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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jan 1965, p. 14

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'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Jonvary 22, 1965 13 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mesters' indlviduel Championship Play) QUIZ You are the dealer both sides vulnerable and have opened One Spade. Partner responds 'Two Notrump. What would you |now bid with each of the follow- ing four hands? 4. @KQ875 YQI AE AKG 2. @AKI6S YQL $72 HAIES BS. @AQEL YAQS $5753 GAQ & @KJ842 YAS OQ)9 403 1. Six Notrump. Partner's re-.. number for a slam. Since part- ner's hand is the notrump type just as ours is, we simply raise him to six notrump. There should be no doubt about the FA ead of making twelve icks. ¥ YES-SHES y a) YOU'RE 2. Three clubs. If necessary WHAT®2/ YOU WE BEEN SMITTEN RIPICULOU: S| YOUNGSTERS ' i ' i we can play notrump here also, THAT STARRY> #f BY THE CHARMS f GRADE~ I FELL MADLY, < " meme COME ceumpies} |but it is better to sound out the \ , 7 ; chance of a spade game before committing ourselves to no- trump. Three clubs warns part- ner that there is some doubt about notrump. It asks him to show support for spades if he has three of them. If he does ie three spdes we plan to bid four. Of course if partner's rebid is three notrump we pass, The main point is that practically all our strength is confined to the black suits and it is therefore ' j ney gy to = amie by : : bi three clubs f we LET'S SEB, NOW» WHAT PUT NEW LEG ON CHAIR«». HATE THESE ALL 90 Z HAVE TO PAINT CHAIR + FIX PITCHER F ONESGIRL! ae get Se i DO TODAY 4+ OF LEMONAZE + GO GET OFFICES /! ¢ A | 3. Four notrump. This is an TODAY'S SPORTS PAGE + HEADING DOWN n 80! ' invitational raise in notrump MAKE PEANUT BUTTER : that has absolutely nothing to SANDWICHES «+ DIG do with Blackwood. It is not a FISHING WORMS IN forcing bid. It merely invites MY SPARE partner to go on if his first re- sponse consisted of maximum instead of minimum values, Partner may have 13, 14 or 15 points for his two notrump response. It is therefore possible for the combined point count to be 32, 33 or 34 points. We can't tell which it is at this stage of the bidding. If the total is 33 or 34, we should want to be in a slam; if it is only 32, we don't. We can't.decide the matter uni- laterally, because there is no way of knowing whether part- TELEVISION LOG PSP PA SS for his two notrump bid, It is Channel! %--Wish You Were Here SUNDAY Wok Dery Protea therefore best to pass the buck Channel 8-2--Exploring 9:00 A.M. ¥ to partner. Channel 7--Bugs Bunny 11--Cathedral Chimes 4 4. Three notrump. The only Channel 6--Robin Hood 7--Shenanigans ; problem here is whether it is Channel countrys aro i gag better to bid three spades to Channel 8--Rochester Country Style --B' Channe!_9--Toronto eis dan ate show a five-card suit or to raise THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X93 oi 12:30 P.M. i pgp dlc M--The Sonins Liectisiten "sooraek directly to three notrump. It is 9--Bingo Bowling J--Tennesace Tuxedo y : ; we true that in many hands it is FRIDAY EVENING § [7 Hoonity Hi scram eM: ¢-Yoo! Bear ana : mt advisable to show five-card oF ive O'clock Movie lec contoodlsuey 1--Carasello > " : length in a major suit, but in @--Superman 1:00 P.M, &--The Bible Answers p this case where the hand lends ete Re, tee, [inert wm | RO ee | |e sel a0, strongly to notrump "Ch = lo i liad . ' ' play, there should be no desire ~ \ULEY FIGHTING..CLAW, BITE, GOUGE, KICK AND SLUG... ~ 3--Movie 9--Movie 2--Church Invitation Z i : fl nici f b @--The Movies 10:30 A. , i to undertake a ten-trick game. King Features Syodicate, ina 1965. Work! rights reserved a 2--Magiila Gorlila 7--Top Ster Bowling I 5:30 P.M. - Thang : Our divided honor strength indi- &-Loave It to Beaver ar neee ; s cates that every suit is doubly Toronto Marlies | S--Autry-Rogers 9--Portrait epine cwwerred 2--Tales of Wells Fargo 6:00 P.M. | t MM 4--Uncle Jerrys Club §---Meet The Press ue te 2--Portraits of My People 'Dietetet Wy King Pestares patient, 7--News Central 7--Top Star Bowling ' 2--Today, 1965 4--Matinee f a NEWS IN BRIEF fees. new "Wasthers i L bier oa 1 aoe : 5 i onen Son | Holy Mass TAKE JOB SERIOUSLY 8 63--Championship Golf &4--Chureh Service ? ' #2-Huntley-Brinkiey | ABasketball | SFrontiers of Faith AD AMERSHAM, England (CP)-- OF SELF DEFENSE jucthavente hy pe 0 i 11:30 AM U Seapets in per 2 . S$ ve e BUZ LEARNED IN ASIA, § -- a se Pes ee a , 2 er. pa fk + oy \<Famity theete 7--World of Sports 7--Discovery % é i m g # 4 7:00 P.M PO gap ner (2100 NOON Ne? operators called newspaper man écrns "cepa $3Gross Canada Curling) »--itallen Album TV ca RAN alas Me Ay Clive Cook at & a.m. and re- 8--Honeymooners Sceetanen Cat P A if Ys 3 ceived no reply, one of them ; My nsup ) visited Cook's home and found 7-6--News, Weather, 3:30 P.M. 9--Wrestll 6--Sunday School ? ( U4 e ie -- a : KV Mp = . lary the telephone out of order. SWET AUR LEDAEE OTE AT AE, Vm GUID ODE O01 | Soe ta oe 'gg Sports : to ene agon Train f MM. ¢ hk AI oe MIGHT NOT THE NEXT TIME, TAM CAN STAY IN "THE ROOM NEXT TO 2--Doble Gillis 11--The Flying Fisherman| #-The Answer : eS) hi HOUSES MELT THATS WHAT HAPPENED? WHEN TA * NOTHIN' y nw ®. 7--Wrestling : bees ALGIERS (AP)--Heavy rains IN' MORE OFF MINE, COME,..1/LL SHOW YOU MM. . Se : IN MAXROY JUMPED CHOLLA A MAXRO' %--Andy Griffith 6--Bowling mie. on the inland plateau melted WHERE IT is. 4--Golf Classic : WERE LUCKY = #2--International Show | 3 Teen Time hundreds of mud stucco houses, Time Pie-A-Polke (pogecre ae \, killing six persons and leaving ae ae PBuinwnkle many' homless. 'The. Algerian 4--Rawhid li--This Space Age 6é~Live and Learn hs evo rn -- [Riera | Es Mie | CROSSWORD pen, even nti at Be bebe ¥ 'Sennen' ee ed eT tas foe ACROSS 'emer | Aures Mountains in the east to sy en | Sy naga ow |code | aay: Saree Mee PRUE |" cmos IN APRICA. BG Ld "ty J--Directions '65 lly 8. Fuel tiame [AIVIT[OMNP/EMINGIO) LISBO + Rl : CA in My Mee 6--Prairie Profile 8. Dart 4 Open: 28, Bome RlelON R SBON (AP) -- Africans 7-The Adams Family iter, Ren ARO 8. Atrapper's _poet. bycld Re Tortugpese Eas _ ave de- RISIOIN © mark prowling outlaws ¢3--The Fugitive §3--Bugs Bunny a-Nature of Things lure 6 we . Sud: 5 4-On Broadway 2---Golt ie moth = juts caught stealing by cutting. off 1:30 PLM. 10, Part of burst of PIEIEIAMAIS/PT I Naseer | eee a the ear light = feng AI MelielMtir) |their ears. The Lusitania news $-Oie& Van Dyke 1i--Strikes and Spares | 7--Issues and Answers 11L.Aslipknot 6, Cut off, round aoe MWae agency said the first offender re- s Day 9--Mr. Magoo 63--Country Calendar 12, Of bees as the to ' EESOSMECIVIIERE (ported to have been dealt with : nme tt Cersann| Teaeat® omer ot He] ScWY oh Flime" | 4-Goddene =. Wading" 38, Pald EME in this way was 25-year-ld Qui a) 2:00 P.M. ® . \ 9--Friday. Movi . of dawn. di , misse V. Fortuna. OHNO, TM oa\ HIS ANT e2--Jeck Benny yao Aad N~Chub 11, Dance Party | 35 Similarto g.Vessele 9 ee eT eee NOT SBLLIN \ FOR MORTY COLONY }! , 7--12 O'clock High 3--Shannon 1 i , ; bor: 16, M : { SRLtNe ioc em | ase Mineral with spouts ss.usta_ SALLY'S SALLIES 4--Gomer Pyle N--Z. Cars 6--French For Love 17 11, Ship-form ; i 10:00 P.M. 9~Voyage to Bottom of| 3--Dr. Kildare » Pert. to clock 34. Affirma> (--That Regis Philbin he Sea 2:30 P.M. Flanders --13, Nostrils: Z 82--Jack Paar 7--Dialogue 20. Conjunce anat, is und 36 be al 6--Ben Casey 6--The Valiant Yea 4--Slatterys People 2--Man From U.N.C.L.E.| 4--Sports Events se tion 15. Inquire beverage 3-77 Sunset Strip | 6:45 PLM. 2--Doctors at Work 21, Biblical : 11:00 P.M. | #6-43---News) Weathers 3:00 P.M, vessel ag ag 40. Consume 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News} | Sports 7--Championship Bowling 22. Local y 41, Crown Weather Sports 7:00 P.M. 6-3--Heritage sitio! 19, Anger 42, Falsehood 1:15 P.M. 63--Beverly Hillbililes 4--Sports aagatang alee %--Metro Final | 4--UB Roung Table Panel) 2--What's Up 24, A student's Lee 6--Viewpoint | 7:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 4 11:20 P.M. 1--Ciub 11 bance warty | &--Popeye 7-4--Late Show 9--Johnny Quest &3--World of Golf $--Night Metro %-2--Fipper 4--Sports 11:30 P.M. 7--Outer_ Limits 4:00 om Nay | Etat Rien ew | ESR alae r 9--The Avengers jackie Gleason }--Wor'! Golf WE SHOULDN'T WAVE TRYING TO LURE US WITHIN ¥'2--Tonight Show S--Take a Chance 4--Alumnl Fun ALL THOSE SNOWBALLS SNOWBALL RANGE / . é--Premiere Theatre 8:00 P.M. 4:30 P.M. GINGERBREAD as 9--Academy Performance|!1--Tiny Talent Time YESTERDAY DRIFT OUT OF y SATURDAY 8-2--Kentucky Jones Y WER KITCHEN i 8:00 A.M. 8:30 P.M. WINDOW... : Ria ) 11--Schnitzel House &-2--Movie 4--Film Feature ; 5 4--Popeye's Playhouse | 7--Lawrence Welk Show | 2---Golf 0:30 A.M. &3--New York at 6:00 P.M. 8-2--Three Stooges Toronto li--Family Theatre 7-Beany and Cecil gggp tel ote island 9--After Four orn °:00 A.M, be Wild Kingdom ' UE Rbckership sea H $2--Movie" hei 5--Nature of Things * a MILL STREET" 4-Fun To Learn 4--The Entertainers 4--Jack Benny 48. Not li Bs ot lving fg VARIETY STORE bd ata 9 PM 44, Opera by Telepol! MILL & OXFORD. STS. ' S 1--Star Route 2-Hercules 7--Hollywoos Palace Sac College Bow - Mieke ns Yy N--Long John Sliver | !1--Polka_ Party 4-Project Opportunity learning Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 P.M. 46--Time of Your Life 9--~Kiddo 9--Burke's Law 3-Glilican's Island 46, Head ofa 8-2--Underdog : 4-Quick Uraw McGraw 10:15 P.M. <n se hammer end P THATS ONE OF skeETER'S TY (/...1F HE DOESN'T waNT YoUTO J 10:30 A.M. é3--Juliette 7--Big Show of Week DOWN i VY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS... ITS HIS USE IT..cTHATS THAT! WHAT Wen France 10:30 P.M. 6--Stingray 1. A footrest t Frit ann} 4 i! : DO YOU EXPECT ME TO ete Mon 4 Eel lc piccroerer > al bn tt COLBORNE 7--Annie Oakley year Shaw 2 Meet The wress (wa eee thy hat a Raia ie New Body Formed {Sas Labor Bxecutive Asso GROCETERIA = ; Famili i £ eon a Bt9 nm. Family, ihestre pone y bry it tion represent some Colborne St. at Church St. nwerting i Weainers pore, "aero teu" | Bu Bail Uni The announcement a 728-6341 Theatre " 1:15 P.M. 4--World War | y al nions i joi San We oe . @-2--Dennis The Menace |!!--Biock Buster Con 7:00 P.M. le joint sialon by A, R, 7--Cartoons tinued 63-Patty Duke Show MONTREAL, (CP)--Canada's|/Gibbons, secretary of the na- OPEN 6--Cousin Bill %--Metro Final '4--Lassi rail unions announed Wednes-|tional legislative committee of DAILY TIL 10 PM. ne PM, day the formation of an execu-|the railway running trades h © King Features Syudicata, hac, 1965. We MICKEY MOUSE bat vee The Lion cer Lois Wp jen Saturday N : r 11:98 A.M. The Movies Ta sNOva orig op {tive association which will givejunions, and F. H. Hall, chair. Seven Days « Week 7--Matty's Funnies 11220 PLM Color operating and non - operating|)man of the unions representing) . 4--The 'Jetsons 7-43--Late Show %--Wagon Train employees a common voice injnon-operating employees, | ° Groceries © Fresh Fruits 3--African Patrol 6--Sports Flashb. ; : ' hae ' a--Fury vi Bae eects martin Wage negotiations and 'other; The running trades unions are © Vegetables © Meats wo UMC E is 12:00 NOON 9--Answering § ; matters. involved in the act . NeJehn Bredshew \"G-reature'shovosse | 44s~ua"tuliven shew | To be known as the Canadianjation of trains. a FREE DELIVERY MUGGS AND SKEETER | GRANDMA

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