Emergency Numbers Hospital 723-2211 Police 725-1133 Fire 725-6574 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1965 Ghe Oshawa Fines Second Section City and district features, social and classified advertis- CHE BEM isd CIVIC AUDITORIUM A FAMILIAR SIGHT TO THOUSANDS IN AREA MANCHESTER (Staff) -- Two men, one from Brook- lin and the other from Nestleton, died as a resul of a two-car crash just) south of here last night. / George E. MacNeil; of Nestleton, was dead when police arrived on the acci- dent scene, Robert Camp- bell, 20, of Brooklin died in the Toronto General Hospi- tal, where he was_ trans- ferred from Oshawa. 2 NARA Donald Roughley, 22, of Orono, believed to be a passenger, in the Campbell car, is in fair condition in the Oshawa General Hospi- tal with severe facial cuts and undetermined injuries to his larynx. The accident occurred sometime shortly before 11,20 p.m. in front of the San-Man Hotel on Highway 2 DIE IN CRASH 12. It was investigated by officers of OPP Whitby, but additional information on the nature of the crash was not available this morning. Manchester, at the inter- section of Highways 12.and 7, is about 15 miles north of Whitby. The crash is the first traf- fic fatality in the OPP area so far this year. | Auditorium Proposed. iIn $4,000,000 School ao: |New Unit May Be Used Tax Bills' clare By General Public-Werry i Charge Acti Ignored A Coroner's Jury delivered a,of the municipality, they recom- double-barrelled criticism at the}mended that "sufficient, quali- Cobourg Construction Company|fied and competent safety in- and the local administration|spectors be appointed", and that here last night. they be fully and effectively The jury, inquiring into the|instructed as.to their duties and death of Eugene Hope, 19, of|responsibilities. Fennela (near Cobourg), agreed} "If the inspector believes the that the construction companyjact is being circumvented, it had failed to comply with the) should be his duty to inform his} : Trench Excavations' Protection|superiors, so they can take]: Act in laying a watermain on|steps in accordance with the| ; Phillip Murray avenue last De- act." cember. James McNair, of the Con- Hope, the jury was told, was|Struction Safety Branch, De- lon 50 to = in the 11,5-|Partment of Labor, told the in- foot deep trench Dec. 15, when) Wry: | 800 pounds of earth fell on him,|., "It is obvious in this case So heavy was the fall of dirt,|that the trench shoring didn't) jmeet with regulations. | "T am troubled that people in| the field prefer to rely on their| own experience. | Hope's safety helmet was also crushed, Cobourg Construction's failure) to heed the act was accomplish- ed, despite warnings of mr conditions, the five-man jury decided. They levelled added criticism at the municipality for failing to tion of the seating. The Auditorium will feature year-round activites _. for young and old and already capacity crowds are. the order of the day as the Oshawa Generals get well into their schedule. The OSHAWA'S new $1,250,000 Civic Auditorium is already a familiar sight to thous- ands of city and district residents. The top picture shows an exterior view of the building looking to the northwest -- below is a sec- "In this instance, the trench was shored at 16-foot intervals, whereas it should have been shored at four-foot intervals." CLUB PAYS TRIBUTE Oshawa Board of Education' will meet City Council Wednes- day, Feb. 3, to discuss the s Delivery Wednesday building of an auditorium in conjunction with the secondary If you are a city taxpayer|school planned for Harmony and you have not receivediroad north, it was decided at a your 1965 tax bill by bree meeting last night. _ |row--Wednesday--at the latest) mie ox i i ploratory meeting will department Foret H Nelepngne tne es concern the auditorium, its This advice comes from Clar- lence Cox, Oshawa's tax collec-joperation and the financing of ltor, who warns of penalties forjit. The board will hold a special late payment. meeting in caucus Monday, to | "Pajlure to receive a billj/acquaint members with the pro- |does not necessarily excuse a posal. A. |taxpayer from responsibility for) Commenting on the usefulness .& |payment, nor relieve him from/of such meetings, Trustee Wil- liability for penalty for late|iiam Werry said, "I don't think |payment. we've been very successful in educational facilities such as auditorium and school libraries to the public in general." "We have not approached it from the point of view that it may be used by the general pub- lic, and will not be the sole property of the school or school board. An auditorium such as this would service the whole city." The school is planned to be opened in September, 1966, and will cost in the region of -$4,- 000,000. The auditorium, which would seat 750 people, would be the second of its kind used by the general public in Oshawa. The McLaughlin Public Library The penalty is one-half of one|the past selling these extra- Auditorium holds 250 people. per cent each month on taxes) AY Auditorium is one of. the most modern and_hand- some structures of its kind on the continent, the ice surface one of the largest. gThose taxpayers receiving | GREEN bills, residents _ of| |Wards Four, Five |first . |RED bills and have until Feb. /19. A committee of the Oshawa Due dates for the secondipoard of Education will con- --Oshawa Times Photo |instalment: April 9 and 15./fer with the Oshawa Police follow up with on-site inspections of the watermain. Hope had| been employed by Cobou r g|Club of Oshawa, at their Mon- Construction for about The members of the Rotary Gatco, att, eer seeing ered' Plan Red Carpet Welcome Following up their criticism|Sir Winston Churchill. | No Autos By Year 2,000? For Ste. Therese Delegation 8 " A red-carpet welcome will be} --a luncheon at the Genosha Its Possible on Director Therese, P.Q. tomorrow, when|tors; wi na in pre gb Bi Rew --a guided bus tour with stop: It could well be, we won't F P , |how a "motor city functions./at the Civic Auditorium, Cana- have automobiles by .the year nb gg hae adh ek a er ee a the |dian Automotive Museum, Boys' 2000, Roy D. Cowley, director of|muter service in the region. aie, the takin the ec tpn howe traffic engineering for the On-| He said freight and rapid|the home of General -Motor's| facilities; : meee tario department of transport,| transit lines will not mix be-|/newest- Canadian installations,| ' fie it i f told members of Oshawa Rotary|cause of complex signalling|said that entertainment would| jor. bit ing with a group o Club Monday. problems. : be on a_ wide - scale basis} sepbah aba adaador esas di Mr. Cowley used this state-| The population 'of the region|throughout their 17-hour and 45- --A reception and banquet at ment as an example that it is|is approximately 2,500,000, he/minute stay here. the Hotel Genosha, sponsored impossibe to predict what the|Said, and it is forecast that in 20) From the time they arrive by the Oshawa Chamber and future holds, but this is what|years it will increase to about/(6.19 a.m.) until they board pect tae Aa haat el ch : must be done in the/ Metropoli-|>:900,000. train' for home (12.04 a.m.| --An evening of fellowship fo tan Toronto and Region Trans-| Mr. Cowley said there are;Thursday) the visitors will have|lowed by a buffet lunch, portation Study. 15 railway lines in the central| but few moments to themselves. Guest Speaker at the dinner The area included in the study|COTe. f the region with only| Sponsored by the Oshawa|Will be Lionel Bertrand, a mem- sponsored by the provinciall'%ree giving a type of commuter|Chamber of Commerce the visit|ber of the Quebec Upper House, government encompasses Osha-\S°t¥ice t© about 2,000 persons! plans include: who was the co-founder of the wa and the areas north and west (2il¥- --breakfast with Ste. Therése Chamber of Com- of Toronto. ; He said the government's de-\Chamber directors, merce in 1932 and its secre- tt is & trusitating job." helen to undertake study arosc/and other guests; jtary unti; 1942. said. "trying to Polke " whatlom the high cost of freeway| --a tour of the General Mo-| A combatant in 23 elections, Sod of community ie going oe en of which it now|tors south plant and part of the/Mr. Bertrand has been mem- déveion in the future a pays 50 per cent and the deci-|city; ber for Terrebonne in the House & : : _ |sion of the two railway com-| --a. reception sponsored by|of Commons and a member of Mr. Cowley said the study will/panies to move their marshal-|Local 222, United Auto Work-|the Canadian delegation to the attempt to discover the feasibil-iling yards outside Metro. ters Union at the UAW Hall; |7th General Assembly of the Ree ee _ -------|United Nations. He was in charge of Quebec ourism since the Lesage govy- Oshawa chairmen afforded businessmen from Ste.|Hotel sponsored by General Mo /e y f , ans i heey, Geer instal. means of combating school ment); and Sept. 10 and 17) 'Trustees E. A. Bassett, Wil- (fourth instalment). These willljiam Werry, R. H. Stroud, and |be black (for Wards a uh Separate School board _repre- and Six) and brown for the/sentative Russel J. Murphy will jothers. -- nae t attend the meeting to be held There is only one instalment-\in the police building court jdue date for business tax Dills:| 99m, |April 30. i i "Over $100;000 was saved last auune a ae lest jyear with the introduction Of/pecember by the then Sepa- | ie ite tess come Sees emt te | {|which did not have to be bor- gf cage eng he claimed, ; in ny veel the) were not receiving sufficient | _\discontinuance of ai: ®:___|protection from vandals from | the police. lowing on interim levy defaults) : (first two of four payments call-| ed). On the after-interim bills a pe a es one per cent penalty is charged. | and _ Six, | e Jhave until Feb, 12 to pay the! n an a 1sm instalment, The rest get) board last night some trustees expressed doubt about the need for such a meeting. Trustee D. J. Powless: "Per- sonally, I don't think there is much of a problem when you look at the number of children attending school. Just how big a problem is it?" Trustee Stanley Lovell re- plied: "I know the cost of broken windows alone runs into large sums of money. We only want to find out if there's any- thing we can do to help the police." Trustee Werry: "'As a board TRUSTEE TRUSTEE POWLESS we should meet with the police commissioners if only to clear up some of the criticism they feel they've received. I think we should now try to find ways of working with them." | 4 | ses At the regular meeting of the | : Hiring Is | Criticized TORONTO (CP) -- Public school boards are getting away with discriminatory hiring prac- tices because of a loophole in Bank Bilked KEN CRONE | | Rev. Fournier | To Be Speaker the Ontario human rights code, Ithe labor committee for human |rights said Monday. | At a meeting with Labor Min- ister Leslie Rowntree, whose department includes the Ontario Human Rights Commission, the labor committee asked that public school boards be made Isubject to Ontario's anti-dis- crimination laws. It also recommended that the code apply to the Ontario gov- ernment and its agencies, and |that the exemption in the code's \fair housing provisions for Of $480 Sum A team of forgers bilked the] Mr. Sinclair informed the man Bank of Montreal out of $480/that he would have to check the yesterday, but a larger prize,/matter with the customer. The $2000, eluded them, it was learn-/man agreed to that, but said: ed today. "T have to go out and turn my Bruce Sinclair, chief account-|cat off. : ant at the Simcoe-Athol street}. He never came back. Mr. Sin- bank, described the procedure|clair said the signature of the used by the offenders: bank's bonafide customer was At noon a man came into the|#lmost perfect, and neither he bank ad ited $96, in- nor the customer could under- gs is a » 1 4-/stand how the forgers learned cluding a forged cheque, into the account of an established the correct account number, the signature, and the amount of $1,000 Damage As Cars Hit Steven Hewak, 23, suffered a head laceration, bruised elbows and bruised knees in a two-car crash on Rossland road west Monday afternoon. His late-model. car received an estimated $1000 damage. Hewak, of 550 Olive avenue, was westbound on Rossland, police said, when his car collid- ed with one driven Mrs, Jeanette Alexander at the Thornton road intersection. Mrs. Alexander, 33, of 494 Nipigon street, was uninjured, but the damage to her car was $300. The Hewak car ended up in the south ditch. ernment took office in 1960, first '00; Rev. Theodore H. provincial secretary Fournier,} ' ; ; ..,'japartment houses with six OF|customer whom he repr ater as minister of the indus-\ic® Tector of St. Augustine's|fewer units be removed. himself as. ' j\try and commerce department.|Seminary, will be the guest At the same time he drew out Mr. Bertrand, 59, was recent-|speaker Thursday at the noon WARNS OF HAZARD $480, and asked if a $2000 Gabe eons to the Quebec!jyncheon of the Catholic Lunch-| COBURG, Germany (AP)-- grouve . the gory -- been se. | ry ; -ha |Johann Hartlieb's ambition is to}drawn. When he was told 'no" Other special guests will at-|°°R Club "a the Hotel Gonoske, live longer than his great grand-|he said one would be, probably; The current issue of The On- s|tend the dinner. | He is also professor of Sacred|rathey who died at 107. Last/later in the day. tario Gazette states letters pat-| j Music, Public Speaking and/ year, when he was only 104 him-| About 2.45, a second man en-lent of incorporation have been Vendi U it Ceremonies, He is also a mem-|self, he stopped smoking. This|tered the bank with the $2000 tad to two (Oh ng nits ber ,of the Liturgical Commis-|/year, over a glass of schnapps|cheque and presented it. This vcs " bare bedoteeatel rae sor' and Commission for Sacred|at his 105th birthday, he an-|time the teller was suspicious|Panies. They are Samand De- Arena Looted |Music of the Archdiocese of|nounced smoking is no good forjand turned it over to the ac-/velopments Limited and Sibby's |Toronto. lanyone who wants a long life. [countants department. Real Estate Limited. . 'smite HUGH SMITH TRAINED AT OLD ARENA District Skater In Follies Arena last night and took an undisclosed amount of money from vending machines. Police said the intruders forc- ed a door at the north end of the rink, proceeded to the south end and broke into the ma- chines. este The . offence was discovered; As a boy, Hugh Smith ate,;whife figure skates on her shoul-|pionship and the same year|tary duty in the United States this morning, and police are/drank and slept figure skating--|der. with Beverley Orr of Torontojahd joined the show again in November 1963. ~--~|member of the Shipstad and/asked if he could go to the Osh-| Smith and Orr competed in} Hugh attended public and high |Johnson Ice Follies, awa Figure Skating Club," said|the World championships that|schools in Oshawa but rigid He is featured in one of the/Mrs. Smith. jyear in Colorado Springs andj|training schedules forced him to Hugh trained at the old Osh-|the next year went to Paris to|Call a halt to his schooling after : 8 bold \comninat completion of Grade 11 é gun a campaign to sell U.S.jat Maple Leaf Gardens in To-\@¥@ @tena before it burned) compete. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have f =o be goods with the slogan "Live|ontg Feb, 2. Oshawa's Don down and then went to Toronto! When he returned from the three other child i : } : lect Rpt ty » a ; s |where he was tutored by Shel-| iti i i ' children, Reginald, fi Like an American." The chain Sr riecn th ; e ¥ y, World competitions in Europe in}yrs,. Bric Hall (Margaret) and eight branches have been con-|24@ckson is the star of the show.}don Galbraith who had already/1958 he started teaching figure Joyce ail of Oshawa OISPLAYS 14TH CUB BADGE [verted into U.S.-style shopping| His mother, Mrs. Ernest|gained fame in the figure skat-\skating at the Minto Club in| Mis. Smith: said her grand- a a ae centres and are offering for|Smith of RR 1 Oshawa, said to-|'D8 pol coaching Barbara/ottawa and remained there|daughter, Terry Lee Smith, 10, | 'ina we wid sah Bd vol Paul is a Grade 5 student' |sale such varied goods as softiday in an interview that Hugh, |" oe sibs : until 1960 when he joined the/qaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reg: Lo nd Ton Samy. 1 In 1957 Hugh won the Cana-/Shipstad and Johnson troupe. |inald Smith, recently passed her at Vincent Massey Public -- and single-engine sports at six, saw a little girl coming School, planes. down the street with a pair ofijdian junior men's singles cham-| He spent two years doing mili-'preliminary dance test. ited money deposited in the account. Oshawa detectives are investi- gating. LETTERS PATENT continuing their investigation. |today at 25 tic still does as a|- "He came in the house and|copped the Canadian dance title. IMAGE TO COPY BRUSSELS (AP)--A_ Belgian department store chain has be-|ice follies' new acts which opens plays his 14th Cub badge to Cubmaster Rolly Mayr of the 17th Oshawa Cub Pack.