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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jan 1965, p. 4

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CHILD GUIDANCE By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D. Regardless of how little for- mal education a person has, he may use excellent grammar as he speaks. He may have associ- ated with other persons who @\speak accurately, Or he may tihave read a great deal. Any- body who cares to do so may learn to speak grammatically. Children who live in homes where they hear English spoken _jaccurately may rarely make errors in grammar after the "jage of five or six. Of course, es: natural flavors of the meat A SIMPLE marinade is best for a leg of lamb. which complements the Lamb Brings Touch Of Spring | To Junein January' Dinner Party After the giddy whirl of Christ-ja rotisserie spit or done in the mas parties, you may want to oven with equal success. reciprocate by entertaining your|mj4RINATED LEG OF LAMB many hostesses with a change-|3 cups cider vinegar of-pace dinner party. So how) 14 cup crushed dried mint rack in shallow roasting pan. Roast, uncovered, 24% to 3 hours for medium or an additional 4% some children of the early grades, even of high school, who grow up in highly cultivated homes, pick up some ungram- matical expressions. But if their homes are companionable places, they usually choose to emulate good speech heard there, people who get busy early was brought to me all over again when I recently spent an eve- ning studying one of the infor- mation guides to summer jobs |now on the market. MEETING THE NEED This particular publication, called 'The 1965 Summer Em- hour for well done. Pan drip- pings may be thickened for! amployers who need help and| Sometimes a wife or husband|problem in a mature manner,|clothes, took money out of my |prospective employees who need|making an error in grammar is|so work it out alone, gravy, if desired. Summer Jobs Go To The Applicants Who Start Early ployment Directory," is aimed at bringing together summer }jobs. In its pages, 40,000 sum- mer and part-time jobs for high school seniors, college students and teachers are listed. Each organization in the directory has been queried on its summer job needs. Typical listings are business Mystery Of Grammar. Is Subject To Rules Often parents are vexed at ungrammatical speech in their children. If you have this prob- lem, you hardly will do best to solve it by constantly interrupt- ing your child and nagging at him about his ungrammatical speech. A quiet suggestion of the right way to say it after your child has finished his re- marks, some of them ungram- matical, may bring good results. Your children and mine want to prove they are growing up and they discover as time passes that accuracy of speech helps to show they are maturing. CORRECT PRIVATELY When we often interrupt the child to correct his grammar we vex him greatly. This vexa- tion may cause him not only to refuse to be cautious about his grammar but to choose on pur- pose to speak ungrammatically. He may be most annoyed at us when we correct him before other persons, especially his close friends. You can imagine how incensed you, yourself, would feel if an adult, espe- cially of the family, corrected a slip by you in grammar, in the presence of other persons, jcorrected by the mate. How) jhumiliating and excruciating} Ithis can be, Occasionally a wife lor husband is very sensitive Jabout his or her errors in gram- jmar. When the spouse who |speaks correctly proceeds : to correct the other spouse, the ef-| ANN LANDERS Second Childh Dear Ann Landers: I am so ashamed of my problem I can't discuss it with anyone. My husband is 40. We have three children, Every evening my husband races the kids to the bathtub and uses ail the hot water. He likes to sit in the tub and let the water run--leaving the drain open. He says he enjoys the "waves" created by the running water. I wouldn't swear to it but I think he also floats the baby's rubber duck. When tne kids take their baths I have to heat water on the stove and carry it upstairs, which is a lot of bother. I've) asked my husband to be more) Approaches Early ood Shail I teh them at our next card game that if we aren't good enougk to be invited to their parties we aren't good enough to play cards with) them?--GRAND SLAM | Dear Grand: The answer is in your letter. You said, "when we play cards we mean busi- ness."" Weli, THEY mean busi- ness, too, and that's what the relationship means to them. If you enjoy matching skills | | with this couple, continue to} play cards with them but rec- ognize the fact that you are not social friends. Dear Ann Landers: Am I mentally iJt or what?. Whenever VALUE OF BREAKFAST Treat your family to lots of pep and energy every day by serving an appetizing and nour- ishing breakfast. Nutritionists at Macdonald Institute, Guelph, recommend at least one serving of high quality protein food, such as milk, cheese, eggs or bacon every morning to k your whole family alert and full of energy until lunch, See as little of the clan as pos- sible. When you can deal more honestly with your relatives they will not make you ill. y . FE EB OE ELE SE LEDER ADDED _ NEVER TO9 OLD WINNIPEG (CP) -- Notman Pollock graduated from a four- month pre-vocational course in adult education by passing in applied English, industrial mathematics and trade science. He is 73. ren] GOSENS & MARTIN Insurance | 67 King St. E., Oshawa c=." 728-7515 Res: 725-2802 or 725-7413 . considerate of me and €/I see my family coming up the children but he sulks and re-)waik to visit me I want "4 run fuses to answer. |to the back of the house and Is there a solution to this?--jhide. I know it isn't right. to STUMPED \feel this way about a mother Dear Stumped: You need a/and two sisters but I do. My larger water heater--and youjhusband's family, on the other need it now. Put this on the/hand, is wonderful. I love them top of your "must have" list|and they love me. and cut corners elsewhere to! My chiidhood memories' are get it if necessary. \nightmarish. There was always A 40-year-old man who isja fight at our dinner table. My still playing with rubber ducks|sisters were mean to me and is not likely to approach any|I hated them. They wore my |purse and made me do their Dear Ann Landers: My hus-|work. I left home at 16 and band and 1 have been playing|only then did I find peace of bridge with a certain couple! mind. for over 12 years. They are| Now that we are all grown superb bridge players and s0|and married, I know these feel- are we. The four of us arejings should be cast aside, but serious players and there is| they still haunt me. I get phys- very little social chatter ofrjically ill when I am around about a "June in January" din- ner party? Give your guests a refreshing change from turkey, ham and roast beef and serve them a traditionally spring dish with a new look -- marinated lamb. For a leg of lamb, you don't need to be too concerned about tenderizing the meat but your marinade can add a subtle blend of flavors with a combination of vinegar, spices and aromatic herbs. Your marinade should complement and enhance the flavor of the meat but not over- whelm it. The following recipe combines dried mint «leaves and whole|contro! setting and time.. Makes cloves with a quality vinegar} and was developed so that the leg of lamb may be roasted on) land industrial firms, camps, re- By ROBERTA ROESCH | |sorts, resort hotels, restaurants, leaves 1 teaspoon whole cloves fect can be disastrous to their ; . . ' hHeiifoolishness. We have a_ set) relationship since it magnifies game every Thursday night and| these relatives. What is the solution? --B.D.F. If you want a job this sum- mer, go to bat for it now! This is highly important at lamb |this time every year--whether Salt you're a parent looking ahead In large mixing bowl, com<jto summer opportunities. for \bine vinegar with mint leaves|your offspring or whether you land cloves. Trim excess fat\are an enterprising young per- from lamb; season meat with|son looking ahead for yourself. salt.. Place lamb ' vinegar; cover. Chill in refrig-|jobs to be had this year as erator 12 to 24 hours, turning|every year. joccasionally, Remove from mar-| jinade. Tie meat securely; pia a the red hot liope i spit of rotisserie, following) a4 precedes every summer, jmanufacturer's directions. Con-\ihore's also the realistic fact jsult instruction book for heat|it2¢ today the number of peo- ple who want summer jobs is E greater than the number of op- Oven Method: Heat oven to portunities. (about' 30 cloves) 5 to 5% pounds boned leg of '6-8 servings. e pate ime 300 degrees F. Place lamb on)" on the whole, most of th ~~"|jobs are snapped up by high| school seniors, college students} and teachers. | Those 16 years old or younger | as a rule will find their best/ } opportunities this summer in| providing neighborhood serv- ices: lawn maintenance, work as mother's helpers, or jobs as messengers, delivery boys, stockboys, library aides, etcet- era. "Older" young people, how- ever, will have more opportun- © |ity--only if they go to bat early. The range of opportunity for in spiced| There definitely are summer) ithe Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, YM and YWCA branches, ranches, national parks, amuse- ment parks, swim clubs, etc. {Even the Federal Government is not overlooked. Names and addresses of prospective em- ployers are included. | Job openings in the guide call \for camp counsellors, cooks' jhelpers, kitchen helpers, wait- |resses, chambermaids, clerical workers, counter attendants, fountain helpers, store clerks, bus boys, bellboys, service sta- \tion attendants, lifeguards, and |salesmen. | For advanced college students land teachers, there are oppor- tunities in research and develop- ment projects. There are also camp and recreation jobs for nurses, instructors and direc- ors, THEY GO FAST Most all of these jobs go to people who seek them early, however. So, if you're a parent who wants to encourage your offspring to work this summer or if you're a youth who's al- ready encouraged, go to bat for summer work now. A future col- umn will give you pointers on how to write a letter applying for a summer job. an attitude of superiority by the corrector. Often then the one corrected may have personal qualities far superior to those of the "correcting" spouse, It's such a delicate matter. It may jbe relatively unimportant, in- deed, in comparison with bigger ones, |LISTEN AND LEARN Any spouse or other person wishing to acquire speech gram- matically correct may do so by listening carefully to the speech of others who seem to speak jcorrectly. Also by a great deal of reading. The person who con- stantly reads may not need to worry about the correctness of his or her grammar or even feel the need of studying grammar. However, if this person chooses tc study grammar he may en- joy some gains, | |PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Our son, three, was well trained in toilet habit before he was two, but now he often wets and soils his clothes, It's exas- |perating. A. It surely is, but youryonly hope is to retrain him by the same good patient ways you trained him in the first place. 'My husband and I were not\one way and behave ar when we play cards we mean| Dear B.D.F.: Understanding business. It is not uncommon|and forgiving are marks of| for $40 or $50 to change hands|maturity. If you have been un- in an evening. lable to conquer your hostility, A few days ago I learned that|stop pretending and stop feel- this coupie had an elegant din-|ing guilty. ner party at their club. More; Many people dislike their rel- than 40 couples were present.|atives--often justifiably. Tc feel ler t makés people sick. = invited, I am deeply hurt. 'way is wha Our own Service Men will look after your oil furnace as. if it were their own. They're on call 24 hours a day. Call Us Anytime Bubp Samy Vole, 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 PAINT & WALLPAPER 2~1 SALE BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE!-GET SECOND ONE FREE! SPANISH LAMB COAT REVILLON has introduced a new type of exciting eve- ning coat with this one which is fashioned of Spanish lamb, The three-quarter topper is tailored with a cardigan neck- line and above-elbow sleeves. It is lavishly sprinkled with much lighter blue embroidery for a gay young look. --By TRACY ADRIAN Paints While Th FOR THE GLECOFF'S| SUPERMARKET 'YOU'LL GO FOR THESE FLAT - LATEX 2. COLORS READY 'MIXED ey Last! - SEMI-GLOSS Every Second Gallon or Second Qu ALL WEEK-END BRUSHES Grade "A" Medium EGGS 297 AND 5 LOAVES KOTORS BREAD groat eating! groat cavinge] art FREE! @ V3 OFF PATTES PAINT and WALLPAPER LTD. TOP QUALITY LATEX PAINT WHITE OR COLORS Reg. $8.95 gal. 2 GALS. ONLY 99 the Finest Latex Paint WALLPAPER SALE Our STUDIO MASTERPIECE and GALAXIE LINES Dw] Every Second Roll FREE! THIS WEEK ONLY!! 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Powerful 4x magnification. Locking switch... Beige plastic, Reg, $6.99, Leave Your Photo Finishing at Zeller's ! : Fast, Efficient Service Charge-It ZELLER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE NO DOWN PAYMENT

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