Hollywood style? It can range Fo producer from $2,200 for a wood-line cu-jnotion that the peeborehe thei Deis bicle with steam machinejfor weight reduction. again, Steam Rooms Are Latest = : Hollywood Status Symbol ion yeabusee William ma ttt | One of the most r of By BOB THOMAS Sinatra also provided a clas-\tne Beverly Hills ae ed SHOW ! HOLLYWOOD (AP)--Back injsic example of status one-up-|. spot in the automotive firm, the stone age of Hollywood's his-/manship. It seems that Sammy|'* owned by Tony Owens, hus- Tacocca, formerly Ford divi-;torv, the status symbol was the|Davis Jr., then a devout fol- band of Donna Reed and pro- sion vice-president and general| tennis court. Then it became the|lower, had a telephone installed|ducer of her television series. manager, was named by board|swimming pool--the grander it/in his car and called Sinatra's -------- Chairman Henry Ford I as|was, the higher the status. icar with the news. vice-president of the car and! More recent times have, "Just a minute," said Sinatra, | ' 1 truck group. brought the private projection|"I've got a call on my other This gives him responsibility|room, the fully-equipped soda' phone." (aaa for Ford division, Lincoln-Mer-/fountain, the yacht, the Palm a cury division and Ford Motor|Springs house, plus the shifting HAS LATEST FAD Co. of Canada, Ltd., except for!vogue in cars, ranging from) All this is by way of intro- its overseas affiliates. custom jobs of obscure Euro-|duction to the latest toy of the As such, the 40-year-old Ia-|pean make to the always ac-/film famous--the steam room. -- = A outranked only by|cepiable Rolls Royce. ate iy 2 So -- --_ Ford, President Arjay R. Mil- i -ar|Ford. Dean Martin has n ler, 48, and Charles H. Patter- A iad Tan test ahalnee considering one. Numerous other RONALD REAGAN son, 62, executive vice-presi-/,y Frank Sinatra, a pace-setter|ctors and producers have had ADULT ENTERTAINMENT dent. in the field of status symbols|Steam rooms installed or f SBILTMORE,-- The company had discontin-|(private plane, helicopter pad,|Planned. ' PHONE 725-5833 J _ yet got Nee gegen etc.) as The cost for sweating it t out, | OPEN : 6:30 P.M GET : | SATURDAY & SUNDAY MATINEES ONLY! eM a flog Prom The Magical World Of oe |i. OME ~The Brothew Grinun | when James 0. Wright re- Featuring signed following Miller's eleva- | tion to the presidency. LITTLE CAESAR and THE CONSULS Iacocca joined Ford as a, trainee in 1946 and his rise was 50c Members ® 75¢ Non-Members DRESS -- SHIRT and TIE 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Jenuery 15,1965 Ford Boosts Lee Iacocca DETROIT (AP) -- Ford Mo- tor Co. has promoted Lee A. Iacocca to the fourth-ranked ALL SHOW ! HIS FAITH BUILT A FORTRESS IN 4 WILDERNESS OF HATE! "WALK THE PROUD LAND" in COLOR with AUDIE MURPHY ANNE BANCROFT ~ Ernest Hemingway's "THE KILLERS" Explosively NEW in COLOR --with-- LEE MARVIN ANGIE DICKINSON | SAT. & SUNDAY { 1:30 P.M.§ rapid. He was succeeded as Ford division manager by Dona!d N. Frey, who was elected a vice- | president of the company. | Frey, 42, joined Ford in 1951. NAME AFTER COMPOSERS . MONTREAL (CP)--This city ~-; |is to name two streets after 18th | /|century musical composers | One will be named Georges | Bizet St., for the French com- | i |poser and the other Frederic | | |Chopin St., for the Polish mu- | FREE BLACK STAMPS SLOPPY, ISN'T IT? of Grauman's Chinese The- ater. Debbie became the 148th film celebrity to place her hand and footprints | in ----_-- Best Birthday Of Life Says Dr. Schweitzer, 90 LAMBARENE, Gabon (AP); "In your commitment to truth Dr. Albert Schweitzer turned 90;and service you have touched Thursday and was acclaimed/and deepened the lives of mil- by hundreds of well - wishers|lions you have never met." at his jungle hospital. There were gifts -- some, "This is the best birthday of simple and some expensive -- my life," he said. jfor the Nobel Peace Prize win- About 50 of the white staffjmer of 1952, whose medical) members sang birthday. songs| work has directly touched more) in German. A group of children/than 60,000 persons. from a nearby leper colony, The wards, as usual, looked some with bandages on their|untidy by Western standards.) arms and legs, sang Happy|The sick and the injured are Birthday in French. : lcrowded in corrugated iron Hundreds of equatorial Afri-| Shacks can tribesmen, about 200 Euro-; Schweitzer defended his con-| peans and a few Americans|cept of primitive treatment for) massed at the modest hospital|primitive patients as he ob- poondeng A ounded by the|served: jooue ver 40 years ago " Their tribute to the white-haired| me the way eer humanitarian, philosopher, mu-}_. sician. and author was joined by) lent Johnson in a mes sage from Washington saying: | the concrete at the well- known theater. --AP Wirephoto Actress Debbie Reynolds holds up her concrete-cover- ed hands, after adding her hand prints to the forecourt Here are three important reasons why it will pay you to renovate and redecorate | your home now! JAN, 17 SHOWN AT 28 4?P.M. f sAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRES ae @ TONITE 8:30 P.M. OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM 5 - GREAT BOUTS - 5 ANDY ROBIN } BULLDOG BROWER TAG TEAM EXHIBITION THE TOLOS BROS. VS. | VOYAGEUR PARISI & FLANAGAN | RESTAURANT ; RC pgeenhoshiprentie- ys | Highway 401 East : ' ' B at Waverley Rd. : " Ben hen Bowmanville vs. DUKE NOBLE |] A CARA OPERATION x iy we ve, (Ty | ALEXANDER THE GREAT: : | es eri 6 Z af ef | va. PAUL DIMARCO LS JAN. 16 SHOWN AT 12,28 4PM. FAMILY DINING BUSINESS LUNCHEONS © FOR SERVICE © FOR FOOD @ FOR SELECTION You Just Can't Beat IMPERIAL in the Fun' MODERN SQUARE DANCE CLASS Starting Soon Have room for « few more couples. Everyone welcome. For 725-3117 information The Twilights Dancing 9 p.m. 'til 1 Admission $1.50 wubinle: »Aiwwrrt BUSES TO AND FROM THE AUDITORIUM 5 BIG BOUTS -- No Increase in Prices ADMISSION -- Ringside $1.50 - Adults $1.25 - Children $1.00 PAT MILOSH - Promotor -- Dio! 3-9721 Re. eae aa THANK YOU OSHAWA AND DISTRICT FOR SATURDAY, JAN. 16th ? HELPING US BREAK ALL MOVIE RECORDS at the Motor City Car Club Presents North Oshawa Community Hall SKILLED MEN ARE AVAIL- ABLE---NOW! Although more DISCOUNTS AND LOANS ARE AVAILABLE -- NOW! To create incentives that MATERIALS ARE AVAILe ABLE--NOW! When build- ing slows down, materials FOR 3 WEEKS DISCOTIOQUE Sunday, Jan. 17th 8:30 p.m. 'till 11:30 p.m. Admission $1.00 with membership and more building is being done each winter, exterior con- struction does slow down during the cold weather. As a result, home improvement contractors and skilled craftsmen seek out the smaller interior jobs that they are unable to handle during the summer. You benefit--with skilled workmanship by exper- ienced tradesmen when it's most convenient to you! Featuring . . . The Fabulous COUNTDOWNS of Toronto Dancing 7:30 p.m. till 12:00 Admission $1.25 per person DRESS... , SHIRT and TIE become more readily available, Result: irritating delays in com- pleting your job because of late delivery of supplies are eliminated! will balance their sales and keep their staff employed. throughout the year, building supply dealers run winter sales. These special discounts help you renovate and redecorate at the lowest possible cost. You'll find your bank a good place to visit, too--for low- interest Home Improvement Loans under the National Hous- ing Act: up to $4,000.00, with up to ten years to repay! 4th And Final Week HELD OVER There's no doubt about it, Winter is the very best time to spruce up your home (and your place of business)--quickly, efficiently, inexpenswely] CS) on "rer SATURDAY |TODAY! Great Dance "seb RICHARD BOBBY MINNS | BURTON and his orchestra COUPLES ONLY Dancing 9 P.M. fill 12 Reservations 725-1348 723-2143 Sorry--Sold Out Saturday - Jan. 30th For advice and assistance call your National Employment Office mrt ae Se NOW! sECKE I y | 'Issued by authority of Hon. Allan J. MacEachen, Minister of Labour, Ottawa, DIN ! | HOLLAND LUMBER COMPANY page apo HAT TEAR R..R 1. Oshawa -- Corner Ritson & Nonquon Rd. 725-0463 MILLWORK AND BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 Simcoe Street North 728-6291 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Ltd. Courtice 728-1611 and Oshawe Shopping Centre 728-1617 PEACOCK LUMBER Limited 725-4744 Everyone benefits when winter work is increased. DO IT FEATURE SHOWN DAILY 1;:30-4:00-6:30-9:00 WE'RE GOING STEADY NOW Yes, hundreds of happily suited men are 'Going Steady" with fine clothing and furnishings from Murray Johnston's in Down- town Oshawa. And many ef them got their start on the road to happiness at Murray Johnston's 12 Yearly Sale of clothing and winter wearables. Just such a sale starts on Monday the 18th of January and we suggest that, if you want to enjoy complete cloth- ing bliss, then avail yourself of this chance to buy the famous F- Johnston Quality Merchandise ot substantial savings. See you Hi SLT E SEAN CONNERY ss ex C7" 6" wrcunes G@OLDFINGER" RECOMMENDED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT TECHNICOLOR® GERT FROBE . xn HONOR BL ACKMAN w nas su REREENPLAY By @ropucen ev SHIRLEY EATON vo msi lfm amt Sa on Duper proceou NOW PLAYING SHOW TIMES --~ 1:35 - 3:25 - 5:20. 7:15 - 9:15. i LAST COMPLETE SHOW PHONE 723-2843 9:00 P.M. Next Week. | 328 Ritson Road N. Oshawa A