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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jan 1965, p. 12

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1a LIGHTS OPENING NIGHT' "ITLL COST 100 MILLION OKAY /7--BUT IF IT EVER: RUSH THAT MANY GETS OUT THAT WE'RE. PREFABRICATED HOMES -GIVING THAT KIND OF AND SWIMMING POOLS THE NEW REPUBLIC OF MONEY TO AMERICANS, TO DOGPATCH/' WHERE KANIBALISY IT'LL BEA SCANDAL £7 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY NO, WIFE- WILL TURN UP-- 60-- LET'S FORGET WHOLE THING ALT MeDAYTER A Neshuat ae" THE LONE RANGER GASTRIC, DID YOU 688 & GOLF BALL UNCE UP THIS 1S THAT WHAT THAT WAS 4 WELL+T MIGHT AS WELL eee gt Zz CALM DOWN! Z PROMISE IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN! CROBE MY Es er | GO King Features Syndicate, lacy 1965._ World vaghts reserved. AND LUCKY { VERY LUCKY TO HAVE SURVIVED THIS acciEenr/ 'ARE YOU CERTAIN THAT . /T WAS AN ACCIDENT ? ¥ A wes ae ; Sets : SECRET AGENT X9 ree Syadiate, lay 1965, Worbd righta reverveds I © King Fem QUICKLY / CAN YOU DESCRIBE THE MAN WHO )A BEARDED BOUGHT THE TICKET 2 THERE, MISTER L ASKED Him IF HE WANTED TO WAIT IN HERE, THE DOOR, AND | GOT To SHOW UP NOW/ I HAVENT 9--Five O'Clock Matinee 8--Superman $3--Fireball XL--§ BUZ SAWYER WELL, MR. SAWYER! WE'VE HAD MANY. ENCOUNTERS IN THE PAST, BUT I PROMISE YOU THIS WILL NOW GRAB HIS 'a HANDS, GOOL... THE THEM WITH > THIS ROPE! BE OUR LAST, JANE ARDEN IF ONLY I KNEW] IF CHOLLA SEES ME .0.T/M EADS MICKEY MOUSE ©1965 = "THESE ARE ONLY MY Hye Mi peer SOS MNT HAIR CURLERS! ba es NEW SOFA e | GRANDMA 63--Jack Benny Show 4--Joey Bishop Show 7<McHale's Navy 63--Danny Kaye Shoe 4--Red Skelton Hour 7--Peyton Place 63--Front Page Challenge 4--Petticoat Junctiion Larsobil 7--The Fugitive 53--News Magazine 4--Doctors and Nurses 8--Matinee 10:30 P.M, 63--Wail of ice 6-3--Movie | 9--Pierre Berton 8-2--Tonight Show | 6--International Cinema $-3--Butternut Square 4--The McCoys 3--Popeye and Pals Consequences JFather Knows Best 3--Noon-day Report N--Lucky Score \9--December Bride 1. 7--Afternoon Show TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buftalo 11:00 P.M. 4--Meet The Millers Channel 3<Barrie 11-9-9-7-6-4-3-2--News 2--Mike Douglas Show -- rE deed Weather and Sports 1:30 P.M. nt Channel "Buffalo 11118 P.M. Ce Channel 8--Rochester | 9--Metro Final @-As the World turns Channel 9--Toronto 6--Viewpoint 100 PM Channel 11--Hamilton He Bd PM. | 9--Abracadabra S fe Show 4--Password 6--Night Metro TUESUAY EVE. i 19:30 PML 2--Loretta Young $:00 P.M. | Mia 2:30 P.M, 11--Family Theatre |11--Wrestling 9--Four of A Kind 8-2--The Doctors 7--Day In Court 6--Loretta Young 'Five O'Clock Show | *--Man of the World 4--House Party 2--Woody Woodpecker \ WEDNESDAY ee ok 5:30 P.M. 8:00 A.M, nga Pag 8--Leave It To Beaver |11--Schnitzel House 9---Peopie in ae 6--Music Hop | 9--News: Miss Helen &2--Another World 3--Aquanauts 4--Captain Kangaroo 7--General Hospital 2--Tales of Wells Fargo! &3--Moment of Truth ete sb Stace 8:30 A.M, +-To Tell The Truth 6:00 P.M, 9--Romper Room 3:30 P.M. 7--News Central 1:00 A.M. 11--Funny Company 6--Generation 9--Playtime with Bobby/ 9-11; Your Move 2--Today, 1965 | 7--Dialing for Dollars: $-2--You Don't Say 6:19 PM. 1, oo 7--The Young Marrleds 4--Headiine News | Souee Cereal 63--Take Thirty Chuck Healy ie OF an 4--Edge of Night 6:30 P.M, | i ae H M. W64--News; [HITE Allen» Ia_--ttoyd Thaxton Weather, Sporte pene reriuie 9--Mickey Mouse Club §-2--Huntley-Brinkley 10:00 A.M, 8--The Match Game News 11--Super Bingo 7--Flame tn The Wind 7--Maverick 8-2--Make Room For 63--As The World Turns 6--Across Canada Daddy | 4--Secret Storm 643 OM 6-3--School Telecasts 2--Captain Bob N--Family Theatre tess ud J 4:30 P.M. id 10:30 A.M, ' 9--Sea Hunt "i mae' li--Father Knows Best 7--Early Show Wem. 9--Bingo 63--Razzle Dazzle Sport: 4 8-2--What's This Song 4--Leave It To Beaver pore Ate 7--Trailmaster ' A ta Where Are | 6.3--Across Canada WEDNESOAY EVE. ; 4~--Presidential Parade 5:00 P.M. seis cae Sana juczenie telex 11--Scariet Hill 9--Five O'Clock Movie 7:30 P.M. 9--James Beard Show | &--Superman V--Shindig 8-2--Concentration 6-3--Forest Rangers d-Let's Sing Out 63--Friendly Giant , | 4--Five O'Clock Show 6-2--Mr. Novak f Mayberr 2--Peter Potamus 7 ' 4--Andy of yberry naige nd : 5:30 P.M. 6-On The Scene TS A.M. 4--Many Happy Returns |*3--Chez_ Helene &--Leave It To Beaver 3--Wendy and Me 11:30 A.M. seeviieselgh Pe N--Albert J Steed tl pages pad t 4:00 P.M. 2--Tales of Wells Fargo 11--Special Movie tial al auld Ge PM --Jeopar: ' M. 9--Petticoat Junction j_P rite 1s, Right 7News Contral 6--Live and Learn 3--Provincial Affairs 8:30 P.M. 5 2--Today, 1965 9--Red Skelton wi wee 6:15 PM. @2--The Man From 7--Donna Reed 4--Headline News U.N.C.L.E, 6--Elwood Glover 3-T.V. Derby °: 6:30 P.M. 11-9-4-3--News; Weather Sport: 9:00 12:15 P.M. and Sports salon 4--Speaker of the House | 8-2--Huntley-Brinkley renee 12:30 P.M, News 9:30 P.M. 9-1 Love Lucy 7--Cheyenne 9--The Virginian #2--Truth or $-3--U.S. President Inaug- $.2---TW--3 uration , 4:45 P.M, 1i--Family Theatre-- 7:00 P.M, for fomorrow 10:00 P.M. 12:45 P.M, N--Gilligans Island N--That Regis Phittin 4--Guidina Light 9--The Farmers Daughter 8-2--Bell Telephone Hour 1:00 P.M. 8--Richard Diamond 7-6--News, Weather. ts 4--The Honeymooners 3+12 O'Clock High 2--Death Valley Days Matinee YOUR HEALTH { SLIDING ON ICE SURE IS FUN, ISN'T IT, MR. OTIS ? MUGGS AND SKEETER Ur ea . ° eo té HEY, MuGGS! arp HELP BRING REALITY SOME. /, EW? l, / BACK To THE WINTER WONDERLAND ! Heart Defects By JOSEPH G. MOLNER ,MD Dear Br. Molner: We re- cently lost our son at age 11. He was born with a misplaced valve in his heart. In the short years he lived his general health seemed good; however, specialists said nothing could be done for him. But I'd like your opinion. Have you ever seen or performed an operation for this condition? What do you suppose happened? No autopsy was performed. He. just fell, and that was it.--Mrs. R.B.C. I'm not a heart surgeon, s6 I have watched but not per- formed heart operations. A good many but not all heart de- fects can be corrected by. sur- gery. Some types of operations are successful in as much as 99 per cent of the cases. Yet in other types, risk re- mains extremely high, or there is no way of correcting the de- Can Be Corrected might be meant by a "mis- placed valve,' because this could signify various. things. I would infer that the defect was not correctible. Great as the achievements of heart sur- gery are, some defects remain beyond our powers to treat. They may be clearly diagnosed, and the heart may be able to function for some years, yet final and sometimes sudden failure of it may be inevitable. In cases like yours, I can only express sorrow that you lost. this little boy and regret that his problem was one that has not-yet yielded to surgery. Even though no autopsy was formed (much can be learned from such autopsies) it is prob- ably that the doctors who exam- ined your son can still give you a reasonably accurate explana- tion of how his heart must have failed. Dear Dr. Molner: I am now CROSSWORD 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Januery 26, 1965 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' individue) Chompionship Play) South dealer. North-South vulnerable, Opening lead -- king of dia- monds, This hand occurred in the match between Finland and Great Britain during the Euro- pean Championships played in Baden-Baden in 1963. At the first table, the Finnish pair got to four hearts on the bidding shown. Three clubs was an artificial bid requesting South to name a biddable major if he had one, and three no- trump by South said that he had both major suits. Four dia- monds was also artificial, in- structing South to bid four hearts so that the stronger hand would become declarer at that contract. West led the king of diamonds. The Finnish declarer took the king with the ace .and led the ace and a low heart. Discover- ing the 4-1 trump break, he played a low club from dummy. East (Terence Reese) went up with the ace and returned a club to the king. Declarer could not afford to draw trumps at this point, since he had only nine ready tricks, so he entered dummy with a heart and led a spade. Reese rushed up with the ace, returned a diamond, got a club ruff, and thus defeated the contract one trick. At the second table, the British North-South pair likewise arrived at four hearts and got the king of diamonds lead, The declarer here also took the ace and played two rounds of hearts, followed by a low club from dummy. But the Finnish East at this table played low on the club and South (Kenneth Konstam) won the trick with the king. Recog- nizing the danger of a club ruff, he returned the jack of dia- monds, thus severing communi- cations between East and West before a ruff situation could de- velop. As a result of this play, Kon- stam made four hearts. West took the jack of diamonds and returned a spade, but South was able to force out the ace of clubs before extracting trumps and thus made 10 tricks. The Brit- ish team gained 720 points on the deal. SYMBOL OF ACT NEW DELHI (AP)--The In- dian Air Force blames 20 per cent of its plane crashes on col- lisions with the thousands of vultures and other birds that constantly hover over many of India's airports. SALLY'S SALLIES 2 => years I have needed help in elimination. I have used min- eral oil, milk of magnesia, suppositories and enemas. Now I get abdominal cramps after their use and it lasts a long time Please tell me how to overcome this.--C.8.K. At. your age, in the 60's, I recommended that you give a thought to the possibility that something else may be the trouble other than a reaction from the use of laxatives. Long-continued' use of such fect. I have to guess at what 67 years old and all through the so-called aids to elimination can result in spasm of the bowel, such as you describe. But so can more serious troubles, one of which is malig- nancy, or cancer, Thus for. you, C.S.K., I urge immediate medical examination including x - ray and procto- scopic studies. This could be a time at which immediate treat- ment could save you from peril. There are right ways and wrong ways to combat consti- pation, and the wrong ways lead to greater troubles, sooner or. later. AOROSS 3. Gas 1, Praise company 5. Foreman customer 9. Otherwise 4. Dishearten 10. Leather 5. Cut short, flask for oil as hair 11, Metal tag 6. Wide- 12. Explosion mouthed 14. Music note jug t E/E IDIEINI on ee ES SMMIEINDE - 17. orga - a. -- errr Answer | {s stuffed fish around here, I ee . jody as the . Egyptian ad 18. Wayside 13, Trampled worth of danci a dscarisesenbncitbcid - ind 16.Piercing 33. Dootrasne " ve - . Bul 'weapons 34, Perceive - Appe: 22, Instant 49, African bytheear 48.Sensitive || "MILL STREET" 23. Mine river 87. Utters 46, Regret VARIETY STORE entrance 21, Cushion sharp 48, Striking 3, -- 24. Decimal unit barks success: sl, MILL & OXFORD STS. resis T 12 13 14 5 16 17 18 Open 7 Doys of the Week 30; Broad YL Ys 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. thorofare 9 10 32, Curve as WY Y WY) 35. Music n it 12 3 . re 7 COLBORNE be ore 39, Excl Z YA, GROCETERIA og a LC 19 Yyj20| [2 Vy ae Colborne St. at Church St. 44. Bach: abbr, [23 24 Y7j25 | [26 [27 728-6341 4. Measuring 'Z stick Ue 29 OPEN 47, Farther LLL aan 0 30 [31 Y7s2 | [33 [34 DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. "uxevira §-- [35 77736 | [31 738 Seow Bere err 50, Poke LL a © Groceri © Fresh Fruits 61, A lady 39] j40 4 Gn 43 yas ee 62. Stitches 4, 4 © Veg © Meats Se ind 7 FREE DELIVERY ate Y Y, ECC |e +26 ERNIE CAY / DOORS : SASH and ROOFING FREE DELIVERY "It it's LUMBER coll our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.

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