conditior throughout, radio, back- preferred. "ey ion'Ce Sal gentleman |p tights, windshield washer, 2-tone white| of Household Furniture. The and green, 1965 licence plates. $800 or best offer. Cali anytime, 147 Athabaska property of. Mrs. Margaret L, THE CAVALIER The Most Modern Medium Rental Apartments in Oshawa FEATURING @ Exclusive decorating @ Electric heating with fin- gertip control, in each room at no extra cost. @ Convenient to shopping and bus. @ Plenty of free parking @ Professional full time man- agement, thot cores for pocerenited 'and Greta Streets area, furnished front room for gentieman, pji- vate home. Abstainer. With garage $8 weekly; Telephone 725-3989. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Street, 728-524. 1960 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, automatic, radio and washers, $1,400. Also 1960 Fair- lane, 8 cylinder, automatic. Owner leav- Wilbur. Darlington Township. Toun- Lot 35, Concession 5, week. No shift work. Close en eel ER lane ton, Ontario. On Saturday, and hospital, Call 725-688), 1952 OLDSMOBILE 88 sedan standard _ |shift, two-tone green, one owner, good) January 23, 1965 at 1:30. LARGR | turnished 'ight < ing| condition, Telep 725-5758 after 4 t ; room, vate entrance. witable for "two| erms casn. pl or working couple. 179 King | pete he rll rar tal $5. Tele FURNISHED housekeeping Giose| 1959 CHEVROLET Impala, 2-door hard- Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer to north plant. bus at door, on Bev: | top, ermine white with custom red trim, Street. Call 728-6890. if erly custom radio, padded dash, whitewall! ---- a tires, absolutely spotiess condition. Gus FY FURNISHED bedroom for rent. iii Ril-| Brown Motors, 725-180 * 38--Coming Events sede wennene as me 1962 OLDSMOBILE Super-88, four-door \" en athroom, hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering, completely furnished, for another gentle-/power brakes, radio, whitewalls, Excel- SUNNYSIDE RR he A share. Private entrance.|lent condition. Call 725-7664. awe ow deli sliindcfladiAaBan dln dada ced 1958 IMPALA, two-door hardtop, black, PARK ONE lovely furnished room for genflie-\red interior, V-8 automatic, 'whitewalls, psy in private home with private bath.| custom radio, A-1 condition, $900 cash. | 444 Fernhil! Boulevard. 723-1070. Ajax, 942-2284 bright furnished light housekeep-|1964 CHEVELLE Malibu hardtop, auto ing and bed-sittingroom, close to hospital|matic transmission, whitewall tires. Ex-| MONSTER your comfort. and wo Girl preferred. Telephone| cellent condition. Best offer. Telephone @ Numerous other features. 7%3- |725-7823 . : TEUERRREPING To room, suit one or ale RAMBLER sedan, very clean B | N G See Our Furnished ladies. Apply 2 Prince Street. 723-2512.| throughout, $275 or offer. Must sel!. Tele- i 725-5079. Model Suites SINGLE ROOM for rent, centrally located | Phone near North General Motors, Apply 136|USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make) CLUB f 2 Colborne Street East, Oshawa, trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street Open rom Pp m. SINGLE ROOMS 'and board. Apply 25] }East after 4 723-2281, CAMELOT till 9 p.m. daily {Division Stree: 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, two door hard : : |BEDSITTING room for t ath top, 327 V-8, four speed transmission, At 400 Grenfell Street | 'win beds. located on f, tae denilemen | reales paged dash. Brooklin, 655-4535, (King St. E.--one block east t SAE Matlond A Abstainers. Phone 725-3206. pahbit LA MEHONS of city limits--Opposite 'Bad at end of Marland Ave. |soutw en, nicely furnished bedroom, | #58 IMPALA V's. automatic: Iwo speaker, -- Boys'), (oft Park Rd. S.) private entrance, parking. $7 weekly, |(@0'% white wails, fender skirts, Many| Telephone. 722 1339, extras. Must see to appreciate. Telephone FR 725-9934 ~ 728-4283 | ROOM tor vax hoot WT 728-5279 IDAY, JAN. 15th r_ren:. Apply #2 Nassau Street. | igsg OLDSMOBILE four-door hardtop sia SMALL, selt-contained apartment, suii-|WHITBY, furnished th private ti uily Al $1200 IN PRIZES je for couple. Available immediately. bath, private outside entrance. Parking. condition. Can be fabaces Port Perry 668-8129 Whitby. pects adi eyaitte EARLY BIRD GAMES AT 7:45 THREE-ROOM apariment, retrigerator, 28--Room aad: '.. a 1957 PONTIAC, good -body, excellent - stove, washer and dryer, broadioom oar motor, radio snow tires, 6standard, best 20----$20 GAMES--20 fer, 725-2101 E R entieman, Home | °ffer- 1--$150 JACKPOT--1 Park Rd. and Adelaide Ave. Telephone 723-6987. MODERN {two-bedroom apartment with ores balcony, intercom oyster, Grapes, mer on stove, top floor. Available Janu: 489. be og Call evenings only, 728-1 725- . iL tR "eee ¥ of Simeooe 'Avellable March 1. WEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING Rr two-bedroom apartment, refrigerator and built-in stove, Peso monthly. Working couple oniy Apply 330 Buena Vista, Apartment | Telephone 723-7613. FWO-ROOM furnished apartment, in New- eastie, newly decorated, refrigerator and jectric , private entrance, reason- able rent. @ rent. Telephone 725-549 725-5494, DRINCE ALS soa ERT: Two-bedroom, heated, self-contai onl geg nape close to school monthly. Telephone) -- and shopping. Port Perry erie. ROOM 'apartment with spacious living bulldi General Motors. er 728-1679, td. MODERN APARTMENTS, fridge, stove, heat, water, included, elevator a control! Its prefer-| oe. rea. waith gaining Close 5 Rental $110. Call John H. Millen Real Estate Apply Superintendent, 321 Marland Ava telephone 723-4368. R' ertrance, private unfur: Available now. Aoely 19 Ritson Road 'South. Le WHiTeyY: one-bedroom apart-|.., ment, in -- Arment building, dining area, recessed laundry cg cooked meals, 5-day week. Parking space. MODEL T FORD, business coupe, (1926) Home privileges. GM worker preferred. good condition, $600 Telephone 723-6872 Close south General Motors. 723-2786 RO - 1960 PLYMOUTH Belvedere V-8, excellent OOM AND BOARD for gentleman. condition, Must sell. $850, Telephone] aoe -- in private home. Telephone | 728-6614 1957 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville, Fieet- 'arge room with| wood interior, ali power options, mechan board, for two or three gentiemen willing | ically A-}, best offer. Apply 33 Adelaide to share. Lunches packed. Large parking| Avenue West or 723-7605. facilities. Apply addr ol dllececokal 1964 OLDSMOBILE Super 88, four-door BLOOR STREET E. Room and board for | hardtop, radio, power steering and plang TV parking space. $18 week-|brakes, Diploma) bive with light bive in- ly |. Good | meais Telephone | 725-2706, |terior. 725-2722 after 4 p.m. ROOM AND BOARD, for gent five-| 1962 OL E, fully wil bee pio Bale ond room, lunches packed, | trade for 1962 of 1963 '-ton truck and '3 welcome, home privil take A} Call Tenben Privileges,' ~ ee we a @ Sabre, 4 door hardtop, ROOM AND BOARD for ~ gentiemen. automatic, power steering. Dial 668-4554 Apply 260 Athol Street. East Bs ei i 2--$250 JACKPOT--2 5--$30 SPECIALS--S5 JACKPOT NOS. 55 & 59 ADMISSION $1.00 DOOR PRIZES No Children Please HOLY CROSS BINGO _ 1962 CHEVROLET Impala, 2-door hard ROOM AND BOARD for two g@Mliemen. top, 327 motor, standard transmission FREE ADMISSION Shift workers welcome. Lunches packed. 'positraction. A-] shape, many extras. Phone 728-0159. Telephone 725-1987 after 5 p.m r two gentie- | 1959 CHEVROLET, two-door, Biscayne, men. Lunches packed. Home cooking. Diai!six, radio. One. owner. A-1 condition,| 263-2654. green with matching interior, $780. Tele- 29--Wanted | te ee Tastes phone ¢ 668-4517 Whitby. 15th 20 REGULAR GAMES 18 Games ot $10 each Friday, Jan, re 1 Game ot $30.00 NTLEMAN requires room. 4 nighis 31 ompact Cars 'for Sale| 1. Game 'at $50.90 a eroay. n° Bansiison, bee Thursday | 1957 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, radio, snow | jaldson, ween 9 a.m. tires, Used as second car. Very reason-| . 725-653: able. 725-7311, exlension 3691, Mr. Luciw| SPECIAL JACKPOT WANTED: Two or three bedroom house %¥5 ® !0 5. $210 in 56 Nos. $20.00 Consolation ey One small child. Telephone|1959 AUSTIN two-door, Requires" "minor PLUS $10.00 each horizontal repair, but lacy owner selling as is, $225 WANTED: Storey and half or two-storey| Dl@! 942-0917 i se, for Dutch business couple. Call! 1959 VAUXHALL Cresta. four-door, new line, 5.30, Telephone 728-7768. Hy job, custom radio, runs excellently SHARE-the-WEALTH THREE-BEDROOM house, Brooklin or CUS Brown Motors, 725-180) Regular Jackpot $200 in 53 Nos balcon laut ample ya Kvallable February Whitby 668-398 wHitsy -- naar 'apariment, vate entrance, unfurnished, Utilities paid, | available February 1, 365 monthly. Close to ing Centre, 924 Breck South, rie Dia! 655-4831 vicinity. Banker and family, 2 daughters. 1958 TR3 SPORTS CAR, black. Good con dition. May ba seen af 481 Ritson Road by South after 5 o'clock $20.00 Consolation THREE-ROOM apartment wanted couple with one child. Central location.| 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, black, $700. Reasonable rent, immediate possession..or best offer. Telephone Whitby, 668-8053 rao. atter 4.30, ae | GOQD PARKING 7:45 P.M NO CHILDREN 1038 Simcoe} Mrs, E. Pugh (Elizabeth), Flint, 1958 OLDSMOBILE, four door hardtop, EXPERT brake service and front end/ ___--| Joe Klinger (Hildegard), both of |band John-Campbell; SHEFFIELD, Mabel Louise |Michigan; and one brother Alex- A se ne sniiey: anion: on uesday, Jan. a a abe! ovise ander Mair, Flint, Michigan. | Cross, widow of Harold L. Sheffield, who Resting at the MclIntosh- satan with her daughter, Mrs. H, . Stevenson, 108 Lioyminn Avenue, An- Anderson Funeral Home, Doe caster, formeriy of Oshawa, in her 80th he the chapel on coped ister of Mrs. F. J, Hutton of Pala We Id in P ueilph; Mrs. M, H. Day, Gananoque; Friday at 2 p.m. Pk. Crete set Gamonion,. Nelaon ead | ] Riley Cross of Athens, Ontario, and Hol- Rev. G. W. C. Brett, Knox| lace of Woodstock, Also survived by two | Presbyterian Church will con- jgrandsons, Resting at the Ancaster | chapel (Robinson Funeral Home) Wilson {duct the service. Street, Ancaster. Funeral on Friday at 3 | Interment will be in Union'p.m, Interment Athens Cemetery. -- |Cemetery. FRANZ JOSEPH MAGES | A steel and chemical engineer) lin Czechoslovakia and Germany \prior to his retirement, Franz Joseph Mages died suddenly Pipi 12, following a heart at- ack, at the home of his son-in- Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST _ TELEPHONE 728-6226 _ SHAW Auto Wrecking Co., cars bought, Telephone 723-3393 or 728-4283. Herbert May; dear mother of Pe ae ae bedroom, | 198 cowriat Parisienne V8 _four- Parts for sale tron saan bought.' was in ner 67th year. IWinres "et Belteetiie, George, Mra; A. ae Fae rent. oe roo | door hardtop power steering, power oor Stree East, 725-23 . |Sabo (Mildred) and Miss Irene May, all Apply 301 Cordova Road Apt. 3 after 5/00, Nardior power, Aitring. eratic OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck-| The former Margaret Mair,jof Oshawa. Oaughter of Georgina Ber-| me transmission, $15,000 miles, 434 Rosmere ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for/she was the daughter of the late|!inghoff of Hamilton; dear sister of Mrs.) bed- TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $115 month-|Street. 728-1067 wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. 45..| dM Al nder Mair.| Scarett (Mabel) of Huntsville, Mrs.) '|Mr. an rs. exal H. Houle (Hilda) of Hamilton, Mrs, H. } Nl AM. STOCKS By bag Canadian Press Toro" tock Exchange--Jan, 14 (Gostoens in cents unless marked $ lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale.) Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge | Abitibi 945 $144 i He --" Alta Gas xd 713 $37% | Alta G pr xd 15 $1082 ste 14 -- "a Alta Gas w . 490 $10% Alta Nat 120 $21% nae ne -- " Aig Cen w 200 S00 500 10 Al a 167 $71 70% 702+ Alumini 2587 $334 32% 334+ % Alum abe pr 50 $43% 43% 43%-- % Alum } 100 $23 2323 | 'Alum'2 p 4h HS $49% 49% 499% + Ve Analog $54 5% Sut Ang 4A Pp ie Cy. a, See Ang CP oN 12% Sada " Anthes A u" feline C pr im sion yon ioe rey c P pr is ine Im Ime Atl Sug A 210 $24% 242 24% Bank Mont 537 go 66% 67 Bath P 50 $27) 27 Tl Bath P w 100 $11% 11% 11% + Beatty n 3700 $14% 14¥e 14¥e Bell Phone 1854 $64: ie 644 + Ve icks 2100 $12%4 12% 12% -M 100 $5114 51¥%4 S1!2-- %| Brazil 1464 $59 SVe Sta + Ve) BA Oil 1125 $24% 24% 3434 ~-- | BC Forest 1100 $30% 30% + Ve BC Pow 1000 54 54 54 BC Phone 200 $65'/2 65% 65a Brockville 750 $67% 6% 6% Burns 400 $18Y%e 18% 18 Cal Pow 725 $20Va 20%e 20%e Can Bread 1100 $12 12% 12% Can Cem ' 210 $53% 53% 53% CD Sug 202 $28 2B B+ Cl Frdry 150 $45 45 45 -- Can Malt 120 $25% 25% 25% C Pack B 100 $79% 792 79a+1o Can Perm 260 $75 73% 73%4+ % cSL 50 $34 KY ee" ee in| CAE 125 $12% 12% 12% Cc Brew 2405 $11¥%e 11 Wn+ % C BALA w 100 260 260 --s C Chem w 40 104 10% 104 + % C Hydro pr 22 % 2% 21% | C Imp Bk C 8 oF 682 69 "Ye C ind Gas SIS 511% 11% 11% | CinGasp 2234 14 4 | ciL 85 $24 24a 24¥2 | C Mare 200 475 475 475. +15 | PR 2335 $60% 60% | Cdn Pet 100 $14%e 14% 14a + Ve C_ Refract 250 $17% 17% 17% | Cdn Salt 25 $30% 30% 30%-- % Cc Tire A 105 $43% 43% A37/e-- Ve C Vickers 100 $224 22% 22% + | C Westng 50 $532 53% 532+ Va) Chemcell 40 $18% 185% 16% + % Chrysler 21 $66%4 6614 66% | Clairtone 125 ($7 7 7 | Col Cell 200 $10% 10% 10% + %@ C Devices 390 $23 22% 23 + Con Bldg . 150 $7% 74 Mm | on MoS 265 $412 41% 41% -- Va} Con Paper 155 $40%4 40% 40% Con Gas 9925 $14 13% 14 + Va Corby vt 100 vy 21% 21% Coron 2 w 800 150 150 +20) Cosmos 200 Save UA Mam Ve Crain RL 225 $194 19% 19% | Cygnus A 800 440 440 440 Cygnus B 450 480 475 475 Cygnus pr 210 $232 2342 232 Delta Acc 220 $21% 21 21 Dist Seag 7180 $33 3333 D Bridge 200 $26 826 26 Dofasco 1607 $24% 24/4 Dom Glass 500 $16% 16% Dom Stores 100 $24 24 Dom Tar 1495 $224 22% Dom _ Text 250 $36%4 36% Du Pont 30 $55 55 Exquisite 275 $7%4 1% Exquisite pr 100 $10% 10% alcon 628 $832 83'2 Fam Play 1248 $23 22% Freiman 100 $54 Ma Frosst A 100 $20% Globe A 200 $13% GL Paper 810 $24 Gr Weg G 7250 $19 Guar Tr 59 $66 Hardee 750 75 Hardee pr 25 $29 Hard Carp 25 $26 Hd Carp A- 1250 $2312 Hawker-S 00 $658 Hawker pr 50 $101 Hayes Stl 00 $15% 15% 15% + % Home A 442 $21 20% 20%-- Vs Home 8 105 $21 | ee) | Horne Pf 500 310 310 310 --S |. HBC 125 $142 144 14a H B Oil @ 1127 $163 16% 16% | Hur Erie 110 $6994 6934 6994 + V2 Husky 2050 $10%% 105 10% Husky D w 75 465 465 465 imp Life 1203270 270 270 Imp Oil 2383 $574 572 57 Imp Tob z50 $15 15 Ind Accep 225 $264 26Ye 26% + Va Inland Gas 400 $9¥e 9% 9% Inland G pr 25 $202 20% -20V2 Inland Gw 800 85 85 85 IMC 90 $4712 472 AT¥2 + a Int Nickel 287 $89Y2 892 89" Int Util 125 $32% 3 --M% Int Util pr 75 $53 53% 53% Inter PL 125 $97%a 972 97¥a+ Va) Int Stl P 3150 395 390 395 +5 Inv Grp A 230 $124 Hg eis IPL Ind 220 Jefferson 620 $11 4 q Jeff Bw 300 440 440 440 +5 | oe, Joe Klinger, RR 2, Whitby. - He was in his 66th year. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Born in Czechoslovakia, Mr. Funeral arrangements and Mages went to Germany in 1945 floral requirments for all 'and came to Canada last Octo-| occasions ber with his wife following his OSHAWA SHOPPING retirement. He was a member} CENTRE of St. John the Evangelist) 94 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Roman Catholic Church,| 728-6555 Whitby. He is survived by his wife, the. former Francisca Moder; three daughters, Mrs. Henry IN MEMORIAM |Ostertag (Gerda) and Mrs. HUGHES -- In loving memory of ajary 14, 1964. dear mother, Dora Hughes, who passed Dieter) sway, January 14; 1968. id Upright and ust in all her ways, Loyal and true through all her days.) Silently suffered, patiently bore, j|RR 2, Whitby and Mrs. ~|Marx (Jutta), 129 Perry street, Whitby and two grandchildren, Fred and Peter Ostertag. S Mr, Mages is at the Robingon|py ule Peal ter aa sadly missed Funeral Home, Brooklin, for ache i aka ea requiem mass in St. John the|qesr wife and mother," Nelle Albert Evangelist Church at 9 a.m., Jan. 15. Interment will be in|! ba Alsat Ricca seek ta Resurrection Cemetery, Whitby) Keeps her memory ever dear, Township. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. MRS. ANNIE MAY He fear i tas by husband James The death of Mrs. Anne May,| yow formerly of 19 Lloyd street, wit and mother, Isabel Mowat, who pass- occurred suddenly Wednesday} wage sage tl 1964, i | = OU er smile is ' at the Oshawa General Hospital. xreRt,"Wona'we cannot uch iShe was in her 7ist year. am we nave so many memories - Pe, 'mer io | Of the one we loved so much. y J j « . She was the for me! ; Anni | Mek woomcer Ib cor keepeake: |Birlinghoff, daughter 'of «Mrs.| with which we'll never part Georgina, and the late John God tas her in His keeping, Pier Pi i fi " le have her in our heart. sirlinghoff, and was born at --Lovingly remembered by husband ahd Buffalo, New York. daughters. | The family lived for a time at Sprucedale, in Northern On- ltario, where she married Her- 'bert May, Mrs. May had been la resident of Oshawa since 1927 |. She was predeceased by her \husband in -1961. Mrs. May was a member of |St. Gregory's Roman Catholic SKEA -- In loving memory of 'Charles Skea, who passed away January 14, 1955. | ever remi bered by wife and sons. X-RAYS ANIMALS Sweden claims to have built and is using the first x-ray equipment designed especially "IN MEMORIAM | | | ne who passed away Januery 14,/ os AT -- In loving memory of.a dear! 'MONUMENTS MARKERS MARINOFF -- In loving memory of 8 |dear husband and father, Paul Marinoff, who passed away one year ago on Jan-) luary 14, 1964 His charming ways and smiling face Are-a@ pleasure to recall; He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. --Lovingly remembered and sadly miss- ed by Mrs. Blanche Marinoff, Doreen and Roy and family. MARINOFF --in loving memory of & dear father and grandfather, Paul, who passed away one year ago today, Janu- Nothing can take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. _Sadly missed by daughter Mona, son-| God took her home to suffer no more.| in-law Steve and grandchildren. Nothing on earth will mem- orialize for longer or better than a bronze memorial de- signed by Matthews and sup- plied by Mount Lown Mem- orial Park, Year round instal- lations, courteous informa- tion, 723-2633. RIMAR MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA OFFICE EVENINGS 723-1002 728-6627 CARD OF THANKS REYNOLDS-- | wish to sincerely thank the friends, neighbors and rela- tives for the beautiful floral tributes and kindness shown to me during the loss of my uncle, Roy Reynolds, also the Gen- eral Motors and Local 222 CLC, --Irene May Freeman, for horses and cattle. | Church. | The deceased is survived by| her mother, of Hamilton, two daughters, Irene, and Mrs. A. Sabo (Mildred), both of Osh- }awa, and two sons, Wilfred, of \Belleville, and George, of Osh- |awa. | Three sisters also survive| \Mrs. E. Scarrett (Mable), of Huntsville, Mrs. H. Houle (Hilda), of Hamilton, and Mrs. Should we hold? . . and average down? H. Bilz Sag iil of Toronto, also survives. The remains are at the Ger- row Funeral Chapel for a High Requiem Mass which will be sung Monday, Jan. 18 at St. Gregory's Church. Inter ment will be in Union Cemetery, Osh- jawa. what action to follow. WARMING PINS CORBY, England (CP)-- | Needy old folk in this North- !amptonshi re town are to re- ceive extra fire wood free this winter. The wood comes from {600 worn-out bowling pins do- HAVE YOUA "WORRY" STOCK? Most of us have one or more of these, and we don't quite know what to do about them. sell 5 We can give you the latest information on such stocks and a professional opinion on BARCLAY & CRAWFORD Business Established 1902 37 King Street East, Oshawa Telephone: 723-3423 - or buy more wg Inated by a local bowling alley. 7] Guilt L 500 Net Gunner 1200 High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Hastings 200 385 375 375 ~-10 ve 5s Headway 300 7 oo $5% 5M High-Bell 500 800 800 800 +40 vd a '4 "oar | Hollinger 460 $33% 33% 33% ~~ Ya $21% 21% 21% + %| Hud Bay 470 $744 72% 74 +1 $13 13. 13 + YW Int Helium 6500 105 102 102 --? o S1Yh 11% 1 1g | | Kenvilie $00 $90 0. 30 +249 140 140. 14 «+5 | Irish Cop S00 39 9 WW thy $66 +.%) 180 800 400 400 4000 4 Me Jacobus 100 16 16 1h wa 14 (6 6 -- Ve| Joburke 13900 14 (14 4+ $134 13% 13% + %! Joliet 2000 31 3 Ot tye oie ee Jonsmith 7400 3131 $82 ™ Yo tied Joutel -- B yy) Bs 4 Lob Inc 1 1% ™% hm--% 475 910 905 910 +35 Loeb 560 $12% 12% 12% Er re i er ae enn, 8, BB 1 ou be 5 Leal Mil! 430 SleVh 164 16v4 + Ye 10610 $13% an 13 +,4 Mass-F 1640 $28%-- 28% 20% 530 $10% ig 10 0% -- MEPC 100 350 350 359 +10 2100 Met Stores p 125 $22% 22% 2 Fhe 53, se ; ante Fo] See tee | " 2200 182 18) 181 49 her i sm a Nor Contain toa 36% 6% bat 166 Nat Drug 00 $1212 a af 190 15-115 ONS +5 Nat_Or pr "s $134 13% 13% m 3 13 «#13 N Groc pr 50 $28 -- | 00 22 2 21 +h Noranda 386 $53% 53% S2%+ Y% 1700 i) 0 180 1 "Se tt Ha Bf oo Bo jor ¢ 12% 12 12M Ogilvie 115 $15 «1815 4850 $2% tiv zw Oshawa A 240, $34% 34% 34% 1200 Pac Pete 705 $11% 11 WW%e-- Ve 6800 i. Peel Elder 7225 $8% 8% 8% 3000 iy "7 % 4 Pembina 90 $114 1) = 800 170 170 170 +f Pow Corp 2040 $1544 15Ve 15% 2500 6 % 6 Price Bros 95 $432 432 422+ Ve 1000 13%a 13% 13% QN Gas 730 $12%4 12% 12" + Ye 13000 73, 72) 73) =f QN G 63 w 700 640 635 640 +5 2000 28a 28% 28¥9 Revelstoke 125 $122 12% 12% 500 18 «18 18 + Covers pr. a es 2000 «6 4 6 Rothman 400 $23%% 232 23% 1290 125 125 128 --S Royal Bank 27 $792 792 792+ % 800 320 315 31S --8 StL Cem A 50 $36 36% 5000 17 16 16 Salada 635 $12% 1294 12% + Ve 100 1) NON = Scot YK 750 $11%4 1% 11% 3000 Ld ps A + Scot Yk pr 30 $554 55% -SSla + 500 17% 7% 17a-- Ve Scythes 100 $19 «19 «19 SM 450 12%2 2 --- Select Lease 700 150 150 150 2500 237 235 d 3 Seven Arts 310 $174 17% 17% 9200 i 18 A+ Shell Can 03 $19% 19% 19% + Ve 1000 4 ou + Shell | pr 95 $28% 28% 28% -- Ye 00 vi, Wo We Shell | w 500 750 750 750 --S 11100 198 193 Shop Save 350 $17% 17% 175% 1550 72. fs 0. Shully's 100 440 440 440 asi00 194 bi eee od Simpsons 325 $29% 2994 297% 4000 | 13V8 3 3 a Slater Stee! 1450 $23% 23 23% + \2| Opemiske 2700 850 8 2 Slat B Sia prias S20le 2% 20% | Brera 900 190. tad aT 48 pledy a ne "| Paremag 1000 14¥e. at 14h + Ms St Radio 190.913. 131 +t Wa] Gatino 746 mo "0, my +10 Steel Can 964 $28% 28Ve + Ve Pax Int 3000 \ a oe Suptest ord 1265 $21% 21% 2i\2 | Pce Expl 8000 Ey im 3541's trait oer a at Been 1000 WM ta as ailors =z | Tor-Dom Bk 140 $6914 6914 694 -- ve} Que Man 2500 31¥a a a0 1%, T Fin A 1170 $14% 14% 14% | Quemont 1680 $11¥a 46 NY V4 Tr Can PL 987 $417 41% 41% + %, Quonto 2000 114 1% Wk--"% Trans-Mt 260 $21% 21% 21'%-- ve) Raglan 600 od be i Z \ Trans PPL 1500 $10 10 10 | Rio, Algom 1750 $1%e 11% 11a + Un Carbide 610 $262 264 26% | Rockwin 16500 73 68 73 : Un Gas 650 $272 274 272 -- "| Roman | 665 + nd +2 U Gas A pr 100 $56% 56%4 56% + %| Sil Eureka 12 a ae | es Un Steel 100 44 440 44 +5 | Sil Miller 3100 21 29 1 +), Versafood 100 305 305 305 --S5 Sil Stand 600 112 1 Versatile 510 $15'¥4 15% 15% | iscoe 500 as, 05 § -- Walk GW 340 $3758 37% 37% + 14| Sfarratt $00 Sia Sa Se Wel'tin B30 see ee sercont 13500 "28 Ss e n West Ind 150 100 100 'a? --19 | Sullivan a7 380 390 os] +2 Res A I gy | Fee" ak ti et ' 5% 15% y Westfair 25 $41 4) Al Texmont 500 74 74 TA +}, Weston A 227 $17% 17% 17% Texdre 3000 6) 61 41 it, oe ee | io eS 8 oy esi wis r24 30 Wontwd A Hs S249 2 2 | Tey 8 ss MD Te 2 Oe ae UCL Mine 3500 26'2 264 264-- %e Un Keno 450 995 980 995 , Vespar 1 3 38 OR * OILS Violam 100 291 291 291 --2' West Mines 350 495 495 a +10 'iMlroy 100 153 53 2" SA ei bal eR Windfall 1000 362 26% 26+ a irs li ae 4 | Zenmac 2500 2 al =? Am Leduc 15000 17 v7 v7 Zulapa 2100 32 2 2-1! Ang U Dev 28500 43 41 4 "a Calvert 000 2770 oT _ * CS Pete 300 325 320 325 +5 | ' C Delhi 300 935 930 935 +1 Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,023,000, ; C Ex Gas 600 147 147 (147 | ' Cdn Sup Oil z15 $17 17% 174+ | FOREIGN TRADING , Cent' Del 735 810 810 810 | Dome Pere 200 $17% 17% 17% -- | Bank Mont 40 $67% 67% 67% -- % Landa 72 625 625 625 | Deerhorn z100 88 «688 OB Midcon $00 52 52 52 --2 | Kerr Add 200 960 950 950 i Mill City $00 39 (39) 3p 1 | Leitch $00 565° 560 565 +18 Permo 9500 35 34% 3a¥a = Va} Lorado 150 210 210 210 ri ot ee ee, | Se ee ria i 234 235 --1 iscoe - Union Oil 1865. $16%2 16% 13% + | Un Keno 100 $10% 10% 10% + Ve U Cano 1600 320 320 320 -- oe ee W Decalta 1775 305 300 305 ; on | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Acad Uran 500 62 6% 6% Perth, Australia--Dame Flof- parece ae tae cg (ence Carmel «Olea 88, Aus- fm rg so #0 80 wo om |tralia's first woman in : 4 m Larder 8 8 vali ert leabinet: who was minister for Am .Moly 1 | Ang Mourn oe ate. | u +9 'health, supply and shipping in real 200 194 18 'ise-- Ye the West Australian governmen Area 500 259 Argosy 320 22 2, 2 +4 Jtrom 1947 to 1953. Ayintgacia $00 1a lls 184 -- "| Montreal, -- Walter Whitaker, u) a. , Aunor 410 410 410 (64, former president of the St. Bankfield 1000 1212-2 James Literary Society of Belcher 1000 77 WF *| Montreal and a long-time actor elleterre 2 sa Sl Bevcon Mee als es ae Wee the Montreal Repertory Big Nama 900 38! 382 38% |Theatre. Butt RL ee Las Palmas, Canary Islands U 10 10 | , poner Ae NG aes dean. peatland, 65, a_ violit- C Tung 2500 109 109 109 +1 \cellist well - known 'in one 4 Cam Mines 1000 23 23 23 who was a profess ¢ Oye "Soo 155 use itm t 'lth peor gyri ou in y' 15: € Keeley 10000 38 362 37 --1 [Quebec and Constantinople. * andore 2000 15¥a 15¥2 1514+ V2 Captein a Palm. Beach,. Fla. -- Mrs. ce en ie ie ee (Laure CA oO Bnen 18) 8 en a _ , Chester 2000 17° 16¥2 (17 close friend of the Duke and CH yt ee ey tty|Duchess of Windsdr who mat- C Bellek Soo 9 9 9 ried Count Jose Dorelis of Bul- CG Arrow 500 3000 0 +S © Halli 0 35 38. 38 garia in 1946 and divorced him C Mogul 1500 510 500 jin 1947, : C Morrison 5700 135 C Mosher 200 145 Saskatoon--Dr. W. L, Hutch- Con Negus 700 14% 144 M4¥a--~ "4 eon, 48, dean of agriculture at Con Nichol 1000 11% 11% 11% 1, € Rambler 900 198 195 * the University of Saskatchewan, C Rambi Rté6100 9? y © san norm PN 2 apparently of a heart va --_-- 100 495 Simcoe -- Carl F. Peters, 64, Copfield 3800 13 | o0e q Cowich tea FH \former business associate of the roinor $00 12 1 -- H Cree LF ae or FPR = Sir Harry Oakes. Bae Born "He "| : eer lorn ' Denison 97s $23" Lan Ou y| APPLICATION APPROVED © n 2 = | Dome, eee | TORONTO (Special) -- Appli- East Sull 400 495 495 Ho lcation of the Uxbridge and Digs- . ear ge ee ee me 75 lerict Curling Club, Frengin Galtwin 008 ' fog 'street, Uxbridge, for a club enex at Gnt_ Masct 115 161 ai cs ilicence has been peeves 'u Sane 98 $16% "Yo i 4 ie ie Liquor hm ' Ontario, Approval -- follows a Granduc 2000 700 695 Gulch 9000 12Y2 12 '12¥a hearing held in Peterborough. @ Lunch Dates @ Midnite Lift @ Evening Snack @ Family Treat ANYTIME is the time To Enjoy McMurray"s ENGLISH STYLE FISH 'n CHIPS OR Deep Browned Country Style FRIED CHICKEN Come As You Are -- Eat in Your Car ! or Take Home ! McMURRAY'S DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Simcoe St. North at Taunton Rd. i ' '

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