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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jan 1965, p. 2

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gee Dorion Inquiry Turns Into (™ Delayed Legislature | ye ee pening: Premier Ro The Case of Missing Men TORONTO (CP)--The formal; Mr. Rowe read five excerpts opening of. the Ontario legisla-|from the speech at the request ture was delayed for about 15\of government press officers minutes Wednesday to accom-;Tuesday. The excerpts were heart attack I think modate the CBC, Premier Ro-jnot to be aired by radio sta- ealled." barts told the house Thursday.|tions untii 3. p.m. Wednesday, Ross Drouin, counsel for the| Mr. Robarts disclosed he and'tie scheduled start of the ac- Progressive Conservative party |Lieutenant - Governor Ear |/tua! delivery. demanded to know when the|Rowe were kept waiting for) Mr. Ma¢Donald said remarks authorities were advised "of About 15 minutes in the lieuten-|made by the lieutenant - gov- this untimely death." ant - governor's suite until ajernor afterwards seemed to in- "Up unt yesterday we were told that he couldn't be found, Mr, Drouin said, "Now out of the blue we are told that he CBC TV crew gave them the/dicate Mr. Rowe was not aware go-ahead to begin the proces-|the excerpts. were being sent sion to the legislative chamber./out to all radio stations, but But. the premier indicated the|rather that they were for the Masson completed 11 rt algepctee States via Canada and|i, qead." Se ae was Neg to} CBC, y of testimony, spanning three|Mexico. A 1963 seizure pro- | making concessions to elec- days. He said that at a mid-jduced 76 pounds of narcotits won ut? i ie eae tronic journalism. Changes night rendezvous last June 22-|said to be worth $56,000,000. lof Gagnon's body from Cote|"eTe taking place that the gov- 23 he told Raymond Denis,) When Gagnon failed to an-\des Neiges cemetery, where|*r™™ent would have to learn to then executive assistant to Im-|swer the inquiry court criers'/Mrs, Rivard says it is buried, migration Minister Tremblay,'call, Mrs. Rivard was recalled|Commission Counsel Andre| ihe $60,000 was available t0/to testify. She. said she bor-| Desjardins said: | jhe Liberals provided Rivard/rowed $20,000 from him -- he| "We are proceeding a step at Senator Louis P. Gelinas, the|Jail and may be called to-tes- it is Liberal party's Quebec treas-|tify today. He was arrested urer; shapely Linda Dumont,|June 19 at United States' re- waitress girl - friend of a pre-|quest, first step in legal efforts vious witness charged with|to take him to Laredo, Texas, fraud, and Guy Masson, self-|under a grand juny indictment styled federal Liberal organiza-/naming him as a kingpin in tion committeeman and pro-jan international dope traffick- fssed errand boy in offering}ing ring. the $60,000 to the Liberals as} The indictment says the ring election campaign money. 'tried to smuggle heroin to the MONTREAL (CP)--The Dor- ion inquiry became the cast of the missing witnesses today. Three men summoned to tell about a $60,000 kitty raised on behalf of narcotics conspiracy suspect Lucien Rivard failed to show up Thursday. j The inquiry was informed Ovide (Dave) Gagnon had been dead almost two months. Chief Justice Frederic Dorion called for the death certificate to be produced. -- Roger Aubin, a suburban inn- keeper, was reported taken suddenly ill, The judge in- structed that Aubin be brought 4 before him or supply a medical 4 certificate. It was a strange and un- precedented procedure that Mr. Rowe should make advance tape for airing at 3 p.m., 15 in Bordeaux May | Co-operote in planning your. Insurance protection *. AUTOMOBILE © URBAN FIRE @ FAMILY LIABILITY @ LIFE @ ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS AND OTHER INSURANCE NEGOS JOHN McPHERSON 110 Cabot St. Phone 728-7207 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE and CO-OPERATORS LIFE talks with lawyer Rene Maranda in the Montreal court house. fore the Dorion inquiry in Montreal and herself ex- pected to be a_ witness, MISS LINDA DUMONT, - 8 Years For Society Theft CALGARY (CP) -- Robert Neville Talbot, 46, was _ sen- tenced Thursday to eight years in prison when he pleaded guilty to theft of $191,000 from the Alberta division of the cratic Party leader. Mr. Mac-|Mr, MacDonald 'said. The commission drew a blank,000 together, borrowing money radio stations before delivery. 'the CBC telecast, f tee to overhaul the legislative | get estimates in committee. who testified last week be- (MOSCOW (AP)--Soviet mili-|can be achieved by the united of the legislature may be over-| His motion came after the fional armed forces that he|bat." ' He asked that a select com-'entire house. the first fruits of its work/River Conservation Authority, {by law. |munist party leadership as the the order paper by Vernon Sin-|ask Mr. Wishart as the sessionjeral's laboratory between Jan.|military chiefs were believed: to} of the queries. aided the Liberal critic in/the laboratory has neither] he editorial clearly stated| commissions or agencies during|Act were followed in expropri-|tion of masters of the Supreme | tempt to cut conventional I d = L T d of time on propaganda and po- seee ments in the course of replying/state he did not realize they last Tuesday when a subpoena!spiracy charge. | ernor Earl Rowe had taped/told of how he and the lieuten- called on the Ontario govern-|view to allowing scrutiny of Mr. Thompson said, It is bureaucracy which) plans TORONTO (CP) -- The so-jthe legislature, Gordon Pittock|been expropriated for the dam|torial published in the military of 25 questions at Attorney-Gen-/foolscap size. sons earning more than $5.000| fence policy. general's department. Mr. Sin-/nesday. house. on this question and|was signed by two high Col 1 of fees paid to lawyers who) Mr. Wishart was asked|veal who had authorized the | juring Khrushchev's regime. | asked whether his department|area. power. military technology demanded right to participate in the for- has turned to Peking and away|and economic help. cheques. , rocket and conventional forces, President Sukarno hadjdonesian women's movement| sentences of eight years on the ganization. "We cannot coexist Deace-\rector of the Alberta division,|wartime role: of rocket-nuclear on the Chinese for guidance,|karno's decision to withdraw In- jruns head-on into Russia's firm 1°4 e O S ain r Snow, WASHINGTON (AP) -- Four|message was carried by the $n _ investigation of possible haye shown to the world that| The air force said the inves-'not a world body which can\5:30 a.m.: night. cadets at the institution who|contrary, it is a body that hasito 24 hours over the central ing to light tonight and Satur- jit occurs, will mean a general Low tonight, high Saturday: |Northern Ontario is expected|Mount Forest..... clear and) Wingham ... live with. he said. minutes before. the to a question by Donald CM.|were tapes for dissemination Bill Lamy has been the ob-|was not extradited to the] was her brother-in-law--and: he|a time. We want the death cer-|MacDonald, the New: Demo-|hy a government radio service, Donald asked for an explana-| Premier Roba was issued for him. Mrs. Rivard, 32-year-old red-/ : C pie sald. it was DRAWS BLANK head, has said she put the $60,-! L ] Co . S ian are egisiative Committee System portions o: me speech trom the ant - governs heat een ies on these witnesses in a dayjfor her husband. throne in advance to be sent fo|to alter their schedule to sult . | Needs Overhaul: Thompson -- | TORONTO (CP) -- Liberal/mittee study the rules and pro- aj. s Red Militar 1e S ment Thursday to establish anjregulations and orders - in- eight - member select commit-|council and examination of bud- | a friend of Lechasseur t OK F R . }committee system, | The proposed committee Ge rom egime r "the|for the question period , M.r 5 effectiveness and responsibility)Thompson said. ttorney- enerda S tary leaders indicated Thurs-|efforts of all types of armedshadowed and overlooked.|government had announced from Nikita Khrushchev's suc- is running our province rather|committees to consider bills be- cessors for the large conven-|4ll other means of armed com-'than the legislature itself." {fore they are dealt with by the sought to trim. called shadow civil service set|(Oxford), to be serving as|were given the necessary notice|newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda up by the Liberal party showed|chairman of the Upper Thames!and information provided for|(Req star) acknowledged Com- } Thursday as the opposition in| The questions take up more| He asked for the names, birth| eral Arthur Wishart. | Mr. Singer told a reporter he/a year who left their employ-; The editorial discussed issues: The questions were placed onj|will have further questions to|ment with the attorney - gen-|on which Khrushchev and his er (L -- Toronto Downsview),|goes on. The second session of|1, 1960 and Dec. 31, 1964. |have split before his ouster as| ger said he will be surprised if} About -50 persons -- lawyers, |others related to it, Mr. Singer|Gen. K. Bochkarey and Col, I. quick answers are given to any |law students and laymen --|said he has information that | Sidyelnikoy. | Among other things, Mr. Wis-|drawing up the queries, said/enough money nor personnel. |what appeared to be an agreed| acted for any government|whether all procedures set out|placement of advertisements in They were: boards, commissions, royaljin the Conservation Authorities|legal publications for the posi-| ad : : | --The Former premier's at) 1964. ation proceedings of the Gordon|Court of Ontario. ground, air and naval forces! feels it is legal for a Progres-| Mr. Singer asked whether all sive Conservative member oflof the persons whose land had cia Abel doroes. 1a tance to spend a great amount litical orientation when the in- "4 al more hours for intensive eking Aiter Withdrawal | traning Canadian Cancer Society and mation of broad defence stra- from Washington and Moscow, Any doubt about this was dis- M ; = tegy. following its withdrawal from/|pelled by two messages to el ate deacin sn g Mah aid: seemed to wobble and waver|Tuesday from First Deputy theft charge and three years on the nawapaper 48 after choosing his new course|Premier Subandrio and Sukal-|each of the nine Pelt counts, |SSTRESSES ALL TYPES But events of the last few/fully with imperialism, old and/i,4q been with the society forjarms and strategic rocket days confirm he has made ainew colonialism and this hasii7 years, J fod victory over aggressors jdonesia from the United Na- m /tions," said Subandrio in a par- Cheating Rumors, |policy of coexisting even with the forces of capitalism. It was | cadets at the U.S. Air Force|New China news agenc il 5 ~ a y. Academy in Colorado Springs.| Continuing the Peking view of 1 er Omorrow TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|cold tonight and Saturday. tigation is continuing andiserye the interests of the new) Synopsis: There are indica-| Cochrane, White River:| 'prompt and appropriate ac-lemerging forces in settling in-|tions that a new storm is likely|Mostly clear and cold tonight! may be found cheating. jdone much more to serve the United States, then move east-|day. The identities of the four ca-jinterests of imperialism, old and| ward towards the Great Lakes.| n : 'i lfall of snow across southern|Windsor ....+..+. |Ontario, possibly mixed with'st, Thomas.. ' US. May Have To Equip rain in the extreme southwest-|London .......ss+. | id 2 Sas a Ito remain mainly adian Universities w'stiuns"" Mactan | Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,/st. Catharines..., house Mr. Robarts made these com-'started and that he should later ject of an ROMP search since|United States on the dope con-|qied in early December of "a\tificate first." tion of why Lieutenant - Gov-ja question of timing. He then which included testimony byi Rivard, 49, is Leader Andrew Thompson cedures of the house with a Under growing bureaucracy, |should also redraw house rules day they have won supportitorces and the capable use of|: | to set. up 10 standing D p t t Blitzed At the same time a long edi- the legislature tossed a barrage|than six sheets of paper of|dates and salaries of all per-|asic foundation of Soviet de- iberal critic of the attorney-|the 27th legislature began Wed-| Commenting outside of the/Soviet leader last October. It ' hart was asked for a breakdown|Mr. Singer. Mr. Wishart was asked to re-| socition on three points at issue| The attorney - general was Pittock Dam in the Woodstock and rely on strategic rocket creasing complexity of new --The Military's claim to the TOKYO (AP)--Indonesia now ideological inspiration, military | nine counts of uttering forged "On the relative importance of| the United Nations. jfourth plenary session of the In-|:e,ceq 'Talbot to concurrent : away from the international or-|no's wife, Hartini. | Talbot, former executive di| "No matter how great the firm fix on Peking and will lean|been reflected by President Su- A jroting of the Chinese line, which 4 Cadets Resign 'no coincidence the text of his Colo., resigned Thursday amidithe UN, he sai: "All facts cheating in examinations. the present United Nations is|issued by the weather office at|Winds decreasing to light to-| tion" will be taken against any|ternational problems. Qn the|to develop within the next 12\and Saturday. Winds decreas- dets were withheld. new colonialism." |This development, if and when| Forecast Températures ern section of the province.|Kitchener .... |Southern Lake Huron, Western! Toronto TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. D. V. Bates, assistant dean for gradu- ate studies in research at Mc- Gill University's medical 'fac- ulty, said Thursday four Cana- dian universities may be forced to look to the United States for money to equip new science buildings. "We can't bring scientists and show them empty floor space. How can we recruit men They can't work without tools." | Dr. Bates said in an inter-| view the Canadian government} has said that "no mechanism exists' for capital grants to universities. He was in Toronto to attend the Canadian Society of Clinical Investigators con- vention. He named McGill, Dalhousie, University of British Columbia and the University of Western), Ontario as the four schools. He) said $4,000,000 is needed to equip the new buildings. | McGill has written to both the Medical Research Council ~ @f Canada and to the Quebec overnment and was told byir th that capital grants for equipment cannot be granted. "Canada is competing now with the U.S. for top university teachers and is unable to do so! because it has only empty de partments to show, Dr. Bates aid. | Timmins ... Peterborough Trenton ..ccccccce Killaloe ..ccccccen Muskoka .. see North Bay, . Sudbury . Earlton ... vee Sault Ste. Marie... Kapuskasing .ss0 White Riveress.ee Moosonee .. eens Mortgage Money? McGIL Real Estate || Broker | "The Canadian government|| ake Ontario, Windsor, London has been worse served in its/Toronto, Hamilton: Increasing| scientific research advice in the| wioydiness with a brief period! last gl or seven years than/of wet snow or rain this after-| set oi tl ce govern-'noon or evening. Cloudy to-| ment," he said. ____|night and Saturday. Snow Sat-| pi oh nang mixed with rain) or freezing rain. A little milder. Doctors Blamed Pile light tonight, easterly 15 | Saturday. In Auto Death |, gee Lake one, Killa-| oe, Haliburton, Southern Geor-! KITCHENER (CP)---~An in-\gian Bay, Northe vn tae quest jury was told Wednesday Huron: Mainly cloudy tonight night that attending doctors did|and Saturday. A little colder not correctly diagnose fatal in-|tonight and Saturday. Winds! juries received by Mrs. Homer|becoming northerly 15 this Pequegnat of nearby Preston in afternoon and east 15 Saturday. | an accident Dec. 22. Northern Georgian Bay, Tim-| The jury found that Mrs,|@8ami, Algoma, North Bay,| Pequegnat, 37, died of a col-/5udbury: Clearing partly this lapse of the lungs caused by afternoon, Mostly clear and me leaking from the lungs un- ci ee er pressure into the chest cav- Why Pay More. Evidence showed that the ac- cident was caused when the | brakes of Mrs. Pequegnat's sta: e@ tion wagon failed and the car crashed inte two trees, mw, || FUEL OIL. Glosses made te your Eye Specialists presription. J. D. Jait OPTICIAN 936 Simcoe St. WN. 723-3110 PREMIUM QUALITY Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa & District Charrington Toby --a Great English Beer. Now brewed in Canada So now. you can treat your Canadian friends to that English beer you've been telling them about. Toby's a typical English beer, made with real English hops, toasted barley-malt, and patience. So it has more bite and less gas than Canadian beers» And a deep-amber colour. Since it's English beer, remember, you should serve it at English pub temperature. Not warm, heaven forbid. Just nicely cool. Toby is found under the Carling listing. And at your favourite pub. A real English beer brewed in Canada. Have a Toby! Charrington & Co. Lid., Anchor Brewery, Mile End Ra., London E.L., England. 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