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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jan 1965, p. 11

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While other parts of the west coast have reeled un- der up to six feet of snow, the British Columbia capital of Victoria has reveiled in balmy, snow-free weather, with 'only scattered flurries that soon vanished. With the FEATHERED GALLERY FOR 'JANUARY GOLFERS' -- IN CANADA mercury in the 40's, Capt. F. C. Frewer (right) and his son, Barry, 18, enjoyed. a game of golf and they had a huge gallery on hand--all feathered friends. --(CP Wirephoto) Goaltender Switch 4 Puts Habs On Top MONTREAL (CP) --Mont- roost after laying a couple o! eggs. Gump Worsley, that farm club boy from the American made 'the difference. Weekly leased today show the Canadi- eng in the lead with 49 points 7 despite a three - game losing streak that preceded their switch in goaltenders. Chicago Black Hawks, who held the lead briefly, are back © in No. 2 position just two points © behind. Toronto Maple Leafs are poised dangerously in third NHL statistics re- ¢ man with 42 points, three more # than fourth-place Claude Pro- 4 vost of Montreal. Phil Goyette of the Rangers picked up a goal and five as- sists to jump into fifth place 4 with 36 points, one more than 1 Phil Esposito of Chicago and Detroit's Gord Howe. Pierre Pilote of Chicago is eighth with 34 points, followed by Camille Henry of New York with 33 and Rod Gilbert of Ran- gens with 32. The Canadiens now have 99 three games more. Detroit's Roger Crozier continues to lead | 'n shutouts with three. HOCKEY SCORES STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS American League Eastern Division WLT FAP Quebec 3014 1171124 61 Hershey 2217 2 144 120 46 'Baltimore 16 23 3141 143 35 Springfield 16 28 3123 154 35 Providence 1525 1112 15331 Western Division Rochester 2713 2151 100 56 Buffalo 2115 4 143 110 46 Pittsburgr 1719 4124 139 38 Cleveland 1126 4 111 159 26 Tuesday's Results Cleveland 5 Baltimore 2 Providence 2 Quebec 6 Central Professional W.L TUF A Pt Omaha 2314 4147 133 50 Minneapolis 2114 5 144 106 47 St. Paul 2114 0.133 115 42 Tulsa 2018 2 136 137 42 Memphis 1220 3119 128 27 St. Louis 825 4 106 166 20 Tuesday's Results lace just one point behind the | The leaders: I | eel Detroit Red Wings are © A Pts. PiM Omaha 5 Memphis 3 in fourth place with 42, followed Hull, Chi 36 23 5920.20 Ontario Junior A by New York Rangers with 36 Mikita, Chi 13 34 47 112 WLT FAPt and Boston with 24. Ullman, Det 21 21 42 37|Niagara Falls 23 8 8158 116 54 The Canadiens switched goal- ie, Provost, Mtl 17 22 39 16)Toronto d 2411 2181 148 50 tenders for two weekend games STAN MIKITA Goyette, NY 9 27 36 6|Peterbor'gh 1811 6 152 118 42 in their scramble back to the| Esposito, Chi 15 20 35 27| Oshawa 16 11 7 157 164 30 top, Worsley to Tel yut still holds Howe, Det 13 22 35 «74 ret a 4 pied ae place Charlie Hodge. jlead of 12 points in the individe ee ae 'ee 6S Cathari 919 6 138 164 24 Mie commis 6 $4 win ovttlon pearing ieee Gite 0 oniac (UT NY 18 15 38 ois oii ime 3 Boston followed by a 4-2 victory Seatadinn awe hg points,/Gilbert, NY 18 14.32 30) Hamilton he Reaeila over Chicago. 5 Backstrom, Mtl 15 16 31 19]... Tuesday's Teammate Stan Mikita is sec-|Rousseau, Mtl 8 23 31 16|Hamilton 3 Oshawa 3 HULL STILL LEADS ond with 47 a. including a/Bucyk, Bos 14 15 29 16/Sitchener 2 Niagara Falls 8 Chicago's. Bobby Hull was|! leading 34 Mahovlich, Tor 11 18 29 35 oe ae held fo one goal and an assist| Third is Detroit's Norm Ull-|Balon, Mti 13 15 28 47|Toronto at Ham OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS WEDNESDAY NITE ne 21, C. Smith 210, D. Claus 207, R. Esposito 207, J. Esposito ite | 7 mai Brown 208, Last week's news had omission: Verne Dewell 715 15 (22, Ny "lorry \ behagl J. Vavasori 206 and J. Gardia Points Taken Snails - 4, Shamrocks Points 3. 2, Jetsons Bleck Hawks 1, Optimists 0 end Wishers 0 200 Games -- H. Gardner 251, $. Stew. |0; Morton Falvig oh A NIGHT INDUSTRIAL Poi mor -- Motor City 3, imperi: ; toad iy rison 2, Genosh Quality Fuel 2 a Queen 1; ma no St. Catharines at Peterborough Western League Seattle 1 Victoria 5 Portland 5 Vancouver 1 Ontario Central Sr. Midland 3 Newmarket 4 The following are the sults of games played Jan 'i4, in the Neighborhood Dart tion: Rundle No. 2, 4, 3, North Oshawa 2. Doubles--M. Muir, A. Graves, L, Shortt, D. Taylor, V. Graves 2, J. Carlson, F. Parsons 2, 0. Twine, T. Twine 2, D. Rae, D. Crawford, J. Crawford 3, L. Rae, N. Pullen 4, T. Emm 2, D. Donald, J. France, B. France 3, B. Naylor, L. Shobbrook 4, R. Ross and B. Ross 2. Baseball 1 Inning -- R. Shob- brook 5, L. ShoWbrook™ "4, D. Donald 5, M. Muir and F. 'Par- sons 6, 5. High 3 Darts--A. Graves 171, J. Carlson 108, T. Emm 1 (2) and J. France 100. Standings of Second Section -- North Oshawa 20; Rundle No. 2, 18; Rundle No. 1, 16; Fernhill 16; Woodview No. 1, 15; South- mead 13 and Woodview No. 2, 7. Individuai Leaders at end of Second Section -- Ladies, double ins: Dora Crawford 10; doublel] outs: Vi Ross 8; Baseball 1 In- ning: Betty France 7; High 3 darts: Vi Ross 134; men: Double ins; Mike Wilson 14, Fred Parsons 14; Double outs: Jack Houston 15; Baseball 1 inning: Mike Wilson 7, Jack Houstor 7, Tom Rae 7, Tom Twine 7 and Lorne Shobbrook 7. Team baseball 9 innings: Fernhill 80. Team total points: Rundle No. 2, 37; North Oshawa 36; Fern- hill 34; Rundle No. 1, 30; South- mead 23; Woodview No. 1, 27 and Woodview No. 2, 17. North Oshawa | Flyers Bomb Holds Lead In Rangers 9.2 Second Section wy 2 THE apie PRESS Rangers ali the time. look what buys... BRAKE ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL Most Popular Cars WE DO ALL THIS... %* Pull Front Wheels % Adjust Brakes to full contact % Inspect wheel cylinders and grease seals % Inspect front brake fini (front brakes wear faster %& Add brake fluid, if needed % Inspect and lubricate emergency brake linkage + log be GENERAL -- fimer a. Werk by TIRE J werk. gueren- teed! GENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA 534 Ritson Rd. South 728-6221 600 Games -- Bud Manning (286, 263) Sam Stainton (258, 211) 663; Shirley iintom (204, 253) 633; Deanne Fry (289) 113 Total, Nig -- Blow Outs 8, Breakers Amprobes 4, Refills 3, Mi MHO's 3 "Whey Dynes 2 and Refyses BY Palo 2 Ee Michell 213" S12. P. t 2, Acadiens . Pel , moun c > Yule 213, M. Fitzgerald 210, M. Harris pion Triples -- F. ilig 850 (226, 265, the gir Neda pe he to 20, N. Fice 205, L. , J.\ 359); J. Bell 791 (268, 236, .287); F. Linley take all three games his week, winning Bablerz 201 and P. Barkley 200. 0 Games -- June Bird 718 (227, 281, m0); -- Frid 690 (222, 254, 214); Joan 773 an, 276, 220); G. Element 718 (205, Gallant 691 (252, 233, 206); D. Wotton io (228, 191, 260); R. Smith 676 (245, 25 jelght points over the Beetles. The Blow- reg 275); H. McArdle 703. (219, 236, 248); 48): |hards took six points from the Die Hards, 7. | jas did the Ag 29 a the Moon- gy Pat Wend Garey May oor can 174); L. Arp 668 (238, 248, 182); R. Poole petri with the Boobs Boobs taking ne five ond tea 4 League -- C. Atwell 99, C. Drury (25) 213)3 K. Roddick 652 (187,/ | ces three, %, S. Hanne 91, G. Sheridan 95, C.| 210 255)7 W. Smith 649 (237, 220, 1923] Glace 73 and E. Hutchuk 47 C. Weeks 26, 239, 292); P, Skidmore), Team Standings -- Boobs 13, Aces 11, ' 650 (217, 247 186); R. Richard 638 (27, Blowhards 10, Pepsies 10, Leaybogs & LAKE VISTA MIXED LEAGUE Team Standing (3rd Section) -- ae. 7, Beatles 5, Ring-A-Dingers 5, Geor! @ttes 4, Duds 4, Marionettes 4, Pinpick- ers 3, "serewtali 3, Leaders 3 and Biow- hards ' High "rig, -- Gardian 756 (267, 244, 245); sheridan iw (293, 273); F. gl ys tins 259, + Z. Sheridan 682 (246, 273); A. Smith nats act out J. Pattman 666 (206, ; J. er 661 (320); E. a 708) R. Brown 645 (246, 261); $. Hurlock 625 (231, 237); M. (210, 268); B. ba bi B. Rickan 617 (211, Hy Rickman ho (215, 213); and J. SRany 3 (213, 201). Over 200 --L. Caves 206, 8. jenry 272, ae as, "ian 8. me | En me 241, " Loot ' ne 238, G. Oliver 234, R. Bremner 229, Rolls 218, 200, A. Brown 215, D. Gilbert 215, S, Oliver 211, 216, M. O'Reilly ©. Scott! a 198, 7G. 638 211); G, Osborne 630 (163, 204, 263 and A voles 600 (190, 198, 212). jnckan mM D. Wilson Wg orbs 262. G. Stockwood jert 211, M. = K. Blakoimer ng, 21, L. a 203, J. git 244, |high triple, Pat Elliott bowled 743 but this We had some very good scores bowled this week, with two people beating the J.| was beaten by Del Tomina, who had @ 200, Smith 206, W. Heimehe' '201, lfine 774 fotal, to take over the high mm H. Canfield 204, 200, Rich Rea] 260, or tole and also give her a slim one-point D. Williams 221, E. 2%, lead in the high average race. Sata 272, R. Davies a" and 8, scot |, Over 600 -- Del Tomina 774 (312, 217, 245); Pat Elliott 743 (326, 221 Lemon Fat -- R, Doyle 95 and P.| Parry 669 (246, 211, 210); Toice "bevicess Cormier | 667 (247, 235); Marlon Ross 660 (264, 210); jee ay pe 637 (263, 243); Vera yi bbb 9 Pong Hhegyhing 200 Games -- tt 284, McGee 239, 'atl ty Fig? Herb "tach 227, Ruth Parrott 226, Ross Flo Amsbary Bourdag -- Jukes 201, 202, Hugh McMahon Glen} Sutherland 25, ban Markaluns 225, Diana Charuk 219, 209, Cy Usher 208, | ple dith McMahon 205, Leo es 204, H. Warns 'Therte!| 204, Marie stewart 202. | 8 igh tad Edwards 201,| Triple -- Del Tomina 774 and High Aver- | Freem: 619 + Theresa R t 617 as) and Muriel Young 604 oe er 200 -- Noreen Bruce 276, Nency Richards 238. Brenda Saunders ; 224, Bon- MecDermald 211 and Martha Rathman High Single -- Bea Allen 330, Hi age -- Del Tomina 193. WESTON ADAMS Bruins' Boss Suggests New All-Star Method BOSTON (AP) -- The presi- dent of Boston Bruins proposed Tuesday that National Hockey) League all-star teams be se- lected by vote of the players, rather than sportswriters and broadcasters. Weston W. Adams, whose team was shut out in the first half balloting by the writers did not take issue with selec- tions made. But he said that to place Bruins' defenceman Ted Green sixth was ridiculous. "The best. judge of the best players at their positions are the players themselves," he said. "So I would have the play- ers decide the all - star teams. For example, the players know which defenceman gives them the most trouble and would vote accordingly." Adams said he will suggest at the league's winter meeting Feb. 2-3 in New York that a layer voting system be set up. ke > ed that forwards vote enceman on the other teams and defencemen vote for aging forwards they find hardest to stop. The goalie would vote for every position and every player would vote for goalte -- lected as all-stars, something like $26,000. So it is pretty im portant to the players and tween the last-place Bruins an minute. 1965 LICENCES For Cars Available At ' "HARRY DONALD nr. Dundas Eost - Whitby OPEN DAILY UNTIL 5 P.M. SAT. TILL 12 NOON Adams said "'there is a lot of money involved for those. se-| think they should have an op-| portunity to make the choice."| Adams also told a hockey writers luncheon that any poten- tial deals rumored recently be-| other NHL clubs now are dead. He said he had hoped to make a trade announcement Tuesday but it fell through at the last) | TOWN AND COUNTRY LEAGUE | High Triples -- Barb Minaret 683 (275, + Jackie Legere 629 (244); Shirley | Milne 603 (234); Mary DePratto 594 pe | Blanche Szekeres 5/7 (207, 208); 'arge Audrey Hepburn 568 (nay |Dorothy Brabin 551 (212); Doris Omand | 536; Arlene Phinney 509; Isobel Biglin ae Sg ae 7 (215); Marion Good- irley Smegai 503 Mal 0, rly eg) and Marie singles -- Dona Pas Betty Guscott 202. ee ee ved - hye er iggr 9. sm les 4, lets 3, Pansies 2, Tull 2 A Deisies ee food plan, Free 5 Year Guarantee made: by Beatty. Free delivery, PRICED PROM iB AD BOY DEFINITELY SELLS FOR LESS! FREEZERS - 21 CU. FT. $198 R.C.A, VICTOR 3-WAY HOME FM/AM. Radio, Changer, 23" TV Cabinet. Free Home Service. *VALUE 4 Speed Automatic all in: one Walnut THEATRE 300° $479.00 Hand wired circuit, former. Swin-out chassis, Convectaire full power trans- Up-front tuning, AGC circuit. Fidelity tone audio system. With trad 23" BIG SCREEN TV Cooling, 198% WE ARE OPEN INCLUDING WEDNESDAY EVERY NIGHT "TIL 9:30 P.M. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Everybody Knows the Place--bdd boy--King St. E. 728-4658---4659 I d | @d as a retread, DOMINION TIRE STORES WHATEVER YOUR TIRE REQUIREMENT... LOOK TO OSHAWA'S TOP TIRE TRADER DOMINION ROYAL - TRACTION GRIP The new All iy ae Size Blackwall Ul] winter tire 'at (Tubed) erecrtcn 67015 14,06 exceptional value-- (Tubeless) ce oo 750-14 16.96 18.56 with receppable trades WHEELS For Tubeless Snow Tires from ...; Used. Winter TIRES Free Mounting . . . No Extres 48 BOND WEST (Corner of Church) mm 4.95 BUDGET TERMS : Ag RED TAPE fe Do Our Own Financing 725-6511 must wish a play against Kitchener CHOICE QUALITY A:P PEAS 1299: the Rangers, e: the Fly- ers' lead in Keparve & Hockey) Association Junior A series tojgoal for the Flyers in THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 20,1965 |] =< Red four nee over Toronto Marl-|ond age when they were down 1-0, then added the other "Tuesday's other geme,|two late in the game to wrap hawa Generals rallied from|? the scoring. up the Don Marcotte. scored twice for the winners and Ted Snell, first|Andre Lajeunesse and Bud De- a brody added single goals. deficit to tie Ham- Wings 3-3. the firs the CLARK'S (IN CHILI SAUCE) Pork & Beans :A9. Reg. Price 2 tins 390 -- SAVE 100 "eer as A&P SPECIAL BLEND TEA BAGS: PETOFPSTHT SS Qe oR Reg. 2 tins 33c ig SAVE 17¢ CASE OF 24 TINS $892 -- SAVE 76¢ 6 A&P CHOICE QUALITY SPECIAL THIS WEEK PEACHES | | suca'sim : z 1.00 BREAD a || Gee 7% | Reg. Price tin 39¢ -- SAVE 17¢ loaves = C : CASE OF 24 TINS $8.00 -- SAVE $1.36 Regular price loaf 22: -- SAVE 9% t It's the EAT in the MEAT that counts YOUNG GRAIN FED PORK CHECK! COMPARE! '35: "ii: CHECK! COMPARE! 335: "3° PORK LOINS +43. 26 SHOULDER ROAST »33- 14. PORK BUTT ROAST +39: 18: PORK LOINS +49: 30. PORK HOCKS +23: 6 PORK LOINS +49: 24. PORK BUTT ROAST +49: 14 PORK CHOPS +39: io. PORK LOINS +59: 24 PORK CHOPS +69: 20. SIDE PORK +39: 18 SIDE PORK 49: i8. ROASTING HAMS 49: 10: PORK LIVER +29: 10. PORK TENDERLOIN © 99: 30. Shop & Save Cash at A&P Solo, Regular Reg. Price 2 lbs. 59e --SAVE 100 MARGARINE = 3 tbr 79 Detergent SPECIALI OMO (10c OFF DEAL) giant size bex 79 Lotion, Liquid or Dry Reg. Price bt! 79e--SAVE 100 Lustre Creme Shampoo !2:s¢ size! 6 Yc Christie's Plain or Salted Reg. Price 37e -- SAVE tic CRACKERS 3 rb pk: 1.00 Betty Crocker Reg. Price pkg 41e -- SAVE 4e PIE CRUST Sticks 182: rs 37 Henley Choice Quality CASE OF 24 TINS $6.32 BARTLETT PEARS 3 20-eztins 7 Qc A&P Bakery Features dane Parker Reg. Price each 59¢ -- SAVE 100 Gf" 9. dane Parker English Reg. Price each 390--- SAVE 6e © FRUIT CAKE each 3 3¢ dane Parker Reg. Price loaf 27e -- SAVE 9 RAISIN BREAD 2:¢<zloved 5¢ AP) FOOD STORES large 24-oz size FOOD STORES AsP MEANS DEPENDABILITY PORK SALE!) -- SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY MINCED PORK rA 9 14 APP All Prices in this ad. guaranteed through Fresh Fruits CALIFORNIA, LARGE ICEBERG LETTUCE FLORIDA, manner QUALITY, sweer, TEMPLE ORANGES = Snowball, Ne Grae Ne. 1 Grade, CAULIFLOWER Halong For and Vegetables FIRM HEADS, No. 1 GRADE 2=29. TO PEEL, SIZE 100 ' DOZEN com 9. Cello Wrapped Wrapped, Good Size EACH 3 9. Criep and J Lunches, Red; Date rane) Size 118, LES 6G ror 39: Saturday, January 23rd,

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